Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929 a lbs Miss Hard-Boiled fllustrated by Armstrong Perry 'What Mas Gone Before Raquel Nojos, halt Spanish and fislt-Amerienn, goes from the desert Lown of Mermosa, Arizons, to New York, where her exotia beauty at- tracts the attention of the famous Alphonse Courbet, who engages her a8 uo model, Mer first appearance is at a private showing of gowns fo the Park Avenues home of Mrs, Migworth Bogart, a specter of font beauty, who lives in a paintel brugele to regain her y outh, Her liusband is a pink and white young man who flatteringly suggests that Tlaquel and Mrs, Bosart, whom he oalls ""Bopnle,'" are the same type of beauty, He proposes that Naquel be invited to a debutante ball that Mrs, Bosart is giving, The plan Is to Introduce Maquel as a Spanish princess, On the night of the ball, Ruquel ang her hostess appear In magnificent gowns of the same de- ign, Maquel's is edlver and Mra, osurt's gold, Chapter 10 Raquel felt as If sho were float. fry down a long flower-banked aisle, heavy with perfume, Haster in the church at Hermosa, Faint taraway muale, Sister Concepcion playing... Tiare was a pressure against her arm, Mer head was flung up with the qulok motion of a thoroughbred soenting the race, The aisle wes a wide hall, testooned with roses, Red and pink roses, The alr was heavy with them, and with a subtle fra- granoe she did Mt know, It made Yer allghtly giddy. Musle, from & tong way off, The strum of some {nelnuating siringeq Instrument, like & purse-beat, The chafing of sticks against serrated edges of dried gourds, Munsie that reminded her of Keno Joe's cabaret in her homa town, She wan passing white blurs of faces, That night.olub where she onoe danced the tango, No, A fairy palace, She was in a fairy palace, on the arm of a pink man, At the other side of the pink man walked fier apacter, The specter smiled, wagged itd head at the white blur BY JANE DIXON "Do not Le frightened, Princess," you side," a' ] Elsworth sald, "1 shall not leave but with you to guide me, 1 feel I can do anything." "You are a nleo child, ma petite, Yoti are clever, and you have grat ftude, There are many who are clover, Dut gratitude, that is Indeed rare, Depeclally fn the young" They glided Into the tango, Al phonse surprised her by being a dancer at once smooth and yet vitally allve, He felt the spirit of the dance, was a harmonious note in the rhythm of the muale, Let them stare, white faces over black shoulders, darker faces over white shoulders, She was with Alphonse, who had given her beauty, and she was safe, The d nce was finished, Bho was porry, She would like It to go on Indefinitely, Forever... .perhaps, Out Into the rose.garlanded hall, Men were following them, Clamor- ved faces, . "Pa not be trightenad, Princess" glaworth sald, bringing his whiff ot a pink mustache uncomfortably plone to her sar, "I'll not leave your de." , "What aid you say, darling?" The amile was wiped from the specter's tacos | i "1 wae teltng, the Pringats he nist put her od danéeln 5 HOA: y L . AI Ant ARgacemed AD" v Raquel felt He pressure of Bley worth's arm Again. # MEL mol Mrs. Bosart's affrigh- ted te ayes bulged, "That will never do, args, " ek. in dy the place Ia bussin mows of ws, Can't you hear for They are fied with ouriesity to know who you are, ined Shnnet pales thelr eyes, that there are two avn rush alike, In the world, Courage!" Naquel drew & deep breath, The feayy fragrance no longer affected her, She need not be told she must not be a coward, Pink Bleworth was presenting enhlg to her, » "Phe Princess del Mansanilla," "Ah, delighted U'm sare Princess Mah, mab, This fusty little fellow bloated like n sheep, Tt she could 1augh, us "Afan.san-ee-ya," Raquel rescued him. Yer red 1ips hold the ayllables in 0 ohrems, "Precisely," sald the fusty little fellow and stepped on the joweled fies! in front of him, The offended lady blasted him with a look, "You