Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Nov 1929, p. 7

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Schein 4 SCOUT EDITORIAL Th " shang 18) of the rion "ial aH ong ite n some eases extreme hardships have n e son] ore Ho i two (00D eli il Ver jt ring Ww Heit wens m o i wn ever, that sulk oink iy 0 (het, that Of » fama oy yh stepped In lo jo i Ghee ir Hh h ve been no ii a , has three chan: wen of lender since EA wil Activities Beouts of Oshaws the scout lead: bagi] will. a a In nls Wherieneing difficulty In pros euring Gun AM of then difiouities hays met with u smile snd 8 wh ji, aw ver, and they ae Ji rida it 4 hemeselves out, so | nt ult ne b sus should shew an increase seouting family, Meanwhile, with donditions M " they We, we re very to sy thet we olde row and are now gp fo Wat to bigger a hier things Boys knowing oiherp h would | th ike to become seouts, should get Wi toueh with thelr scoutihasier, su thst sh " POApeitive members ean Join n the big game, Only by work, and ood exhmple CAN we Blige fn nl fd the moves ment in is Just penton with the ) | rounuer +linent of the ¢ . Lot us all remember to he seon } seven days a week and encours others to follow. ¢ aw exmple, scout N NOTES When Trogon Funds are nesded, earn them, That Is the motte of the Sed Troop, who Jota held & Whist Drive at Holy inity ¢ Chureh in ors fo 10 swell the soffers Wie remarked to the writer hy we suspegt that it was to the Camp one of those present, that the boy of the Troop made themselves use f in many ways, not the least of whieh The Tay Bhop ls progressing fave Dhralys Pat ot Ay ow Md slight lo room | ot lnudern 1 ol iH 'work THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, which 1s the hug ¥ 1000, elief from 'Wor gar of the sm The Wolf Civh gor censup, shows a t Share Is plenty of yin the ne nt" hie b th " A lp fn thi work, shou 4 Hou por with ny be BEOUIMARIEN Vifth Troop oop eid 4 elton ens we VI on the Tender a work on font a 0 Sv dk the, ba y i and Tenderfoot et 100 per sent, on the her 8 required to prepare thelr wor ib # further ens Wminsbion A the week after next, Val oe. on the see fast will hy fiture ol wdges until io i oe RWAY, owaver. wise had the sid The hit Troop wi diy a hl atrol Leader Lloyd Nia foods Voth ab thelr last meet avd IL pio lng 10 Kiwhener, where it la hiped he will immediate ly associate Mmaelf with the move. ment, The parting wid Indeed a Jad one and the retiring patrol lonley Wak visibly affected ly his send © Seoutmasier rm hind hin AH out for a hike on Saturday fo, ] are not aware of is destinat but Oven whith thay have been bullding News was received recently of ene WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1929 PAGE SEVEN SENSATIONAL 3 DAY SALE' Commencing Tomorrow 9 a.m. And Continuing Thursday, Friday, It is a most unusual and unheard of thing to have prices on such staple articles slaughtered as we are now doing ~~ we are not offering any reasons or we have not purchased any jobs or clear. ing lines for the purpose of offering this sale ~~ but we offer you our regular lines o merchandise including every item (regardless of brand), in the store at marked reductions, HOSIERY i vary finest of sheer slik ehitfon | i" ah oy we The Kind you 0 tor wre now being fil helr regular prioe, QUAY y in ited and we oan not poh QUantity to last so be hate it' HE to fustomer, On onrly, 14 pale per phly, n And Smashing Prices to the Lowest Levels in an effort to Create and Stimulate Sily w= Satin remtm---- CHAMOIS _ *{ Saturday Only PURE WOOL AND NK & WOOL PULLOVER Sweaters These smart pullover swentess wors |! welling at from B6,60 to $5.80, hut for the next thres days we have lowered the price to sassive qulok ulearanee, You will And an unusual ansoriment of colors and Assigns, | Out they go at, sach $2.75 No O00, or Phone Orders OUR BEST Rayon Bloomers or SUEDE GLO Finest quality tmports #d Chamolse HNuede gloves in all the new fall shades = Various smhroldered design futls «= stitohed haok or plain == relnforead finger tips and double wtitoh all the way thry prices are a ree They ara exceptional | velation in vas Ji value at | lus and at thew Pally 0, $1.00 sala pricy they | & rr & positively | the greatest vias | | lug ever offered | anywhere You | will And a very nies assortment | | to ohoose from on sale Thurs Fri, & Bat, only | $4.95 wis the ears of the futiee Bouts | ou imusior J, Cornish wha is up pare and Girl Guides, who were brought | Nooo raising a orop of furs, He is My +, i by, Jhelr Amothers 10 the party, petting