Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 3

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Mystery Surrounds Rong: To Dynamite Home In Oshawa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 PACE THREE a TU SF RS Thousands Hear Concluding Messages of Evang At King Street United Rev, Georgé 1 Dibble and Mrs, Dibble Address Au- diences at King Street United Church, St. And: rew's and Regent Theatre Yesterday PASTOR VOICES APPRECIATION Campaign Is Thought To Have Done Much Good in Revival of Religious Interest in Oshawa With worvioes ul King Hireet United Chureh, Andrew's Units od Chuvash and hy Regent Theatre, Bunday, Rev, Oeorge Dibble, the singing evangelist, Mrs, Dibble, noted woman preacher, and Mr, Harold Mustaine, accomplished ple nnlst, soncluded a strenuous the weeks @vanegllst eampalgn which they have been conduoting 'n oons nection with King Hireet United Church, Thelr meetings have heen well attended throughout the whole series and It is conservative to say that thonsands have Meten- ed to thelp testimony of the pay. ing power of the Opspel, Not only did Oshawa people flock tot he ser vices but hundreds attended from the neighboring vural distriots and nearby towns and villages, 'hose who were responsible In brigging the evangelists to Oshawa are eon fident (hat the campaign has done much good In reviving an Interest in religion among many who hes come lax In attending to their res Hglous duties To have great erawds of people come mightafter night and nereas ingly large must fndieate a great and deep Interest for the hatter thingy of lite, King At, Ohuroh has been filled to onpneity and large numbers weve unable to get Inside Peopla have come for many miles to heard and enjoy the singing of Gospel songs and 18 gain a despor und fuller knowledge of things spiritual from My, and Mra, Dibble, Al King Bt, Chuveh itwelf lant ove wing the people were coming In crowds at elxin'eloek to make sure of sents, A packed ohureh with hundveds standing and other hans dreds pn the basement and throngs turned 'pWay tndieated, tn a very certain Way, a great daslirs to see! the truglns revenlad by thess wl | inown ake Rev, Geo, and Mys, Dibble cnrry an thely great work of evangelisii hy faith Bnd never enter into an contract whatever ng to Sremuners ption, KElde from wetual expenses, of the campaign, and during thelr work of three weeks hare colleo tions wera lonly taken up tha first week, Whish covered the expenses of the whole campalgn, However, the offering of yorterday was for (Continued on page 12) Ter Card of Thanks Mr, Wid Mrs, Chas, Taylor, 1) Frio Wt, widhe, (a thank friends wind nelghbora, also Dr, Denevan, Dp, MeKibbon and Nurse Camp ball for thely kindess in the recent illness of baby Charlene, (138a) RR TONSILS ADENOIDS If They Bother You=Yot Need wi Our Famous TonsilsAdes nold Tablets HafesPloasant==Reliable Obieiitbis Fim 4 Ady of 8 Ow 2i Hers Two Munda Chil or Adult 78 and no DR. THUNA Ralsam Remedies, Limited CITIZENS' BAND IN FINE CONCERT Mrs, Alex, Colville of Bow- manville Was The Guest Artist The Oshawa Citleens' Hand wan favored with a large audience when it presented its first band concert of the season in the Negent Thea. tre last night, A number of well played weleotions were glven hy the hand, Mrs, Alex Colville, of Bowmenville, helug the guest art Et The hand made a good impress slon in this, ite first local concert appearance #inee the Hummer Rou. son, It has been progressing staadlly since its organisation, and now shows better halanee and ins dieates the good leadership of iis bandmaster, RK, Fountains, (Jeorge Bireham, uw member of the band, was well received In a euphonium golo, "One Vesting Hour," accompanied by the hand, the number being envored, I'he band numbers, overture, "The Cae Ht of Bagdad," by Boleldleu, and intermexso Rococo," hy Von 1, Qaeiner, recelvad special attention Other numbers on the program were the Juirehgs, "Invercargill," by A, PV, Lithgow, and "Anderson Zouaves,"" hy Mackle-Deyar) the