Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, Miss Hard-Boiled BY JANE DIXON Iustrated by Armstrong Perry What Has Gone Belovs i Nolo haltBpanish and foun, Hoa trom a danert Ari te New York, e hesuty sttactn po bor Bn of the famaus Al AA XA of, Who angayes hey as Paris fashions, Hhe Sls on the ie alone do Visnce sis pihor model, Groin Tosak, a siun- nink blonde, as a companion, They ard ta dlaplay Courhel gowns throughout the trip, The moming ster sailing, they appear on deck, Chapter 88 Raquel and Greta oireled the slip wien, The alr was bracing, As if one nad dipped fute (he corrugated grAYvesE of the ocean through which the liner was cutting a foamy farmmw, "1 think I've walked enough" Raguel suggested, Grane watehed hey with sional eyes, AWhAL'S the matter, old dear!" she asked, "Don't tell me you're going to be sesnlok,' -- don't know, I feel "ly fonthiny duster! you ean't 16f 14 get you,' YParhaps If 1 went th my roam anf ay down a while," NOI In dalng, If you ones 0 down, you'll he there for the ves of the trip" "Maybe the dlgsines will pass "¥a8, mayhe, No use telling you te make up 'your mind you won't profes kind of ne siak, JU'8 a 10k of hinney, petting | yourself agalnsl 11, The last man who BAYS m6 WHAL alory EOL A le man aiween the eyes," hat do you thing I'd hatter Ant' 16 was getting move Alftieult for Raquel to keap hep feet Via pight on up farwiard and park yourself In your deckeelialr Alphonsa has our ehafry out where we OAR mel the mun, when we passed,' Grats hurried fenk, "Hera we are, Naw you I hank, and don't 190k at the water Thats fatal, Juat sort of elosa your ares. and liesp apiet, I'll get you ame champagne," Oh, no, 1 don't Pane" f pourae, ¥au Aden't want But you've mat ta dAvink It just the sama, TUS tha nearest thing ta a sure there fs, Tl get some fram the har," Ohadiontly Raquel sank Into the hey along the wan! onate TL wan a yeolining ehalr Fixed | with blankets that Greta tucked around her, Ahavae her head, In a mal Wmatal snuare, WAR tha nama Aol, Aquel Rajos was strptehed tn a _ ning ehale on the deck af the Glintra de France going to Paris! ™ LULL A revived hey Oh boy," Greta valntoed, "You 'spond, 10 the tment ke yo! » PYAR Fd Pidw's | Wi pou?' Wel nodded gratefully Alphonse found Fhem there, Bike ing Iw the sunshine, Ha had ar ranged a tabla for threes in thadin 1] Alon, People Pasaed, ama brlakly, others atvalling, Raqual notioed seve a LAS SRE MaR-=wAlKInE hack and forth, Ostensibly fatent on thelr WOTRINE eonatitutionals, In reality APPPRIRIng hey and Greta with gles! thy eyes, Yiaak aut for the Big Parade" Greta whispered ta her, "It's pol posed already, It dosen't take these bimbo 10nE 10 apot & eouple aflive Aumbars,' "Rig Parade?" YURhuh, Refare lang you'll see . 0 00 ARID ani pe eying Lo wel uatnted LA what hh ane he AUEAr daddy with the hagsy PARLE, ARd Mistep Nitty with the wolf makeup, ARE he the oule oanningalub kidt" "They might Keep their ayes to themasives," Raauel anservad with {ust that towel of hauteur that hes came har moat, Alphonse ohuokled, He hoa at RN im si, a an te Wy Ady Em dumb Man! \ i Raquel ts vlan said Alphonse, "Thos fli have All the Maesse of a Tox hat 1 inks 10 steal a Rite nol of grapes hy havik Ing at 14 AL youn hung -- a walkie Man had ! saw them | iy, mon petite Taguel, Ons san nol hiswme them," How shout met Vm hare Log, sid Gets, Yridiing, Alphonse shook his head, ing nl Grelp guleeloally, Yon wre oa pialure, Grete, he suid, "But a pletnee ona Lag seen hetovse, Mademoiselle Rugnel 1% different, Bhs 18 something new In heiniies,' YWall, I Hike that," powted Greta, But Raguel knew she wis not of fended, Greta's wisn ayes, OF what they aeeusing hav? Alphonse an nounced he would continue Wig walk, A young man with