Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 PACE THREE aa BR co Local Man' s Body Found in Oshawa Harbor This Morning Ruth Hollinger, Pickering, And Donald Whitby, Win Oratory Cs mm 4 Winners of Oratorical Con! tests at School Fairs Com: peted for County Honors Yesterday Before the County Council at Whithy TROPHIES GIVEN TO THE WINNERS Mary MeFayden and June Forsyth for Widdifield Cup, and Ken- neth Reynolds and Ivan Renny for Sinelair| Trophy Rama Warden Adam Dobson and mem- beve of the Ontario County Couns cll veesived a pore treat yesterday afternoon when the hoy and giv) champions of the graterieal eons tents held In copneetion with the rural school fairs thw hout the COUNtY, som ted | a Lp sounsik ga " Wallthy for the J, dditield cup, offered ta the gpeakey i the eaun- ty, and yi WE A P blip teoe phy oftaed HA hoy AReAk: or, A Javee wumbey bat by Phusion were 0 present to he the speochdy and the eonnty here and othdps were amased and gratis fied at the competence of the youth: ful aratova ed Fhe ease and polae which ehavaaiepiged (he delivery of fhelp addresses, The Winners Ruth Hellingey, of VPlekering townghip, was declared winner of the girls' division while Donnld Al man, Hast Whithy, was chosen ns winner of the hays' division, Mary MoFayden, of Rima, and June Vor pith, of Plekeving, vauked wecopd and third among the glvls, and Kenneth Reynolds of Reach apd Ivan Renny of Broek, among the hays, Winsome little Marie Hood, of Bongos township, aged six, was the youngest speaker and she ao gutted hevsell tn a manner which augurs wall for the future, by, J, B, Reynolds, of Part Hope, former ly of the Guitare Agricultural Cals lege at Guelph, and ane thine preal dent of the University of Magitobs, ueled ws Jiine: Tn explaining his decision with vegard to the winners, By, Beynolis pointed out that valee, plattorm manner, geneval delivery and flu ene¥ were factors which Wnfluenced Ma Judging, He had not pald great attention ta subject matter as he vealiged that all the speakers had recelved i fn the Alene ment of §ub wet lon He was muh wien the calibre of the speakers and congratulated all the pontestants upon the splendid HH whieh he sald they ad mide Trophies Pvosent ed 4 W, Widdifleld, ex-M PP, far Nath Ontarie, denar of the eup whieh Leave hs name, presented tha trophy to Hath Hollinger, He had been pleased and Surpriiad a (Contigued pn page | Ee ha NOT { The person who leit Vietrela a! 408 Bimcne street south, If net called for hy noon Saturday It will be wold for storage aud pent, BR ITY Card of T hanks My, Kawe and nly thank Di, Mackay, Oshawa Geu- ered Hospligl nurses, nelghborg and fviends fap thelr many kind: nesges during Mrs, Howe's recent Hinges, (1818) wish 0 ~ Coming E Events » Conta v wort each hw aertion, Rad charge for "ely rilon, Bie, ON AUNDAY, NOV, 3TH, 8.14 wm, the Oshawa Eltisens' Band I hold & concert at the He ent Thaatpe, under (ha dives Wot Spud ARNIS Fepiiine Ww am EN'E WEHLPARE LEAGUE sale of home ecanking Saturday. av, Bi noon, 4% ng it, oven ANS OSHAWA n. Bird, Dane: Saturda \ Nuven ne} he p igh iy Wh = to be a rae to everyhody", rank Carew and his kt ders, This Ia the best yel, ME BROWN, PAL 0) : pitty 2004F, Lou (120b ue "hi LAB, HALL, over Hydra tonight, (131a) MEETING OF THR HUMANE ag wi he held dn en 8] IR all Mo iv They oy We. PRET Lb PR, RG CHURCH guo aS of roth Wednew oh Raxemher a1 ' lB HE Pha " ut A Y ay A ed g \ ONLI "ho ey and Mute PES 3 ante Wi LIS UN pr £13 "a tho Allman, us "CALLED TO THE BAR PHILIP DAVIDSON Bon of My, and Mys, Manvies Payids #00, 71 Bimene Bieeet Navth, this ivy, pn graduste of Osgonds Hall, whi his been called to the bay and will practices in Toronto, MAA at at at is) | What Others Say § ir dri divide dobedrinb ddd ddd ALDERMAN PRESTON'S