Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, | ANAL RLLLS" where L £ SS uger 929 PATE NINE AAAS, RRIED $ . Seller CTION = RIDIN 3) CONANT & ARIS BARRISTERS 5 rs pw Public fie : 4 yane an eneral oractice w Bimooe #it th, Lay ans 4 0° Dy odour BA, LLB, A FP A yA BA L » H only, B.A ¥ v . H. Soligitor, Notary Public, Convey: sncer Money to loan, Third ra new "! Building. Opposite Post ) ffi 0 Hi y Ge ¢ T in 4 AN, BA =~ rister, Solicitor, Notary' Publie, Con- vevancer. Money to lonn. Office 14 King fit, East, Oshawa, Phone 44 Residene i Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Ho, ete. Office aver Standard Bank, Hufrapce Simcoe St. Phone: 14, J. ¥. Grierson, K.0,, T. K, Creighton, B.A, N. OC Yrasor, B.A, A AN, STER, Solicitor, Notary, 4 Sh lo No -y over shane hr north, Phone o. Residence PA A A visters, otc. Money to Joan. Alger Bla . Opposite fom Bice Fone 1 ¥ g R , BAR risters, Solleltors, etc, 24%4 Simcoe tN, Phone 3160, Money to loan 4 HALL, BA, BARRIS. ter, oto, Conveyaneing and geners ractice. 22% King St. East, hone 8887, : Ly (Lf) | 13 McRAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR on, Accougher, Office and resi. dence, King Eust, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94, Dit, HAROL , TRICK, IST. clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and di. seases of women, Two years' post raduate experience, Office and rem ence 1607 Simeoe St. Ni, (cor. Brock) hone 30, , IR, GRA oF SICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants end children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1155 DR. B, I. HAZLEWOOD, P'YSI clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro theopy, Office, Disn. s+ Block, Phene 20%), Offic. open 9 am" 1pm Residence 161 King Eakt, Phone 2416 DR DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM . R C P and S, Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St. N Phone X20 residence 16) King St. E. Phone 3155 I ARCHER BROWN, MD, L R C. P & S Edinburgh. Physician Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at. tention to maternity work and dis eases of children. Office and resi dence, 185 Simcoe St North: - Phone 3107, I i ---- PRET WT OAR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and residence, 612 Simcoe street north, Phone $4150, ~ (Oct, 9-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F ) BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation und treatment of diseases of car, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made Ww! drug store, [Phone 9 Eye, Ear, Nose and oat PREF RICHARDSON, OFFICE over (Mitchell's Drug Store, Hours 10 to 12 am. 2 to § Evenings by appointment, Office phone ) Residence 432] Dental R. S. 1. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: sett's. Special attantion to X-rav: work. Gas extraction Nurse in at tendance. Phone 959. House }312 RH M COOKE, U SIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's Drug Store .Gas for exiraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, | id oxvien gas for extra, toma, Office o oval Bank Blde Phoné 948, residence, 1378M DR. 1. CK. DENT 6 Simcoe St N, over "Dewland's Phone 1987 Res 202W. Evenings by nointment, : DR. W. HG Regent Theatre Bldg, Re idence 6h Phone 1780 LaNGN H A Dentists, 87 King St. E. Special at" tention to mas extraction and Xeray work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1 MY and RA bo Architects «. C STENHOUSE --~ GENERAL Ttectural - work. Second. floor Dans Bulldum, Phone 1496 8. pao ate arisen * Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONTRETE electric or alterations Phone 18 'or estimates (13) Coat Repairing OFT RRADY FOR WINTER=-- Gants overcoats repaired and al tored, ladies' fur conta vellned and . ""Talloring' repaired A aren npinge), Ca material made up, liver, Phone*800 and dellve Ton 3 mecoe St. 8 King St W. (over SECOND ANE DEALER. ND HAND © . niture tought and tg 18 St Kast. Phone 1617M, ( Furrier FURS REPAIRED AND RE modelled. Fur coi ¢ et Measure Boor | factory to wearer priced. Mes Hicks 299), 143 rings. Sie orb onl \ Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH AR wo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub divisions, tow, , Slanning. municipal engineers, 5 pr 411 King CURE BURIAL TO. East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sim. y tvireet north, Phones 210] who 87 Celina street, hawa, Bluse street, Ambulance, Insurance DRYIS ND SON, TNVORANCE. 