Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 9

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'Miss Hard-Boiled / Haq Ja Juaves # Arlsans bo gf Wek Var A the fg) loves hoF, 10 #6 1. New Yory, 208 ha? Anolis banut fhe the siiantion of the wats pork, Alphonse Courbet, He pb her as Wis pringipal model and ls now talking her to Parl, lov with another Ameviepn beauty, Ilonde named Grein Tosak, on the yA the two glvis display the last urhet gowns, A spoviing millonaire, Bertie Adams, pursues with bis attentions, byt Alphonse pets ns 8 Jealous pro: teeter, He ls annoyed ane day when hia games upap his ster heanty tale Ing ta a man with horn-rimmed wlankes' wha sits In the Nala ning faaksehatr, Chapter #1 Alphonse was reassured when fiaguel vemavked to him, © guile pasunlly, that the man fn the horns rimmed glasses bad seen At 16 apologise to her for his (neessant goughing, "He's tha type that (s eantent 16 take Vif second-hand," sald Al honed, "From the written werd, Like the wan whe hos by, fond In gapaules, Life pre-digested,' ANIL en th agrees with Wm," Haaqu! sald, "ie doesn't agves with anyhedy To gulp pleasure, happiness, pain aut af & hook, One' must know them, feel them, da one's awn Algesting Books should ha vemindpy of ex perience, nat expevienaes in and pt Ihemeelves,' Raquel knew Alnhnnee WAA thinking atond, Wall, hie shanid know, Thepe wera few sxpeplences & hook could after him he had nat nimeelf known and felt, He akims med the epeam af of Vite, Tt wan written in every lina of his face, Madama Panling, Whinin® mignp: ably ta Rapue', alnfehing afiay hla arrant fanpy, Wad Lie Avained Ma ame Panline dey? Mada hay Ne fvers of & woman she was? Tt owas A1Pentt ta hetlave hie hal danasa, Fa was gg pnfabiin el ean tens, kind thane! LL] Ein there was that nicht ha kisnad hap fiand whey ha tank how ia tha anita Bhg contd faal bi ka AEA as aha felt a naige Favepl A iY ta (ald har ened by ah the Prinses af tha davert, And Alnhansa's whiteshat Anwar the night he hlamed fipetn harass Ravin Adame, By gama apesp ants ¥ of Wis fawsad heain, had fond his wav into he Pd Alntiansg had pot hoon faly with fireta, Whe should he he fale with het Viniessy i Hin errant taney, Wins © hriohit flowen, satfing lightly deinking deed, Apatning the nem lame, the freghn as, Winging ay prin whan the navbims gurtelted pr the nethls of the fiaway fodad fie was ana Mawar he wanld nat rifle, Bly wanld fal wn hep natats W De would nat met at the haart of Let the huwminwhing heat is i atningt her In vain, He, Rasuel would daush, Vie fhe boonies nds od tn make \ handean wise Ww, Aer he vat tan tar van Vi an Alnhansa told Ay "Phe. onlap of fade Boil of a ipecinl satin that alinss, = Fetyama perhans, and sanhistiantad, Yan wn erry It af with dash, dven if pau Ave A nennhela In warldiiness, na netite, Wa shall top 18 this prening Ranue! wandered whe Alnhoanse had chosen the sawn, There was A pansion, Fashion's sunrema dlotator sever taved with Rasnty this way phless there Was an ahjective he wished ta gan, Ha saw (he question fn her aves \ieht with the verve for Sonquest "You have done well" Ba sald na THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1929 7/7 NINE Er BY JANE DIXON Musivated ie Armstrong Perry He had given hey more than words, Emotion, "Elke to know 1 can do somes thing beside Just logk, " gantiful " "Well, yen," "That i" right, Beauty Is Hike (he dvesg of which I spoke A fade Bo woon rumpled, so ensliy frayed, Hut a trade, they have hoth Beauty wid dupabiilty, Inithem Baauly does nak a It graws {he viaher or wae, You inte | ean grow?" fia anel's eager face sought truth and teuth only In tha ane o" "Yau, Aan fine heal the vain and thy sin, ready Krawn, fnrhes' YW want to grow o feat," frosdily, am will hess vou make it" "Oh, 1 what try, H you wil show ma the way" ners Ave many War " "EKnow, SARA ane fs now at hand," What did he mean to ak hey? Mentally, she. polsed on tiplos, heerihiens, wiry, Tien was ennukh af the master iW him to Wepn her wilting, Then he went on, anita as If ha had net seneed her anvletyg "The ellent of wham ¥ spose. Bhe haw asked ta meat yo"! YHut surely 1 oan dn Rathing Keapt to suskest the elothes sh thas hy wenping tham" 8Bhe does nat like the vou wear" Ranuel heistied, Why had this [seaman selected har far a patina gw then? Bought to imitate her, an Als NAANEAS pantidenca abavt the nrder frayed? ETF she wera In nasitlen ta Ine Anlea herself! said Alphanse "she awaild 1oak Hie nothing sa meh as Ie fay ned shapgivl enrred with rplane In ou have ake lathes AA (asia, Bh 18 one of my mast IR eile ellents, It 1s ale © impos: sible to Weap hep fram avdering apivit, genius, even a profession oF | Mys a other young lady, to study your tolletis, done," Bo this wan the explanation for the maid's presence, Ehe, Raquel, whe (0 he dissected, Bhs wis 10 he taken apart plece hy plese, and put Iogather ngnln, an another perenne You ase, 1 am haw i glity, What an edd evesluve this , Dexter must be wapllug 1a sink heveell In somanne elas, fhe found the Jade green sawn In the sloset, The meld went about ehosing Wer underihings without raNAN fue Ranuel fn the matter Evidently Frieda took It fav grant sha wan to use hey own Judgnient in the matter, Unerring Judgment, an Hanuel came to know, Grain came In, bursting with a futay mares! of news, Hhe hind hean prospering wenln, and she wis sure he had stynek pav aie" Heauh,' she sald, "0d Be anf lob, the Alering a girl's #ot tn An tn wat along, Ple, Alm Aw. And Just when vou think yan've Wit a nat of wolf, nathing turns up hut alot af wand, This haga 'm wark: fe an now, thoueh, 1 eat him all stalied out for a veal #nrar pang IF van'll peamise not to tin aff Al hones," Hie sonned, he alant hua aves wide with suprise Priadn had fame tn the daar of the gry ream ta sneak ta Waauel, OMe Bieh sl hat! gasned Cesta YEnak whosa Lieve! Bha's alive tan I thoneht far a minute sha was painted theve Huey, old Rend whepa'va you heen diesing?" Hague! laughed Gretn's slang aren tneamprahensihle ton one wha loose bags Instead of dpassan,' "Then why do you bether with hept" There could be no profit, gliher avtlatie av material, In loose hams, Hague! 1haught, HE pleases me ta do gn" Alphans Be ohuokled, Y"8ha has the essen ts als of a wveat beauty, And she hes pnlimited means wherewith ta mo'y the essentials Into a Anished pros duet, Hague! began ta feel sameihing af the event aN flue frenay (a hie problem, "I will be fun to eanvert hap" she said, ph. 6 alread nnvarigd. H Shen i will Be saey, yo oF dan't naw. One oan hari A woman In her state of mind, One day she 18 8 hurninghrand, The west day, & lump of wold olay" Wh TY Rarual Wis onnin pe od hy