Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA PALLY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 -- | Y | THE CI/ SRS where PACE ELEVEN a [ED S Seller ECTION NOP NRNGO DN) Ad) AN 15 Ve fe ih . Con jig} 4 i i bl 4 5 or Bean } Anita I, BA, L BARVOISTEN, a iey va oor ding, Opponite Post BPI HANA aly ha, io 1 Cte Phone 44 AE) Conve ANGers, ols aver pr ani, giants hii steon. R o I kr Glolehion, all N.C A mn otary, over Dewan' tors, Money to Ioan, | 16 moos i] north. Phone 67. Residence PAGRITEL 33 PTT WAR Be ors. ete, Money to loan Alger Opposite Pt Offge, hane 4 hill o je'd AN risters, oliion " NEO No, oY {Hh Lh " in tor, ete, MLL and. general ractics, 238% King 9. East hone H887, ~ (tf) en Medical BR MeRAY, PHYNICTAN, "SUT oon, A scouhor Office anil res) dence, King se Kust, corner Vietaria sh ne 4 OLD (ICR, £1 clan, Surgeon, Obstetriglan, Speen) references to maternity work sid di senses of women, Two vears' post raduate sxpeiience, OMes and res Hi 167 Simeoe St N., (cor. Broek) one 308 Atel i Bic URANT TITY TTIVRITTAY wrgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of nfants cal ni Office and den 097 Nond if yone 1158 | TA any yr gan a Surgeon, special, attention glven to Xerav work apd Rlectr. theony, Offee, Dien + Block, Phone 2000, Offie. open 9 an Lopan sldence tor Kh maul Phone 11 SAVID ARCHER M.D, CM LR CP and § Edinhyrah Physic Ault Surpeon and Obstetrician Ofee 142 Simeoe $1 N Phone 3020 Ny i King 8t IF acs ARCHI "ROWN.WT MT . P& fy Edinburgh Phvateian yrgeon, Obstetrielan, special at tention te maternity work and dis eases of children Office and res dence, 188 Simeue $1. North Phoni 3107 a : . iow ANN, TPIYRTCTAN Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and residence, h13 Himeoe sireqt north Phone 21 B (Oct, Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PR THUY ARY OF 160 TEOOR reet West, Toronto, will be at hb office over Jury & Lovel's Drug Bore each Saturday, fram tll 4 pm. for consultation und trediment { diseases of car, nose and throat oi Appointments may be ma! wg store. Ph 0 ye, ose a oat i FRAT OI over Mitchell's rue Store. Hous 10 to 12 am 0 Kveninga by pol atment Office phone = 2640 sidence 4 Borat 1 Al | Special attantion to X.rav Gas extraction Nurse in at hone 959. | st 1312 #1 mo) setts, work ANCE, "prog Siore Ee over Mitehell's A for ex action Phe Me PR. L. E HUBBELL, fo enn v ) rt ie hi o. Bank Blde one 94 imeoe vor Dewland's Phone " Res. jo Bveninus by noln tment 0 ont Theatre Pda, Phone 1780 "A ) WN ntists, 37 Kine St. EB Special at tention te man exteacHon and RS pay tk. Nurse in attendance, Phones A and Rod Architects i So ¢ boy oval Dank Soi XN od 1498 Simcoe st 8 IN ANE tate Le, \ hat Tora CONCRETE pn ib VLA ates (1h) MY ron La repal 8 adie eH conte re Wy "Talloring your Own ra made up, Address 1} ing ot W Arar va whubinge) Car one and deliver Sr ig cond Sham alot Find © BR i IND HAND DEAL wl fio: "Me and 8, wd 188 Bloor At Rast Ph ureier FURY REPatkibp ANT WF modelled Far ea « Made to i etory to wearer prices, Mes lie WJ, 143 Prives St Now WINTER = and ak ralined and Nov, +1 mo) Engineering and Surveying' BONTYAN AND BHVIH, ONTFAK 0 Land Surveyors and Civil Engin cers, sib divisions, town planning mucins! engineers, 05 or A411 King 4 heme Hines 7 wm. Phones 2101 » CORT WURTAL 0, Last, Ambulanse, toe street nor, Yohawn, Corner Celina street, °C Anibilanes, Phone ruts sireet, 1087, Insura DAVIS A 19 King #t, west Oshaws. The ad est ire Aeengy in Oshawa, 30 Re Wire Cor a ennusult NR, WN, dobre $0 Simeoe north, Your Insuraace vents at tended to and your Merosts pro tected, wy ransportal TANIA AND PIOWAGE, COLE. man's, Bh Bond West, Bpeelslists in furniture moving, storage ware fiouse And moving Van