Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 12

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS PURCHASE" RESIDENCE Bro! ~~Murk W, Tocker has Jurchind rom John Power the resi fencq uf, 20 Jo8 King Street west, corns er of and Beecher streets, at present occupied by the new owner, A -------- NEW STEEL FENCE ON COL- [to LEGIATE GROUNDS « Belleville.~A handsome Pe fence as been erected to enclose the new Collegiate Institute and Vocational School Grounds, improving the looks of the property very much, ! _ MANY UNEMPLOYED IN 1 SMITH'S FALLS Smith's Falls~Smith Falls is present facing the worst unem ploy: ment situation that has ever aced the town. Several hundred men arg out of work at the present time an the town council has been appealed tn in an effort to provide employment of some form, CAR OVERTURNED Brighton ~Mr, Morgan, local Jum- her dealer of Trenton, had a very narrow escape on Saturday evening fast, when his car overturned on the Consecon road near Carrying Plice, Fortunately Mr, Morgan wis not hurt, PAID FINE AND COSTS Brockville ~A resident of Mallory. town district appesred before Mag- istrate J, Albert Page in police court Thursday morning and paid = fine of $10, with costs of $7, on a charge of publie intoxication, NEW BUILDING ON MAIN STREET Brighton; ~Workmen are busy puts ting in the foundation for the new building being erected by Butler Bros, on Main street, The building when completed; will be used for a work shop, office, garage and covered oil changing station, LINDSAY HAS BOYS' BAND Lindsay. ~Few people in Lindsay perhaps actually realize that Lindsay has a Boys' Band, of a splendid nu- eet for one, Thnesday, however, ET QUALITY COAL the Kiwanis Club had the pleasure of entertaining as guests 25 members of the organization along with their bahdmaster and leader, Mr, Shunk, COUNCIL HOLDS FINAL | Lindsay ~What is called a "statu- meeting of the Council" was held in the council chambers Friday evening This was the last regular meeting for the years All the work of the Council was cleaned up and a clean slate left for the incoming ecounell for 1980, ny -- ELECTED TO COUNCIL Brockyilles~Dr, Clifford RB. Gil- mour, of Winnipeg, son of the late games H. Gilmour, of Brockville, has cen elected a member of th: council d {of the oko of Fhe Royal Cana dian Colle of Physicians and Sur- geons, Dr, Connell, of King- ston, who was on near Spencerville, has also been clected a member ol the council, GEORGE HARPER Port Hope ~The death occurred Wednesday in Cobourg General Hos» pital of George Harper, a farmer, who resided near Centreton, Haldi- mand Township, He was 55 years old and had been In ill health for some time, Mr, Harper i. survive! by his widow, formerly Miss Farr of Cobourg and a family of young chil dren, ABOUT TO END SEASON Brockville ~The Canada Steamship Lines will close thelr package freight gervices for the present season during the next fortnight, the final sailing from Montreal for Sault Ste, Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William being scheduled for next Saturday, The last departure for St, Thomas, Lon. don and Windsor was to-day; that to Cornwall, Kingston, Toronto and Hamilton, November 29, and to Sorel, Three Rivers and Quebec on Novem ber 27. TUXIS ORGANIZE Broekyille ~The Pioneer Tuxis Square is engaged in helping to or ganize & new C, S, ET, group in Cardinal, to be known as the Cardi nal Tuxis Square. Godfrey Fawkes, Arnold Pitt and Arnold Froom, all members of the loeal square Monday evening of this week to ut. tend the Royal Winter Fair at Tos ronto; as winners of the recent stock judging competitions held to deter I mine the ten young farmers in each each county eligible to attend as the 1a a val aut ery o ie frog 1 French Narcissus Foie Detling oct oe Pouder Wr from frenly The famons Theron ONE-THIRD Th ently while it refines ond protects Delis UISITES for | or statry EE THIS WEEK ONLY in all Thelr pthc 13 02 Ai? Lay ta Poder . h Foce Powdpe clings Insist wesli he the fragrance of Sowers, Jn velvets he ached dower Wo echo' in gold em rol box. Regularly 82.00 Special