Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Ee Oshawa Bally Times. Socoseding \ THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Eotablished 1971) Av independent newspaper published every alterseor encopt Sundays and legal holidays, 40 Oshaws Cunada by Mundy Printing Company, Limited: Chas M. Mundy, President; A R. Alloway, See: rotary. Oshawa Dally Times Is a member of the Cane dise Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers As sosiation, The Ontario Provincial Dailies and the Audit Bureaw of Clveulations, ' SUBSCPIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ » week By mall lo Canade (outside Oshawa carrier delivery limits), $4.00 » your) United States, $5.00 » year, : TORONTO OFFICE | #7 Bond Building, 88 Temperance Sifsst, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, representative REPRESENTATIVES INU. 8, Povers and Stone, Inc. New York and Chisego SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 NEED FOR EXTRA CARE The ley condition of the streets, not only In Qshe awk but in other cities of the province, yesterday, as & result of the snow and cold temperature, drew vividly to the attention of motorists the danger of motoring under these clreumstances, While it Ia usually thotight that there in & greater neeldent haze ard In the summer, when traffic on the roads is heave ler, the risk, of driving on the rounds at this time of 'the year Is more serious than It Is in the time of heavy traffic, Conditions 'of the kind which prevailed yesterday ought 40 be taken as a warning to all car drivers to be more than usually careful when the surface of the roads is slippery, Most drivers, of course, with & constant thought for thelr own safety und the safety of others, do not require any warning. There are others, however, who are so thoughtless in thelr method of driving that they néed to be con. stantly reminded that they are taking thelr lives In their Lands If they drive on a slippery, leebound highway in exactly the same way as they would on a clean, dry road, The winter season is one of almost constant peril to motorists, and, with curs now In use all the year round, it is well that at the very outset of the season, motorists should realize the added risk of wiyter travel, and govern Shem selves accordingly, The ------------------ A VALUABLE WORK The travelling tuberculosis clinic which is at press ent operating in the Oshawa General Hospital is a wonderful example of the type of preventive work which Is being carried en by the provincial departs ment of health, 'Tuberculosis has, for some years, been ows of the most deadly o} diseases in Canada, for the simple reason that, in a great many cases, ne diagnosis has been made until the condition has dedeloped beyond w point, at which successful curas tive treatment can be given, Caught in its carly stages, tuberculosin can be successfully treated, and the great object of the travelling elinic is to make an examination of those who are suspected of have ing the disease, or wha hive been in contact with it, 80 that it can be diagnosed before It becomes serie ous, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of eure, according to an old saylng, and this is being given "a highly practical application in this work, It is m= possible to estimate the saving in human life, as well as In money and productive activity, that will be age complished through this provincial travelling elinle and Oshawa is fortunate in that it has been one of the first places to be afforded the benefits of one of the most valuable institutions that has yet been evolved by the provincial government, FIGHTING OLD MAN GLOOM The columns of Thursday's newspapers afforded many splendid reasons why there Is no need for a gloomy outlook in Canada, Nothing could have been more timely than the several afnouncements indieats ing that industry and business, in certain lines, have splendid prospects ahead of them, Some of the outs standing items 1m this respect were as follows i= The British admiralty has ordered a large shipment of pine timber, to be cut from the forests of the Al- gonguin Park, The Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Rails ways have placed orders for 400,000 railway ties, The ron of the Canadian National Railways have approved of a program of new construction and spurchases of new equipment to cost $20,000,000, and have decided to proceed with this program, Ontario's production