"RULES H THE OSHAWA DAIL " rIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1929 Heavy Scoring' Features National League Hockey. Games Played Last Night + hsburg Pirates. Swamp |' "Maple Leafs and Win by Seore of 10 to B---~Mont- real Maroons Overcome Their Old Rivals, the Canadiens, by B to 1 Count Pittsburg, Nov, 80,~Led hy the sturdy Johunie MeKinnon, the Mushury Firutes weht on a soaring . ake In Inst night's. National or Jengue fixture against the Toren 0 Maple Leafs, and piled up # 10 to 6 peove against thelr oppon- ents, MeKinnan led the sensh- tianal Pleats offensive with four ¥ to his eredit, @ Leafs gol off to a good start, Jed hy 4 to 1 at the end of the hd peviod, In the second session however, the Pirates yan vig and woovad six geals against thelp ope jonents' one, They outscored the gals Ul to 8 in the final session, 0 1 In a regilar Nathopal Honkey League Yixture, The big, heavy Maroon team oulskated, ontshot and onitmanosuyred thelr Hghtey opponents at all stages of the cons test, Ii was the firs time wines the wenson of L0BT-4K. that Mays pons defeated the Hed Bhivis, The wiaham got oue gol in the flvst period, noley Bmith going through alone to heat Halnaworth, In the sesond period Boucher and Phillips made IL 8 to 0 for the Mars oonk, while In the fins! session Phillips und Hiebert counted, Boil of PRILps' mosls came on PASO from Trottier, Jollat mot Oana Alene' lone marker In the third ses slon when the Maroons were four gonls ahead, BLACK HAWKE B, AMERIUANS k New Yark, Nov, 80,04A Lea youn Chicago Hlagk Hawks, w jo hore litle vesembiange to last Tin 'W tall-anders of the National pokey league, defepted (he New York Amevieans, 6 to 1, in the foeals® home opening Tast night Led by a paly of reeviits, Av Millionaires: Tigers Win Toronto, 2="Torentn Millon. aires resumed netivities at the Kaving rink last night In the revised Inter national Teague, benting Nisgara Valls by 4 to 2, for their first win of the senson, The Dowghboys got off 10 # better start this year than In thelr former onmpalin, when they finishes ed up without ag home, Hie u, wanders ing band of Gypsles, More than 1,000 Jorrneyed to the west end rink fos the debut nnd after two periods of rither urdinary hockey were rowards od with un fast finish with esnty of excitement, Nay Nov TIGERS 6, PANTHERS 2 Hamilton, Nov, 20-«Vour wouls In the final period brought Hamilton sn entry victory In the local opening of the International Professions! floc key longus senson hers tonight, splandid erowd witnessing the defest of the London Panthers by & 640-2 LL The Tlgers tallied the only gos! of the cpening femme, split even with London In the second, the teams eoring one epeh, and then outseorad the visitors 4 to 1 in the final James Bon, who has heen selected ann ar or of next your's Biss ley ton rs -------- TAXICAB DRIVER IS MURDER VICTIM a ---- (By Conndith Press Lasssd Wire) New York, Nov, 2A taxicab dri ver wis found shot ta desth by hig eal wirly today, upphrently by fing im for a ride ip séry who took his own machine the polee ms He was identified 4 Cieraldo Henmano, 29 yeurs old, Cuban, The parked eh, wi {oamune slumped over the wh wis found on Bt, Nicholas sven nour 122nd strat! He had « bullep wound under the right eye, An atithor married un rich widow the other day, One good way 0 wohlovn wucvews at the writing game, Kitchaner Neoord, P Caphoi ISIVPIAIA IY NOW PLAYING NOTICE TO HUNTERS An unusually good number of flotlon stories ax well as Interesting matter of fact artiolos dealing with autdoor fe appear In the Decem har lusue of Rod and Gun and Cans wdinn Mllver Vox News, Canada's national cutdoor life publication, whieh in Just to hand Among the authors are such well known outdoor authorities as A, Bryan Williams, Chief Game PUNTS {i nina PORT SNAPSHOT [ifn