Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1929, p. 8

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RONTO MAPLE LEAFS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1929 FIRST VICTORY FROM RANGERS Maple Leafs Win First . Victory From Rangers "Red" Horner Stars a Passed to Day, 'New York, Nov, 87.~Toronto's le Leafs scored thely first Nutlonal Hockey feating New York Rangers, 4 to 8, in yougn struggle, The defeat cost Rangers 'a chance to take first in the American group, as lenders, the Boston Bruins, Riso defeated, Red" Horner, tall, fast Toron- fdefansa man, took the leading in the Toronto victory, pass to team-mates for three of the gonls, Day, Conacher and oy were on the receiving end the passes with Pettinger cons muting the other goal alone, The brothers an led tHe Ranger attack, he game was a close Affair and fought, although' the Leafs almost from start to finish, The made twenty-five trips to nalty box, twelve coming in t second period, £The deciding goal of the game ate in the final period, Hore and Balley breaking away for Bougher the Rangers a few minutes later, but the Bide Shirts could not make a tying counter, Connie Ps the started his ond team, "Bill" Cook violated anti-detense rule in the first ni iu- ute, but the Leafs cbuld not make anything out of the "break," The Cook brothers brought forth the first wperious scoring threat, hut "Bun's' shot for the corner con~ negted with a post, The actiop warmed up after the five-minute mark, but a penalty to Pettingey ohoeked the speed again an the Lents went on the defensive, Defense Pair Shine A speedy dash down the les by "Red" Horner and "Happy Day" gave the Leafs a goal In 18:18, Horner started the rush, shot the puck ahead to Day and "Happy" slapped it in, Conacher wént to the cooler a moment later to give the Rangers a ¢hance, but they could not get a glanr shot, Erie Pettinger put the Leafs two up four minutes later taking the rebound from hig own shot to score, Roach fell making the stor after Pettinger had broken through the Ranger des fonse, hut he slid into the net and Krie wlapped the rebound against him inside the geal mouth, The Rangres broke Into the scoring just before the end of the period on one of thelr neat passing plays, Bucher made the pass and "BIN Cook scored, The second period, lke the first opened with an early anti-defense TR FSS easy score as the Rangers ats pted to overcome a oOne-goal gin, "Bun" Cook tallied fot ¢ 3 " # » w - hi bi " "ll. | Temacr un Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICES ROYAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO November 20th to November 28th FARE 85c Leave Oshawa (Standard Time) Leavy Toronto AM, P.M, AM, d7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11,30 P.M, 12.30 1.30 2.30 PM, 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30 8,30 9.30 10.30 11.30 d==Daily except Sunday, GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA Phone 2825 § . 20879 . 3276 4720 5431 L LEAF KEZE ne 6 YEARS of PHENOMENAL 4720 SUCCESS / 7000 Dealers to Serve You Be aure to look for the Maple Leaf sign in any town or city from coast to coast . . , noone : but Maple Leaf Dealers can give Scientific Radiator Protection, It costs you nothing and takes but a minute to have your mix- ture tested at any time with Alco-Meter 'Service , , | Hockey Players | All hockey players in the city who played with the Oshawa City Intermediates last season and all other hookey players in the ey at present who intend to turn out with the Oshawa Henfor-Intermedi ate Hockey team this year, are asked to get In touch with either "Sammy" Lowe or Nell Hezslewood immediately, as these two men have the certificates, penalty, Frimeau was the victim, The result again was nil, Day snd Keeling took the next trip to the goop for roughing during a Ran- gor drive, Keeling came tearing out of the box to start one of the most exeiting attacks, Chabot made at least three stops lying in front of the goal with one Ranger under him and another on top, Penalties nt Pettinger and Queeneville drew penalties