19 King St. welt, Oshawa, The eld est Fire Agency In Oshawa, 30 Re nutahl nies. consult R, N, Johps, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance Wants at tended to and your Interests pro- tec ransportation man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists fn furniture moving, storage ware house and moving ven equipment, Phone 83. UJ ' sand and. cinders, Local and distans handing. Phone 3048 anid 20602F, Smith and Cox, 387 King St, OSHAWA'S A lished furniture movers, ear age, Local and long _ distance, Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park Ri South, Phone 210, Nov, 16-1 mo) EAGLE CARTERS AND LONG distance mavers, satisfaction juatun, teed, quick service, cheapest in Osh awa, Phone us first, 2 (Oct, 29:1 mo. 202, NEW DUMP Ti « Ts: DIB lock, Grayel, sand and cinders, cart age, 215 Bloor St, E, Oshawa, Phone 9W. _ (Nov,6:1' mo.) CANTAGH, "MOVING, "GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Phone 2021M, Chris Graham, 870 Verdun Road, (Nov, «1 month) STAB: Park Road » L of this nature, and collect for same. All Classified Advertising 'Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of sxpense and loss arisifig from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenget who will receive the advertisement \ ms -- "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results . Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT J Repl Estate for Sale fe 7 CORPORATION of Trenton, frame house and bara, Apply to Weaver, Jackman & Co, Trenton, Box p64, (124m) NEW BOLD" BRICK MODERN home, must be sold at a big sac ritice, Owner moved to Toronto, Bix lovely rooms, Hardwood floors, Hot water heating, open Yire place, $4500 for qulak sale, Bee Holden p2 Simcoe N, 871W, , (124h) Watch Repairing eA N. EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repalr shop a Ws King Street West, Your pat ronage is solieited Beauty Parlors PETTY LOU PERMAWENT wave, Special $5 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampoo $1. Facial 75¢ Hair éutth g 25¢. Phone 2968 or 86 Simcoe North, Work Wanted AE-UPHOLSTERING CHESTER fields made to order. We save you money, Estimates free, G. A. Con stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1503), (5611 EXP T MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham: poo $1, Phone 201 has WATSONS EA 7 AND eauty Shop, 9 Celing St, We spe ciplize 'In ladies' hair cutting, mar cellingy shampooing, facials Maree) ) gents, For appointments phone 1689, Nov, 12-1 mo. ho Building Supplies FOR SALE = SAND GRAVEI stone and black lpam, $160 a vd For qunlity and service 'phong Is sery Hros. 332 ring 11 A TINMENT BLOCKS FON SALT Good aand and gravel, To insure Jrompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date, W, Bor fowdal.e Phone 1618, Music PUPILS ACCEITED TN VOUAL fastructions, Mrs, (Dr) Grant Berry, Phone 1165. (Nov, 2-1 mo) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conseryatory, To ronto) pupils 'orepared for all exams Oshawa, . Wednesday, 92 Simeoe SI North. Phone 2754F (129.11) MRE, T. WOCKLEY PA pane, will accept pupils for sing ng, volce culture, ote. Phone 1904, 288 Bruce St, Nov, 2-F mo) " 0 RIC v Ly Re A My, Director of Music, Oshawa Cokegl ate and Puble Sehools, Studio, 20 Wektmoreland, Phone 2034), ha Nov, 10-1 mo) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 88 Elgin St. E, Plone 730M, Nov.