thick glasses and a spare frames had seltied Wim self In the ehalr next to Haniel "Mast my (riend the professor,' wilspared Grern, nevoss Alphonse's amply ehale, "Iook whet 1 dew No one bint sugar daddy with the haggy pants, Wouldn't you know iy Hague! deoweed In the sunshine Tha diesiness Wis Fane, A lew winks and she'd he fresh ns she awnkened ta the tough Alphanea's hinnd YEE you are stendy now, 10 14 well you make veady for lunehean," he sald kindly Hay," (vein stealght through sintl nt you slap! nal I've sally fhe _ . . BE Rs rt BF GLHEY DREBBHESTE Blaven a'slosk, to 1ative now," "IVs Madame any on the COHEN E Hlup's halle "You might 1s WUgReniad Alphonse nineties Hugusl's firs! Heh Hub nat mine hit Lhe dawny aid (0g dive ta do," RemMnhe Your promise "Like u lamb in un fifty" Aohanse Toft Raguel at tha dope of the sulte, Kissed hey hand win Wis graosful gallantry, Thare was something ahout the eles Why vas I reminded: ley that niuhit on the sides of town Hevmosh, daok Varrell and she viding Inte the degert Gvetn sald, "You I've gol nu. are ta hehave Honest, Bie Aown nl al iti fuel Chapter 86 Veam the depths of 4 slesp ine duend hy son wiv snd an wnwonted sing of peourity Buaguel awoke with Wott Her room was Hooded with Hight, Geatn, pevehed an the side of hey had, was shaking hey migohiovaus 1) fopela you tame 1a hend nigied, "I've Vive ton goad tn keep I Enl nave no gauld he, bo an the ship?" ham "Raddy was on all fours hunting HOWha # fami wiriaum | Ing that | | Aen INN ne not BY We ou met thea nraml Hamumber, train hehiave, 1 hn phinnse "yy im keap 1, 1 won't #0 1's vikihle 0 Honest, Gama on an the warspaint,! YYen tala this advlued, Uflug a salt fiuted fram Hao PH ostiok to the thus, | harness yall, Rive ) fo 1 sould antehing you that Tike Vil e=anit would eateh Whe al Gosh, yan warned good man uly " 19h Phe naked o Huguel, fous BPAY | CLA WEA hu ele Wik Aipho iH me Ite hey were resh their this in th ining 10 abl ved oarpations and frail white ones Hie Makes af annoy Yau Hye ald Greta, Ww UYU ean Ati eat AR meY Be flaw a Nn ng Rague! Mat sottlon old man ma Hatora dinner Hi mel FP AWHILE Re Buen ne ware ama ela Ou" Raan anid U1 oean'y awiin YHan't Ww 1 { YPheae ale nak thal ng sults, What | ave Not sei aatng, They are ta look at, nat to dip tn, Bar a veal awlmad £0 10 the pent about mid theri's Whoopee tn make Radin a mermaid ma hrans) POALUIES TIKO tangled sspwaed, Raquel In a dinnes gawe of | white velvet with opal tints in ts ustedue depths, Kind of hath mean, 1 \ " CLI SE PY Whit sho Wels 1h pel Aho Eel A MAR Bo Wha ta that het, Wonder (hit pid pation mE, nat to Took at her Bae Were | | | | | hk ahh when | 1] Had Vay uid nat WiWne 111] RNY hed IL nok poodle ahd UE AunLe PYREY HOw t weake i 1 Toy YOU Teer! Yi didn't think 1a IY WY Rutt an Wh Prines of Wales dill yon? Welly anyway yoyan'd Tene 1 Bok 8 talking with this { dod il ha thous 1 tn th) ITTATRE 8 UTTER deel and Foi say B81 sald 1d have to onel on heavier win. DIE yon egme In? 1 didn's hear You No deavle, YOu were y! the arma af Morphine, ap whdevay it Van know 1hgt sig of Vrenoh pearis 1 ware? "Pha Bes that ge Fwith this dress? Well, 1 took them I ANd put an AR ald sting of wy awn, Cost oma al ten cents, hws ove 1 ar nol, With # fake emerald {olasi on Baran could tell waa PRORY tan th Hove's the pins emamig, frets hald Hpned hand [When wa gal to a dark part of | the Mp sha went an Haley daddy had tiled 1a eneirole wy LapIptolike waist, 1 loosened the [olARp and the pails Tell an the desk PL ploked them un, and YOu aught ta { RS hoard mie haw aia Was § | 5 Who | Na: Dawn hes Lopviad 8 ant with fore 1 went haek Paddy was an all fon (1 hy ht Pays that wi | Ab Balonged | fwonidn's Hale Ye thats WUE ead Thee wy Lela Alphansee {| TY