equipment I'hone 84. GA To, "MOVING, ORAVEL sid and eimders Loew and lon listar: hanling . Phone 3048 10930 Smith and Cox, 447 King Wt gx we OLOnsT she! furniture movers, Park Rod ear aoe Lon) and Yong distance Prank Cowle, Prop. 68 Park KI South, Phone 310 Novy, 10-1 mo) NAGLE "CARTERS. AND LONG distunee movers, satislnggon gunran teed, quick serviee, eheafiest in Osh wa, Phone ws Arsi, ' (Oet, 2} TF Tw BUMP IROTR, 1.8 lock, Gravel, sand and einders, s- i je. 215 Bloor St, EK, Oshawn, Phone OW, (Nov, 61 mo.) CAWTATE, "MOVING, GRAVEL. wand and eoinders, Phone 2021M, Chris Graham, 870 Verdup Road (Noy, 14-1 month) Boauty Parlors if TPTTY TOU "PERMA WTINT wave, Special 85 and $7.50 Finger wave and shampors $1 Faein! 7% Hale eutth g 25. Phone 2006 or W Simcoe North, ---- [XTTRT MARCELTING™ BY Betty Ward at Betty Low Perman ent Wave Shopre. Mareel and sham poo #1, Phone 2068 AAS WATSON S BAWRTTR AND Beauty Shop © Celina St. We ap elallge (n ladies' halr cutting, mar selling, shampooing, facials Marcel 0 eents. For appoiniments phone 304 Nov 1841 moi AR Building Suppli » OR "UALE =+ SAND GRAVE stone and black loam $160 a wi For quality and Service 'phone ls ery LIL) AF tng = TENT IO 3 rar "ALY (lood anand and gravel To Insure Jrompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date, W, Bor rowdal.e Phone 101K SR Music FOPILE ACARI KD instructions Mrs Barry, Phone 1180 (Nov, 84 mn) AWIHOR TYNDE WV OCAC TER | cher (Hambourg Conserviftory, To rontd) publls prepared for all exams Oshawa, SY ednehdn. 01 Simeoe § pra nne (10) ny i LL will accept pupils for sing ni, vole enlture, ete. "hone 1004, SAN Bruce Nt, Nov, 8:1 mo) CRONARD RIOT EA WC Oshawa Collet Direutor of Muse, ate and Publie Hehools, Htudio, 80 Westmoreland, Phone 2084) (Nov, 161 mo) FRANK CONVERSE SMITTL ONR of Toronto's leading, violin teachers, in In Oshawa on Thubsday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St. E. Phone 230M, Radic ILE MTN) RABIO AERVICR "AND ~ACCEN. sories, Repairs on elscirie and battery sets, Tubes and battéries tested. Uatteries recharged, rental au foied #1, Phone 10468), Oharies ™ VOORT {Dry 'Grant 146 Blgin B. 16 All makes of sein, old seta re modelled, power tubes added by o radiotrielan, No oharge for inspection, Phone 482 R11, (Nov, 1-1 mo) Caulking HAVE ALL Trevierd AROUND your windows and deora filled with plastio cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost Ia amall, Pree estimates, J, HN Law son, RR. Ne 8, Oshawa Phone T2881, (Nov, 41 mo) Nae I Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLR FTRST CLASS ra Wag Minti and a oR + right, " Ine Ave, phoue a Sooke or AP ) fliilmadubiu Paperhanger. Only fiest' clase work guaranteed; 20° veairs experience Prices reasonable. Phone MOOW, ov ley AND FARM (OAN TS hil a aress loans arranged P Field Barvisters, ete Alger Phone Wid Hemet NINTH ORNTS PRR YAR ed Skirts, one dollar AT 3 ote AN kinda of 2eaut! wark on sale Mra Dell 64 Sim son South, Phone 1888 (Nov, 16-1 me) LA of this nature, and collect for same, * v "Times" Classified Tele 'All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. || STRICTLY 'CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessavy because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephons call will bring 8 messenger who will recelve the advertisement hone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT go "Ads Bring. Results ~~ meets Fon Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROON arn suites, including alectrs refrig arution, wtove, Isupdry, sonven) ances, ete; continuous Bot waler supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone $671, or The Trusts snd Gusrsntes Co I4d,, manager tor owner, Toronto. pa POR RENT -- PIV brick, conveniences, hardwood