Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1929, p. 13

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-------------- a a a Babi THE C A" where -- IASS uger .. l PAGE THIRTEEN a a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1929 ED SECTIO meets Mr. Seller ON... y W i 4 sh ) ih di ' } anunt ¥, Anil, BA mary Publis, Convey Cor 10 loan, isd fon fi ia Whi aor {] Cl . RC. DANR for, oney 8, i ' BAe A H] otary Publis, Con vane ta loon, Office 14'4 Ul nwa, Phone 4 rasere Barsisters, CUanveyancers, atl ublio, ets. Office over ndakd Bank, Hutrance moos Ph AL I, PF, Grierson, KO, retvhion, BA, N © over TRTRTEN folterf ro, iMoney to Ioan, 10 Bimeoe i north. Phone 67. Residence LAND FIELD WAN i ors ats Iper | Haney Himes." nie 4 , HAL tor, ot nvaya oll 41% Medica! BI SGRAY. FS KTCTAN SUT goon, Aveoucher, Ofee and res) dence, King 8t, Best, eovner Vietoria hi gy : Hae TRICK: PIT RT olan, Surgeon, Oba'ctrielan, Speata) refergnees to maternity work and di senses of ween, Tye venrs' host freduat axnerienre, Oboe and res nee | , ¥imeoe St N. (oor, Broek ) Ki rer WARY PH TCTAN Surgeon, Obsietrioinn, diseases of infants end children, Offige and olar and Eurgean, speelal attention ven to ary work and Eleetr LY ce, Disn . Blotk, Phone 208, Oifie, open Wh I ppm 3 th : uw Mo RC Poand 8 [dinbureh thysielan, Surgeon and Obstetrielan oh ve 1 An foe AN Plone Xi hone JI frig and general fog 9. Bam fir) aad A ) { he fa oP & RB Edinbureh fhvaielun Surgeon, Ohatetrielan, apfelal at tention to maternity work and dis eases of children, Office and resi denae, 188 Simeoe St, North, Phone WTA PY TOTAN, Surgeon, Obatetrielan, Offices and tal ence, H19 Mimeoe street north Phone 841 (Oot, 8:1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist . OF Te WEOOR ot West, Torente, will be at hi oifige ever Jury & Lovells Dry Store each Saturday, fram-1 ull 4 for consultation and treatment pm of diseases of ear, noae and throat nly, Appointments may be made ul re, ' aah DY. fo FRICTRRORN. OKC ver Mitehell's Drum - Hours i 12 am 2 to & Evenlnis by ntment, ce phone 2060, n SUIT JAY setts, Speclal atpantlon to Xora Gas extraction, Nurse in at Badge EH orth, over MI hell' ul tore RL BK HUBBELL DUNTTST, id oxveren was for extra eo. Reval Rank Bile N. over i nd's ! poi \ ¥ Rea Rveninms by tre Bide. Phone 1780 THOR L we St BS oh | at: N a extraction and Xorav oy in attendanee, arn FF QENERAL CON or Phane 14% "rot Contracting BR as CONCREYR , electri or pk Repairing FOR WIN ee ET Tae. Saath Tailned Ab Rear enn' sede 1 Ba hone 804 eae) mo) SPARED _ AND XE LX. BER NG Wel, Mm © Fano : A180 I Ne we) | 5 "x 7h aney ta lo asi Engineering and Surveying OONTVAN AND TWTTH AR ww Land Surveyors snd Civil Enum, ears, sub diviglons gd fanning, of A engineers 1 Kine f 1 ng CURT WORTAT 0 or i fist, Ambilanes, shldence $im toe street north, ones 2101 and { ire mee 7 Celina street shawn, Corner Bruges street. Ambulances, Phone RT A an yap est Fire Aneney In Oshawa, (4) fire To vanes pratt fn, WN i #0 Simcoe north, Your Insurante wants At tended to and your pterests pro footed, Transporta on GATTRGT AND FFOWATW, OTE: man's, Bh Bond West, Bpeeinliste fn furbiture moving, slOrage ware: house and moving van equipment Phone 4, Lo GAYTAOE, "MOVING, OWAVEY, sand and cinders pen) and len distur Wanting Phone SAR anid ge0ur, Smith and Cox, 487 King 4 ba d 3 Mishel furniture movers, cnr nee, Loca) and long distanae Lrank Gile. von, 08 Park 1 South, Phone B16, Nov, 14 4 mo) AGT CANTINA AND LONG distance movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quick serviee, cheapest in Osh awd, Phone us first, 3204 oh aa FW BUMY TRUER, 1 81h lock, Gravel, sand and einders, earts ame, 215 Bloor St I, Oshawi, Phone ww, (Nay, 6:1 mo.) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL wand and einders, Phone S031M Chen Uraham, 470 Verdun Road (Nov, 14:1" month) Boauty Parlors TTY TOU PRR MANTNT wave, Special #5 and $7.50 Ing waive and shampoo #1 Facial 78¢ Har entth g 250, Phone 2068 or BA Simeone North, Ee , EXPERT SARCECEING WY Betty Ward at Hetty Lou Permian mt Wave Shopre. Maree! and sham poo 81. Phone 068, Ram WATSONS BARWTW AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We pe olanlize In ladies' halr cutting mar eelling, shaghooini facials farce! 8) cents. Wor appointments phone BOAA ov, 181 mn) Building Supplies OR SALE = BAND, GRAV tone and black loam 160 a yi! For unlity and service 'phone 1s 342 ring 11 . OURS TOW BALTR Good sand and gravel, To insure Jrompt delivery, place orders In advanes of delivery date, W. Ror rowdal.e Phone 1618, Music FOP RES TED IN" VOUT inatruotions, Mra (Dry) COrant Peyry, Phone 1106, (Nov, #1 me) ATCT BE VOCAL TEA eher (Hambourg Conservatory, To Fonte) pupils prenared or all exan Oshawa, Wee head: 01 Simeoe SI Nort ( all VPANO, will acoept pupils for sing: ni, volog aulture, ete, Phone 1004, 2 Aru hy Nov, &:1 mo) Director of Muate, Oshawa Colle! ate and Publle Behools, Rtudio, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 2084J, (Nov, 16:1 mo) FRANK TON VERSE STITT, ONR of Toronto's leading violin teachers, in In Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Klgin St, E, Phone 730M, Novs14:1 mo. rvice NADTO SERVIOR "AND AOC sorfes, Repairs on electro and battery seta, Tubes and batteries tented, Batteries recharged, rental supplied 81, hone 1044), Oharles Wales, 146 Bligh RB , Nov, 4:1 mo) ) REPATRE 10 all makes of sets, old seta ve modelled, power tubes added by » radlotrielan, No charge inspection, Phone 882 R 1 1, + (Nov, 11 mo) Ca HAVE ALL UREVIDEE AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the oold drafty, save fuel, the cost iv Free eatimates, J, H. Law Ne. 2, Oshawa. Phone (Nov, 4:1 mo) sery ros RVTINT -~ A N Paperhanper, Only frst clam work rated: XN yeam | rience oh reasonable, Phone WwW Hater, ote Alwer NTNRORNTS PER var PE od BRirts, one dollar. @ ote "All kinda of senile nO wark on sale Mra Dell 884 Bim: 00 South, Phone 1834 Coming E STRICTLY. CAS of this nature, "and collect for same, . \ All Classified Advertising I'his rule hae been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small nccounte For the convenlence of customers who find It Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone eall will bring a messenger who will recelve the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results . Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT vents, Etc. H IN ADVANCE | Real Estate for Sale NEW ROTTED ~ BR1eK MODERN home, must be sold ut a big sie rifles, Owner moved to Toronto Mix lovely rooms, Hardwood floors Hot water henting, open fire place, $4600 for qulok sale, Mee Molden 8 Bimoos N, #71W, (184Dh) ER lia ao arene 1 atch Repairing FA "VON CUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at MA King Street West Your pat pit DLE I BE ee i RT Work Wanted AICUTHOLETTRING. CHESTER Nelda made to order. 