overture, "Hohemian Oirl' hy M, WwW, Balte; and the "Danube Waves" walter by J, Ivanoviel, Mrs, Colville's nuinbers neluded "Opying Water," wideh was encor ed with "Love's Old Hweet Hong," and "The Rosary," pre ------y i Many Pay Last Respects To Late Ver non Knight | former frionds und pald thelr final res pects to Vernon "Vimy Knight, well known logal voung man who was drowned In the local harbor early last Thursday moming, when they attended the funeral service which was held from the residence of his mother, 702 Cedar street, 2.30 u'elock yesterday alternos Due to the large number who were present many were unable to enter the house where the service was eondueted but vemained Im reverent attitude upon the trent porch, The Hrotherhoo of Trainmen, Queen ( hy Ladge No, 742 held thely ~ speelal service at the Mansolenmy at the Union Cemetery he ofleeras of this lodge, of which the Urhaya, allway men form a Wart, are Wilsen, resident, G IT Lee, ri and M, MoeGowan, Treasurer, These overs conductud the Tealnmen Seryice, The pallbearers avere 1, St, An drews, i Dainty, HH. Mathersill, VP Young, Fair, 1, O'Connor, RB Md Donald ha IL, , mmons The tralnmen und family wish ta thank the many friends who gave the use of their ears and also for the many floral offerings which were re. ecelved, among which were two wreaths from the Canadas Dredging Company and two Broken Wheels, one irom the Oshawa Lodge and the other from the Toronto lodge, The trackmen and lingmen sent d& beauti ful floral display, The trainmen and family also wish to thank the Police Department for the kind way in whieh they responded to the several roguoests, Mundreds of acquaintances Rallroud "hh 84 Simcoe 3t, South i Has ne connection whatever | with any other shoppe Coal! Coal! Coal! Seoranton Anthracite Coal The Bs the Mins Prods -- £000 I evr on. WARM CLOTHING REAVESTEN FOR NEEDY FAMILIES Women Organize to Help Relieve Distress -- Head- quarters in Times Building With the extra eld snap today there fs 4 renewed demand tor warm clothing of wll kinds, and the wonis en's organizations that is making an effort to supply the needs of Oshawa diillen In this direction would greats WW apprecinte donations ef usable clothing of any kind, There are many families In the city whd wre not ut present In a position to buy warm clothing, aml it Is the purpose of the women who have organiged for this purpose to supply the necds of these families as well us they can This organdeation te making Tis headquarters in The Times bulding where elothing Is being sorted, cleans elathing should be sent to The, Times offices, MEET TUESDAY T0 ORGANIZE FOR WELFARE RELIEF All Organizations Invited to Send Represantatives- To Present Overlapping ------ There will be own Hall, Simcoe street morrow night at eh make turther plans for the a haa Hon ot the various churches, frater nil organizations, service ¢lubs, ote, tor relief und wellare work the dectsion reached at a meeting the special ¢ held Chamber of Hoi on Thursday ol | At the meeting ting thi north, o'dlock Home 1 ul mmities Ike mn CLI tomorrow night | representatives ol gyery a the ity inter | WaHar nid relied tary, Major out nutes to all sted no Why vor Fle Hamilton, of the organizations but i any have in hoped ths invite Times will be sentatives will netin sect has TER IY posable been yisged it ton through 1h cepted und repr present, Phe purpose of th ton ia te gorrelite th individual functioning thelr work ny time or family looked, The un presided over wa New ofan ork UFMRILERTIONS that are nog with u to eu by prevent uid the that na dnd in need of relief Ll view aking nor Hee overlapping il LI mndedng sur vidual In ovel night will Mitchell tuimnorrow he by Muyor TE ITA ving '| Minister, who Is taking # keen interg tablishing voluntary rollel w inl the eity sutisfuctory ha { HON. C. DUNNING IN FINANGE POST On R (Continued from page 1) inet Counell will be held on Tues day afternoon, Meanwhile, ft Is undemtiood, My Dunning has heen definitely welsot