The Whitby msi, Daily 'Times nows will I received at the ve, at Gag otto und Chronicle Telephon B-=Aftey Pusiness Hours ="hone B50, ' REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON COUNTY COUNCIL FINISHES" WORK FOR-YEAR 192 Night Session Held Friday Some Important Resolu- tions Passed be a -- Ontarje County Council finished its Isbors for 1080 at a session held on Friday evening, Several reports were presented and adopts ed with very little opposition or disounsion, among them that of the County Roads Committee recom mending a programme of round work for 1930, te be passed on at the Jahuary session by the new Counell, Is programma Includes onds In every township In the Jounty. and calls for a large 'amount of grading and gravelling, The session just ended, lasted five days, Counoll passed no resolution that this County Council ask the Roads and Bridges Committee of the Council of 1080 to take up the question of all exisbing bridges and ascertain If they «gre county bridges within the meaning ef the Municipal Act, If the same Are found nog to be county bridges, then they are to be returned to the respective minor munigipalls ties in which they are situated, This resolution, which passed une animously, has as its object the elimination of all bridges on the : a Thousands Now Fat ' ' ' A Delightful Breakfast Food OMA Fountain Pens AND Desk Sets WATERMAN'S PARKER'S SHEAFFER'S SAS ass TIT TTeeTT IY FROM $2.50 UP AT KARN'S DRUG STORE Next P, O, Phone 87H We Deliver | | hi | TT TTI TIT rrr rir eTT rT err Ive oTT vee d BAER Ss as as ss sss dvi menoing at Manchester, gd cotinty systems for which provink olal grants cannot be had by the fievun reconsteuetion, The resolus lon Was sponsered hy Reeve 0, M, oman of oko, Gouncl! adopted } régommendps thon of the County Roads Commits Loo. thet the road known as the A1th fon of the Township of Mara be taken over by the County as part of the County road wystom. The road (8 seven and a halt miles In length, and secords ing to Reeve John Warren, who fought hard to get the recommend. ation adopted, 1s very much travel. lod, Fd wiarly dn the summer onthe bursts going to the 108, The road leads to the provinoisl highway, Reeve a, Ing, oppcadd tHe recommendation on. 'the ground that no census of the. travel on that road had been taken, IM, Kenny of Whithy favored the recommendation on the ground that the township was entitled to It, The rond wan heav: ir travelled, while the Township of Mara eontributed towards the cont of all ether county roads it had none of the later within Its boundaries, Accounts galore were passed for paym: th the Council, ineluding large amounts for mileage and per diem for various members, This han been un very heavy item this year, due partly to adjourned sessions, LATE CHAS. HODGE HAD MANY FRIENDS Was Expert Was Generally Liked Funeral Today The funeral of the late Chars len Hodge, well known Whithy barber who passed away suddenly on Thursday morning, takes place this (Saturday) afternoon, Service Will he held at the house at 2.80, and Intarment will he made in St, John's (Bay) Cemetery, The late Charles Hodge was one of the best known men In town, and he had long been associated with its business life, He had large clientele and was an expert at hin trade, Always of a very obliging and pleasing disposition Mr, Hodge had a very wide clrole of friends In Whithy and fn the adjoining farming sections, Me was & heen lover of all kinds of sports, and also took a pride in his home and its surroundings, His death at the age of only 64 years 8 very much regretted, Deceanod In survived hy hin wite who before her marriage was Jens nie Appleton, and three sons, Olar ence of Toronto and Donald and Gordon' at home, NEW. PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY URGE rr -- From Manchester to Pro vincial Highway from Port Hope to Peterboro An Important resolution wa nassed by the County Counell Fy day night asking the Departmen! of Highways to consider the eren tion of a provinelal Wghway com and ex i _ Needless Pain) Don't be a martyr to of suffering is, indeed, q' ey EE fn op pain, noodlons, + Forayth, of Pleker. 