of minerals in the present year promises to be at least $12,000,000 more than in 1928, an increase of 17.3 over last year, und there da every indication that this inereano will continue, ese ro concrete instances of the bright pross pects which lie ahead of certain lines of Canadian Industry, They show that the leaggrs in large na siohal organizations have faith enough in the fs mediate future of the country to make heavy coms > mimments for expenditure. | "Co his ds the 'spirit which will malutaln prosperity at a high level, and is about the best method of fighting old man Bloom that gould possibly be cons "celveN, : NOT READY YET Lhe reaction of the press of she world tu the pros posal of President Hoover that there bo absolute freedom of the gens in time of wur has not been of a, very friendly nature, 'There have been a few co ments which have given a sort of general approve al to the idea, but in the main the arguments put forward haye been strongly against it President Hoover, of course, had in mind the pres yeution of a blockade on food supplies for any nation which is at war, Probably he recalled his work In Belgium, us 8 food commissioner during the Grest ed on non-combatants by the dmpesition of a fopd bloghado, 4 One thing which mest eritles infer, but full to sa indirectly is that while nations nee at war, they s justiffed- in using every legiimate means to bring that the blockade Is a very effective war weapon, It was the blockade of Germany, preventing necessities from entering that country, which aroused the people of that country to. the point of revolt, and made further resistance Impossible, "I'his was just as strong u factor in the surrender of Germany fo the Allies us the defeat of the German armily in the fleld, The opposition to President Hoover's Ides, hows ever, brings out. an Intecesting® sidelight, It shows that, in spite of the progress which hiss beehh 'made towards permanent peace, the nations are not yet orady to admit that wer ls an imposgibility," They wre not yet ready to give up ndvantuges whigh they feel they might have over ether natiops in the event of another war, For that reason, President Hoover's proposal was a trifle premature, but the time will come, it is hoped, when war will become so much of an Impossibility that it will not be necessary to make regulations as to how it shall be conducted, RESULTS ALONE SHOULD COUNT --------------t Premier MacDonald has held out to thie opposition parties in the British House of Commons a pros posal that all three parties should unite in an effort to find a solution to the unemployment. problem, His Iden Is that the other parties might have some useful contributions to make towards the solution of this pressing problem, und that if the situation could be relleved more readily by the co-operation of ull parties, that gooperation yould be welcomed by his government, The Liberal and Conservative parties of Britain are, in this proposal, given an excellent opportunity to show their attitude towards the solution of a seris ous problem, If they accept the Invitation to co- operation, It will prove that they consider the wel fase of their country as being of mre Importance than mere party expediency, that they are willing to take the risk of having the Labor party glven credit for Melping to ease the situation, Unfortunately, it is not hikely that the will have a favorable reception from the eppositiun pagties, The attitude they are likely to take fs: that the Labor government, having gone into power on a platform of relieving unemployment conditions, has made its own bed and must le upon It, Putting it bluntly, this means that they would be quite willing to have the gbvernment's plans to relieve the situa tion end in complete failure, if by that failure the government should be discredited, and weakened for the next election fight, Party expedighey counts for u great deal in the doings. of both government 'and opposition parties, Politicians cannot. help looking ahead to the day when they will have to stand before the elestors and appeal for publie support, and; while It ls rather unfortunate for those people who might be given us- sistance by means of co-operative study of the prob. lem, it is to be feared that the opposition parties in Britain will prefer 10 keep out of the affair, and leave the government to work out its own #alvation, not because they think the government ls perfectly able to do