Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 11

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or 1 loan, ineer Ale or Bun iow flster, ar a Vraser, Notaries ftapdard © Bt, Phone LW 7, K, Cr shion, Fraser, HA, on, Noir iotars, ( ww Widen Rt inlieitar, Htore, 11100 Bary hy eq Mone Bld Ont fe pi fit ! W pi vill, isterp, Solicitors, nt neo Hb i i ter, ote, Conveyaneing Fraction, BR King "hone BEAT, phey 0) Ak [18 Qehowi- Phone a TON. , Grierson, K.0,, hr ft ei i nagth. Phane 7. [4 ney to om HA, NAR LE THE C we/s8ieih" where THE OSHAWA DAIL Y TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 LASSEELE PAGE ELEVEN meets D SECTION, 4 7 H Me ¥ 2 har rn fance Bimooe Ll) J N. Li wD. in My Pate 0 and aeneral A Bast (tf) Lk Medical BR MeRAY, VAVEICTAN BUR QOfties and ence, King L] East, earner Victoria son, Avcoucher, | Bt, Oshaw IK, olan, Surgeon, elr references 10 matwrnily senien of women wi ane Y4 vaduate imeos 81, N, ™ eh 5 qo (nel ienge {ffge and rem Veeie " i di YL nost war 1 ¥ (Go Bro) bo 107 ite 303 Ohstety Hi an, Burgenn, o nd inf ie olan and Surgeon, spec ven to, Xerav work Herr MMee, Disn ¢ ' , OMe, open 9 a fad o and 'a sician, Surgeoh and" oe 14d Binge EY N np 8 urmeon, Obstetrigian, ention to matern sates of children OM ongs, 185 Simeve Si, N EWEN PHYETOTAN, ur son, Ohatetrielan, idence one 2416, ehildee i IS A Wao Tm Klock m ) "Wp ftv work and dis B18 Blmeoe street north (Det, #1 mo) of and 115 5 wr nl' attention anid eh Phone frm hope 2116 M1, CM Ne diparah Ohatetrieian Phone J020 hone ALES |g iM le HW halen Al disrases Offiee one speeial ce and res orth, Phone Offles and Bon To o", will he at his ' , " aver duns Bore (J pam, for ho ons x di s oly 4h opolnimenth min § Phone V of a L)) °F RICHARD wer Misehelly Fug Si 10 to 13 am, ts Gas akLEachon TR \ orth, over Mitghell's "Drug Sore | 5 i fo or rain Phone 4 il) bE HURRELL, | oxy " Bile on oi Rev Hy, Dhl, ~, (J BATS ON hit Riot a. nd 4 Lis an A * a Phones A tp Coat ARADY FO hit repal LR [NL] ratiloring bai ave up, de - FROOND HAND a Mure how Raat Furvier. RIAIRED Ld WB RC - . ale he RY BR a 16 Mo Lovell's oc noae and throat pol atment AR phone sidence 4 Baraat OVER DAN Special attantion to fi Specialist 60 Rij ill IN Pv vom 1 dll 4 nd treatment v he ade wt iN, OFFICT ore, Hours venings hy 2660) Xeray! urge In al pun and! fl | ne ER Keel! at Xara I iring WINTER -- yo and Ab dined and adi 0 OWA danar ig Hh ¥ ANY ww ie ek ih 1 we) Sur ims tow : i engineers LA Ke . i, "Le [| Opposite Post t i 1] IE 18 » Engineering and Surveying a ln AND WaT, (TTR " oars, bh 4 pn i wid PA DORAL 20) fone k $42 on | oe street north, Phones 210) and #7 Celinn alpen, 9 awn nrne In i o street, Ambulanes, Phone LL Th The FOR ait ire Auency Tn Oshawg, i? 44 Il a N, Joins, #0 wd north, Your Ipsupases wants Ak onded Lo and your interests pro lealed Tra y "AN WAT TOT man's, Ab Bond Wast, Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware ho ao i moving van equipment "one STE WOVIRG™ INAV, sind and anders Lueal and Nong RIAN ing Phone MMR 4] Booty, # lth and Cow, 87 King Fa movers, Park Road lng distane: 68 Park RY Phone B16 Ly ___ Nay, 40-1 mo) FAGLE CARTERS AND LONG distance mavers, satislaction guaran teed, quick servis, cheapest in Osh Awa, Phone us first, 3303. (Opt, 29:1 mao FEW BUY TRUCK, ile lock, Gravel, sand and elnders, cart age, 215 Blgor St, I, Oshawa, Phone aw (Nov, fir] ma.) GARTAGHE "MOVING, (RAVEL, sand and eindevs, Phone B0EIM Uhrig Graham, 470 Verdun Road, Ld NOY, 14:1 month) Boauty "Parlors FETTVY LOU PERMALTNT wilve, walal $8 nd } » Fin wave and shampoo Faeinl Me Hale eutth g 28 'P one 2008 or # moog, orl) u CPT RT MARCELTING We gity Ward at Betty Lou Pevman