Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMB ER 23, 1929 PAGE THREE i _ & Forty-Seven Aged Residents of O County Expended $88,336.61 For Good Roads in 1929 Interesting Financial Statement Presented to County Coun- cil--Eleven Municipalities Share in Money Spent on Road Construction and Maintenance--Whitby Town- Taking Back White Bridge--Payment of ' Atherley Bridge Deferred Until January, The totsl amount expended on County Moads frog January 1st to November 1st, 1969, was $88,330.01, weearding ow statement presented to the County Counell Vridhy hy D, J. Kean, County Koad Superinten- dont, snd Miss BE, A, McKay, Couns ty treasurer, The H88,350,61 ks sunvnarized ns fo! lows: Roads, bridges und culverts, $09,303.29 § uthan roads, $5,289.14; su- perintendence, Ne fisehinery and tools, $7,108, 7; fuel and oils, $1, 17000; offlge expense, Including the stonograplier's salury, $1100.88; works compensation, $730); Insurance on roads, $547.70, The various munlelpalition In county recaive 4 portion of many, as follows Fast Whithy "Twp, Wait Whithy "twp, Plekering twp Uxbridge Twp, Scott bwp chive Wench 'Y'wyp, Seucog wp, rock Twp ' Thorak Twp, +0. ' Marea Twp, chive 000407 Rami Twp, oo 40.14 The town of Whithy regelved the sum of $2,00842 us saty per cont, of road tax for 1928, Under bylaw the village of Port Perry got $1320.86, and the town of Uxbridge the" samn amount. 'the total amount for urban rounds wis $525" 14 I'he bulk of the money expended in 1026 oni rounds win for construction pposes Bridge Byaw When 4 bylaw ww appeal 1040, providing for the taking over by the county on a ffty<nfty basis of the White bridge, 7th concession, Whitby towhship, was introduded at the county, gouncll Friday morning, it wis vigorously tpposed by Reove W, 8, Croxall, 'Vhis bylaw wie piss pd In 1923, and the purpose ef uj pedaling 1t was to turn the bridge back to the townghin In committee of the whole Reeve Croxall agued that inasmuch ws there wis an agreement between the town ship and the county for the taking. over of the bridge by the latter, the bylaw could not be appealed, The beldge In question now requires to be renewed, 1 the township re pullds it, the provincial government grant for permanent work will be thirty per cent, of the total ¢osty On the other hand, If the county builds it, there will be no grant ws the teansfer of the bridge was not ap proved hy the Department On a vote, the bylaw was repealed, alld now the bridge passes to the tgwnship Defer Payment of Bill The committee on Finance and As sessments, in a report presented Fri diy afternoon, recommended that the asim of the County of Simeoe for this County's share of the Atherley beidige bill be left over untl the Jans wary session, 1930, John Warren strongly advocated that the bill should be pald by this Council, an the Atherley bridge ques tion had heen hanging fire for yours He and other reeves would like to be able to go back to the ratepuyers (Continued on page 2) EN BR the this § 2084.00 166M,90 1894.97 bade 4065.44 4760.70 S840, 10 10J85.49 0231.1) bylaw Died Oshawa, Thursday, ENIGH T= 1In November £1, 1020, Veranle Knight in his 27th year, Funeral from his late residence, 709 Cedar street, Munday, Novem her 24th, 1089, at 2.00 pm, Inter ment Union Cemetery, (333) TUS ET Coming Events un Cents por word each Ine portion, Mintmum charge for each insertion, Udo, nm ui ON HUNDAY, NOV, 247TH, R18 pom, the Oshawa Cltisens' Bana will hold a concert at the Re gent Theatres, under the direc tion of bhandmaster R. Fontaine 3 (1310) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Maturday November 28rd, Dane. fhe X80 pm, "Surprise Dance Night. "It Ia to he a real sur prise to everybody', Musle by Frank Carew and his comman: dors, This la the boat yet, (131m COMEDY, bY Orono Players, Harmony Com: munity Hall, November 28th, Admission 28¢, ehlldren 1fe, (123h) A MERTING OF THE HUMANE * Hocloty will be held in the Clty Hall Monday evening, Nov, 28, 8 pm, Kleetlon of officers, (1210) TRAVEL TALK ILLUSTRATED with one hundred lantern nlides hy Rev I. J. Maxwell in St, An drew's Chureh, Tuesday, Nov 20th, & pm, Tiokets 3be, (A16:223-128:02 0) I YOU ENJOYED "AUNT SU aan's Vielt™ don't' mim "Re ceiving the New Minister." Ma sono Temple, Centre gtreet, Dec 4 and 0, ) (BW) Sci. at ' Shor Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIKRY "HANDS Up" Av ' ATKINS HOSIERY & *AINGERIE SHOP i Near Cor, King & Shmcoe St a "a WARDEN ADAM DOBNON Valaran reeve of Cannington, and head of the Ontario County Coun ell, who wan presented with an nds dross and gold wateh by his col Tongues lot night, joys High Esteem of His Colleagues Adam Dobson, reeve of Canning ton, and Warden of Ontarle County, for 1929, wus on Friday evening pre sented with an apd gold witch by his colleagues in the Coun ty Council, ns ou token of the estecin in whieh he is held, and fn upprecin tion of his services during the yor just closing, The presentation was mide at the elose of the Novembor session the last of the year, hy Reeve Geo, A, MeMillan, of Reweh Town ship, and in ueeepting the watch, th Warden feelngly thanked leagues for their kind of hin, The address was as follow Whithy, Ontario, November 122, Adu Dobson, Esq, Warden, County ef Ontario, § Doar lv: At this, the closing seasion of Ontario County Counell of 194, we, your colleagues and associates, desire at this time to express our high regard for you, and our appre clation of your leadership during the Your, We have found you courteous, winduble, and always willing and realy (0 assist ue and give ua the henelit of your long experience und sound Judgment fn the discharge of our duties i We realize that to be Warden ol this County entails conslderable of fart wd sacrifice of time, ns well us the sinployment of tact and talent, We feel, however, that you have diss charged the dutfes of your high of flee ow Capiblp and dignified man nef, with eredit to yourself, your ols leagues and the County of Ontario, It is our earncft hope that you will carry away with recollections of your association with wie also that you may long be spared to serve your Municipality and the Commty as you have se faithiully done for many years, As a token of our ested, and ap preciation of your services, wo ask you to ageept this wateh, As the venrs go by, and vou gare upon is face, may it remind you of your see viee for the County for 1909, und of your assoelation with ws, In the words of the poet, "When time, who steals cour hearts HWay 4 Shall steal our pleasures too, The memory of the past will And all their joys renew." Stundd on hohalf of the members of the County Coundil of 1920, In veplv the Warden expressed Hamelf an pleased with the work of the year and with the assistance und courtesy he had received at the Rs of every member of Council and the County officials, He had teied 10 give the County his best service, nddress his cols remembranes 1929 you stay LRA hab 0 AS. \ ) { OBITUARY | Tui dra ini i VERNON KNIGuTY On Thursday the death suddenly ocourred of Vernon "Vimy" Knight, age twontysalx, The deceased was very wellknown In the sporting Lolrelen of Oshawa as he always took a prominent part in the different games, He {a survived by his moth« or and three brothers, The fun. oral will be held on Bunday after done at 702 Cedar street, Ee PRATTTOAT, "NURSE OFAN FOR chpagementa, Maternity ar genera! nursing, Charges moderate, Phone Tan, (1230 FOR SALR ORGAN, CHEAT Apply 840. Hortop Avenue, Phone 2028, (123) {dur + rooms ue To Cramweil Avenue, aood oallay ht Phone 2 (1230) WARDEN PRESENTED WITH A WATCH BY COUNTY COUNCIL Reeve of Cannington En. pleasant | noon at 330 pm, from the reals A. QO LATE TO CLASSIFY | STUCTO TOTTAAE TO RENTON | TIMES' CARRIERS EARN PRIZES FOR NEW SUBSCRIBERS Rev, E. Harston Addressed Smart Young Newspaper Salesmen CONTEST ENDED ' Ange Johansen Comes First and Cyril Campbell Second Thirty members of The Times carrying staff received prizes yews torduy snfternoon for successful par falpation In mw new subseription contest open only to earrler hoyw, During the fifteensday period In which the ecampuign wus run, 147 new subscribers were weeured and ench boy who seaured one or more new subserihors rocolved a valuable and worth-while prise, Auge Johansen, of route No, HK, received first prize in the contest and earned an windbreaker, paly of boots, winter cup and fountain pen, Cyril Campbell, of routs No, 4, chme sacond nnd recejved a swobkter and wodke Krnest Andrews, of route No, 25, ranked third and Moko un lenther windbreaker as his prige "You 'have a good