Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929 PAGE SEVEN eat atl A STASIAK DEFEATS TAYLOR IN BEST TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS | Stanley Stasiak Takes Win From Jack Taylor Boxing Champions Recognized by N.B.C, Stasink Gets Deciding Fall When He Grabs Taylor's Injured Leg ~~ Prelimin- aries Were Good is still the heat Btasiak Lo appesr in a local ring, alio a $004 wrestler HM Re gg Taylor, n thelr ast meet 1a ! [3 t [hat Be rintained [] Broke 4 hogs and the samy Y ro mb forced him poon revived to continu struggle, Pospeshil us while Hill, with his great upset his big vival several and a quick Mf, improvin Bt ing from his = own fast k aY~ | in the local ving, Openi Soon Good The open bou Count Karel Novine and Hen lo surre n night at vena gardens, Btasl- AK Asoy an ordinary grip on the leg Was vecently broken sud Tayler had to surrender, fears Ing another break to the weakened one, Were on even terms with a fall each when Btasiak at- lacked the damaged leg and the, matoh was all ovat. While the main beut did net pre. fuce any great wrestling, although the fans Were given plenty of en~ tertainment by the clowning antics nf the giant grapplers, the opener snd pemisfipal matches were high« vines, the inal tussle hetween Karl Posposhil and George HIN heing ona of the best ever staged here, ke the opening bout ber tween Count Novina and Henry Ka~ tan, it ended In a draw declsion, The frapplers had na ditfleult aps slgnment to make the main bow the feature after the brilliant dls play in the semi-final, snd the crowd would weleeme both mats men back for a meln match any time, kill, both bein sive, The count, who is a nohlems kko brothers, proved ing must run In his fami, gave a clever display to he (an on even terms, on the hea Katan tried for arm and leg ing the pace mest of the but Btasia him, and villainedike attacks, when he seemed shaky from fes of blows on the hack neck, administerad In typical ak manner, The opening lasted 87 minutes, to even the mateh in 16 mim round he elamped a lock oy lov's damaged leg. and the dian was forced to give in, Hill is Aggressor Hill was the aggressor most of the time and seemed to have margin on points at the finish, hut the draw decision was not far wrong, for Pospeshil was always ready In an emergency, showing clever defensive tactics against his speedy opponent, Hill ls always good at the start of his matehes, golng to work fast, while Pospess hil takes time to warm up, and they were just at their best when the 48-minute gong sounded the end, M11 had Pospeshil in trous ble several times and reaching for the ropes for protection after re verse head-looks, his specialty hold, but the popular Bohemian always came back stronger, Hill sustained a cut on his head during he mate, which streamed with biped, and needed a stiteh to glose, Midsway through the hout both Pospenhil and Hill were staggering apound the ring fram flying butts, Hil getting hin first, while he Juss had enough reserve to return the compliment, It peemad that the Toronto, Ont, ong game is scheduled in t watched with interest, he ed Buffalo team and Toront lHonaires, Vietory for the will plage them at the top professional hockey once for the Millionaires, A Ysleeping-oar' motor similar to those operated on t eiflo coast has reached New played prior to entering a » vice, ---- Henyy Ford's reproduction alehrated British locomotive hout would end in & Tall, but pels ther could take advantage and they thelr the splits and arm looks to good advantage, peed, Imes with diving tackles to the ankles Pospeshil was as the hout progressed, while Hill seemed to be slipping, piace, fi be with the draw, Pospeshil contine ued his unbroken record of wine between Ka- the main bout last | tan was a tine exhibition of mat [] fast and aggros Russian and nephew of the Zbys- that wrestl- for he id Kar Both used a variety of holds, Novine working most of the time while looks, The main bout was of the rough: and-tumble type, with Taylor fores time, wan much too smart for while the Btormy Pole kept the 'erowd In a wild roar most of the time with his facia) expressions Taylor won his tirst fall on a slam, Just A Bers of his LITT round Btaslak came hack to sgore A veverse hody slam ites of strugsling, while in the deciding } Tay- Cana HED" MOG" KH PLAYS TONIGRT Nov, 20,~-Only he lu- tefacionnl Hoekey League tonight, The vesult of this contest will be weve! as It brings together the undefeats 0 Mil Bisons of the longue standing, while a loeal win will he a great boost for Mansel ""Red'" Moore. clever football play. or, who will make his debut into playing def. coach, he Par York from California, and iv belng dls oR lar run which eventually may become A coast-to-coast network of motor bus. lines providing sleeping wer: of the y the "Roeket," has arrived in Dearhorn figh,, for display in Ford's 'rial Museum, The original Indus was vented hy George Ktephenson and wal the first successful locomotive {in operation, Make Your Hens Lay Feed SUNBEAM FUL'O'PEP EGG MASH Along with our Scratch Grains Cod Liver Oil -- $1.60 per gal Pratt's Regulator and All Poultry Supplies use "Black Leaf 40" for killing Lice and Mites, Cooper-Smith Co. TO 1 Karn's Drug Store ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY See Our Windows ' A rN Cinelnnatl, Nov, §5,~Jnck Bharkey, Boston, wan rated ay the nation's leading heavywelght but not the eftticial ¢hamplon, by the National Boxing wssocliation here today, The heavywelght title was declared vacant, tanley M, Isaacs, president of the asscelation, sald all titles must be won In the ring and not on paper, and for hat reason champlons In several! classes were declared open, The foremost boxers were rated ue follows; Flyweight champion == ¥rankle Genaro, Bantamwelght champion Pans ama Al. Brown, Voatherwelght champion. Bat ting Hallaline, Juniop Hghtwelght Tod Mor adel Mandal, Junior welterwelght champion Mushy Callahan, Welterwelght champlons=Jackie Plelds Middleweight champlon--Open| second, Ace Hudkine, Light heavyweight champion Open; second, Maxie Rosenbloom, Heavyweight champion Open, second, Jack Bharkey, After ranking the bowers the association made an effort to olasslfy the national wrestling sits uation, eliminate all the wells styled champions and planned to gonduet tournaments In which champions of nll divisions will he selected, ohamplops- gan, eight champion Sammy PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Camwama, Sports Bdilor Oshawa Bimeoes The Oshawa Simeoes held another lively workout last night st the Motor City Stadium, The boys are trying thelr best to be in shape when the season starts and they sre going st the work with a will, All players intending to turn out with the team must be out to workouts before Wednesday, December 2, as the team is then going to strut thelr stuff on ice and then watch them gel There will be two more workouts this week, one on Wednesday and the other on Friday night, All the workouts are held at the Motor City Stadium, 5 # Ld Ld Ww Red Aces Notice There will be & meeting of all Red Aces (JUVENILES) at the Y, MCA, tomorrow night at 7.30 pm, sharp, This meeting Is for the purpose of organising & hockey team to enter In the loeal hockey league, The following are asked to be presents Garrow, Kitchen, Whitley, Mux will, Guiltinan, Myers, Boyce, Marks, Toppings, Nell, Rowden, Jeyes, Martin, Armour, Wilson and Higgins, \l Ww LJ Ld Weston Coming Back? According to this morning's papers iv looks very much as if the ones famous Weston Benlor Lacrosse Club was going to come back li» to being, With the exit of the Maitland Club, there Is plenty of senior material available snd It is quite likely that the National game will be revived this season up in Weston, the Mann Cup, * v The "lce-maker" Maybe they have taken a liking to Ld LJ Has Opposition The "lee-maker" up at the Curling Rink Is not the only ene pros viding fee at the present time, The various ponds avound the city ure covered with a substantial sheet of lee and the old "shinney" sticks are AEAIN In use There's a rumor going around that if you don't stay on your feet you will get your fingers eut, Ask "Dib" Little about that, Collegiate i Chatter The challenge rughy mame on Tuesday afternoon proved to be one of the best domestic squahs bles of the year, The 5A and 4:1 challengers supported thelr states ment that they could trim any all star team from the rest of the school, and the result was a f8+0 vistery in thelr favour, Although the all-stars threatened to woors several times during the last quays ter, thelr spurt came