Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1929, p. 8

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TE PACEF' BLUE DEVILS LOSE OUT TO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 WANDERERS _ IN WONDERFUL GAME | GENERAL MOTORS BLUE DEVILS LOSE INTERMEDIATE O.R.F.U. TITLE IN LAST FEW MINUTES OF THRILLING Wanderers Rally in Last Few Minutes and Aided by a' Tough Break Win the Game and Round---Blue Devils Had a Touchdown, But It Was Not Allowed-~Crowd of About 1,000 Fans Goes Wild as Game Closes In what was undoubted! 'ween in Sarnia, the General one of the best games ever otors Blue Devils, Oshawa'y representatives in the Intermadinte OR PU, went down to a glorious defeat of 3-8 at the hands of the Barnin' Wanderers, This vietory gave the lead on the roun OR F.U, title, Burnin and gave them the eoveted Tntermediate Lust year the Blue Devils defeated Burnin in Wanderers un two point the finals and this year they gol thelr revenge, The game was & won time and the issue was in doubt until the last minute, rful exhibition of the fall past The Blue Devils all played "heads-up" rughy ind the Wanderers did the same, The breaks decided the game satisfied, and both teams are ---------- (By 4,0) The Blue Devils may have heen fefeated but they eeriaiuly were not disgraced, Kvery single man who went on the field Jiayed one of the hest games In his career, They fought @ team thet is hard to. heat Bt any time and they fought them fairly, They and they lost like good ports, Kven if they had won they could not have carried themselves fn a more honourable manner, On the feld and off they gave the best they had and with only 'seven minutes aft to play ft looked as if they nad won another ehamplonship, Hveryone Mtarved Phe boys played rughy sueh as it has heen the privilege of few faps to wee, Kvery single player piarred, Doo" Rowden was per ha bell and Wilson hisked | as McPhedean and Hubbell's run ning was wonderful, Carver and Kohen handled the team wel} at all times and Kohen's 1 fore ty yards was a Brest heyy 0 the team, k Wiginton and Boulthee tackled deadly all through the game, as Geary and MoPhedran could no Kaan Don't Forget ust as well outstandlag for Oshawa, Hub Your Ol Country Friends Fhstal bulleting advise posts ing Buropean mall early, In time to reach the Duchess f Athol, salling from At, ohne on Dee, 6th, . Bend your friends oversens a real Canadian greeting # afiahitvl gift or uw pretty oan om the Rexall tore, we will gladly prepare your parcels for you, suitably Addressed and wrapped free of charge, OVERSEAS SPECIAL 10 Cards with Lined Enve 100 and 180 Values 79¢ box ! Only at the Rexall Ntoves JURY & LOVELL hy W, Nimooe WN, Phone 68 wo Li ¥ | rival to Hamilton for | of helng "the rughy doubt testify Alex Gray at snap had a perfect day on his whips, Not one went astray, He worked wall defensively, When he fell on a loose ball behind the Sarnia Hine he should have heen given an touch down, The referee, however olnimed that Mael'hedran did not fumble the ball but that 11, Was knocked out of his hands, Phin wis one of the tough hreaks of the game, "Lig" Walker and Jack Bond had a wonderful day, "They taokled ie fends and stopped play abler play Moors, Johnston and Elliptt played sterling Eames at thelr position and they hueked the line hard and often for good gains, Movin: and Logan at in eldes were u tower of strength in defensive work and in breaking up the Wanderers" plays, (gok, Lovtle and Wd, Wilson alee look ed good all the time they were on Lortle especially, tackled well They certainly "stepped' yostor day Ww If they had only got the hi thelr eMorts would have heen rewarded with another cham plonship, Give Ramin Credit The hoys all feel that they were beaten by a ovacking wood team Give the Wanderers all the eredit they deserve, They played wonder ful rugby and when" it leaked we If they wera heatey they wen! ahead and won the ehamplonship | and vight to travel te Montreal in quest of the Canadian Title nia ean well ba considered the honour town," Any that ean produes a and Infermedinte champlouship tenms deserves plenty of pratee The Wanderers ara a smart taam and an honour