Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 1

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The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL. BNO , 121 Tg finds od = fairy News in Brief (By Canedien Prose) Tunney's Coming Home Naples, Italy ~Mr, n mJ J 1Gene unney ang hoard the Cor sulich liner Vuleanls this afternoon for thelr voypKe home, to America, oll D Smokestack Srp Hae men, eleaning neide of a smokestack here to- day were killed they fell vent ive feet to hang of the . 0 stack, Predicts Growth Toronto ~An Inereass of 85,000 In the population of New Ontario by 1031 was predicted hee yesterday by Hon, James Lyons, former minster of lands upd forests, at the provin. cial Conservat ve Sonvention, # Troops Activ Paling Chins wile ® eporied on reli authority from Mukden today the authorities there recelved 8 message from Harbin stating Machull and {Walnor, both In Man« churla near the Siberia border, had been oeeupled by Soviet forces, . b » Communists Again Vall Toronto "Toronto Communists were unsuccessful lest night in attempting to hold an open alr meeting, When the Communists Attempted to hold thse meeting mounted pollge dispersed the orowd, LJ * Ad Used Gun Carles! Buffalo, oh n wry} 4d sending pedestrians to cover by an exhibition of plain and. faney gun play last night actord ny to polis, Evie I Hawes, 21, of Rochester, attached to the local const guard station, was ars résted on a charge of careless vse of firearms, ¥ LJ * No Loss in Btorm Bault Ate, Marie, Ont,==A cheok- up of marine ofMolals and other pourcen of information today res Yealed little or no trouble on the upper lakes an # result of the mine fature blisward which held Lakes Superior and Huron in its grip for 84 hours, . \4 Car Crow Nxonerated Toranto~=A coroner's jury last night brought in» verdiet com. pletely exonerating the motorman nd conductor of the Bathurst treet oar, which on the night of Oetobar 10 van uncontrolled down Bathurst Street Hill, orashing into wo Automobiles and killing ranklin A Pxelhy, v Charged With Graft Ohloago, =A wecond trial {n« volving Ohloago police offiters LL] Junder way today, alx polls cap ins and 91 others facing a jury on charges growin out of the "slot machine graft ease," The plate sald it would have B41 wits LJ LJ Protest Reparations Holla, irri ive thousand officers of reserves yesterday held merous indoor meetings of pro. tot AEAINAL the reparations agree. ment, ter they marched In ups through the streets. but not permitted to demonstrate front of the lewationa of the ntries eoncernad, ' LJ » Karly Shipping TeUp © Bault Ste, Marie,~A foot. of ow In 84 hours with a falling rmometer, ia proving a worry to marine men, who accept the 0 Below sero weather at Port Ars ur as an Indieation of lee condi: me that will tle up shipping Much esrijer than usual on the por lakes, -- H omen -- Suspects Remanded For Week Toronto, Nov, #3-The four men arrested In connectien with the hold-up and robbery of the Qlinton and College Htreet branch of the Canadian Hank of Commerce here last week appeared in police fhurt today end were remanded a weak, The proceeds of the hhery were more than $0,000, Jap Prince to . Return Visit Of King's Son Tok Nov, 38=Prince Tak o, Nov, 2=Prince amats second brother of Sl ve ashimamura the liner Toy 's thank apan eh of the Duke ror, ama 2 @ April 2) il OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 16 Cents » Week; 3 Cents sa Copy. TWELVE PAGES _ DESTROYERS RUSH T0 AID OF STREAMER Wireless Officer Sends Out Appeal for Help, Saying That Efforts Are Being Made to Drug or Murder Him SAY CONTRABAND TRAFFIC ON BOARD Owners of the Steamer Ex press Belief That the Mes- sage Is a Hoax, But Des troyers Are Speeding on Way to Ship London, Nov, 88.==Your British dentroyers today were reeling through the eastern Mediterranean at 20 knots in order to Interespt the British trader Haren Niche from which mysterious wireless messages were reported to have been recelved yesterday, 'There was some doubt, however, as to whether the mbssage calling for help wan not a hoax, The message which was some: what garbled, was made out as follows! "Heavy contraband teafe this ship cocaine, Repeated efforts drug or murder wireless operator, Raguire immediate help," he Baron Wloho salle ypt for Marseilles on nesday with 8 crew of lnsoars, The agents in Valetta, Malta, wid "there wax trouble ahoard hefare salling but that thin wax satisfactorily