Introductory 'offer $4.50 VALUE - ALL FOR-$1.39 This Week Only BRING THIS CERTIFICAT AND $139 doy Agi by {4 ir se Beauty, pa iy an niacin o LB Boks Frupned You Save $31 ait ihe cit. aut lovely glow to he oy ra Regulert 1.00 ihe shin, A marvelons left onl Theron Requisites, guality and charming appeal, avorite of dlscriminatin reall Super-Smooth Cleansing Cream An exquisite Cream of wimost purity, Thovoughly eleanmn, protects, and smoothes, gently softens and beauties Your face will respond with a mew, glows ing end "wowihful beauty powder base Regulaely 75% THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1929 THOUSANDS HEAR guests of the provincial Department of Axriewlture, TWO MID-DAY ALARMS Brockville ~I'he firemen respond ed to two alarms to-day, one at 11.42 o'clock this morning when a tele. phone call summoned the department to the residence of Ri: J, Higgins, 4 John street, and response was lsu made to a verbal wlarm at 12,10 o'clock this afternoon to the resi- dence of John Baynham, 92 Perth street, hi euch instance and ghimney fires were responsible for the ills, but no damage resulted, BOY HAD NARROW ESCAPE Belleville, WW ile Playing on the street in Warkworth, Harold Clay- ton, four-year-old son of Henry Clayton, of Belleville, narrowly es caped serious injury when he became confused and dashed directly in front of an auto driven by Ben Ewing of Oshawa, formerly town clerk of Co~ bhourg, The car knocked the boy down and passed completely over him but fortunately the 4 Ae missed the lad's body, A few bruises and soiled clothing were the extent of the inju- ries, PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS TORONTO HAY ANE STRAW Wholesale desire in roa bri naw a" auditing IH shippers the earlots del rire { No, 2 Timothy, No. 3 Timothy, baled, ri 13,00 #1 Outs straw, per 100 vives 10.00 10,50 Wheat straw, baled, Won vurres 10.00 10,50 No, | Timothy loos, is Quoted at 819 to $20 per ton, delivered. Miri TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale deaiers are offering pro: duce ta retall deniers at the following or: ie Fresh extras, In cartons, 68 te 730; (resh extras, loose, 65 to 70g} Arsts, loose o) to Ghei seconds, ei pullet entrar, oh to fle, Stor AE HRY ~Extras, dc frst, dle; seconds, Mo Uutter=No, 1 creamery, prints, 4%; No. 2. creamery, prints, 4l¢ Chegso~New, large, 2loy Sian an tle triplets, 22¢i Ailton, oe, large. Me wins, 20 1.265 triplets and outs, ej old atiltons, Sle, 12 Chickens, § Dog 4 to § N Da, 3 to 4 lhs, Loy, under 3 lbs, Hens, over 5 Ibs, Do, 4 to § Ibs, , up lrollers Ducklings Turkeys «44 Bepmupneny sskake TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale deslers are quoting the following prices to the trade is Smoked meats Hams, mediym, 30 to 3¢; whed Joins, 50 to Sk} roked rolls, Me; Droakfist bacon, 26 Ye backs, pea meal. od, 3 to dl; z smoked, o to 4c, Cured meatss ol le ¢ bacon, 50 to 70 Me; 70 to § 200.9% ta 110 1s, Ne, Heavywelght rolls, 40¢; lightweight rolls, 25, Lard=Pure, tierces, 16¢; tubs, 17¢; palls, "A Treasure Chest of Beauty" their wonderful have been the women wherover sold, ir satistaotory results, with Tissue and Astringent Cream This pure, welvery Croom is « remarkably eficient shin food end antringent, It gens tly bleaches lis pure Ingres dients feed the tissues, end tighten sagping shin, Your shin will 4 marvelously ree vitalized and toned 10 @ dowy freshness Regularly 73¢ Cleaning heals I order to uaint more women with these famous Requisites tor Yul ens Beauty and sn that you can take exquisite care of your and convenience of our own home, Theron a assembled the four choicest full-size toiletries into an wiginal and hansen GIFT PACKAGE of rare beauty and appeal. sare 1 of 01.80, in having a lovely, ald you Sore Early--our supply 1a 1 ute a limited number of these 84, to have made arrangoments wherobhy we are pers sols at the Ton i nity to try them, to learn how they will ou Rel Youth skin! Satisfaction guaranteed, Buy Now For Christmas! A Charming Gift that will be appreciated. I PRI Jury & Lovell THE REXALL STORES v King St, EB. Simcoe