oor, electric fixtures, newly decorated, Ep homension, Apply 81 Eigln 84, TO WENTSRIX HOOM™ PATE house, $185 a month, Possession immoedintely, Apply 248 Park Road Mouth, Phone 1270W, (1181) D MOD 10 RENT- tral, 4 rooms Ne hath, "suam hea, fully equipped Kitchen, linen and glothes closets, Apply owner ner Box oh nes, piv RENT -- THREW ROOMS: heated, tavdawood floors, wired for uleetric stave, Apply morning only, Jb2 Grooms Ave, or phoge 1945, (1191) TAGE $24W, (181¢) RNIRHED one jy, two Phone 29586). (12l¢) TO RENT SIX ROOM C at 201 Mury street, Phone TO RENT = ONE PU bedroom suitable for young ladies, central, i -- a Real Estate for Sale | BE ---- id HTX ROOM BRICK 6 "MINUTHR to Motors All conveniences, Ounk floors, Newly desorated, Immed| ate ponsassion, Will conwider clean lot and some enh, Phone S266M, (138m) PE JAR I SR Ba ,, Watch. Repairing A VON CUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repalr shop of Hh King Street West. Your ont fo nase Ia soligited Work Wanted -------------- sss RE-UPHOLS' TURING CHESTER falds ad to order Wo save vol money figtfun ten free, G. A Con stable Mechanic street. Phone 1595) (501) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered. 75 cents, » If ren tal supplied $1 Fatteries Fonpite Sian Biidaon' 20 MI $1 hone INROW, Noy, oy mo) DATTERIKN C TMAROED AND DE livered 70¢, rental he, and the entire alectrice) system of ear re palred ¥04 Oshawe iv Phoue 1118W Noy 18-110) WE DO "Pony "REPATIE TO sars and trucks, Also general wondwork W, Fry, 40 Bond west Jpen evenings (Nov, 14-1 mo xr HICAT WHARPRNING oll stone tinish, at Menko's shoe repair shop BE Himeoe ft, north Corner Willlam Nt, West (Nov, REE TR Public Stenographer WARIE MILTON, 74 HIMCON street north Phone 1000 Hpevinl rates for malting lets and olreiiny work, (Od, 86-1 mo) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY AND hookkeeplng, Moderate prices hone Pid, (Nov, §l==1 mo.) Home C Cooked Moats i HOMIE MADE PORK oak and kidney nies, hot or brawn, cakes and pastries, oto. Kraak Drakes, 81 Maple Phone SUTRF, (7711) _-- Motor Cars WT YOUR AUTO PARTS AND acdensories at the Olty Auto Wreckers, 10:17 Bond street weal, Phones $080W or R44RW, (Oet, 86:1 mo) Room and Board COMFORTABLE VRONT ROOM, Good location, Mreakfast if des dived, Phone paid ol (1810) FIRST CLASS ROOM AND Noard for gentleman with all modern conveniences, Central, 17 Ritson Ri, N, I J) Lost and Found g1-1 mo) E-, a plon, ¥ vold, eto, street, wy Articles For Sale MTX TART AND SOFT WHT slabs, $50 per load, Also bone dry body wood Wateros Meek Limiied Phong 1288 GALL 2011 VOR eA LE-=IWRTNTZNAN CO Ltd, planos, new und used plane Uso radios, latest wodels; tere arranged Apply ©, Trull, Phone 1668J, (hhh 0 MOV ING § SAL 1 or BICYCLES bieyele stock, and automobile tires Big reduction, cash or terms Every thing must be solu, 82 King Streg west, (Oct, 291 ma) FON FALE =" TOE-CONDITION KD owing moghines at bargain prices [1 monthly, Guaranteed repairs for nll makes of machines, Hem stitehing » wpecinlty, 100 a yard Singer Khop, 40 King Ht, Wesl Roy Norton, mannger, (1411) FOR dALE-COAL AND WOOD Annex In good eondition, Phone TIM, (181e) CANON ROLE TOP DRIER, QUAN ter out onk, Cheap, Phone HE60M, (1484) LADY HR "WARM WINTER COAT, midnight blue, large black fur cuffs ang collar Hize #4 to 840, dood as new, $10, Phone 1484), (124m) B.