to any oily, town or hamlet MoPhedran and Goary The stars of the Harpls team were unin Geary and MoPhedran Until he was foreed out of the game Nelg was hooting 'em high wide and handsome With only ahout seven minutes to play Me place Rub well over and chest There bs der that d Substitutes have had their day Is Returning to Favor use of wood and this material is again becoming preeminent in markets re. \ cently lost to oases the substitute, put over by clev: or advertising and aggremive chandising methods, hay failed to ven hawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 28212820 wWoobD as swing back to the substitutes, In moat mer: of service and satis: people have learned to Nar | Nenlor | GAME PE ------------ | f | HO, LORY Fo Our Loyal Bupponers YPwontydive good boys and true, an great in defeat as In vies tory, A wonderful credit to the cliy of Oshawa and the name they havy so voliglously honored, They gave averyihing that a true athe lete possesses hat weve dented the spoils of rvletovy. In the dying moments of un game that will go down In history as a Ima 8x ample of courage, intelligence and lean living, | Copel CHIE Vound's fighting | YHie Davis will never fall 10 arouse tn the minds of the Kars nin fans, memories of a struggly, hard fought and dearly won, Als vendy in the minds of the boys and executive, plans are being formulated for mest season and loynl friends and supporters throughout the football world can vost amsured thnk when the whistle blows for the opening of the 1080 season, the self same "Blue Davila will he very mineh In evids snow, Hghtiog for our elty and a championship, May 1, at the close of our sons sim, take this opportanity of sine perely thanking the team and oxeeutive for thelr whole hearted oospperntion and one friends and | patrons In the rugby realm for the spport they have accorded us wt all times," Mineerely yours, Marry C, Lowky, General Motors Club, | Hughy Prosident | 1 8 Phedran came back Into the game alter helng out through Injuries, Tha Wanderers teak on new life and play pepped up Norm Geary made # wonderful run around the end and MePhedran klokea for one | point A few minutes later, WII son's Wok, was blocked and drib bled over The line and Marnin got another point After Barna eot the ba'l on a kiek, Ueary made a big run and MePhedran kleked na long holst for*thele third point These twin hoys were the pep of the purty from the Harnla views point and don't think that the fans [ didn't mehrly §o erasy when the Wanderers came from behind, The two halves wore very popular lads, Howden's Tun he toukhest hreak In the Kame tured out to be the mont speotaoular play of the day, Rows den took the ball en hin own thirty yard line and sel off up the fleld He threw off avery thokler- and. in his haste he humped nto Murray Johu- ston whe was looking the other Way, "Dae" kept Bong, until he Hot 10 the Har nin twenty yard line, where he WAR stopped, Then the refereo onlled Dao" havk oalling Johnston's hindrance an | onlling Johustan's hindrances an Interference, Dut he did net put the ball where Johnston had stood hut back where the play started, [Tn addition he took away a doy, Figure (6 out If you oan, This was | verti inly a wonderful run and if | the reforen had left tha ball even | Avhere Johuston had heen, the Blue | Dovila would have had a good chance for a field goal, However, | Wow" thin wads tough break, Mhis closes the 109 rughy seas BOW an far ps Oshawa a eonecarns | od, The Hla Devils have had a | wonderful season even though they fulled to vopeat last year's elforiy, The old "mole-sking" will ha put away HH next fall and then wateh those hove, who played the game 50 wall come out to give the plg- skin another tussle, i "The. Song Is Naded, but the | Melody Lingers on,' ADDITIONAL SPORT ON PAGE TEN Italy's Dohition, it heging to a pear, In that i i willing ta erm the other Powers ta disarme=Dayton Journal rm There's nothing muck te he done at a bridge party when you hid three spades and your partner goes into iurptery hy stericseLife, 1 In, and losing a game of which any team san he proud THE GENERAL MOTORS RUGBY CLUB Here are the boys who yesterday