the contvaftiotion of tha wamau Alphonse dvew for her, If she Wns Wanay, AF she oan he heantiful, VAN, hut she has not the es Aris the avy soul al fpve joy That sha eannat hay Rut she knows it 18 theve, Bhe has had 1, Maw 18 has slipned away, It eludes her, Bhe hanes to win {1 wack with heauty, wiih sndeit, 16 may he she will succeed, We must help her ® Rut you have nat 0' me what It ts she haves ta win," Raauel res windeds aglow with the promise of adventuve, "That aha ahall tall vou hevasit," Alnhanse's smile was enlgmatle Pontaht, ¥ have arpanged that vou meet," Em. Chapter #9 -_reen Raquel found a wmald In hlaek uniform with eplsp garnish of white argandle walting when she went to tha aulte tn dress far dunes "Yan with to see someone?" whe Asked, The mall gave har a smile that WAS Meant ta please, Yes, Miss." she sald, "Fou are lphonse SAW (he question tn Ra @ sald, Quel's ayes, "You have dome wall® confidentially, "A allent of Chen Ah phonse 1a aboard, She same Wo ae this maraing, for a conterence, he haa ordered a duplicate pA lag you ye worn sine a why 1 must : Lo ne wan dae on aid, hil bs A oad haad TEER patted it ha a "hatere you em: Uhitaa Wo, wr Mudehalelle Raquel - b al £ Ahora In something you & AN Ny oh ale 1 Prleda. 1 some hon tain There ave ve ol - os he Bas he She has hog Ag IR Ap ¥ Ab Quly aad We amah-lges,' "Doesn't bE," seresd Magus wibveyin he "Met In the mirigy Gara and Jade, It intensified hs) Jan Gave the tater of palishet Lo hav Lily and her ayes, Helgh toned the red of her lips, The per fast touch, tha eameitin, If there whe Just a bit move of the earal ror Have) earrings, Bhe had them, In the smal IEaiher ooin-phirs sha bad taker Sixth Avenues, Laghed In the With Sint Avepus, Lacked tn the ities eamnnviment of har Avessing-talle Bho took hem oul veverantly They had a failing teed, » The were Telly exquisitely oirved Fig, Haw hisd her mother man ped Lo wave Lhess fingments o NERY from the ugly wraek of ha Wie? Rasa! fastened them In hai eave, Held (hem nlose weatnst ie aheeka, Yaar Lauoey Dear Maothei Luey, Greta was extravagant in praise al the sarvings, YEama sonora! she exclaimed "EE het won eould werlgkle 8 mean funio In that Banish makeup, Hoy deavie, have you ever heen to Mex ton, dawn wheve the ahill son carne growsf! Hanne! saevificed a how of paw Aer to the Answer, Dellhérately drapped It, Bla Ald not want te anawar Greta's question, Alphanss came to fateh thew for dinner, Wanld he disapprove of the sarvinks? His ayes narrow afd, He studied hey as a selentisl might study a speelment under gires, U¥a0 are a8 1 would have vou,* hn Gl al 1st. Thera wir mors than wpptoval In his voles, And thee wip what smounted th won hilo tg Wis aves far thls Hving tring of heaniy LOAF was, 10 part ab least, Wik awn ofa lion YHow shout ma?" Crate as SWAVIRE nevoss Lhe rad, "Yau have ehasen well," he sald "hae hisnue Ines 18 neulval, A parfent nl! far Madamolselin, UT Whe (hatl" Greta pouted, YA fall liad, A ------ NE NEVER COULD DIGEST HIS FOOD Md aM i i LB lf ff po alo, UN i ' We i RE fr THANKOFFERING AT EBENEZER CHURCH EI Rev. C. B, Brethen of Tren: ton Will Be the Special Preacher Nn IH Bunday, Nos vember 4, will he the anni! thanks pitering Bundy st Kheneeor, Bpeglal sorviees will hie held both morning anid evening with Hey, C,H, Hye then of Trenton, us the speaker, The ghoty