Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 4

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iii {PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 yd Oshawa a Baily Cimes rw oma DAILY REFORMER (Established 1971) . published every aftarpoor and legal holideys. 8 we ny: Limited) bros aR Alloway, Bes Daily Times is 0 bir of the Cans in the Pally Newspapers As Canadisn Ontario Provine) Poller and the or Clveulations IPTION RATES { 106 0 week Hy mall in Cansde (outskle Osha dolivaby Himite), $4.00 » year; United States RL TORONTO OFFICE 7 Bond Building, 66 [emperanss Bliest, Telephone Adelaide 0107 H D Tre y, representative REPRESENTATIVES INV 8, Powers and Stone, Ins. New York and Chisago SARE i --- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 THE SOLDIERS' PARLIAMENT The annual Dominion Convention of the Canadian Legion, being held this week mi Regina, Sask, Is an important gathering of citlaens 'of Canada, Drawn from ily peovinge mn the Dominien, the delegates to this canveation reprgscit the exesoryied fen of Canada a aiwhole, for the Legion wal dormed by an amalgamation of all the soldier organizations whigh eglsted dn Canada prior the yeur 1928 Whan'the Canadian Leglon speaks through Its Dos inher eonvention, It speaks with 'authority and cons vietlom Ig deliberations arc of an important char "neter, for they deal with matters which are of great Ladmontent 48 the future welfaze of the Dominton, Just as they sought to serve Canada and the Kmplre in imu of war, so the Leglonnalres are seeking te serve thelr country In time of peace, While many of the problems being discussed are of a type' peeulinr to ex-serviee men and their welfare, the Legon has on muel broader viewpoint than thal, It ls concerned with many other matters which mean much to Cans adn, even although they are not directly related to the work of caring for the men, the widows and dependents An Instance of this is found in the efforts" of the Legion to stimulate Empire relationships, When the Biennial Conference of the British Empire Service League, embracing evary dominion within the Js pite, was held at London, England, last July, that was one of the chief subjects discussed, And the recommendations of that conference, # made effeer tive, would have a strong bearing on stich problems as Empire trade und Empire migration, These res commendations gwill provide ample field for slon at the Regina convention of the Legion, and it is likely that some constructive policies will arise from these discussions, Perhaps the greatest reason for the success of the Loglon has heen the wanity and the reasonuble nus ture of its views on all matters, This has been ap- parent in all that it has undertaken to do since its inception, and it will, doubtless, again be apparent in the deliberations of this week's convention at Re- gina, So long as the Legion continues that policy, it will continue to have the support of all citizens of Canada whe fee! that the Dominion still owes a debt of gratitude to its heroic wartime defenders disabled ex-serviee discuss A HUMAN INDUSTRY The new buildings of the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute ave vapidly nearing completion, ant in & Tew weeks the whole of the addition which oost appriximately $300,000 to build and equip for the 5 aeryloe of the young people of the city, will be ready wfor occupation and fermal opening, With this addi "flen, the.city of Oshawa has an institution of which Jt can well be proud, Equipped in the most modern "manner, {t affords a place of education for about 1,100 young people, the boys and girls who will be the men and women of the future, Tn some respects, the Oshawa Colleglate and Voeas tiopal Institute resembles a huge industry, an indus. try "which takes the human raw material, the boys and girls, and turns out the finished product, either ready for further processing in the universities and colleges, or to take their places In the business, coms mercial or industrial lie of the community and the Waukee: This is an interesting viewpoint from which to eons toa sider a great educational institution, yet the parallel is there, The principal is really the managing direes wy She an on whose shoulders falls the rexponsis b Nabil directing the activities of the institution se that its product may not be marred in the making Below are the departinental