newspaper Lo well," winted Rev, 1K, Marston, of Mimecos Mireet United Churel, who kindly consented to address the carrier boys as they gathered In an upstairs room in The Times Hullds ing to receive thelr priges, "I not. only enrries the most fmports ant world news, but also that of neighboring elties and the news of your own oity There are un lot of people who are anxious to get this | piper and they look to you boys to {deliver It promptly." Hey, Mr, Harston considered that | because the carriers had a good [newspaper to sell they woulll find [that success would dttend thelp ef [torts In welling It | He showed that the boys had a {three-fold responsibility first to [the elroulution department which | might expect them to give the best possible service, second to the sub {worihers of the paper who had ron son to look for prompt and care [ ful delivery, und third, to them [polves to be honest wud seblous { ther work, | "If you | salesmen, boost the concluded My, Hurston best in small things and wucesed In the big things" The prises were then given | to the contestants {members of ment, including Mr managor, Ming Killeen Mise Lilian MoKnlght, The boys who were nucpessful in the contest Inoluded the following tat, Noute No, K-Ange Johan sen, Windbreaker, pal? of boots, winter cap and fountain pen and, Route No, 4.-«Cyril Camp boll, Nweater and socks, #rd, Route No, 206,==Krnost draws, Leather windbreaker, 4th, Route No, 10, Wateh, bith, Route No, 44.~=Waltey Boat tle, Mhirt, 6th, Route Ne, 1. sler, Fountain pen ponuil, 7th, Route Murdoch, 'T'wo and 1 bulb, ith, Route No, 8 Rain hat, gth, Route No, 13 ~Gordon Langton, 4 batteries and 1 bulb, 10th, Route No, 27,==Maynard Nelson, 1 paly rubbers, 11th, Route No, 43, 1 pale nooks, 13th, Route: No, B23, Halme, flashlight batteries 1 bulb, 10th, Route No, son, 1 palr gloves, 14th, Route No, 21 ==Goorge Al non, 1 wateh, 16th, Route No, 4.-Robert Mo Hugh, 1 pair gloves, 16th, Route No, Erie Pearce, Rhow tleket for Martin's, 17th, Route No, 4.-Billle Hall, Gloves, 18th, Route No, 38. Voltto Lah. 2 fashlight batteries, 18th, Routa Noe 88,«=Frod Nrits ton, Nioyole bell, 20th, Route No. 48, Sanderson, pale of gloves, 21st, Route Noy Sd tore John Davey, 2 flashlight and 1 bull, 28nd, Route No, 3,» Rotill tor note heok, 28rd, Route No, 1d,==Art Turner comb In cane, 24th, Route No, 42, {rlek, comb in cane 24th, Route No, 26,- | minh, comb In cane, : No, wood now," ta he pipe Do you ure going your will ont nueonssiul the elreulntion depart Harry Boyes Pipher und An Clark, Walter Mo i ==Hayward batteriow No, flashlight I'rod Langley «Joe Laurie George and Ma 4 b=Nilllo tl, George Hoy, batteries Bille Bray, Iewin Mer Billie Dear 26th, Route 30, Walter Alexander, knife, 27th. Route Walker, Kuife, 28th Route No, Grimmon, jacknile 20th Route No, {0 Johnston, flashlight bulbs 20th, Route No, 47, Goyne, flashlight batteries bulb, No, a1, Stirling RY Gordon ae Spain Cherlshos Record Datetmined to maintain the I champlonship position which Span Ih army officers won at the last Olymple Games at Amiterdam In | 1028, Spaln fa strengthening ite | tock of equine jumpers, 'Twelve horses were recently purchased in and will he trained aw | Ireland Tumpera, Pucing a bread and resent, Ha oH cent for wo fp price aot hH in| hy | and Mversharp | Albert | Raymond | and | war al Liveronooel | H Youn shawa CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | BA CHARGE NOT WITHDRAWN It wus sated In ervor In these columns yesterday that the charge Ugatnst Willlum John Blesons of ine decont assault sgninst go girl of tan, wu withdrawn, The cane wis adjourned and Wwsons will appeir ngnin on Wednesday, Nov, 246, TO DINCUNN BOYN WORK The next regular luncheon mest Ing of the Rotary Club to be held Mondiuy noon, will he devoted to the discupslon of hoys' work, Mack Hoaney, of the Hoyw' Wark Com mitted, will he in charge of the program, which promises to he of hgh enlibre, i BODY TAKEN TO DINNKY. COTT VUNERAL HOME A watement whieh uppeared In these columns yesterday to the ef feel that the hody of Yernon Knight had 'hesn removed to the Links Hoelal Parlors was an evrol The body was taken to the Disne) Cott Funernl Home at 87 Celing wireel THE GOOD SAMARITAN Olive mae a olgaretts?" asked na man driving a wagon and team Lo