Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 8

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EN oe i 5 HR ' Lfnotor tn the contest, Numbed fing 'the opposing would seem to taver the Tricolor, who play more or less of a waiting 1, ROY, also ald thelr feared extension runs, gavered up betore much damage Is are noted for thelr frequent stages of a game and the cold wear PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 QUEENS AND TIGERS PL AY FOR EASTERN CANADA TITLE TODAY Hamilton Tigers Are Slight Favourites to Defeat Frrsr---- Cold Weather May Affect Tigers' Play and Give Queen's an Advantage Toronto, Nov, 88,~Hacked hy a vocord of but one defeat in three poasons of football, Hamilton Tig ors, Wg Vour champions will trot out onto the gridiron at Kingston this wfternoon slight favorites to wongher Queen's University, Inter colleginte titleholders, In the east tories and amassed a total of 140 defeat wan suffered wat Montreal when they were downed in u league mantel lant October during the regis Jur sehedule Tigers weorad five vie tories und gpmassed u total of 140 points, while & mere 80 were soors pd against them, Tha Tricolor also have an envi abla vecord this season, They plays pd wix games, winning five and Joss Ing ong, Queen's piled up PE points fu these games to thelr opponents' 4 On this yecord the teams would abponr fairly evenly matched, Home orities 'maintain, however, that foots bill In the Intercollegiate this sens wan has not been quite up to par, he Big Pour possessed three high olugs teams and competition was keon to the end, Voreeasting on these lines therefore, one must eall Hamilton to win by a comfortable margin, The tield at Queen's Stadium Is dry and fast, o condition which fas vors both teams, It will greatly help the erashing line plunges of the Bg Your ghamplong and should On the other hand the fast golng will enable the speedy Tricolor outs wide wings to get down under Hows ard Carter's powarful kicks in time ta halt any broken fleld vunning by Hengnl halfhacks, The old weather may prove a ors have lost many & ball game hes fore this, "Taking into pecount the different niyles of play adopted hy teams, 00d weather game, Thely fumbles ave generally Tigers, on the other hand, fum oarly done, blew, oupacially during the ther will not be any help to them In this respect, Both teams are al for the game with the exception that Hastings will replace Abbott Bt snap for Queen's, Two other finals are soheduled for declsion today, At Montreal the Barnin Wanderers, Ontario Rugby Football Union intermediate ham: plons will face Waostwards, Queheo ehamplons, for the Canadian title, RE RRs SRR Cl full strength | RE) NJINCELON When you visit Toronto you can take pride in inviting your friends to meet you and dine with you Royal York, Over a thousand rooms from which to choose, each with bath at moder { public rooms "uv five restaurants with meals to uree , , , Rex Battle's id Culley's dance ore at the new Aterates, suit every dinnerand chestras, The Royal Winter V Fair, November 20.28, Excellent sample room accommordagion \i THE AL YO R ON he Largest Tolol CC ANAIDILAN ad aa Queens Today STUDENTS HOLD VICTORY PARADE Kingston, Nov, 42 Queen's Unis versity students bold thelr vietory rade tonight, amid a flare of impels wnd a glare of Hghts, ndredn of the Tricolor followers wera in line, and they marched tris umphantly through the streets, fine ally bringing the festivities to an ond when they burned the Tiger in eMegy abt the lower campus, Wut soma ona Yiundered, A huge pile of wood was erects od, and wan sal on fire, but the Tiger aifigy wan not plaged on the yre until tha five had gained grow ondway, driving the enthuslasiie pludonts fur awny, A Courageous Quean's man tried