Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 5

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"Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SA ¥ Singi LAST DAY OF ng Revival KING STREET UNITED i CHURCH - Sunday November 24th Regular Morning Service at 11 O'clock Sunday School Session at 2,30 p.m, Special Mass Meeting FOR MEN and OLDER BOYS 3.45 pm, . KING ST, CHURCH / BIHAKENR REV. GEO, DIBBLE | Special Mass Meeting Mon WOMEN & OLDER GIRLS 3.48 pm, REGENT THEATRE RPA WEN MRS. GEO, DIBBLE Evening Services AT KING ST. UNITED and ST, ANDREW'S BOTH IN CHARGE OF MR, AND MRS, GEO, DIBBLE TE # AT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Athol By, W, RUB ROTH 11 am~"The Reeve: of Soul Winning" 7 pm, "A Page You Can Never Forget," FRR EEE 8 pom, == Bunday Behool Monday, § pm, ~=Young People's Meeting Wednesday, § pm, Prayer Hervice, Friday, 1 pom, == ren's Meating, Friday, & pw, Practice, A CORDIAL WHLOOME TO ALL SERVICES REV, ALBERT HUGHES Childs we Choly To Broadcast For Outposts tn an effort to link up remote out posts with the ehireh, a series of sp oll Bunday services will he braid cant from Winnipeg by the United Chureh of Canada It is propoged that the services will ga on the wir at other than ehureh hours, nine a'eloak Munday evening having been the hour tentatively set in this con neetion, At same pertod theough 1h week an aiditional half hour broad cult will be put on, when an address will be given dealing with seme phase of the United Chureh's worl, I -------- An Afviean nilsglonary was dis turbed one night by an unusial com motion in his ehigkensran, He hurried ta his garden but ould not eheyate the inky void "Wha's there? he demanded Valee--"It am anly de mosquitoes Si. George's ANGLICAN Cor, Bagot and Centre Eis CANON ©, R, dePENUIER, #9 Athol Street Weal Holy Communion==§ am, 11 amo~Morning Prayer #unday Bcheol Centre Ht» 2,00 pm, 7 pm, = Hvensong Aaptiams ud Sunday each month, CR is 0, WP, Centre St, United Church . P FLETCHER, ney {WM Dy 1! am, "What About Your Hearing" 2,30---Sunday Scheel, 7.00 pm, wo? All We Like Sheep" Men, 8 pm == Young le's, ~~ Wed, 8 Pp La Meeting and Phos ship Training, GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Sunday, Nevember 24 "8.80 am. dunday Bekoal, 10.80 a mo~NMornlng Wor ship, Rev, A ©. Haba | 142 Allee Street All ARR SoRBIALLY WELCOME dat am betherin' ws ehiokens, sah" CHRISTADELPHIAN First Baptist Church King St, East REV, AUNREY W, SMALL 18 Aberdeen Nireet 1 11 am, "Foundations" a pom, Sunday School 7 pw, "The Measure and Meaning of Love" Monday, B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8 pm, Prayer Meeting WELCOME TO ALL Ny 2 LIN Eee, Mand Mi 1 Unity Truth Centre 10 amem=fiunday Nehool 11 ame=Momning Ser view, -- Christian Science Firat Ohureh of Christ, Helentlst, 61 Colborne Hireet Mast Sunday, November 24 AUB RCT "Soul and Body" Morning Service at 11 am, Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m, moluding teatimonten of Healing through Christian Belones, KNOX Presbytaian Church Simcoe Hires! North and Broek Sireet ltev, Duncan Munros #4 Hook St, W, Phone B84 Sunday, Novpmbey 24 Il am, = "Jesup the Man of the Mountain and Valley" 3 pm. == Sunday Scheel and Bible Class ? PR, ve eoial Ads dress = "Eagles and Sparrows." \ Wed, 8 p.m.-=Midweek Service. You are cordially invited te attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room wheve the Bible and all authorised Christian Selence Hiarature may be toad, borrowed oy pureh and todicala subseribed for, Open vn uesdays, Thursdays and Hatundays from 2 to § pw, _--_ - a | | North Simcoe St. | United Church | | Rey, A, MANSELL IRWIN, RAL BD, Paster 1 20 Greta BL, Phone 2863W § The AL ih Munday Bohoal Nessions Ww PW Bg Nesslon A Pe ooond Neaston Monday, a RUN Ween Ni, We ews and N. Rbameoo "af Ching, Tn gratitude TURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 Sunday Services in The Qshawa Churches a Unity Truth Contre The veyular services