Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 192% DE EE rE a a i iii ht tu pa wae an address which i bt | ZL w, pL) i $1.45 to M00) ------ : " ta the county comiell (the ravages Id ice bin hile, 1 Mi A) rip 1} whieh this insect is doing fo one ui i T ce (4 n t e 19. the most important crops, Judging . Masalins, of ul yey, 100; vealars netive hy the familiarity of this speaker i 1 hon Lon i be fully sandy | With her subject, girls on the farm : ommer arke fed 10 hates, hi 0 dl! wm ond |are taking an equal interest, in im ye shrmg weights, A | sammy, g y P ie HO 18 ewes, o i to Wb ori gnewiurml opis us th RUN WTR. gotablos a rpm] Manche Todd spoke on water 4 iw fod amar 0 AN AY pre i LOREEN bier 0M N which she described: ug older than ie Volt mig FE HL he | Adam and ever new, Bhe mentioned ud f ira oF M.. 1 PERRLERRE IIRL Ieee ba TRAD the many uses to which water wit i od PL . lis 4%, oo a uh put and is imporianes in generating be 6, a, wil aor ih W ALM pring, h ny waiter power and electricity, Although || : iw hgh, 'duned ji ir bank het' Ponte : iit h / net i food I wis kn limportant eon ! ¥ ton, i By : hii ponent of wlmoest wll foods good for ; '4 nn ele | Hy man and beast, ; { % 70, PRODUC YA "Canada as a Dominlon," was the i 2 mio Toa oa foe 0 # subject of Frances Jones, of Mun ! ors wt ww Ho 4 wr chester, Bhe painted Conudu future ! Vyssh ontras, " cHriony 734) | 4 (Continued from page 8) in glowing terms and extolled the £ rid, me 4 lo iH re 0 HH Pag virtue of thase ploneers who had well bi ' A ej vote et | a the way In which the contestants [and (ruly lald the foundutions of the ly ' ) 10 4 : . dats. slot. Ha falas thie HUA TT IRE hud secounted themuelves and he Pominind, Y ounbass' Soaskan 181 W, hon ry, prints, #e) | Oranges, vor Dione 11seereoie 088 OW] oftered hin congratulations to all, J] pea Ais oily, two Banehes coir 0 Marie Hood, Beug we mite, iin be! Pf fo Apel, pi ' Gla 1e wan tne to win, he stated, hut ay is Rts Seuticl, 4 w hid 9 041 uve yg Lo ithe Bone tye nv et hice and oie, anes or ai AL if M h ran Hine to wit he stated, but | oo nfdrmation about birds, She oenlts phot bain bh fpor y § il I" WP reriiiminamie a is SREY 121 Sn ' 4 ul Due te the unavoidable uhsence fons hot ures With aes Miner vial fo Fra i AHHH TR 4 nlet W, K, Ne Hoglelu M.0.7, fob she stressed that he Is some good in i LH ibe abi a Urine, eg oo ; tr Ontario, arden Dohwon asked | killing insects, Marie likes vobins, bE dlerrnn| 4 oh nga VIE awww Georwe MuoMilien, of Menoh | woodpeckers, unl other of the few: fs Pili iibisiiidl + 4 township, 0 raat fe Mikael thered tribe, i atari ¥ wip to Donald Allman, winner of | Margaret Leask, Uxbridge, another FEERER EI EARERReE " CHICAGO PRODUCE PUTURES cup ' Kit i, ge, ARAM ' Chicasa, Nov, 81,-Ton wrades of (ash [the boys! division, Reeve MacMils very little girl, described an almost ROU of "" ware oh cont her Sony nl Wi [lan expressed the pleasure wilah falrylike custle she saw at Aberley Sekine y th Me wail ge Wt Counbly jibe he apnuel oratories! contest had [on Lake Huron, but, she explained 8 To FRO ORL ht | il ) Wig ; t ' ' 7 ron ol 10 navn, Pe Wy the and Yave veinrded mm. TR attorded to the gounty counell and [it was bull by herself and her litle Sotlow 6 fo the Linde erable entenl vel there Ia enti bi gommented that such contests were | brother, of sand, ele, ia Hon med 0 ron Bue fil ing iy Jinn fg Joel Soma | qgvalopiug the ohildran of Ontario | "Ihe Benefits of the Rural School adh dhs Wel Laks x Aa] degenihors ot ol i firm apd Nigher These | County In the right direction, Fulr" wera deseribed by Gordon West y mrtlony reuehed He aml reaps - ' R ho the Arst speik wi bes do pm eid ' FE Aw In addition to the trophies pre«|of Pickering, who was th { red i-Tai ph Fi on it wit li i "fhaio itt arom | ented, every boy contestant wis or winany the hors fiavon wits of : ae Withdrawals ii the lone markets cay p Ad with a pair of outf Hnks | the eplnion that the buble speaking 408 |i weight oT jo prosented. w p | ( Avi aighy rely shit oi fei oni rl rity i hi and avery girl contestant