HEPLY Oshawa, Unt, Nav, BB, 1648, eitar, The Oshawa Dally Times, Deay Biri Far he {fur me to enter into a dlsanasion with you oe anyhody eles aver another's nbsfartune, Hut your editorial attack on me In you last night's lssue leads me to ring the (rue situation a Heh, I matntalr 4 IL was not fale so lay off, haut | ation workmen why have heey making thelr dally hread by plek and shave) Jobe for men who are pow apply Ing for work These latter men put ta work without propery invest! gation, Men who have heen working for the elty four and Hve years anvrning thelr living Ly plek nad shovel [Johe, when men wauld not take the work because of the low wages have heen placed an shart Hime 10 glva way for othevs, 1 say that Is nat a fale deal and 1 stil malntain It whould not have heen done unill the most eaveful Investigation was made, By this haphasard laying aff of men what happened?! We tind one warkman with ten af # family wha had to take this short time, Ii In sale Lo se¥ he was not Ariving a ean 1 further sald that theift wis a matter of adusation and you, sly, If you had the weltape af the com munity at heart should he tha rivet in pastel In any movement tn this diraetion, When a man applies fav yelled in November with a famlly of four, among them & four-moniha-uld baby, with no milk in the house foe the Hitle ane and haa bean driving a cal all summer, 1 say without fone ar faver that thin man should be taught that he fs not delog Eh hy his family or hWlpeell, Don't think for one minute | was vafervlng 10 only the so-ealled working man We are passing through a period of tine when the meaning af the ward theift is wat Known and It applies to myself ay much as anybody elie, 1 hesitate Ineluda you In this, fer you als Ways attempt ta wake evaryhody halleve your oplulons are always ight and not open ta eritielam, ¥ nuked was fale (reatment af the workmen of Oshawa and the vaunetl TH A me in this view by admitting the Investigation w vellef cages were not halng pros perly earvled aut, and ave immedi: altel} giving asslatance ta this oily doptmont Your sdiiorisl wel vltten without proper knowledga of the subjeet in hand and 1 will place my regard of giving ABEIELAN 08 to persons who needed 14 heside (he record of auslstance given hy you ar anybody in your organisation, aun. Ronn Br nom Br hkbroN. New York, AE pantile paper § Fo Veign pelt rates (Great Hy he han Hie 1 eaunt, rahibition a the In Ra whpui of * JOE = Pie mops --. ao, ih dullars, i Britain 4 8 per cent, fii FOREI Ww slong Ne wpkesp {1 lp QUERY = Funda top MONE are [Magnesia Best for Your lien a A a BAER (evan LE Ea ER x] i we i Asi aly i 4) a h! el TN pe, \ be po "y \ CL moi Xx [Ad SR ot Hp x: (HR TR me 2 i oe addresses | 16TH BATTALION T0 HAVE RETINION ON NOVEMBER 30 Arrangements Being Made for Large Party from Oshawa The annus rv hanyuet af (he 116th Battalion, U0, V,, which wha postponed from this, penal date early tn November, a to he held in the King Bdwiard Hotel, Yovons ta; on Baturdny evening, Novemhey BO, and IL 15 expected thal wn Iago sontingent of 1aesl ex-members of the unit will sitend, 14-Col, Peara Kel, tha overseas commander of the unit, will have eetiuined hy that time from Bungland] whera ha Ale tended the hanauet tendered tn the holders of the Vietoris Crows, snd will be the ehlel wpeaker al the banguet, Mike Bouekioy, one of the vel evans of the 116Lh, 1s arinking roy 8 large Oshawa parity to attend the banguet, Viens ave helug mada (0 provide free dvansporiation, and those with ears wre vequested uo yepart to Mike's Placa a6 Boon Bs possible, so thal the trangporiation plang ean be completed, Mike In alsa anxlous to have the names and of all former members of the 116th, whether they infend to attend the hanguset or net, #0 tht an