of Unity truth Centre will be held tomorrow, Croce Lutheran Kev, A C, aby, the pastor lve ghirge of the services of b Lutheran Chureh, Bunday, Bt, George's Anglican Canon CC, BR, dePencier, the reetar, will eonduet the serviees of Bt, George's Anglican Chureh, Sunday, Holy Trinity Chuyeh Rev, B,C; Jarrett, the vector, will conduct the regular services of Holy Trinity Anglican Chureh, Sunday, Free Methodist The regwlar services of the Pron Methodist Chureh will be condueted tamoarrow, will rain Chyletinn Belonce "Bowl and Body" will he the subijoet for discussion at the regular service of the First Chureh of hint Belent Ist, tomarrow Pentecostal Assembl "The Prayer of Faith" will he the subject af the pastor, Rev, J, 1, Ball, it the morning service of Fenteoasi al Assembly, In the evening the pastor will speaks on "Christ's Love for the Chureh," Contre Bivast United Fhe services at Centre Breet Un ied Chureh, Sunday, will be in eharys of the pastor, Rev, W, ¥F, Fleiche In the morning his subijeet will he "Whit About Your Heascng" whils in the evening his sermon will Le "All We Like Sheep" North Simsae Btvast United Rov, A, M, Irwin, the pastor, will gonduet both seeviees at North Sim goo wtreet United Church, Sunday here wlll be two sessions of the Sunday sehdol, one starting at 2 pm and the seeend starting at 4 Pig "Jesus the Man of the Maomntaln and Valley" will be the sermon of the pastor, Mov, Duncan Munroe, at the marning servige of Knox Preshyter tn Chueh, Sunday, A special address on "Hagles and Bparvows" will presented at the evening 'servies Calvary Baptist "The Secret of Soul Winning" will be the subjeet af the MOTRIN ser mon by Rev, Albert Hughes, who 1s conducting the services at Calvary Haptist Churehy tomorrow In the evening he will speak on "A Fae on Can Never Forget" At Andrew's United "The Hlessedns of the Unsatis fled" will he the subject of the as tar, Rov, K, J, Maxwell, at the marn WE serviee of NE Andrew's United Chureh Rev, Gearge Dibble, the Snwing evangelist and Mes, Dibble Will he In oharge of the ovening ser Vive NOTED MEDICAL MISSIONARY TO SPEAK IN OSHAWA Dr, Howard Taylor of China Inland Mission Here Wed: nesday Next Dr, Howard Taylor, dlatinguishe od medioal misslonary, and son of the founder of tha Ohing Inland Misslon, 18 to give an addvess in Blmooa Nireat United Chureh, Wednesday ovening next week, November 8%, The meeting will commence at 8 e'olock, An the Work of the mission fa undenomis national most of the protestant churches fn the olty are oo-nperats mg by merging thelr widiweek Prayer service with the mesting tn dlmeoe Bireet Ohureh, Ohina tn again pen practically from end to end, 10 those menue: Hore wha carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 1 18 not long sins that plsslonarion tn large numbers had $0 leave the Interior of that oouns IY, Hat in answer to worldwide prayer, God has again opened the doore; the missionaries ave wot ORLY Baek at thelr work, hat (hey Are calling fap relatarcements, To he ealled In to attend the mother af a high ottiedal in China aed Lo be a somewhat rare 0o0UN renee, his, however, was De Tarlor's experience when he went Aut As A Medical Misslonary to the Provinge of Hanan, Central Ching, where he waa the first, and for some time, the only forelgn dootap He had splendid ovedentials: MM, D, London, Kngland; MROP, F ROR, & BW, Among hin early patients was the mother of the die Ungulshed statesman wha after wards begame the frat Ratan | Howard Taylor's services, he asked the warldsfamons LEHung-Ohang, Who was In high offices at that tine, to present the Younes med onl misstonary with a wpeolal tab let signed with his qwa name, Dry Taylor's experiences have boon at timen thrilling, On his last vialt ta Ching when he and his wife visited some 184 Proviness w order (¢ see the work aa it now ARReA™, he was taken captive hy bandits who held him (after tree ng hia with) for several weeks, during whieh time he was oon tantly threatened with