so without say wd from them, but rather Lo- cause they feel it might be in the best interests of thelr own parties that the government should fail, - a ------e EDITORIAL NOTES -------------- invitation The baby which was born in an aeroplane down in Florida has at least got a flying start in life being made more attragtive In the And mose casily dodged, Prison life is United States, s-- Cheer up, It Is ouly about five or six months une tl the lacrosse season opens again, ' ---- St, new municipal building, thing += some day, Catharines is planning te spend $300,000 on a Oshawa may do the same War storles are now back again in fashion, The new generation, of course, did not go through the same ordeal of knowing about the war at first hand, -- Insurance companies say & man who works is a better risk than an idle man, Probably on the old story that hard work never killed any one, Iai't it interesting to note how many spinster writ ors are telling mothers how to bring wp their chil dren! Sir Henry Drayton has promised to reduce the price of bear, It would be much mera useful if some: one could reduce the price of the necessities of life sme I ------ Thess the days, when a man hardly knows whether to run for the goul shovel or the snow shovel first, ure It will ba a great relief to many people when the MacAlpine party and ity rescuers reach a railway line, Acroplape travel seems too risky In the Aretie at this time of the yearn Beaverbrook's plan for Empire free trade is no} calculated to arouse any enthusasw in Canada, where it had been proven that free trade of any kind is not i an econamie possibility, s---------- A tunnel is now being planned under the Straits of Gibraltar, linking Europe and Africa. \What lots of seasick travellers are anxious to know is when a tunnel will be built under the Atlantie? A The large number of shooting accidents to hunts ers in the woods suggests that many of those who £9 hunting. need to have their eyesight tested bee fore they leave home, S-- It would Le interesting to Kihow if the plans for the new police station will include uccommodation for the transients who come around looking for a night's lodging, TER-------- With clegtions a month away, the Chatham News boasts, there is already. an abundance of splendid candidates aeady to stand for office, Would that Oshawa were us fortunate? Whenever we read of lengthy criminal trials in the United States, we come to the conclusions that they are just as long as the purse of the person bes ing tried, War, and realized the hardships that can be Infilots thelr enemies 'to terms, and experience has proven | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMFS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 I a Other Editor's ""Comments COMPYWITTION IN THY ARTS (Toronto Mull and Empire) Pdgar Wallace pays the talkie will force the stage to gel some new clothon. and generally buck up, Most inventions and velorie have dons a lot to help the thing they broke with; competition in the arty may help both compets tors, THY pooR (Manitoba Vee Press) It de generally conceded north of the Tweed tha It takes a Hoot to run 4 Joh Property, fhe serious: minded. inhabitants of Heotlapd having admitted so much, then proceed all over the world {ooking for jobs that need running, Wher. over possible t o run them and admit they are Mloing it well, BE FAIR TO MR, BINCLAIR (Fergus News-Record) Home of the life-long liberals Are apt to blame W, FE, Binclaly for the detent, The same people would have been praising him had he won, He had almost as sirens ous A time before, the election uw the premier had, but the resulty wera not wo favorable, Mr, Blu- olnle carried his own riding of Bouth Ontario and the neighboring one off Durham, but all the rest of the counties on Luke Ontario, from Oakville to Kingston, wont Conwervative, FEW LEARNING TRADES (Alymer Kxprows) Much comment is being made In all parts of Ontario on the fact that there are practically no ap. prentices to trades any more, This in an alarming condiflon, and it is difienlt to solve, It used to he that apprentices in nll branches of mechanios were plentiful, and boys were quite willing to learn trades und nooept what thelr services were worth to employers Nowa days It would appear that the only consideration of many boys after leaving school is wages, and they are quite willing to neeept the job offering the most Money, whether they have qualifieations for