ad for the post of Minister of Fin ance, The Minleter of Rallwayas | wad Provipelal Treasurer of Sus katohewan for ten years, In addis tion to which he gave the Naskats ohewan Farmera' Cosoperative movement financial leadership, and latterly has heen engaged with the great task of recasting tha tinans olnl structure of the Canadian Na tlanal Rallways, While My, Dune ning In engrossed with the selus tion of the complicated problems of rallway finance, It iv understood he ta willing to play in any pols tion en the team which the caps tain wants him to play, To follow Mr, Robb, with his record of debt amd taxation reduotions, would be no sineoure for any man, but no one in the Cabinet it hetter qualifis od than My, Dunning to deal with the problems confronting the new eappolally the problem of building wp trade between Cans ada and the Bmplire, Mp, Dunning knows hoth Heltain and Canada, and seems to be the wan of the hour, It he transfers from the Rallwa to the Finance Department, ae now seem fairly certain, Premier King may ask Moni Willlam D, Euler to take over the Rallway Department, Mr, Kuler Is devoted to the cause Wf public ownership, The Prime Minister 1s still turns ng the whole problem over in his mind, and it will not be known for A few days what the tinal disposal tons will be, Coke and Wood W. J. Trick Company LIMITED 28 Albert Street NEW MARTIN THEATRE Mon, Tues, Wed, | ) | All Talking, Singing and Phone 230 & 331 WEN O SUUR gun Supawg and 78 Heantital Givls, ADDED ATTRACTIONS ed and Hatred wnd all donations | to | was fellow | INE Wis the | port to Oshawa TURE il | 1a particularly desived to hive presont | organisation | Hke i heen eanght {toned to the ald uit | the | thi he | of the | | od I gorn wtartivg | anhaequently | Cookuhutt Tribute to City An Interesting tribute to City Enginear W, C, Amith, of Oshawa, wus paid 10 a recent fwsue of the "Mngineering Journal, The reference was In connection with the work which Mr, Bmith did in laying out the walter supply sys tem for the elty of Greater Van. eQuver, n faw years ago, Mr, Smith lef nu party of surveyors which ex plored the whole area around Vans vouver, and Iald out u plan of de velopment which would supply Greater Vancouver, including Vane oouver elty and all the surrounding municipalities, with water, The scheme provides for an adequate wiley supply for a city of two mile lon people, which is the maximum population that Greater Vancouver can pttein due to the mountains which hem ft tu, The article fn the magusing, der soribing the development of this water supply system, quoted the authority of Mr, Bmith In severnl placed, und Indicated that his pos commendations have heen follows od, One interesting reference is to "Plan 1404 =VAnoouver, popy- Smith on Vancouver Work Is Paid in Trade Journal Engineer lurly known us the Chester Hmith Plan," which "affords the best ine formation wh the subject,' I'he article continues, "the metropolitan aren of Vanoouvey wus fortunate In having had sn early report cove aring the thorough development of it waterworks, by stages us the Increasing population might ware rint or demand, It fs evident that the area Iw depending upon the work of W, 0, mith for its waters works development," WwW. MH, Powell, the engineer of the Greater Vanvouver Water Bourd, the author of the article, makes severnl other references Lo Mr, Smith, The work of planning out the water supply for Vaneous ver took threa yeurs, the recom: mendations finally being that two lalien in the mountains be tapped hy subterranean tunnels und war tors used for the city's water sup ply, The project nroused considers abla Interest among the Iarger of tien on the continent at that time, and tha article on the working out of the scheme was glven a proms inent place 1n the Engineering Journal, sey Mysteries of A large erowd of pucple wer oft Krogated about the window of » sor I Yy Slmeoe Ntraet South, Saturday wlternoon, Men and women eraned thei oo In nn elfort to wlan through the window