Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26.1929 26, 1929 PAGE THREE niversity of Toronto Alumni Held Banquet Here Last Night Parkwood Horses Awarded ~~ Governor-General's Cup / R. 5. MeLaughli'e. Entries Make' Fine ny Snide Other Breeders in District Also Do Well MANY. PRIZES COME TO COUNTY' Ontario and Durham Exhib- itors Are Winners in Sev. oral Classes a. Parkwood Btables, owned by I, 5, MeLaughlin have agaln brought hone or to Oshawa and Ontarlo county. A number of Parkwood horses have been showing at the Royal Winter Yair, now in progress-at Toronto, and these fine: animals, In competition with horses of other noted Hubler, have been winning many priees, They have aroused much favorable com ment among spectators to the Fair and have done well In every class In which they were entered, Derek,' sleek and beautiful thrées year-old, wis awarded the coveted Governor=General's Cup, Tn comment ing woop, the wwesentation of the tro hy 10 Mr, MeLaughlin the Toronto Lilobe states "A burst of. applause greeted His Excellency an he step ped from his box and walked down the strip of red carpet whieh had been Jald over the tansbark of phe Arena to Ionen AM centre of the ving, where Mr, McLaughlin, with his horse gloss Dy wis waiting to re tolte the Cup, eo Parkwood middleweight hunt. er, hg ue, distinguished lself when It took the red ribbon In its class Virst ribbon In ie threestoam ev. i we to R MAL MeLaughlin's team, ela M Riri Phill W, hn, on Sligo, vy § 0 AFAVORUE ANC Will dls Pi pa N | Lhnerick lek, Needless to say the teams were wenn handled, Parkwood horses also took prises In the following events, Aemilius Ju vig Challenge Trophy, Corinthian Class, qualified hunters to be ridden by amat ur member of Hunt Club dn full hy form-and Shardvegue, rid» den ri, W we hs ig wile | Horse--dth, R 8, MeLaugh- in on My Delight, Other. Ontario county horsemen Mio won. prizes at the Royal as fols OWS | Children's pony not exceeding 12 hands, 3 Ins; a ny Jo Baker, Hamp« ton, Ont, on Trixie, od wie Pacer-=1st, Oswald Cowan, 9, on Hazel} 4th, J, Whitney i Orono, on Peter Patch, Batty, well known breeder of Brooklin, won several prises in the heavy horse class! hamely RIT stallion foaled in 1927, on Dowhill Patriot 4th, filly fealed in 1929, on Crescent Halma 7th, mare foaled n 1928 on Crescent Phyllis, . Duff & Son, of Myrtle Station, won 2nd: prize on stallion foaled in 1926 with Birdgebank Marauder and Jed on mare foaled in 1928, with an unnamed entry, Nelson Wank 7th in the stallie with Royal Aberdeen, oh n the ! mare class with Lady Royal, In the percheron d alo this dis triet did remarkably well, Oscar Wik son, of Brougham, came Sth a tals tion foaled previous to 1936 a N ih nson, of Markham _-- ith lou Brann other divisions are as fol Rambaslst, PF. B, Glagpell, Hamp: ton, Wool, medium combing==A, Ayre, Hampton, first, ' Low combing=3th, A. Ayre, Hamp: | on "aarse or Common and Brald=-1st, F, B, Glaspell, Hampton and A, Ayre, Hampton, : arket Swine==Barrow Yarkshire, i of Claremont, eam n foaled in ig d ass COMMUNITY Crestwood Tray ( ROUP POONA f diaper forks .. § dinner kalves 4 butter apreaders 1 pastry server ., 10,00 7.00 4.80 FELT BRO 028 | 14:1b, At Royal Winter Fair AT CONVENTION ORANGE LODGES FETE WORKERS FOR NEW TEMPLE FUND Orangemen and Loyal True| Blues of City Gather at Monster Banquet PRESENTATION MADE a Mrs. W. Hubbell and Mrs. R. Adrey Receive Gifts for Work in Raising New Temple Fund Last night u DANG ue was given by the combined Orange and Lady Orange lodges of the elty, The banquet was held in the Ros tury Hall on Centre Ht, The pure pose of the benguet was to show appreciation for the work done by the members of the Qrange temple { bullding fund, After having partaken of u very | | Pleasing repast, the Chalrman Hiro, M, P EVELEIGH Manager of the Oshawa Yaundry and Dry Cleaning Co, Jad, who has Ln returned from attending the Kieventh Annual Convention of the Kastern Canadian Laune dryowners' Association, Birch Cliff Realtor Succumbs in Office Bireh ci, Nov. 20=Traclng an odor of escaping gan Lo Lhe lets ter=slot in the door of Midney Nal« mon's real estate oMoe, Polles Cons stable John Brown of the local foree aut 6 am, Munday forced an entrance and found Mr, Balmon aaphyxiated, Piva hours previously, at 1 am, PC, Brown, on his beat, exchanged an word of greeting with Mr, Hal mon, who waa then locking the of flea door, At 6 o'clock the eons stable smelled the gas, and, enters Ing the oMoe by way of u beauty parlor next door, found the man