with #jeontests were hue features of such ) / oh av Jo! ibs, Le fe exw, fan ul utr Md Sala ds wei | WIIver pure by the county gounel), | fairs, He to referred to the stim i prints " ig y shigd bp yesterday alteroean on te \ ulation In planting good seed and ra ivan, HA {flor \nauad, vu vasittiy of will "ue Wpenkers Commended fi. HH oe § prints. wi ih nl demand. was Oeailivion 10 Warr Th Tha contest was conducted yes | aising high class stock which th » fk " LA es Rete, Vor shamtdur ek Wav. dab vesilt we VEL (arday by Wo I, Croskery, of Us| rural fairs brofight, 4 i A-- y wn me. Trad 1 ree wan of bridge, sgrioultural representative Beautifying the Farm FARMERS MARKET volume with peices about Ii line with yes for Ontario, Warden Adam Dobe ying the ! The Jellowipu ¢ fo quotations, Jel hi of il Lo -. Rus Nov, old, ¢1¢|%on, BH, A, Hutohison, school Inspec i, toyd Kalane, wh i Hi To wi Ly fw renee market, Torontes PASH h ' . jm eh ¥ farm Home : 0m te' deb he Chasse hag whol hs Bagh a (4h This young erator saw ne reas fy ONITAR CHF 4OR0N. 11111110 " Ry s avery fi should' no wo y ike, 0d f doses + ' fi pi rg " ft. most 1 hier, aa 1 gall | North Ontario, aio spoke yesters wih {YUE far ihould not by bro lh let Petra 0 he rent Neate, 40 0 Adi fone hii duy sommenting upon the high ops |YI000 WIE SHOBEH A i Po BLOFRES RIPE orein " He | ie market voeslptsc titer today, 10 | dar of the speeches and eonEratis Llavd saw In farming a good ooeupi po ee mand yom 08 i, Art HA) Py ww today, TSAI L devine the contestants, Inspector [ton whieh should not be made dif $ ol oui per ovoid L048 080] faa, od Ween s ewws=tirsts, 48 (0 fay | Hutohison stated that few adults {Aeult for the farmer hy the lack of sme | Now" York spot minrket=Hulter, estims { gould manifest. the polse on the Proper equipment Well built burns, ane Hem, pubis platform with whieh the heat felidos "il teint flower Leds, : i nt would add much ta the appesrane 4 am TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATION | fuuthtel craton had presented | Rou ann ho' sald Grain, deplers on the dente Hoard of | The CornsBorer came In for a hot 1 kink the daHowing : due : The silver cups will remain per \ d COAL ir eae on Nab whet N hy go manently in the possession of Ruth [time at the hands of Russell Park of ern, BAL Ldy No, 4 da, # WA No. A | Hollinger and Donald Allman as | Broek township, Russell traced the Ty ' W, by! foul) fh 4 " in Coder | new trophies are presented epoch | spread of the Jorel n Ontario Li Hay Nore) A YOR! deserihed vividly the damage which hi | | "ita ehia=No fed, 68a) The Addresses it had done to the corn evap Wi oy z y Mary MolFayden, Nitle mistress | must start now and do all we ean tn ---- ------ Amtlan corn No, 1 Aa ) Val fron Rama township, in the north | Aght the eorn borer," Wussell eon | Astivered, Toronto freight), ond of the county, made the long | eluded pe ROTHER comb Mitlioed, delivered, Montes) haga Included | (rip ta the court house worth her Noxlous Weeds bt oattoling ne what whit EE whorte: pee to Ewhite when she took second place] "The Enemy of Agriouiture=Nox you wind toy Ontarla WLS Wheat, $1.27 1a 81.30; oats, [among the irls with her address on [lous Weeds" was the subject taken hy { ahh Wy nd 16 clear hea i J ! parley, 70 ta Tei rye, 9 10 "The Annual School Fair This in< | lvan Rennie, of Brock who eam 1 hy ne heh: uael tity. Sl Wi ew a A Lo We, teresting ppeech told in narrative | third, Tvan may have pulled weeds BN on ; viyle the many features which make | for ke had no use for them, Although : Ne Thovmmotne " BAST BUPTALD LIVE 410k school falen profitable and helpful Canada's farms were comfortably sit 4 Hd an Needs ' M 4 ol on. "w) dim. fli interests. "The Kuropean Carn Borer" by [uated In a peaceful country every athon to 100 highei | bulk, 160 10 260 the, | June Forsyth, of Plekering township, | farmer was faced with the wes! i] a UU Ut, EE eh LD yO . ) re ---- --- | p iv 3 | "he | ! \ | | Ned ilies wh \ 158 i t ! | : 1 | Inary iY VALUE EXTRAORDINARY vALX Sets A 7 Tube Batteryless Radio, New Battery Seta Only | . Jl table model, using the ' new ( f th eft in | ! ow o esa loll in \ i Sereen Grid Tube in a rich wal: tack. 