Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 10

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PAGETEN = | THE OBA OSHAWA DALY TIMES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2,199 " a aun Ba a a a al a ---------- A A I --- i "re ian Anon to of Brine : ' : oI WAP WONS QE Fees HONE sn 1 UE rg a ng "4 A 4 ud M id A / Tr sf Mrs, 6 » Aint gave 8 reudin {hig | ow y's Warning iy Mrs 783,000 "TREES, 1928 | rt a, HORFRIN 1a Hi "i Fundy " " Ai Wrong) ! wilted, "Aunt Jembima's Courtship," | Bhert, Wrought the »' a HT, Wo " Lieve {hile whieh wak unto hy, only Wafreslmenis wore seryud ini AY y vl be on Hrnutudn hl, (we A duet was simp hy Mrs, Bho tha collection at the door totaled 87,1 Washington, n ( Wlokoriti 4 5 1 oy] k) ie Mission Bend concert un snd Mrs Phillips, eiititled, "When whieh wis wood cons sidering the wel | New Jersey Joined Wh reforestation i / ride; nl night, (je fia 1 of 4 ( You and I were Young Maids," |" projet of the United States Govern My, Ale und Mri Juke, two Toy Anither hort sing by thi Ofd] he ties piriee dor gosbumes wis Longe oo the extent of planting 763 pt Zine Report of Suen' ] Ac f » 7 men fram Oshawa, opeipled He pu Mrs, Short Won Prize at Cimers * Down on the Binge Tarm," | 20 hy Mrs, Bhort i MY IRY KOM 000 trees lust. vers A report of the DOD q" a ; pit on Bunday evens, speaking / ie second prize 'v im ly Mrs " tivities Is Pre. IM ; : tha Interasts of hone wl frelon North Oshawa ul na, Wis Fung hy iy Jind A bifoud wiki ivy gon Department of Agrieultuse, forest 7 , ; wissions, dd re "yon ani Ini Phillip Thi nest Heme and Beheol Clan | Berge, Hhows that Awenty=nine mil i | D N E Y "sented H 4 Bev, M, Wily will preach ent Event CA hie cos cae aid cnn 11) L201] will he held the seam lof trees worn distributed hy plist and federal agencies in 1924, Most Sunday evening ns sind, Miss Lenn erm Thursday In Degen when i prige Hampton, Mow Mi fun Wu) Tuvlor wid fuscia whwttheworth, Boel Worth Oshawa, Nov, 16=/The Home will he yf yo whi Ad of fhe palating stock furnished (0 Pl L L 5 4 wens nathute ald "the Nove "nN, ig WAL wale the li, and seo Cuts hed wn oid ie | TOT AMEONIDIS [1 oni tow monibiers, "roo alls | Farmers during the year was for oh HIT nw purposes of timber growing farm Vien 18 needing atthe home of Mrs Lb, : . the Women's Missionary Soclely ' y : hn: when v tri tha oben whe ( | will meet! wt the heme of Mrs, W,|E206000 GH Chursday, Noy, I, and a BURNS JEWELRY " Hin the ahes What susod lands, slthongh several states Li Kim ( ol 4 hip 'Whe president, Mrs, 1, 15 ; " Jd pied ed, : | Vetors on 'Toesduny of this weel aod time was enjoyed by ull, STORE / , distributed far the development of "ia MAGE 1? helter Jhelts | 4 yi ) iw FRO yh. | § Ti réhubn 0 reper : mr The opening song, iy the Old Vim ¢ wid windbroak NOW he wenian's wetivit oh) whieh Iu: Nick ! Heals on the Wo 5baniug bond ) . le Whip King & Vines #is, Oval, Tupans Cela? wonomnee: | York ded in the distribution to farm HE pantis! " i suceesstul yenr's work, vgletlen, tony should be seen and Gihy : mw / ment wis made today the gold emis | ars with 9840000 trees, New Jersey N lfy, wo om alarucy aml pet liewrd =) ude, { Phillips at the plano, also in old thie barge would he ited on Tan, 11, wis sixth, i le it fa igs rafible Cel ws ELLA CINDERS--Admit Two rang of the ierlor of the eh, for which (he Tostitute puld Mes, W, W., How and Mes, V fy. Wits appointed delayntes iv neinibion wt Cegenta, with Mi tp han wd Mrs, Viunk Hous | Boge