and us egurlosiiy Wostrong charsetoristie of the hu man race, not excluding those who re side In Oshnwa, the erowd kept grow ing wire un the tring | saurmed serambled to get | position where they cond seq 8 ntiracting mttention ol | In lures thon nto what thelr fil the citron What was it that had caught of th byt Could It b wianal display, or pos ino uneeient of great Im Nowlt was simply sliting upon chal Wopermuanent ( oye Passos in wind silly n young lady i and recolving Above her head was hung Appearing with many finger an octopus tn whieh her hale had Fleetrle Hght bulbs fa f the machine in cuted that the current was on and that the hale dressing process was in full blast, Nearby the hau limself, ahxious to ses that ment was proving flectl f wi Hh oquesr machin stood | drepner tre ps Mere Males Iniated Into the Permanent Hut the erowd was nol staring at the | | hastr-drosger AML eyes were glued on | the young lady In the ehalr and hel minching to whieh she seemed Neer ly to be hung by the halr Voedless to the great poreent ape of the wudience wus composed of | minlen, Oshawa men mre quite aware t Bay that thelr wives and daughters, nye und mothers, even grandmothers put vontee these strietly feminine institu tons known as halredressing parlors They have hoard talk of permanents, | winter waves, and finger waves, but had only the remotest idea of what the processes involved Hore howgvoer wi chance to come enlightened by shinply paring | through a store window and watehing | a machine whieh nmsnufactured per | manent WAVER I'he young lady have Leen mharragsed by the large crowd which had been attracted, Dut ft was not dona idle curiosity which attracted | the mere males ta the spot but that | roenlous search for Intelligence whieh | has made Oshawa one of the most | progressive eltfes of Ontario the | municipal politicians will pulot out be He re election day, W ha A ------ Stock Market Markey Nammary A Sk SAK Prices by Canading ress Toronto and New York Stook Quotations Supplied by Mtoble, orl a mn ee, ng and Co, | a og CHICAGO GRAIN Chiongo, 1g, Nov, 30 enced by Argentine reports that gold weather was holding black rust In oheok, wheat underwent de olded wetbuoks In price here today, The market lacked aguresuive sup. port and was more or less affect by advanges In ocean freight rates, Opening % to '%§ up, wheat later showed material breaks all around, Corn, oats and provi alone were lkewline wenker, with WW to Yh lower, and continuing down Inllu ward TORONTO High 1% aw 18% 19 1] bo 134 TEN 11% LER an 23% i TIN 1 4% HN 116% LL) . i Close 40 hy 1 Low 0% 40% 18 194 an took al ned, Cty, Dry, Dis, Bgem, Nom, Nira, ypaam Hy, Wal Hm, Ned It, Nk, It, Pet, Id, Aloh Imp, Oil Lob, 'A" Me, Hr Me, Fret, Mt, Pwr, Pe, Hr, shaw, N, station = 8D Ex F 2 iE - AGE AE ln Qt AD TE UD ee RD AD wT AR SNES ISAS WIENS Io & «7 Rtandand Mines 190 118 200 151 200 1% ud LE) $28 Th0 738 720 (4 {1} Gao Holl, ., bd nad He, O11 1200 1200 Hw, Gold 8&8 80 Hd, ny, 1136 1100 at, Mr, {RH (A LK. 8h, 2000 2000 Nrnda, 2680 2808 8h, Gr, 8M) ane Slavoe a1 33 8d, Ba, n 13 Th, Hx, 20 £10 Vantures 290 apo Wr, Hr, 187 183 Walnwell 10 18 Hw YORK TT = Abana Alax Amulet Nig Mis, Ch, Res, Dim, Mn Faloon, 168 184 a 800 (3 1 e800 528 1200 80 1100 LA) 2000 2804 aso ns LL} hat NE 147 18% i Stok \W Amer, Can Am, Fr, Pr, 10% Anaconda 81 Balt & Ohlo 11% Wh. Can, Pay, 8 Ohrysley Qa, Gy NY, Col, Om Dupont |, | firle Rall Gen, Fda, Gen, Mot, Hud, Met, i, Om - - le TE fn 3 GHG CE Dt wh wl BS be ETEFEC ETE $2 eto oe COW US ew at «i TH TY a Tau 101 W 61 Why 31% LER LR) 86% FER" iS LRA 107% | It Tele, Man 9% a LH) LRA LER aad Nl ih MN ui ALY a LRH a0 167% TOV, 1 Bg (ARM FEE™ 004 Jn, Fao, Wi Mt, Ward 'oore Uo Phil, Pet Ih, Her, NJ, Nadia A) Bin, OH a, ON NJ Utd, Alr, UM, Hteal Woolworth Tas Ts ia | Yallow rk, 11% 114 11% | Money rate 414 per cent | BOYS BREAK INTO LOCAL WAREHOUSE | National | [FRM ay 104 | that The wardhous of the wrocers on Meohanie street was bro ken Into this morning and a guanuty of