fiRventaned fa eal th have the in sapehod, That daddy w i | Bat why, 10 he ot oat h nie HUEY loa off fliis aut a dainty pink fhe fake am nw NOY Arassen A Had THe be WIR Wy Wham hg oe Ahi We A iE helms Vet hey and } Hote Wi af Wa am ; Whe HT hoaght you'd WER Wo ARae! [Rat B AN Wi \ VNR AE wew Hat ald donde' LER tHe § | a \ ha home to the family, de yoni! | "What did you det" i "tb wept, Uo, ly Bo asdf dug, He sake s how Ph wis worth, , and I ssid 1 didn't know, hut the Jeweler ssid several liundrad dollars, He gave we thess Witla tokens, and made me promise wouldn't tell, but se and have fhe omer i the minute 1 go a arty, ( Aon oh Visa, the balls re ringing' Greta warhied a sastch from » gaping thine, "I hel he's up thers right naw, seraping the les seuppers Loy sme srilin, Hut if he finds suber" Baqusl sald fanrfully, "Lat him, What de T sara? He CAN'L dn anything about 1, san he? Nat with mama ready ta trim aff Wig whiskers, And Vvs got ths the money," WNT TR TE "Ake taking candy from Sabiss, Bure, Beives him right, What de yau Hgire ha wan trying to (ake wnenking his arms around my waist? You don't think he was try: ing to keep me from falling ova: honed, do yout" Manuel ald not answar, What wan thers to say? wis vight, Men toak what caulg get, "He might sompiain ta the cap: tain of the ship,' she said wearily, UNot a ohanes, Asarie, not » chances, 1 know his kind, Ohist pinta-paaser af the ehureh In Oskaloosa,' TIE Monsieur he'd ha upset," UHe'd throw a tit, Se don't you upset him, dearis, You just forget i, You wouldn't teller "OE aoures not' nid Greta think lind, an informer, like Idly In Kono, Jou's plaea? An Informer Wikh lower thal an animal, & erawlh Ing thing EMAL tale you fey a saeak," anid Greta, laughing again, "Let's gount 'am, One, two hundreds, A titty, Five tons, Look at the five spats, and the lonssome Annie Pour hiyndreg and niusty-nine dels larn, The tightwadl' YPaur hundred and dollars! That's sn lob Grain," 1 What kind of sn sme ald does he think 1 ean web with that? Uva got a good notion to go up and start avying all over again" Despite hey aoncern about what might ha (the result of CGrata's ae aulsitive nature, Raquel sould not helo Inushing at the threat svaked Paar winstysnine," grumbled the lnnoeentlnoking Greta, shake ing her hah, "Hounds Hke bargain day In Btaey's hasement, Four ninetysnine, marked gown fram five Wall anyway, he tanned Hague! ruefully, "He squsndarsd ia the Riles resture Great they Alphonse lkinsw, she wig that ninety-nine of money, saved a del 1a "yy that an dinney wit Are ta huy any VERY BOing melhing==a Iawslsd alnape with the money? Haqusl saked, tn know why Greta had tak furinus GIVEN AWA' FREE A Dainty LOOSE POWDER VANITY COMPACT With Every 506 Packet Day Dream Face Powder AT KARN'S Drug Store NPEXY P.O, PHONE MH WE DWIAVER on the viel of being heanded as an foe BAM © gning ta huy samething lod Ceata, "PH say 1 am, ¥ will wow of a party the minutes in Paris, The gand time id In Parle on four ninety nohiody's business, helleve Hie hiy one Wa aat Toast in he Wine Is ma" MaYhn you aught ta save at lonst part of Hew Have for what? Lifa 1a darn hott, dearie, dears, aspsoially tha Hood part of 1 Yeu've got 10 make hay while the sun shines, And |) ame some Hite haysmaker," UIC must he nies te have youl awn money thoush" What fun Ix there In having money? ALL the fun fg In getting i urd tn getting vid of 1, 1 haven't fntahed with ald Baggy pants ya! not by a long shot, Mayhe you's Hho to take a whirl at him, ol dear," Hague! shook her head Ewmoafrald Pd make 8 fallure \ sald Jokingly, and paused Why was she adopting this holler thnnsthoun attitude with Greta! Hadn't she done the same thing AuE' with BEL Johnson? The ten MOM alone house on the sdge 0 town, The