settled, Figures for the ship's position were given In the reported wireless mes: page but they were not clear, Ans other part of the message indi coated that the wireless operator of |) the Baron Kloho suspected an aty tempt to polson him since he had | diboovered that narcotion were bes |) ing smugnled, "I am too 11 to) keep watoh," he was quoted us say ing, At the London offices of the Bar on Bleho's owners It was stated that from the steamer and the opinion || wan expressed that when the ome || oors of the four destroyers met the steamer's captain they would find |¢ that no help was needed, | "1 ean only presume the whole thing 18 a hoax," sald an oMolal of the company. Hoax or no hoax, the four de: |! stroyers Witeh, Wren, Whitehall | ¢ and Worcester are speeding from |! Malta In an effort to determine |! ft anything 18 wrong aboard the Baron Kloho, BALDWIN FAVORS from Kg: EMPIRE. TRADE form of Imperial Co- operation and Unity (Ry Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) London, Nov, 38,-Right Hon, Stanley Baldwin, Conservative leader, last night came out in fa vor of a polloy of imperial co-op- eration and Empire unity, Dele: gates enthusiastically cheared While he formally accepted at the mans meeting of the Conservative ry and supporters in Albert fall, the resolution passed hy the party conference | MH calling for pera h 00 AN the settloment of the Bmpire's eco omio matters on this basis waen the party returns to power, In co. operation, of course, with the do- minlons, { Only in the Empire might Great find expanding warkets, the former prime minister deolar , "People talk of a United States of Europe," he proceeded, "Our progress depends on eur oas elty to visualise the Empires omintons and colonies alike---aa one eternal and indivisible unity for production, for consumption, for maintenance, and for the im: ent of the lot of all those w nde Providence are dwellers hr the confines of the Ea re, LS. The new Canadian National Rail ways hotel being erected at Vancows ver, 10 cost eight milion dollars, will be IF storeys in height, of beantitul French renaissance structure, Mysterious a South American corn with Duncan, golden glow and no messages had been received | red cob ensilage, and then inbreed corn borer Munroe, Michigan NEW POLICIES OF | Toronto shivered oarly today In a temperature of nome knowledge that residents of White River, Ont,, who ventured outdoors long enough to glance at a them mometer last aight found It regis tered 20 degrees helow mero, pared for the cold saap, oguvinolng evidence was the pum: her of steaming radiators, A great number of motorlita visited thelr garages today to Waited ane day too long to with anthfreage, the wmeteorologioal mercury, they report, is slowly pis ing in the Weal and that is a good omen for the Bast, rernmm------ NH ------------------------ Newfoundland Tidal Wave Claims 36 Liver y } ; A diupatih from Newloundiand tells th my Monday's sarthiuake along the Atlantio seaboard, that swept the penine th const of Newfoundland, claiming 88 Mvea and enusing Mula of Nurin, . sou much distress and privation, Miquelon, ¥reneh possons! Photographs here show (1) Harbor of island on, Just off Burin peninsula, Newfoundland, in the 6 (ale of a huge tidal wave, follows ------ NFO mE a J AE LO UATION FOLLOWN HARD ON THE HEELS OF ATLANTIO "QUAKE (1) View of Placentia on the peninsula of Avalon, Newfound. Iand, also In the aren swept by tidal wave, (3) Nippers Harbor, another News foundiand settlement in the vegion struck b k peninsulas of Burin on south const affected aren showin Areas affected by tidal wave, quake inundation, and (4) Ma of Newfoundland and adjacen . Borer Of Corn Breedin London, Ont, Nov, 33-The battle againgt the ravages of the corn borer has heen won and millions of dollars saved to corn growers of Canada and he United States, it was announeed ere last night at the annual meet ng of the entomelogleal socloty of Ontario Malee amargo, borer resisting Crosasbroeding of ng these crossed stralng has resulted na strain totally resistant to the European corn borer, It was announ Marsdon, super Michigan station at ped today by A, R, ntendent of the state of experimental Three YOArs ago experiments were hegun to determine Hf genetio faetors pontrol pathological disease by plant reeding, Mr, Marsdon stated, and his year's crop of these crossed straing, totalling nearly one thousand families, were placed in rows between 29 per