Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, RAIN DUMPING I BRITAIN NOT NUE 'TOWORLD HARKET Local Conditions Blamed For Congestion At : Liverpool London, Nav, 21.1oeal condis irs bia or the fagt that the wheat bing " dhyarveol ure bulging i rain, mdisn wheat pool in ion faslart Argentine ofan wheat has been dumyp- i Wh causing A situation Is not eon oh fr way Indicative o ar supplies are now de. Creaving: and mors Canadian wheat will be y demand, "But we sre not trying to fet rid of ony wheat oh the present prices the pool de fares, "he La rite rr Weraid deo mands thet the Government should t Inte force some selentific system on buying and a selling to eliminate He vicious Rheado % of uh ta hare vests and Bursting granaries whils he English consumer Is ges dered vorld paying Above 18 Lawrense Nilsson, ono of four men drowned in Joe Lake, near Sudbury, Ontario, when thelr two eanoos eapwlsed, party wsivvived, after clinging to a tiress in the Icy water for sey orn] Lone, 1 -------------- -- "fancy -- § up huge sp vielous surety and higher prices" The Herald's complaint Is not di. rected against (he for bread, and Canada and the United States ure "holding flies of wheat until the (ries, which have already organised pools, "It remalng for count ike Great Dritaln 10 take complementary petion and set up some sort of na tional import board to buy wheat in bulk on long term contracts" The Government's agrienltural policy pro- vides for this, if it is carried of, the newspaper adds, Btable Prices Bought Glutted up with wheat fe abroad, Unglind wonders what to do with the supply and how 10 achieve a stable evel of prices when the pres ent "dumping" Is coneluded, Vinetleally every British wheat port except London feels the rush, and It has been soggested that other ports be used for unloading the grain cargoes Bread prices In Viverpool have tumbled to 6 and 7 cents & two-pitind loaf, compared with © cents In Lon don, A food council official told the United Vress yesterday the ehief cause of the glut was that contin ental Luropean countries, having fine crops turned away whet from the Argenting, which was diverted to Gront Britain, Argentine wheat wis selling here for 35 shillings, the low. ost price since the war, Two of the r-------------- poh Destroy Hallway Mukdenm=WRussian forces which Attacked Manchull, Manchuria, Bunday, sald a Manchurian govern. ment announcement, destroyed 30 kilometres of the Chinese Eastern rallway helween Kallar and Mane producing coun |ehull, uae HN brings round again FARR REAR TRY Bowie vag Shieh vl =; a are seven itr pms give Af Fey . Waterman's Servies and sshotion at 5,500 Canadian Merchants FOR THE DESK / wun the banality of the usual" token this Christmas , ,. give 8 Waterman's Fountain Pen Set for the Desk . . . it's so different, so acceptable! There are bases of marble, or onyx . . , some are mounted in gold, others plain . + » Some have two pens, otherssingle . . . and they all have long, tapering pene holders -- a beautiful and useful gift for the busy office desk or the home secretaire, "Use Waterman's Inks" QR i NEW.METALS, HARD AS DIAMONDS. SFEN BYU. 3. SCIENTIST New Theories Being Applied to Make Metals 15 Times as Strong as Now Cleveland, O,, Nov, 21,-~Metaly, diamond-herd, and 10 to 16 times us strong as those now used, are visunlised by Dr. Zay Jeffries, of Cleveland, noted metalluygist and president of the American Hoclety tor Wteel Treating, Hirenglth of metals in bung gradually increased by the new insight into metallic structure given by the x-ray's ple ture of "atomic society" and other modern analytionl