+14:1 mo.) adio ce RADIO BERVICE AND ACCES: wories, Repairs on electric and battery sets, Tubes and batteries tested, Datterfes recharged, rental supplied $1, Phane 1046J, Charles Whales, 146 Elgin B | Nov, 4-1 mo) FAADIO SWRVICY AND REPAIRS 10 all makes of sets, old sets re modelled. power tubes added by a radiotrielan, No charge for inspection, Phone 383 R 1 1, (Nov, 1-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents. If ren tal supplied $1. Ratteries repaired Stan Blidgon, 20 Mi'l St Phone 18806 W, (Nov, 12-1 mo) DATTERIES CHARGED AND DE- livered 7060, rental 2hc, and the entire electrical system of car re paired, ¥04 Oshawa Hivd Phoua d1128W, Nav, 12-1mo) WE Do mony HREMATRE TO rars and trucks, Also general wondwork. W, Fry, 40 Dond wes JUpen evenings, (Nov, 14-1 mo) EXPREWT SKATE SHARPENING oil stone finish, at Menko's shoe repair shop 92 Simcoe St, north, Corner Willlam: 8t, West, (Nov, 21+1 mo) Public Stenogrephér WARTE M, HILTON, 77 §TMOOR street north, Phone 1600. Special rates Yor malling Mats and clreniar work, Nov, 26-1 mo) TURTAIO STENOORAPHY AND bookkeeping, Moderate prices, Phone 912), (Nov, 21-1 mo,) a Home Cooked Meats BNGLIEA HOME "MADE PORR ples, steak and kidney nies, Hot or gold, brawn, cakes and pastries, ete, eto. Frank Drakes, 21. Maple street, Phone 2872F, (7781) Room and Board FIRST CLASS ROOM AND Board for gentleman with all modern conveniences, Central, 17 Ritson RJ N. (122) Auctioneer PHONE 7 W. 1. SULTEY auctioneer, oe Si. 8 We can sell vous, odd places of furniture and Other articles at our vards. 41 King St W. Oshawa Ontarie. one 2593M (Oct, 25-Nov, 25) For Exchange $7000 FQUITY IN GROOM BV, House, central, all conveniences with cash for exchange on small house. Rox 326, Times, (122) Wanted to Rent Simcoe Street 8» : Caulking WAVE ALL CREVICES AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves 'fuel, tha cost is small, Free estimates. J, H, Law: son, R.R. No. 8 Oshawa, Phone 723-18, (Nov, 4-1 mo) "Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS A rhanger, painting and. grainin ices right, work nteed. pH) Pine A hous %dbw or Ww. ! (731) A. G TURNER, PAINTER AND Paperhanger, Only first class work aranteed;' 20 vears "experience rices reasonable, Phone ' W, av, 16 y to QTY AND FARM ROANS TRO: eres an Oa & eld. atte ete. Alger RM. hE he PERT sR erations, oto. All kinde a tana YAR an nn A 16% Sim: soe Soutl RIES a ol WANTED --~ TWO OR THREE warm furnished rooms, two beds, central. Moderate, Apply' Box 337, (122) Times, W sted OMPANION ~~ HRLF, Middle aged lady or high school rl, References pequirdd, Apply #4 filam 8t, East, ' (1380) and Found {ONT ==" NONDAY -- MORNIN ady's wrist watoh, name and ad- dress on back, valued as keepsake, Pinder Please veturn to 18 Col borne St. West, Reward. (194d) MONEY FOUND MONDAY OWN: er anply Groemetaria, 174 Ritsan as South, : Rm ge | Position Wanted STEADY NAN WANTS "WORK on farm. Phone 986M, Osha 1 CPERTRN d) TRMET sigra work by year on farm, Appl t Rowlands, RR. Ne. 2, € Se Phone 1827011, x (128 CAPA NLT GIRL DRSITES vOsh tien minding children or Fwark., Apply 43 Albany Vahawa. : ' \ » hoy 0 Ltd, pianos, new and used planus a ------ Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slubs, $3.50 bor loud, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meck Limited Apr, 20011 A Ll AN CU terius Phone Also radios, arranged, L668J, (111400) MOVING "SALE OT BICYCLES bicycle stock, and automobile tires Big reddetion, cash or terms, Every: thing must pe sold, 82 King Stree) west, : (Oct, 29:1 mea. FOR™RALE -- TWE-CONDITIONKI sewing mochines at bargain prices, $3 monthly, Guaranteed repairs for all makes of machines, Hem stitohing & specialty, 10¢ a yard Singer Shop, 46 King B5t, Wes Roy Norton, manhger, A (1211) Li Y'8 WARM WINTER COAT, midnight blue, large black fur cuffs ang collar, Hire 44 to #40, Good as new, $10, Phone 1424), LY (133) GENTLEMAN'S OVERCOA'] Phone 2862 (1241) CHEAD, latest wodels; Apply C, Trull, ON1 in good condition $J FOR FALE == OROAN, Apply 640 Hortop Avenue, Phone 2028, (1220) ER eA. ADR --- Help Wanted--Female CEARN SHORTHAND AND Touch Typing at home 1n ten weeks Simplified