dead, A note addressed to Mra, Balmon and her daughter, the contents of whieh have not yet been divulged, was found in Bunlmon's pooket, An Englishman, he was very well known In the loeality, having heen in business for about twelve years, After examination hy Dr, ¥E, Q, Des mary, tha body was vemoved to Cobhiediok 's funeral parlors, and It 18 possible that an Inquest will be held, Graham, of N, Sunder bacon type, 8th, G, N Sunderland, Barrow, cross hired Graham, Sunderland Pen=7th, G, N, land, Pen=drd, G, N land, Mr, Graham alse took second prive In the winter wheat class with samp» les of Dawson's Golden Chaff vars lety The Oren Creamery, of Orono ranked in the first prize group for salted 14:0h, butter and ranked first in the second prige group for salted box Mrs, Ethel M, King, Cannington, and Audrey Cowan, of Orono, ranks ed Sth and 6th In the daley butter, Prizes In the cattle division were as follows: Jersey bull, senior calf, and, James Hragg and Sons, of Eig ley Sth, WW, D. Thompson, Brooks fin, on Dreaming Noble, Hull under twelve months, 7th, WV, 0D, Thompson, Breoklin, on Dream ing Nable, Guernseys,' Junlor calf, 2nd, J, Mill. gan and Sons, Cannington, on Cairn at Orion Vieter; 7th on Calrnport ween May's Prince Bull, two years and under, 2nd ) Milligan Cannington, Tull three vears and over, dnd, J Min and Sons, Cannington, Jd, G Graham, Graham, Sunders J, Andrews opened hy proposing a loast to the King, This was re- sponded te by those present who sang "God Mave the King" The Chalrman then wave his opening remarks und thanked those present fur the Inrge attendance which wan much Inrger than expected, there being more than two hundred present, He thanked the ladies In partiewiny for making the banquel BUCh A BUOoONS, Bro, Wm, Johnston then amused those present with several humor ous sony which werg very well received, The Chalrman then proposed a toust to the various orange lodges, This toss! was replied to hy Mrs, WW, Oougherty, Vast Grand Chaplain of Ontario, Mrs, Dough erty expressed much surprise wut helng nuked to speak and sald that she had been lgnorant of the banquet until Sunday evening, Whe alo expressed thanks for the Ine vitation and her pleasure In the banquet, Funds For Temple The Chairman stated that the reason they were gathered was to show appreciatiion of those who took part In securing funds to build the Orange temple, He made special mention of two ladies who had done some wonderful work, These ladies were, Mrs, W, Hub bell and ire, KR, Adrey, These ludies were each given a gift in wppreciation for thelp services Mayor 1, J, Mitehull, mada the presentation to the Indies, He sala that It was a pleasure to be press unt aL sueh a worthy affair, Ho stated that when one had been partaking of such « wonderful re past it wan difficult to belleve that there were families In the elty practionlly starving and he re quested that what food was left over, he given to neady families, He wished them every success In the bullding of thelr new hall, Mrs, Hubbell and Ms, Adrey replied to tha Mayor by thanking the Orangemen and expressed great surprise and joy at thely une expected gifts, The Ohalrman then presented Wor, Bro, Bateman with a xola ring, The Chalrman stated that it was a wonderful work that Mr Dateman had done an campaign manager of the fund and on hes halt of the other members of the lodge he expressed great thanks to Mr, Bateman, Mr, Bateman thanked them and Alko expresnad surprise at hin gift The remainder of the evening was spent in a social manner and in dancing, the affaly being brought to an end late at night with "The King. " A new florist op ha bet opened on Simcoe street south and {a show Ing a nlee display of flowers, ---- " Tnterlor Improvements have heen edmpleted In the Mank of Commerce Building, formerly the Standard Bank Building, for that Most In. timate Gift PLATE in the hdd HO many people do not reas lise the exquisite tts which may be obtained in pliverware, Here we offer, for ypur approval, this mo: deralatia Crestwood Berv: fag Tray and the fashion able New Deauville: ailves ware in Community Plas, In keeping with the latest fn furniture and decorative schemes, it will add a» ooh aorful touch to any table or room, RRR 18 Simcoe Nt, Soulh Oshawa, Ontario " Ratablished 19d "Buy Where Satisfaction 18 & Certainty" Coming Events -------- 8 Conta por word each ine sertion, Minimum charge tor each insertion, B8¢ UARE AND ROUND, (RR 24, Nive (123b) CENTRE Thurs 2.40, (13%) 'MAVEL TALK ILLUSTRATED with one hundred