divisions of the industry, the commercial, academie and vocational divisions WHICA cach play their part In turning out the finished product, And in cach department there are the fores mei, the specialists at the head of thew, and the workers, the staft of teachers who bring their skill and knowledge and understanding to bear upon the raw aiaterial which is set befove them: And, in due course of time, this human industry sends out its products to face the appraisal of a critical world, The managing directorship of such an institution 1s a position of great responsibility, and the Oshawa "Board of Kdagatlon ix fortunate that a man of the Spend academic and administrative qualities of A, E. Q'Neill, the present principal, fs occupying this position during this Important period of development of the school, A position of this kind calls for mere than miere academic qualifications, To be the head of this industry, with all its adininistrative ramifis cations, Teyuires a man of mare Judgment, a wan who hay the ability to de ting and get things done, and a man who is gifted with level-headed qualities "of commen sense, And, 30 long as there is a man of this type in the managing director's chair, the citizens of Oshawa aeed have no fear as to the sues ceastul operation of this, the city's great human hie dustry, " GENERAL MOTORS DIVERSITY OF INTEREST r--------r An wrtiele under "Investment and Finance" In the Literary Digest tells of the launching Inte the radio ficdd by General Motors, whieh will mean the lake Ing up of the radio with the setomoblle, two cory, the Cadillag and Lusalle being designed fof yadio In« stpllation 'Ihe palley of Geners) Mott fi to gnter Into every industry whieh appels to it, writes D, C, Forbes in the New York American sud the acquibitlon of a huge radlp goneern I hut another step, The glant corporation, it is stated, has begome u huge Industrial Investment trust, As thers Is sn expanding unit of the gorporation now established In $t, Catharines, the following «esume of the various enterprises of the company Is of interests "General Motors ls rapidly becoming In reality an Investment trusty only what It is ueguiving 1s divers sified new Industries, not merely shares In enters prises not gontrolled by it, wo "Thi polley of expAnBIon and diversification Is only i! Its Infancy, General Motors' plans are not confined to motor companies and accessories, hut sre extremely elastic, "Unknown to the publie, General Motors Is making a fortune out of Ethyl gas, , "General Motors' aviation operations and rgmifiens tions ure being greatly broadened, Dendlx has branched out, Fokker Is loaded up with orders, and substantial profits sre counted upon from alreraft ace tivities from now on, "The Dernler Corporation of Amerlea hag been Ins corporated to manufacture flylng-boats under the deslgn and the patents of Dornier the German organs lention whieh launched u ship which oarried 169 souls, This move Is characteristic of what those behind General Motars have In mind In the way of spreading out, "Television Is unother field In which Gens eral Motors means to become a leading factor, lis view is that Television will make. strides equalling those already made by radio, "Frigilalre, the General Motors adjunct supplying domestic refrigeration Is having the best year In its history, It Is proving w very valuable money-muker, "General. Motors already ranks as fourth lurgept elogtrieal "enterprise In the United States = with ts Deleon Night and a hundred and one other things ems bodying electrielty" here feature about the accumulation and augmentation of capital required by such u gl gantle undertaking as General Motors, It Is the matter of researgh and Invention, Money ls avaliable for experiments which will fmprove radio reception and In fact every product which the campany manu- factures, The wutomoblle shows what can be done by progressive Improvement year to year, and that same progress will apply to radio, electric refrigeras thon, aviation and other Industires --8St, Standard, novel In unother Catharines A MONTH TO CHRISTMAS Ihe 1929 is rapidly drawing to a cloge, Al ready, eleven months of it have passed by, antl now Vear it Is only a month to the Joyous season of Christ Only four -more weeks until that mueh-heralds for most folks, It Is hard to bes lieve that it is #0 near, walts for and the end of the year Is not