iit Wave Shoppe Maree! and sham poo #1, Phone 2068 SONS HA WTIH AND enuly shop, 0 Celina 81, We spe ehalige In ladies' halr eutting, mar celine, shampooing, facials, Marcel 5 cents, or 1) phone gana 18-1 moi Building . Supplies OR SALE = WAND URAVTI stone and black loam 160 a vil For quality and fori phime 10s y Hros Heri mere To Insure Good sand and gravel, Jrompt delivery, place ordars In advance of delivery date, W, Hor rowdale Phone 101K, al "Music PUPILS ACOWAFED TN VOOAT insteuotions, Mm, (Dr) Grant Berry, Phone, 1156, (Nov, 8:1 mo) we voc AL TEA ri: Conservatory, To a prepared for all exams (1 neaday, LY] Blmeoe Ni MI, (180-1 1Y 0 ano, will Rocept. pupils for sing ni, volee enlture, eto, Phone 1004, BUN Hruee Bt, Ney, 8:1 mo) CHONARD RIOWEW I RA M Director of Muste, Oshawa Qollegl: ate and Puhlle Aehools Htudio, 30 Westmoreland, Phome 2084) (Noy, 10:1 ma) RANK CONVERSE RMT, ONT: of Toronto's leading vieln teachers, a(n Oshawa on Thursday afternoons So 86 Klgin 81 KE, Phone 700M (Noy. 14:1 mo) ladio ervice Tasco "AND ACORN epalrs on eleptrio nad ta, 'Tubes and bhatteries Ray reeharged, rental Vike RS HH Oharies Nov, IVTOW "AND ia ites al ie g + ov, 1-1 mo) {abel ur fara eo, Local and run Cowle, Pron Houth, ps RADIO 0 all Mal woteliod radios J u SWF a HC your windows and doory filled with Plastic coment . ARd shit out the oold drafy, saves fuel, the cost a small, Free estimates, & H, Law: son, RR. No, 3, Oshawa, Phone 133-8, {Nay, 4:1 mo) ¥| "Painting and Deeurating |) SUTsuCE. ¥ MRer Cass Py Mon sit Pine Ave, -- " he Se, he v teed 1] J dS work ye wmetioneer 3 can sell vour and wh o ut K we Siineoq 1 Fy Phone 290M rent B T0ck, a%-Now 20) a or Phan 190K, LI] -- to Loan Wty of this nature, \ to dome personally to The | and sollect for same, y "Times" Classified All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE I'his rule has been found necessary because of expense and ass arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the Gonvenlence, of customers wha find It Inconvenient Imes' office, a telephone eall will bring a mesenger who will receive the advertisement 'Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results Real Estate for Sale VOI HALE==Now FOUR ROOM: ofl house Big lot, Light In, #16 month Emall down payment, Ap ply Bul Windsor Ave, off Wilson road, 11h) FOR SAI i NE Ww 1] Vi N ROOM brick, on paved street, north end, $44.00, all conveniences, Phone 2087 (1400) WA A NHAL VARGAIN, A lovely five roomed modern hiun- kilo, newly decorated, hardwood floovs, three ples bath, Furnace and garage, Owners moved o" Toe tanto, Must sell at sae Hite 100, ioe Holden, 04 Blmges Ne Phone 18) Swiss wiiehiinler, Wis Kine lend or Tale Ver or: ouhue Sa in a0lle And "Work "Wanted MT UPROI STRING wa lERTi. 1] nelda made 10 order We ive | yn money. Esomates free, G0 A Lon Waide, 74 Mechamie streel fn' | 89! | NCHA for and delivered il supplied #1 Sian Blideon, 20 1 WERW I] 78 nents. IF pen Patteries repaire Mi" Phone (Noy Mi mo) BATTER EN [8 HARQED AND DE livared The, rental Phe, And Lhe antire electrical system of Gar re pais. 404 Oshawa Piva Phone Nov, 18:1m0) ot or TONY WEWATHE TO sare and Cavueks, Alse general wondwork W, Fry, 40 Bond weal pen eveninis, (Nay, 14:1 mn) EXTENT RKATH HTANPENING, oll stone finish, at Menka's shoe repale 'shop. BF Himoos Hi, north Coney William Ht, Went (Nay, #1:1 mo) Dp o Stenographer EONTHIGTON, 74 WTMOOn ahraes north. Phone 16000, Hpovial or matling a and elreulny Oot, 36:1 mo) ATI Y AND Moderate prices, (Nay, #11 mao,) N Jno ENGIN HOME "MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney nies, hot or anid, brawn, cakes and pastries, oto, ote, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street Phone LALLY (Tn HET YOUR AUTO PARTE AND acoesaories at the City Aute Wreck 1 Bond a weal, "hones "TORN or on. Ne. i: mo) BEIT TOUR CAST TC ND TARN LO NB Areanped, lors, fe LE Alper Hy WNTRRED WOON, with private fam: ily, : ROOMER of, comfortable home, very eentral, OY 1 20h) g 9 Wh HE Nok furnished Foom, with board, in a vimentin north end Phone Mh. ae) Lost and Found fine RHINE: {ON ohain, #0 Atmoos atreet Ooh, . 