will give special muse at hoth services, Bunday sehool will he held #6 usual in the atterneon, Wegular services were held at 1) eneser Chureh and Bunday School on Runtay last I'he pastor, Hey, H Aan preached two fine sermons, His morning text was found in Genesis 101, and In the evening he spok an the story of "Jean Valjean," sholy sang Denutitul anthems at hath services A speolal feature of the Sunday sehool session wis a voeal duet hy Masters Hobbie Rundle and Ralph Found My, and Mes, 1, Bandersan af To panta, were Sunday visitors with Mi anid Mrs, W, RK, Courties several fram here attended the al tarnoon ted held at the home ol Mrs, George Edgar on Friday aftey naan of last week Phe regular monthly meeting of Ln A wen a \d oni Kheneger, hw | Ipiig Leudls ¢ meeting ik ur eis GET Frent mer Jud an Hronem vores tale wr finde bund, © Judge fined bration the ay § former throug! Firgh the otl whole | Filing ¢ Mis, A + bahy girl in Mu, hot, | Meynalds ! up the devatlimpl Aap Wirth Mebane then een Churles Shortridge (hen took up he toni of the evening on the ' I - [4d SMILE T0 KEEP OR TRENTON, N.J., JUDGE of business women here Cikisen of divores, Tian eives a sheertil wiki wiry of the settlement of aibended by 200 wanen and held in WLAZ Hawever, (lie Petes sen oaime In for thelr share o roueliness, when a possible ense of hi morning tal {on long ta household, w him gayried | nats of the day J bulp uhh Gi the iia "| fotromaiivills ops Loranto, vised ab W ¢ Lahr, third vige rash, arue of the Fpwemth {i Mrs, Vere a Erman Miss tive the poy in Winders Fields." "Var re A HUSBAND, SAYS im I {lavenihier 4d =V oy Ir Hard ud Welly told wn wud) tht one al the men "Uyuushes ill the "he sald, "No The 1 auch Is more deadly than the | Bo smile und keep your hus | iw ainlle and gel ene | Wells spoke ut a dinner wr ln sonneetion with the eele hare of the 280th unniver Trenton, ULL Whe sourts today, le infeetions powers of an early roueh were olted The he girvled = his story 1 from We orighn at the break le when egus were cooked ens the man of the vase 111 humor spread to ire In the family wha with Lo thelr many eon Al the snd, she awn had spent Hos iy 8 of ane 1 hwmared stant, TH Smiling tribute Smiles all around the table whe. you bring on home-made eakes or biscuits, Every mouth waters for fresh and wholesome dainties. And every smile Is a tribute to your skilful schieve- ment, MAGIC BAKING POWDER More sold In Canada than ofl other brands a than of MAGI BAKING own it E. W. GILLETT ©O. LTD. Toronte + + Canadas CLEANING, LAUNDERING, DISHWASHING RRS AI GREET Iw the Mission Cleele was held at the home of Miss Velma Uasy on Batui ay afternoon, November It 1 program was in chars of Mes, Wil Ham Marshall's group The stl wink was taken hy Mes, Coe Foun hy Miss Helen Wilkins, Mm, K, | Conrtios and Ms Lowise Courties ovled Giveln LAL) Ol heed diggings "Look who's hepa!" where've know only the rough tdlam of the hovdar, never falled to amuse her YE pledn, this 1a Miss Gretn,' she 8 14, Then, to Gtetal "Frieda has fs heen loaned to Alphonse hy ane of Wis eustamers on board, The dus tamer has ordered soma af the things I've worn, and she Wants to | KNOW something about wy tofleite | Friada will help you tap! [¢ Arela's AMBER IMERL Was C nathing | shart af halaterans, "Phat's 8 heb one," she managed ! Potwean antbreaks, "Pearle, you've