lantern slides by Rev, ¥, J, Maxwell in 8t, An drew's Church, Tuesday, Nov 26th, & pam, Tloketa 2be, (110-3138:1238:134) iT, GEORGR'S CHURCH GUILD tea and sale of work Wednes day, November 2%, % to & pm (121.184) VLDSTIME SQUARE AND ROUND dancing RBrooklin Town. Hall, Tuesaday, November 26th, Rear jo Glbson and his Orchestra pulay prices, Everybody web come, Under the supervision of Col, P, J, Ralne, (134a) tUMMAGE SALR UNDER THE auspioes of Ladies' Ald in BL Andrew's Chureh basement, Thursday, Nov, 28 at 8 pm, (124b) DANCE AT ST, GRRUGORY'S Hall Wednesday, November 37. featuring J. Wilson Jardine's Orchestra of Toronto, Dancing from % until 1, Admission $1.50 DANCE, dance,s Albert Street Hall, Albert 8t, 'Tuesaday, Nov, Orchestra Bob Woods Bells, 200, ANNUAL NARAAR Ntraet Uniteq Chureh, day, November 28 at per couple, Viscount Willingdon, governors general of Canada, Iv shown - the vight presenting (0 RK, NB, Mes Lnghtin of Oshawa the awsrd won PRESENTED WITH TROPHY "wan carrying on by the Intter's. horse "Devek", which was adjudged the hest throes yoarsold bred in Canada shown nt the Royal Winter Faly, OSHAWA BOYS NEED GUIDANCE; ROTARY SPEAKER DECIARES Mack Soanes Suggests Or. ganization To Foster De- velopment of Adoles- cent Youths need of un association of men to foster u club for Oshawa boys between the ages of thirteen wd elgtheen, Mack Soanes, In charge of the Boys' Work Committee, pre sented a splendid und thought pro voking address tao members of the Rotary Club at its regular luncheon held in Velsh's Parlors, yesterday noon, A large number of Rotarians were present at the meeting indicat ing that the club Is still anxlous tn defent the Lockport Rotarians of U SA for th record Mr, Soanes who has been associat ed with boys "work in the elty for al most twenty years, pald high tribute to the scout organteation In the elty They provided a training which was highly desirable for boys between the apes of ten and fourteen, he pointed oul Hut hevond that age there was no undenominationn! organleation In Oshawa which was In a position tn a helping hand 10 the growing hov, he elalmed With reference to the Doys* Club whieh existed in the elty prior to the if the Great War, the speak or declared that this was ah organiza tion which had done mueh good te loon! boys, Former members of the elub, of whom had heen une dersprivileged to be found oc CUPVIRE prominent positions in many wilks of life he erred, Not a few had served thelr country oversens, some never (oo return, During the course of the war and since that time no such elub had been in existence he stated, The Boys" Work commitiee of the Rotary Club had ascertained that there were now JJ00 boys in Oshawa hotween the ames of 7 and 12, Mi Soanes declared, le mentioned the fact that an association had been formed with C, M, Mundy, President of the Mundy-Goodfellow Co, as chairman, to foster the Boy Scout Movement in the elty and he was convineed that this erganization could do meh good for the development ol boys of soout ane, [twas to be hoped that In the near future w similar association would be formed to look after the interests of the boy between scout age and mat hood, President George Tart expressed appreciation for the address of Ro tarion Soanes and affirmed that the Rotary Club was willing to do all in is power to back up an assoelation along the lines which he had suggest od Mavor I, 0, Mitchell that the Rotary Club be represented on the proposed community wellare assdelation, Jack Young was then unanimously eloated Ao this position, City News SPECIAL NEAMN on ARKNA Npeolal wooden heams are now hein built to support the roof of Oshawa's new arena, Tho work of constructing thin fine large bullding has proceeded with res markable rapidity and ther a every Indleation Mat the arena may he ready for opening on Jans wary 1, THAW MELTN SNOW Oshawa and dintriot experienos od a thaw thie morning and the ahow han 'been walling fast, The wenther of recent date had been unusually cold and (ha thaw was therefore expected, It will no douht be welcomed by those whe have coal bind ta keep filled, TO PRESENT TRAVEL WALK Rev. v Ji Maxwell, pastor of st. Andrew's United Church, who last summer personally conducted a tour through Great Hritaln and many countries of Rurope ia mn sorting an {Nustrated travelstalk in Bt, Andrew's Churoh tonight, He will carry his hoavers by word plotures to Knaland, Reotland, Hol and, Germany, Switserland, Italy wand France, while the talk will be enhanced hy the showing of over 100 