system, Typewriter sup plied, Sample lesson free Write Dominion School Telegraphy, limited, l'oronto, GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAI Apply 32 King Street, 0 mand (1240) Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot YOU CAN BUY HARDWOOD flooring now for only 8c a fom Freight pald on $10 orders. All end and side matched Easy to lav. Yuu can db the work voursell We tell vou how, Send for free eircular, Hall iday, Box 311, Hamilton. Building Material Specialists Pets and Live Stock FOR BALE=GERMAN POLICE dog, male, good walehdog, Cheap. Phone 267TH, (123bh) MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in a certain mort gage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be oftered for sale, hy public auction on Wednesday, November 27, 1929, at 2 o'clock pm, by A, C, Lyoett, Auctioneer, a twosstorey brick ven. eer house, contalning three-plece bath, with oak floors and chestnut trim downstairs and fir floors and trim upstairs, eleotri¢ mantel and asphalt roofy Dimenplons of house, 19 ft, by 42 ft, property known as 101 Arlington Avenue, In the elty of Oshawg, County of Ontario, "All apd singdlar that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and balng In the City of Oah- Awa, County of Ontario, and being eomposed of the whole of lot No, 86, according to a plan regiatered in the Reglatry Office for the Qoun- ty of Ontario, at Whitby, as num: ber 188," There ts also a semi-de- tached garage In rear, Terms ten cent, of the purchase money to 9 pald down at the time of sale, the balance to be paid on the terms and conditions to be then ma known, The sale, fa being made Subjedt to a rese bid, Persons desiring an inspection of the pro. perty, prior to the abave date and requiring further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to Mesars. Greer & Humphreys barristers, 244 Simoo# Bt, N., Oshawa, Tele- phone 3160, (120-122-122-134) 3 Wi Auction Sale \ war AUCTION SALE~HAVING RE. oely {ngtructions from FF, J, Cleménts gn sell by Ruble auttioh ongeasion 3, t u bon ar Domi Sth, 1999 at ene a'tlock sharp, Thirty-five {Araki iad per oe farifan 3 milk rows and a number of year): ng Durhum Stookers, These cows jf Mere bought at Campbellford and tine * bunoh, ty of 'them Holsteins & few part Jerseys and Dap # tested for T.R. Terms hrea montha, Credit on cows. alx maathg on stockers at per annum with persons approved jolnt neles. hw ¥ an exceptional Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, For Rent roUit AND 7IVD ROONED MOD orn suites, including electric refrig eration, etove, Isnpdry, oconveni ences, ote.; continuous hot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co Ltd., mapsger Lor owner, Toons. ) brick, 'conyeniences, hardwood floors, electric - fixtures, newly decorated, rl fon, ¥ BE Briana Lowes PP #1 Elgin ob TG RENT--AVARTMENT, . CEN- tral, 4 rooms and bhth, steam hit, fully equipped kitchen, linen and clothes closets, Apply owner Box iia FOR RENT « THREW ROOMS heated, }ardwood tloors, wired for elactrig Stove, Apply morniag only, 268 Grooms Ave, or phone 1398, ) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, new home, hardwood floors, every convenignce, Apply 350 Division 3 ) T0 RENT~SIX ROOM BRICK house, all conveniences, 7 acres of number one garden land, double gar- age, hen house, between Whithy and Oshawa on Highway one blogk from school, Apply Louls Levene, Phone 21, Whithy, (122¢) TO RENT-THREE UNFURNISH- ed rooms, hot water heating, 583 Mary St, phone 413], (122¢) APARTMENT FOR RENT == Three rooms, Copvenlences, Prive ate entrance, Possession Dee, 12, Apply 45 Louisa street, (128¢) TWO CLEAN CONVRNIENT, TUR: nigshed rooms for ight housekeep- Ing Apply 134 Alles Bt, Phone 2440, (12ah) ROOM TO RENT FOR GENTLE. man to share with another, Close to Motors Phone 1867), 1 Times, (128¢) BIX Eleotrie FOR RENT MODERN roomed briek house, stove, fixtures and garage, Apply 142 Ritson Road Bouth, (144¢) TWOTATARTMENTH FOR RENT, Newly furnisied, One