0) Very 0 duo eward, Pe A will enjoy reading a NAL minimum cont Novih hohe i | ar Rime. i T NUR n the hour or t Patients own hi onabla Mates, Phene 399 8 WaANTR DRONE BL Apaviment or (130e) TOUNG MA Om! will do any kind of Wark, a Articles For Sale HIRED HARD AND SOIT WooT slabs, BAB0 per loud Also hone dry budy wood srerous Meek Limiied hong | 288 (Apr, 201 MOR dA LE HRTNTZMAN 00 Lid, pianos, new and used pianos Uso radios, latest wodels; teriue arranged, Apply ©, Trull Phone 1) TT AES 1 LU 1 MOVING BATT OF BICY CLI bieyele stock, and automobile tres Wig reduction, cash or sori Kyery thing must be sole, B23 King Street wash (Qet, Mma.) WALID. VOR "HALM-BATTERY model in lovely . walnut oabinst Parleoy gndinap, No reasonable offer rutused, Hoe this one, Apply BAB Arthur Breet (41h) POR BALE «= RIGCCONDITIONED sowing maohines ut bargain prices FO monthly, ~ Guaranteed, repairs for all makes of machines, Hem: 100 a yard Went (Ain stitohing & speniaity Hingor Bhep, 40 King Ht Roy Navin, mannier BOY'S NAVY CHINCHILLA COAT Wn wood AVY ( wy alee 10 yrs, Phone LI A alld) Pots and Live § Stock FOR FATWA FiRENen Toy poodle. Must have good home Phone Hino (11bo) Help-- Wanted Male TWO POBITIONE OPEN FOR men hmmedintely, Phone E816 toy Appointment, d 4 ein) YOUNG MAN WANTED, APPLY wt Woalworth's store (11a) Help Wanted--F emale WANTRD YOUNG LADY 1'ON general offies work with experi ahos In keeping ledgers, ABply In first Instance to Box B81 Times, sluting nape, previous experiance anlavy expected, ete, (1800) SPREDITAND TRAINETYOUTIN ten weeks home study to heeome » stenoprapher typist, fxpaweites LE lied, Write for (res sample lesson Yaminion School Telegraphy Limi ed, Toronto, 112-115:118:1 \ AIRE WANTED TON GENERAL housework, references, Apply Nimooe Rt North Wanted to Buy HOUTEN WANTED Wisi To buy A Hive or sly reamed house (Must be reasonihly priced) where owner will take six lots an first payment, Hox 310 Times, we m (1100) SMATE FARM WARTED TO 1uy or to rent for a term of years with option of purchase, for poultry, ote, clone to Oshawa Apply Hox py AM Limes (dle) Position Wanted STEADY WAN "WANTS "WORK an farm, Phone 2986M, Oshawa of sth 8 OTR WoOunn™T TRY TORE: work as mother's help or nurse maid, Apply Box 220 Times, 0) (11 at housework } AN 0 Shi: FOUN OTR WANTS TOSI veng sleep in ar out, WON AN WANT WORK Tv A) Phone 2 (1200) Adminiatsator's Notice In the Estate of Vielet May MeMillan, deceased, Notlea In hereby given puranant to the Btatwte in tha hohgit that all parsons having any "olaima aang or entitled to whave in the eatate of Violet May MeMillan, late of the City of Oshawa, Hpine ster, whe dled apn or ahout the 14th day of October, 1038, are required ta send Me to the Whe eatate, duly verified with pardons the securities if any held ¥ th on or before the Rdth Degember 1920, and that d st named date the Ad: hon will proceed to diss W eatate among the LA thereto, havi Ry ih aor in (| »t a Pa as Novembhay, General oon anid Hay A ronto Los, by alogy lone, Nr howe wear Mo Thos, ARply Box 488 bang Mow ita) Wary, Poltolte AL 1211 00-120) dersigned, Administrators of the |. shall have notn For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROONED MOD arn wultes, including elestrie refrig