death, His deliverance was as thrilling as his Guptivity 8 ! \ Briday, Nov, Sthe=basar, > fn the Hght of mesent condh ho {'elosk In the afternoon, [my nights King 51 Churel was une First B "Foundations" wil the wsubjeel of the pastor, Rey, rey hy hill, ut the morning service of First w Hint Ehirely, nthe svening he will speak on "The Mensure of Love" © Albert Bivest, United The reuulsr services of Albert Hest United Chureh will he conducts ed Bunduy by the pastor Rev, BK, A Whattam, His morning subject will he "Christian Addition" while his eye ening sermon as been annennced as "How ta Hive a Good Time" This In i speeinl nddress to young people, Bimean Bireat United Rev, KK, Hurston, the pastor, will ganduet bath services at Blmeos Un Hed Chureh tomorrow, In the morn nt bila subject will be "Diralned ty while in the evening he will spoils un Hinman Ck maring Negdp," A friendship fireside gathering will be held wt the close of the evening FAL Balvation Army Colonel ¥, Baunders, Principal of Bilvatlon Army Fralning Benoa) at soranta will be in ehiarge of the ser viees at the Army Citadel Bunda) iol, Buunders will be assisted iy Mrs, Baunders, Baff Captain lim men's side oer and six mon endeta, Hos marning sermon will i he Message of Full Balvation while in the evening he will speak on "Phe Mowsage of the Bells" "A spe aul song and musie service will he miven by the cadets starting at 3.15 Christ Chursh Weve I, By Patterson, the reotar, will be in eharge of the morning so view af Christ Angliean Chureh, In the evening w spegial service will he Hele far the young people with Roy Henry Marsh, curate of 51, Paul's Ghureh, Toranta, us special speaker AY PA, members will assist and » seinl hour will spent later to whieh all wembers of the Young People's Boeloty will he weleame, A brief veport of the Bt, Catharines eanvention is ta be presented hy My Ripw, delegate King Street United Famorraow will be the last day of ane of the most noted revivals ever held in Oshawa and at whieh far able to accommodate the erawds, An exceptionally large program, 8 ad vertised for which two ohurehies ani the Regent Theatre will he weed Npeeinl muss meetings will he held for men and older boys In King $i Chuveh at 345 at whieh Me, Dilibl will speak while at the same time Mra, Dibble will speak to 8 mass meeting of women and girls In the Regent Theatre For the evening serviees King St, and St Andrew's Churehes will he used and arrange! 80 that hothe Mr, and Mes, Dibble will speak and load In song at each Nong serviee commencing at about 080 In King St, ehureh, a -- Wonk, there 1a a loud oall ta the whole Christian Chureh, to pass on the "Good News" ta the mil Hone In Ching who have net yel heard the Gospel, The doors are aEnin wide ape notwithstanding all the prevalling unrest, and the vary oousiderable diftioultien that fhoe all sueh work, the frat Ohristmag Mossage of "Good Tids Ings of Great Joy" must be declan ed 10 "All People" All whe are hie 10 be prénent at Bimeoos Brest United Ohureh Wednesday avens Ing will be delighted with Pr. Tay: lors message, This distinguished Doctor who has heen speaking on Ching almost cantinuously slnoe the middle of Heptember, will he fn Oshawa one evening only, There will he no eolleotion taken, and no appeal for financial help, | RP Noted Modienl Minslonary anid son Wednesday night of this week, A A ht Sunday Services in the City Churches PAGE FIVE Da % I, HAHA AIS ADO, All the Churehes Bla You a Hearty Welcamb HH VIRION "Enter Into His Courts With Praise" : The House of Friendship SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister; REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. | 52 Simcoe St. 5. | Church Off, Bagot St Phone 148 ood Singl i i hip Plone 3128 Fine Fellows Helpful Services Sunday Services 11 am, "DRAINED DRY" We have a splendid Young Men's Class, | IT | 3 pm,~--Sunday School You will be welcome 7 pom, Humanity's Clamoring Needs Friendship Fireside Service at the close of