large ving room, breakfast room and kitchen, three plece bath, private entrance, Also house for rent, five rooms, three place bath, newly decorated very large living room, hardwood floors downstairs, furnace and large gae rage, Phone T30W (138¢e) FOR RENT--2 UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, Ap- ply 810 Alles St (1240) TO RENT GARAGE, RENT reasonable, Apply 78 Hond street wont, 4 (1840) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS downstairs, #hone 1302M, (124¢) TWO NICE WARM HOUSES FOR rent, Apply 118 Prince St (1241) TWO ROOMS TO RENT, NEW home, cheap, Phone 1412M (124¢) Wi HAVE ON MODERN three room apartment, including Fl eetrie refrigerator and electric stove, and water free, Vacant today, Call at Casa Loma, Apt, 2, 161 King St Bagh. (124¢) FURNISHED ROOM FOR MAR ried couple or two gentlemen with hreafasts For Information, Phone 13871 (124¢) TO RENT MODKRNLY equipped six~room home hard. wood throughout, Bpecial eleetri tal fixtures inside and out, Storm wigdows and garage, Phone IRTOW, Apply 188 Melaughlin Divd,, or 60 Greta St, (1380) STUCCO COTTAGE TO RENT ON Cromwell Avenue, four rooms good onllar, Phone 388 r 24, (1320) Ot ey Hélp--Wanted Male COLLWCTOR WANTED, GOOD opportunity for right man with nid established firm, Good wages, Btoady werk, Apply 460 King west, (1240) Naat Lt ES NU aa Nursing PRACTICAL "NUNEE OPEN TOR engagements, Maternity or general nursing, Charges moderate, Phone TAN, (132¢) Auction Sale ---- AUCTION .SALE=-HAVING RE. ceived ifustructiona to sell at 108 Olive Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario, on Wednoaday Nov, 27, 1929, at 2 a. sharp, the store fixtures of eter Porayke estate, three section show oare, 'marble topped counter, 2 small counters, wall case with 18 drawers, till, bread case, tables and chairs, sino topped counter, International counter scales, toledo counter nonles, cash register, type. writer, MoCaskey register, coffee grinder, refrigerator 10x6xd, 18 foot butcher counter, buteher block, MoCankey system, player plane. with walnut cabinet of muaio rolls, Other things too numerous to mens tion, Terms cash, W, J, Sulley, Auctioneer, (128h) Certain kinds of sickness are pro. duced by a fall in the stook markets, Tape worms, we suppose, would head the lste=Strajford Beacon-Herald, Architect Whitney, Warren said at a recent dinner in New York: "Purope sneered once at American art, but the tables are turned now, "An Anterican arehii ot disembark. ed at Southar.oton, and on the train ride to Waterloo he fell asleep, But He whistle of the engine awaken hin as the train passed through W ing, and he stared out at the town's architectural horrors and said: a Good heavens, what is this?" 'This is Woking" said an Eng: Yshman, 4 "The Xwmerie: + leaned badk and shut his eves again, He muttered: nn "HF this 1s Woking, fet me dream again, a pig - Rates for Classified Ads. | First insertion---114 cents per word, Minimum charge 80e¢, Pach subsequent consecn: tive insertion 10 per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first {nsertions (thgpe cents a word), Minimum eharge for three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 100 additional Professional or Nusiness Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 wordy or loss; 10 conte a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS CONT LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 8b Ask for Classified Ad Department ASK COLLABORATION ON SINGAPORE BASE Dominions' Secretary Says No Change in Policy Has Beén Made London, Nov, 26,~The Govern: ment had not made any change in policy mn regard to the Singapore naval base, declared Hon, Arthur Ponsonby, under-secretary for the Dominions, replying to attacks on the slowing down of construction, made In Parliament late the other night, Captain A, Eden (Conservative, Warwick and Leamington), declared the Government had not consulted those who contributed so largely and generously to the work, Only Aus tralia