to toss the Tig ar into the honfive, hut was driv on haek; when he made @ wocond attempt the tiger landed on the outskirts of the hlaxe, He wan aventunlly scorched to death, hut those who ara Inclined to be wiper stitloun opined that the Bengals are sure fo win here tomorrow, The tleld at Richardson Stadium In Hghtning fast---good news, this, for the Hine plungers from Jungle Towne--und Queen's followers, while hoping for the hest, would have preferred to have conditions similar to those which prevailed lant Saturday, when the University of Toronto senlors were overs whelmed in the Intercollegiate Un fon final Pin Falth on Batptone Kingston and Quean's pin thelr hopes of vietory on the sanny lead arship of Harry Batstons, who, as aver, Is the dol of the Limestone City PButstons has hutlt up un de fensive system that he believes will slop the Tigers, and itn practices hig week It has worked to perfec Hon, However, other teams have alan entered struggles econvineed that thay could halt the Yellow and Binek, only to discover that the Tigers ean len lines to whrode On all sides It 1x admitted that Queen's have a team that om ps res favarably to the great machines that swept aslde all opposition for four consecutive sensans Queen's, hard bitten hattlors on Canadian pridivons tn the last eight pampeligng, anter tomorrow's eon filet confidant af victory, They ne Hevea that Howard Carter and "Had" GHimore, supported by Cald wall, suery novial artillery that the Tigres ounnot mateh, hut It Is to their tpeklers, Hritton, tourlay, PDlokey and Munro, with Hastinus wlan a threat, that the Trelealor looks for effectiveness, This tack Hog brigade 18 all set to show Foar, Witord, Sunpson, and Broadway how to bring down thely men, wing Lax RK: AC IFC MOTE | a TO TORONTO £7 REGINA ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Whitby City Alleys on Tuesday nights, HAVRY B, LNCKY, Wha has heen appointed to the ©, HA, Mixecutive by the president, IHehavd Butler, Mr, Looky was un member of the executive Inst year ny well, | O.H.A. Bulletin President Richard Butler of the Ontario Hookey Association lust night announced the sppolntment of Huyry Lecky of Oshawn and 0, 0, Baker of North Bay to complete the Meecutlve Commies of the OJLA, My, Baker Is President of the Novthern Ontario Hookey As soglation, Both appointees were members lust year; The complete Het of officers of tha' OLA, In us follows President Hiehard Lindsay, Immediate Past resident Georgs 1B, MeKay, Toronto "emt Vies«1'resldent Hyds, Woodstook, Hesond Viee-President-J Hond, PVeterbore' AALL of CU, Governol Davidson Toronto Tronfurar-8heriff J Whithy Moevatary rante, HMeeentive Commities Gh, Mattatt Bure, Port George WH, Dudley, Midland] MH, Mehlegel, Preston Ueorgp Horne, Kingston Appdinted--Harry Looky, awn 0 O, Haker, North Ha NALA, Henlor Dates Dee, b IL of 1, v, Hangers Dee, 1i-=U, of ¥ Hangars v Butler, Frank erey WwW, W ¥, Paxton, W. A, Hawlill, I'o aleotad Colhorne | Alvin Van Osh i) Nutlonuin | | Strikes, Spares, | and Blows | At Looal Alloys STRIKES, SPARES AND BLOWS MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Parks ia still high for the with a mies Livorge hgh monthly hoor 179, Vary niet how Mary Pirle knocked Via for a loop with a nice st his was bowled fn the Hens pane of in fact ry fo ul witer Mine FIED noun BE K. Wells is still high for tl dy's high with 59 *® - . Standing of Mixed City Leagun Teams Play Won Lost Pu Consoly 1 0 0 ] Dew Drops Hi-Rallers Honey Buds, Originals Pirates ' Plug Fours ,, Y | Sparkles RR 0 Strollers «14 10 Tornadoes ,, Y 2 en Jerry NeCabe still has his name on the board bht his score of 219 has been: knooked for a goal, Sank Me: Lean, & pin Hby at the Motor City oysy bowled ten games with Norv, Cutler, another