-L "Help Wanted--Female FEARN SHORTHAND = ANI Foueh Typing at home mn tow weeks Simplified system Typewriter sug plied, Sample lesson free Write Dominion School Telegriphy, Hmited, loronto Wanted to Bu y SMALL FARM WANTED TO BUY of to rent for a term of years with option of purchase, for poultry, ete, close to Oshawa, Apply Bex 33, lines (12le) Position Wanted STEADY MAN WANTS WORK on farm, Phone 2986M, Oshawa 1190 YOU NG GIRL Wa. iS TOSITION at housework | accustomed to ehild ren sleep in or out, Phone 78\W et b------ gic BE (120¢) WOMAN WANTS WORK TY DAY will do any kind of work, Phan Mord (120¢) EXPERIENCED ™ FARMER DIS slers work by year on farm, Apply Roger Rowlands, RR, No, 2) Osh awa, Phone 1827r11, (13d¢) OAPAATT OIE DRETREE rod tion minding ohildren or house work Apply 406 Albany RBireet, Oshawa, BE (188¢c) Pets and Live Stock COLYER BOT FOWRALE=PIIONK $300) after five (13880) FOR HALR-~GERMAN POLIOR dog, male, good watohdog, Cheap, Phone 2677F, (184b) hon a LOST «= COLOURED HIN K- stone drop on fine allver chain, Reward, 108 Blmooe street north, (1310) FOUND wr: PURSE CONT AINING amall amount of money, Owner may have same by proving props erty and paying tor advertisement, Apply 805 Kulalle Ave, (188) TORT SATURDAY NIOWT, GEN tlemen's Masonic Ring, Mmder please phone 3177H, Reward, (128b) Auctioneer PHONE 716), W. SULLEY, augtioneer, $0 Sucve Su 8 can sel) your odd pisces of fwiniture and other articles at vue vards, 41 Nang St WW, Osha \ Ss. . A C A Simcoe Street 8. Phone 30M, (Oct, 88:Now 28) -- Rd ama For ge $1000 EQUMY IN ¢-ROONT HV, House, central, all conveniences with cash for exchange on small house. px We, Times, Lk (122) Wanted to Rent WANTED = TWO OR warn furnished rooms, twe beds, central. Moderate, Apply Box \ ( | SRO WANTEO COMPANION WEL Middle ased lady ap high oh girl, Retorencen vequired, an ] WH MoCankey nyatem, William 8t, JSast, Auction Sale AUCTION BALN«-HAVING RE. celvad instructions to well at 108 Olive Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario, on Wednoaday Nov. 7, 1080, at 8 pm, sharp, the store fixtures of Peter Porayko estate, three section show cane, marble topped counter, 3 small counters, wall case with 18 drawers, till bread case, tables and ohalra, xine topped counter, International counter wonles, toledo counter aenles, cash roglater, types writer. MoQaakey = reglater, colfee grinder, vefrigerator 10x6x8, 18 foot butcher counter, hutoher blook, player plano, with walnut cabinet of muslo rells Othar things too numerous to mens tion, Terms cash, W, J, Bulley, Auctioneer, ) (128b) -- Auction Sale AUCQTION SALR-=NAVING RE. calved Instructions from FN, J, Clements to soll by publio anotion at Lot 7, Congasaion 3, Kast Whit. by, Thursday, December 6th, 1939 at o'alock sharp, Thirty-five milk cowa and a. humber of years ing Durham Stogkers, These cows wore bought at CampbeNford and are an exceptional ne bhuneh, w, Majority of them Holstelna a few Ayeshiros, part Jerseys and Dun ha Cowen tested for T.0, Terma three 'monthy, Credit on cows and ix months on stockera at seven por cent, per apnum With persons fughishing approved Joint, votes Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (1280) 1 Loy TWO ROOMED APARTMENT, heated, all Magest dmyrgyenients. Ape ply 450 Simeon South, 1441) IHRE) new convenience, (121¢c) UNFURN] SHI [) ROOMS, homie, hardwood floors, every Apply 350 Divison Si, (122¢) RENT ROOM BRICK all eo 7 meres of me garden land, double"gar between Whithy and Oshawa on Highway one block from school, Annly Lonis Levene, Phone 01, Whithy (132¢) FO RENTSTHREK UNFURNISH ed rooms, hot water heating, 583 Mary St, phone 413) (122¢) AVATUIM ENT FoR RENT Thres rooms, Convenlences, Priv ite antrnnes, Possession Des, 12 wAvnly 46 Loulsn strest, (128¢) TWO CLEAN CONVENIENT, FUR Mehed rooms' for Heht housekesp Ine Apply 184 Allee St, Phone 2id0 (1280) ROOM TO RENT FOR GENTLE. man to share with another, Close to Motors Vhone 18607) 10 house, number SIX nveniences, nage, hen OWA, (1280) RENT MODERN HIX roomed hrick house Electric dove, fivturos and gavage, Apply 142 Ritson Road