ache, temas Need MINE YOrY recently | - ld and Nuit i AY Mle J Molariund, MH, Mortimer Hat \ ain Rents thet: "total Uy One. Cabamde Spore Rditer ten™nd Wm, MuoMillah, Og, HN, TACKLES? i ¥ Sip, du 5p Lamis' splendid department on his pl Gupne and Ammunition toples Is [ CENTRAL ALLEYS Howton | " ¢ high 1 featured hy articles from (he pens of John Lynn and 1°, C, Ness, well Pt ' Toe a hh it known specialists he depart Shddd ddd ed hurls, A/1 hdd dbede ior Has | ment on angling capably edited by MOTOR CITY ALLEYS GO, 1, Ninden, holds to 11s usual high standard and the other regn Chosen Friends Fhe thipd game of the seheduy lar fontures are of the usual high Interest A report of the DCRA Mae played by the Chosen Friend matohes 18 contributed hy 14 ware on Frday, Nav, 15 he "Wild Cats" same down | a -- third place, tying with the "Silve Niars I'he standing 10 date | Feams ' Paw Ph Ni Pes 4140} OM Heavers N ! Od Wild Cats Silver Nias 0, Kays Maple Leals Somers, former Winnipeg and comet star and Tommy Cook, the Hawks took the lead shovily after the middle of the epening period and volled up # tive-goal Tend hes fore the Americans hroke through for thelr only counter late In the thivd frame, HENATORS 6, COUGARNK 4 Detralt, Noy go OUHAwR'S flighting Henators vouted the De troit Cougars In & National Hookey league game here last night, tur: Ing loose a battering offensh that netted them six goals and showing' a sensations) goaltending wshibls tion hy Alar Connell that held the Cougars ta a count of four xoals, BHUINS B, HANGENS 9 Hoston, Nav, 50,The Brung, playing tn mid-season | SHERY I PAXTON WHITBY TREASURES, The game wis a wide-open affair from beginning to and, with the naw eode of viles being seen at Ith hest as i wonl-aeoving vehiele, MAROONS 5, CANADIENS | Montres), Nov, B0,==Montreal Maroons showed veal ehamplons ship form here last night, when thay dewned thely arch intracity wvale, Canadiens, by a sears of § a BE FOOTBALL! POMIN IRN RNAMIN OL Bir {HAMILTON TIGERS INTER. PROVINCIAL EHAMPIONS GRETA GARBO "The Single Standard" Added Attractions "8 Wu furan enn? oF The OHA I" Above are shown a Satonnlsbs [tario Moskey Association, whieh held | tte nonysl meeting In Toventa last | Saturday, impressions of the off f the On| KE f------ Norris" Wh lee gam h Today In the Day Foday devides whether the Blue Devils ure tu be eur und fo on te the Canadian playofts will keep the Inter he Wanderers will he given care of the trophy, LJ . ' Kveryone Ready for Game prelved late last wight and immediate ou ourly) this morning and Ontario Champ I they win opened thelr' home season hera las "hin y night hy coming from behind and nosing oul the New York Rangers hy & scare of I to 8, This vietory enabled them to keep thelr eurrent alate elear and gave then a firmer grip on the top position tn the Amerioan division of the National Hockey league, oe ile ce de od fur auothey Regular Prices, nediate Shield for the coming year, but A Q " © INTERCOLLEGE CHAMPIONS 6G, T, Riehardoon, Memorial Stadium, Kingeton SATURDAY, NOV, 23nd ha grove nd ih ne or the Duss Bay League { night (| Spoil prim [pr Whi the Lt hanksgivin Fania fo Rs watt HO the uri he | "Wit the hay Went ta the mel were wll up htght and early (not I ya | 7 en ro oe AGO 1) WILEONS, MAHELSS Ln ST | yy pao Protection All Be Tien All puders for tickets must he peeompanied aney Lidar ar eheyne with ssehangs ga (up sents will he hile with the Lest fn available and will ha forwarded 18 i mall until I hursday svenl Hors Hesived alter that will held #1 the hh fee of the Board or helure Athletic by fiaine Aft ho SH, Controls Ne Moar Ingeton, The predieted ankle-langty skirt poming In style will he another factor against the freedom of the Hae Newark News vel y pit lh wi | you will Devils pluy u'eloek Plu I bie | 0 phon got (he I wie W, E, Phillips' Lean _- Ninos women's work 1s neve done, anyhow, the addition of Jury duty wilt probably make Hitle diferenc Bufala CourlerEx | press, Aley Cats ur 1! 