goad, When they tay to nab yeu miakan plehe off your she'd, Nut they'll he wanting ta know what vou hava for heeakfast and who's vaur favorite wavie actor A happvga-lnoky hudeanear (rata, Bhe nramptly annrapriated as mueh of Feleda's witlin Bands as she could #ot and sent the hast! fag Mitle mald into the seventh heaven af delinht hy canfaering an her, hafare she had heen In the aim fittean minites, & sold and platinum oleafoite: «ase she had Yhorrawed fram seme wallbeyed hme, YT don't smake of Frieda oantessed hesitantly, came hy the wagntfoance af the | git, aveties™ YIWhat da you smoke, a pipet \ Greta wanted to know, "Oh, Miss feta," 3 "You've #08 a brother haven't Ta AY A WARN fQ0Kie, or WOW Vv A] have a. Sweetheart," blushing funianaly, van would!" Greta Shout e Te SMOOTH As warm Well, send him that, Tell WW the King of Roumanin wade You a present af ih" The steward hranght twa bhaxes to the dean, One was Warked to Raquel, The other far rata, Flaw: on, . One of the delights of helng model Raquel taund, was that ene povided with flowers far every pit poatiune, AY least Alphonsa on 0 provided, FLERE 1 HRY A Slaton OF QOTSAESY Was stowed away tn a rvetpigerated Hg) onanEn 10 last the Vayase. mm \ Hl had a 10 of earenges a 1) Until thy evening they a} Wd solaotad thelr awn, To nah Alphonse Qid net trast the went, lth ohaloa for Raquel proved io he A dingle camellia, the calor of earal SRY be a wow" dreta sald, Mit there was Were of it, It Jocks Kind of lonesome," ! When she saw It, nestling We | i shrngaed RH for Eh 190M The Ld ih an wil JAY any Misa Qn iy fhe Wie Only YON, thonsh 1 will IM Had 10 help the | i Tween He ia SNIve af Raguel's Breast Just above Be fade tine at her _-- she ehanied her wind, "You've #01 ta hand © ta Ah Phone she admitted. "He know aver I Yale's Dinner had heen served and the three af then wele ehatiing aves (the fond Alphonse war #0 akiitul In selenting when ha leaned, twipep paptihly, taward Raquel, and, low ering his vale, sald: "Mes Dexter has Just came in At the table ta the right, Bhs © the Woman you are ta meet, The wa 1 have engaged 0 Ald In the redemption of happiness ® ToMarraw) - bb Prince Had a Narrow Escape (Hy Canadian Press Loansd Wie) Loman, Nav, 22.«=The Priues ol Wiles narrowly escaped a collision nothe ale while he was making & elie MHEht wy bis woth assoflans A "Hes ston Wednesday, There was a Meht mist over the ground as the Privea viveled aver the ale fleld he fanding, amd it ohsoured his | af another aeroplane preparing wie dawn, The Price and the hey 0 ils Woxaw the danger ih the niek af de and avoided cach other Wy very slight wargin {Cantinned fore __ PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OFT Ep EE N§ oh Repair Ning 3 TgnE wa A SN BABIES NELD SUNSHINE TT -- the Beripture lesson was rei oadings and Mignon Rind and Nadie Muir played a pi Lang duet Following this program a | soeial time was spent and yeliesh [rents were served by the geoup © charpe Phe regular weekly Voung People's Lengue i wanal on Thursday night SOLINA BRIEFS | ® lina, Now, 13«The Bons of Tem prance held & meeting on 4 harsday Ven Owing to the absence of Hs worthy Patiiaveh, the worthy ass took eharge of the meeting After 'the business & sherk progeny wah fiver, eluding « pian lo by Miss Bvelvn Tink reading hy Miss Bia Reynolds voeal duet by