Bouth, (1230) TWO APANTMENTS FOR RENT, Nowly furnished. One large ving room, nrepkfast reom and kMehen, threes plece hath, private sntrance, Also houee for rent, five rooms, three nlees hath, newly decorated ory ge living room, hardwond floors dewnatalre furnaces and large range, Phone 730W, (1280) FOR Personal' CENTH OR quiet Nox #26 INVALTDR comfortable Times (121b) OONVITRY nred for In home, Apply LL S i i Tenders Wanted Tendars will be received by the undersigned on behalf of the Nbeolal Bgulpment Committees, Vo- outlonal Institute, for the supply- Ing of machine shop equipment Prices will not be considered after 6 pom, Monday. Dee, 2, Complete specifications may he ween at the office of the Dusiness Administra- of the Board of Edueation, Contre &t School, Oshawa, C,H, R, FULLER, Husinoss Administrator, Hoard of Kduoatfon, Centre Ht, Behool Oahawa, Ont, (183-188-126) EER TY SIMPLICITY MARKS LAST RITES FOR (. CLEMENCEAU (( Jontinued fre from magn 3) yesterday, having failed to recover conselonsness froman absolute coma into which hb lapsed at 11 pm, Saturday, Dr, Laubry, his personal physiolan, had been Mirriedly sums moned to his patient's bedside and was Just in time to enable his old triend to dle In his arms, Madame Jaocguemaire and Michel Clemens cony, daughter and won of the Tig. ar, wore also at the bedaide, Dr, Jacquemaire, a grandson, who had watched In the slok cham ber during the last houra with the other members of the family, steps ped from the little house fn the Rue Franklin into the court yard and announced to the awaiting newspaparmen at 2 am} "Grandfather has just died," Clemenceau, the grand old man of France, died fighting as he had lived, The last illness began on Thuraday, It found him barely re covered from a serious attack last month, which was followed by the strain armistice day, Doctors we (hjections te bolster up the oN against the tervitio strain ed on it, and administered mors phine to relieve pain, The uremie Boisaning pron ually through Ia system gnd 2h ate ans thors oughly abandoned all hope of save ing the life of on patient, "My Work in Finished" The last words that the uiger pronounced, In the final lueld spell Saturday night, was an expression of satinfaction, "My work is fine ished," he told Dr Laubry, It was Phone p First Insertion --1 cents per word, Minimum charge 206, Lach subsequent consech tive Insertion 10 per word, Three consesulive inser: tions for th price of two first \nwertions (threes couts a word), Minimum eharge fur three insertions, 40 certs, Box number 10¢ additional Professionst or Husiness Cards, $2.00 per month for 80 wordy or less; 10 conty a word per month for each additional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADB CONT LITTLE) ACY : COMPLISH MUCH TELEVHONY, 85 Ask for Classified Ad Department understood that he referred to the book which he undertook to write after the death of Marshal Foch, in reply to one edited by Raymond Resculy, which purported to have been inspired by the late marshal, Correction of the first draft of the proofs was completed only last woak, When the death was announced fo the persons gathered In Rue Franklin in the ehill hours of tue early morning, all heads were un- covered In acknowledgment that Vrance had lost one of the great ost figures of her history, Premier Tardieu, on leaving the house, was deeply moved, Vers piration streamed down his face dos spite the chill weather, "He is in calm and great in death ns he was in life," he sald He hesitated » moment then spoke with a tinge of regret "IL Is useless to tell you that there will be no official cere mony." Will Be In Little Wood Last night Clemenceny, who had hacome known As the Father of Victory, was belng