methods, Dr, Jet fries says, Tungsten, for example, assumes un sirength of 660,000 pounds to the Square inch when drawn out into a wire one-thoussndth of an ineh in dismeter, Glass, drawn to the same small diameter, fueronses in tensile strength from 16,000 ibs, to 408,000, Research has reveal- od that tensile strength and bard- news of metaly can be increased if the crystal particles of which they are constructed are made an small un possible, with faces of the ery. stalin arranged as nearly parallel as possible, making them less likely to Ip apart, This Is socomplished by fine ishing of wires by dissolving one netal in another, and letting one of the metals separate out from solution In a fine precipitate; by hout treating; by forming chemionl bonds, and by mixing fine particles of u hard compound or metal with nother metal as « binder, Boma of the nawly formed theor- w are being applied with success + production of aluminum alloys' ir aeroplane and motor parts, new ard surfaces for steel and supers ard cutting metals for hard steels and stoney, FAMILY CHALLENGE BY BALDWIN'S SON will Introduce Motion on Topic Familiar on Social. ist Platforms ---- (By George Hambleton, Canadian Press Staff Writer) London, Nov, 31,.-Oliver Bald- win won today in that glorified house raffle whieh {a more politely known as the ballot for notices of motion and four weeks from today the Soolalist won of the Conservas EARL OF HARRINGTON Who died in England following an accident while following the hounds, His horse fulled to (ake a fence, ernshing at the hazard, tive sx-premier proposes to enter~ tain the house with his maiden speech on "The Distribution of onlth." An from the farthermost corner of the Labor back henchos Bald win Junior quletly announced his Intention to lutrodues this familiar tople of Koclalist platforms, the house laughed delightedly In his place as Conservative lender, Bald win Benlor sat, evidently a trifle bewildered, The hous Inughed sEnin at his contusion, But he took the family challenge phlegmnatics ally, With his feet on the table he leaned back and smiled, Krupp Workman Idle Washington. The Krupp works have laid off about 1.000 men and reduced production 1,000 tons un week because of unsatisfactory conditions in the German steel Indust SU 1929 PAGE ELEVEN WILL SUSPEND | DRIVING PERMITS | Hon, G. 8. Henry Outlines Some New Pro- osals Toro w, 21,=With the prin | elp fe of move driving permit suspen sions and fewer fines to be written into the highway traffic act, Hon, Cenrur Henry proposes to eid fe ¥) thi erring motorist into striet observance of his highways departs ment's slogan care, courtesy and gormmon sense To 500 junior farmers from every county and district in the province, Mr, Henry at Hart House Tues, night announced that he was preparing new amendments to the highway traffic uct which would increase the number of permit suspensions and lessen the number of fines where negligent drivers were concerned These amendments will be introduced at the next session of the legislature, "Too often the fine is paid by somebody else," observed Mr, Henry, digenssing the present: methods of delling with offenders, *1 am going to attach the penalty to the indivi dunl whe ds responsible for the offense and mike it more difficult for he lnwhre ake 1 ) ek away." a to, Ni LOGGING OPERATIONS CURTAILED IN BC. Victoria, BA Nov 21, tle curtallment of logging opera tions is being effected at most Vancouver Island camps In concert with the reduced sctivity general throughout Oregon, Washington, | and British Columbia, Hundreds' Dras- RS AR, ek of loggers hive already heen