'Wa save you money. Itstumates free, GA Con stable, 74 Mechanic street, £hune ni) | IIS CITARCYD, CALLED for and delivered, 78 cents. I ren wl supplied $1 Batteries repaired Bild won 20 MIT Sto Pho INNOW, (Nov, 181 mo! UATT RATE TRARUED AND DE liverad The, rental Phe, and the entire electrical system of oar re paired 404 Oshawa Mivd Phone 1110W Noy, 18:1mb) Wi DO TOnY NEFATRE TO sare And trucks, Alse gener wondwork W, Fry, 40 Nond wesi pen evenings, (NOY, 14:1 mo) EXTENT RRATE SHATPENTNG oll stone finish, at Menko's shoe repair shop 08 Himeoe BL, north Corner William Ht, West, (Noy, 21:1 mo) i NY Public Stenographer SANT N WIGTOR, 9 §IMo0R street north Phone 1000 Bpevial rates for mailing lists and eireulnr work, Nov, 34-1 mo) FUNTTEWTENOORATHY™ AND hookkeeping, Moderate prices, Phone #18), (Nov, #1+<1 mo,) Home Cooked Meats ENOLIEN WOME "WADE PONR plea, steak and kidney nies, hot or cold, brawn, cakes and pastries, oto, ete, Frank Drakes, 81 Maple street, Phone BOTRF, (11) FONE Ye, YW 3 SUTery auctioneer, 36 Simcoe Si 8. We ean sell vour odd pluces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 41 Kine St TW Simcoe Phone (Oct, 38:Nav, 25) "pW ted WANTED COMPANION "HEL, Middle aged lady or high sohool girl, References required, Avelt " William 8t, Kast, (1830) CTR, SC ns aR Position Wanted EE UTHE DIRT POE tlon minding ohlldren or house work, Apply 48 Albany Street, Oshawa, (13%) FORTTON WANTED = EXPER enced general offion girl And books Keeper, Phone 2104 \ (1840) JOUNG™ LADY DESTRES POST ton as companion to lady or elderly gentleman, Que year hospital trains Street §, - PRACTICAL NURSE MATER: nityy Invalid or general nursing, For formation phone 1388, (Nov, 8%-1 mo) Pets and Live Stock ONE TIOTSTHIN CO F, FOR SAT RE Es MAR wagon hover, Apply Gore on K. Hardy, Hampton, Phone 16% r 4 (1280) and Found theman's Masonic Hug, Finder y A one 18% ¢ 4, (128¢) da aT Wanted to Rent ¥ 3 COUPEE WART TWO OR thee furnished foams, or apartment, Within walking distance of Post on fee, No ehildren, State ront in Ha) AR Fer we WAN y WANTED-"SH EAR CORN OR TN fe for feed, Am Gordan Ny, Hampton, p (New. 151 wo) Bel Rime Apply box dw Oshawa LN (12%) | © Articles For Sale SITRTUL HARD AND SOFT "WHO slubs, $380 per load, Also bone dry body wood aterons Meek Limited Ligh gis... (Apr, 2011) 0) dA LL HRTNTZMAN C0 Ltd,, planos, new and used planve Bo radios, latest models; teriue arrnnged. Apply CO. Trull, Phone Rl ---- ---- ALLL MOVING 4ALT Or ICY CLES bleyele stock, and automobile tires Big reduction, cash or term, Every thing must be solu, 8 King Streot wert, (Ts (Oot, 91 mo) FOR HATH = ME-CONDITION IED gowing moohines at hargain prices $0 monthly, CGuarantesd repairs for all makes of machines, Mem« Slitohing on specialty 100 a yard Ninger Khop, 40 King Ht. West Roy Norton, manager, (1811) ONE GENTLEMAN'S OVERCOAI in. good condition $3, Phone 2802 - A ---- (12411) WHERTED = THAR TIN wool gonditien for sale cheap, at 23 Lloyd Sh (135%) ih SAL WE 0 VOLT AUTU batteries, $3.50 each, One 22 rifle, $2 80, Apply 30 Kitchener Ave, Phone F110) x (125) COSY HOME HEATER USED three months, will sell ehonp, Apply of Montrave Avenue (1d8¢) FOR SALE ELECTRIC WASH Ing machine, Heatty, White Cap nearly new, Phone 19881 (125¢) Help--Wanted Male COLLNOTONR WANTED, G00D opportunity for right man with old established firm, Good wages Hitendy work, Apply 40 King wont -- (1840) WARN $6 TO 810 PERTDAY. AM bhijous, reliable men wanted at one Part time pay while tral ing for Ay intlon Mechanios, Garage Work Driving, Battery, Lleetrie, Accrelyne Welding, House Wiring, Industelal Klectrioity, Machi int Beleklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Halrdressing, Aet quick, get your ap plication in now, Write or eall for in ormation, Dominion Trade School, Ltd, Eastern Headquarters, 103 Kin, St, W,, Toronto, Employment service Cotati 17:120:120: 