taken for eter nal rest in the loneliness of a little wood near Mouchames in his be loved Vendee, The Tiger had abro- lutely forbidden a national funer- al, kpeeches, or demonstrations of any mort, The man who had been a firm and flary premier for France in her trial of the world war, rode throurh the darkness in an autos mobile hearse over 250 miles cof road" toward the southeast spot within 30 miles of the pea he lnved ro waoll, There he was burled this morning under the trees in A grave that his chauffeur and friend, M, Brabant, dug for him to« day He entered the soll of his France for which he had fought #0 vigorously at a spot he hime self had selected, The grave will he marked by a stone friends had sont from COreece, which he had arected neveral years ago with fow, If any, sharing his secret He will be buried upright, as "iu father was before him, What he desired above all was to carry out to the end hig apponrance of A hard exterior, which all knew covered a warm heart, He Mved and wanted to dle "a man In one of his last lneld moments on his deathbed he sald, "1 want no women, 1 want no tears, Let me dle before men," Wished for Fall Funeral Clemenceau in death as in life rejected ostentation and ceremony He asked that when death came to him that he should be permitted morely to disappear, He wished a funeral an quiet, an drab, an bare \d those for a million of "hig boys" killed In the long struggle which his leadership helped turn to a triumph, and caused a then fevers fshly grateful parliament to ae claim him "Father of Viotory." M, Brabant left by automobile within an hour after the death to dig tho grave for his beloved mane ter, This wan all a part of the oarafully arranged plans of Clemen- ceau, Three years ago at Luxem- hurg he told a group of senators, "You know, when I die it won't be announced, You will learn of it only after my burial, I have made provisionn for that, When "the time came he was, of course, not able to attain such a complete degree of self-aftacement, Tardieu respected the wishea of Ala friend and cut red tape to facilitate privacy, At the burial, he ordered a cor don of gendarmes thrown about the woods, Gung Boomed Farewell Yet, while the simple ceremony place in that far-off Jones y or at exactly the mame hour the cannon of the "Armistice that sounded the last node of the World War again fajled, and exactly the same salute of 101 shots, aa ft did at 11 o'clock on Nov, 11th in 1918, very battery of artillery fn France and her colonies and the Auns of every [French warship afloat on whatever seas answers ed that salute in memory of the man who, toy F 00, really won the war, Next Sunday vetetana of France, men whom Clomengeau saw when he went to the front line trenches, oheered them and oalled them "mv wl en, will inarch fn a public uneral pro on. past the grave of the ---- soldier who aym hollses the wijiion and a halt of the battle dead of the country, At that national shrine, will as semble the government, Preaident Doumersgue. Premier Tardieu, the whole cabinet and the presidents to nl of the chiamber anf wenate of par. Mament, They will pronounce again the tribute of the nation to thst pligrimage of sorrow at Napoleon's great Arc de triumphe, All Hage on government pos. gassions were at half-staff yesterday in France and all her possessions, Today, while the guns ' sounded int alte, the chamber Hstened to a 'funeral oration hy President Vernand Bowiseon and + Premier Tardieu answered for the govern- ment, Wears Hin Soldier's Bomnet Boon after dawn yesterday. people began to gather beforé the modest home where the Tiger had lived for 86 years, Inside the house, Albert, fulthful valet of the states man, and Blister Theoneste, his faithful