regular Service, The Minister Will Preach at Both Services, A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Her ML HOWARD TAYLOR of the founder of the Ching Ine nnd Mission, who i to give an Address at a publie meeting In Whmeon Mreet United Charo on En] -- a A Story For the Ee yp-th/ -------- ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corpor Court and Barr REV. 8 C JARRETT Hehool TTL TTR Wal Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church Bil Celina Nireet Opposite Maple wt LITT Bintduy Muring 10 wm 11 an ship Thin Miss Miller of Toronto In charge f Tuesdays» Prayer sorvive, Wednesday, Aopm Young Peuplo's Meeting Friday, & om, Nihle Bludy | Come and enjoy these height Bervices With Us 30 Falvbanks St, Holy munien I am Clam I Muting and am Sermon I pon ==Sunday School, / pom | vansong and ' wimon I ---- m------ REV, R, A, WHATTAM, Ministey #0 Elena Bt, Phone 10 AM, ==Classes for Young and Old, 11 AM,="Christian Addition" 230 PM, == Sunday Schoo! & Elvra Bible Class 7 PM, Popular Song Service, Subj "How To Have A Good Time" (For Young People) EVERYRODY WELCOME fos Sa Christ Church (ANULIVAN) Oar, HEoroft and Mary Nis, Nev, We I Patterson, MA, Ahoumbenl, BUN Masson #\, # ame=Haly Communion, I ame=Maorning Prayer, Sehaal, 7.00 pan Npeeldt AY PA, Service, Rev, Henry Marsh, Curate of St Paul's Chureh, orante. da00 pomee Sunday Further Rally of Young Peas ple Alter the Service «t Children i+ At 4 wmisslon hall In London & wealthy Judy, who was untertuns ately donf, made good wae of her rlohes hy providing rr the poor some excellent, gospel service, On one otoasion & ehrated Preach» or anid ta her, "What part de yo wake In thin noble work? "on" she MINWe quietly, "I smile them in and 1 gt them out a» wal," Boon afler this the preach: Ar BAW Lhe good result of her sym: PLAY a8 a orowd of working men entered the hall looking delighted to get a smile fram hen The Arend of LIN and the Water of Lite onunot rejammended to e0ple hy those who look as It that Yo And drink disagreed with them, a SQUAW SUMMER November days are wild with hinted vain, And winds, that wight he winter toothed are mellow; While loaves, like yellow light the hae And in the yard ohrysanthemums are yellow Navenpher Shin keep something of we And hn W ae woods, a feathered olf in flinging Handinls of crystal song 10 people, 4) A month age, bade farewell to sueh Hnging, Yet, in the dvoatstanned grass orickets Kiera They know this June mirage brings death the fasten, This false Squaw Sumner, pitital re prieve Peosnerine has won fram hoy oruel master, lanterns, the wBy John Hanhn in the Chatelaine Free Methodist | CHURCH in Canada (Over Avene) 1H BIMOCOR 8%, N Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG, Contre Nt, Rev, J. T, Rall Sunday, November 24 10 am =Sunday Scheel 11 am w=""The co St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of The United Church of Canada Rev, F, J, Maxwell, Minlater, Miss P, Fletoher, Assistant Sunday, November 24 11 am, "The Rlessedness of the Unsatisfied." The Minister Will Preach Story for the Children == Misa Fletohey 3 pm, Sunday School and Bible Clasa 7 pm Rev. George Dibble, the Singing Evangelist will | preach 'sing and Mrs, Dibble wi YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THESE SERVICES Prayer of Faith" 7 pw, == "Christ's Love or the Chureh" Good Singing Sunday, November 24 2 pw Sunday Seheek Preaching Ser- vive, Rev, ly LG Casement, Pasar Cordial Welcome 3 poy ee The Salvation Army RIMOOR AND OAR NS Services Conducted hy Rasigh and Mag A Rion Colonel F. Saunders | Prinoipal 8, A, Tratning Thitoge, Torani a Assisted hy Mus, Saunders, Sam Captain BF Ham (Men's Side Offeen) and Rix Men Cadets 1am w= "Message of Full Salvation 3.15 pom, w= Service of Song and Muskie, by Cadets "Message of the Bells" 7 pm == "Message of Great Salvation Come and Hear the Colonel and the "Young Propheta® SPECIAL MUSIC BY BAND AND SONCGATERS

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