aration, save, laundry, oonvenl ances, elo continuous hot walsr shpplied, Apply op 'phone 9671, ar The Trusts and Guarantee Oo iad, manager (oy owner, Toronta, LA yor "HINT = VIVE "Sore riek, eonveniences, hnrdwood Aoors eleetrie fixtures, newly desorated, wirly posse aan Apply 81 ii] " 1, Phone 1666), VOI RENT--=4 HOOM "AVART: ment, All modern conveniences, Gnragm Apply Apt, 8, 161 King Vinh, rer os LEET0) TO RUENT=-RIX "HOOM™ VRAME house, $18 a month, Possession immediately, Apply #48 Park Koad South, Phonk 1270W (1181) 8) RENT-7 APATTTTNT, CTEN- ul, A rofl Al bith, steam heat, fully equipped kigehen, nen wil clathes elosets, Apply owner Box S18 Fimes, fll (Moly OR HINT ' THR HOOMB heated, Lardwood floors wired for wlootrla stave, Apply moraing only, Los Grooms AV, or phone 1845, TORT =8" ROOM house, All eopvenlaness ner Bt Jullien and pi ike bh, A FOR ON TORNTRITED Wh Huht ie haoviak roam, Phone PTTEW or eal) S16 ANoE St (1800) WIGHT ROOM BRICK Kyery conveniences, Low to good tenant, Henry Wil 448 Gibbons Hirset, NIKW house rent inn, ( 140¢ ) "ROOMS, $e conveniences, Hunt Phone (1200) IO HENT=SMALL HOURE AND avage on Westmoreland Avenue Apoly 23 Westmoreland Ave, Phone IKSOW, (1806) TO RIND HIX ROOM. COTTAGE nt B01 Mury street, Phone INB4W (1810) NEW FIVE ROOMED haotse on Park road north, Rent Ay Apply James Lindsay, LR \ i or phone B80 r § 0 WENT -- ONE bedroom siitahile for young Indies, eentral I'0 RENT-FIVI BEALL entranee, wurm, wnrnpe, 118 Athol bt 175) 70 WEN (1810) qe RNISHED One Or tw Phone 20561 A a (121¢) WO ROOMED = APARTMENT, heated, all latest Improvements, Ap 180 St Bouth, Phong (1210) | 5 py Hinene 1441] "Hemstitching NINE OENTH PER YARD, PLEAT ed Hkirte, ana dollar, slterations gle All kinds of beautiful fan wark an sale, Mra Dell, E64 Bim ne Houth. Phone 1064 d (Noy 5 1 ma) For Exchange WILL EXCHANGE A THREE roomed house as Ist payment on A five roomed BV, house with al conveniences, What have you? Lyoutt, #56 King KW, Phone 208, (11h) SR TT i hf rh Agents Wanted - y Tv ; NAN OI WOMAN TO" TRAVEL and appoint Joes! representatives Position per nenent je yearly guaran tee $1002 (Heng 821 weekly aver ane) and expenses commission and gush bonuses besides, Winston Co, Power Bldg, Toronto RR SR Ye Mortguge Sale ww i WE Under and by virtue of the pow ord contained fn a certain mort gage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will he offered for sale, hy publie auction en Wedneaday, November 87, 1930, at 8 o'cloek pom, by A, O, Lyoett, Auetioneer, a twostorey hrick veins eer house, oontalning three-plece bath, with oak floors and chestnut trim downstairs and tie floors and trim upstairs, eleotrle mantel and anphalt roof, Dimensions of house, 10 I by HE ft, property known as 101 Arlington Avenue, In the oly of Oshawa, County of Ontario, "All y and. singular that certain parcel or tact of land and promises slbuate, Wing and belng In the Clty of Oshs awa, County of Ontario, and being sampored of the whole of Jot No, Bi, nocording to a Plan vegisterad in the Reglatry OMea tor the Couns ty of Ontario, at Whithy, as num: her 188," There ln alse a fembsde: taohed Barape@ Ip rean rms ten per cent, af tha purchase money te @® LW? down at the time of sale, the halance ta he pald on the terma and conditions to he then made known, The sale 18 belng made subject to a veserve bid, Persons dealving an inapection of the pros perty, prior to the above date and requiving further partioulars and conditions of sale, apply to Messrs, Greer & Humphreys, bharristore, 240 Himoeoe 8h, N,, Oshawa, Tales phone 8180, (180:101:108-104) al a a] WINDSOR PUBLISHER IS SUED FOR LIBEL ----- (Ry Conndian Press Lepred Wire) Taranto, Nev, 2m W, I, Her man, Wihlisher of ue Border Qlts tar, W RA eh an dee dant in a tn bot for damapes top fhoh, Janu o a Om gonde Hall, yest ¥ hy the Amal ae Nullders' Cownell, ho hel fa alleged as a result fppriain anticles published in the NASAP pewapARer « duel the probe fonduete hy Cordon Wald: ran, KO, Tata the atfalra of the | Classified Ads. | Pirst 1080r 108 =] W sents per word, Minimum charge 800, Bach subsequent conseen: tive lnsertion 14 per word, Three consecuiive inser tone for th price ol two first nsertions (three conte a word), « Minimum eharge (v7 (hives insertions, 40 conn, Box number 108 additional Professional or Pusinesy ards $0.00) per month for 4 words ov rr nN aents & word "ehaltion 1) Liou for eneh word, TIMES CLARNIIIED Abn ( IIPTLKL AG COMPRA MUCH TELEI'HONK Bb Ask for Ulassitied Ad Department ALMONDS YOUNG LADIES ENTERTAIN MEMBERS OF 5.5. Pleasant Social Evening Spent Friday In The Church I'he young La arty Almonds, Noy, 21 Clues antertiined Buon young people of the Bunday Behool un Fiday evening in the ehureh, All enjoyed games and interesting eon tests for whieh each winner received a hox of candy, A socipl hour wis enjoyed at the close and vefreshments were served Beveral from here are attending the speaial services at King St, Un ted Chureh and we greatly enjoying the meetings. My, and Mrs, Bred Nethett, ol Hrooklin, » fant Blhduy #t the hun of Hebert Fiowland, Kdith Kompihe wie, who has hoon spending the simmer months atl her home here, le' on Thursday for toronte where she will spend & short for | plifernin to Bam "Kempthorne { His ting 'before leayin Jol her brother, and family there, Mr, and Mrs, John Loach, of Tor 71ON BREEDERS EXHIBIT SHPEP" AT WINTER FAIR Een B. Glaspel, R, Robbins, A Ayre and T, Glaspel Are Showing Alon, Now, Wort Gluspell, Kune well Moblin, AE Ayre, and Vrusay (haspell wre exhibiting sheep wt thee Royal Winters Vale, Anson Balson und Harry Allin have gone as shep herds ta the Ayre and Kobing H6eky, A Kreat many (vom Zion will ut tend the Royal this week, About twenty relatives and friends nh Bimeon By, B Radios Repaired All Ma The Ontario Motor Sales IMITED Phone $00 air Do You Need Money"? Don't Lose Yow Car, Let Me Finance Youl MOTO LOANN AND DIB COUNTS 1TH, Pelt Mock Boom A Phone S700 wt Zon were entertained won Lost Hel ry it the home of My, aml Mrs, George Hilts, Mary street, Osh aw, on Nov, 18, "The Hirst prizes wera won by Herb Flintoff and Mrs Arthur Btuinton, snd the consolation prises by Mrs, Herb Viiptoff and All Ayre, "Bupper was served and radio misie was enjoyed Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Balson nid familly, Mrs, Anson Hulson and i iy, Mrs, Jus, Hoskin, Miss Marion und May Hosking wees ut & birthday party for master George Hoskin, Il pin street, Oshawa, on Saturday ev RYERIGHT SPECIA ABT We Kym Wameiry LN: wr Ever ane He ve Gare apd Eve Disney Block 1510 Phone 1618 Modern i saluie Serv Hh {] pw, "0, ning, Light refreshments wers ser ved Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Balson and tle irks had ten with Me, and Mis Fred Langmald, Oshawa, on Sunday 'hey attended the meting st King street ehureh and afterwards th Band eoneert at the Kegent Theatr where Wey, George Dibble sang sey il solos Fwo laymen, Messrs, Alger and uke, of Bimeoe street church, Ush ww, were the speakers al Zion ghwreh an Sunday last They eho thelr subjesis on missions A minstrel show will he held at the ghureh un Nov, #8 and 29, °F he Clean ers Class of teen ape boys and the YOUNK Wiel s volunteers are present ing the program, which Is full of nm jie aid eomies, Miss Annie MeMas ter is the director, Vrogeeeds are In wd of uw new plane for the Sunday pehool Mr, und