up-to-date Hat ean he ram plied Names should he 16ft ad anon al possible at Mike's Place, TIMBERS BETTER THAN STEEL SAYS D, C, Fowler Declares That Steel in Big Fires Causes Disaster Phat the wie of steel rather than thmhers tn vertain hutldings has caus ald wel loss of life In case of Ary, wits the statement of David C, Fowl GF pEerEtary treasurer of the Oshawa Lumber Company, in an sddress the Kinsman's Club, of Oshawa Welsh's parlors Just night, 'the speak ar wleu dealared that im several gases huilders were tarming again 10 the wig of timbers rather than steel Two natuble examples of the wie af bmbers instead of stool beams wml wirders, wore the new Parts and pey viee Building being built hy General Motors of Canada and the new Osh a Are both now truetion in this elty, gr Unly 4 Tew hot used nn the bt ding, and sume ine spechinons al tmber were helng built nto the THE ho ares was employing # type of timber youl heaton goal i this pare of Ontark aiid Rare would he ne beans, pillars ndecasary ta diokd the Place, whieh was an interesting velopment wow rool of this sig Steel Cavsed Disasters Que ul the ehled disadvanta sleet tn a building, ws eited hy My Fowler, was the fet that in vuse pf a bad fire, the ateel warped and ed down the walls, easing th i disasters when firemen wore kill ad br sertonsly miured, He cited the fire at Merritt's hutlding, King street west, Oshawa, 8% & gase where n seh & mtahap had vevurred In # building where woaden timbers were used, He painted out that most of the timbers had wo thromgh this badd five with sutFieient strength that they were used agam in the rebuild i operations, anly heing charred an the exterior, The walls had nov Tallon, he aio stated Mr, Fowler deseribed the wethad wag dy virions paris of Canada te bring timber out of the favests, dawn ta the lumber wills and through the VAFIUA ap rations to the finished product, The principal varieties of woads Wy this distri, he sald, weve hemlock, spruce and white pine, Pine was the mast weed wood, as 11 was suitable for almost every purpose and wii easily worked, arestation Fovehing hrigfly wpan the sublet of Hiorebidtion My Fier sald thin the late Han, John Dryden, of Brook hn, wis the pluneer of vefapestation work i Ongarto, While 8 minister in the. provincial assembly, Me, Dryden had started 4 refarestration station AWE White pine on & farm at Si Willis, where 11 was found that nat! a elie would grow, Many other stations have singe beon started, in Shit one ar Openg, "Chere ave sth anany large traets of viesin white fe I naethern Omtario, and 1 he eve that, even without the refogestas PAN gations these wonkl y TA, Fa \ al shortage of this woud for Woe AR twa generations," hy said bh he wusioal numbers, all hy mem: Deo he eluby hid A dquartel ank Kyans, Russell Starks, Fred Havtlett and Gy Barton) solos Ry Dy bo Hubbell snd HN. Mablett i and Wh ". Hh Mallett and Jack OVE i Young helng the LW) A. 8 president, Hn, | i on wea! the ohain, SE --- I SIXTY MEN ESCAPE I AS DREDGE SINKS |" (Wy Conan Prose onend ah sb Del Now 2 rn ho \ US Ary deeds Mai Han . oN We ostaped Wilh when the oil tanker Hester ad with the eu in te Delaware wiver sneas Won ihe: Chilstiana River, Mae WI sank tn forty feet of water @& diy "only her smoke Wt nader van wld My, Fowl teed wey wind i, plies of Paria ney viee Hever h wind wn Faulk In We lf Hy stack - pikit howse could he seen, LOGAL LUMBER MAN | hare of the day's husluess [ory TY AND DISTRICT NEWS ALTER CANNINGTON THEATRE Cannington, Nov, dl==Vien Zw genbaim, address withheld, is have ig iti ion hone 1 the Dream bind Phentre building, which fre ye cently purchased fron Walter A 'anter, A number of lo al wurlimen Ure ut present on the job FINED 880 AND CONES Aohn Long of Oshiwi vas fined $60 und sosts