good ten fin howler, and Yank won nine of the games One of them was 23%, 1 think Jerry in slipping, La 14 | | | 1: \ 0 . w Dwe ye League The Due Ye Are going to start over aman with a ton team league, On Monday nights (they are going 10 bow! at Central Alleys every other week, On the ether weeks the same ton teams will howl at the Motor Several members of the Cost Des wrtiment of the General Motors Of oe howl on aftern ons, Here is some of the stores they turned in, Gord Creamer, "y Bd, Higging 210 and Workman, ar ' Mary Pirie and Via Noveis defeat ed 1, Bentley and A, Reeve in the challenge mate, Their total was 18? wainst 900 Krline and Annte are aoing 10 try again, 1 they sueeeed a third game will he howled hut if they fail another team will try their skill wd tek, Toa Nigh Monthly Rell.olfs to Date HORE HIAIROP siisaasnsssnay BY nas Beard ann 8 Gorton Cremer yyovaissinnsyy 880 TAOK ORAen +o iivvnianiinn Walt, Phillips sva0ns fol, Magkia sossvnrnsiinn Milt Morris Ed, Higgins lack Mrady 4... Rost, Nowein hese four ladies are going to bowl Bowmcaville: ana on Monday alterna at 230 at the Matar City Alleys . . ¥ Rew. Norris and Mil Morris got | Now a the beard this week with totals Stan Burgoyne and Steve Vair Are To Coach in Maritimes This Season Two well-known Ontario hockey goaches will be In charge of teams In season, Breve Vale, who handled Arthur Allan eup winners and Canadian senior champlons in 1928-1020 is to take hold of the Halifax Walverines, while Blan to become mentor ta the Truro Bearest Kings werk decidedly to the Taylor's time, enjoyed splendid success ut Port Arthur Vrancois Xavier in the Canadian finals at Winnipeg last March, Burgoyne has handled ehamplon teams all over the country, at Hamilton, d pouth Porcupine and has seldom failed to caps ture the league champlonship, is Fort William team in 1927 cleaned up the west, only to lose aut in the Allan cup finaly st Vancouver te the Var: the maritime provinces this the Renfrew Cregmer defeated Ht, Sudbury, Fort Wiliam an sity Grads, the Port roi Is going east ress oskey player when ore, Pik In Cyelone d his team easily Valr, # 0.C.L A. A. Held Meeting At the meeting of the City and Industrial Athletle Assoplation on Monday last some Tmportant busi ness wus transacted for the henas fit of atfillsted elubs, Tt 1s one pected that between now and De comber Ist, whan entries should he in, that There will ha a live hockey arganigation operating this coming winter, All Intending to partie pate In this good old Canadian game are requested to pend repre sentatives to the meeting on Mons day evening or get in touch with the seeretary, Dave Hiretton, #76 Albert Bireet, or phone 2THIW Next meeting on Monday night, pom, YMOA After (he hookey huslhess wun voneluded, un meeting wan held to canelude all business In connection with softball, The seeretury-Arons urer gave the finanon! statement for the past season showing a bal anes In hand after allowing for purchases of orests for the winning toume, The treasurer wis congrat uinted upon having 4 balanee and In appreciation was given a Hon wrium, Kind words were alse vol ad hy members present upon the work of the president, Art Rowden, had done during the season snd he was made (he reciplent of & press ent from thé Hofthall Assoelation Kyveryhody went sway pleased with having closed up o suoosssful your Eugene Huat Lost Out to Black Bill New York, Nay, ui Hinok Wi, the rugged Cuban midst wlunds tonight on the threshold of the world's flywelght championship than 10.000 hoxing Wiugene Hund In a listless pnd has only one Hafure more Hil delentod Kuropsan titleholder tensraund hout move harrier to hurdle York Is coneerned Can grasp the lot of gold ut the end of the goal the tit Fhe Coban will mast the