3 results of the game Whether the his team had #3 they Montreal, league howl having | \ ' . Winner Plays Montreal City League podegided that sinee the Ontario ehamps did not gu eat I'here auite a eh i that the winners of the Blue Devilss Wanderers series will go they fre one of thiee teas W standing City Leapve Montreal wo phy the final game for the | are all tied for segond plied Feiday nlah h vi . . . CE \ iin i 4 \ . 0 | the members of the tea 101 f pam It \ he relation Public School Finals Today al. Oal. Joal ! Dobson, Creamer, Moreis, Hainer |i 0 wooden exerelsel own the -- wa a ho ; | " Hatin I honours this afternoon Motar City Publie »ehools avesAndy, Gord, Mil, Harold, "Da Ghawa Rellway | » v * Scranton Anthracite Coal The Best the Mines Produce == 3,000 Ib, to every ton, Coke and Wood W. J. Trick Company LIMITED y ne nore BArnia goes to I'he NigsNavs, the Mutar it i Howling Alleys' reprossntatives (nth Foromto Mmor League them Jar and wid | grabbed off three puints nil " ¢ 4 Hh pid nay wry WEL wee heh wiaddian Hit Stadivim the rugby teams pee 1h haw AWAY Wn oil [ \ {5 wiht is lon) | 8 natiahla real Hveswh pey'y and Peg The Nimeoes Workout Again Tonight and Manager Found are having thel Motor Clty I LI BE nlalwarts Did vou ever here of a man ealled intend | Nparka George Nparks, Nay le | ae hot aha PH bet that's where i), Iv iY Stadivm again tonight AA on hand * 1) + ut with the team, be Harry Fox \ | | . 0 wih fale { off the hoard | The Oshawa Shamrocks | BR Pract mothe form of gymmastio work will stare ig Keling oa tu next week Oshawa Shamroeks, the loval junior OLA, squad, With "a WHI 2' » | ddie Drinkle, Vie Burr, "Tunney" Morison, Ray Gunn and Rene Lors Gane © He of tant year'y team to form the nucleus for this year's squad, pross pects are height for Owing 10 the faet that the SA beging thiv week the team, owing 10 inability to practice to date, will pot take part in this braneh of the game this year, The team {x confident, however, that the boys will be first of thelr OFLA, schedule when it opens around wot hs name, He Just naturally lashes, He stopped off at the | [tnd Alleys and in (we games | wade 278 and 1 Me put Fox « the board with these svores, satished with this achievement hy anihleq up 10 the Mater City Alleys and spa 'em 10 the tune of 329, Let's pie Challenge lowers of the ¢i management of the If the Lady | would Hke to see some veal oli | n in ms Ot | Hh January, Any new boys in town eligible to play junior \ in alternoon, Vi Nani, - Mary We wil have \ hovkey are fvited woget in tench with Matt Leydon, whose phone pmber (8 THY defend thelr laurels against Erling Hentley and Annie Reece, This will be real, on knoeked YURI e ing ol Wo oaueeensiul reason AT'S what the foll wrapper means to smokers! And it does far more than guard your Bachelors from breaking, chipping and fraying, It helps to retain the fresh. ness, the full fragrance, the mellow mildness of the rich, 100% Havana Aller , . and gives you the full en. Joyment of every Bachelor you smoke, | Because of the protection afforded by the new foil wrapper, the Bachelor is a better cigar and better value today than ever before. Smoke a Bachelor and sense this im. provement with the first puff, ihidual shape at the very Hest ol Re \ BAL Ht LOR? Sw HE THRILLS OF COLLEGE a --- Widespread Damage Done Phone 230 & 331 Throughout the Coal | itwlige on a little experience in am aleur theatrically, become famous overnight and then return home and tell all the fellows and girls about {y, Phe way to stardom wasn't quite that easy, however, It took about fone years of time and hard werk, Lewis had heen a star