Nt, N, Phone 68 Eggs Are High~ ity Feeds Will Produce Eggs 5 Recommend: Blachiords Lakko Egg 8 Mash Mash ash HOGG 8 LYTLE Limited . aa ued TO. NE Ph stovepipe | KEPT HIM FROM WORK FOR A MONTH AT A TIME Never had a Sick Day Since Taking "Fruit-a-tives" 17 1.9 pints, 18 to he, Shortaning-Tier. ™ 1:8 10 14 1.2¢; tubs, Je; A «261 tins, 1 Lies prints, 15 1.2¢ Pork~Lolns, 28 1.205 New York shoulders 18 1:2¢; pork butts, 23¢; pork hams, 23 1.2, re ------ FARMERS MARKET n The following ip Quotations, retall in of LA the Bt, Lawrence market, loronto| Produce E > extras, per doten , ' | w Wrst, per dozen 30, pullet extras 0s storage extras wo dO, Nrsts oo reily dairy, per pound Pea Sreanter), per pound ,.,, ruits egetables-- Arthdiokes, 6 at, vioi00 Carrots, bus, IY Do, 00 sieresertivernier Pests, bus Ro, 6A case e Brussels sprouts, qt Ontong, dry, 11.4, ie Beat, basket basket 1100 Yndive, dogen N inach, peck ushrooms,. per pound eu lettuce, three for ead lettuce, 2 Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, each Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for Celery, dos, . {ranges ner dosen | ' alsily, two bunches Grapefruit, each ... Lemons, per dozen ,,.,, Banapas, per dosen Anples, 6:qt, basket Green beans, quart , Cranberries, qt Jurnine, bus, urnips, bak , Anples, bus, | Leeks, b:qt, bys EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Duffalo, Nov, i3«Receipts of hogs, 1,000; holdovers, 200; generally steady, mie tly shippers; bulk $9.75; other nominal Receipts of eattls, 50; week' a trade spotty quality plain; Nght steers and Jeaslings, strong to 25¢ higher; others weak to 2 lower; mood steers and yearlings, $12.75 to $14; medium and shortieds, $10.75 to $12.50; common steers and heifers, $8 1010.25; fat sows, $7 to $8.25; cutter grades, $2.50 to h, 28, Receipts of calves, 100; wvealers steady during week; $17.5 down Receipts of sheep, 700; slow, 1ending lower; for week, lambs mostly 2% higher; poor ot choles $13.25 to $10.75, top BIN; hi food and strong weights, $11 to $13.25; common, $10 to $10.50, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Nov, 23-Open commitments; February butter, 14; December butter, 3&3; Jinuaty butter, 179; November egus, old, November agus, new, 103; December eggs, 367; December cheese, 9, Chicago spot market: Butter, extras 42; standards, 400; tone steady, Fags, our: rent firsts, dc to 450; tone unsettled New York spot market: Butter, extras, Aci tone frm, Kgus, firsts, 50 10 So; tone firm Three Patter today, Egus today, 14, market 15,195; last year, JOR; last year, 13.682, Movement at the four markets: Butter, net out, S318 last year, net out, 635.659 bry net out, 3.93; last year, net out, Birent wntocks year, 107,826, 8,191 receipts! 18,080, last last year, » Closing prices: November eggs, new, 3; December egus, 3714; December butter, Mig; January butter, Wii February butter, M854, ---------------------------- SAINT JOHN NATIVE DEAD Boston, Nov, 25, « Frank M, Bar. ton, ond of the oldest residents of the Roslindale section of the olty, dled at his home of heart 'trouble, Mr, Barton, who was father of De puty United States Marshal Clifton Barton, was born in Saint John, N.B,, seventy years ago, He had resided in this city about half a contury, Butter today, 104,555; Eggs today, B87; ® Bargain! A slightly used Canada Piano. Regular price, $350, Will sac- $1 50 rifice for .... Terme=$10 cash and $7 per month, Also a Doherty Piano. Just , like new. Was $400. Will sell $175 for CRUE REI RE RA) Terme--$15 cash and $8 per month. Also Pianos to Rent, See these pianos at John Meagher Radio Sales 92 Simcoe St, North Phone 371W EVANGELISTS AT KING ST. UNITED (Continued from page 8) Mr, and Mrs, Dibble ns a than offering for the wonderful work they have done here, and in pre- senting to them a cheque for a foodiy sum last night, the pastor, OC, B, Oragg, expressed the heartfelt thanks of the congregn- tion to them aud spoke of the great good they had done in every department of the whole organiza~ tion of King Bt. Church, stating that the object of the Evangelism committee in bringing thess