dns i dad al Lull, Yiuperstitons," Wits Tu fo ate ARR, WE, ir tli vl Jo ho seversl of the ladies = iP 4 ; " ROL) M / J Heralnhe Wve ) rude, | ood LIF ua i's i, ACY 80 | } Fo DRIVE, NARBUON LA Mirna» Fun ih Pigs! | Mi ¥ Mri read "The ro ai Ie fon Wy RR INR BRS Thy MYSTERIOUSLY g Nu Pass YT 8A0S Mus. Curtis, Hiroshi Day, on he Patil, Gladys Trull, Donitd Adeoek i / WN NO ADMITTANCE) Pg" ¢ Mrs, Honey, "Hus" "Spread | 500 Ms J ! ' i a Ite Cilngdugns," wan sing; Mrs Primere=Berths, . Armour, Vers J / i Mg | : Lain Alin rend, Ihe, June Bride Cowling, Aey Mom, Verey Alii, JAM WW 4 ' 7 Rg a' all ; I no die nod Min --_ flo Martyn, Betty Stainton, % . MM : dh ld ad i : i hr. ri | AT) XD ad Alcab, J. Mori aud Mr Una 1%, Jo Groat, Isabel Campbell, teachers a n' , , =p . oN : -. a E 27 fe) a6 Al nin | reading, irs, M, Hohbing | The Young VFaaplo's League nett: 4 " - Sr b 4 i Al bt A a 01 Tr sof, "Garry wg Baek to Qld OW Li on Friday night was well attend dn ; ; | wen, Mrs, CJ K Srl reading, es Harold Balter ceenpled the ehal "When the {sii Went tu Lown After the opening exercises and Mis, Adeonly rauding ' "he Farmer business disgunsion, Creance Hastings I a Pho hon hor Neath road the Bible lesan, Will Wilbug J -- th ust o " | biel tL had charge of the devotion ro . . J 8 Pa OFF Eo ht 1049, M "Rl, evalakie, Lostruig in, had I, Ww hal Ye oe I cheirh > ' J ag $A Kove errs i IT Hh pherd Bay" A contest faadeess "on "Peage", the theme fur tenis," ended the progr fhe evening, Mrs, J I, Bick and The meeting lo ud by singling, the Miss label Camphell contributed un ye: Anthem, after -- Wileh ves figuerumontul duet, and Miss N hing» were served; and a woo lind Horn gave a part of her report of hour onjoyed the league convention recently held FELLING TOMMY eport of Hampton Wehool for Qe+ [in Poterboro, at which she was hit Foti es order ol merit) delegate, ---- oh BA PP || 0 v ------ . . a i -. We Ruin Warran, Oh | Jhekgn wr Ys nh YY ore Chile ( i ' IROM, STEEL COPPER AND ZINC, THESE | | Ii! | | ip Sr a HON, Ninart oy Pie Hogarth | Boys oariament, these boing Mears WHO INVENTED \ 4 pT FILINGS PRODUCE THE BRILLIANT RED | I I Sah NAY fH il AY YIHO YOULD | ALL YOU WAVE TO | FIREWORKS, AND WHITE SPARKS WHICH MAKE ROC: | hel? ; Co UWNRONTE WANT TO BEA [| DO 1570 MIX Jeu tat W dol hy up (10) Jol i, Manooek, J, Wright and Jivkard k \ Ny ii Whig (11) iH A hewvy rain Recarmpanie vit! ' \ pr / a | iy d ) Viele (HM), Olga Cowling Hurcld huh i prevailed hoy Sunder DADDY ? ' \ . . "4 4 KETS AND WHEELS 50 BEAUTIFUL, o I if Y \ i FIREWORKS MIXER, THINGS WRONG AN Maui Tarr Wintctburn, © stile {he aud Mandar, Tt var the Wi he SHON HEY ut iA ; i il af v2') ) {lH MO YAOULD YOU ff YOULL GET A RAISE tl tp Miblrod drown, Mr, tid Mra Fawaett, Torania IM CHINA 2000 YEARS 4 a 11 d 1 GET ARNIEY J THROUGH THE ROOF i Hetty Knox (HD, ell [were "Chanksylvi visitors at the v . y HH Robbing, Hroee Hogarth, Vera Mars Find! i) Vi Cee Whi . ---- AGO, TOMMY, '. " th, Muriel Beatr, Dorls Cryderman, | Miss Anny Wallage hus been eon | " : LB WH \ \ / Loni Naviek, hails Jones | ned to dhe house through Hness | v : TE 0 - ) N | A \ 1; H de, Walter olwe Jareen iss Vidna Reynolds, Solna, has in: { \ Wh | AN / HE . | P th, Jack Cowling, Gladys Chips [eome to Hampton, She has taken | / 4 Sra / ut | is fi | ~ iy Nididory, final Maek, Doe Hui it the i of Mi pro) Ars Eh | tr ad | ' 3 A il ral Cowling, Ruth Colwill, Ruby Cols [F, 6, Kerslake 7 Ep Wl } ; y wil eat owling Dernlee Rogers, Mr, nd No