are a stranger in our coun tryt™ This was a towering woman with an sold tace and white hair, Wer sharp eyes hored like steel points, Did she mean to accuse her, Raquel, of not being a strani: ort... oh, but Lam a stranger, It you only Knew.... ugl, Senora." Her volce had the low resonant sweetness of a cello, The steal poluts stopped boring. "We hope you will remain some. time... .s0 fow Europeans worth while, Forgive me, Princess. "81, Senora, Gracias.' Bisworth touehing ler armt "Princess del Maneanilla, may 1 present Monsieur Alphonse! "Monsteu, ...'" It was ag much an ale could do to refrain from ory ing out with joyous relief, laying her head against the white expanse of shirt above his kind heart, "It you will take my arm, Prine cess," Elawarth suggested, 1 will find you refreshment....8 cooling drink." "Perhaps the Princess will fo me the honor of refreshing her, Al phonde suggested. Oh plane, \ oh 'Atnnonse led her awar. "That young swine ot an Els worth would spoil everything," Als phonse grumbled as they made thelr way toward the dining salon, "Madame in insane with Jealouay " ol om glad." Raquel could faugh again, "Madama isa watohtu! hard. or. If the pig strays, she will beat hit until he goes back In the pen, ungrys she found, And pr good It was of Al hones 10. gosing her eat, To de drinks In teviedaliver cups! Good Alphonse, would she favor hm with her frst dance? Tt wan the tango, In the French style, Slowly rhythmic} eo: Aapy, an the Rnanish know It, "Indead T will" she sald, hurry tar him along toward the palm ing, polite but firmly, for a dance, Go away, T do not want to dance with you, I want to dance only with Alphonse, : Raquel did not know how {t hap pened, but suddenly Alphonse wis no longer at her side. There was a clot of men; of beautiful women, Bho draw horkelt up Imperiously, swept them with black eyes, No, Alphonsa was not among them, SA dno Princess, , JM ae fong the hall, There was a wide arch. to her left, Ii opened Into a sun.garden, molistly warm, thiek with follage Mke a patch of Jungle threadod with tiled paths, She chose the path to her right, Raquel sped along the path until she eames to an opening fn the tangle of green, There v's a tiled fountain in the centre of +"» opon- ing with water spilling musleally te find haven there, ong tha cool green leaves, This was something lke, This wag heaven too, another Mind of heaven, a heaven for a princess. She thrust oUt her «feet, Sliver slippers with the tiniest highost heels lke stilts, A spider must have spun these stockings, Out of pale rose dawn and moonheams. Ugh! Spiders, One must have fallen on her shoulder, Her bare shoulder, She nhrushed at it, "Fer hand hit damp flesh, A face again. st her shoulder, She pushed at the face, Stale tobaeco, | Strong drink, Arms wore around her now holding her fast, She clawed at them, struggled, "Princess," a thigk voice sald, "my princess, ran away from Bl He... Bille found you,,:." Chapter 80 Raquel! continued to struggle there in the jungle dimnessenf the Bosart Indoor garden, Until she hud dragged the pink Elsworth, now red and lnflamed with wine, across the white marble beneh, the staconto sharpness of an ploding gun, Was he hurt, badly, this pig of a | man? The question erowded out all othér thoughts as Raquel sped back along the path by which she | had reached the sequestered Net dangerously seldom if ever suffered dangerous | hurts. As for pain, she hoped he would know paln new and for some time to come, He deserved ay much, | he his Nonnie hear him and ask the | reason," UNo, Graolas™ Sho hurried a | She sank down gratefully ams [the wing of a frightened must stil it, mask th dark pass slons written so plainly on her face, Mrs, Rosart wag hurrying Jervklly toward her, tgnoring the emiles and nods of guests who watohed her progress along tho hall with sly ong Her physienl strength was multl- plied by fear ang loathing, Yet it was no mateh for that of