too late in the game and thelr heavier oppon- ents were able to sustain the ate tuok, Cook registered the challeng: ere 8 points with a field goal 0 yards out, This game concluded the 1040 vughy season eof the OCI, and even If It has not heen as great # Success aa In former years with regard to wins, it has heen a real sucoess in the matter of producing something from 4 bunch of greens horns, In other words, slnoe many of the good football players who supported the school colours in the past few years had graduated, it was left to form two 1080 teams from players new to the game, Hence we say, that although vies tories this season have not been 80 numerous, the school has now # group of rugby players who will make up far these few presant years of training, by vietories lat. or on, 3+ * RA Forty-five boys attended the inl tial basketball workout fn the gym, Thursday at 4,106, Hueh a large turnout made 1t necessary for Coach Barely to divide them inte two groups who will be given equal tention, Only two of last years anlors vemain in the school, se 'oh team will this year see cons lerable new players, * LJ] ¥ A group of middle schoal stus nts delighted the Wednesday wiing assembly by rendering vee songs in French, "0 Canar WO YLa Clalre Fontaine," and Tantons Ia Vine," These students are trained by Miss VV. Smith, wd of the French department, ¥ » * Peiday evening the senior and nlor rugby teams held a wind-up anquet in Weleh's parlors, It ay Indeed an excellent closing fou "oe 1080 rugby season, the guest * honour being Dr, N, # (Lis) alker, of the Whithy Hospital, ell-known to everyone familiar ith Canadian yugby of the past Woyears, Following the supper, Toastmase or Ralph Irwin, coptain of the senior rugby team, oalled on Mr Ross MacKinnon to lead the grou In a short eing-song, after whic Mr, Clitt Pound, coach of the Blue Devils' rugby team, opondd the pros gram of speeches, ONEt has had Connections with different sporting olreles in Ontario for a number Of years and the lads certainly aps preelated his few remarks on good sportsmanship, He also took the opportunity te thank the 0.0.1, foy Any help they had vendered his team in the past, Ceorge Jamies son, one of the firet Oshawa High School rughy team players, apoke a few words next, For the pam fow years Crearge has been a great source of help to the O.C.1 rughy teams with vegard to refereeing nd alee a little advice now and then, and he expressed his pleasure At always being of any assistance to the Colleglate teams, The next apeaker on the program was Mr, Ross MaoKinnon, In a few words Mr, MacKinnon told of the value & boy could vecelve from the taining and Rlaring of football with regard to hig after lite, "8kill, sourage and fair play," he sald, "learned on a vugby tield, ta a lifes lasting lesson, The ohalvman next introduced Mr, Lowls Stevens SOR as the dean of the O.C.1 teach. ing staff and the honourary press dent of the Roya' Athletlo Houlety, Mp, Stevenson's remarks veoalled the time of about ten Years age when the Oshawa High sohool pro- duodd ity flvat rughy team un the coaching abilities of Mv, J, G, Althouse, In those days Mp Stee Venaon uged to aocompany the team of thelr trips to the ditterent gehools aud told of one ineldent when our friend, George Jamieson, who, due to his small stature, be came lost during the hest of the struggle In a bog hole ornamenting the ventre of the Belleville High gohool playing fleld, George was finally vescued by his comrades, who braved the dangers of the swamp and dragged him to safety, Dr, Walker's address followed these few short speeches, Iu hee funing, he mentioned that Mr, seKinuon hed probably stolen his subject, However, the footballs minded orowd present Was more than glad to hear from one #0 closely connected with the sport as SLA Walker, who has played on four Queen's University champions ship teams, aldo the Hamilton "Tig. ers," last ear's Interpravineial champs, "Lis" talked of sport in intercollegiate circles with regard to benefit, comradeship and experi: ences, ote, He stated that of all sport intercollegiate vivalry set the hghest example of any, Hut, speaking to & group of collegiate puplle, he emphasised the fat thal going to gollege, It at all pos- sible, to obtain » veal education should be the first consideration