luld oft eovding to D, C, Cameron, Ea a EE ; Es Only t teas Fi om finest gardens make the blend. oe i Ai fr A" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Cameron Investment and Becurit) Company, controlling large timbel and Inmhering Interests, aL peoves of Island mille, ae of the Buildup yourStrength Against Winter Ills A little Bovril in your diet every day makes a lot of difference; ou get more real nourishment from ha food and avoid clogging your system with excess that creates fatty tissues, BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat Dy ESTABLISH Ws ("WHERE ECONOMY nuts) ' EE ------ EXTRA WEEK-END SPECIALS Finest Quality Fresh Young Roasting Pork FRESH Hams: n.2 5 HALY OR WHOLE HAM THE VINEST QUALITY FANCY PASTEURIZED CREAM« ERY BUTTER MAD IN ONTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERINS OUR OWN SILVERBROOK BRAND Butter2 85. Fresh Creamery 2 Ibs. 83¢ OSHAWA TWO STORES--KING STREET WEST SIMCOE ST, SOUTH - ATWATE R KENT ScrEEN-GrID RADIO ---- Model 8300 Aluhter Ki Raed Sema d 6.tube tro-Dynamle Ratha 8168.00 (lees tubes) LHE only kind of radio an Atwater Kent owner would swap his set for is another Atwater Kent. New, lower prices to suit every purse offering the world's greatest radio value. Atwater Kent Speakon, $40.50 Teble Model 60 "an Atwater Kent Models are equipped with CGE. R.JV.C. Rediotrons t prices, Highest Quality Meats The tremendous growth of the A & Ps meat business, now the largest retaller of meats In Ontario, has been due to steadfast adherence to the policy of selling the very best possible meats at COTTAGE ROLLS By the Plese 1b. 26 FRESH FOR ROANTING PICNIC HAMS Butt Roast Lean Roasting Pork ib. 25 MIGHEST QUALITY A & PF SELECTED RERP ROASTS SHOULDER 1b. 22¢ BLADE Rump v.28 Short Ribib.27e ib. 25¢ -» ib. 2% BACON FANCY MORE BREAKFA mn. 32 Mincemeat =. 210.25 Kidney Suet res in. 1 5 PUDDING xix Headcheese "xm. 1§¢ DRY SALT BACON Ws 0. 28 FLOUNDERS-~Fresh Yellow Tails. ....Ib. 13¢ HADDOCK --Fresh-Caught Atlantic. ...lb. 128¢ LAKE HERRING--Fresh ... uu: vse db 1a OYSTERS--Fancy Bluepoints:........Jar 38¢ Greater Savings The savings you make at A & PF food stores are veal savings because you always find foods you know at prices lower than you usually pay elsewhere, For seventy years the A & I has guaranteed the highest quality foods at lower prices, QUICK OR REGULAR Quaker Oats 2 wi 47. MIXED PEEL «In Bulk . Jes ved T2336 ORANGE OR "LEMON PEEL. | .w. Jb, 24¢ CITRON PEEL cievie db, 38¢ EXTRA FANCY QUALITY RICE bLuE rose ibe. 256 k%s .3 Phge. 23¢ SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS ,\ FIG BARS--Crispo.... vos even @ lbs, 31¢ 5.0.5. CLEANSER ---6-Pad Pkg... Pkg: 23 THOMPSON'S HEEDLESH RAISINS ww 2 we. 210 ROYAL YEAST +... cs enmensssss. Pkg 7c MUFFETS ., commons oo os Phe 18 CROWN SYRUP , ss vv+..2 No, 2 Tine 20¢ SINGAPORE Pineapple steed 2 ui 21 VI.TONE---The Health Drink. Tin 38 es tee Tl. TI Be BEECH NUT GUM vo fikn 3 Pgs, 10c NELSON MIXTURE fH Ib. 18e Campbell's wir 2 23 PRUNES Wifky" SERA Ib, 17¢ MANYFLOWERS SOAP. werd Cakes 18¢ BABO CLEANSER Aa dome "aT 4c THE BLEND OF A FAMOUS JRANTER "" BOKAR CURRANTS ... i vvvaminnnses Bb WALNUT MEATS--Broken,....,\ bl BOVRIL EE EREERRRLRRREL LL 2 3c Grapefruit sw. 3 te] Potatoes ran 15 a Oranges «uur 2 ves. 31 CARROTS REEL EES 2 Bunches 18¢ ICEBERG LETTUCE....,...2 Heads 18¢ APPLES Mine Yo-Bus, Bas. $1.28 TURNIPS---Native Grown. .... : Ibe. 18¢ RED EMPEROR GRAPES. .....2 lbs 28¢c ONIONS Rd % AN Ibs. 25 LIMITED OF CANADA THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACTFIC TRA Co. er

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