wedding trip to Bn Franoisen, The "loan" fram Farrell The trip on the train ta Pheenls when she had schemed not to pay the sandnetoy Wanld she came, aveantually, ts ho Jike Greta? Getting things ow! af peapla tar the mere apart of the game? No, Bh must not be like that TE was ohead; 10 wet a few dollan that way, Bho sould sarn them Theva were other things, heauty, BUe0aRs, HAL 10 ha baught with de! lars, Thess aha must win, (1 Pe Continued) ¢ DISARMANENT WILL AFFECT WORKERS Magazine Volcey Other Side | of Naval Reduction Negotiations ) Ris V0 TRL The ha dat Wav an ALORS WAN WAR A Slr ir contly by the wm Ah ne | pag Warld, tn og ng "un Ah danger OF noes Th Sh he | went thraug Tedaeiion of naval Topeah, "he greater the sucess of | wing fv hawt eA 4 00 | the igen the at eA RN * oli he URL) ra, We W LN wae h will aw i) 14 net on {TOWN te N > * fn Wie | WAH poleny Ney | WY Wind vind Ry not pt Rb when A poling of naval reduction ia pun wold COMmanaing an the seals of tha Poitieh Navy, whieh has anahlod | APPPARER to mass production of | sat sngines We adliania oy Wy sontinueds "In view of Lhe Ham B, Bhearey inquiry tn Wash mgton this In dellogta subject, but there has heen no suggestion here of propaganda hy ship hulldors and un makers In favor of un wirons ritish flees! hey have remained silent though they and thely work ars have heen victimes of the Him! tations movemen! wil Re MINER 1929 PAGE SEVEN MANY UNEMPLOYED More Out of Work Now Than During Same Period Last Year Montres!, 1 19+ The coming Winey promise ta UT i bu y ons 1a the employment ugencles, weeording to V, BK, Clarke, manager of the Vio tastant Bureau, Work 18 not easy 10 find at the present time, and Is Hikely to hesome uch more scarce during the montl "Although more men wre working today than dur My previous sin War period," he sid, "thers 1s more unemployment than there wis lust yer, The gratin tiecup will he re sponsible for considerable winter dis tress ay men who formerly made ifelent throngh overtime work In the fall to eprry thew through he winter have heen working short tin this year," My, Clarke went on to say that the veduetion wn hands which is at present taking place Is customary at this time of the ear, hut that W appears to be heavier than during the past yeu From the eharts kept by the festunt Fmployment Bureau nemp) has ol fw ul wl } OY Conning si or so Pri wine who YE Ie Clark b yinent Hi 7] from M eli rep t 1 hy My of cond oie ginher 7, sl | HIT whom 208 were lahore vh mnke no eal I y } then ITT IN MONTREAL FACE RIGOR OF WINTER § 118 Tacing tinted Make Your Hens Lay Feed SUNBEAM or FUL"O'PEP EGG MASH Along with our Scratch Grains Cod Liver Oil -- $1.60 per gal. Pratt's Regulator and All Paultry Supplies use "Black Leaf 40" for killing Lice and Mites Cooper-Smith Co Phone 8 16 Celinx SOL LRG I] J HEHE of MIE RO 0 | oon (her | which hin, hlen [I TI Ihe A min i 1 BOING cured | he | V 0] Be Chureh | | | IT HT I the ture of une i" HL fay lishing whe Gone fron Hg on Legg ng of the familly ure thrimigh then testants through the | employment Heliet Commit! | ( the rand the others through thei | and ehure fell I ml "ul em onl l IT, Clarke [4] "i different Y cenbral re had! Magn ions needed man, however, 1s EE. Li Smartly Shod! NY woman Is smartly) shod when wearing Miner Shusetton, Coming in different styles and oo- lours, Miner Shusottes are chosen by woll-groomed | women, not only because they keep the feet warm | and dry, but also because they aro so distinotive | appearance, Ask your dealer for them by name, THE MINER HUBBER CO, LIMITED. The "PRINCESS Made of Jersey cloth, on) wloveditting laste for Cus ban or high heels, Fanoy wot Haine Four dome fasteners, Light weight, She

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