nurse, prepared Clemens conn for his long rest, They put on him a grey suit and on his head the little, worn horizon<blue #0l« dier's "honnett' that he lHked to wonr, It was one he had worn in the trenches under fire and which had heen pletured In newspapers nll over the world, They propped him up in the strange bed which had heen carved to his order with fabulous mon. stars and placed un white bedspread over him M, Tardieu, some other old friends and a very few Other dignitaries were admitted to the chamber during the morning. passed through the entry, signing the register and leaving cards, The family eurried out the wish of Clemeneenu for privacy and with. held news of the plans for bur: inl It was not until after dark that a light onk casket with gilded handles wits brought and the body placed in it, It was then carried out to a swily, bleek hearse that started at onee through the dark on the strange and solemn journey to the grave in Vens dee VI day long telegraph wires from wll ever Kurupe and eable lines from every continent had brought to the government and the family messages of sympathy and sadness from kings, princes, presidents and friends, Premier at 76 Benjamin Clemg as physician, or politican, scholar, fighter, states twice premier of bFrance-=was call ed rom retirement in 1917 when 76 to pilot the ship of state darkest days of the Lhils aged politician, wer of a young Napoleon urt to the pou, defend ance, after three years of took the helm when the stoiciom oi Mrance wis undermined by treuson, dissension and intrigue, Me knew her enemy and possessed the will to destroy him, He regard. ed every evil as nothing compared wilh surrendur, Quentio Cat cenu, lagen Liger," WHOS IRL years old, through the Wworid War with the pm ve new h er ol I guntiiet, he to what his polley emer would be, the veteran of Bi 1 duels, replied My pos | Home politics 1 pn politics? 1 wage trays ust 1 continue We will fight before Paris: we will fight behind Paris; we will fight, if necessary, to the Pyrenees. 1 will continue to the very last quarter of an hour, because the lust quarter of an hour will be ours!" Clemenceaw was called upon to form a ministry after the ueslan debacle, when the Allled cause bes pan to look eritical, The ministries of Viviani, Briand, Ribot and Pain. leve had had their day and during them "The Tiger" remained in the senate, often a bitter eritic of the government, and as a head of the military committee exercising an im. portant influence on war policies, At the same time, he continued his sign: ed editorials In L'Homme Libre, a dally newspaper established at the beginning of the war for the pure of expressing his caustic eris ticisms Visited Battle Fronts Again in the saddle as premier, he entered upon his task with remark. able energy, visiting the battle fronts md communicating directly with the chiefs of command, One of his first moves was to bring Foch from coms parative retirement and give him ned ns Is victory war, ore Russia be (0 WARE war, Ke War nose All day long a stream of people |, command of the French forces which, in tirn, ted to the choice of Voel for generalissimo of the entire Allied armies, Clemenceay's career rose 10 an eq ually high pet during the peace conference ih Pars, of which, = president, he was the foremost fig ure of the open session, ruling with an iron hand, At the same time, he was one of the dominating influences of "the big fow' ~Lloyd George, Wilson, Clemenceau and Orlandgm ho held protracted secret sessions and shaped the work of the public sessions, Here he frequently meas ured his wit and Jbilitics against those of Mr. Wilson, who had nome inated him for the presidency, I'his became most noticeable in the