and New Zealand had been informed, though the base was a mat ter of great concern to the colonies in the Far East, He asked Mr, Pons sonby to undertake that no further steps 'would be made either to delay, postpone or speed up work, without the closest collaboration with every part. of the Empire' at every step, Mr, Ponsonby replied the Govern ment welcomed the opportunity to clear up the matter, The Dominions had, generally, been consulted on a quite unprecedented scale by the pres sent Imperial Government, h des clared, He denied there was any change in policy and sald the Gove ernment had merely indicated that provisional steps might have to be taken in view of the possible even tualities, namely the decision of the fivespower naval conference meeting in London soon, Australia and New Zealand had been informed but not consulted, Mr, Ponsonby continued, He prom ised that Hong Kong, the Federated Mulay States. and the Dominions would be drawn into full consultation when a decision was made=il and when it was madealter the naval conference, He would certainly give assurance that no steps would be tas ken without the elosest collaboration, because the closest collaboration was going on new, The Government de- Sired that the Empire should act as a whole in any future decisions, He feft the various parts of the Empire had no cause for complaint DIPHTHERIA CONQUERED Vancouver, B.C, Nov, 20-=Appar- ently diphtheria has been conquered where advantage is taken of present day medical Knowledge, it was res vealed ut a meeting of a commission which is engaged in making a survey of hospital accommodation and res quirements here, "Many Canadian cities have coms pletely eliminated diphtheria by the use of prophylaxis," it was stated, Surprise wad expressed that many cases of the disease were found here, Proper use of prophylaxis here would mean that at least ane floor of the infectious ward id be closed, the commissioners said, "Diphtheria is the most serious dis- case a child can have, particularly from the point of view of after-efs fects, and the preventative, which is quite painless, may be administered at fram twelve to fifteen months of age," it was state "It means the elimination of death Late from diphtheria," declared Dr, . T\ MacEachern, former superin. tendent of the Vancoyver General Hospital and now directing the hos- pital standardization movement in het nited States, Wiliam H. Walsh, hospital consultant of Chicago, maintained that it was up to the medical profes: sion to tell the public. of the value of toxoid, fi A course, there are always peo- ple of belligerent Keas, and if they will not conform, the law should stop in for the protection of the 'major ity"! Walsh stated. "The whale Jtheopy of organized soejety is that one must conform to tions de- signed for the good o commun in Dry A, K Haywod, sifperintendent of the Montreal General Hospital is & tiember of the ssion, SON 70 HANG FOR FATHER'S MURDER Jury Finds Winnipeg Man Guilty After Debating All Night Winnipeg, Nov, 23,=John Pasow: ety was yesterday sentenced by Mr, Justice Taylor to hang on Feb, 21, 1930, after a 'jury had found him wilty of the murder of his father, I'he Jury retired at 6 o'clock Thurs« day night and brought in their vers dict yesterday morning, When the jury announced its vers dict a slight flush rose to the cheeks of Pasowesty but otherwise he aps peared unmoved, During the course of the trial, which lasted three days, statements made by the ncecused were filed ns evidence by which John adgritted he had shot hig father apd gave details which coincided with evs {dane of the nolice Pasowesty, from thie witness box, testified his mother had told' him how she had shot his father and had taken the gun to pieces and had hidden it, He statdd his mother had requested him to say he had done the shooting and tale the Wlame and she would get him off He had made his alleged confession to shield his mother Under eross-examination he stuck losely to his story, As