amounting to $7.70, or wie manthe ty Jal, whey He ape enred hetora Magistrate Willis hy alien Cart this morning on eharge of intoxieation Lung had W praviaus conviction for the same aftenes on July 88 of this year, HKCHIVE CONTRACY The W, B, Philips Company of Oshawn and Toronto, has hoon awarded the contract for glass and lasing of the BEEEGO0 ames Liniid: Ing being evected wl Victorias styes and Wilton square, Tavanto, hy Hermant Investments Limited, of Taranto, CHARGE DISMINSKD PF, , Biratton did not answer when hin name was called In poiny our this morning hut the charge of veokless Aviving prefevrea nEninst him was dlemissed wa John Hovd had heen fined $10 and upsls far the sume offence recent 1, Biestton was the driver of (the air fn the ease hut Jahn Hoyd wad the owner, and Magistrate Willis piled that two men could not he fined for the same oMence, A, W H fivear represented Hivatton ppt op Stock Market _--_ TRAIN BEBYICY UNCHA HANG The thangs In mes announced hy the Canadian National Hallwayy thin weak does not asfiset any Lralug running through Ouhawia to any sulant, wesardinug to Bb, UO, Vorres Lar; oiby Hekel nent for the com pany. Only one very minor ehange win reported, train Ma, 14, the The ternational TAmited easthound, ha fig pul hack one minute gt this wiatjon, leaving at 10 w'olesk ex weity, Instead of 9.69 wm CHARGE WITHDRAWN The charge auninnt William John Wiesong of Oshawa, who wis eharged with an Indecent wuss ill ERinst ten year-old girl, was withdrawn when he appeared be fore Maglsieata Willis In poliee court this morning, When the hme wah called Lhe court raom wis ordered cleared = helors the Cake auld proceed, Blesons Win opr: wanted by John W, Cvoster of Vort Perry AYTEND CONVENTION A number' of loss) Conservatives attended thd vietary hanguet and convention of the Conservative party in Toronto last wight, 'The Oshawa party tneluded Dr, and Mrs, 1, A Kalwer, M1, My, and Mrs, ¥, 1, Mason, My, and Mrs, ¥ Io Yiekery, My, and Mvs, H, D Preston, Mes, Clayton Downey, Mrs Caell Branton, Myx, Donald Hall and Alex C, Hall, Delepates from the county ineluded Dr, Tames Moore, and X, W, Molrien, of Hyaakin, Ri He Prices Markey Bummary by Canadian Press Foronta and New York Seek Quotations Supplied hy TORONTO HTOUK EXCHANGH Poavanta, Nov, $8. After a firm ware prices on the Toronto BLOpk Bxehango turned highly dvreguiay today and at the elose the majority of lenders were down on the day However, the majority of losses ware of & fractional nature International Niekel and Walliars ware Lhe mons aebive fesies, The farmer clogged at U8 for & net loss af 4, while the latter was off § a! 114 Heasilian Traction finished the day with o loss of § at 48% The old salen provided a good Wiper tent gained 1 at 871 Imperial ON advanced & at B88 Heltleh Amer! oli WEE Up a Hie Fleurs at 416 and International Pete was steady al Hed, Canadian OH and Ford the weak features The anld off ¥ af Bi, and the oltned 14 at B63 NEW YORK NPOCK NXUHANGE New Yar) Nay Ba Prive movements wera highly leregular an the stack market this fopanonn wi operations for the advianes went forward in of the utilities pilin and specialties, and heavy weal end profit taking depressed pevaral of the Yeaders general Bleetvie dyapped 64, U H, diesel B) and such stooks As dlmmons, Westinghouse Risatrie Anaconda, General Bleotvle, and Johns Manville lost 8 to 09, Ot Rlavator, on the other hand, rose 113, Jersey Ceptval 10, Delawar and Hudson, Undepwond, Eilat Fisher, Missoup!t Pasitte, Western Uiton, Amerioan Water Works and others voue A to Ul A wala faviey latter de Hipna ATANDARD MINING EXCHANGH Paranta, Nov, B3.clrregulavity wid the ehiaf ehavactariatie of tn day's sesslan of the Btandard Min ine xchange, The trading valume was fale, AhaaviibGordon, vapart