discussion over the su called "bales ance of power," Mr, Clemenceau has ving declared the conference, the old Hmmarckian policy of grouping one set of nations against another, nots withstanding the Americas Jide ent's oppomtion, This sharp division ran through the entire proceedings, leading up to the creation of the League of Nations, the peace treaty und the joint defensive ugrecinent bes tween France, England and the Unite ed States, In shaping the peace tress ty, Clemenceau stood for rigorous terms which would compensate France for her sacrifice und logses, and it was largely through his in sistence that France obtained the Sarre con! fields and a considerable part of the large reparations, Wounded by Anarchist dramatic Incident occurred on 19, 1919, when, at the height of ference Clemenceau wis by The at A Feb the peace ec shot, and dangerously wounded an anarchist, Emil Cotin tempt on the premier's life caused an immense sensation, and for a time threw the peace conference into confusion, Clemenceau was proceeds ing ut the time from his residence on the Rue Franklin to a committee meeting at the rooms of Colonial House, at the American headquarters in the Hotel Crillon, As his automobile sped through the boulevard, the would-be assassin sprang from behind a kiosk, and sent i volley of shots at the premier seats ed within the car, Two of the shots took effect, one in the right shoulder and another in the breast, near the lwngs, With his advanced years, 78, and suffering as he was with diabetes, the wounded premier was at first thought to be doomed, But he fought death as he had fought the war, jeste ing with his doctors and examining eritieally the X-rays made of his wounds, His iron will carried him through, and within three wecks he was again at the head of the peace conference, Clemenceau remained as premier until after the peace conference, when an adverse vote in the chamber led. to his retirement andy his an. nouncement that his public service wan at an end, He left soon nfter on a trip to India, where with Kis weyn!l en he indulead in tigers hunting, Returning to France, he was wlven an enthusiastic welcome, and in his old home in the Vendee ¢ gion a eommemorntive state wan wil elled In his hanor, showing the amed states. mon siraining foggward on the batile front, steel helmat an his head, with hia beloved pollus clustered abont him The "deliverer of France," as he has been called, was born Sept, 28, 1841, in the province of La Vendee, An antisroyalist, he came to the United States an exile wel 865, taught school at Stamfor. Conn, practised medicine and in 1869 married an Am- erican wife, Miss Mary Plummer, They were divorced many years later and Clemenceau returned to France, where he married again, Upon the downfall of Napoleon 111 he was aps pointed mayor of Montmarte and a year later he entered the chamber of deputies, - Among his 'utterances after the world war, this has been preserved as a classic: "Covernment must be based upon public order and the re- spect of individual rights, Let us all stand firm and united for the wel fare of mankind, The world's only salvation from the social and econos mic chaos from which it is now ems erging 1s work" rav sm RE We leave We leave ply to the brick dealer, ply to the coal dealer. We interpret our duty as which places at the disposal of the buying public, the best facilities of the lumber business, and in do- ing this we challenge all competi- tion on a price basis, on a delivery service, and last, but most import- ant, on a quality basis, Oshawa Lumber | COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 the matter of brick sup- the matter of coal sup- that

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