along fine and seems to like # hope that theVIroop Trewsury | 1s isolation, wie iimig Sapnled to Hive that BE . fT bm yom yt} il gins pia qd ql ie HHA RL & Brocaded \ Kimonas Regular to $11.80 Thera klmonas ut thelr vegulaf Bobettes Here 18 ona of our very heat lines of plik knit Rayon underwear ==Riooms | ors or Bohettes = They come in all the wanted pastel shades, and are | knit wo fine, yet so sturdy that long | wear Is assured Regular $8.80 to §8.00, $1 A9 On Male |, Vests to Matoh, Reg, 'a Me 1,00 Tha Oth Troop Tm ci attying on nlee ( and while its numbers are small, I the quality of the membership makes hn Jor the lock bl quantiey ' We hear that the hoys are thking p aeronautics and are busly build Reg $3.60 to $4.50 ni aeroplanes, \ \ v Sooutmaster Fisher Is to he compli ; i : mented for stepping Inte the breach \ ha oil Knogbiivual quality Crepe made by the unfortunate withdrawal | : dn ine, a very fine yel of seoutmaster Cornish and Alling the strongly eonstrioted fahri capacity so well, . that will assuredly give wlisfaction, Dainty shades SCOUT NOTICES to ohoose from, Trimmed ITH TROOP«The Filth Troop with various laces snd em will meet on Friday next at 7.30 pa, braldery trimmings Ome in the Y.M.CA, ara hematitehed on Bale Running shoes or rubbers must be while they Inst brought for use on the gym floor, Points are now being given for the Clipln Shield, SRD OBHAWA TROOPF--Met al YMCA at 730 pm, Friday, Mr Terry checked up on scout tests which each scout had passed hafor his coming to the troop, As this Is a long procedure the patrol lenders found work for the scouts of thelr patrals, At 9 pam, the mgeting was closed, The next meeting Will be held i on Jv 2nd, at the same place | RAYON KNIT VESTS & BLOOMERS (I and time VERY FINE MESH | The Whist Drive and dance glven | by the dvd Oshawa Troup was a Our regular $1.00 and $1.25 value bleamers and vests huge success, We take this opportune | il Now reduced to warrant a complete sell out Get Your Gifts hearty vol hank 4 iid 3 tr £ hay 3 Au, WIRY '| \ of this Inle, Come in all pastel shades we a sucess of this, We especially thank | | Bloomers have genuine para rubber slastio top Cc 4 ¢ at a Low the Indies of the Holy "Trinity ehurah and bottom, On sale, each garment 4 X | bh » Price | J HALLE SELDOM ARE YOU OFFERED SALES OF THIS NATURE! ITS ASSUREDLY THE FIRST OF ITS KIND PRESENTED BY US IN OVER 3 YEARS IN OSHAWA -- YOU MAY. WAIT 3 MORE YEARS TO SEE ANOTHER LIKE IT, tht i lu i th i il i" mn! itp i il Ji ll - Now Ladies, Here Is Your Opportunity to ne Cooke Hook iy on ketien, Helblorsorth dioek I NO, C00, OR PHONE ORDERS Clathing tore, Kinloeh's, Dewlands | | Ro oo aid fons Hardware and Ledger's Men's YiNb OSHAWA TROOP All goouts Are asked to he on hand 7 pant, There will alse be a Cour Honor Ja not forget that your night the Voy Shop Fhuraday A real teat in our Noout Laws was | ohneted an few days ago i==lmagine u | ruithy mame, the team waiting for hay, th hoy hier log to get there, when Dal gives hint a Job whieh is all but pleasant, The boy does the job and mlases hn game and net a murmur of protest, THE SEVENTH TROOP On Friday, Nov, LAY the seventh) troop met ab th Cc AM Alloy some practice in Ty scouts' plans, we nla hi soveral games at the end of wh if it was Announced that Mr smith, the St, John's Ambulance Ase sociation Instructor, would give a series of lagtures to those scouts des sielng It, This series of lectures will ably the seouts to pass for there Ambulance May badue as well ag for the St, John's Wadge and certifiontos, On Wednesday, the 13th, we met in the reuular meeting place, Nt Seorn 3 Parish hall, when the first of t : "atures by given, This leas ture dealt with the maln arteries their names, thelr position ane how 10 aps ply a tourniguet, All scouts should be out this Wed: J nesday with thelr bandages and splints, NOTICE«The annual father and a pane of the Seventh roo wil held on Wednesday, Deo, a the hays are requested to be P Here in a veal snap in pure thread | silk hose for those seeking hosiery | at & low price w= These hose sold regularly 4 31.80 Le we offer [i them == Thursday, Ful. day & Saturday, pair T9¢ 1 Crepe de Chine Scarves | Three cornered af oblong Scarves | (nn most gorgeous array of painted | designs, They are most wonderful [i value at $2.00, but during the nest |! 