hrought honour to this sity by play. of rather than ashamed. They gave the hest they had and they played snd lost like true sportamen; Oshawa should hea proud of them, Here they are vont Row: C. Elliott, N, Boulthes, J. Bond, D, Rowden, R, Wiginton, B. Carver, A, Gray, Massoh Locky, W, Gummow, B, Tribble, "Lis" G, Cook, Middle Row; R, Lortle, M alker, 3 Johnston, F. Black, J, Hobart, D, PLAY BY PLAY STORY OF GAME (By GU, ¢)) kloked off to Hen tla who fifteun yards he wan fnally brought down, The Plue Devils then tried a kick hao It wae short, barman tried on kok on the Arel down and Hubbell run the hall out from hehind the line SHubly™ then made au heautiful boot to MoePhedran, who Wan smothered hy token Hurnln nEain kicked The Hue Devils then triad a daring end yun which mel with sucooss Oshawa thon Klgked to MePhedran who wus brought down hard by Kohen,, Marni wot yards on a fake end run, Kitlott nelled Harlelgh hehind the ling of sevimmage and Harnin Kkleked to "Doe," who van the hall out Hubbell then tried wu fake Klek and" he made on lovely 40 yards, Ha then got a nies punt away ta MoPhedran, lopry slip ped on the muddy AM nng Wl Hott fell on him MelPhadrean then made nn short klok to Hubbell nw Kloked on the frst down and Uenr who took the oateh stopped In his traoks Harnle wele offside on the first Bay and they lost & down so they had to kiok Howden mulfed the Iu and Marna got it They Oshawa kloked on the frst down Narnia got the ball and on the first play Kohen natled Geary In hin tracks, Jonking tried a huok hut he was stopped Kloked Rowden muffed the ball on Oshawa's twenty line darnia trled an onside Klok hut the ball was kloked hack and Oshawa got 1 Hubbell # nloe one to MoPhedran who was stopped on his forty yavd line Harnia tried two huoks but awa's line held lke a brick wall and Marni tried to klok, The We Devils, who had been tying hard finally suceesded In bloeking # kiok but Surnia recovered the lapse ball, which was anybody's, Harhia wera offside on the next and thelr next play, an end-run, was stopped cold Sarnia kloked the ab tha forty yard ne then kieked and "Lis" Geary, This ended the period with no score and Sarnia still up on the round hy one point NHCOND QUARTER Sarnia tried a kek and Doe' ran It back twenty yards, Carver in tor Kohen, gave Murray a huok und then called for a Kiok, Geary took tha ball and was stopped, Me -- . a--rty A Lor hetore Barna Kol and lost Hubbell wht ie H. W, NICHOLL "The Sania Wanderers are to be congratulated for the steady, ag: gressive game whieh they payed you and for winning the In: termediate ORF.U, € lonshig, They ave a seasoned, well-balanved group of players who are very keen to make the mast of apportunities, The Blue Devils showed hotter form in this game than at any time during the season, playing » aystematie and aggressive game throughout, That agyreas hay mined apivit was parti®iavly * played during the last elght win: wien of the game when they ware one J Ri on the AY They ave of admiration for thawing in ww 'a final game" Ni LL Director of Personalities, fun ofl Osh | wi | nding hail | kleked, | Narnia then | yard | kloked | Osh | hall out | Walker got Phedran kieked and Art Wilson run It hack, On the next play Hnrnia wus offside, Johnston took nh buck and got a few yards, He wus hurt and Moore went In, Art Wilson made a nies klok and Naps nin's halves interfered and were given the ball buek on thely own yard line, Oshawa held fist huek and Burnie kicked, Doe run the ball back & Hitle, Burleigh was just off when he tried to fst Ki Hott, Oshawa was offside on the next, Burnin given ball on line but hlioked out Logan made a few yards and Wilson meds a niloe lok, The ball went out on Bars nia's two yard Hne, MePhadran kleked and Howden returned fop ona point, to tie the round, Mos Padvan kicked on the first down Art Wihison and Clalre Elliott arashed the line twice In succes slon for 14 yards, The Blue Devs ils were going all oul Wilson iloked and Ceary was brought downing "Lis" stopped the hucker behind the line, Oshawn blacked the kiek and Harlan vecovered Away hack on thaely awn twenty yard Mno, MoePedran kloked and Howden returned