Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1929, p. 2

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"The Whitby Advertising, wabseriptions and Daily Times news will ho pecelved at the Whichy Branch Office, at Gagetts and Ohrontele /Eelephonn BwAlter Business pie "Phone BM), REPRESENT ATIVE-~JAMES H, ORMISTON WOMENS INSTITUTE} PLANNED WORK: Delegates Named for Con: 'vention--Give Christias Tree for Aged People ---- + the Central alum, sh En fo prt ing far the annual hristinas tres at the County Joing for the aged; a fasision to pl wu i A the thy Memoapigl on Bun wy fhe ay wf Aart " Whit to yo Femerph grace thelr fallen heroes; an nal Mh, ments for eatering 4 ho Chg! hr af Commerce inner Id on | avening, constituled fr of the busi ness ak a well atended meeting of the Yoeal branch of the Women's Ins alitute in the he Dibgary on Wednesday afternoon, Desmond, presis dent, wis Ly the chair, and keen in: terest wis manifested in the different iems of husiness, The delegptes sels eleeted were Miss Tda Mel.ellan, sees ary and Miss Maud Annes, and in Pearla Luke as substitute The program was in eharge of Miss Annes, wha give an Interesting nd POWDER COMPACT With a 50¢ box of Day Dream | Face Powder KARN"S Drug Store Next ¥, 0, Phone #78 | he led hy Deputy -reeve Ed instrustive talk, Her leek which the of & report on the res Mite # "hook week," showed £ greater interest Ia being taken in fea n literature, Bhe alin read bi Joes hy {mes Cy Binger, whase me der wis Miss Helen John son, wn former Whitby i The title wh he POEs Jeng A Jn Trees," wmn Fads" and Clouds! I ape these a ful poems, itis {i thit H Singer is hownd 1a hecome ane " ¥ outstands ing Cangdian authors, Wiss Annes fine pi Wh brought a yery profits able meeting to a elose, Rt dali iit LUNCHEON TONIGHT FIRST OF - SEASON Chamber "of Commerce Looks for Large At: tendance r-------- Plans are eomplete for the first luncheon of the season to he held under Whithy Chamber of Commerce spices in the Counell Chamber this (Friday) evening, 'Viekets have sold freely and the executive expects an extri large attendance I'he speaker, Major Wood, of Lone don, wil bring ta the luncheon @ "Ub worth while message on eommunity bullding, The luncheon starts at 6,30 and should be aver hy eight o'eloek, Mayor Dudley will formally pre sent, on hehalf of the Royal Canadian Humane Society, # certifieate for life saving ta Jaek Wile mn 8 Whithy hay, here will he bright eommunity singing from geod song sheets, with Miss athleen Leask, AT.CM, of the College, at the plano, Ringing will Howman he secretary will have one or twe mpoartant announcements ta make President RA, Hutehlson will fl preside at the luncheon and will in tiaduece the speaker, WHITBY PEOPLE AT BIG BANQUET Were Guests of the Oshawa |! Chamber of Commerce at Royal York Acgepting a ind invitation fram the Oshawa Chamber of Camere, ; Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records Fox Trot, Record No, 41001 Painting Am | Record Ne, 41027 Lleedre 12/0 ris | Moanin' Low | the Clouds With Sunshine From ung Peture "The Gold Dig of Broadway" Apex Record, No, itil From the Motion Ploture ¢On With The show" Fox Trot Apex Record No. 8810, Bong Record, No, 8800, Tip Toe Thru' the Tulips With Me From the ploture Wihe Gall hi re of RAroadway" Apex Reeord, No FY I'm Just a Vagabond Lover Fox Trot Record No, 8865, Song Record No, #089, Little B xia by. 41097 Piccolo Pete Wear the new TARY Hong Record, No, 41088 Blue Little I Tonogr 1p THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, as NT NL. DH [A ET ------ i $35 to $50 No need to, several members of the Whithy Chamber attended the banquet tend ured to the Ontario Associated Boards af Trade and Chambers of Commer an the ceeasion of the eighteenth an nual meeting, by the Oshawa Cham her of Commerce in the Royal York Hotel Thursday evening, The tip 10 the elty was nade in one of Colla outs new busses, specially charter od he hanguet was an elaborate al fair, the ghicl speaker being the Hon Wilt Finlayson, KC, minister of ands and Fopests in the Ontario EE pe -- mm LOOK FOR THE SOCIRTY BRAND LABEL IN THE POCKET "As though he'd stepped out of a band-box." HERE are certain men of your acquaintance who always look that way , , » well-groomed, smart, immaculate , , , no matter when or where you meet them, Perhaps you have envied them? Simply do as they are dong 'oo WORE Society Brand Clothes , fine fabrics, correct cur, skilled tal: loring and the reputation of thelr maker for the utmost in value JOHNSTON'S Simeoe 8t, North IVS THE QUT OF YOUR CLOTHES THAT COUNTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 wy , famed for Claverment, whe spoke lwgely on the resources of New Ontario, Whit hy delegates were pleased that the enterprise of. the Oshawa Chambey providing the banguel was sultiahly aoknowledged not only by the minis ter hut by the Association effieers wha spoke George WW, MeLanghlin, presides of the Oshawa Chanher, Among those attending the hanguet frou here were president ®, A, Hui ehinsan, seeretary 1, H, Ormiston, | I, Melntyre, Heeve J, M, Ken . Browning, F, 1, Heseraft, WW, A Holliday and J, M, Hieks Bowmanville Daily Times A. a News, advertising and subscriptions will be received al the Bowmanville Ofce of The Times. [elephones==Othge, B87, REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK HOUSEBREAKING I§ CHARGED AGAINST ~ BOWMANVILLE BOY a --_-- Walter Wilson, Former Resident, Is Held by Police | at Long Branch In well Walter Wilson, who holng a known in Bowmanville, armer resident of the tawn, and who resides at 180 Dalsay Avenue, Long Draneh, was arrested this | waek and was oharged with house hreaking and theft of $16 from » vesidant of Weatdale, Wihaon, whe ln 28 years of age, generally wears a uniform of the Canada Steamship | Lines and olatms (0 he a sueoesstul applicant for the Oakville poliee fares, The seoused will appear in pollee eaurt today, Wilson han heen very obliging toward the poliee this last week On Thursday when detectives in vestigated the housebreaking, he was standing outside the house an Cline Ave, and gave a plausible wplanation of hig presence, Later some flaws wera found In his story wd twa detectives searehed for thy halanee of the weak without sues wad, Barly Saturday Wilson phan: od from Rurlington that 4 youlhs had a rifle In thelr ear and were aoting puapitiavely, That evening he read af their arrest and wavly Sunday morning he walked tata the detective afien ta tnguire Abani the ote, Ha wan questioned and promptly placed under arvest, Read cc SR aad SE APPLICANTS FOR TOWN cf CONSTABLE hoon to No of olored today, and this mornin Shere were in the hands of the olerk, seven af these whieh Mi be sonsidered at the The of consta wmanvilte | between Bowmanville and Oshawa an the night of the theft, he threw [Out oF the oar a dootor's hag whieh [contained [Oddfellows some valuable Instvn melita auked to communionts immediate Fly with Chief Venton, whe will In turn get In tone with the Peter hoaraugh authorities, FOUNDRY IN FIRST PLAGE IN BOWLING Lose Position and Slip to Fourth Place The Town League howling at Martyn's alloys eontinue ta attrae! Inge orowda each week, and more Interest 1s being taken In the spon hig year than Ih any year alnes it was Intraduosd Inte Hawmanville Owing to Monday helng 4 hollday the Goodyear league did aol haw! thin week, hut the sohedule will he Monday, November 18th Opera Howse, Bowmanville Under the ausplees of Loyal ¥ Tene Blues, | | TOM MACHUEF COPELAND | | Workih renowned singer, actor | i AR enteriatnen, | RERERVED ABATH ,... 800 | RURH BEATS \\0vo00es B80 or ¢ A Delghttul Broakiast Food ANY person finding (this is Premier | | continued next Monae, The stand Ings In the town leagus have elang 6d ship | thin, week, with ihe ( i HT osing Hirst place tn the Voundry and going haok to 4th plas, The present standings hve an follows; Taam Vy Faunary uv own w 18 Canotilih swr ssammmmme 14 FORNBOR wen v0 1 rome $8 OAMENOWE wamint 1am 18 Ing BE 1, suns 10 vn 19 Hunners anit 1 mom 1 I'raining Hohoo! wi is Hh 4 HO0BYRRY 1 sim f W Th tition high bora for the week, who will veeslva prises, are Targa KUL, Blemon B14, Johnson Wid, Maviyn B00, Covden BOO, Nay WwW L Vis HAS ¥ i1 41 h1 7 I I ] ff # 7 TRI IpnD lov B04, Beymour 250, Colwell 466, | since he ontered Knight 48%, Hobbs 274, Moore | 874, Roenigk 474, Brough 878, Os horus 471, Coawle 264, COLMAN FILM BASED ON FAMOUS THRILLER Backed with wn Impressive ohm and uw pepuiation