and the short handed play brought some of the evens ing's best speed, Horner and John won also got turns off the lee, The Leafs ment In a series of drives without getting a real shot at Itoach, hut Bourgeault . followed Johnson to the benah for holding lo stop one attack, The Leats eon~ tinued to attack but gould not #oeore, The penalty drive stopped when the third Hanger line took the ice, The youngsters did some wild shat: ing but thely passes alse were wild, The Rangers finally tied the score with less than three minutes to Ko while Conacher was in the penalty hox, Thompson passed to Mur doch in a mild melee near the Leaf net for the counter, The remaining minutes plenty fof fast playing and two more penalties, bringing the total for the period to twelve, Hour. goault left the lee Just before the bell with a out eye from au flying stlek, The Leafs staged sn brief and unsuccessful attack at the start of the third period while Vall was BAW ow wa ONT i the foolproof Alco-Meter "a and Alco-Meter Service plus Maple Leaf Anti-Freeze guaran tees you scientific radiator tectionall winter long regardless of the weather, Sogotoa Maple Leaf Dealer regularly and enjoy worry-free, trouble-free winter driving at all times, = : Sold in b _-- | MOTOR SALES _ Whitbv Bowmanville still off, The Ranger repair, de- partment reported that five 'tithes were required to close the ut over Bourgeault's eye made by he flying puck, hut otherwise the inky defense star was unhurt, Conacher Breaks Tie Young Charlie Conacher put the safs out ghead again In 3:80 with neat shot, He took a pass from forner while close in, feinted tonch out of his net, and put A arfect shot in to the cords, Blaly gave Roach a lot of trouble im the next few attempts with Murdoch leading the return ats taoks, With Thompson penalised, the Leafs got a few more good ohances, "Bun" Cook was the next to go off, The play hit its best speed at the middle of the period, but neither team came dangerous ly near to & score, The Toronto de. fonse had a bad time of it when ilalr drew a penalty, but It was the Leafs who scored, "Ace" Dalley took a pass from Horner and mot Joose with no one near him, It was & simple matter to beat Roaeh, Three penalties followed within a minute after the seore, two going to the Rangers, The Rangers out loose with everything they had in the last five minutea, sending tour men down, while the Leafs were agein short, A two-man ad- vantage brought the Blue Hhirts a goal In 17:40, Frank HBougher passed to "Bun" Cook ta make It In & ologesup serimmage, Rangers--Gioal, Roach; defense, Bourgeault and Johnson; oeeéntre, Boucher: wings, W Cook and F, Cook; subs, Thompson, Murdock, Keeling, Foster, Quenneville, Vall and Goldeworthy, Toronto--Goal, Chabot; defense, Day and Horner; centre, Primeau; wings, Conacher and Cotton; subs, Pettinger, Grant, MoBride, Nryd. son, Amith, Duncan, Rlalr, Dalley and Cox, Referee----Nert "Red" MoKenule, Corbeau and Peterboro Juniors Win First Game Peterhoro dt, John's advanced in the 8,P.A, Junior series by defeat: ng University of Toronto schools, § to 2, before a small crowd at the arena last night, and will meet Arantford Lyone in the second round on Friday night, A doubles header was originally scheduled for last night, but Oshawa defaulted to Brantford, \ What the ghme lacked fh akin was made up in the determina- tion shown by the players, Peter boro had experience and welght on Nehools, who were without a num. ber of thelr outstanding players owing to football activities, Bunny MoKillop, former Humberside atar Donovan, Keith, Doner, Oopp and Morley bein unable to play last night, HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey james plays od yettordy were as follows: tional [1 League Maple Leafs 4 N.Y, Rangers , 3 xOgtawa Canadiens Montreal x-=0vertime, Junier lS Peterbore vvuaisd Mh TS via International League «of Millionaires Pacific Const League aPortland «1 Vaneouver .... California League al.os Atireles vod San Francisco 3 REET | ERR TY t 9 Pittsburg (yy 6 Roston ... Buffalo ant e=Played Monday, " 'PORT SNAPSHOTQ By Guo, Oamenmis, Sports Bditor Oshawp Teams Two Oshawa teams go 10 Go to Bellevil) elloville on Friday, The two teanis are the Chevrolet girls' teum and the Textiles intermediate men's tenn, These two teams have ben invited down to Belleville to assist In an affair to raise monay for the building of the new Belleville Arepi, Thy two teams will each play a game of Indoor ball with two teams from Belleville, The Chevys, and the Textiles are both going to try hard to bring a win out of Belleville and the results of these games will be watched with a great deal of Interest by the local softball fans, RE » # They Won at Last The Toronto Maple Leafs seemed to have at last hit shelr stride when they brought a vietory out of the New York Rangers' camp last wight, "Red" Horner stepped slong last night and at the rate he is going he will soon he one of the regular defence men, Now that the Leafs have started they should go far and fast, If they win again on Saturday they will be back In the good graces of thelr supporters, Ad LJ * Ad Will the Rough Riders Get Another Rough Ride? On Suturday. the Regina Rough Riders will invade Hamilton In an effort to' take back West the Canadian Senior Rugby title, Last yeur the Rough Riders were forced 'to necept a rough ride to, the tune of 30 to 0, This yeur they are determined to make a much better showing and Wome are even optimistic of awn, However, it must be remembered that the Hamilton Tigers are perhaps even better than last year and they are not golng to release their hard won erown without a struggle, Ld \s * LJ "Petes" Won Thelr First Start The Peterboro Junior hockey team won thelr first start last night in the 8.P.A, series when they put away the UTS, team by a score of 30d The "Petes will meat Brantford next, It looks as If the Osh» awa Juniors Wil have a tough time taking this Peterboro outfit Inte eamp this season, ow Red Aces Meeting Tonight 0 All members of the Red Aces, are asked to LJ » present at the meet. ing whieh Is being held in the Y M.CA, tonight at 2.30, The purpose of the meeting Is 10 'discuss the entering of a team or teams in the local hockey league, The persons whose names appeared In lust night's paper' wre asked to make a special effort to be present tonight, -- Strikes, Spares, and Blows At Local Alleys CENTRAL ALLEYS Sparks prize for last week of "371, This seore the high single for away the with a still the Geo carried woekly high score stands for month LJ LJ * Pat Meagher Is the man to beat this week, He has a nice game of M7? to his eredit, * A » I'he W, KE, Phillips start the second half of their sehedule next week, The Alleys' Kittens are still after the baes on and they look pretty good to gel it, They have the high teams' score and also the high single game score, Ferguson of the Die Hard, was the man with the high total with 714, C, Spencer was high for the single hone ours with a nice game of JO8 Mrs Wacey carried off the honor for the Aub Your favourite Orchestra is faithfully reproduced LE fo We will be pleased to demons strate Tompleor(the set with the Natural Tone) to you in your awa home, Moffat Motor Sales Limited HN Simcoe N,N, Phone #13 ste her E ALL . three high and the high single games . * M City League The Dumbells are not gs dumb when the are at the top of the league; However, they haven't got an unbeatable lead so they had bet ter look out, 4» Oshawa Dairy League Harry Ashton is still the champlon bowler of this league and he still has his cigars, He is going to give them away for a Christmas Box unless somebody gets busy and takes them away from him, The score that has to be beat is 0 Jor Jiree Hames. Roady! Setl! Goll! If vou want to see the tart of a real snappy and' what will no doubt turn out to be a real noisy lewgue, come around ta the Central Alleys on Wednesday night apd see the Business Men's League get away with the gun on the first lap of thelr season's race, A rule of this league in that all business transactions must he carried on outside of bowling hours but unless they are watched pretty carefully, they will be bidding