4 THE OSHAWA tending to Port homey thence across the Bewgog and Cartwright ia Why, thence easterly to the i » nville road, thence north ni id Gawterly past Nestleton Btatlon and Yelverton (on intersect with the provincial highway from Port Hope to Peterboro, which, it was wiressed, wowid he of ok service to the community throug which it pawkes and be an attra Live route for tourists, It, way pointed oug in the resolu pu LJ re 14 & large poction ot untry a Nady bu fiton shway and the erly portion of iahway No, rh is mot served by any provinglal highway, A copy of the resolution will he sent tn the clerk of Durham and Nerthumbegland Counties and Lo Hon, G0, HB, Henry, Minister of Highways t might be noted that thin pro posed mew thoroughfare would grently velleye traffic on the King: ston Highway, Bowmanville Daily Times B, HERBERT MORTLOOK Representative Phones Office B87, JUNIOR HOCKEY CLUB ORGANYED IN BOWMANVILLE Rubber Town To Be Well Represented in O.H.A, Series -------------- The Bowmanville fics Hockey Club, sometimes called the Rubber loys and sometimes the Hosiery Lads held a very successful organizu- tion meeting In Jack Gunn's office last night, Frere wis no dearth of players who wanted to he tried out for the season and by the looks of things there is some very good ma terial 10 work with this year, The officers for last year were re-elected, except the traiper, Bill Clarke, who is leaving town shortly for Hamil ton to start In business for himself Bill will be sadly missed for he is very popular with the loeal hockey players and with the fans also, Well, we All wish Bill the best of lugk in his new venture und fully believe that what Bowmanville ls losing is " wreat gain for the city of Ham: hon, The oMeers for this year will he: President and Manager, Jack Gunng EE -------- - DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1929 Coach, G, 8, Chartrand ; Trainer, W, J, WK, Ormiston; Seeretary<Treasurer, Art dyer, It was decided to canvass the gown for subscriptions to enable the elub to srt the season on the piht side of the ledger and the cul) wis to be entered in the OHA, si next Wednesday's board meeting in Leronta, There 8 ua good deal of speculation ta whom the club will be miutehed with this year as there seems ta be a gencral shake vp all through the league, The officers will form a connittes and will report back to a meeting to he held on December the fourth, 'The following boys have applied for a try out for the club, hose marked with a eross all played last season, VV, Jamiesonx, M, Oke, €, Goodman, T, Woodyard, G, Dilling, Veal, Russell Brown, Geral Button, Qshorng !, Blunt, K Tweedle, W,. Oke, *H,' Mooreraftx, Geo, Pipers, Nelson Jackmanx, P, Grant, Leon Gunn, R, Adamsx, ©, Jamlesonx, Johnny Jamesx, M, Hart, T, Moise, M, Lunney, Juck O'Hara, fieo, Waltonx, H, Stevensonx, R, Iayes, Boh Bates, J, Culley, Following this meeting the Inters nediate ¢lub held a meeting which vas very successful and at which the ubject of proper coaching was fully 'Tscunsed, Fen of last year's players ted thelr intentions of pl pe this car and although he team has lost Duteh" Osharne, the stellar plays r, wnother has come to take his dace, and 11 it Is possible there will hen stronger aggregation than last season, The intermediates had a very successful senson last year, winning thelr groun and they fully believe If they had had the proper coaching they would have won the eastern see. thon, CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING J. H. H. Jury Elected Hon, Vice-Pres,--Other Local People on Executive Cin At the sixteenth annual meeting of the Children's Ald Society, which was held at the Carnegle Library Hall here Thugsday afternoon, ens cournging ranofts denoting the past veur's splendid efforts were recel od by the meeting Following the opening prayer hy Rey, T, EK, Mel drum, the minutes of the last ane nual meeting were read and adopt ed In the Introduetory remarks of Yreagident H. Pulford, he pald tris hute to the support given to the sos elety hy the ministerial members, who have been of great assistance throuah their wise counsel, He refers reg to the keen Interest which stron takes wm the fulfillment oi her exacting duties and sti oped the anportance «. the work of the pup erntendent, who is experienced in Ils duties and wlio solves many wHeste problems, In the medical report, which wus submitted by Dr, BH, W, Benson, i wis learned that the health of the children ae the Shelter had been very sutigiactory during the pust year, Lhe trepsurer's report was submit ted by Dr, K, A, Lotten and showed hist Lhe receipts amounted to 5008/90 wnd the expenditures to $ap01,18, 'Uribute was paid 0 the late Nei Machaehian and Lr, U, J, Hutehisun ot Gratton for thelr work in the interests ol the Boeety in their life times, 'Ine following officers