126 0811141 14-112 26-120 ) TW A WANTED for special work In city, selling ex perfonce an nsset, AY Mr, Lang try, Y MUA 6 to B30 pom, (128) wi J cn "Help Wanted--Female CEARNT SHORTHAND AND Touch Typing at home in ten weeks Simplified system, Typewriter sup Wed, Sample lesson free. Write Dominion School Telegraphy, limited, Toronto Agents Wanted MARTORTWWONANLTO TRAVEL and appoint local representatives Position permanent; yearly guaran. tee $1002, (Roing $21 weekly average) and expenses; commission and eash haw "| besides, Winston Co, Tower ! % 0, 0H 3 »1 IR Ride, Toronto, (1T8110.132-135.128) Auction Sale AUCTION SALE-=HAVING RE ceived Instructions from WN, J, Clements to sell by publie aunetion at Lot 7, Concession 8, Rast Whit by, Thursday, December Sth, 1938 at one o'clock sharp, Thirtystive milk cowa and a number of year! ing Durham Htookers, These cows were bought at Campbhellford and are an exceptional fina bunch, Majority of them Holsteins a few Ayrahires, part Jerseys and Dun hams, Cows tested tor TI Terma three months, Credit on cowa ana six months on stoekers at seven od cant, per annum with persons urninhing approved joint notes, Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (1880) RE --_-- -_ Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned on bhehalt of the Special Equipment Commities, Vou cational Institute, for the supply ing of machine shop egul t Prices willl not be considered after § pm Monday, Deo, 3 Complote apacifieations may be seen at the of the Nuainess Administra: for of the Noard of Rdueation, Contre 'St. Hehool, a C,H, R, FULLER, ° Buriness Adminiatrator, Roard of Kdueation, Centre St, School Oshawa, Ont, (IR9108-134) For Rent roUR AND rive roover MOD arn sultes, including eleetrie refrig aration, stove, Isundry, conven) ences, eto continuous hot water supplied, Apply #n 'phone 9671, or The Trusts "and Ouarantes Oo, iAd,, manager lor owner, Toronto of) DORI = TIVE WOOD brick, convenlences, hardwood floors, Hettrie fires, Aewly diqutmed, erly possession, ) at I, Prone 1686), kid Wot) ATA THAR FON TINT == Three rooms, Convenlences, Priv. ale entrance, Possession Deo, 18, Avply Ah Louise street, (1880) ROOM TO WENT FOR GENTLE. man to share with another, Close Lo Motors I'hone 1867), (148¢) FOR RENT MODERN RIX roomed brick house, Klectirie ove, fixtures and garage, Apply 148 Kitson Road Mouth, (1848¢) WO ATATMINTY FOI ITNT Newly furnished, One large living room, hrenkfant room and kitohen, threa pleca bath, private entrance, Alo house for rent, five rooms, three plece hath, newly decorated vory large ving room, hardwood tloors downstairs, furniee and largo gnt range, Phone Ao AP 0) FO ITNT" UNV ORN I 0D rooms for light housekeeping, Ap~ ply #10 Allee Wt, (1240) TO NENT UANAQK, RENT reasonable, Apply 18 Bend street wont, (1840) TWO TURNTSTN ROOMS downstalrs, Phone 102M, -- (124¢) I'WO NICE WARM HOUSES FOR Apply 118 Pringe St, (1241) ROOMS TO RENT, NEW home, cheap, Phone MI12M, (121¢) Wk HAV ONE MODERN thren room apartment, Including Ej ectrie refrigerator and elegtrie stove and water free, Vacant today, Call at Casa Lomb, Apt. 2, 161 King St Kast, 1 (ud FURNISHED ROOM FOR MAR rlod couple or two gentlemen with hrenfast, For Information, Phone 171, (1240) 10 RENT MODLRNLY ogulpped six room home, hard wood throughout, Kgecial electri wil fixtures inside and out, Storm windows ung HorAge, Phone IKTAW Appl 140 Mebaushiin Dvd, or 60 Ureta Bt, (130e) FOR RENT NED RITTING room ay gentlemen, New home nn Santre Bt, No ¢hildren, Apply Tox a40 Times (1840) OHOICH APARTMENT, NEW threo 1arge rooms, oak