Mrs, Tracy Glaspell enter tained wt 1 t Helr on Wednesday ast, November 13, whon about forty were present, Prize winners were J W, Balsan and Mrs, 1H, W, Flintoff, Mrs, Harvey Crossman received the gonsalation prise Fhe publi wal ehildren have farted to practice for thele Christmas goneert Fred Wells, of Port Hopty spent a onto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, My, and Mes, Thomas Loseh Mrs, Lawrence, of Hrooklin, Mis Fhompson, Mr, Mo rey of Kincardine and' Mw, Hutehison, of Brockville wore fecant visitors with Mes, Lolater Doone, Miss Apnle Carruthers and hey mother, whe have heen sponding sey oral months at olr dermer hon here left tia week for New York Where she whl take up her nursing utiles again, And her mother wi join hep sp, Rey, Russell Carruthers, in the Western Provinces, Miss Gretta 'Geaham spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto Mr, and % Anderson, Wilthy, spent Sunday with Mi of and Y MoGregor and Keith with My, and Mr Rows Met of Toronto, Mr, and Mra, Cepbas Osborne and ehildren were Sunddy visitors with relatives In Orono Mrs, Campbell and pon, whe have hoen living with Mn And Mrs: Livy inpstone during the simmer 16fr this week for Toronto where they will reside In the future Misses Irene and Alma Howland, Mrs, TC, Oshorme, Mes, Cophas Os borne and Margaret motored to How manville on Thursday ast and spent the day with Mr, and Mes, Challis, Miss Hilda Lee, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother hore A Christman entertainment will he hold on Thursday evening, December 19, tn the ehureh, Mr, and Mrs, Adam Crosby, of To vonte, visited on Tuesday with the Misses Howland, ad, IN 100th , Fatal Car Accident (By Conndian Press Losaed Wire) Toronto, Nov, 3, gig 10 lear the voad of broken glass which had fallen from the 'teuek dn which he wan viding, William Bunn, Shee fatally in ured ahen struck hy any other true dled from a fritured skull fn Oh watern General Hows sited do, Dunn's death runs the total of Taronta district ante vietims this year to 100, a hii wean dt oii 2 The Pennsylvania Rallroad has awarded a contract for ejectritions tion of the road's New York divi te etween Manhattan Tranafer tea Rrunaw oh Nui to Gibb w York enginedrs, Thin a part A aleotritioation pros CLLR # £100,000,000 exppns dture, that "wii avantually electrify the 1 An far south an Washing: tong spent AoA Tol lg eounell dueling the months of Aung ust and September, Sold by FW, Thompson. Drussin Wik Moa Fox Trot Pox Trot | Boo Relosan Voeal ' Fox Trot Vocal Organ I Lift Up Johnny Jesse C Jack Hylton and His Orchestra Fon Trot Pox Trot' MBNA LOTY AMBULANCH N17 Celina Nt, I'hone 1088 days with J, W, Balsen this couple of week Mrs, Marry Allin, Bowmanville, hag heen visiting her daughter, Mrs, Ruse ell RNahbing ; I, W, Batson, Wesley Glaspell, and Kimer Wilbur attended the Royal on Wednesday to see the sheep judge ed, Lloyd and Boyd Ayre, §-years old sons of Avre, ' ¢lped 10 show thelr father's sheep, Mrs, Ayre aes companied ih m to Toronto Alf, Ayre had a successful woot ale on Saturday' on the Jolin Cops wh farm near the highway, whieh he phirehmsed from fhe estate of the Tae IM Cornish, FR. RE ctor | Records nin' Low from the 108 nn "The Little Show™ SS Little by Little a a Johnny Maryly am Singin' in the Rain from the motion ploture * Hollywood Revue of 1989" Gus Arnheim and His Orchestra 2013 Marvin 22087 rawford * My Finger and Say "Tweet! Tweet! (England's comeay dance sensation) 27 Perhaps - Rudy Vallée and His Connecticut Yankees Ari 1 Blue front Am motion ploture 10a With the Show Fox Trot" Nat SNkret abd The. 20M] al 9 Bl b\ AJ

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