wan fasued Last night, eape in far further Niuidaion The stock olosed at BNA, for A Was of 16, The other Lindsley lesues alan thve ground, Faloonbridee wis off A0 at 6.08] Ventures eased B48 af $181 and Hudbury Basin deolineq 86 at 4.00 Of the other active leaders, Nor anda was aff 40 at 40.501 Amulet galned T at LAG Lake Alors ails vanoed G0 at 10,78; Took Hukhes was off 10 at B15 and Abana was standy at 1,10, The olla were tng #ood demand Alan declined 12 at 1.BR1 Anaoelats od was wnehaniad at 1 48; Calmont eaned 10 at 1.80 and BW, Pete waa up 40 at B48 CHICAGO GRAIN Chicage, Ney, d-=Avtiva haying and Wa quotations hove fap whea early today Kept pace with neve ly adverse e news am Argon tna and from Alstralin a well, Li verponl wheat prices showed myeh pletper wptaERe than expected, with whose annual black rust reported as extending ne 10 Buenos Alves provines, a sesvtion of Argenting heretotory witane hed, Opening 110 1 58 wp, Chicago wheat ter seared further gating but then reacted somewhat, Corn and oats 'oF oak, with eorn slaving 18 Ww : 8 higher and subsequently deetining, Provistons hold iad. thie 0 ARAN QPRNING Chivasey Noy heat Dev, IN Pt Maw, RO 81 Cory Dee, Wy i) gy 1:27 Oats Pee, 49 1.87 Man, aw TORONTO gh Low Ol} 42 i" 18 £ > a Hark Re A, Beas, Wh. Ind Can, Had, Cookshati Thy, Dey, Pas, Bgvm Dow. Rive FE Fr A RE dt TRE ah i se SASS Me UNG AEA aw SIME ww i Ml tor a = He Wa - & Btoble, Forlong snd Ca, ------ --. Hrd, § Ue Hid iis 4] 14 ie 141 Ait ui 117 pa ia { Hm IH, Ul It, Nk it, Pel Id, Alehl, bap, OH Lah \ Ms, Hi Ma, Fri Mi, Pw Py, H Hhaw B, pt 8 MIN KN High 180 ¥1A pon il un (un (RL filo 1810 1410 Ah Ri 1109 11840 LRM W goon 18%a 1700 TIE] 101 LL LL nN Hudhury Huw, 483 440 Tek Humhes L8H fla Ventures {hu 174 Wielght Harm, 100 180 Walnwell OH 100 1h Lay 114 LIA 1h ua Thu 0h wan ain Hiook ABBNA Alnx Amiel Big Miasouri Chem Hes Dome Mines Fauloonhividpgo Hollinuay Home Of) Howay Uald Hudson Pay Root Vioven Lakin Hhore Novanda Bhar, Hardon Hloon 130 ihn 180 AY Kon (OR Hho aio 1810 LS 1106 i" 1th ain 1TH an Alun NEW YOK High 110% Low 114 THY. LALA 118% na 1040 118% ity iol, 0 ty JAM 181%, fis ITY (FR A HE TEN AD LER TY (1) oY 8 Hh 40 10t Elaok Alay, | Am, THN Anfeanda TRI Halt @ Ohio 110% Uhiryslay a Ca, Ue, NY, 1014 Dpant vo 110% Myla Nall , 04 tn, Fas 018 Gen, Mat 1H i, Cam i I, Tale ' dug, May Loe, Win Mex, Shed ME Wand bana On Phil, Pel Ph, de, NJ odin ee HSUMane fly, OH Hi, OI NJ, id, Ale {LH Hae! Wanlwarth nt LR" Yellow Trek, 10% 12 Money rate 43% per eant, HOOVER CONTINUES BUSINESS POLICY (By Caundinn Prose Losssd Wie) Washington, Nov, 22.-Men wha gulda the inatrumentalitjes of 1 ated States hallding were added today to the list of representative roupe consulted hy President fo0ver th working out he plans for sustaining And Inereasing United Plates prosperity, Thronsh an expansion of private and governmental hullding, the olla axeoutive hope 1a aeeowm pllsh many of the resulta that he ar Mixed wn the ahMectives of hin PROSORT Brogram, and he soweht (the agroperation of the leaders of the Ballding dustry as a vital factor of his SAMBATEN, my a STILL OPERATING WELLAND CANAL 81 Catharines, a Now 24 The snd den frigid dip has Wo you atected PRC on the Welland Canal vod A Nite eo along the ediey, freesing haa not yet cansed any ns Fe Ree ive high wind, however caved the Avoliffe Hall and Wik Baw Sehuit, hound wn, to tle wp at Part Dalhousie for several hows and the Claremont, bound dows #8 alo avaiting for the wind 19 moderate, an ' 4 180% ud 1 1] fA aa R\y LR (TEN 11 LE FLR™ 1 CARS DITCHED ON THE ICY HIGHWAY | NEAR THIS CITY Hart's Hill snd Cemetery Hill Were Particularly Bad for Motor} ots paveral envy were ditched on (he highway an i result of the ley phves ment yesterday afternoon