winner of the eoming Waolunst-Hradle bog Tor the champlonship at some later dute Me vordiot for mous, five roids to him and two to three ni Lrentey faunas ne fay hufore He he and glory whioh 1a Hil was unanl belng orediten Hunt while I'he Cuban was more npEvéessive and showed ting ganeralship than his appeanent and Huat's lunges genes wily falled to find thelr mark The Frenchman walted pationtiy far an opening tao put aver ane of his hard ones, whieh had previous ly downed many Huropean conten dere, hur WN elected ta follow a CANLIOUS campaign and never gave Huat a ehanos, BH started with » determined offensive In the flat round and had Hust backing away urder a run of hlows, They foughl on even terms In the second, hut ware aven | the Franohman rallied to take the third, Thin was hig heat effort and not until BIE had established » wide margin In the fourth, fifth and sixth ald Rust emerse from hin shell, He gained the elghth hy a small margin, while the ninth and tenth were oredited to the Cuban Ry 10sing the deolslon Hua tems porarily at least retreated from ohamplonship eontention, The res verse proved a distinet surprise to the Frenchman's supporters, Buckingham Hockey Pictorial Makes Its Appearance The editor has Just received a copy of the Muokingham Hookey Plotarial which has Just heen te sued, and la published by George King, HY Victoria 8t,, Toronto, well remembered as compiling the elaborate Mistory of Hookey seve Oral deasons apo, The present ples rorial whieh is in a mintature form of the previous one Is, neverthes loss, a very Interesting one insos Much aa tt fa featuring a complete hMatory and series of plotures of Rtanley Cup Ohamptons (world's professional) from 1st inception in 1804 to the present dite, Also the Allan Cup Champions (Canadian Amateur Henlor) from 1505 to the present time, and the Memorial dup Champlons (Canadian Ama» teu Junior) from 1919 to present date, there tn also the latest pros fessional haokey vules, a poture of the Heston Beuing, present world's professional ohamplons on the front page, healden a variety of other inteveating features that are worth while to the average hookey fan, for three wanes as follows: Reg. 763 and Mily, 808, LE Art Donahure and Pat Meagher paired up nicely the other night and they bowled a total of S55 plas bes ween thet for ane game, This 1s pod bowling, The sures' were Art, wall Ad Pat=208, CR Took must have hou too husy this week to Hine wp his material bat he will bu bask neat week with pleaty, HOCKEY RECORDS International Ie PW. LTV, A, Windsor 8 HO 116 Detroit ove 8 Buffalo ,,.8 Cleveland § London ,,. 4 Hamilton , 8 MilHonalrves 4 1 Ning, Valls 4 0 4 finmes This Week Tonlght==London at Windsor at Cleveland, Hunday ==Milllonalres trolt, Hec Kilrea Is Leader With only 17 games played so far nnd 208 more seheduled before the play-offs start, Indieations are that the searing records In the Na tone! Hockey legrue will have an altogether different appearance wi the end of the campaign next Maroh, Atl present Hee Kllrea, lott wing of the Otlaws Nenators, Is tending with seven goals and three anuints, while Aurel Joliat is second with a total of elght points, A fea ture of the records to date fs the number of second and third-string players who are well up In the Hat while some of (the leaders of past seasons are close (to the hottom In the 17 pames there has heen # iota of 180 gonls soared, slightly GYRr un RYerage of seven a Kame According to unoMele!l records there have heen N4 sanints In the soaring of these goals The records re a, AV MH, Kllrea, Ottawa +: 7 010 Joligt, Canadiens , vs ¥ Claney, Ottawa $e Day, Maple Leafs Ouinor, Hoston Walland, Boston 'oe 14 Homers, Chicago 'hh Fradoriokson, Pittsburg, 3 4 4 ] 0 0 1 ] ) SER WweaeTT Buffile, a