athlete in high school and thin alded him in winning the coveted role of here fn the "Cols losfans," whigh Carl Laemmle, Jr, started three vears age, Lewis was born in Mexico City, Mention, while hs father was stations ed there for the United States gov ernment, Dorothy Gulliver who has been hia leading Nady during most of hia AOTORN Career In ARAN Sant opposite him in the new feature length pleture, Nat Rows divected from a story by Leonard Mields, Resides these' two the cant includes Eddie Phillips, H h den Stevenson, Sumner Getehe Chueh Ros and many players vo "Collegian" fame, he ALLY Mr, Ed, Goodman defeated George | Sparks © hoa, sorry, 1 meant in three games, very Monday night at B00 pany Bd, Goodman's gang toe the ling and they sure apill the maples, Mining Areas host known for college na Alw star Hest became famons as the hero of Universal's Collegian" pletires which have proved the most popular short sub Jets ever made, tortystour of them having been produced to date, Lewis in now cast as star of the first feature length Collogtan, "Col loge Tove," which will some to the New Martin Thedtre on Thuesday, 1 hy campus hero never went to a real colle although he might have done ao ) Universal ha wot selected him from a group o extra pavers and given Mm a long Tor vontract He left his home in San Diese California, for a Nig advent atior graduating from Coronado Hig sohool, Naturally his t@et lod him to Hollywood where he hoped ta eap George Lows Is attended studing, The WINN Cardite, Wales, Nav, 20 Houth ern Wales for the second time i recent weeks wan apain suffering great distress last nlaht from sew ous Hoods whileh followed 24 hours of tramendous rainfall, Only one death was reported, hut there wege MARY RAPFOW escapes from drawn ni and damane was widesaproad, Awollen hy the ran nto roaring plvers, mountain streams vaahed inte the valleys deeply Inundating the mirests of many towns and vil Jages, Heverd! mines and other works were stopped and hundveds of PORRANE Ware QonEeqentlY With: out employment. Houses and shops were flooded, Inhabitants 1h soe places were compeliad to avasuate and tn others found refuge In wppey ahead of Via Aoray A, \ EE A YOUN COMING THURSDAY NEW MARTIN - As far as known, this {8 the pres sent standing for the Ten High Mon thiy Rall of, Walt, Phillips Art, Donahue Kl, Higaing Jak OBEN so inasrianasnnnnn Matt Sutton Pam Heard suivisasiinnnnng RIL O'REGAN vaivvanssiinnnng Milt NORE 5 cvasannsannanning Harold Hiner PAAR IEA NA Jack Hy Wy week's Ladies hii h weekly soare was 272 howled hy J flue Ment ley, K, Wells A IE nx LEN NY avieen LB) x AU LF] stepped mr Hed:h "! A football hme (Rip will Theis on - he puis Moaning wel its oA aver hy 1 'wiversity of California Giteo ro LR that bid gv 8 you! warty vig roadhonse Altalve a will amie wages BR ad WRAR Lewis, Dovethy ra en Churehil} hte Rone, ont Rim hat over elasled on a SOPOOR, Ansowinte odweey, Cant Laemmbe, Jy, 100° TALKING and SINGING DRYROITY CHICAGO AMERICANS ROSTON TORONTO |} So CLO LN AANA Any Sina ANADIENS TT al Wy \ Nat Teh, | ml i hg a we Ww N Xs LL {Th Mas "a SA 0 Sa an 1h beh ph "Nov i | A Ww OTTAWA MONTREAL Nw Yan Mav, I RANGERY ET A --] W AT OTTAWA ... I i AT CANADIENS , i 5 nat re ah Na, AT TORONTO... I hy oh, Mat. nat His Ww AEA ly WE Nh, Wi - | JIMA Man 1an yaaa] EW wy th \ oh, 3 A lA Yaw fu ll Nn J L) id Yoh. yt on Mat {IR Tan W iw a | TO ¢ Last AT PITTSBURG | HER NNR RE Ny W PIRA A: AT DETROIT ..iiuvo | w NANI OF Rm OC RC LR PANAMA {| AY CHICAGO Y Tw RN TE Pe "ah Lol " r-- A AT N.Y, AMERICANS. fii. [ah Ii Pee {LW 1 tN A A Al NIT g Iw oi Ah, NW "I w NaN {! NN ey wy Fah, LLOYD HAMILTON IN "HIS BABY DAZE" ge AT N.Y. RANGERS ER AT BOSTON ......, \ \ TRE A hy TR { ww aa TRAE Loa "Close" Shaves With Balt Seap \ NAR, . an army i Now LH Ra, Ya AW RN | CUNEO N Mat