elgurettes, tubucen, school seribh hlers and other small wares were taken, Tonight the local police had arrested ong 1d yoarsold boy and expect to have the whole gang hy tomorrow, The boys effected an en try by breaking a window and one of thelr number climbed through and handed out the stuff to the other boys, The police, Nguring they would return, were on hand later and one boy was Chugh red-handed, APA \ N OBITUARY § A ARRAN ARR RRNA RAR ASS RR] MRS, FANNIE HATCH After a long illness death on Suns day morning clined Fannie Coe, wis dow of the late Fred Hately form. or prominent \Whithy manufacturer who died last June, The deceaned had lived: practically all her life in \Whithy and had a very large circle of friends, Her father was the founder of Cos Hill mine in the Raneroft distriet The fmmediate relatives are two yom Clive and Russell, both of Whit "he funeral will he held Tuesday afternoon from her late residence on Ryron street south, at 2 pm, fnters ment to the Union cometery rrm-- CARNEGTE-~In loving memory of our dear husband and father Who assed away November 23, 192%, When evening shades are falling And when we are sitting all alone And in eur hearts there comes a longing It you only woulg come home, Every day our thoughts are wans dering To your grave not far away Where they gently lowered body Just one year ago today. Rver remembered hy Wiiew and danghters, Ruby, Kathloen and Rd, | uaa | your | elwlims | achooly | whe | Hive | Bdueation | 0'0look { tarnoon, | constructed to velleve the present COUNTY COUNCIL, | WILLING T0 PAY | PROPER SHARE Oedbb.r@oo Chairman of Education Com- mittee Explajns Position With Reference to Oshawa's Bll Falitor, Os hawk Dally Oshawa, Ont, Denr Sir The County Council which has been In session during the past week In Whithy, have advised a correction of u statement which appeared In your paper of Thursday last, Your correspondent's Interpretation of the Vdueational committee's report eon cerning payment of the education of many i fils Inpresslon The committee on Fdueation did not question the elaim on the grounds that the bill of $425.00 was for wll the pupils in the Children's Shelter, as your reporter stntes, Wi were of the opinton that this Lill win for county pupils only, How aver, In order that we were ussured that we did nol pry unnecessary i counts, we wished to know whene the children. came, before they wer made wards of the Shelter I'he clslm for education was made to the ond of the vear 1929, and felt that It was not eur duty to pay this in ndvance, us soma of these chil dren may not continue te be wird of the Shelter until that date Had thi claim been rece ted to October Ist, 1949, und the former addresses of the children for wham the claim was wade, had been glven it should not have been laid over With regards to the claim Tor the iportionate cost of the wducution ident puplls of Oshpwn olleginte Institute, we had no hes taney in foeomme nding th clad of $8472.71 bg paid One of the duties of the ¥duna tonal Comnities of the County wu Ontario 18 to pay out all proper far the edueation of pupll who attend eolloglute Institutes, high nd eantinuation | da not re In the sam cipulities In whieh the sald ire stunted, but who reside County This also applic to Children' Shelter Helo the elabms have been paid, th h hve been exiimined und If found correct necording 1 tintutes, they ly, I all Wformation has fot b given, further Information hus bee required, n the 0 of the Shel: | ter at Oshawa When the rap Wid br wight Caunell ther the thy Thine iy The Wi pr of nonsreg Ly mun phony th th wy ol however gareiully the mpt have been pald pr rool the committe bef the Co Was no diseus did not go inte whole" « th not eratiund imnty i slom, and "committee of repurt, Wi where your 1 porter regeived his Informution that | the County Counell disputed th elnlm on the grounds that some of thy inmates originally came from Lnhawa We hope that any false impression may be corrected and, that you will thin letter of explanation