Dee W, Cook, Hangers Hu) Detail Mareh, Ohlonpo Dareagh, Pitishurg MoKinnon, Plitshurg Trottier, Montreal Halley, Maple Leafs Cotton, Maple Leafs Lamb, Ottawa Clapper,, Boston Ripley, Chicago Miike Plitsharg Lewis, Detroit Burke, Canadiens Conacher, Maple Leafs Rlalr, Maple Leals Finnlgan, Oltiawa SE en ~ PORT SNAPSHOT A rl aa By Gmo, Caxvemiay, Sports Bdilor From Sarnia The following clipping was taken from (he server | "Immediately following the game the Oshawa players erowd: od Into the Barnia dressing room snd congratulated the Wand overs on winning thelr frst ORF .U, championship" w 4 w » Band Tonight The "lee-maker" had an almost perfect sheet last night, but tonight he glaims he will have a perfect surface for the skaters to enjoy thems selves on, As an added attraction, the band will be in attendance from 7.80 to 1030, farnig Canadian Obs ¥ v ¥ . He Will Tle Missed The sport realm of Oshawa, softball civeles especially, has lost one of ite best members, In the death of "Vimy" Enlight, "Vimy" was well-known in the sport world of Oshaws, He played for the Bi Gregory's softhall team this summer and he also acted ws velief umes pire for the City Industrial Softball League LJ ¥ ¥ ¥ 0,C.LAA, Meeting on Monday All teams whe wish to aMliate with or wre already affiliated with the Oshawa City Industrial Athletic A meeting of that organization which will le Manday night at 8 o'clock, Have will be the malin subject under reminded of he YMCA on Hoeley aeltion are held In the your representatives there discussion > T'wo Guesses Given there ta he gridiron i", Down in Kingston today thy the rughy will likely remember the happy In going uni and all other fans who see fans of Kingston fur but | serap that yeRrs to « think game la over ne Are two guesses given ta decide the fans from the Limestone City will be winner alter A ----r Se ---- . ' VEENTY OF HOUKRY FOR PRESTON F------------ JACK DEMPSE TO STAND ALONE Noy uy Abundance will he played at the Preston this coming sea The Preston amateur athletie sociation has entered senior BY, and Junior teams in the OHA, The town of Hespeler has deelded to nier an Intermediateg team in the same and pla LT) games here In addition to the threes tema, the Mouth Waterloa rural hookey league, which eonsists of six entries, will aEain play thelr pamen al the Preston aren, Then the tawn senior ang juvenile leagues willy operate again this porno Preston, of hookey Nov wrend in pt, Louls Juok Demp soy, here Lo veferee a Flight card last night, declared he would stand ar fall by himeell as 8 promoter Dempsey sald veports nat he would go Into partnsrsldp In the fight promotion with Charles Wrlg lay were completely sgusous; that he Was not taking on any new us sociales He aluo sald he was not weting In the Interest of Madison Bguare garden, and that he would not von sider an offer to take Paddy Hay mon's place with the Chicago sta dium If It were offered him Bon fisoeiation, league Buffalo and Cleveland in Third Place Taoronta, Ont, Nav, 44, Cleves land and Buffalo advanced Into w te for third position in the stands Ing of the International Hockey Longue an the result of two games played last night, The Indians de fested Niagara Falls, § (0 1, while the Bisons came from hehing to seove a smart triumph over Hamils ton, # to 4, ame 2,000 fans saw the gams in Niagara Valls, but thelr expecta tons of seeing the cataracts break Into the winscolumn were shatters ed when Cleveland registered a goal In each period and held thelr opponents to a lone tally scored Inte In the final session, 16 was the fourth straight defeat for the Cuinracts, The Buffalo Bisons showed the Tigers how the new rules should he played, After a sooreless opening period, the Tigers scored twice in the middle frame