far away, It may take Just a Nite wore courage than usual for some people to look forward to the Christmas season with its brightness and happiness, but those who have been more fortuifate must not forget those kindly deeds which are a part of the spleit of Chris mas, that spirit whieh grew out of the greatest gly ing that was ever given to humanity, There Is so great a tendency, in the midst of the Joy and the glamour of Christmas, to forget that it is a celebration for that wonderful gift to suffering mankind, and forget that the Christmas spirit can best be exemplified by deeds In keeping with that gift, deeds which will help to make the season brighter and sweeter for those who might have no real Joy In it otherwise, In spite of any temporary depression which may the experience of some people, that season which Is now only four weeks away should be one of helping those who are une able to help themselves, and it would indeed be u strange world if that obligation were corfipletely overlooked, mas ed season Is here, and yet there 80 much to do in that four weeks, but time no one, EDITORIAL NOTES The opportunities of a Nfetime usually come under a very effective disgulse, ew of the really successful men stand at the door for an hour saying they must go, ---- Lhe cont of keeping up appearances la.usually a great deal more than it is warth, The wverage man wants to buy his experience in votall guantities, but at wholesale rates. ---- Therg in really orl ng wrong with the man whey is more exeited when Ns car won't run than he is when his wife bv wick, Et -------- Doctors have a fiom belief that there are many people wha think it i wgainat the law to eall 'them before midnight, Ly An autpmobile helps a great many people to see the world, and some of them to see the next world as well, There are two kinds of people dn the world, « those who think it is going te the dogs, and those who are too bugy to worry about it, ~ -- The inepease in acroplane crashes indicates that the aeroplane fs fast becoming a real rival of the aus tomobile, w---------- The eternal triangle of the sexes han been the cause of many tragedies, but the most deadly tris angle of all {x composed of liquor, fMlvver agd cers oney The editor of the Ottawa Journal has foeelved a complaint that there fs not enough in his paper, And yet Ahere are other dolks who try their hardbst to keop things out of the paper, Mayor McBride finds fault with Toronto university students because they are not hoosters for Taronte, Rut perhaps they can't help comping it with thair own home towns, . Other Editor's Comments a -- TARIFY AND TAX (Dos Moines, 16, Roginter) One other interesting phase of 4 fg tax argument about the tlex ible terift Felgen i" that it treats the, terift 4 don't ul ways done, of hn very vouliatio torts when applied to the taedft, It gots deeper jut the tape hu the term protestion gets, « Vor while the purpose be not revenue primarily but protestom agai foreigh goods in our market, What it somen inevitably 1s Jo tnx: in, o our. peo A phe H marke Wi mE of thd Lax Amy or the blk of ft, into the poekets and hands of another part of aur people. pon wy THE WHEAT vOOL, (Yamfiton Herald) Now that the stock situation hus cleaved up und been explained, wheat will stand on Wy own ground, and that ground looks protty solid, Mubstantinl purchases wore made by seaboard houwes, It was stated, and we may soon ex pect the seaward trend of the wlooks lying in the elevators of the wont, Canada has vital Interests at Winke In the wheat elevators and the results of the wheat pool, Justitiontion of the ploley follow. 6d menus much to the nation ss 4 whole, Nut IL means more as an Indication of reliable judgment on the part of the pool directors than mere gain, Their judgment IW not to be expected always to fake the same course, PROFITABLE USE OF LEINURY (Muint John Telegraph) The question of a right use of lelsurs 1s receiving a groat deal of attention in the Uniteq Htates People huve muoh move leisure time than in former years, when there wus w longer working day It 1s the {mo when, people have the opportunity to make a cons tribution te community welfare oy lo devole themselves to that whieh debiittates rather than uplifts, The search for excitement or for new impressions too often leads to vies and orime, even among people whone life backgroud should offer the promise