such work or not, That Is one reas son why thera ure so many day laborers ond so few mechanies in process of development, HUMAN HEAWTSE TILL BEAT ( Halleville, Ontario) Blurving in New York Clty, a young man, 23 yeurs old, from Vip Kinin, dropped on the sldewslk, A crowd gaurered Ho was *onrd Lo say something about hunger A man slipped away and came back with sandwiches, milk and coffee, The youth ate heartily and collaps od nEnin Doctor and ambulanis smimmonsd by pollceman came and in the meantime »s collection of #100 had been taken up in the growd, Then an woman drove up, shld she would glve the youth a nieht's lodeing and has tare home He had been unable to find em ployment in one of the richest cit les of the world, and had been three days. without food Kind hourts ave more than coronets, and even In New York the milk of Shuman kindness moves folks wo pity to help those who are ddwn | | ind wimost out Bits of Humor Which two Freneh ports does a pale of baggy, H=htting trousers resemble Toulon and Toulouse The wife stalked angrily into the room, "I have bad news for you," she shouted "Shoot!" growled the brute, going on with his reading "No, I had considered that," she sald; "but 1 decided not to; I'm just going to divorce you" A wholesale Native company had gent letter alter Tetter to a delin quent retailer trying to collect a long overdue account At last thelr ultimatum eame and he paid up with the following expla nation: "Thanks for vour wonderful system of 'eallection letters, 1 would have pald sooper but T wanted to get the whole series," There was pawky humor-or was it ready wit Bain the remark of a boy who, coming home one Sunday afters npon with a¥string of trout, was sud. denly confronted by the minister, There was no way of escape but the boy rose to the occasion, "Minister," he exclaimed, "d've sce what the troots got for nabbin' worms on a Sunday 1 The minister went on his way re. joleing, LEGAL TERMS A lawyer thus illustrates the lane wuage of hig evaft: "If a man were to give another an orange, he would simply" say, 'Have an orange' Rut when the' transaction is intrusted to u lawyer to Hy put in writing, he uses this form: *I hereby give and convey te you, all and singular, my estate and interests, right, title, claim, and atvantaged of and in sald orange, tos gether with all 'its rind, juice, pulp, and pips, and all rights and advans tages therein, with full power to bite, cut, suck, and otherwise to eat the same or give the same away with or without the rind, Juice, pulp or pips, anything hereinbefore ar A or in any other meansof whatever na ture or kind whatsoever to the con- trary in any wise notwithstanding," = Park News, of Godel "many 8a roselved Ata, to them gave he power to\become the sane of God wven to them that belleve on ni name: Which were born, not of blood, noy of the will of the fleah, nor of he will ot man, but Qf Qod==John 1:12, 138, Prayer: Come, dearest Lord, descond and dwell he fue and love in every brenst, ¥;: MeKlvoy, adifor-mannger of the Waxahachie (Texan) Light, syn: YDId you ever stop to think that the solution of the problems of merehandising, «pmmunity bullds ing, buying ut home, sod all other similar problems peculiar to the average small ¢ily dnd town In this country Hes with the Independ- ent retallers" HWe hear much complaint ahout the chisin stove, the dis loyalty of those Whe buy outs ofstown, the averdnercusing stagnation of local merthans dining, pte, but we seldom stop to think that those of us who neo known as independent ves tullovs, Anking pride in calling ourselves executives, are nck Ing In knowledge of vearty modern and aggressive basis ness methods, Too often we wllow ourselves to be led by one businesses, drifting mong the Hanes of ledst resistance, rather than lending our husls news hy aggressive methods, Wao spend tog much time which should be given to Intensive study of trade organs, experis onces of sucoesstul pxoentives, research findings, ete, in tolls Ing the world that 'husiness haw gone to the dogs!' "In this great go-gelting ecound try whit a wenith of techniesl eds uention there fs avallable to use in trade papers apd special vessapch services for all Hines of business! That executive who stops to seed out the results of the experiences of others Is the most sucoesstul, There Is naghing wrong with huss ness axeopt that the day has come when obsglete business methods will no lohger 'get us hy! The