th Re prominence in Your puper, us you did the article, whieh was head ed "County Council Disputes Oshawa BULY 1 am Yours truly, KD BOWMAN, Chalrman of Edu City News SKATES NTOLEN R, J, Smith of Dowmanvilla re ported to the pollee on Naturday Roma person stole a pale of kates and a pah boots ale ear which was parked In the rear of the Ontario Motor Sales bullding on November the nineteenth between 7.00 and § In the evenlny, CHARGED YW ANSAUVLY Georgy Galmar, Lawrones banck and Sika Stepinae ented this morning hy Detectives Flintoff and MoGee oharged with An Aesanlt sgainet Louls radios, They were each fined ton dollars and costs when they appeared he fore Magistrate Willis in police aourt this morning, CAR DISAPPEARKD NH, Horvington of 182 Ritson Road Routh reported to the police What hiv oar an Kssex Conoh longa number 11.784, aerial A 818-108, wan stolen from Chars len street during & ohureh hervice yeatorday, The oar was paintad black and any pevaon seeing this OAr ol the street i asked to gow munioate with the polles or Mr Herrington at the above address, ATTENDANCE RRCORD An attendance record for all time waa sot by the King street Unitad Sunday School yesterday af when T82 soholars and teachers Were reported at the wes wlon, The attendance on the oor renponding Sulday last year was G08, Laat Sunday saw the setting of a new record for 193%, when 877 were present, but the attend ance yYorterday was the largest in the history of the Sunday School, ATORM SEWER PROGRESS The main 'storm sewer Aion tuba from of Wer were an bhelng storm sewers In the business secs tion, and prevent 10 A EYeAt ox- | tent the flooding of cellars during heavy stormy, f# now neating coms pletian, Parly this week it will reno King street, as It 1a now be. the laid on Celina street, On reach: Ing King street it will eross to the north wide of the street and will then run underneath the sidewalk | to Victoria street, which marks the end of this pleas of work. While wome convenience may be experienced hy trathio on Ring street during thin eperation, Clty Bnginear Smith stated that it was hoped that any necessary trattlo ab | fwavelang wanlkd he far ante shan periods, not mora than halt a day | at the wmost | weeks, « | windows [TRAVEL Windows Broken in Home When Dynamite Explodes Near Front of Building TAT CONVENT JON _ ' Occupants Including Salime Laroeque, Joseph Laroc- que, His Daughter and Kenneth Essery of Tool. ey's Mills, Escape Injury == Cannot Account for Dastardly Attempt POLICE HAVE FOUND NO CLUE Unknown Jealous Lover May Have Performed Deed ~~ Consequences Could Have Been Serious My plarrounds nenrly to dynamite «a Lory thn dinnptron iiempl it 114% elghl house | | Alley M, MCINTYRE HOOD Barrig Mireet shortly Halurday when Joseph Larocgue and daughter with ltter Kenneth Kas o'ulock on Kditor of Oshawa Dally Times, wha | | ehib Is in Heginn, attending the Dos | minlon Convention of the Cann | 9 dan Leglon, which opened thege | 1° hrot na nna of he looley Ihe hawt { wore Amadry iter: Two Weeks of Special Meot- ings To Start Next Sun. day, Dec, lat toy, ry Mills were sitting quietly In front room of hid house, The house was fortunately mi Hot badly domaged although most OF the windows were smashed and Warery's ear which stood ontslds the hou \ Hghtly damaged y wlio, A cont that was left hangs d 1 J | y in the redlstor was torn to whreds the force of the explo N " 0) lon, hree wtloks of the explosive o | ra plneed and had all these ' AAU deton ther would doubtless RY ible conuesguences fallow n I'he next doer ned 1 "rank nt 150 Court st, nlso d with save) I hroki indowsd, although some Lhe the forme near the win hurt and no tout from the of woupania of hou ore Lin HOw nobody nn ule even received ying glug he polled Iy enlled Immediate ul LAA hh Invest wid no clue Wo of orfme, Th wea lnelined to th Intentions the direntey al alime Larocque noes although theory that there affale In connec ime and In whieh Larovgue central figure, Na found for Any pttempl on the Ho