the man, even In his muddled state, . His arms held, tightening around her body un'il she breathed with diffi- eulty, 8Bhe must usa other than her woman's strength against him, Her wonian's wit Slippers with high thin heels, like tilts! She ceased to struggle, leaned back lmply ngalnst her eapr, 'Thera now, that's better," he mumbled "Naughty Princess, run« ning away from Elle, His hold on her relaxed, In that instant Raquel ralsed her right foot, and with all the stroangth at her command, brought it down, heel first on her ecaptor's instep, Bhe could feel the crunch | of it against flesh and hone, "Pink pig! Puerco!" sha sain. ed, Hix arms fell away, dangled | helplessly at his side, The pain of the impact loft him strength for | no more than a low moan, Raquel wheeled to face him, A fierce hatred | of this pink man, of all men, flar ed up so that she rajlsed her slim white hand and pushed him, elounly, from her ward, into the tiled fountain, head struck against the hasin with fn exe aver its basin, A heneh of white and worse, marble, sot back in a nook of tall | graceful ferng and tealling vines | garden Raquel paused, She must with leaves lke wax, Invited her | compose herself, The pulse flute {teved fn her creamy throat like In the arch opening onty the bird, Bhe "WAN, Prinocess, he sald, a won. {la eroak In her voice, falsetto with excitement, "you have been in the garden? Perhaps you found Plaworth, my hushand there, have heen looking for him," Mrs, Dosart suspected she had been In the garden with the pink one, If Mrs, Bosart went into the garden, ahe would surely come upon that soggy tigure in tho fountain, She must not go into the garden, "1 just stopped Inside for a moment," sald Raquel, her voles cool, Indifferent, She craned her neck #0 that she might have a better view of tha corridor, 'I've been waltin~ here for Alphonse, We have a... .rendegvous" Her Information had all the hese {tangy of An intimate admission, Mra. Bosart's suspicion lifted, Her stretohed lips would have grove ordinarily, a ball LITRE SAR ante it, 3 % E tied fonntain, She pushed him viciously from her, SPresa aio & SINE OF UNASrpLAnG. fog, of relief, could they Lave man- aged it, "I'm afraid poor dear Elsworth lias made too free with his wine," ghe contideq uneasily, "He's quite unmapuagenbls when he has... .n few glasses, Buch a ehild!" Child? Raquel shuddered, Beast! 'You muet be mistaken," she sald reassuringly, "Mr, Bosart pass. ed here only a few moments before you came, I'm sure he was all right, He was with a girl, & very young small girl in a pale blue dress." The agate eyes of Mrs, Bosart fairly popped from thelr ringed sockets, "Which way did they go?" she quavere(, "That way," sald Raque!, indl- cating the length of the hall with a nod of her head, "Towarq the supper salon," Mrs, Bosart did not walt te express her thanks, Bhe was off, Ike a craxy mechanioal toy, In the direction of the supper salon, Raquel followed at a safe dis tance, Men were closing up on her a- gain, Tall men, Short men, Fat men, Thin men, Bhe raised her head, net it at an angle of disdain, fle would scare them off with her regality, Alphonge, At last; There, outside the main entrance to the ballroom, fhe was a homing pigeon who had found its nest, "Tired, ma petite?" asked Al. phonse kindly, seeing hey set smile, barren of joy, "A little," she sald, He thought there was a glisten of teary in her black eyes, "And this, ,, your first ball?" His laugh teased her, "I thought you would be dancing the sun up," "Too many swe at onee, and the appetite is gone," sald Raquel, "We shall go then, our cloak, 1! shall walt for you" Not until they were howling a« long in the black town ear, well away from the gray stone plle on Parw avenue, did Raquel tell Als phonse what had befallen her in the sun-garden, "You should have killed him, that great jelly.fish! If you have falled, I ghall Kill him myself," Ale phonge Aid not ralee hin