to him and gain. ofl on the exchange Rawden run Barnin's kiek book thirty yards Moore was stopped Art kloked to MoPedran who was hrought down, Harnis was thrown hehind thelr sovimmage, They got a few yards on the next and then kloked | Wilson returned but was hurried Wanderers wore stopped In the! traeks twloa tn succession, MoPed van then kicked ta Wilson, Elliot hroke the Hue and set off dow the open fleld but Oshawa was | offslde, Wilson then kleked, I looked tke a touchdown for Ni [ Hott, Sarnia also Kloked, Wilson | wlmost made a fumble when he nian wildly to Rowden hut | "Doe! recovered Oshawa wera { ponaliged for interference hut hal# [ time was up, Blue Devils 1, Wan | Aeros 0 THIRD QUARTER Play opened with Hubbell lok. ing well down ta Maeledran A huok was stopped but the next got | 4 yards, MoPhedvan kicked to Hubbell, "Hubby" tried a fake and got a few yards, He then klok- to | od and MaPhedran mufted the kiok and Walker recovered on the 40 yard dno, Oshawa kioked to Geary on the Mne and the first huok was hold, Farala then kloked to Row den. The Blup Devile were offside an the next play and "Hubby then Koked bug ft went out at the ten [yard line, Sarnla's bhuoker was nold, Morin jumped Burleigh when he Jupmled the snap and Sarnia had tn kiok Hubbhall took the bounding ball and made ten yards, | Burleigh was hurt, Elliott got a few buek, Kohen out in on an end [run and made forty yards, With Lthe ball on Sarnia's 10 yard line Oshawa tried an endsrun hut Rows don wan stopped, "Hubby" then Kloked for a point, Sarnia's huek was stopped and thelr dnd-run was {thrown for a los, They kioked to Rowden who muted hut Hubs hell recovered and run the ball thirty yards, Patterson was hurt In taekling "Hubby hut stayed In the game, Lortle was stopped on a buok, Rowden took the hall far unothear thivty yard jaunt hut on the next "Huhby" was stofped, CMe kioked on the next ta MoPheds non Sarnia's five yard line, On the next play Sarnia fumbleq and MePhedean wan forced out of game when he was hurt, With the hall on thelr own three yard line Sar Inia Kleked whovt and Sarnia got [the ball hut where offside so they wore put hack where they started Alex tray fell on a loose hall he hind the tine for a towohdown hut the verres sald "NO. Barnia were stopped on two plays and had to Klok, Rowden took CGeary's hoist and wan stopped KHott orpahed the line for elght yards but the NONE ply wont astray and Oshawa had to Klok, Oshawa were offside again, Cony broke threugh and wade Af yards and nearly sent the fans LN YHabhy' and Rowden stopped him, The next play was spolled' he the quarterback and the Ume was up, Oshawa 3 Sarata 6, yards on a Cutler, R, Hamilton, E, Wilson, 5. H ingt MH, Millichamp lielty, N, K, Housel Vises: Pres, Rass MacKinnon R. Wilber, Vies-Pros, J. O, B Pras, Geo, Love) Cum M, Kahan, N, Woolmer, LANT QUARTER Sarnik got a niles buek and Wig inton went down but not to say, On a fake Yiek Geary sot 16 yards, Barnin was going strong, The Hue Devils stopped the next two plays and when they tried another fake Lovile natled Geary to give Osh awa the ball, The Blue Devils wera held and "Hubby!" kloked, Geary vetirned to Rowden and he orashed the line for a gain, "Hub hy" then kicked to Gear and TEAR" nated him, Barnia's play missad and 'Lis stopped the next play and MePhedran came on, He kleked and Hubbell took the kick an the gallop for a hig kelp, The nest buck was stopped As" WAKE # fake endsrun and Oshawa were foresd to kick, Wiginton nailed MoPhadran, Geary hroke around the end for 45 yards but was call od back twenty yards for moing out, Johnstone was sent to the penoh for high tackling, Marple tried a klek hut Rowden got 1, Wilson kigked and Cleary got ans other long run, Barnia kleked and Wilson dropped It but recovered, Oshawa falled on a buck, Wilson kioked and MoPhedran was stobe ped, Me kleked for wn point to tie th vound, Johnston was going 10 0 back but Barnia objected hut he ot on, Carver took a nloe buck hut Mifetl was stepped, Wil gon then kleked and Kohen wus put off for hgh tackling, The next play wis stopped as Was the and Earnla kleked, Rowden 48 yard hroken field run he caught