of high nehieve ment, IL 1s In thelr Jelsure time people may familiarise themselves with the best. in literature and art, and may add thelr contribu tion to that which benefits the community in which they lve; or it may be the time a foollsh or wasteful use of which makes von ditions for themselves and others less In keeping with the higher ideals of human life | Bits of Humor | CONNEQUENTLY "I have less dread of influenza than of Its consequences," "Yeu, 1 haven't paid my last do tor's bill either." Traveler: Portér: why is the enginesr hlowing those long drawn Jut hlaats of the whistle? Porter George: Guess, dat's the startin' whistle fo' de race orossin', suh, QUITE CORRECT (For Willlam Times-Journal) Teacher: Now, Perkins, tell me which month has 28 days In It Perkins: They all have (Mostiqgue Charlerol) UNTHINKABLE (London Hunllay Express) "Oreat musicians do not vom mit orimes," nays a writer They know that If they went to prison they wonld ha forced to have thelr hair out, FOR UNIONS (Detroit News) "Say pat" "What's on your mind now?!" "I woo that there In to he aunlon oftureh wervice tomorrow It that intended especially for labor organ isationu?" Mra, COharr (proudly): "After my old man had been Nehting with your old man, the doctor put six stitoher In your old man" Mra, Blogr: "That's nothing When the doctor saw your old man he wald, 'Haw anyone here got a gawing machine'?" --- Rastua "Wha' fo' you all looks in' wo unnecessary, Mowe!" "A feels lke a dumb Rasta: "A dumb owl? Noy, veal your moeunin'." Moae: "Al, Jest hoot," re don' give a IT OFTEN HAPPENS The Mayor hurried In to the ga thering, «nd exclaimed upologets foally: 'I am sorry to have kept Fou walting, but 1 have been ad dressing a hoard meeting" "I ean quite belleve that it war!" sald a volee from the erowd, =Cynle, Soma of the gang had thered and were talking ahout "the good old dave," and In the course of the ohat Charlie Chaplin remarkable to Poug, Falvhanks: "Nome one told. me that when You were on the speaking stage Jou took a oraok at Shakespearian roles, and that the erowd hooted yon, "That's a dam le!" Doug de: fended himself, "There wax no crowd," forega El EC ET 1 The Glory of Gods=And the Wold wus mado flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld hiv glory. the glory as of the only be. aotten of the Father,) full «of atace and truthy- John 1:14, Prayen Teach me, my God and King In all things Thee to see, to de 0 de | | ture and often Bits of Verse to be free of George Crosbie, editor of the Cork (Treland) Examiner, nays! THAT cluution complete Irish scenery hing a fuss for the visitor that 1s mystery to the average Tishman, Hs friendly ragged ness," as Thaokerny described mM, sirikos ut once the imagination of the stranger ond ie charm permes nto Lhe wholes lund, for the genial wtmosphers 1s averywhers und the iuslve and bhellbant colouring that In the despair of wrilsis Is as bonus titul along every mila of our roads a8 In Clengarrift' oy Glendalough, Our const seenopry-=and the Lovd Menows we Bnve enough OF Massed In wiviKing contrast to the Weoral that is usually ween from the deck of a diner, Traland in essentially the Jand of drvesms mand talvies, No wone der IC dnwplrod Bponser to a postie offort that still remains a nlgua mastorplece, A feature of Tratand spill unex plored and full 'of mystery are our ruined Abbeyw For agen Lhey ware centres of 'netivities of thought and lenrning, "They shone Hke beacon Mghtn nhove the turs moll of those hloody and angry centuries, Thay have stood as they stand todny, swiice Jamey the most lenrned fool in Christendom velins od noross Lhe sea, Hiripped of root and ornament, open to the railing und blasts of the Hmitless Atlan the, they remain still hesutiful Round them He the bones of pesr and eavligknight and peasant, and fn 8 verdant spot of Ite own, 1s boundary onavka In most fostanees have long disappes red, nro gather at the memhers of the Gommunity The only chant Wited to the A) mighty within the confines of these Abbaye, whom they were built to prajse und serve, 18 the maollow note of the full throated thrush he quiet of the sanctuary still en folds them The oarvinegs on the stones ara Hitle Injured by nge or wonther, and are got a Joy to the fartistio soul In me instances they haar the identifleption mark that distinenished the hand that worked them and what manner of mon