Miss Ruby Dowell and Miss Helen Hake A wearraphy mateh was then enjoyed with Messrs Hwee Tink and Mau Flee Hakes an eaptatng, Desambey meeting will be held In Eldad H8 [+s Wan Aly family visited ©, Avery, Haydon My, and Mes, Hugh Annis enter Hained the various Blemen families on | THAR Me, and wl Vietog Boston, Mass, Mes, A Heaooek, Rowmanville, visited on Wednesday with Me and Mes, fohy Paseos and My, and Mes, JT Ran dle Mr, and Mea, John Pareos slatted his nephew, HG Paseos at Elon, Rev, and Mis, Gordon Wels, Boul hatnpton, Reoviolds Muy and Mes, John Kinell ok with Poterhore friends ad Mes, By Sullivan and Ap My noand Mes, Wo M, Moyes and Owen of Lindsay visited ty Hardy av the wl of Hany Handy Vl i TAL meeting of | Vine Mi and sae Handy anu nih an ames Hardy, visit orden Hardy, Lindsay, ht W, RD ah viskied hey dana hier, Mis, Ernest Lanner al Hi kvooh yecenily, Ma, and Mya t a Mun and Mis, Foun Pek and Miss Evelyn Young and My Rad all of Oshawa, visited ab May Jy 1 Rundle Mi and Mes, Bele Ay A W castle, viatted with Mw and w 11+ item fd Mrs, Tenny gy ou, Mya, WH, HE Wer, i Wilma and Harel Du RAR wR i, and Mya, Gilbert a and Osh Wy Mix R Miss | Miss Nora \Werny, ™ 0 Re) \ oy dM LR \t 0 TR N han and fay 8 Reid, a Nl 3 Wawa fw WW Mw 4) pg Vago Qbron, awd his Oshawa, Wiees w Nt Rg Hele) Wh And mh Hil hk, \ivited a ke oA Wn Ny Mr and Mis, © Hwom visti at Port Peery an Sun Congratitations Ww Mya i ; and \ and Mrs Frank Westlake and | Day Rees, WwW. Habden, Yayee pent Don | Hise! | will be held | visited Mp sid Mis AL i { i { WR, | hae { MUNN, visited With Mis A, de | WAN, My, | and | W a nN Revi WW PY i My, | and "yh Ah and Te eb Sh If You Cannot Come To the Store TELEPHONE 2000 EARLY These 8.30 a. m. Specials Are For Saturday Shoppers TOY TOWN Lionel Electric {tata $13.08 - Ga Th | fang inekes hph PHONE WIA fraek, } Wwheals, Kiddies' "oe . Prades! rOPIONINY ne ORIN WEA powerful moter, Good volume of tone, Plays Thine veoards, Nioely fw hed In ved enamel gad Ae kel, Saturday, 34.98 reversing locomotive with he paar ful mator ond fa ¥ tnokes long ond |} Phree passonpir oars LA LLL fl pivoes of stoaipht traeh an SATURDAY, $13.08 Franaformer to operate train, Baturday SIMPSON'S Trains, Wd ight Hout OHI d Inph " Train on Track, 88¢ Hot ineludes focomotive with strong CIOOMPOre motor and start and stop Coll on apd we POMenped Olrando rm Wek, SA TURDAY, Bde 1000, Lk} LAL "Pontiac" Automobiles $0.95 Svong tool dod, 37 INA tong. | Panipped with MOP drum Neadtiphts, me CURR TL LN ET SL pallor Dearing hele any © BONOAR HIRI PAE WIEN blue and pollo Siripe, Satirday, $9.98 " Upholatered in oord, Strong see slaty strap, Free INR Agel Cha Grae h and be ys owe AVIA, oi TAR reel, daNd and 20 x HIM Inehes, Saturday S078 "Racer" Coasting Sleds, 69¢ Shou conatiueivd af Amwe wood, Mas Halted op and twa soly af hind Roles Heavily VATRENAGE. OWEN Pound ate LLL RY UR TUN SATURDAY, éh THE ser )IMPSO Special Steaing Sleds, 98¢ Novouatp conihnoted of henhived a natn al AREA and parnished, Seomiviy batted to hoaup | Bee! PENRO 3) Tnehds dens Special Satweday, $8e Big Sleeping Dolla, 98¢ WHA head of Aardie RN aterial Han sleep ERE PVN hy hair and © WINN TR Prot WE dea oF WIN Rat 10 male, NAGE AR ORRIN Y, SHE La) Satweday, Se COMPANY LIMITED » TE m--_-- --. a -- A 3 a . ®

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