cent, infested domestia strains at Munroe, after harvesting they were found to be totally resistant, During development and That this was not the full solution of the problem was made clear hy op or, who stated that a mar ble quality would not be achiey or some five years rof, L, Cassar of the he Ontarig agricultural college, Guelph, cited the records to show that durin the past year ten counties accomplished a re Accepts Conservative Plat. | duction in infestation of 50 per cent Cold Snap Was Not Expected Motorists in. Toronto Find Cars Suffered From Low Temperature -------- (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Toronto, Nov, #2. Qltigenn of last night and 18 above sero but they received small comfort from the Despite the fact that the local weather was not severe it found a real part of Toronto, partioulamn ¥ the motoring population, pte Most find thep had up However, relief ia promised hy burean, The Battle Against Corn oe As Result RUSH RELIEF eding Work Renewal of Relations is | Critized, (By Canadian Fross Lonsed Wire) Loudon, Nov, 28.-«The annual Conservative party conference of 4,000lelogaton today orjtiolsed the MacDonald Labor government for re-establishing relations with Hoviet Rusia, With only one dissenting vote A resolution was adopted 'that this gathering protests against the of flolal return of Hoviet agents to England snd will do ita utmost to refuse the resumption of diplos mato relations with Boviet Russia until these allen enemies have conned all propaganda and pald up what they owe," rm -- Three Die in Winnipeg Fire Home Burned During The Night--Four Saved From Building (By Canadian Presa Lossed Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 23.-=Fire that vared the home of John Johnson, Atlantle Avenue, early today took the lives of three membera of his family, Wve other persons were saved, The dead are: ' Mra, Florence Johnson, 40: Win. nle Johnson, 24, her daughter; and Roy Johnson, 14, a son, Kitorts to reach the three vies tima proved fruitless, Thelr bods fon were found on the growad floor of the house, having fallen from the bedrooms on the second storey when the floor fell through, he house was a mass of flames when firemen arrived, Ridney John. son, another member of the tam» fly, was responsible for saving the lives of four persons, Almost overcome hy smoke an he ay in bed, he succeeded in getting out of his room and ralaing the alavm, He first awoke Mr, and Mra, Rob ert Thompson, sleeping in an ads folning bedroom, and asaiated Mrs, Thompson fram the house, His tae ther, John Johnson and brother, Viotor, were then awakened and rushed to safety, The three victims were helleved to have heen enveloped in flames hefore they could make any effort to enoape, A A A The anple output of the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia this vear will he & bumper one, according to latest estimates which place it as approxi: mately 2000000 barrels, ensued In parliament dependent wo-oalled pushing his amendment ta the mea sure, the amendment oalling for a pound a week for eaoh adult uns employed wan, ten shillings tor ha wife and five shillings for each des pendent ohild, Labor party amendment, hut it it 4 added to the hill it Ia expected the Conserve tives and Liberals will combine te defeat it, 10 THE SCENE OF DISASTER Newfoundland Government Sends Nurses, Doctors and Supplies to Burin (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ht, John's, Nfld,, Nov, 28,The government steamer Melgle, car ying dootors, nuvses and provis salons, early today was nearing the devastated const of Rurin Penin suln, where twenty-six men and women and ehlidren were known to have perished when a tidal wave fifteen fool high swept the olive of Burin for a distance of thirty miles following Monday's earths quake, which until yesterday was balleved to have caused ttle dam Age, The steamer Dalsy rendered what assistance she could to the stricken communities and then left for Bt, John's to place the oamy before the government, PolntesAux-Gaules and Port-Au Heras wore most severely hit, elght drownlag at the former place and saven at the latter, The rest of the Hint wan! Taylor's Dar, four: Lord's Cave, four; Kelly's Cove, two; Las maline, one, In the immediate vi omity of Burin, most of the vie tims were women and ohildren, swept away In thelr houses, A fund Is being collected here for the people whose means of livellhood have heen demonished, Boats, flahing