Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Nov 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ean omen's. Interests in the Home --- and the Community Er ---- SOCIAL and PERSONAL | TAIN 1 wonder. why the sad sky weeps Urent pie tegrs of vain; All hy costpily whe mourned, mit nl ni i oh yA cloak H lef swap | Kind night io Was A bin, ins LLL ntl a iy hor @racel ia 0 wobm ip solitude, i none may hee hey pain, i aw, reveals a world made » sorrows tears again, / : ~OLARA BERNHARDT, ------ Mrs, 1, Bateman, Blmeoe Bt, 8, ii leaving thie evening on A huss nes strip to Regina, Bhe will ha there about a week, Miss Maude tT former ant tencher in the Ile Hehools of thin [FA pnd now of Toronto, wih ' viol tor In Oshawa yesterday, Mr, and Mes, J, BP, Owens, of Toronto, were AmMonE the out-nf: town people who attended the see: ond night's performance of the Little Theatre play, Iast avening, The Bonk of Heottand held a Whist Drive at the home of Mrs, (. Roberts, Pringé street on Mon. dav ovening Mike Nanay Calg and Kenneth Grehen won the two first gratulations yestevsy, 'During {he flernaon nd syening meine [] amily and telends oalls ed upap the old couple to extend thelr best wishes and congratilae tons, Over ferty guests sat down to supper with them last evening, ha re, Plevson are the Pa ot | paver ohdldran, six Hive n he oldest daughter, Mpa, Pred Loney, passed away folr cy SN fehard By Mrs, A, J By Mrs, H, I, Annis, Mr, A, J, Pleysan, They are all 1iving is OShAWR oF near here, Mr, and Mrs, Plersop have alxs Leen #rande hildren From Mother Pass Along Your Favorite Recipes alli aul The aditor of the Women's Tage woul nally appraeis ale It readags who lave 2A oo pen for Bnriats mas oakes and puddings would send (hem in to her, Rhe will he pleased to publish these and any other favorite Joolpes, Also, she will he 'lad to offer any suggestions that may help to solve proh- lems that erop up from day to day, fn this husiness of lipusekeaping, Planks ad- Arann all lat ori to Bditor of Women's Page, Oshawa Dally Times, think Lydia K, Vegetable Compound is wonderfull LECTURE BY POET AT SINCOE ST. 3:3, Dr, Pratt of Toronto Val. versity to Give Addrest | 7.3 on His Own Poetry On THUrsdRY evening in Wimooe | Ht, United Sunday Behool room Dy, | Pratt of Vietoria College, Toronto University, 1s delivering a lecture on some of his own postry, This leoture 18 in connection with the Ihave had six children of which four ars living and my youngest is 8 bone nie baby hoy new eight months old whe weighs 13 pounds, | have taken your medigine before sash of them wha born and have certainly re i benefit from it | urge to take It a0 1 am sure they will reaelve the same help I did," w=Mra. Millon MeMullen, Vanessa, Oniaria, president, Mys, Xd, Bradley took ohargs of the business meeting Nothing definite for future work Wa planned, wan decided to walt until Mys, Bt, 8, MoLaughlin, the president, RE a hefore making plans for anything to he done before Christmas, It was Ime pressed on the ladies that at the pont meating all talent dollars must ho returned, a fr gr -------- The Women's Comer For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper a @ i ------ ol THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1929 a for QUALITY i | 3 Hall-pound Hall- pound yy RECIPES Molba Tonst (Even Toast) Cut broad In thin slices and wy ® on a baking wheat, u slow oven (B00 degrees Vahrens helt) until Hght brown will curl slightly during the bak ing, Merve unbutlerea for lunch or A variation of Melba toast tan In mode much the same way The sliess, however, heafors the bread 1s put in the even, For a savory