splendid lantern wildes, Stressing thi attendance Hive opening « sone were 3 requested One local industry follows the ox ample of the =uble schools and als ows » (ning recess for ity enw wh on The recess in said to be ap MRS. E. GRIGGS 10 BE PRESIDENT HUMANE SOCIETY Annual Meeting Held In Council Chambers Last Night he Oshuwn "Hunan thelr annual meeting in the Counell Chamber last evening there being fnie siged crowd In attendance, Fhe vleation of oMeers took place and th following were appointed, President, Mrs, KB, Grlgg Vreasurer, Harry Lander; Secretary, Mr, A Lobhan, here was also appointed a tempor ary committee clegted to carry on the work of the soclety until the next meeting whieh is scheduled to take place on December 3rd and wt whieh the usual committees will be struck, This committee consists of the following members: Mrs, K, J eles, Dr, K, J hirley, Capt, Rov, § CC, Jarvert, Mes, RB, Smith, Mis, N Baird, Mrs, M, Kelley, Inspect or Nelson read his annual report of the activities in the city of Oshawa which was unanimously adopted, Sev eral letters were read and will be considered at the special meeting on Deeember Jed, Among them are one complaining that there 8 no plage where people coming to the city from the gountry can tie their horses in # shed and asking that one be built Another compiled that the Pound of the Humane Soelety was not fu fit state to keep antmmis in during the winter months and asking that bo made habitable, There will also he gonsidered at this special meet in the means and ways of raising funds to carry on this bhraveh of the Soclety In Oshawa, 1t Is hoped that thare will he a large representation of the publie at this meeting, It has not yet been deelded where it will be held but a notkee will he given In the press within a few days BOWMANVILLE MAN DENIES AGREEING 10 BUY APPLES Ji H, McEwen Claims That He Was Misquoted In Recent Court Case Soelety heli N Jo H, MeEwon, of Bowmanville, has anked The Times to make a correction In an Hem which ap peared in The Times on October 30 concerning a pollea court case in whieh Mr, MoNwen was the plains HIE and Frank Anderson, of Dows manville, the defendant, Mr, Molwen stated tht he was wrongly quoted In the tem, which wld that he had an agreement with Anderson's mother-in-law for the purchase of a quantity of apples, He Informed The Times that he had made no such 'agreamont with the Indy In question, Mr, MeEwen atated that a quantity of apples had been ploked and put in his barrels by the defondant's family, and when he had looked at them he found that they had been ploked before they ware ripe, and had stated that he could not buy them, He then emptied them into other barrels at the requést of Anders son's motherdnslaw, Following this tnoldant; Anderson had spoken to MoKwen and used allegedly threatening language, but the Janta of threatening was dismisses ad Rolle o oourt, Tm-- The city's police station has heen used for almost a half century, There have been many changes in the force but the station ix practically the sane as it was when Oshawa was little more than a good sized village, 3 POSITION WANTED ww EXPERI enced general office girl and hooks k ry bi 2UR3F, (120) R WED SIFTING room ~ gentlemen, New home on Centre St, No children, Apply Rox 420 Times, (1340) CHOICR INT, NEW then large rooms, oak floors, fire Place, eleotrlo fixtures, heated, all conveniences, Simcoe north, Ap My Box 388 Times, (1340) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY REFUSED TO NAME BOOTLFGGER, GETS See-------- David Hall Convicted on Liquor Charge--Con« tempt of Court David Hall sppoared™ before Magistrate Willis In pollee coprt this morning to Answer a charge of having Yquor fn an legal place, Acoused pleaded gullly but stead tantly vafused to tel) the eourt where he got the Mquor which he the street in a quart milk hottle,, He told the dourt that he would rather take i sentence than give sway the man who had supplied him with the Hguor, The bench thought that Mall was subject to an extra pen: ality If he did not give the requires od evidence hut still the prisoner vafused (o tell where he came by th Hauer, D, A, J, Bwanson, who win defonding, maintained that the nooused was not obllned to tell the oourt sll they wanted to know, The Manistrate stated that IL was his duty to enfores tho act concerning lguor and he Intended doing no, He therafore sentenced Hull to i months in the county jall at Whit by on the charge, and two months more for refusing to tell the court where he wot Aho