stands and other (Continued on Page 2) Fear Defeat of British Gov't. Test Will Come Monday on Unemployment Insurance Bill London, Nov, 23,~-Heated debate lant night when the government's unemploys ment insurance bill came up for second Journed with the proapect of a vote on reading, The house ade Monday, Jamea Maxton, leader of the Ins Labor party=-Labor's loft wing---inalsted on It was sald 82 members of the would support this HITBY JAIL DELIVERY FRUSTRATED Sensational Discovery Made by Governor Lucas Message From British Steamer BAR OF JAIL WINDOW SAWN THROUGH, AND SAW FOUND IN PRISONER'S POSSESSION CHINESE ARMIES PREPARE TO MEET REBEL FORCES Serious Situation Is Develop- ing in the Canton District (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Canton, Nov, 28. ~Unveritied re. ports reaching here today sald re volutionary Kwangsl forees had begun an advance from Wuchow toward Canton and already had en countered and dispersed outposts of the defending Kwangtung troops, Prepare Resistance MHankow, Nov, 28.--Ax the re. sult of a threatening situation in Kwangtung province, Chiang Kal- Bhek, commander of the Natlon- alist armies, today ordered 20,000 troops now In Honan province to prooeed to Canton, These troops are destined to help the Cantonese in thelr tigny against the Invasion of the "Iron. sides' regiment from Northern Kwangtung and the revolutionary forces advancing from Kwangsl Province The Flying Corps of the Nation. alist army also was ordered to Kwangtung, Flier Comes From the North to Bring News Of MacAlpine's Party N.Y. Markets To Return to Normal Hours New York, Nov, 28.--The board of directors of the New York Rtook Nxohange today voted to resume normal 6-hour trading sessions on Monday of next week, but to olose the exchange all day on Friday and Sajirday, Nov, 20, and 80, In addition to the regular Thanksgiving hollday on Thursday, Since the election day holls day, Nov, §, the stook exchange has been open for trading but three hours, from 10 am, to 1 pom, on all week days save Saturday, when it has been closed all day, This schedule has been In effect this week, and the exchanke will be clos od all day tomorrow, Clemencea Is Critically Ill rv -- His Physicians, However, Are Hoping for the Best (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Parla, Nov, 28.The conaitton of Qeorgea Clemenceau, 88-year-old French war premier, was grave to- day but his physicians hoped tol the beat, Dr, Ralda, noted heart expert, who has been called in to ansiat Doctors Degennes, Laubry and Goss aot, made an examination and sald: "M, Clemencean's condition t= grave, but I am hopeful, There ia no immediate danger," In ofolal clreles as well aa the immediate entourage of "The Ti er" there was no attempt to hide anxiety, All the immediate mem. bers of the former premier's family were called to the bedside this morning and remained in the Clemenceant house in the Rue Franklin during the day, Preal dent Doumergue, Premier Tardieu and Foreign Minister Rriand either oalled personally or sent represen» tatives to inquire for the latest nows, Committed For Trial Simooe ~Florl Redelal, 28, was terday committed to stand trial a hMgher court on a oharge of murdering hia countryman and friend, Wichiel Dounye, Donnye's bullet-riddied body was found Winnipeg, Nov, #3,-=A lone ace of northiand fliers yesterday made a treacherous 200-mile flight to Fort Resolution, on Great Slave lake, In the Northwest Territories, bringing the first word of the Mao Alpine explorers to be received in ten days, Alone, Andy Crulekshank, pilot In the aerial relief expedition uns der the command of Captain Guy #, Nlanchet, arrived at Fort Resos lution last night and reported Col, CQ, D, MH, MacAlpine and his party safe at Fort Rellance, on Moeleod Day, where they have been land. bound sinee Tuesday, Nov, 13, Without means of communioats Ing with the outside world, Cruleks shank undertook the dangerous mission from Fort Reliance to ase certain landing conditions and to report the party's safe arrival at Rellance, Radio reports reaching the relief pilot were not reassuring, To the south of Fort Resolution, along the 1,000-mile aerial trail to The Pan, landing conditions are not fas vorable for the big ski-runnered planes of the Blanchet patrol, which Is returning Col, MacAlpine and hia goven mates to olvillsation, Only a thin coat of ice covers the lakes Twenty-Eight of Thirty Prisoners in the County Jail