toast nl of anchovy past, sardine paste or eatsup with the hutter, Persie are huttered Tonka when resdy to use, Blsnch the almonds, bake in & moderate oven (876 degress Farhenheit) until light brown, Cut In pieces and sprinkle on the frosting, APPLE SHORT CAKE Peel, core, and cut small seven nr olght rather weld apples; put them into a ple-dish with & tablesspoonful of butter, Vi cup suger, a little grated nutnien, and » anspocn ful, i" enon julee, Cover, and hake til tender, When done, spread It betwean short Bread hisewlts, sandwieh fashion, and you will find them very nice as on addition to the ten table, -- a ed i PRINCE RECEIVES CASTLE AS GIFT Home, Nov, 80./The weddin gift of King Vietor Emanuel ¢ Prince Humbery and Princess Marie Jose of Halglum by he the Chatean of Raceconigl, biga- mont, the hirth place of A Ore Prines, Vopolo 41 Roma said for ny, The chateau wan built as a fort. rein In 1004, It has a big park and Yaka and has bean usell as » pn. HELPFUL HINTS | mimimor residence for Ttallan royals prises And Migs Ada Phillips, the [seples of lectures he has been con: )i ) " consolation, Refreshments were qutiing In the eity on poetry, Fhe | 1 elahle Lomponnd served and there was dancing naf- [same address was deliversd ab Hart : terwards, use recently and Jrosived the greatest of praise, p, Prat Is ib nd Mrs, Touepl bidhton ot one of Canada's foremost posts, A IT FT hii on on wedding Anniversary [Eveat deal of His pastry depots H hey Were fortunate |B0ONes lank the eastern const of yanterday, Canada where the Mife of a sailor Kponge Cake JEWHLLED STRAPS Mhoulder straps are slender and 3 aap Hows Waste Taskets [r-------------- out In one wigh the round or square 1 up slignr, Byery room should have In Learn to Write neak of evening gowns or elsa they 1 teaspoon haking powder waste hasket, They ars timesavers sistant | Are (0 be exceptionally decorative and aids to keeping things ploked with many of them Jewelled richly \ a cold water, up, Colorful woven hiwkels are this easy Shorthand Indies of the counell whe contrib wt " Arenk the egEs In A LOW], add | ¥4y and new, in having all their children hui one | ERASE WORE (00 SEE BEN aroun, | 116d sa generously (OWARR (his FANUY KEAMING | ; ith th this happy eseasion, 1 i the thanks of Little frocks and Informal day the tor Add 11 a or redn th "Wad with them on 1] and conveyed the th of Mr / ) nutes, the dry ingredients Mr, Plerson 18 seventy-two years Ha knows that life wall, having O'Neill and the players, time dresses make much of fancy nM 3 i ety adintors PASENTIALLY BMANRTY which have heen sifted together y a of age and has lived within half | often mone with the seal fishermen A committe was for pod for the [seaming A navy hlue flat orepe A a . . You oan aohieve another make You Learn Typing While a mile of Thornton's Corners all [on thelr expeditions, This 186LWr | 000 ik eheor fund , Col [froek has ite drop yoke, Ita skirt A Vionust madel that khaws ho ad on Bak} Wake de tine table by Wilting your radia: Learn nis lite, His wife is one year his [has a title "The Roosevelt and the | ois aud Mrs, ICInnoke Sonn and ts inverted box pleating all tet | IYA1 employs a milk orepa in bottle AY 2 Ww bh tor top, Have A hoard made to i" " H \ ) ba A gras Pahirenheit) B80 to 40 mine SPEEDHAND senior, Before her marriage fifty Antlnoe feveral Oshawa peopl | ioc oo vears, while Mrs, Miller [fn with & touch of red in the seam. | 41680 With belie dots that Paris Ean Cool out Int PARGY AhApos vover the top of the radiator and " * \ fare assleting with the program on lo " ! dooreaos Bo SATE ut the moment, ! AN) ut oleate under It to held