'dont' wae uh} ato don miss |] ; nut cabinet with fine quality and re hy toh opportunity te have a vich tone, Regular $125, Less | p y : Radio for Christmas, | 2h Just the Present for | { i : the folks, Spe- $15 8 cial, stripped fi W 4 A {EH | o ¢ ap § bg we - §| 63 KING STREET, E. PHONES 78 - 79 i A o : \ Pb eff, ¢ sid, nulsaney he sajd, Hyer t must Leg made to combat it, Howard Bpencely, of. Clavément, spoke un the plonesrs of at hy vividly deseribing the hardsh g # endured, In many sane while the futmly home was being io h on of the forests ita members ele sath the stars, The winter of wih referred to as iu hard one, 4 dying of starvation, People of today ene joyed mnueh as the result of the luhor and privations of these ploneers, Kenneth Keynolds, No, 1, Reach, w irlgeht tittle fellow of u few summers spoke on the protestion of birds, nh the vislue of the Bird Protection Act, which was not to step shooting birds entirely, hut to protect inseet-eatin birds and game In season, This lac rinked in second place, Reforestation Dannld Allman, Unlon §, East Whithiy, who took first place In the hoys' class, gave un good address on reforestation in Canada, He stressed the fue that the planting of trees not-only provided timber for the fue ture and furnished & wee for barren lunds, but also protected crops snd farm lands, Trees, sald Donald Alls min, beautify our surroundings and give protection to man and beast, Blanley Miller, No, 10, Beott, spoke oni the educational values of a Behool Fale in tenehing ehildren to do somes thing for themselves, Behoal Fairs, Stanley ald his auditors, were worthy af encouragement, Gordon Hood, of Seugog, wave the Peis why he loved Mn Wy Al» though only a little lad he thrilled with enthusiasm for his native land an he deseribed is beauties, assets wid resources "Ounnda, Her Children and Her Future" was discussed In an Inters outing way hy Marian Knight of Part Pervy, Hhe spoke of the Dos minlon's great future and the poss Hihiities which waited the ehildren today who would be the citizens of tomorrow, HBhe said that much win awed to those who had made It possible tor every Canadian hoy and girl to gel dn education, uth Hollinger, of Piekering, winner in the girls' class, took as hor tople "True Patriot Love," Holf-sncrifios, the willingness to cosoperate and the desire to deal fairly with one's fellow men were deserihed by the speaker as een tial qualities of patriotism, Ruth spoke In 6 olear, eonving- ing manner and presusded her hearers that Cansde was no place for indolent persons or "sosp-hox arstors,"' DECLARES EUROPE DESIRES PEACE General Pershing Retisu To Washington After Long Holiday Washinglon, Nov, u "lburape Is very desirious of peace) General ohn Pershing, who commanded the Inited States army In the Great War shld to mn group ef newspapernen wha assembled at the War Department res cently, to greet him upon his return after an elght months' stay in Vranece, The people of Murope, the generil sid, are not quite elepr of the al 1ermuth of the war, "but the en eral desire among #ll the people | know is of peace, and L think they wre working toward that end" The general wears his years well There fr no thinning of the soft, closeseropped hale' of his head, and the line of the mustache familiar tu Cunadians through pletires i sharp and severe as ever, Biting in the sombre grandeur of his oes he hind an enormous desk, whereon was placed uw bhouguet of yellow chrysan themums and roses from the Ameri ean Legion, he spoke freely of his worl upon the war miemorials in France und as head of the Wash ington Natlonal Cathedral Commit tee, Because he felt "friendly" hae gonversed for half an hour on th Amerigan operations in France alter the United States entered the war emphasizing particularly the Import ance of the Meus-Argimn offensive which, he sald, ent the German line of eommunleations, "What vear was that, general" The mustache bristled slightly "hat was in 1918, the