and last night Nu serious seeldenis ware reported, hawevar, and none of thie cave were greatly damaged, The worst pidees on the highway fn this pi were Hart's Mi, wht of Harmony, and the cemetary Will at Thornton's Corners, Cars were strewn in the altel In a Hine on both sides of the highway at these polnts, ineluding a couple of heavily laden truoke that had sither heen unable to mukes Lhe grade or hud Leen coming down the hill» bit ton fast, and had sd ungraces ftlly into the diteh I wan much eanler to wo Into the dieh than to keep out of i Inte yeutevdny afiarnomi, when the How which had heen maliing, frome and made going Lreaeherolis, Mast drivers were careful, however, and IF thelr vars did "meet miafors Hine, ho serous demige was dons, | Woman's lave for ribbons may he due tn her having originated from a FihChioagn Dally News (00D YEAR SHOWN BY THE PARAMAIINT OSHAWA THEATRES Regent Theatre Here Shows Increase of 39 Per Cent, in Year's Earnings * i wade by Vara Wout heat Limited whieh operates the Wogent Theatre here, In the fHseal year of the eom pany, whieh ended Avpist 21, weeord ini 10 the annual statement Just iaEued Net earnings of th mpany for the vear ended Aug. JN. show an provement uf WwW Ji Foeent over (he preeeding fae] period Earnings before depreciation snd tunes are reported at B62.996 Bor (he perlod, naalnet MEI for TURK, Af for deduction of provision for depye alation of $4867, nnd taxes of $4,008 and writing $8804 off sound eguip Lent, Heense and Installation eusis there remained net profit of $51 427 | oop with E2001 dn the | view INvidends of #80230 on the preferred stock, ty NEFORIN, A fine howling w Oshuwi wed Yoal paid agurrent and on wel aid the balanse earvied to surph Here s ing prom Lalunwe Bor AI | Cars nt at 8&7 06, dinst Hubtliv ft UT hl on hand amownted fo 846,529 i | Phamiodan of Canada bonds 1o 82510 Pata! nugets stand at BAL 810 Plsousaing this vepait, \ pon Osler manager of the Regent Theatre, al tetbted the sweeess to the splendid response of the public of Oshawa to the fuer that the business 0 entirely owied (0 Canada, Most of (he share holders, In fuel, reslde Tn Oshawa, and A large purtlon of the earning: of the company remain in thin ely Ihe divestars elude Thomas Me Diawell wf Uahawy, | hell and W, I Sheppard, Forenty, and Pudhope of Orili, | URGE EDUCATION | ON CANADA'S PART! INTHE GREAT WAR , | Canadian Lagion Convention To Consider Resolutions On Subject aid los WASOLS Wf \ Hi ve Heed, Canadian Pron 8 fipee Fosentative) pring tht de ohildeen of Can ada be piven a all understanding of the part played by thelr conntry fn the Great War, a series of vesplutions on this subject will came wp for cons sideration by the third daminton eons vention of the Canadian Legion of the Reitish Empire Service Town] ta be helt here trom Nov, 28 to hore han heen & great awakening OF TRIER AONE Bese rvice then in the historieal records of the Greal Wan and the part of Canada and the Hmpive 1 partisulas fn fy Prose: talib fn shoot hooks dnd throw other channels, Rranehes of the PW adian Losdton which have heen din ousting this guestion have, tn resale HORE sent on 10 the convention, ex pressed the a that coming wen lorations should be given an oppor my to Altin # vonplete Rnoniodne of the Great Wak tx causes, pros srems and puteame and the contribue Hon of their awn nation fr the soe cetful proseention of the conten, Af PAFE OF a1 SdUeR ve prEranme, the abl will have hota it ar the CONPRRLION Su gestiong for the use of weky chante! of communication, the Written and spoken word, pletirey wdin and other means, hoth by way of fRatiietion to Canadians generally and to offset unreliable statements Whigh sometimes emanate from eres MoEible somces in hh counties (n tv her propose eontiined