ohalp store, which so many nde pendent reintlory deride, In using modérny methods and paying Me head to those of us who howl, "Husiness must begin to rons Hao that a new day Is here, bringing with it the witimatum that those who stick with old methods and old sentiments must fall hy the wayside, AK THE IMMORTAL LIN. COLN, WH 'MUNT NTUDY AND PREPARE OURSELVES AND OUIL CHANCES WILL COMBO FTEN,' That Body of Pours Oy James W Darton, M.D | y |v i | bape You ar ! \nd a Vv oatier ol HIGH AND VERY LOW \ Bou rsa ne You are hea VERY \ rang reusing abom I pre ¢ Ireguently Aud as you wl pre foul TOU pus youl wtisiied about ol act it your poms more nothing Tew there HOO pressure ar le | about it to give you « Howe a blood tht abot an Hus uncern on know a tnends with 1 points above ha 1s getting octupation Akay yuu Knew. OF gnetner irieis with a blood pressures about JU gointy less than what 18 conmdered normal, that is Tus pressure 18 only dl and he is likewise gowmg about Wis usual way, Now a' hiood pressur of ob much tab high oo | respeatively and § should be done about ir, 1 am speaking about what is called systole pressurc--whe pressure when the heart J» exerting its full power mn pumping blood, "tne diastole press sure is the pressure with the second or diastolic heat=-the constant pres Ure, as it were, Very high pressure is serious bes cause MK shows that the blood ves sys are either temporarily or pers wanently obstructing the blood and 10 the pean has to exert tremendous pressurd 10 pushshlood througly them tor all parts of the body, \ Low pressures is serious becanse it often means that for the time being, anyway, that the heart muscle has not a grout deal of power, Now in a general way whether the blood pressure ds high dr low the heart has to pump & certain amount of blood with each beat, Where the pressure 8 high, it often means some fection in the system and the sys. tem dn fighting it Whitre the pressure is low it oft er 'means that the infection has last of a long vime and has lessened the power of the heart, While some families have high ot low pressure normally, it you have a high i low' pressure it would be wise to fhave your doctor sea you every six months, because hygienle Iivimgr will usally corvect either cons ditto, H the condition is permanent he can advise you how to live safes ly, er, pressure EN, and his usual Ls, wiung of 230 or and much mething STRANDING OF VESSEL DESCRIBED BY SAILOR ---------- HRB Quober, Novy The story of the stranding and subseguent loss of the coastal sehoaouer Queheo Trader noar Pointe des Monts, Gass po, at 1.30 o'cloek Tuesday morn. ing, was told by one of the orew of four who returned te Quebeo Wednesday, A glgantio wave, dw ing A heavy snowstorm, put th vessel's compass out of commis won, A fow minutes later the ship struck tho rooks, 'The four mem hore of the crew, lod hy Qaptain Oharles Bernier, managed to get ashore, hut the ship waa a total loss, being transported by the ves sol, was salvaged by residents of Pointe des Monts, | Bits of Verse. WVENING PRAYER Doar Lovd, ss evening shadows creap, And we be hushed in peaceful slant sleep, . Be with those who cannot find 1epORe In pont obs anguish many bave thelr woes, Be very near the slek ones in thelr hed, The sutfering who with feverish, aching head, A poor hearthroken dear friend, 0 may (he peace of them descend, mother, or heaven on We pray for tffone oppressed with Care, And heavy burdens hard to hear, Dear Lord, on all, true rest hestow, The rest that Thine own children know, DEATHLYAR In the rugged Hmestone pastures The old hard maple glows, With burning tone snd glory Like the sun in all its sunset In the rich Laurentian autumn The sunset of the year, At Passchendaele T saw It, When my lifestream stopped 1a flowing As my life fell off in glory In the sunset of the year, The old hard maple glowing, With dying fire and splendor Hid at her every leafstalk The perfect bud of spring, At Fasschenghale I sleep not: Only my leaves of autdmn, My autumn leaves, fell there Yor the wondrous spring was en me And the life I gave at Passchens dnele Hid the life of morrow-year, THE GOLDEN WARBLER "Golden warbler, Where will you ge, When bright leaves fall And cold winds blow?" "1 shall be flying, By night and day To tg balmy southland Far away," "Golden warbler « Where will you be, When snow flies deep On fleld and tres?" "Witting In sunlisht Near troploal seas, Whare palm trees sway