year the war Is JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs CORD WOOD TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES | INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES (I TH Ee " [és 1 AE TIT (ETRE ended, We have Just eelebyated the eleventh anniversary of the Armist let People forget those things," he sald, "They don't want to remember the war" OLD SOLDIER 1S 87 YEARS MARRIED Arviington, Mans, Nav, #8 Mr, and Mrs, James H, Hayward, re aently observed the G6th annivers ary of thelr wedding, Hayward, who 1s K6 years old, Is the veteran of many campaigns, He was with the British forces which In 1846] i, escorted Mason and Hiidell, Cons federate gplon of English citisens ship, back to England, He also served Kngland in the Abyssinian War, In the Chinese disorders and wis # member of the guard of honor whieh met the Ex-¥Xaiser's father on the latter's visit to Bng- land, Roth he and Mrs, Hayward are In good health, Byng Making Progress London, --Yorda lyng of Vimy, suffering from eongestion of the lungs, passed a good night and his progress today continued satisfacs tory, Meloids Relieve all. huskiness of throat, restore a pleasant volee, Excellent for smoker's cough Box :vi00040 25¢ Save With "afety-Service and Satisfaction at I Haim clrenla TH, IY went a Vineness \ B36, § OR , Save money on Patents Nargon, tonle , , $1.88 Baby's Own Tablets ,,, ,(\ Be Kruschon Salts, , abo Noott's Kmuls slow ,, Do & 4 Oastorda ov BR Sloan's Linis Went vive Bie Kolootrle ON ,,,, Bie Plnkham's Compound ,, $1.00 Carter's Liver, , Pills oo Be Dreco Tonle ,,,, O00 X iol thine une 4h ar Cong Remedy ,,..,, 48¢ Toddy ,. Bo & dhe Malian Balm & die 200 Frailtatives So & 480 Listevine Wo, B00 & We Gin Pils 3 oe 0 ban Advorth Nervitine Phone King East Phone 28 Vinerion Ardina Shin Tonle. Cl 'a Soauty " the nanie Olowabeth Ldn (2% there is beauty awaiting you In Elisabeth Arden's Venetian Toller Preparations which she has created for cleansing, toning and nourishing every type of skin, Vonotrion C. pare and ep hentia mele Mey the Venetian Orange Shin Food, Bullds firm contours, nourishes the un Ne, ntl removing all ime derlying tissues, rene ws tired cells Pion A iin \ and banished lines and wrinkles aod receptive, y fe, LIE TATE TS I TR drdena Vilea Cream, A delicate cream for seonivive asking, Recome mended for a full fage, a It smooths aad softens the thin without faviening. §1, $3, 8), 86 Are Sharp STAY SHARP WADE & Burch ER Curved Blades For Quick Delivery of All Drug Store Commodities JURY & LOVELL Phone Shari Face Powder | The marvel of fineness and delicate perfume In cant, 32-02, Bottle $1.49 HOT WATER HEAT for UHILLY BEDN No more shivering on cold nights! Take a Viking Hot Water Bottle to bed with you warm and cory till morning, and be $1.19 a new size Satin Box, beautifully $1 00 decorated * RUSSIAN MINERAL Waleed LM FOUNTAIN PEN | Purest phiainable colorless, Thoroughly reliable selfs odorless and tasteless, A filing fountain pen with very fine Intestinal lubri olip, cap and 14k gold nib, 98¢c Bpecial Price 4444 RHEUMATONE This remarkable prepara tion will relleva all Fheu- matio aches and pains, Hold on money back guarentee, Complete $2 00 . Treatment FOR GOOD LITTLE BOYS A tube of Klenze Dental Cream == that foamy tooth cleanser, so nicely flavored and a full-scale Mouth Or. n, the desire of every boy, MOUTH ORGAN & 38¢ KLENZO DENTAL CREAM All his month at the Rexall Store, Both OF soon vnnanntsnnnnnnnnnnsnnn'n 39¢ Add Deliciong flavor to the party with , Bllly Burke ' Chocolates very Dainty, Tempting kind that lovers of Hoe sweets like, 60c Pound Relief from pain ts quick and certain If you ake ASA. Tablets Pritlah made G-graln acld acetylsalioylio. 100 Tabs. 78¢ TOOTH PANTE FREE , with each Dr, West's Tooth Brush * gv one large tube of Wes t's tooth paste, 80¢ for the two Fountain Phone 2223 AN, RABOR FRER With each tuba of Larle Lavender Mentholated Shaving We give a million-dollap auto strep raser FREK Both for 50 Simcoe South | Phone 68

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