volee, hut there was death In Its quiet deters mination, "No, no," Raquel objected, Bhe lng recovered her spirits, file could even smile again, her red lips parted sardonieally, "There i» a better way, Monsieur Alphonse, | We shall go often to the sand room of the Dosarts, by request of the pluk pig himself, He shall approve many costly gown, wraps, furs, He reeled backs! Tis | ehidren in anticipation of what =o pelgnolrs for Madame, And the ply shall squirm!" Alphonse studied this exqulsiie woman by his side as 1! re looked on her for the first time, Then the [volatile Latin fn him rose lo & {full ppreciation of the puniels mont she had evolved for her tor, vi« | mentor, They laughed, Glesfully, as twa tack they Lave placed on the ¢half of a bully will work by way ¢l | recompense, "Dut suppose this great fish shiowa his teeth? Suppose he refuses (o request our presence in the sand room of Madame?" Alphonse ask nook, | ed when he could control his laughs Drunken men [Ler "He has no teeth," Raquel aus [awered, "Only soft gums, He will {squeal like a plg that Is stuck, but will not squeal too loudly lest "Thig 1s as you wish 1t? You do not think it would be better that I thrash this raseal within an inch of hig worthless life?" "Tt fs an IT wish It, Please, mon aleur,,, It would be a shame,,.. to spoil my fun" The car drew under the porte cochera of a xlassenclosed oasino in the park, They breakfasted thers, While sky ran up {ts ress banners signaling the birth of another day, (Continued To-Morrow) | RUSSIAN REFUGEES ON WAY T0 CANADA Many More Thousands Re: ported as Planning to + Follow London, Nov, 16.-~There sre 400 refugees from Russia report. ud en route to Kiel and Hamburg tor Canada, according to the Bere iin corrsepondent for the Dally Chronicle, He declures that these ure the vanguard of 10,000 more huddled in flimsy huts and bare racks In the environs of Moscow awaiting Canade's permission to migrate and make arrangements therefor, The German press is already ap. pealing for help to stop the des: titutes fleeing from Siberia, the Crimea, the Volga and Central Asla, Eighty per cent, of them are Mennonites and 20 per cent, are either Catholic or Lutheran, None of them have more than a $100 per family, Germany is reported as worried about thelr care while they are in Germany, Canada (un sald to have promised to deolde the passport question this week, The corres. pondent added that there are thousands more planning to fol. ow, | The Latin American Medical | Congross will hold a general ex- | position of medical and surgloa! { Supplies in Panama next January, Ie nm. THIEVING ALARMS KEDRON RESIDENTS Most Recent Robbery Vas! That of 80 Chickens From W. Hepburn Kedron, Nov, 18,~Bome mean thieves visited W, Hepburn's hen bouse Wednesday nlght and rellev~ ed him of fifty fine Plymouth Rock chickens, Thieving is all too pre~ valent in this community and resis dents are becoming alarmed as the culprits have not yet been appres hended, Mr, and Mrs, John Brock, Elle and Douglas, Mr, and Mrs, W, Kug- leson, of Courtice visited N, Gimb~ lett, Mr, and Mrs, A, NR, Seott and family, Mr, and Mrs, G, L, Beott and family, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and Lorraine, Mr, and Mrs, ¢, Werry, Wm, and Robert and Mr, and Mrs, 'T, W, Beott, attended a family gathering at Mr, Wallace Soott's of Nantleld, on Saturday night, Fay Conlin and Miss Marguerite Conlin attended a party at Miss An. nie McMauster's, Zion, on Monday evening, The Kedron Women's Association held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Clugston, Columbus, on Wednesday last, with a good at~ tendance, Miss Della Glover, North Ogh- awa, is spending a few days with Miss Lena Hoskin, Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Crossman, Nor. val Crossman, Mrs, H, Pagooe and Lorraine, recently visited relatives at Nestleton, Mr, and Mrs, R, Wood, Orono, spent last week with thelr daugh~ ter, Mrs, W, N, Hoskin, Mr, and