the ball and 1 the entive- line He Was hack for Interference The next play Wilson tried a | klok and the klk was hlooked warinin dribbled hut Wilson klek qd it out for 1 point for Narnia he next Klek hit Walker to Kive | wnla ten yards, Baris lleked | vr another point, Wilson tried a ke and then klekad, "Tie" nail A MoPhedvan and when the quar vhaok teak the buek he was nail d to olose the mame, Sarnia 8, whawa 2 The teams "ue Dovils AY forin fouan Willott Talinston and Walker Noulthee Kohen Rowden Hubbell Yortle 1, Wilson Moore Wiginten Carver A, Wilson Cook Tribble Qutler Oftlolals ound, Con next Kot A when luded ontled Wanderers Riehards Marquis Patterson Apaniding Cook Finoh Relton White Rurlelgh MoPhedran Jenkins Geary Corry Rabinson Nat Geary @ Jackson WwW ol Murphy 'Ferguson Oumar (0, Goodman Ab, Ohiloott Position Nnap Inaldes Middles Outaldes " Flying Wing Quarterhinek Halves " Hubs Referee Umpire Wall Street's great trick 1s to take \ lamb and make a goat out of him, Virginian-Pilot, -- Two vouths were elected from an American cinema for laughing too wueh during a comedy film, One of hem must have told the other a wnny story, or something Humor Int, The Englishman whe My Amer: ans have no imagination ® should ead the newspaper story of the five "Washinton which was caused hy v olwaret Nghter"=Maocon Telegraph. NEW MARTIN NOW COLLEGE LOVE A Campus Comedy LLOYD HAMILTON Hin RABY PARR Tv ---- CLONR SHAVES A Tioklah Affair ---- ow Final Chapter PIRATE OF PANAMA Al 0, Cornish, H, Luke, Asv't; Trainer, C, B, wood, Bes, C, KE, McTavish, Vies:Pres, W, H, Clarke, | Past Pres, H, C, Losky, Pres, D, Bailes, H aind, Publicity, C, Brown, D, B, Bwarts, Vies YK, Jenner, Punlivity, HAM JOHNBON (TRAINER) | A great desl of the ceedic fov the oxeollent showing of the Blue | Devils this year goes Lo thelr trains or Mam, and also his assistant, | How, Tmke, Nam and How, works od hard and Inte and the best proof that ean he found of thely worth in the fact that at the end of the season avery player was fit and pendy for action if he had heen neaded, Tn woaghy, this is seme thing of which any teainey can be proud and a club that has & trains or of this ability, Is privileged, Peterboro-0 UT.S.-28 Paterhoro, Nov, 50,.-University of Toronto Behools clever squad whiowed too much speed, cleverness aud foothall selence for the Peters bare Collegiate Institute team here this afternoon, the visitors romping {through the sudden-death ORY, UU, Interscholastic fixture to win hy 25 to 0 The VPeterhoro' players, plainly nervous, fought hard, but had dieulty in stopping the clever extension plays hy the USK, backs fleld and hard smashes through he Une, while thelr own fumbles resented the visitors with twe may touchdowns, UTH, showed un smonth-working Interference thag sent Copp, Evans and Green away repentedly for niece galing, while Rogers' Yloking was an out-stand» a ing feature, the red-haired contre ever before, n Muckl [half of UVP HE, Klekine three goals ne ast a dont {from placement, an well as hooting "Lover for four single poluts ubbell, A, Moore, E, Logan, Ktand att, Pub. eh, Absent, Bam Ignete Ww Trainer; -- ROKK MacKINNON "I am more proud of the boys than RL oreen- Grid : ADIOLA40 NOW = 18d BUYS THIS BEAUTIFUL BATTERYLESS CONSOLE BACKED by an outstanding sales record, Soresniid Rudiuia a's fehy, offered he amasl ow price 'omplete Sith Radiotrons it costs only $311,785. tegral part of Radiola "46" is the power ne leciro dynamo oudipe Shor Toate veproduces a h and musi with a quality, clarity and depth of tone that ls amasing, Among the many other notable features of Radiola 46" are tts graceful cabinet finlahod in walnut + + + twodisone tuning and volume controls «+ « + localudistance awitch making avdilable a great reserve of Judes 'an an illuminated window on which readings of selector dial are magnified, the \ at seo and operate the SoreenGrid Rediola S46" to know how advanced it is in doalgm + « « how sensational is its value, Visit our show rooma today, TRY Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Oshawa Whitby Bowmanville CANADIAN ERAL ELECTRIC (A

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