secure, Ordinary ABC's us years ago Bhe was Luny ARhby 0 dgovapted the offices of the late Mra, [Ing Plat erepes often have satin and frost with sonfectionsr's or i LIOR ON SYROWIIINS, Port Whithy, Bath Mr, and Mrs, Thursday evening, these arte Mrs, | wa WeAMing and viee versa The turn=aover voller and tie of 'aint the same eolor an your A hid He Plerson are enjoying good health, |R, Leo Gray, Mrs, TR, Parker, The possibilities of having An asomfortahlas open neekline and with burnt almond frosting, woodwork Aometimen ootlage tymawriisy Write yi fred oh Thay were recipients of many | Mrs, W, M, Sellley and Mes, Jv A apatorionl contest among the ohil NLW HATH deep pointed vesta are of belge houses oan have little oretonne ody "Hore gitte and ards and letters of eons | MoGihhon, imited, Toronto, weeks ago, Bho also thanked the Kawi dis orshand i oh " HA agpin ad 'oe h Ine Hops (RTT 114 Hy Methadh Ah ' i Confectioner's Telng {ounces down front the hoard to nt of the different. Ag , ull evapo, The plain orepe ie aleo doun ) \ an a ih RO LL 4 Soront, hehanl wae In spite of the general unheson used to pipe edus of deep Velront § oupa eonfeotioner's mIUNAr, make & really attradtive table af dipol ¢ LLL ne S1inkness of the off-theface hats for i tablespoons hot milk or eream, | fool, fea Our New Fall Lina of Conte and Dresses nt the FASHION SHOPPE #4 simroe Ni, Routh Inthe absence of the president, The treasurer's report was read dren, Mrs, Ames Hartman Is thé the honuet turban growing more protily in motion, A narrow novels | al at one time, then the butter | (nto the oven when you hake fruit For Indigestion! p ¢ om} } f WORBRATY, g the Heme and Rohool Gounoll met Mensngos had heen received hy In spite of the aot thal WARY Design No, 741 comes In sixes | Ve added If necessary around the adres : alongs 1% cups confectioner's sugar terplete for your table if you plant Mrs, Be B. MoLaughling the ehair [ and tha meeting closed after the sky fashions Paul Caret has » uf bodies that lenuthens the sills allel Worker in this ine, thoukh papular eapecially for wivle and | {y Lalga, wreen and sald silk pelt | and flavoring and beat until esol | onke oF vie that has to hake a long Ther ine y 4 0 --- Wii | hi feels had on Tuesday, November 10th, There | the prineipals of the schools for aviateines fly in ordinary clothes, 10, 48, 80 years, #4, B/. 40 and 48 hiv] YH omach Jeels lis ek y {Jiao im, MW 1 i stunning costume In deep blue with For real practical wear, ohoode domi yolke oolored follage plants aap the fh ih ETE im NA " Waa deatded upon, t . An inching Auvinh now [B10 S00 (1 Pb pa | Uitte, and aden of, poiuted| | enatoon ite | yr WOMEN'S MEETINGS that the oalder days are Bere, Wan (ome tn at least 84 v pisties, with trasimont of sides of skirt with 1 tasapoon flavoring, Prevent Bum the work for the needy sehoel ehil A ' finely kitted plaits that flutter so Hift the sugar and add the milk It you put a little pan of water on er u HOME AND ROHOOL COUNCEL | rho ladies during the past veaps | THUNE Matrons indleates higher whistiine, a |More milk may be added If neces | time, It Will kesp the food from The regular monthly mesting of | have heen strong supporters, HKY FARHIONN youthful new important detall sary, Ung squire of chocolate WAY | burning And from getting too hard was & good number of ladies pres: | donations for the ear schools of toDped by coveralls, PAFIN 00min es inohes bust, You'll Hind it an ox Burnt Almond leing Floml Conterploce ou feel' UPADIS=A All ent, Northern Ontario te make aviation cosbimen ad dellent dress for general 000s Wooup butter You ean have a lovely oval oens War