peop) here was not to increase the bership, but wis to revive and awaken the spiritual side of the church and bring to Kis people realization of thelr responsibitity, and with this would dome a great view of the wonderful opportunity which was theirs, He announced, too, that during the coming months at every Sunday night service he would stress evangelism and cuw tinue the work of inviting people to be converted, He earnestly sought the attendance of his peq- ple at the prayer meeting on We nesday nights, Nervices Liberally Given The services of Mr, and Mrs, Dibs ble and also Mr, Mustaine, the ac~ companist, and & talented mu- siclan, have been freely given to many organizations throughout the city during thelr sojourn here. They showed themselves agxlous to make thelr work count to the greatest degrae possible, A great many requests for songs always met with a cheerful response, Mr, Dibble has an exceptionally fine tenor voice, He several times while here took advantage of the generosity of the broadeasting sta- tions, CFRB and CKCL, to serve in a larger way the patrons of the alr, He also intimated the hope that he would arrive in Chicago in time to be on WLS on Tuesday night of this week, Large Aadiences In the singing of "God be with you till we meet again," there was brought to a close the last service of a three weeks' campaign, which has aptly been described as the grontest ever held in Oshawa, In the many services held yesterday, both King Street and Bt, Andrew's churches, as well as the Regent Theatre, were used and all capacity houses, The work was wonderful, the results were gratifying and the opportunity for great development was here, and Mr, Dibble sald In closing, "May God bless you In it." Mensano to Men An urgent appeal to all men to get right with God and to accept Christ as their Saviour was made to a large audience of men only in King Btreet United Church yos- terday afternoon by the Rev, Geo, Dibble when he addressed the last of the Runday mass meetings that have heen held during the revival Just closed, In his whole ministry of song and evangelism, he stress ed the great truth that God is real and that we only need to surrender to feel hig wonderful power, A large number of men respond od to the Invitation extended while many more indicated the fact that they had been greatly helped and henefitted by the messages brought to them throughout the series of meetings held for men, At Bt, Andrew's Bt, Andrew's church was packed last night to hear Mra, George Dib- ble in her final message, The ser- vice was arranged in conjunetion with the services whieh the Dibble party were conducting In King street United church, but owing to the fact that Mr, Dibble had to address an overflow nfeeting in the basement of King street church, he was unable to attend the Bt. Andrew's service, as announced, In her sermon, which was based on the text "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission ot sin' Mrs, Dibble declared em. phatioally against any denomina- tion that did not include the does trine of salvation through the blood of Christ, "Salvation by blood is not popular today," :she sald, "but any denomination that nots aside this dootrine loses its heavenly power. The so-called 'new' theology that tries to formu- late a nicer way to attain Heaven in an old as Cain, and its author was a murderer' Mrs, Dibble quo- ted one of the new sclentist de- nominations as 'an example, and declared that people were only hav. ing deceived and led astray by its teachings, Jesus came ds a prophet, priest and king, she sald, He fulflllea his mission as a prophet while on earth, He was now the High Priest at the right hand of God; and He was yet to come as king, "He will come again just as surely as He came the first time, and we are told that He will rule the world and every knee shall bow to Him," she sald, The service was conducted by Rev. F, J. Maxwell, pastor of the church, The choir sang beautiful. ly the anthem "Father in Heaven Above," with Mrs, Grant Berry tak- ing the soprano sole part. Mrs, Berry also sang the solo, "'I Will Lift