ou fushlonubly deessed elitizen who wis wallkhug on Bimoeos street south, yostorday, The oltlgen was enjoy Ing hin favorite brand, "Hut my good man, I have not gol any more," he replied politely The teamster affected un doleful alr and commented with nn sud shake of the bend that he had no had a smoke all day, "Couldn't you give you're smoking now? plendingly, The well dressed man paused and conuldered The clgnmstto wan bu halt smoked He walked over Lo the man sittiug on the wagon and surrendered It gyaclously, "Thanks, you're n good sald the teamuster, The wagon and tenm went one way and the dignl fled eltigon went fhe other The tonmster pulled at the fag and sol on his spring sont as one woll sat Inflad with the worl HIGHER DUTIES OF fog akon me Lhe ho "port," | precaution ta hi ARRESTED ON ILLCA, COUNT Dave Hall, of Oshawn, wos Gre rested al nine<thirty this morning and ehargod with 1Hegil possession of Mauer, Ha pleaded not guilty in court dnd was remanded until next Vriday, He will endeavor to uel ball, D, A, J, Bwanson appears oy for Hall, HWOADN MADE SEAPIERY pidewnlky and vonds were rend ored sMppory todsy hy tha fall of now, The majority of car drivers are taking precautions to drive carefully' because even Lhe best of brukos are Hitle heip on u slippery round, No perlous usceldents have been reported so far, BIG DEMAND VOI. ANTIVREKZK Oshawa garages report un hvisk business In unti-freeze theses days, Wyvery motorist who wishes to keep hu radiator intaet Is taking the with some strong which will defy temperatures not degross helow mixture and any thirty nleohollo the frou lower than wero, WITH BELLING Peter Hryeonuk wan arrested thin morning hy » Detective Herge oants Pinteff sfid Motes, on & charge of welling Hguor He was reminded om ball of $5,000 when ho appeared hofore Magistrate wil Ha In police court later fn the morning, and will appedr on ¥rl day, ah Accused was repre sented by D, A, J, Hwansou, CHRINTMAS MALLS FOR UNITED NEATH Loon! postal authorities have drawn the attention of the publle to the fact thug during the Christ mas wenson there fv an unusual pares] congestion at United States Custom pointy, Te ensure delivery hetore Christmas, Oshawa people CHARGED Noy AUTOS FEATURE (Continued from page 1) reduce the exelse hand made elgars Lo PUROD pod pound, ond on machine-made elgnr to one shilling and threo pencs per pound These were re commanded by the hoard "The government falt that with the vumber of workers who are employed, avery should ha duty three on rRLON tari hin Avene whereby the for sxplored, prod ton of Rood necessnry the do mestlo markets of Australis should ho conserved to Australlan Indus tien, and that where consumers In et upon having imported good they will required to fol that privilege." Molbourne, Australia, Nov N) An A result of the new taviff an nonnead In the Labor governmaont budget nt Canberra yostorda shares In several industrial panies have risen sharply Home have touched new ole, "The new tarift creased Import duties hor of commodities, he pay oom nn price high lov Involves In on A num Paderewskl Cancels Tour Now York, Jun Paders wwakl, fumoun Polish planist, who wan seheduled to play In Toronto and In vartous oftlos In the United Niaten thin season, has postponed his tour until next year, It wan learned today Padovewskl has re cuporatod slowly from the operas thon for nppendieltis which he un derwont in September and the sev ore afterseffects whieh then dls abled him have reeurred Ignneo me {he Is not who wish to send gifts to relatives friends noross the horder should mall all Ih parosls not later than hy December i" Bi ) week In FORMER FRENCH PREMIER DYING - (Continued from page 1) ones of daybreak toward the Ve dea forest ther's con let mine be plaoed, er ot Whe hin AR in life, so in dearth I want to remain erect," Parl N : I Clenu There, heslde my Ia nyslelan Fro neenw, former nsult uld pd er their « th Pigoer wi ln Ie nt erin ennes declared "there i commented: "Th upht go strongly tn wl but he has by morph all we can ETT siillering tht on ping; n .. Nun wl ha Clemoneean, told waten at BAD am At least ering ne He added death might be delayed several hou but was inveitable, General Gourand entered the house with the physicians Jd halt an heut the former premier was but