Mrs, L, Powers, Oshawa, and Miss Croskem, of Toronto, vise fted A, D, VanDyke, Mr, and Mrs, A, R, Beott, Lee and Donald, spent Sunday with Jas, Beott, Columbus, Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Davis and fam» fly attended the special services in King St, Church on Sunday and Monday evening. Norval Crossman left on Thurs day for Detroit, after spending the past month at his home here, Mr, and Mrs, R, J, Luke, Ber! and Olive, Mr, and Mrs, H, FV Werry, Harold and Wilma, Mr, and Mrs, C, Werry, Wm, and Robert, Mr, and Mrs, W, L, Mountjoy, Mar jon and Willa, attended the twen-~ tieth wedding anniversary of Mi and Mrs, HB, BE, Werry, Bollna, on Saturday evening, Miss Marie Cole, Tamworth, Miss Mildred Cole, Orono, spent the week-end and holiday at thelr home here, Mr, and Mre, Harry Gimblett and Mr, and Mrs, George Clark, Osh awa, visited N, Gimblett on Tues. day, Hephurn and Arthur Hepburn spent Thursday at the home of On Monda The Canadian Bank of Commeice - OSHAWA BRANCH 1929 The business of the branch of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce located at 20 Simcoe Street North will be transferred to the Branch on the North East Corner of King and Simcoe Sts. Which has recently been substantially enlarged, visitors at the home of W, N, Hos Mr, and Mrs, Black and Barbara, of Guelph, Kedron Church appearance of i new mond and Margaret, visited Upton ign Glover, of Oshawa, were recent visitors at the the week-end and holiday in Huffale Maple Grove, spent a few days with her son, Noi {man Glmblett, Mrs, W, Hepburn, Miss Luella! Merlin Hepburn, Entield, Mr, and Mrs, H, Rundle and] family, &f Hampton, were recent | Jame: Eary ar "TAKING A \ TPOONMUins Naf 7 GREAM COTTS ~ ULSIONZE of Cod-Liver Oil of Qolumbus, | {spent a few days , Qlay | ano Iyigited Harvey 'ancog recently FRIENDLY FEFLING 18 BASIS OF PEACE Wilmington, Del, Nav, 1§,--HRd. Ameri ET ERR can Legion, speaking at a patriotie luncheon here Monday in celebra~ was not disarmament or the gaving of dollars which was needed to Crossman are| bring sfbout peace, but the ell visiting relatives ut Norwleh, Hoskin, Oshawa and Miss visited mination of the causes of war, "The visit of Ramsay MacDeons ald has been good in just so far an it has impressed upon the people of this conntry a desire to be fair to the people of awother nation," he said, "The work of ur Presls Hay» hh. y, Nov. 18th Mr Dawes and others hat been helpful in just so far as this tion of Armistice Day, sald that it} friendly feeling whieh is basieally the hearls of every American, ha# been shown to the peopls eof other eountries,'" Following the findings that eight towns received the Bwiss v)l« lage neglected to measure its rayne Lot Fran! Leo Love and Thanksgly WARM IN WINTER Orono, | 3 INSULATING BUILDING BOARD COOL IN SUMMER n| . DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, "AT ALL DRUOGISTS 1 Ad WN Practically every line of busi ness is represented in thia dis rectory----a bandy reference for LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whithy Yard, Phone Oshawa £86 | |W mR en em em em em eR eee | NO SPARE PARTS YOR N+ BODIES, If your system eT | costly operations, long drawn-out suf fering ay follow, Let JACK'S LAX regulate, Keeps not o bowels but liver, kidneys, functioning imoothly, Pure vegetable, Tiny doses He reeled backward, inte the Always acts { SoM by F. W, Thompson, Drvggiot COAL COAL thone 108 those whe wish to become acquainted with the various business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! SACRIFICE SALE; agent to show ing, ideal locat accept as low as Disney Real Betate, PHONE 22) Machinery Repairing For Your Dyug Needs NOTHING LOU LAMM T HOMPSON'S| Adanac Machine Shop 10 Stmeoe Be, S.==We Deliver NOTHING {00 sMALL A401 King 8s W, Ve have ®® Vo tare ®ve desirable || CUTLER & PRESTON asurance Night calls 81 64 King 8, W

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