as they bow! and then wateh the fun, " L \ Ten Mi h Ret on ai Starting next Monday, Jack Is go Ing to i! e a Ten High Hi Hoard and at the end of the month the ten Wah men will roll off for a special prize, To get on this board and be eligible for the roll off you must how! three games having a total which is one of the ten highest totals for the onth, Give a go, mon A Ro . DAILY TIMES LEAGUE After seven weeks of strict cen- porship the Times Five Pin League breaks Into print with the an: nouncement that bowling in this particular league is lots of fun and you have to be on your toes at all times as the battle for position gots more strenuous all the time, After last night's fracas the jam at the top was worse than ever, with four teams out of alx with fourteen wins to their credit and only a ditference of three points between them, The Dumb Doras are not so dumb when they oan kick in a team acora for one game of 1078, Some of the high lghts of laat night were. LL, Magill 690; F, ¥robel 400; J. Dale 644; G, Camp bell 080; ©, Mason 6881; ¥, Duns stall 408; B Ward 004; F, Kit ehen 601, The League standing follows: Won Lost Pla, ee 10 N 10 to date Diamonds Supremen Invinoibl Rinky Dinka Dumb Doras ORE daa vivervany ] That's what you call a league when four teams owt of alx have all won an equal number of games, \d » MO! CITY ALLRYS viends L Standin Wen Lost Pla, Flue 10 13 85% n 8 EER ERE vise id enna dd saves 1d Never Dies 12 Wild Cats 12 Silver Stars 12 Beave 1 Hage leafs 12 ) 12 "Kays 15 3 4 8191 4. 7%0 CR ~The Nig-Nacs, the representatives from the Motor City Alleys, did not do 20 well last night and they failed to get one point, The Young Bros thers, their opponents, proved too yood last night and the local pin-apils lors slipped a little, CIE Somebody Rhea Nave a Try Man oh man, you should have seen those females apill the maples, We re speaking about that second game of the challenge matches, An carly ad obtained in the first game prov Md barely enough to give Mary Pirle and Via Norris a victory aver Erline Bentley and Annie Reece. After the smoke had cleared the results were i Ak COND utd Runnymede Lose First Game of Season To Delta a ------ Toronto, Nov, 27,~In the first game of the Interscholastic play: offs at Onkwood Stadium yester- diy the Mtunnymede team lost thelr first game. of the weason and thelr chance for the championship when they went down to a 10.2 detent at the hands of the Hamil. ton Delta Collegiate team, The piny was fairly well indicated by the sours, The superior weight of the winners gave them the advants age on the line, and the long kicks of thelr backfield outdis tanoed even Coulter's best efforts, However. the Nunnymede team made « gallant fight against an older and bigger team And dessrve much credit for the fine spirit which they showed, playing their bost, right up to the final whistle, They were the speedier of the two teamu, bul thelr tacklers could not bring down the opposing play- ore, and thelr ling was completely disorganized by the plunges of the Doltag. Coulter had to hurry nears ly every one of his Xloks, while Iubiter, the Delta klgkey, had al- mout" perfect protection from his Ine, In sombination, aecurscy and tricky broken field running the lowers, were far superior, Throughout the first period the winners confined themselves to an uerinl attack, often Kicking on thelr first down, hut despite Zavita's fine display Runnymede suooneded In holding thelr own, making yards fairly consistently und keeping the winners' soord down to a single point, It was the heavy plunging of the Della play. ors which gained them thelr three touchdowns In the wmecond and third stansas, unin vards for them and kept the Yay moving always towards the Runnymede goal, Although the loners rallied in the dying minutes nf the game, fhey falled to get more than two sinrles, In each cane It seemed am If they were Kolng to make a major weore, but the superb line defense of the winners saved the situation for them, as follows: Mary and Via had a tot al of WS for three games and their oppotents had a total of 984, Just eleven pins difference, There was u big crowd, mostly lady bowlers, on hand to cheer the contestants and don't think that they weren't given something to cheer for, Mrs, Ireland und Florence Cox are going to pe the next to give It a try, 1 suggest that "Bunty" Gould and Mabel Eliott five the winner a go, A el The Ladies Major League standing Name Played Won Lost Pia, Lucky Strikes © 2 4 Hack Cats 8 6 4 Rinky Dinks § Regular Fellers Whirlwind Centrals Aces Wepeos 0 ) Caranones 0 4d . 