Believed Implicated in Plot for Escape PRISONER REVEALED PLOT TO GOVERNOR Escape Was To Have Taken Place at Early Hour Thursday Morning, But Plans Went Astray---Exs tra Guards Placed on Duty (By Whithy Staff orter) Whitby, Nov, 22 Borate and well defined for the escape fropy the County Gaol in Whitby of some thirty prisoners ten of them awalte ing trial on serious criminal chars ges, on belng indicted for murdesy werg frustrated this afternoon when Governor H, Luchs found a saw cares fully eoncealed In a military leguing worn by a prisoner, John R, Parry of Whitby, awaiting trial en an ine cost charge, and another saw and @ file concealed in the fail bathroom. Governor Lucas also + made th startling discovery that a flat bar of a window In the gaol bathroom ha been almost sawn through, and tha nceording to the plans revealed t the governor by & prisoner, an ess cape of 28 prisoners had been planned for three o'clock on Thursday more ng. y ¢ this hour a large ear pulled up near the gaol, and gave several sige nals, Governor Lucas, who was in the gaol corridor, went outside in the hapa of getting the car's number, but It wan pulling away when he reaches ed the scene, Iw followed it to the street but It had gone beyond recogs nitlon, The governor believes that the gaol delivery had heen postpone unfit Thursday evening or early Frise day morning us the bar bad not been cut through sufficiently to enable the prisoners to make thelr escape The point where the saw had bees at work was hard to detect as soap had been used to cover it, Prisoner Revealed Plot The prisoner who unfolded the ens tire plans for the escape alsa told Governor Lucas that it had bee planted a few nights ago that he attacked with a piece of an iron be and the keys of the gaol selzed from him, Had this heen carired out eneral gaol delivery would een Inevitable, loarned of Naw . About a week ago Govern Lucas learned from a rellable source that a saw had been smuge gled into the gaol, Every nook an corner was wearehed but if coul not be located, Yesterday afters noon, however, the governor and UNKNOWN HAN ~ FOUND TO HAVE where landings are to he made, The party intends ataylng at Re lance, where the Dominion Explor ers maintalne a gasoline and food supply base, until there in a de- olded improvement, Crufokahank will return te his companions at Fort Rellance today, Deny Report of Byng Retiring Rumors That He Would Leave Scotland Yard Without Foundation (By Thes, T. Champion, Canadian Press Staff C 1} London, Nov, 32.-Fresh reports that Lord Byng was res ng the commissionership of the Metropolitan Police, are without foundation, it was stated at New Scotland Yard today, Lord Ryng, former governofgeneral of Canada, i» now suffering from sohgestion of the lungs and has been confined to his bed for nearly two weeks, It had been understood in wellsin. formed circles that Lord Byng was contemplating retirement in the new year, having completed his task of edrauniaing the Met tan police following the shake-up in the system 18 months age CE ------------ Construction haw un road from Matamoros, posite Rrownsville, Texas, neot with Cludad Victoria, on a loo, op to cons capital on the oh at Port Dover, Now of the State of Tamaulipas, BEEN SHOT DEAD Police Seek Companion of Man Found Dead in Lake Near Lindsay (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Lindsay, Nov, 22,-The bod} of the unknown man found by Albers Lee, & farmer, in Brohma's Bush on Mud Turtle Lake, near Cobdeonk, still remaine unidentitied an to aoe tual name, but the remains have been positively identified as th of a German, who, along with a companion, visited Coboconk aboud Oct, 18 last, An a result of an autopay pers formed yeaterday " Dr. Ingra of Coboconk, it wan discovered thal the man had bean shot in the that the bullet had entered t back of the head and passed ow the mouth, ; . ~- coroner's jury was ew UJ ed by Dr, White of Fenelon Fal and was adjourned until Dee, 1 at the request of the th eral's dapartment, Toronto, which wiahes to institute a search for the companion of the dead man, I ---------------------- 105,000 NEW LICENCE AUTO PLATES IN. B.C, I. Vancouver, Nov, 33. ritiah Columbia will have 105,000 new Auto licence plates next month, The markers for 1980 are now bes ing tasued, and are in oream letters on a vermillion background, Vancouver alone is to ha 3 000 in the 1980 allotment Ye \

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