Hquor LAUNPRYOWNFRY WILL BENEFIT BY RESEARCH WORK E. P. Eveleigh Attended Con. vention in Montreal Where Problems Were Discussed Evelaigh, of the Oshawa Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co, Iad,, has Just returned from a convention held In Montrea], where over 100 delegates of the Induss try assembled to study the probs Jems inoldent to thelr business and to devise methods whereby a hotter porvice oan he offered the Cangs dian houswife to rolleve her of the drudgery of the weekly washing, The occasion was the eleventh annbal gathoring of the Kastern Canadian Laundryowners' Associ. tion, whioh is representative of nearly all commercial laundries from Halifax to Winnipes, Although practioally fn ita In faney, the laundry Industry in Cans ada represonts Klightly over #80. 000,000 eapital Investment, - ems ploying over 14,000 men and wo men and showing a srowth af over Eg P plant and equipment during the Past ten years, Despite its success, the industry Is hy no moans résting on this ree ord, but 18 continually stfiving, through its Assoolation, to better! the quality of Its work and its] gorvice to the publie, As an indi eation of thin was the appearance on the program of Dr, H, M, Tory, head of the National Rosearch Council of Canada, as the feature speaker of the convention, who has offored to the laundryowners of the Dominion, an opportunity to take ndvantage of the faollities for research work which has now heen got up by the Dominion Governs ment, Dr, Tory's suggestion was that the laundryowners form a commits tee of the best teohnieallystrained men In the laundry business, to confor with him on the problems of the Industry and to deviae means whereby work could be bes gun toward thelr solution, The Association was qulok to selse this opportunity, and a committes has already beon appointed to confer further with Dr, Tory, This places the laundry business smongst the most up-to-date and progressive Industries in Qanada, for It lx ineveasingly ovident that in order to keep pace with the growing demand on the part of the Canadian publie for quality work, it In necessary to be always on tho alert to develop better mes thods of production, Hy thelr membership in this Awe soolation, your local laundrymen will reflect thesa new develops ments by further improved service to the housewife, Agnes Street Woman Hurt in Auto Crash On Simcoe Street W-------- Mre, William Cardinal, of Agnes street, received nasty cuts about the face and head when the car in which sho was a passenger ool Med with another at the corner of Sineoe street north and Elgin street about ten o'clock on Saturday night, Miss Cardinal was thrown clear out of the car, by the force of the collision and the nature of her injuries necessitas ted her removal to the General how tal, She was @ passenger fn an aw tomobile being driven south on Sine street by Edward Sills, of Sd Front street, Qihawa, when ho ats tempted to make turn onto Elgin street cake, and odifded with another p driven by Ronald MeKinnon, 430 Ml ag street, this eity ho police were called and made an investigation, but no arrests fol lowed as it was thought that the orash was waily due to tho dey cons dition of the street at that thine Miss Cardinal whe being attended by Dry Archer Rrown was reported to y hreclateds be doing nicely this morning, » HEAVIER SENTENCE] Dean Dewitt of Victoria Presents Splendid Address On Industrial Research ELECTED PRESIDENT |W, J, Dunlop, Director of University Extension and H. J, McLaughlin of U. of T, Alumni Federation Al so Speak Before Gathere ing BANQUET PROVES BRILLIANT AFFAIR | Scholarship Proposed for | M, I BIRCHARD, Who was last night elected Prosi. dent of the Oshawa and Distriet Branch of the University of Tos ronta Alumna, -------------------------------- BOND STREET MAY BECOME A MAIN Work Comm wel On Ex tens!on of Thoroughfare Westward -- To Tap Important District Hond street, one black north King street and running parallel, may some day become one of the main trae arteries of Osawa, The city 1s growing and will continue to grow lurge population Hes inva newly devel aped section west of Oshawa creek, and north of King street, There is no street connecting this rapidly ex panding district with the heart of the ety, other than King street, which ns part of the Kingston highway is al ready oversburdened with truffie, Bit the city council {8 looking to the fu ture and netlon is being taken to ex tend Hond street west fram MeMil lan Drive, aeross the creek to tap this new and