1 days we offer them at 98¢ l Pure Thread Silke Full Fashioned Hose | Three different styles «= Fancy | heels = Really New $1 19 | designe on sale at h Bae sav vivid 'SILK & WOOL BLOOMERS Ee, $1.98 6 ONLY CREPE DE CHINE PAJAMAS $4.95 Regular $7.95. On Sale at B85 RR REE WE IMPORT ALL OUR KID ITEM ~ YOU'LL FIND ALL L ATM "aif KID GLOVES Wiitsnir | ATKINS' HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP OF GIBRALTAR|J| v swcok st. souk Near Corner King St. Exploration Work For « In| sesso: ---------- t Scheme Is dro Jovehols, a dlstinguinned gril | Viliedoutly | doubly dresanied ad mubaloation 'o Landon te It portan J ery Aledo. A to King [scheme ravisiohsl Gover o Town Tallway, The -- ¥ Start: Alfonse, A js sohema tor tunnelling | ment a al Serrano in 184d _--l would 140 pen up ~ the Straits, and se a committes | Blues then several Spaniards an odd t0 the THY AMonsh Ar Madrid, Spain, Nowe 20.--A be. [Vue the chalrmanship of Hehot [more Frenchman aid oven an Rug Tublain, ant Reyph oad, he Ie slanting Nad hoon wade on the exs [49 1 Pea, Director of the Goalos|lahman named Kimber have studs possibitltion of a Guest ¢ Yuane) | ton shaft of the scheme for al tities, and Ineluding Dy fled sehewes, Colohel Jevenols fave immense; the whole globe, wn. Hah Ning under thet Staite of | D400 de Buen, of the Gosknugiabh: | wauld ike ha sel he © ha ear [elude Anerigh, would Ue effected Qibraltar, te boring having beey | '0 IRsttute, soma eminent olvil ens vied out tn vonjulBiion With the | by 1% Fohoons Feat Re h begin on the Hpaniah Coast weary Hfoers, with Gelonel Javenols as | Kalish Channel Ruane fOr two | The Soalte are olght milex wide | Onel Javenols oaloRiates SeOTetary, waa formed th direct the [schemes #0 similar {n OhATACIeY [ui the narrowest point, but nearly Sthalta tunnel show Hane A Tarifa, about 16 miles west of the Rook ¢f Gibraltar, In & shore tne | PPOUMInARY explorations at the ex- | would obvlonaly benefit by an ex+|§a than 380,000,000, ha What small houses and cottages on 80 milea separate the I WE bri AP SAI Ahwars will be tared into ehting A dma SHAME Will be sunk tu Mors | R000 oF the Ministry of Publlo | change of views and experiences | oy on Trafalgar and 'Ss and all sorte of experiments Works, hotweel the exparta working at a Yap Si Prospectars for a | had thin eatimate 1s ns provi: | places until the desired chalet can he wil L) 0 Ih the hope of discavs | The idea of yarsitug he Straite them, Moreover, the machinery tor faite for the tunnel have ta fl h Hue OL ORIOWIALIONS | mate Biatised, ering what the sbll between the [ls not hew, slag { Dutlding ene tunnel might serve ab [of the narrow waters, will soon possi LE narrow intercontinental stretoh of [across the -- olg a oa of {#0 fo the ether, Hut bealdes these |abave all Impermesble Tht ane of a ee sen 18 Hike and whether It ts sults [apnlit water ly v0 great | partioular advantages there 10oWs | hamoxeneaus oharacter, develd aff Movie hn | 1 Porte Rico are des able for & tunnel, continents, must have theunaht of [large In the promoters wind (he fnasses of vook ar tlasuves, The | nanding \ ) Row of all-ialki The Spanish Government took | the poshibility long baler an enters | vialon of 'the Stralts. Tunnel as a [alte for the first exploration shalt Je ros h the charactors speak: over from LisutenantQolonel Poe {prising ohman, M. Laurent ae 'second lak in & SL904 AT WY of | was selected at o point threw and a ah wht: Wh IMPORTED SILK AND WOOL H-O-S-I-E-R-Y Here is a line of hosiery that you will soon be looking for »= They are of a pure wool and silk mixture == ull wanted Fall Shades. Reg, C $1.25 value, on sale at TE a Oar | I Here are popular brands of full fashioned veal sill Hose | | Best makes = newest shades ~~ All slaes + I | They are our vegular stock of $2.25 hose = 19 | and you may buy as many as you please « Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at, hin Exclusive Yet Not ve In selecting your Hw or personal needs you may take inte oensideration the faot that we offer you exclusive styles which ave positively guaranteed to he incomparable and the sont is really ne more, -------- AND WE REALLY DEFY ALL PETITION ON THIS 8 -- ALL SHADES AND STYLES AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES -- present, weat ot he 4 of Poel WANT ¢ Sg With the resent of hetely WON 10 Northern Tralind "hag oie the demand {on the ander chalet, op phroad house, steh as {a faund fa ether cauntrign Visltens ay and Switeerlang have taken Back ideas tn conducting such places, and Rk may UCKLEY MIX TURE More than $4,000 worth of eatne operated sealos were sent from the United Sates to Veneaueln in the first ix months of this yearn, -

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