in the mind of every high school stu. dent, and going to college for the sake of sport should come after, He drew his subject to a close hy recalling several outstanding nels dents of some of the great games in whieh he has taken part, In Mr, Harry Leokie's speech, which came after that of Dr, Walks er, he stated that the boys of the 0.01 rughy teams should feel ty honoured at having a man ike Dr, "Lis" Walker to address them and thoroughly backed what he had told the gathering, eapecials ly that of studies before football, Ralph Irwin then called upon Principal A, B, O'Nejll for » few words, Mr, O'Neill, speaking frankly, told the boys that the vals ue of that which had been told them through the course of the eves ping was worth more te them than & week of lessons at school, provid. od they had grasped ita signifi cance and were ready to hold en te It and to apply it, ur old friend, Murray Johnston, was then asked to say something to the gang, Murray had about his peat at the table & ple of-=what shall be sayl==0h, well, ft was something that would look interesting to any foots ball enthusiast, so let It go at that, It proved to be & few relies © "Lia Walker's college days an included old rughy sweaters, crests, coups and plotures, eto, also sever al plotures of his olass in Meds, These Murray passed around for the boys to have a good look at, Jack Henley, captain of the junior rugby team, in the meantime, moved a vote of thanks to those who had made the affair a success, fneluding the Roys' Athletio Kxeous tive, the speakers and Mr, Murphy of the statf, who handled the plano for the songs, A hearty soheol cheer hrought to & close the event which was, without a doubt, a huge success, A Run Dead Heat In 6-mile Race New York, Nov, 24,-~Twa Unis veraity of Maine runners, Francis CQ, Lindsay and Harry L, Richards gon, yesterday finished in a dead heat for first place {n the eastern intercollegiate Satay ross Couns try champlonahip, hey finished the shxmile Yan Seria park course hand in hand in 30 minutes 3 Jveonde for a new Course recs ord, Joseph NM, MoCluskey of Fords ham won the freshman race covs ering the three-mile course in 14.» \ rr ---------- SOME IMPROVEMENT optician murmured, "You say the glasses | gave you have not improved your sight? You ean still see what you call spots before your eyes!' \ "That's right," his client replied "Hut I must admit that sings 1 wore the glasses 1 can see 'em mueh clears "Hm!" the | Weston May Return to SR. O.A.L.A. Weston will honor their junior OA LA, champlons next Monday plight, when & reception will be held at the town hall, The town counell, on behalf of the citisens, will present etch member of the team with a handsome ving and the junior OA LA, crest. In addi tion te which will be the presenta tion of the OA LA, medals by one of the ohlef executive officers, A big night Is belug looked forward 11] There are murmurings in the hamlet alongside the Humber that Weston may he found back in the santor OA LAA, Heries next sume mer, and some Announcement of this may he made at the Monday eveulny wathering, Bt, Catharines is already talking 1acrosse, and while that olty hes moans (ts early retirement from the race last season, feel that with pome new senior material which f8 now avallabhle It should be able to put the Garden Clty back on the lacrosse map where it belongs Billie Hope, coach of the senior squad of the past few seasons, 1a Wing to work up enthusiasm and may get the ardent supporters of the wame together toward the end of tha present week to discuss the altuation, Tigers Drill In Daylight Hamilton, Nov, 28, « Having found that daylight practices work: od wonders with the backiieldars, Tigers will fndulge In some more of them this week, Tomorrow night they start with a customary workout at o o'clock, but on Wed. nesday and Thursday they will get under way at 3,80 or 4 o'clock and five the backfielders a long wes slon, Last week's daylight prac tices out the number of fumbles last Baturday down to a minimum, and Coach Rodden wants thin ree peated, together with a develop: ment of a defence for the forward seing attack expected from the sgina Rough Riders, who play here on Haturday, The Bengals came out of the hard game at Kingston with few injuries, those all helng of a minor