wert Lh io Ht (21) tharous Hind the moda bt perpety plogton ution Ihe police howevep theo hat Lhe Ydynumiter wou they Joseph ar who reside fn the there in another might i hth htey 11 ntinuin wltoy un of gy i 1] Wil neting | ' the dav of Joseph wi Tl \ \ might bh the RGN has heen parabn making the live the Froneh rosldents or in your to daninge | theh prope? hare may be L6Wever pomp Jenlon lover, napiring fo) fiand of M, Larvoecque's danghs ter who will ha found responsible of tha eulra At the time ol the explosion Kenneth Hssery of Fooley's Mille wis in the house calling ou the daughter, Hig autos mobile which was oft standing at the curb nn front of the hotse Was Just missed by the stiok of dynes mite which was thrown from hes hind n vearby fenes « and landed betwee tha car snd the hOWsE, The explosion roused the whale wolghborhood anl many. peapls wera soon on the seens hut Rds notlesd any stsplolous Ohi ahout or notloed any Hels on making a potaway from the wane, The police and fire departs menta made a thorough search of fhe suprotinding streets but cowlq find no teach of the person whe threw tha dynamite. Twa othe woke which did not explode w ented in the yard In front of the house, 1° all three wera to have exploded the damage that would awed might. have Iived the police wel wingers who are Wind of work, The! held « vouk lun Neng at ber of speakers cperienaed no thi meetings will hb night except mn the th 15 Satur ands inetd day I, 8 and he '00 LATE TO CLASSIFY PRACTICAL NURSE OPEN CHER onte, Maternity or nursing, Charges moderate, 1M, FOR 8ALK Apply dd JORN, AUC O COTTALR Cromwell Avenue gond osllar, Phong 'on aners! hone | (1838 20) CHEAD Phone (1320) | I'O) RENT ON fouy TOOUIE, gi a rr Md (1280) MODERATELY | home hinds | Special electyl | ORGAN, Hortop Avenue ood y deter ™ RINT equipped wix room wood throughout onl fixtures Inslde and out, aud Navage 1STEW, 1988 Moelaulntin 10 Greta St, WANTED AT ONCE w= salgemen and teu suloslaaiow tween the ages of elghteen thirty years who want to better themualves, Apply Tueaday hes tween 1 and 2 pom, 5868 Bimooe St North {13%%) storm Phone Bivd,, or (dado) TWENTY he have hoon ISIN aud | olalmed wove al state The Times wan talking to Mina WLaroeaue over the. phone this mornfir and she stated that shay [ had no Idea who eould have coms [ mitted tho Outrage "We were ffnat sitting quietly talking whew [ yuddenly the explosion ocourredts and alas Bow in every direction,' she said, "Although wea We geared none of un wera hurt aw wa immediately left the house a tind tha causa of the explosion", ¥ Thin morning the police Wer atill working on the oage but W to the time of going ta Presa » arrests Lad: been mada and tek further had been found in cen nection with the attatn, No mem her of the family have any ides who there 1a who wonld attemps their Hyves and oan Rive no reds! tor the ocourrence at all, B Coming Events # Centa per Wonk each In sertion. Minlmum charge for each insertion, Wo, i} | SQUARE AND ROUND, dance, Albert Street Hall, 811 Albert St, Tuesaday, Nov, 2 Orahestra Rob Woods Rlue Nella. 280, (133b) ANNUAL BARAAR CENTRE Reset United Chuvel, Thums day, November 28 at 32.30, (1340) WHIST DRIVE SON8 OF ENG. land Hall, Tueadny, Nov, 20, § hm, (1384) SHANDR opt COMEDY ny Orono Players mnanity Nall Harmony Comes November 20th, Admission 28¢, ehildven 18¢, (13230) | A MEETING OF THE HUMANE Sooloty will he held in the Qity Hall Monday evening, Nov, 28, pm, Kleetion of olfipers, (1310) | PALE ILLUSTRATED | with one hundred lantern slides hy Rev, © J, Maxwell in St, Ane | draws Qhurol, Thesday, Nov 28th, § JANN Nekote 0, (1101301284134) SIMCOR ST, UNITED COHURON will hold annual supper. Weds nesday, November 37? Tlokets | adults S0¢, children 23¢, (ligaramany i DANCE, LL TROY \apioog! LANL ESE NE "NOW PLAYING _ Al Jolon With the Wonderful Child Actor Davey Lee In Say It With Songs ADDED Charlie Chase In Nnevees Neroen Npapshots aE Nt Nar Talking Snappy

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