ih roi ations 0 Te presentad to the cam vention will wae: the immediate pres ALON and presentation for perin -- eh Lr Es Vernon "Yimy'* Knight Was Drowned Here Yesterday, Fell From Walk into Water DAMAGE CASE IN TORONTO TODAY Former Oshawa Man Claims $6500 Damages After Accldent 6, D, Conant, of this olly, was In Tovonto today vepresenting ihe plainer in an aecldent oaks bejug tried in the York coumty court The case wan & claim for dain wren arising out of an aeoldent on Yonge street on June 7, Cars own ed by FT, Davis, ar that time an employs in the electvioal depurt ment of General Motors of Canada al Oshawa, and Mrs, Dawaln, of Tovonte, collided on Youngs streel Duvig subsequently sued for 8600 damages to hig oar and has te talned G, D, Conant ns hls counsel Davie 16 now with the MoLaughiin Motor Car company In Montreal LEGION MEMBERS AT TODMORDEN Provided Excellent Program at Todmorden Branch Last Night A large party of members of the Oshawa Hranel of the Canadian Leglon motored to Todmorden lust night, and partieipated In a gathering held in the elub vooins of the Todmorden Hraneh, Follow Ing a brief business session, In the sourds of which M, Moelptyre Mood, of the Oshawa Hraueh, vondueted the fnltiation of au group of new memhers, an enjoyable poolal sven Ing Was spent, the program hein provided hy members of the Quhs awe Branch, Those whe provided solos and monlogues were Oebris Walshe A, HH, Yawer, Rab Glhhie and Tom Poultel M, Melntyrs Hood delivered uw brief address on the work of the Legion fn securing pd uEt ments penton and hos pital treatment for disabled sex service men and thelr dependents The Todmorden branch will pay # return viel to the Oshawa Branch gome time early In the new year INQUEST TUESDAY ON BONNELL DEATH An Inguest will ba held an Tues day night next into the death of Arthur Bonnell young f'aronto man and formerly of Oshinwa, who died th the (eneral Hospital hare last Friday morniug as the result of a broken neck aud other Injuries whioh he veoelved when a ear dp! ven hy Harold Braund, 71 plreet, upset on a slderoad near Pontypool last Thankegiving morns HT] A Jury has heen empanelied hy BD, ®, Holg, earoner, BELIEVE PLANE OF CARL EIELSON HAS CRASHED Four Parties Out Searching for Aviator in Avctie (By Canadian Press Lacesd Wine) Nome, Alaska, Nov, 23,««Feur parties were scouting the tervain in the wleinity of North Cape, 8 berlin, today 1h wearoh of Carl 1, Rielson, noted Avetfo plot, Whe hae heen missing wines Nov, Bb, while pRiaged th EFNRPORTINE DRaR engers and furs to Nome from the fwenson Fur Trading Company's whip Nanuk, toebound near North Cape, tia plane was "lihied bY A pars ty of natives within 80 miles of the Nanuk, while the motor of the eraft was heard ten miles closer to the Ship hy A Russiun trader, The trader did not vee the plane, owing to heavy for, Word received from Wi here yesterday, however, was that he belloved Bielson wan fly Ing Inland, He' sald thera was a Mountain about tens miles from the const ar that point, on whieh Rielnon Mixht have ovaahed, PICKERING BRIEFS Plokering, Now N- Rev diner and tanily of Dine ed on Piokering friends, lagt week Miss Nellie Arnot bi spending w week with fiends tm Detroit Me and Mrs, WoT Clack, visited with Mr. and Mes, Ogle Couper, in Toronty, on Sunday The Misses Gibxon of Toronto, Ape " a week-end with relatives in the 3 Lew yi ON Miss Isabel Richards FON ~~ Migs Marie Bandi, Wer the wets of Wo KF ant Mrs. Law Markham on Sunday, Rew, RH Rickard way in Groen wood on Sunday RD rt he hing ol Dy h I, Gas ord, ealls one day ol nent lixphay of Landes privcless Meet A War phet fine | works of apts the Jhnirerty "nited Ach gv 8 RTE Employee of Canis Dredg- ing Company at Local Harbor Drowned Yesters day Morning, but Was Not