nature, and ey will he fit and ready for any kind of a test here on Saturday, It in expected that a splendid orowd will witness the final game, The seat sale for members opens tomorrow morning, with the gen. eral sale starting on Wednesday, and it appears that all the reserved seats will be taken up in short or der, DISILLUSIONED Two women, very hot and tired, were pushing their bieyoles up a very weep hill, Sald one: "I'm so sorry, my dear, to have brought you this way, but i faaked quite Tht on the map, "=Tits Bits, "---- NOT WHAT SHE WANTED Ellen: ¥ will never go fishing again vith Fred, A Mary: Why nat? : Ellen: He just fished ~Kavikaturen, Oslo, a NEW MARTIN HEATRE Mon, Tues, Wed, "Broadway 8 All gy State and \ 3 WW | Ta TS Heauttial Girie. | ADDED ATTRACTIONS | AR ad or than before Me=Tit-Bita, Regina Rough iders Leave For East Wed. Regina, Nov, bb~Hesking to dethrone Hamilton's mighty Tig ers, Neging Moughriders will eps tain for the last Wednesda morning and on Maturdey will meet (he Wastern Cansda ohms plong tn the Dominion final, Tonight the Riders will stage what will probably he thelr last workout before they reach Hams iiton, The team, undefeated In a hard campaign on the Prairies, I tn perfect sondition, spd the players sre confident they oan matey the speed and line strength of the Wastern Ci ints, Davies Meets Huat Monday Toronte, Nov, #4 After sign Ing Wille Davies of Charvlerol for the fourth vound of the Bhamrook Club's world's champlonship flys welght tournament, Matehinaker Brawn commenced the task of se auring an opponent for Davies from the few still in the running for the title He was successful in securing the mest colorful of them all, and JNugene Huat of Rheims, Vranes, European ehampl on, will battle Davies In an slimine ation contest at the Coliseum new Monday night Probably no boxer aver made a mare favorable fmpression in To ronto than did Hust fo knooking out Frenchy Belanger Following that bout he hoxed fu New York, and gave Corporal 1esy Behwarie puch a beating that the Corporal immediately announced hig retire ment tram hoxing Last Friday Hunt lost a close decision to Black Bi He was pngsled by the Cu ban's unorthodox style and his manager states that Hi did a lot of holding York writers state the bout was so clogs that I might have heen a draw Davies lapt, appenvanes here wis Just before the apening of the tournament when he seored uw de olaive victory over Luls Carpentere, nEErensive Yilipino He is a dis tinot favorite with loos! fans and flan proven hiimeell one of the fasts ost and eleverest tlywelghts in the game He does not, however, use hig speed to vun away, hut ems ploys it in a dangerous attack Tn all his bouts in Toronto Das vies has not falled to give plenty of aotlon, and no more popular hout eould have heen arranged than one between him and Huat 1] is an futernational atrar, France v, Wales, for Davies Is Welsh by birth A strong preliminary oarvd, fear turing loenl favorites, will be Are ranged, Now Employment manager ==And do you drink? Applicant w= Why, thanks, (t's certainly nica of youl I'I take wine stralght Albany (lagelle Harvard's Victory Over Yale A Rugby Highlight wos | surging marches that featured the Notre Dame Leads the Pare| yiciory aver Princeton, bu Jw ade elding a few . . h Wig, an Utsalion Miss a. he boi a pr tring 0 fctories Bre | ond stop is nivel, It seemed Just possible that Yale vard-Yale Game Produc. od Some Clever Rugby did not hisve quite enough deception Hi Ie atiack, Jor the most part the Blues pounded oft the right tackle, here wis not uch in the way of forward passing, vet Booth and Kills deserve great credit for a remly brite lint play which gave Yale ity touches down, Crimson Passing Halted Harvard's famous forward passing wis shut down on early, lu the opr ening period Harvard turned to the aly und Yale smeared the passes so completely that Harvard tried only three mers during the entire game, und only completed two ul iA for gain ob ow mere 11 yards, Certainly Yule deserves eradit for this, Au i matter of fact, thers was enly on part of Harvard's attack thet Yale did not stop, and that was the lateral pass during the first march ta the Crimson touchdown, Here, surely, was great timing and wells igh periect execution ad Mays Just got away from the outstreighed