while holding Hulalo to a single marker, In the final period, two neatly executed forward passes to Buffalo centre lee players enabled the winners to #enrs the tylng and winning mons, Mulehes wehednled for decision over the week-end will find the London Panthers meeting the Bi sons ut Buffalo, while Windsor will Journey to Cleveland, "Toron to Milllonaires will play Detroit Munday night OTTAWA GLEBES ARE READY FOR KINGSTON Ottawa, Nov, 42 Kingston Cols legiate institute's rugby foothsll team Invades the capital an Bats wrday for an Intersseholastio tussel with the (lehe senlors of this olty, The pame will take place on the Landsdowne park gridiron, commencing at 8,80 p.m The Kingstonlans will come aver from the Limestone Clty tomorrow morning In eneountering the (llehe collegiate team they will mest stout opposition In thelr quest for astern Ontario Nepons dary Fehools assoclation eham» plonship honors, The local souths plders won thelr local group in Im» pressive fashion, and then went on to defeat, Renfrew In a sud« den-denth pame fn the Creamery Town to add the Ottawa valley laurels to thelr 1st of achieves ments Cook, Uhlvago Conture, Ohleago Hourgenull, Rangers Waknle, Canadiens Hlebhart, Montreal Phillips, Montreal ios Pettinger, Maple Lenls | Primenu, Maple Leafs , , Touhey, Ottawa . Hhove, Rostan overs Miller, Chlongo Arhour, Chioago Ahel, Chicago RT Coldaworthy, Rangers I, Cook, Rangers , 100: Nellefeullle, Detroit , Goodwillle, Detealt (1, Houohler, Montreal .., Nlewart, Montreal ,, \ Himes, Americans ' Masseoar, Amerioans ,.. 4 ' aa =a hy TER Dt DD AED kh DAD AT ee Hrydson, Maple Leafs Amith, Ottawa Hhields, OUAWA ons vrrnn Owen, Doston .oivssrnnns Hitehman, Poston seen ¥, Bouoher, RANEOrs 444 Quennville, Rangers ,,44s Thompaon, Rangers sees Noble, Detroit Cooper, Detrolt , 44 Rookburn, Detroit sovvvee } Hioks, Dotrolt | iouvvrns B, Mantha, Canadiens 44 1 Lepine, Canadiens iovvvs a Canadiens ova , Bmith, Montreal Relse, Americans ,, Cox, Maple Leafs vas Uroavenar, OUAWA | 1 ues Hriden, Plitaburg «oon MoCatfray, Plttaburg «ooo Johnson, Rangers 'rue Murdook, Rangers ,,.. Connors, Detrolt sos aness Morens, Canadiens «oui Wileox, Mentreal Dutton, Montreal 4 yovvony 1, Conacher, Americans ,,, © Himpaon, AMerioans vey 0 aD MALVERN OF v U0\N, TURADAY University of Toronto Sohools foothall team that defeated Petem hove in an interaoholastio semistine al will meet Malvern QI, seniors, winners of the Taronte High Sohool league, in the next round of the play-offs for the pravinelal th tle on Tuekday afternoon at Van ality stadium USER, have won seve on consecutive games and boast A hard-hitting, speedy team that 8 considered to be the best repres, sentative that the prep, school han had for some time, Malvern sents Or are also powerful football plays ors and will ha hard to heat, AT, MARY'S COLLRGR UNBRATEN Bah Francisco, Nov, 38-88, Mary's college overwhelmed News Ada §4 to 0 at Kesar stadium tos Hay to remain the only undefeated And wnacared on major football team in the country, hs tl lh eR sh i BNE FARR mme vamws 1 0 4 CoDDDO Dian ARRAY ae aa aaa el fk kL Tr Tut ---- th i lh. lh. Gl sts hh lh. pt. HB BID DD DODD CHDDDD come, be done, Seems like a lot of days, doesn't it? time == 80 you let it go until tomorrow == (oa morrow when today will be yesterday, Bw the year ls 30 Null of yesterdays == so few tomorrows loft «= yesterdays travel fast, tomorrows neves 3 Load: of Yesterday means regret, tomorrow hope, but tes day is opportunity == today Ia never tee late, never too early, Do it today and you'll know !) is done, Let it go until tomorrow and it may neve. at a "ONLY 27 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT The Oshawa Daily Times

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