in practically a stat riges Mandely one of his spending n sick room sald It Is merely a Degennd W vind At still of comm losest ly thre "There question FeImuing 120 live LF friends hour alter A the in no change of tine" in Moose are veportad mova plenti ful thin year than last in the north orn part of New Brunswick, owing to the game animals migrating to sections wherg feed and water are more plentiful, Jor Co ER -------- ay Brown | Jowe'ler Ning Sy WY, Phone 18w el Goodwill « gifts; gaiety « jowels, Christmas bigds ita friendship in gems and marks ita milestones in these remembrances, Gifts that last nsult your fewellef | INQUESTTOBE | HELD INTO DEATH VERNON KNIGHT Jury Empanelled and View: | ed Remains in Disney- | Cott Funeral Home HEARING WEDNESDAY Coroner Dr, "Rundle Re- leases Body for Burial An inquest into the death of Vernon KnJght, young Oshaws man, whose hody was recovered in the local harbor yesterday morn ing, will he held next Wednesdny night at elght o'clock, Coroner Dr I, J, Rundle announced this morn Ing Kulght 1s thought to have been drowned when he missed his footing while walking on a long gang-plank conneegting the dradge in the harbor with (he pler, He had been employed on the harbor con struction work and it is surmised that he was returning to his quar ters on the dradge when the ancol dent occurred At Iv wan Inte Wed nesday night or early Thursday morning, no one saw him fall into the water To Receive Pensions Pensioners Will Receive First Monthly Cheques From Toronto on November 28 an ry MI, MeDIARMID of the nH, N, Formerly heanch manager A Jury wis empaneilod yosie:s | day und viewed the remains in the { AT Cu Hund) 1 Funarsl Home, | Hon wirset Coroner bi then ordered that the body lensed for burial, after a post mor tem examination had been per formed WwW. J. Bulley man of the jury | Disney-Cott he wun elected as for which Includes A J. Bowers, MN, MeKinnon, €, Wil gox, A, Armstrong, HW, Fair, © Johnston und Roy Bond, Knight's body was recovered ol tor a search had been made by the police department, members of the and others Ho was missing until Thur hin friends Lad not palely dreads crew not reparted day night as feared for his SNOWFALL BRINGS | THREAT OF WINTER | Oshawans Begin To Think | of Fur Coats and Snow Shovelling ady fall of snow all this morning which has the appears lanoo of kelng the heaviest (hig seis [ won, winter appears to have come to wtay, While during the pust | week many citizens had made Haht of the colder weather, they are now | donning thelr furs and getting pro. [pared to make thely foremost busl {nosy for the next few monthe, that of keeplug warm here ure pov | oral nasty Incidents colin dont with [the coming of snow storms and [o0ld wolather whieh with the exer olelng of an Httle oure and fore [thought oan he easily avoided; This | 1s referring to foy sidewalks and such things which it looked after at the required time would save | many knocks and no doubt many unsavory remarks, | It after each snow storm the | householder was to make it his ov | her duty to of! thelr slde [walke, ax required by law, others {using these conveniences would be | able to do #0 without the constant fear of slipping and causing bodily harm In a case where the snow has turned to fos before one has had chance to sweep It off, the wise eit course to take In this emergency fe to sprinkle wand or fine ashes on the sidewalk In front of your home, With the uppermost thought In one's md being the safety of their neighbors, little would he heard of broken legs and sprains af {8 now common throughout the winter, SUNDAY SERVICES IN BOWMANVILLE With a AWaep Trinity United Trinity United Churehe=Rev, J, U, Robbins, pastor, sunday services, \1 any and 7 pa, The! paster will preach, Sunday wol at twosthiryy, Ebeneser United Ebenesger United church will hold its anniversary on Sunday, Nov, Mth at tensthiety in the morning and at seven in the evening, Rey, Clanle vu oraad TERNS ALE EN A LN) wong both services St, Paul's United St. Paul's United church, Ministe the Rev, DW, Rest, nl 1 amg warning worship, Subject "The Sis lossness of Christ, Evening worship / Lesson One in the 2 pom, Subject, School of Jesus" 230 pang Sunday a F elt Bros. Jewellers 18 Sheoe SE soath (wos patind loaves, | oaroximately 40 