0» Jollickers (A & B) Another league that is doing some nice bowling is this Jollickers League I'hey are just starting out but they will improve and then watch them punish the puny pins, The following are the scores turn od in vi one team In one game, Chat's what you call team work None of the scores are sensational but no one lets the team down, and that's what counts, Whirlwinds M. Donald C, Leach M, Kay io vinerss L. Holmes ,.., Vi Norris 1 cE Cm®L A CORRE TY TEEN LLL Total LJ LJ + From Green Grass to Bare Boards The Oshawa Lawn Bowlers started a league on Monday night up at the Motor City Alleys and if you want to see men who really take their bowls ing seriously, come up and watch them bowl, That's where you will see the wide hooks and draws that hit or miss pine, "Stuff" and plenty of it, Gy Morrison was high for the night with a total of 752 made up of three wames of MS, 244 and 263, Consists ont, 1, Johns was second with a total of 688, W, Jackson was third with 084, A. Greenfield was fourth with 626 and EK. Goodman was fifth. with 618, The rest were not quite so good but don't you think that you won't be hearing plenty from them before the season Is much older, It seldom failed to' Ferguson Memorial Cup Now Held By the Westwards Montreal, Nov, 206.«In winning the Dominion intermediate champ! onship the Westwhrd Intermed! ate football team of Montreal, which defeated Marnie hers Hatur day; will not have to be content with honor and glory ulone, More tangible reward is present ad to the team which 18 supreme in Intermediate foothall in Canada In the Werguson Memorial Troe phy, 8 prize presented In memory of Bob Ferguson, n foothull player of Brantford, Ontario, by the gal lant player'sbtamily, Varguson wis killed in the Great War, Thin trophy, which ix a hana- wome veplioa of a foothull plays: wrought in sterling silver on n U.T.S. Wins From Malvern Toronto, Nov, 47.~Bhowing su- poriority in the pinches the Unis varsity of Toronto Bechools bride ders defeated Malvern CO.1, In the Interscholastic Unlon game at the t, of I, Siadium Yostordny and thus qualified to compete in the pomi<finnl ngalnsgt Hamilton Delis, who at Onkwood Stadium Yan« guished the Runnymeds team by 10 to 2, UTE took a 0 to 1 ver diet und were full value for their win even If they were given a gront wtrugele hy Teddy Reeve's smart school champions, ANOTHER VARIETY "Mummy, what does when he lsn't home?" "Oh, daddy's un taxidermist, dear? "Is het Where's his garage!" daddy do bronze pedestal, was held Ist your by Canadian National of Montreal - Tii-Hits, -_, mn gv WILSON'S 1904 SILVER ANNIVERSARY BACHELOR 1929 Congrat "think fifth bi these y cigar celebrating its twenty yesterday that we smoked our first Bachelor , . . and have continued to smoke them all "Congratulations, + + » and many happy returns of the day." ulations ELL, well," exclaim the contented smokers, of our favourite 10¢ rthday. It seems but cars, Bachelor! ll foil Wrapped | Wiison's Lhe Larqoest Selling 10! In honor of its Silver An. niversary, this famous 10e. cisar is now wrapped In livery foll, to keep ita 100% Navana Aller A perfect smoki Sond and protect it againat cl ng or breaking in the pocket, A Mividuglly fol wrapped in pocket packs of five Sl ielelg i TeliTarels -- I -- NEW MARTIN Il Coming usin Thurs. In The Drab Atmosphere of a prison -- two unfortunate victims of fate find love and hope. Their efforts and ultimate to free themselves chains that bound them un- "justly will thrill you. For 3 Days iOGuEs HRS HARDY Bh success of the

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