soon as the evidence had been completed, hismother, who had been here na a witness since Nov, 11, left for her home near Shelho. without walting to hear a verdiet, LAW 4S CHECKED CHICKEN THIEVING Convictions Fo! wed More Than 90 Per Cent. of Arrests Loronig, Nov, &3=0ut of 141 pro ccutions, 128 convictions of chicken thicves have been made throughout the pravinee up to Oct, 31, it was diss closed yesterday by Gen, V, A 5, Williams, commissioner of provincial police, in a memorandum to Hon Jahn 5, Martin, provincial minister ol WEriciture Officials saw In the number of cons vhetions a wratiiying reflection on the effectiveness of the law passed aut thy last session of the legislature require ing all carters of poultry to carry In a notebook full particulars regarding the fow!l they carry in thelr trucks or wagons, The above figures show that convictions were registered in re than YW per cont, of the cases, A full tabulation of the figures shows that of the 128 convictions, 04 brought terms of imprisonment to {the offenders, 24 resulted in fines, and tions were made, ten cases were dis missed and three withdrawn, I'hese figures, it was stated, repres sented a general improvement of the situation, It was pointed out that magistrates generally were realizing more keenly the seriousness of this offence and were imposing prison terms, though some still were cons tent merely to levy a fine, --- mi SOCIABLE (Albany Gazette) Employment Manager And do you drink Applicant we Why, thanks, it's certainly niee of you; Ill take mine straight, dAling i" gonofel'InET AEL THE WORLD A CAGE The two small brothers were abed, They had been lving very stil when their mother entered the room to sa "wood night" Michael, 5 vears old, asked "Mother, why do we have a sky " Before his mother could answer, Joyearsold John explained: "To keep ni ------ the birds in, of course LIONS ARE ACTIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA Farms in the Mafeking Dis- trict Terrorized by Beasts Johannesburg, South Afriea, Nov, 26.-It has been reported from Mafeking that Hons have been roaming around West Ranch and a number of farms In the Bitagoll district have been visited by thew, They have been devouring lve stock on the farms and at least one native boy has fallen a vies tim to the lons, Two native boys happened to be on the veldt in a very bushy part between Haltpan and. Grootswein, when they suddenly came upon a lon, be animal hounded to- wards thew, The elder of the two boys succeeded in climbing a tree in time to save himeelf but the other was unable to do so apd was immediately attacked by the lion, which. feasted upon the unfortun~ ate youth, It was some consider- able time before the elder boy could leave his place of coneonl- ment and glve Information, The natives in the district, it Is sald, are too frightened to give any aeslstance to those wiriving to lo« cate the Hons and put an end to thelr ralds, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Athi The Eyes In Modern Lie Optometry Feature Service Your Eves snd Health Eve Care and Eye Strain 4 Disney Block 7%, 1516 Phone 1414 Sp -- . -- SS DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Colina St, Phone 1089 Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance Youl MOTOR LOANN AND DIS COUNTS LID, Felt Block Room 6 I'hone 8790 Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales JIMITED 00 Stmooe St, §, hove woe ATR Fuel is required. Overhead of overhead expense in any Can- adian building, whether it is~fac- tory, school or home, . The modern way to get down. . i this overhead ia b tion with TEN/T Its application can save you one- third of your present coal bill each year, In most cases the first year's saving pays for the job. It can be efficiently applied by anyone. Care, not skill, is what is Oshawa Lumber: COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 one of the largest items Rroper insula- } { ¥ i

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