In the gentle hreese,' "Oolden warhler, How soon will you come Hack to aur garden When winter ig done?" "When blossoms are white On the apple tree, I shall eame carol A greeting to thee" Eye Care and Eye EE by C. RK TUCK, Opt.D (Copyright 1038) PARI "y' This condition like the other may be associated with a muscle weakness or deficiency which may lead 10 an actual turning of one eye or in the case of the alternating condition a turning of first one eye and then the other Many of the eases where an ace tual turning exists are followed by the stralghtening of the eye after the period of suppression has been sue: ceeded by an actual loss of vision or of sufficient weakness of vision as will not permit the image as seen by the one eye to be properly associat od by the brain with the image of the other eye and as all viglon 1s mental it is readily understoad that the lack of the interpretation of these images is veally lack of vision, How foolish then *it may be in many oases to let the condition Ho uneorrected with the hope of growing put of it, Think of the change that is taken of vision never helng se patned or the many physical condis tions Just enumerated, connected with conditions of this kind that may devs ¢l Wd chronic disorder will set associations, along nerve pathways | trouble, into reflex disorders of the sys ) tem and dn many yesrs ta come our fully noticeable which really existed and an eye trouble will become pains up reflux Land was the primary cause of all" the dent of D condition te I Cannot Recommend Them Too Highly New Brunswick Lady Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills " take vent pleasure in tellis p 's Kid Bill "writes / en o hy oon at wi] taken four boxes of, Dodd's idney Pills my face was nearly well and the rheumatism was gone, 1 took in all 12 boxes now 1 have not got a ¢ I auld hot bs Vi 1 cannot recommend they are w m too hi hid 's Kidney Pills keep fe sheir worl purifying the blood, They bring speedy relief, Hing my [riendd and neighbours abous Mes, B, Palmer, a we , NB, "I was troubled y 4H and Rheumatism, DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS imple « face, Fodd's Kidney Pils hy 0 kidneys in good of cleansing LT AVA Cv bk? W WTR yRove! B0c Ridge arbiim: " Seupmprls! lh ' J wd i i Srosie for LONG & (J BOUNDS GRAIN Office: Reford Bulldin WELLINGTON 016 8, F. EVERSON, Local Manager "Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 COMMUNITY . THE DEAUVILLE DESIGN $408 TEE. H teas) . + gar Spoon inner forks 8 550 § dinner knives ,,, $10.00 6 butter spreaders § 1.00 ELT BROS, "Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certainty" Pe le A ULELE Pe Ah va fil °° \ ' / we i Radiating Style and Beauty Deauvitte , an artistlo fnspiration in Silverware dosion, named after the fams ous French seaside resort, Burpassing all expectations in. good taste and eorreots ness, the modern hostess is rapidly swings ing to this new Community Plata Pattern, Wa will gladly show you this exquisite new Bllverware f-plece Tea Het, B6O.00, Ten Pot, #84, Hugarbowl, ¥14, Cream Pitoher, M19, 18 Nineoe Bt, South Oshawa, Ont, BRTABLINHED 1800 Strain' SECURITY PROVINCE Due | Monures! Winnipeg Vormouvet Mamilon A Period of Resadjustment The present period is ane in which incredbing emphasis is being placed on the advisability of purchasing high grade bands are being made with the object of ehiaining the maximum sepurity, together with an assured income, combines these investment features, DOMINION OF CANADA » nteeing Canadian National Railway L Das 1 February, 1954, coos nnarnnnnnns DOMINIONIOR CANADA, Uphnteeing Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Due 1 January, 1962.01, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, 59% Bonds, Due 15 October, 1948 OF ALBERTA, October, 1999. /,, PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN, 5% Bonds Due | November, Ash far our eurvend booklet Investments," DoMINION SECURITIES ON LIMITED Office: TORONTO; 26 King St B, Londen, On, Ingaten N & REDDIN, Reprosentative, 33 Siren Street North, OSHAWA, Ont, Telephone: 3000 Such purchases The following list of securities PRICE ViEeLp 5,00% 84,00 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 100.00 100 00 TLL 1959, ,, + 1100.00 Ottawa New York Kitchener Londen, Bg, _. ¥ a i \ It's Not Too Early to Have Your -- CHRISTMAS Photographs TAKEN | Campbell's Studio Ltd.

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