Magnesia wil vssutunied hy Mrs, Colpus, fest | roll eal The next meeting will fenther-welght woolen, op plaln ov We ooup nimonds centers nipped out and they will im ® LURE military eollar bound tn White wool Cream the butter, add the sugar | arow In oval shaps, most ALtrags | Je Most Shatinate W president, he held on Desembar 17h Instead boat printed kashmiv wool jordey, | | ow : lie meeting was Shened b) ves | oF the usual date val DARK GRKRN A orope satin will make up |end the ex yolks, Hpread on the [tive ---- 0 8 neapons ve w Kr cpting the Lord's Prayer In unl ' ) u Wf nia | ' e A =e ply hy Hain the tWo sur i rr _----__ Fe --. Miss Thelma Kalsey read the | HONPITAL AUNITIARY A dark presn evening gown of | (noes, The deep pointed seotion of sutras ww minutes of the Oetober meeting I'he regular wonthly meeting |iarfora haw a triple peplum with | bodies, collar, tie and plaited side ig, Oalpus spoke of the shecesss (of the Hospital Women's Auxiliary |yaey Jong skit falling out from | sections of skirt oan be out from ul supper prepared fop the Pads | was held af the Nurses' Residenes [under the lowest one, Tt has althe dull surface, with the remain Hehaol rugby teat of Bt, Oaths fon Monday afternoon In the abs lgingle, huge emerald and diamond | ine parts cut from the shiny sur nos, held in Rotary Hall three [sence of the président and viee shoulder pin thes, which provides interesting PTR RRA RA GS Sa 1 Ee) oontrast PUTTY COLON ' Bheer plain and printed velvet, Putty coloved satin, IAL OPORR, | sii crane and canton crepe AINe georgette and washable slike fash. | 0 Y fon some of the fewest meparate | potas price 20 conts, In stamps blouses, This color 16 considered | coin (obin 18 proféreed) Wrap exoellent for wear with wine ved®, | coin carcfully the deep, penetrating mresns and Wa suggest that when you send the unusun purply shades of the | (uy pattern, you encloses 10 cents { winter season, additional for a copy of aur new IVORY MORE Fall and Winter Fashion Magas Ine, Ohie and youthful is a new vary 4 moles dance frook with a fr tree | sihouette; that Is, three tiers, all PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Having but all posed upon a (| fe The Oshawa Daily Thos Patter atralght line foundation, Tt would | Department, Oshawa, Oni, take 8 youn irl te. wear this | freioaed find 4, Bele frock, but It 1s eharming on her, | Feast aend parierna Niisd Deki i ARAN ARRAN IY + Ne " Tita] Monogrammed Nags ) S80 (inane MOROEPAIME Are AMart as oan be TLL i" AEE Cen on new bags, The ohle thing Is \0 WALI PRE have tiny initials, slmple as oan be | TTT pana but sguarish of oval In design, on Address nnn Lnanny Plano the handle or strap or fastening, [| 8 nmin Manufacturers either fh silver, or wold. Ona binck || LEENA ssi -- a since 1849 The will me Living Room Model is §hpe 4% ohilit Chinthe bay ha Y=] Gaim Winn sein sarsiully, particular to meet the |] aw hv ern netructi | ond oder tend A small h oo e or ape ment, yet retaining all the Maoufagturers points that have been an Conalatoniiy also of the built into our Instruments for famous elghty years, \ WILLIAMS Supgr-Llectric Built Radios hon lod Nationally Priced at BASSETT:S Plus Transportation LLIAMS PIANO 5 Before decidi iano, see lo Williams 4 esas Model. Vou wil be war design, finish i, i Lolita 1 and WILLIAMS PIANO CO. LTD. Oshawa Canada THE JOHNS PIANO § This chmvming felt hat pn Hae at the back with side 80 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA hue tone in fram the honse af Jos ette Carrere, Paris, Note the very BASSETT' S «On Oshawa's Main Corner'

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