Missed Until Last Night WAS WELL KNOWN SPORT IN THE CITY Victim of Tragedy Was Soft ball Umpire Here This Summer--Leaves Widow- od Mother and Two Bro- thers in Cedardalo, Coroner Dr, V, J Rundle could not state dofinltely this afternoon whether an Inquest would he held inte the death af Vernon Knight, young losal man employed in the harbor Improvement work, who was drowned In the harbor some timed lute Wednesday night or early Thursday morning, The polies wre investigating the airs oumstaness loading wp to his tenth ' of Vernon enty-fivesyear old local man who resided with his widowed The bod "Vimy IKnlght, tw Gibb | at hey 104 Cedar ntrest, and | who has been missing since late | Wedn night, yeeoverad {ln slght wiley ul the loeal | harbor uhout one hundred feel sant uf the pler shortly after elght G'elock this morning The Hinn ployad fhe Canada Campnn which Ia dredging the "harbor thought that he slipped NAFFOW FANE plank the plop with the dredue hofore while walking from (he plop to dredge he had fallen Inte the opllly walters and BECUpP death narrowly, on \iotinesdey maht 1 fs thought that the walle had been rendered slippery hy BROW, As It was late at nlght A one saw Knlght miss Qin foou and fall ang If he made any oul ory It wad not henrd Poles Called Last Night Although Knlght wan niiening all day yesterday hid nbeence wis not veported to the polles until elght e'vlook Inst night because po alarm had been Jolt by hig IFlends far hid safely, A thorough Bonreh ofthe elty revealed wn race jim and as tt was known that he slept on the dredwes at night pollea then concluded that he. had wet with an accldent and had poss Fibly bean drowned tnst night. the pollen assisted hy members af the dredge orew and Wm, Barns har, Yfe puard at the Jake searols, 60 the marsh and the harhop bub thelr efforts proved feultless, . This morning the senol wal | renewed Bud the captain of ths | Aredia orew located a oap ying fa the bottom of the harbor at 8 point approximately n hundy feet dlatant from the pler ang olode to the walk or gangsplank lending to the dredge A, hoes hook was procured and in a few | Minutag A hody was vecovered, 18 { War tdentified ae that of the LLL Ang man, be, Rundle, Détegs | five Hermeant Moties, 1, . Terry Lund others were present w hey 'he, Ta War Jooated, De, Rundie ordered lta removal wl Bi | the Luke Burial Pavlov Niapped off Plank Walk Kutght wae laet seen at 1 o 'elo veuterday morning when he let a | Party of friends, presumably to : tn the harbor front wheve he was: engaged on harbor improvemens | Work, No one accompanied Bim th the dook and It 18 surmised that he | then attempted to reach the dredigy (Continued on page 2) 5 . il HAY WH fool ol had heen em Dredging engnged in md in off the connecting Twice Young hy Ws ut Rev, My Sir of Greoenwond cceus' pled St Pan's ehareh pulpit, : Misa Marjorie Robertson, of To o Ont spent the weeksend with W, and Mrs. Monney Tae NCW Kaipe Torontoy wpe Sunday "with J, ¢ " a Mrs, Stor My, and Mn Augtin Franklin ax Young son, oF Port Perry, spent | day with My and Mus, A. iron A number of the younger genera ton of the village went to Teron on Saterday to see the Santa Chit parade, in came home with star eves and glowing tales of the aple dour of the areival of that fame saint, AR Rdvahee agent of the Canadigh Chatangta was in the village du i the past week and ft in expects thst the company will it ekg after Christmas, A 00 LATE 0 CLA - FOUR ROOM ATANTARNI MO. arn, Very low rental, A ment 2 ¥9A Sineoe 8, FOR NARS Fm boots and skates, Chueh, COAL AND FORTRALR Annex In goud condition TINM, CONVALRE RNS TN onted. fob in quiet "oe fortable home, Apply Rox 328 Times, un COMFORTER FRONT PL ANCARTR NY (i \ Ry dred. 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