Important residential dis triet, 400 per cent In enpital Investod in | lon has nid ol progress is helng the new road west and along the old right-ofsway of the Foronta ang Eastern Railway, It is probable that a bridge will be built in the near fus ture, connecting the old and new seq | Hong of Bond street It han been pointed out ta Times that when the bridge in com pleted mugh of the present traffic congestion on King street west will be relleved, Locu! trafic may use this thoroughfare in preference to mingling with the through trafic on the A My The extension of Hond street to the west means an Jdnereased importance for it, In the opinion of many, For one block east and west It Is ineluded in the olty's business seetion and leads past two large buildings now under construction, the parts and service bullding of General Motors of Cans ada, Ltd, and the new Oshawa Arena, Work on the t exten | been commenced and with the the steam shovel {ml nde In building {of Oshawa ereek, I'he Pulp Men Confer Montreal, Representatives of the pulp and paper interests were in conference here today with Pre. mies G, MH, Ferguson of Ontarie and L, A, Tascherean of Quebeo, in regard to the future of the in. dustry as affected by the mueh dias oupsed price question, Hoth pre- miera reached Montreal today, TRAFFIC ARTERY This District = Officers Are Elected for the Come ing Year With E, R. Birchard, President Declaring that any government which permitted mdustries to receive tariff protection without forcing them spend an adequate amount of money In industrial research was commiting a crime against the young miknhood of Canada, Professor Nore man W, Dewitt, Dean of Arts of Vietoria College, University of Tors onto,-presented an idseresting and ens lightening address to members of the Oshaws and Distriet Branch of the Umiversity of Toronto Alumni at thelr inna! banguet held in the Masonig Hall, lust might, Dean Dewitt's ads dress might well be entitled "History and Industrial Ressareh™ and jt was ven inn way whieh Proved much ood for thought, It sparkled with and humor, & faculty with which | th worthy professor seems well ens | dowed, Only In comparatively recent times had men seriously applied themselves to problems of rescarch In industry the speaker declared, By tracing hiss tory from ancient te modern times he showed that men had been painfully slow in making selentifio discoveries and adopting them to the needs of industry, For exumple hg cited the nse of the horse, For genturies it had been bred simply for pUrpOREN of war before it was ever used in trans portation Dean Dewltd did not believe in the popular theory that the Roman Kms pire had fallen heoatwe of moral cors rantlon, "Uhis was but » symptom, he stated, The root of Rome's trouble wis that it did not have suffielent apital to care for the business whieh it had created, It lacked paper curs reney av other form of eredit exchange here was no system of banking and people herded their gold, silver and copper money thus remeys ing 1t from elrenlation, Rome could not expand and went into decay I'he industrial pesearch laboratoties, malntained in the United States, had done mugh 10 Increase HA supremasy in the industria] field, Dean Dewitt declared, He referred to the Melon Institute, malatained In connection with the University of Pittsburg and elalmed that through it inventions had been made which meant millions of dollars to American industry, Gers (Continued on page 10) IV] wit Former Brooklin Man Passes in Toronto Ena----orSe After an ness of five days, J, 1, Jeffery, formerly of Reach towns ship and a son of the late William Jaffery, of Hrookln, died at his home, 48 Galley Avenue, Toronto, lant Friday, The deceased had moved to Toronto ne A YOURE man and had entered the General Pos Office, where ha had heen a mem» ber of the staff for 40 years, He had a high record of effiolenoy as offteer in charge of the British and foreign mall service, Deceased wan Past Master of 8b, John's, No, 760 AF, & AM, * torla Lodge, 1.0L, No, 88%; N.G., Albert Lodge, No, 104, 1,04 Toronto Encampment No. 8, ani PDDGE, of the Encampment Distriet, i] Realdes hin widow, a slater and brother in Brooklin survive, : "PUBLIC MEETING WEDNESDAY, N Come and hear this devoted of the Founder Under the Auspices of the China Inland Mission Simcoe St. United Church : OV, 27th, 8 p.m, Speaker: Dr. Howard Taylor medical Lay. the son of the Mision ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED

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