up Mine Eyes." Tramps Wearing Tail Lights Tramps in England who use the highways 1p thelr travellings are wearing tail lights as a means of safety, One man walking at night noar Slough recently oarried a large oil lamp, with & globe of 'red surrounded by 'a white triangle, strapped to his baok, Door Knockers Again Vogue Fashionable London is turning back from electric bells to old- fashioned door knockers, Soulp- tors are making new designs, and ancient knookera are reappearing. An ancient one depicts three cher ube, and above them in a scroll are the words "Love knocks at your door." \ Rings are seldom worn on the thumb today, but during the fifteenth century, the thumb was the popular ring finger, DEATH OF GERMAN IN COBOCON ISH SUBJECT OF PROBE Authorities Making Thor- ough Investigation of Mystery Lindsay, Nov, 24,~Inquiries made hy the Ontario Proyinejal Police here and at headguaridrs at Toronto In connection with ths death of the German trapper In a bush near Coboconk are now cove ering an wider area and may extend even to Germany, All the evidence bearing on the case Is being sub- mitted to steamship companies, for it 1s the opinion of the Provincial police that the man found dead and his companipn, now sought, arrived In this country from Ger- many only recently, If the police theory is correct, it may take time, but they are confident the Idently of the desd man and his fgrmer companion will eventually established, Outgoing steamers are heing watched, for the two men | sre believed to have reached To» ronto from an otean liner and | came direct to Coboconk, from | which point they found thelr way | into tho bush, Provineinl Constable Frank Weatherall, who 18 in charge | of the investigation, hopes to have | important information for the Cor oner's jury when it aswomblen again under Coroner XK, A, White of Fenelon Falls on Dec, 12, A New York clergyman says it's & groat advantage for a young mun to be poor, The question the young man has to face, though, how he can make the most of that advantage, ~~Philadelphia Inquirer, BUY NOW! Body Hard Wood Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs Cut to Stove Length, And Guaranteed No. 1 and Dry Dixon Coal Co. Telephone 262 ive Direct Lines SEENEEEEEEENENEED haan DR. P. E. DOOLITTLE IN AUTO ACCIDENT Toronto, Nov, 25 ~Approaching a standing street ear at the corner of Castle Frank road and the viadubt yesterday evening, Dr, #ercy EB, Doo Dr, Doolittle was placed under ar- little of Sherbourne street, drove his] rest and was taken to East Dundas auto into a crowd 6f people waiting | police station and latér released on to hoard the street car, | bail of $500, Three women were struck down by the car, They were Mrs, Lyman of 72 Farnham avenue, Mrs, 7 ' Marks, 77 Oriole road, and Mrs, Me» Kay, 116 Belsize drive, All three were removed to the General Hospital in a police ambulance, Bruises and ab- rasions were their injuries, b) NN Every member of the Christmas gift money wish, Ww AN SIST the appeal of- C1 ETRE GIFTS? Make This a Use, ul Christmas family will enjoy gifts of furniture, By pooling your you can purchase really practical presents which will i endure and provide comfort for years, You may buy on Easy Terms if you Snyders' Guaranteed ions reversed in frieze, A marvelous Christmas present for all the fami'y to en- joy. We include Chesterfield, Wing and Chair, The upholstery is a superior mohair, with spring filled cush- The style of this Suite is new and comes in either blue, taupe or walnut, The price is Sani-Bilt Mothproof $1 Coffee Table Walnut End Table Chair ... Solid Walnut Magazine Stand --dvi--. Solid Walnut, hand-carved Walnut Spinet Desk ..$28, 78 Solid Walnut Window \ Junior Lamps Somplets $12, 95 Bridge Lamps complete $10.98 Walnut Smokers' Cabinet $21 Walnut Smoker Stand . $6.28 Walnut Sewing Cabinet $27.98 Kiddie Care $2.59, $3.95 and $4.95 Doll's Buggy $5, $6.80, $7.98 Ary $21.00 $8.95 a --_--.-..., ER ih 2 wy RE aR SERN © Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St» East Phone 78-79 PE Ran th

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