feshijoned them and what im nlements did they use Vor member they wore valsed In what wo know us the dark ares Booka wore than so prectous that the ons or two Miginls owned he'the Com munity were chained to the Chanel walls, that epoch memhng of the eholr tn turn may read his nortion of the office; an pnertire throu=h the massive stone dividing aneh seat was cut to permit tes passing from hand to hand All round these oulpt ololsters raved the battle of Hie In tha world out ite, mare hloody porhang than WW doen today but ne more passionnte or unrelsnting Just » immavy shia nn thay do now they remain od fmuassive to lin "hy neatead God and hewed ont slones to Mis honor and glory that still hold Tor permond re In ordey orm us 8 vigil to nov of them must sOOLh the most temnest nous sont, an Inveluntarily In those hallowed procinets. the volee from Heaven I= home In anon you saving ""Nlessed ha the dead that die In the Law! VISIT IIUT OVE OF Tawa SACRED RUINN AND, II" YOU Bhi tonsils Bro foolish not to EVFIE who wes easy for any chance loyer, Whose frequent and ghrill She, findmg death ot last, fret over, here so oddly and still, of the tonsils, laugh rang flaceld folnts are often tual organo the dazed stern for once, Lies Put her away, and put away with he What #he has now of harshness and strength who was Be ulplor Becomes inflexible; fixed of Jorm it Jength, Elgin, 111, ch don clumsy She any who would veer with any pass Ing wind Uh orusty vane is wool now, determined § She Like whe of with rickety ways, Which, und seems=oh, so keeping" In st the thought should he teeth and if the Xray shows them 'wuspijoun,' IL is really clonred of Infection by the above method or If necessary the removal You will remember that painful Hon ailments, Radio Control Of Watches Is Mooted a] signals which would automntienlly rogulate watches in thelr owners pockety Is the objective of exper! monies being conducted by the Ki gin Water Company, Development rudlosconty it perfected, tlonlze the entire selence of times a lagk of up, tite, first, of the | says Frank D, Urle, rapsurch for the company, infeetion dnd the the company a wavelengilh for perimental work, "Phe utlimate gonl, HiLyh, the commerelnl have the tons ls Mr, iL vised (hut radio rocetvers enpahle up slgnuls sent hy mission station whieh would Just them to the precise Anothar possible method, he nlalnen, would he for the forerunners of uc lar vecolver with to which the nected for The Brent nn Nov, | 24-Nadlo gorrecting setting off of hombs, #1 timasplocon, | Intensive, study of radio will revolus ollad in Russie and Coermany, Mr, 1 111 in the labora says, I, ___.. that Is the Paradise crow And her days, Sterling A, ning Yrown In Opportunity By Jomes W Barton, M.D StoiE: For LONG & CG BONDS * oad Office: Reford Bul AND WELLINGTON 918 TORON 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System GRAIN 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 TONSIL PLUGA AND RHEUMA- TINM, It J¢ hard to understand why in@ividugls sufferiug with painful Joints una muscles want to blame the condition on almost everything but what they must suspect is the real caune They will say that they have poen working too hard, have been onting too much food, got a chill Travel The King's Highway when overheated, and so forth, And yat the cause of the trouble In the majority of canes i un poh of tonslls that wre wo 'plugged with wastes thint they do not filter DAILY COACH SERVICES out polsons from surrounding th pues, orf kill off harmful organ fsa, Often, of courns, the painful | joints and muscles can he traced Lo infected teeth, gums, or the sinuses adjoining the nose, Naturally no one wants to un devgo an operation for removal o tonsils not only because of th expense and time, but as the ton wils nro filters they do not wish to | lose them However your physielan will tell Leave AM, d7.00 d7.30 8.30 9.30 10,30 11.30 P.M, 12,30 1.30 2.30 you that It is not always necessary to remove the tonsils fn order to wot rid of the polsons within them I mentioned four cakes of bad ton wile which 1 had referred to a spe elaliot all of which were suffering from painful Joints, muscles, and disinelinaton to work, Two of these cases had the ton sila removed, and the other two hed the little 'plugs' removed, whieh wera filling the erypis or holes In the tonsils and damminn haek polsons which were absorbed into