fins pers wb the Yale end for the run that really meant the scores=thie long dash to the 15-yard line, Without looking for alibis, Is Is possible that vn a dries field Yale might have stopped thoss laterals. Loven though it had been carefully protected, there was frost in the wround and both sides slipped hers und there, It seemed that Yale ends, milng no own the laterals, were un» ble to turn snd make tackles Qi twa hpertant tries they jumped, bus did't seam to have the leverage un» der them to reach the flest-Tootsd ball=carrier Wood in Bitar Role Harry Wood can certainly bo sone sidered a headliner for the Grim ils vowel, inclysplaying and cear-thinks ing quarterback loath was never, really himself, Me seemed nervous, ir unusual thing for him, and was New York, Novi 20-=With the elose of football's next to last week of blg games and only pou §EA80N affairs loommg beyond the gontests of this week, Yione Dams continues to stride slong at the head of the frocesslon undefeated and the win NEF OVEr Bn IMposing urray ol teams from almost every section of thw country, The victory of Notre Dame over Northwestern in the middle sored clearly and with plenty tw spire, wis the nelable event gl last Saturday In that section, On the Va oific const the return to the crest of i Stanford team, which has had its bumps this year, and is surprising ongplded victory aver Cullfornlu, und herve In the east the slim, bitterly a ehieved triumph of Harvard over its greatest rival Yale, wore the other features of (he day "It Might Mave Been" In & game as close and as bitterly fought wy the bleak contest at Cam bride, there are dogeus of "it might have beens" connested with the final Harvard men ean polul oul might have neressed Yale un wubl, are, where they thelr score, and ult places whee come through te victory, Looking back, the gaing remalng io the nearest thing pe without belug one, At two "might have beens" the sare gould have been tied, Had Booth not had that punt of his blocked after Warvard's first touchdown, and had he made the point after the Yale touchdown, there would have been a te seore ell cal point they wught tv have MEMOry as sible tu uw Lie The One Big Push | There was onl i point np t in his best condition, the game where one (vain or the othe | rig decision ta try sors forward er stood very mueh above its vl yf naps to Kile, and & wide one, a and that ens peint went to Harvard | Harvard looked for another desperate on He way Nest toushdown, | ghot at the goal line, wis great thinks bhis was the rush that started deep | ing, and the amassing burst of speed in Harvard territory after Booths | gnd power put on by Ellis ones mere Nest attempt at a drop liwle had been | siamped this hard-luck back with the bloeked and earpled on across Yale's | ark of football genius, Given a real line to give the Grimson, an it als fy00 instend of his "trick one, Hoot terward proved, the game, Lilie might have gone down in feos Harvard's second seore, ball history as one of Yale's greats fine held goal from a very ost backs, angle, needed wn block punt to set the 4 stage, as did Yale's only pcore of th game , The vest of the time the tean were very evenly matehed, but Har vard had found the power and the deception for ene killing thrust and for that reason Harvard earned Its viglory, The Hine play ef the game was, for most of it, splendid, It fs not oten that twe sueh fNghting, fast and wells coached forward barriers meet each | will play, thelerkeley tourney wi other, At several spots, particularly ' be over 72 holes, with 18 hele rounds early in the game, t seemed that | Thursday and Feiday and 36 heles Yala wan about to begin one of those | Saturday, ois Wood's difficult vw IM CONTESTANTS ENTERED Dorkeley, Calll, Nov, 26.=A total of 186 contestants have signed for the Berkeley $5,000 open oll champs {unship, Nov, 28, 3 and 30, Most of the prominent professionals of the country, inaluding those who coms peted In the recent MHawalian open, CAB ly ERA Si Here They Are The Last cum JN we "SAY IT WITH SONGS" Time == TONIGHT Al Jolson Two Head Men! H a Talking Screen REVUE! we The Song Mite SEE «= The Dancing Wednesday ~ Thursday ~~ Friday Starts Tomorrow = : 3 LR < Teal. 5 i» Ncapitor" Ngerammeent A "

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