W, G, Daoidge visited ' \ RLS Sn 4 Lopet FILINGS GIVE A GREENISH dl RETR i A Ae CN A vr," a ae > | CCIE] YIMY AND 21K. A FINE BLUE COLOR, Tahoe! Rogers, Nellie Armour, Glad lye his futer, Min Fanny Virtue, 1 yi en \ / LYM THE MASTER MAGICIAN IN MAKING Sg BE Poy hg { awlini Faronto, spent the il i i M by PSLRA do It MAKING \ \ 4 \ FIREHORKS 15 THE MIXER, HE MUST TMATINALL CONROMION == magne | Vi7K 01, Il i parental roof Fy Ji | TIREVORNS ARE SAUTPETER CHARCOALATD Ng KHOM JUST THE CHEMICAL FORMULAS Soak aharhiin, tf diy (EF td Mrs. Bulow rom nd SULPHUR, MIXED IN MAY COMBINATIONS, NG 10 PRODUCE ORIGINAL EFFECTS I FIRE on in am Waiesn astion, 1 hal AH MSY i gi, WITH FILINGS OF VARIOUS METALS, CHIEFLY I y vopared 10 (IWS ABMS, keep the ayes ! a------------ Eh ------ ---------- I Inte howe, TIME "TABLES i Soman. Us 0 og BRINGING UP FATHER | By Geo, McManus ok Ml LM ne bone Srutinhe : 0, PR TIME TABLE -- NALLY aT n NCCT y + wn m---- " r-- -------- ed Dyer hameentt toroaaltle ENeriive Bout, Pf EE Sk oy pring Brean ib hy-aypi Rye a8 Wiki» Fil JUIF Have. ro (HH MOLLY SMO} \ I fo . yy \ WANN Rann SA 9) ICES TO THE BURLESQUE Tra he Bay Gv (SW TREE HE DA 1% y {: woo ih RAR M / a - CONE) huily n w------ Wy RAAT Wy (Bent Buna) \ \§ wh wr -- \ = a Li ily Diamonds! || thik Bf arp ine) I re [iam 3 y LY | ' , Pally (Exeept Bunday) ' ) i I -- \ (Esvep Wi ) ¥ ; | a | 4 Bassett's id Bi Rp Ry / | ) On Oshawa's Mam Corner oa Balle iw vl by : wl CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY \ t it | vi i A ff i Jin | ba HR CR hg . ele { ' frig il ih | | B Hj ATE BA am Dully, ex Whday, ht win Banda y only Yam, 1 ih { a wn Ie \} Wily bond Bo Rudden : - a ! wk Dally, except Bun 4) TO a . 8 hid Win Ths wor Noma, . LTH Te ER | Hil JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, i | wy why, bi A : | EXCLUSIVE AGENTS abi, wt Sau W Aco . . ul A SER Y Ww i i 1 { Hatt ' 3 Lome sethound f Hii ~~ ---- Ram oh a," f fi , lt RE ---- a a -------- ' oe ay athe i i @ 1090, Tai Feature Borvwe, ne, Ureat Briain rights reserved, Ii Er -- ---- » - - ew ----- - he . -~ . Pe ---- AHARE | (iE RE errr BOL gm, Hal Y\ vee HN fron Ri Hl net Sunda PLES AND BOBBY BOUN 8 Bond Street East { av "nly, DOLLY DIM D BO BY CE -By Grace G. Drayton THe Thaw Cal ho Pith Mai Hundreds of people wear id i p53 Rd i NX | tort AAT ; \ site) mi oe \ LE TE Fanitiess henass Bn wil Mas Pe wos 1 . 5 2 , hi T with "TAKR i h With Taxe You 10 Tie Toa Position 3 You a LTE 1 $Y vf The PRECARIOUS NEARER The GLASS MauNTAIN pen EEE ¢ Jo] GLA \ i | ' Ga NR \ ve N A ig x 3 " Mav te \ EY 4 ~y a" , ------ y Wh ty ' ra R om, , \ V f jw ' 5 ! Ww A . 3 - A X ie vw \ \ i Bo. \s CAN sor a, Boath £3 al rh fn E - x 13535335355 PIFIPTPE dad PITPPPPY wens Rbbars 79¢ AAAAANAY A A ar QIOTHING LO Te --- ) Oro "Wve eines Doty NAS Se cui Tre GUANT wen | [Rien A WILE +A SEEOND GIANT: CAME BY AND OY A THIRD CO IRNT CAME TF is YD AROUND AND EMOYRO h ' q IAS ITE = on Mh REM oN Hig SHAUL DE RE TWILL YAKS | [ALeNG Ane PUY Danity: Reddy AND ALONG AND PUT AHEM AN THE R1M bev WA WWUND AND & Ye YOU PART of THE WAYS" HE SAD : ce MEY an Shall POWs oF, His HAY By Russ Westove: Felt Bros, N SESE | [CORY CY [THIET A SORE ROR] ECR) VRS OE Ni WH AY ob = NG % 3 CWRTAN NY od BOSS'S OF FICE "0 (The LADLE, RLER ¢ | [a RE \ BITE NA 3 HARRY REUN| LAT A 12 Simcoe ; ain dil Te Ark Lae NIGHT | '_tMY : = -- PO MES Tae : 4 i" S$ ni | \JoRR. KIND © HAR or AND | TOUR SPRCIAL 1 watoh in Ln Was 1 Whe

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