per cent of the eka sehoul, | a St John's Anglican John's Anglican church, Rector Rev, R. J. Shires, MA, BD 'oly Communion, 11 am, Morning day next belore Advent, 8 am, aver and Litany, 230 pame=Sunday wool and Bible class, 7 pan, Evens prayer, The rector will preach at RETVICES St we St. Andrev's Preshytevian Andrew's Presbyterian clued, 'ernie worship, 11 am Sunday ol at 230 nam. Evening serviee nw Rev, Edward Leg of Brin, Ons will preach at both services, Si The Reitish Columbia Beg Pool dled 1,207,987 dozen eggs dum one month this season, This takes charge of ap FX} yo oanisation i "The Red Hrapd," hy Peteérbors bean ape the new company in In the Al Faller Brash Co, In ough who has recently pointed manager of branch offide of the Oehnwn with offices Local Board Refuses Seven Out of 54 Applications ~ Much Investigation Re- quired to Determine Elig- ibility of Applicants WILL COST CITY $181.65 A MONTH Maximum Monthly Pension Is $20 While Minimum Month--Boon for Aged Poor I'he this her Commi had approved Old Age P I'he total one. in 007.75 per month, har | IN) I he Old Age Pensions Board of city, whieh Is composed of mem of the loeal Mothers' Allowances announced today that it 47 applications for ind had refused 7, to be paid In pens city of Oshawa will be ul which the city's on oul ensions amount pnenslons hoard, of which Mrg, ger Building, Library News Manw of the new publication this tll Wave added Hhrary helvos of th standing hooks of fletlon | Chnlnxy usan rete story Knglishwoman a Vit of facos the lowe) the for the oul heen Lo One This fe | hy of an palux delight Hehis than the whawilling which man nnd d BeBe und Frequently Laura's Hie are whe 1 of paling, for vietim ol amoethine Ie made unhappy pression | Victorian | ereatured hook give of Engligh ventur Froutier Yoers by M women he Hr part nn Interesting ¢hildhood eh of ploture in the life haw wo Interest for In Karly Candlelight | Lovelaee, Fort Boelling and {the villdge Me's Kya, whieh lat bheoume Bt, Paul, are the of thin colorful romance of nenoty frontier Hie, It in sloy the soldier and ir ladies the fom gurefreon Fronoh=Cuang dinn voyvageurs and ettlor were the first colonists, and dignified blanketed braves { made trentien of friendship "White I"athey one of HOON ON Min the ur he al ol nnd nid bith th who with French Marvied Lif tmosphere of Love'" hy Maurol is nun psyochologloal af French married life the workings of love and Jealously ma man's He In the first halt of the book Phillippe Marcenat tolls of his Hie with Odile, his first wife, the rest 1s told of his second wife, A "The Andre novel beautifully written hook Is Beautiful Yeam'" hy H, Wl Hamuson It tells of the ehildhood of Willle Madison up to his tenth year, A lonely, fnmaginative ohild, yot Willie has all the savage im pulses of the small boy, awd is torn between the delights of the dream world he has bully up and the excitement of reality, Privdn and. Revenge 'Satan as Lightning by Dasil King (» the story of Owen Hesketh, Ho comes out of prison bitter with resentment against the friend who had shared his erime but evaded punishment, With the help of trlenda, work, and uw new rellglous outlook, he remakes his life and loregoes revenge, Mra, Kathleen Norrla' new novel "Red Stlence™ in the story of Dory who kept her past hidden from her husband In an effort to retain hin great love After her meoret Ia revea!ad to him by an enemy she finda out" that he has learmed through her to loos upon virtue as a quality made up of far more than chastity, "Lane Voyagera' faculty lite at a middle western university, by W, Neff, It 1s un compromising In ite Indictment of eoonomie conditions, The hook de: plots the struggled of professors, hampered by poverty and overs work, arc the tragedy, selfssneris fice, ang Idealism of the faculty wives" ia the story of Other Fiction new fletion received: (G, A, Set! gor; "The Polson Plague" hy W, Levinrew: "A Young People," hy H, B, Kinck: "The Hands of Or we," hy' M. Renged: "Diana," by H, Mann; "The Rig Shot] hy FV, L, Packard; 'The Fighting Tend. orto," by W, M. Raine; "The Maurizinag Case," hy J, Wassers mann: "War Paint" hy DD, Coal ldge: "The Guarded Halo" hy M, Pedler; "The Swallow-fork Dulla" hy I. M, Rower: "Three Daugh» tors," by J, Dashwood, "Men and Machines" hy ® Chase a a vigorously written an Other Lalyale of the eulture of the mach ine age and of the probable futuyve trend of Mie In a machine-civiline world, Mr, Ghasa passes over tie tendency toward standardization an a temposary and therefore inslgniticant phenomenon, Hin veal interest in tn determining the pr portian hetweon the benelits and evila of mechanization and in poe ing a few questions aw ta the ultimate disposal of the "hilton wild horses' that have sprung from hn hvala of man | business of British Columbia the Automobile Indusivy tl manth ol I'he | last | | oifieers | who | showing | chatrman, stated to cheques for the first ions would not be nto wnt! November thought that these would led eadier ln the month the d Ios. heen retarded b nis in Taronty, 43 Get Full"Penslon Of 'the 47 pensions" granted In Qsh | rothe mEXImum amount I'wo appligpants, who Hes, were grant per month and $10 pes ectivdly, while two othe Me ri last twy they had Quehee province during the last twenty, and, had not yet adopted thy Penstons scheme, they cun $14 per mamth unless th of Quebee provides for th ( Myers | d that the pen Hed from Top I | have been hit the ¢ Mig ret nth orf small ine month res ranted $12 the the wet W manth the that duction In case of (UE | d in curs ol neh ation wa Hoard npplications tor enll at ool the \ large HECORRAY weed the in the pens part of this work fell I" arncombe, secretary ol the appl them beter wer Besides th fused by the Board, & number of applicants with thelr requests for pension after [it had heen pointed out to them that they within the Ig ul Hu Not All New Expenditure It has been pointed out that all of the $181.35 which the ¢ity has to meet cuch month for the pefsions, dous not eoustitute a new charge upon the City's revenue, Same of the people {to which the city had formerly grants | ed large amounts (in relief, now come under this scheme, and the city is paying only one-fifth af their sup pet instead of all of i Qthers have been Jetting cmergency relief from the city from time to time, whieh will now, in all probability, be unnecess sary, A numbel of the pensioners, however, have not been getting. any ity relied, and the amount ei spent on pensions by Oshawa wil probably exceed the amount saved in reliel appropriations, it was stated by the Board, I'he Board meets on the first Tues day in each month to receive applicas tions for pensions made to the segs retary before that time, After aps plications have been approved locally, they have to be sent to Toronto for final approval, and in one or two cages it was found that, even after the local board had set its stamp of approval pon the granting of a pens sion, the Toronto authorities had ves toed it, N id, who received and requ interviewed fod the pensions he Board applications 1 the | pussed on tot (a | seven ilrew tid not cone mean the awkward high-wheeled "hh - lost carriages" to those of 'fhe elelant motor-0ar and the mmms moth, high-powered truck ia to be ad in 'Money, Men and Motors" by T, ¥, MeManus, There ls some teresting material here on the mechanien! development of the automobile, but the greater t of the study is concerned with the gonfus-=finanolal and inventive=- behind the Industry, "Clipper Ships aone in eork models'; hy I', Adama gives direcs tions for the construction" of ten models of clipper ships to be made with cork paper «ping, matohes and ule, \ A Other new non-fietion received: "The Sonrees of a Sclence of Edus cation, by John Dewed; "The Unis verse Around Us™ hy Sir J, Jeans; "Midstream™ by H, Keller; ""The Nea Devil's Fo'esle™ by L, Thomas; "A Very Naked People" by A Lone dros! "The St, Lawrence Navigas tion and Power Project" by H, G, Moulton; "Outfitting the Teacher of Religien™ by J. Snowden, - RR FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of our late, Brother Vernon Kafght will be held from hig ate residence, TOR Ceday St. Sunday, November 24th, at 2,80 tM of Rallways Tratnmen will pleags meet at the vesidence of Rpother Eo Emmons. 8 Hele Street, at 1.18 FM, Ry Order C.K. Wilson, Presi dent of Queen Qty Ladsge, number 3 Motherhood of Tralnmon vida A rondable survey of the auto Pension Here Is $10 Per, All members of the Brotherhood | Rallway . {

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