ax one of Lhe veatast melodramas of all Hime no hath hook and dvamn form Uiullang Drummond' comes to the Kegout Theatre for a three day AIEREAMENL commMBREINE tomorrow {Hatuvdny) matinee a8 Ronald Colman'n second Individual stars Ving pletuve and his Nest opportun Hy to play & Bening eéomedy role American pis Bumusl doldwyn, produces of "Bulldog Drsmmona," deter: mined Just year on securing this ramos viage thelller for Wis male way and fnally won out over the arnesl, competition of two of the ITRGRL producing arganigations in Hollywaid, Hupporiing Wanald Colman In hig vole of the young demobilised British army officer hungry Loy ndventure nnd bi are Jom Livres, Hanna, Monts gu va, LAlvan Tasthiman, Claude Ler, ' renee Grant and other names of Wi rank in maoviedom, "Bulldog pimmond' marks the Orsk_ 6p pearance on the screen ohn Bennett, daughter of Richard Ben neil, and un well known sake wor a. ---------- a ul tt At Leena 1 her own right, ¥, Richare donen, wha came prominently Ini publle notles an the director of "ha Geueha" tor Douglsg Valr nhnkn, wielded the megaphone fn "Bulldog Dummond ' from a weripl prepared hy Wallace Bmith . weanaring The Mong of "Bulldog Pram mond,' ten hy "Bapper,/t 1 already familiar to thousands, 1 puts Ite hero Into a flares strugil with a gang of eriminnle whose methods of procedure Bra hased on the Hendigh torturing ability of Dr, Lmkington, n physician who ds Hghts In Infiieting pain, Tha coms nation of these sinister elements with the love story of Drummond's FOMAREE » ---- SATURDAY 59S DAY AT DEWLAND'S To You Can So Can Save Money by Shopping at "this Store on Saturday Viure your dollar will do double duty, Ladies' Silk Risomers Peach, Pink, Nile. 2 Pairs 985¢ 100 Yards Georgette Crepe, Assorted Shades, 98¢ yd 36" Brocaded Linings, Suitable for Fancy Work, 98e yd Lingerie Crepes, plain shades and printed 4 yards 98e¢ Girl's FELT and VELVET Girl's Black SATEEN BLOOMERS Girl's White Fleece-Lined Bloomers n SL] $-¢ HATS Juvenile Se. 3 prs 95¢ 3 prs 95¢ Children's Wool Pullover Leggings RedGreyCame @8§@ pr Boy's Black Ribbad UNION HOSE, LADIES' ART SILK HOSE, Superfine Lingerie, Regular $1.25 and $1.75 at 9H Gm' Watson's A 3 pairs _-- ,,--, , 2 pairs 9§¢ for Ladies' Silk Hose A BC Substandards of $1 Quality 2s 95¢€ BOY'S WOOL GOLF HOSE Assortment of Neckwear, Scarfs, Purses, Beads etc. Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, $1. 25 Quality, per pair 9§¢ OE a ------ EE 39c&69c Quality, B® pr A pairs Hie dhe 95¢ English Cashmere HOSE, Fall Shades, all Sizes 98¢€ pair hh hess Christmas Gift Handkerchiefs, 3 ina box, & boxes for 98 Stamped Pillow Cases, Fine Quality, Hemstitched 9§€ pair Men's Wool and Fine Silk and Wool SOX, & pair 98¢ Brocaded Table Runners, New Designs Reg. $1.49 for 9§e 27 inch Colored Velveteens, Reg. $1.25 Quality 98¢ yd TR Horrockses Sheeting, 80 in. wide Best Quality Reg. $1.25 $6 yd kHorrockses Sheeting, 63 in. wide Linen Finish ---- » 98eyd Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion o---- "oa mueh acid® in the stemach causes nearly ninetenths of the wis ary Tom gas, sourness and hg 4 tion from Which $0 MARY people Tor An aid stomach a {ing alkaline Nike Riswrated _---- HO newt blse its excess ackl, keep ita 0d Contents Sweet And Perit woes mal pales digestion marted Masaesiv= powder oF tabletie=ia the eal way of treating acid stomach troubles, 11 3 handy to wee, always "Horrockses Circular Pillow Cotton, Best Quality 40x42 in B ws 9§C All Wool Santoy and Wool Crepes, Reg, $1.50 yd jor 985€ 33 & 36 inch White & Striped Flannelettes 4 yards 9§¢ W. A. DEWLAND, Ltd CANN {| J Cl nag Wilson & Lee Simgoe St, North The Sun Record On, Tarente, Oat. Deaters Rvorywhere, Complete Stock of Apex Blactrophunic Records A on Hand _HARRIS MUSIC SHOP tthe sennell, whieh! eA eat TOR and i ¥ a TEAR To Hydro INSTRUMENTS OF MUCH VALUE LOST UH Detective Meagher, of the Pete haraush Patica Department, was in OW Yesterday on the way Baek 0 fale, and gives almost instant velied that olty with & prisoner whe had [or dengasts overvwhere will vetuen SIONS A AOAIATY CAT same Faw Aas Hits sw M) Cast sod hy thousands age. When the man was driving {vers day the world eves, al

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