pointed jw Hon, Pres ~The Warden, ex offi Rehder, Lo, Fulford, were ap Hon, Viee Presidents--C, J, HH, Jury, Bowmanville, Viesident==Mr, Harold Port Hope, Viest Viee President--Rev, Dr, I, 8, Boyle, Cobourg, Becond Vice Viesident=Mrs, ¥, H, Philp, Port Hope, Yreasurer--=Lr, KE, A, Totten, Port Hope, Beoretar "n ' James I and Local Bup'te=Rev, aley, Port Hope, Board of Munagement=Lhe offi cers together with Revs, 1, ¥, Mel- drum, A, G, Emmet, G, A, Biseo, J, G, Hornsby, Rev, Dr, Rigby; Messrs A, Walsh, Geo, Wrage, Mrs, A, W, George, Mrs, kdgar, Mrs, R, ¥, For: rest, Mrs, Macheth, Mrs, Ji KE, Binrt, Mrs, DD, Hughes-Charbes, a of Port Hope Rev, W, R, Vanton}; Mrs, J, F, McCullagh, Mrs, George Greer, Mrs, Wicks, Mrs, W, Thom son, of Cobourg | Mrs, Li Av W, Tole, Mrs, CG, Render, Mrs, J. A. McClellan, Mrs, (Dr,) Spencer, Mrs, Haselwood, Bowmanville; Mr, W, W, Porte, ol Brighton Mrs, Geo, Burnham, Mill brook; Mrs, Walter Fowlds, Has mgs; 8, D, Dudley, Colborne; Mrs J, R, Cooper, Oronp | Mrs, J, KR, Fish er, Newcastle; Mrs, J. W, Bprigue, Cobourg Executive Committee=The Prosi dent, Viee Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, the lady members of the Board from Pert Hope with Messrs Meldrum, Himmet, Hornshy Walsh, Wragg, Tanton and Mesduame« es Greer, Wicks and Thompson, Auditors=Messrs, L, HB, Randall and B, Oliver, Rev, Jas, T, Daley superintendent submitted his eleventh annual report hiseo, COUNTY EXPENDED HUGH ON ROADS (Continued from page §) and tell them that the question was now finally disposed of, Gen, A, MeMillan, reeve of Reach, und chairman of the Finance Com mite, explained that under th platute a speeinl session wf Council Was nceessary to pass 4 bill for bnidyes that are not in the connty or provingial highway systems, 1 the Will was dealt with in January th expense of au special session would we avoided, A vote was taken and It was degid ed to deal with the hill at the June HRry session, Cal for Tenders A clause in wn report wf the Coun ty Property and Gaol Mansgement Commities presented by chirman | M. Kenny, recomni ding that equip ment for the new addition te fi Registry Office, costing $2,100 be pur chased from the Office Bpecighy Company, was objected to by Weeyy Forsyth, of Pickering, on the ground that tenders had not been called for Mr, Vorsyth stated that while he dide not doubt the honesty of the Com mittee in making this recommenda tion, he felt that the committee might secure a much lower price I eompetis tive prices were obiained, Keeye Kenny, the committee chal man, od that the other equip ment in the registry office wis stan dard and was putehised from the Office Specialty Company, It Include ed nu counter worth $1,000, whieh, if it gould not be added to, would have to be discarded, If the new equips ment required was secured from an other company, It might be different and not mateh the present equipment Mr, Kenny made it elear, however, that the committees was willing to carry out the Counell's Instruetions to the letter Mr, Forsyth's amendment that the Comittee secure tenders on the new equipment with power to purchase SAME, Wis carried, TIDAL WAVE ALTERED COAST (Continued from page 1) feet above sea level and the water entered the first floor to a height of three feet, It recedd within two minutes YE ornshed out to ses what was happening when 1 saw the harbor filled with houses and wreckage The whole thing happened so sud denly that one hardly realiwed what happened, The store of Honorable 0, A, Bartlett, a member of the Legislative Counell, whieh was 60 feet long hy 40 feet, was lifted from its concrete foundation, and earried Inland for a distance of n quarter of a mile, The stores was stocked with the winter's provi slong and supplies, yet not a thing was damaged, "My own store was destroyed and the stook scattered all over the harbor, Eight houses were liften completely from thel foundations and carried to sen with the speed of fast motor boats They were very quickly lost to view, [I esti mated that a toial damage to pro perty of a million dollars wes done'! A vivid pioture of the sudden de. visstation that descended upon the const villages was given by the ley, Vather Miller, Noman Cathor He priest at Burin, why srrived with the delegation, The speed with which the wave travelled along the count was so great, he sald, that a warning mes sage from a girl telephone opera: tor at Lamaline reached the Burin operator almost simultaneously with the advancing wall of water "Phe wea 18 coming In," eried the Lamaline operator over the wire, But ber warning was out ghiovt ax the wave eanght up the telephone offiea and carried it out to sen, Khe barely escaped with her Ife, The Burin operator was unable to spread the alarm, so short was the time hefore the WAvVE'S Arrival, Afterwards It was found that it had gouged a channel four feet deep out of solid rock and had de- gtroyed the bridge, One men named , of au brag, was a short dissnet from home, Heelng the incoming flood he rushed Lo save his tamily, His path was blocked by 5 house float ng by; as the house passed he waw his wife and children in It, bul he was Loo late to save them, In Btepaside, a house containin 10 persons, was carried to times, On the last osonsion that it returned Lo shore the elder mem bers holding the young children leaped and all were saved, Anoths or family also was earried out 8 times, only to be borne back snd eventually to escape, In another house, with the water swirling madly around it, Marry Winter leaped to the roof and smashing a window, rescued Mrs, Goff and her father, Another man named Anthony in Mortier saved an elderly lady under similar ofrs cumstances, Hevering a blood ves sel he had to walk several miles for attention and reached Burin in a state of eollapse, One of the most, tragic sights was that of a woman with a 1amp stand« Ing in the window of her house as # carried out to ses Through the darkness dimly a y eould he made out houses afloat, | Red Cross To Ald A the wave reached ita helaht 1° aronto, Noy, 48,~Two nations kome wera flung back with sue. 8] oiioty of jhe Otnadien Red ceeding waves two and three times, | /72" Voi BF Bless of Torons to, and WM, K, Mahon of, Nova Bco« then as thé waters receded they nt at 10 a inthe Speed of A tia have left for Ottawa to arrange wit ol q with the Dominion government for mer, the marsheNing of relief forces to Many deeds of herolsm occurred [ he gent to Newfoundland were within the terrifying 16 minutes. | known tidal-wave deaths have Men rushed through the waters to | yenched 44 und the property dame the houses on the lower levels, | age fs in excess of §1,000,000, Throwing caution to the winds they Colnoldental with the departure clambered to the roofs, smashed in | of the men & telegram was received the windows, dragged out womep | yesterday by Mra, A, Plumptre of and children and leaped to safely | the Toronto division of the O.R.C, al the dwellings were eanght in the | from the American Red Cross, of turmoll and swept to sem, fering ite assistance, Sour Stomach Sweetened instantly Phillips' | sweet, the pain departs, You are hap« That fs [py again in five minutes, 11]. Don't depend on crude 'methods, Employ the best way yet evolved 107 iy all the years of searching, That Is 0 years among physlelans Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, where, One spoonful will neutralize Be sure to get the genuine Phils at once many times its volume in [lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by neld, Te is the right way, the quick, | physicians for 50 years In eorrectin Heasant and efficient way to kill the | excess neids, Each bottle contains full Le A iL So Vor Tio ketd INDIA RETION AID BT OMAGH HEARTRUAN HEADACHE GABES NAUSEA Just a tasteless dose of Milk of Magnesia In water, an alkall, effective, yet harmless has been the standard antaeld every excess acld, The stomach becomes |directions=any drugstore aa The Coleman Cartage van, first to cross the Ambassador Bridge bee tween Windsor and Detroit recently ope ened, is a General Motors' product made in Oshawa, which Incidentally this wae finds a General Motors' product again leading Mr. W the way, The Coleman jaoving vans travel'the highways and byways of Ontario from north to south and east to west, The Ambassador Bridge is considered ona of the greatest assets to Western Ontario and the Coleman Cartage moving van was honored with the opportunity of passing over the bridge and thus being the first vehicle of its type to make a crossing over this famous structure, Coleman's Cartage has no fear of distance as the foregoing Rroves, and we might nd that the busissess of this particular van in this district at this time was to bring the hou d furniture of + C, Herring, to awa. First Moving Van to Cross Ambassador Bridge Recently Ofened Adjoining Detroit and windsor OLEMAN"S Cartage - Storage ! MANS p 19) Li (Auk AN \ \ If It's a Transfer of any Description PHONE 82 - - COLEMAN'S CARTAGE