floors, fire placa, electrie fixtures, heated, all gonvenlancer, Himeog north, Ape ply Nox G88 Times (1840) FOR RENT=IN WHITHY, TOUR room apartment, all conveniences free Huht, heat and water, Apply Box 87, Whithy, phone 160, Whithy. (1280) FOR RENT=TN WHTTHY, STEAM rent TWO [heated apartment, J plece bath, five rooms, $25 per month, Apply Bassotis | Simeoe St, Oshawa, (135¢) FOR RENT«TWO LARGE FUR nisheds rooms, Suitable for light housekeeping, hes, watery lights and telephone included, Private toilet, Possession at once, Apply 39 Hrock Nt, Hass _ (1380) 10 RENT=UNDERWOOD TYPE writer, Phone 3216, (128) TWO LARGE -- NOONE FOR housekeeping, Reasonable, Conven« fences, BU Centre street, (1880) FE RENT IWO™ FURNINHED rooms, very reasonable, Apply 82032 Tresane street, Phone 638), (1860) FURNISHED ROOMR TO RENT, with or without hoard, All eonven- loncen, Terma reasonable, 207 Rim. one Ht, South, (1360) TO RENT AVARTMENT™ OEN- tral, 4 rooms, steam heat, hot water, hardwood floors newly decorated, Immediate possession $46, also five room new brick bungalow. north end, every mod: ern convenience, newly decorated, $40, Phone 1400, (1208¢) Notice NOTICEw=AFTER THIS DATE 1 will not he responsible for any debts contracted in my name, James HH, DNrown, Nev, 2, 1 (128) SD lL SD Auction Sale AUCTION SALE-IF STAR XN sodan, number T 256-438, Motor nuns ber WH.J90M Is not called for by Tuesday, Deosember 3rd, 1 at 10 pa, it will be sold by public auction for repairs and storage charges, West End Garage, (13%) NUMBER OF DIVORCE CASES INCREASING Ottawa, Nov, 30, -=Week hy week, the number of divorces aps plications Ia ollmbing, It la now up to 10}, Wives as usual excesd the hus: banda in the number weeking dive roe but the latter are coming wp Pitty-nine wives and forty-two husbands weak divoroe, Ontario's predominance ia again maniteated in the faot that 88 of the canes, #0 far ingeribed, come from this province and 13 from Quebee, In A hundvea per cent, of the chsea the commen statutory ground is fot up, The wise of tha divorce which doubtless will be doubled Detwesn now and the session ane sures 3 court in Ontario, Classified Ads, First insertiond-114 cents per word, Minimum chorge 806, Bach subsequent consben. tive Insertion 1a per word, Three conseoufive inser tions for thy price of two first fnsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three insertions 00 covts, Pox number 10e additional Professional or Nusiness Carda, $8.60 per month for 80 wordy or lems; 10 ents a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIKD ADR CONT IITTLE) ACs COMPLINN MUCH TELEPHONE nb Ak tor (Classified Ad Depnrtiment FRENCH YOUTH HAS TROUBLE MARRYING Especially When Parties Are Both Royal'sts And Catholics so Parle, Nov, 27. Frenah swaing and sweethenrts who happen to be both royalists and Roman Catholies hive thelr troubles these democratic days when they want to marry, It Is not the republic that stands in the way it Is the Church, In many doleese they are not permitted to wed in front of the alta The enrrylngs on of the with tongue und pen and o more solid weapons begun to proval frowns on more than one episeoy brow several years apo Early In 1927 the "Action Francaise," dail organ of the royalist movement, wa placed onthe Vatlean's Index, Lutes a number of French bishops signed a proclamation denouncing the move pent and calling upon the royalists to give up thelr allegiance to the "Action Francaise" under pain ol being denled the sacraments The dend were the first to whom the ban was applied, or, at least, the first to attract