the blood, The surgeon removed thesa tons willar plugs with the ald of 4 alckle shaped knife The litle crypt or oannl was split somewhat and lo dine applied, All four canes were rallaved of thelr symptoms However, when there Is pain In the Joints and muscles, n 'lay' fooling, a slight rise In tempera CAN, TELL ME I LIE, Strain | yo C. NH. TUCK, Opt.D (Qopyright 1) The foregoing articles explain certain Cames which are also cons tributory factors to a case of much greater dimensions and whieh in > "on pe bc wi 1 pomoe cases In lmpoasible to per manently control, This In eross aye, squint or strabismus, One of the greatest handicaps to the future happiness. and prosper ity of a ohild In to be allowed to! grow up with unoorfectad strabis mus or squint Ht In hard for any person x0 handloapped to obtain a | altuntion, harder to do business and harder (0 mix in woelety, This condition usually com menos at the age of two or three YOUrH oF an #oon an the child learne the value of clear vislen, The cannes ave many 'and vgrioun and the result fa the normdl relation between accommodation and eons vergence being disturbed and the weak fuslon faulty cannot rieht tha condition and double vialon Iss LLL The aves may deviate up, out or fn, and comfortable vislon ft obs talned at the expense of the deviat hg eye and the imare In the des viating aye fn suppreased op disres sarded and may in thane he entively Tost through nonsuse, The covrees tion conslate fn eorvesting any ev ting error, vesestabitahing fusion and developing vialon in the none ave, Unon the davelonment of vk wlon and fuarlon the correction ens tively devends and the earliey the treatment 8 commended, the bettep are the Droapyeta of AuccaRm a | | After a oaveful survey of contom porary hurhands, wo feel that & Was man whe shoots her husband can not very well plead insanity «Sau Diego Union, ! ---- Another thing that has puraled us, a Httle, about "succenn stories' fn Why the interviewer Rometimes nae to hunt wp hie subjoet fn a sans Owtft No, 102 $20.00 Other omifits to suit A Reinforced Tube, a, A. Steel Shank Arch Support, S. "Tufsta" reinforcement stretching. 6. Solid Grain Kangaroo leather upper. 7, Patented Chrome Leather from toe to instep. -- ---------- C:- CM: ---- OSHAWA CYCLE WORKS 12 Richmond St. BE, Open Ryontngs yy Waid) 18 King, ot Ay Ww. ftarium oe Dag roit Nowa, o_o os AR Gale Rr Sad tee & Blade of Sheffield Super Steel, Electric welding and band soldering. ROYAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO November 20th to November 28th FARE 8%&c¢ Oshawa (Standard Time) P.M, AM, 3.30 d7.30 4.30 8.30 5.30 9.30 6.3C 10.30 730 11.30 8.30 P.M 9.30 10 30 12.30 1.30 ell 15 2.30 d-=Daily except' Su. day, Leave Toronto PM. 3.30 4.30 5.30 830 7.30 8.30 0 30 10.30 11.30 GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA + Phone 2825 Jutfi ts for fast Hockey ERE'S a high-grade outfit for keen hockey players the skate with the professional "ice-lay," and the shoe with the glovedike fit which together give a hockey player that confident "one-piece" feeling = underfoot, The C.C.M, Special Skate has a" blade of Jessop's Swedish. ore steel, tempered by special C.CiM\ processes to give a shock-resisting body and flinthard razor edge. Try and nick it, Reinforced tube, Try and bend it, all purses, "ey Rivetted to the CCM. No. 281 Pro fessional Hockey Shoe, a firmvankled shoe which, when laced, takes sécure but comfortable grip of heel and instep, Geouine yellow:backed Kangaroo leather, lped with brown kid. "Tufsta® reinforced to prevent stretching, Sweel shank arch support prevents sagging' aod flac feet, Moulded solid leather box toe and counter, Padded patented tongue and chrome leather instep pro- tection, Reinforced eyelet row, An exclusive CCM, Outfit, prevents Protector SKATES and NY [1] OR) BURNS SHOE co. LTD. Cor. King and Simeoy Streats bop 0% cEvE I FOX HARDWARE 15 Simecce ttreet [North tory wtag but shows much promise, director of The fed oral radio commission Link granted produog tion of watches ang clocks wo dos they will essentinlly be of pleking fi eontral trans time, slgnulg to be pleked up by a regus attachment witeh eould he cone PUrPOsEN, wethod wiso would prove of vislue In military operations wuch aw the tiring of torpedoes snd was said, regula ton of thnepleces Is helng made 3 TH AR

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