attention, Soon after the pronunelamento of the bishops several Catholies who were members of the "Action Francaise" passed on to the Kingdom that is not of this world, Their funerals were danled entry to the churches in which they had been wont to attend mass In somo canes priests conducted the services at the cemetery In others the families and friends eon tented themselves with lay services in front of the elesed doors of the church, and at the burial ground his sort of thing is still a frequent royalint asional BE le oceurrence, Love, 100, has found a way, Every now and then the "Ac tion Vrancaise" prints wn nceount of those who have most recently suce ceded in marrying while remaining true both to ther Chureh and the movement to restore the throne, In many cases the engaged pair turned awiy from the portals of the church, are wllowed 4 through the back door and married in the sae risky. But just as often they arg we only "In nigels" in the bride's home, Oftentinies, if the bride or her chos- en man be of promingnee, the Duc de Guise, pretender to the throne of Veance, "uraciously deigns to have himself represented nt the mirage" usually by Monmeur de Margulis de XX, or Monsieur le Comte de Y, Even if he Mved in Veance, the Due would be pryvented by the pro- | tocol from attending the marriage of commoners, but he Is not in France, and Is not likely to be, for pretenders to the throne are coms pelled by the republic to stay in exile I'he Due de Gulse lives in Belglom, and sometimes breaks bread and elinks glasses with the King Albert in Brussels Motorists In New York City will soon he able to park thelr cars 24 stories nhove street level and get delivery in b4 meconds, acoording to n system Just Incorporated, e------ ~~ The possibility of using Idle land for the raising of Christmas trees In ocauping the attention of north: ome EYESIGHT ao a Shs. ran h Pion Suri, Your Eves and Health Lye Care snd Kye Strain Disney Bloc) 0%. 1816+ Fhene-- 1518 SPECIA. IST ap-------- arn Ohlo farmers since experts have declared that the region Is well ndupted for the cultivation of Nor way spruce and Fraser, or balsam, fir, Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN AND DIB COUNTN LTD, Felt Block Room 6 Phone 700 AS services are available, Phones 8) The wise man never waits till he ls driven by neces sty, secure your CONGER COAL now while best \Conerr Lemme Coar.Co. Liven J. H.R. LUKE BAL --- GU -W Manager, Rheumatism Crippled English Girl But Gin Pills soon brought relief =n land, onl: 8 Fe and od | A nine Gin Pills Bio great value thing grate Jo Gin Mila lies in tonio affect relief they oUmAtiam Note genuine without name A. W, Morvit RRS 2 SATIN finish your Whe would have thought that a Lumber Company had aay suggestions an to Christmas shopping or anything which would suggest a Christmas gift! Hardwood Floors == a lasting gift, which will return to you, day day, love and happiness which perhaps would not be returned by any other investment by way of a Christmas gift, We have a special new wstogk of FINSH HARDWOOD FLOORING for this purpose and can make deliveries fast, arrange for competent men to lay and floors, if you have not someone of your own, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 \ distinctive after dividends, Also we will Slo srreer a Tu AVeNve. we. | OPPOSITE PENNA, RR. STA A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, Circulas ting lee Water and many other inn vations... featuring a sincere spirit © hospitality, B. G. KILL, General Ma ? |

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