Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 8

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$ - 4 PAGE EIGHT RUGBY TEAMS MAKE READY - CITY HOCKEY CLUB HAS MEETING THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 Sarnia Wanderers And Wandin Drill Hard in an Lhe . Ontario Intermedinte ORV, U, ENT Hernia 9A erovs and the General Motors Blue Devils ame {ating a fol Ww Nr +i d » Osha oh a p rare o ne In an exhibition game, ) 10.4 seneentrated drill Bd rt n for the Invasion of the for "Their Defeat by Blue Won 1a om oe praciibing hard tor the coming game, Blue Devils Prepare For Game On Saturday "Blue Devils" Play Sarnia Saturday to Get Revenge Devils Last Year vany will see the first game of | Yes Biel The "Blye Devils" will play their first game of the Ontarid in Alexandra wm, with the [noon Khel opponents will be tha Barnin Wanderers, conyuerors of the wrent London Gas House Gang, Alexandra Park ls going to see one reat, big, noisy crowd on Beturs day #lernoon when these two teams meet for the first tussle of 1929, The Kughy fans of Oshawa have been walling Tor this game since last year and the Barna team his heen walt ing Just ws long, They wre out for revenge and you ean bet your lam summer's straw Hd that the Blue Devils are going to try to repeat last yeur's victory, If vou haven't got your ticket for this "Pink Tea" yet you want to get i mave on heeause If you have your tieket you don't have to Walt for the long line at the gate, "Come early and sveld the rush)" Is the slogan for next Daturday If you want to get # wood position, The return {J)1 be played In Baris on ng uri and the tos of the two games are to od ® the winner of the champions The Blue Devil are out to tilgnt. year's victory and (he ors, whol ost out to the tepn), Bra out for vevenge, . v v Devilg, ORV champions, and the Varsity Ov hive Oshiawes Hue parpis Wanderers here nex! Batuprday in the flvst and-home series for Intermediate title, yo» of a home the OR Y.U, Ld The Blue Devils are practising as they have seldom practised hefore, Youterday they had a snappy days Hght practies and they sure had te wark, Coach Pound had the boys trying evaryihing they had ever heen (aught aboutr ughy and that goupled with what they already knew is quite a bit, The fact ves maine to be seen whether it is en~ Queh, Dr, Fu Manchu All Talking Whe Most Thrilling Villian ' " » In the meantime the residents of Oshawa, under a cloak of ealmness, wre highly exelted and feeling I» punning high, It Is expected that m1 veoords for foothall attendances in Oshawa will he broken, * LJ Oshawa rughy fans obtained thelr first veal taste of the Jame lant year when the Hiue Devils won the Ontario title, and this year, having tasted vietory, they are enthusiastie over the locals' possibilities, A) Nd . Added Attractions COMEDY "THE GOLFERS" The Wilt witve Trio on Winging Moreen urricane with The Blue Devils realise that in Barna they will have to fees & team that hand anough tight to overs pome London's eight point lead lank week, and that the visitors have as thelr eentre half Nels Mes Phedran, brother of Quits Meo Phedran, the Sarnia senior star haok, and whom many state is even better than his big brother, w LJ J Phen there ia Norm Geary, Bare nia's feat haok, who provided planty of trouble last year, but lo- onl fans believe they have this offs set with the backfield trie of Art Wilson, star punter, Beott Hubbell, speedy cantre half, and Doo Rows den, one of the hest runners and smartest apen-fleld players in the game * » LJ Luke Cusner's Wandersrg get a I... a, hana SS _-- Your friends chuckle behind your back when you put on EXCESS weight But you are e of being "nourished yet keep your youthful figure oh 4 y RD LAN LO If Every Day you Eat a little Less Heavy Food : and Drink a little More Bovril hh hy! ha BOVRIL Builds Strength Without Fat finals in Oshawa this Baturday afters} (1 at Motes City Stadium and ---- te worry shout theses play-offs Blue Devils before they get a shane » day morning and they sure had a and raring to go for the being held gn Saturday morning In Ww w I'he Oshawa Pulilie ly and the winner of the been decided, games are worth watehing, ing and practice and they team Northern will held "Able been postponed, ---------------- another chance al Lhe ORhAWA Blue Devils in the intermediate ORV U finals this year, J » Last your the Oshawa club, after losing to the locals here in the first of the playoffs, smashed fete way through to the champion ship In the second game, LJ The heavy plunging game of the Blue Davile this year fan't like iy to make the Impression it did Inst year, The way the Wanderers handled the husky London orew here last Buturdey has given the maroon shirts new strength - al . + " One thing the fans ve going to gee when these two clubs olash fe Barnia Respect Oshawa The fact that the Blue Devils have taken a full out wf the Viraity "Qufuny" together with the fact (hat last year the Blue Devils over came i seven point lead that the Wanderers had earned, has mide the Sarnia rughy squad think shout the coming gine, thet they are going to have & tough time winning W W ¥ Why Worry? The Burnin papers states thit the word about the Eastern play-off, Maybe the Wanderers will not need They have ta elip the horns ef the do it but it-will take them sll their time, w Oshawa City Hockey Club The Oshawa City Hoglkey Club had thelr upening meeting an Mon 1920 season, were appointed (0 represent the elub at the OHA Publie School Rugby Behool Kughy leagues ars The kids are producing unexpected ability and their Give them time and plenty of good conehe Colleginte=~Old Boys Walker's team, sumposed mostly of former members vi th Collegiate, were going to play the Collegiate Seniors in #4 rughy game, but owing te the fact that grounds eannet be sesured the The Collegiate term were challenged so they hav the right to name the time and place, Se --------_ PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Camvssidy Sports Editor They know nov * underers have not yet recelved eat the Eastern teams, They mn) * ¥ 1 real meeting, 'They wre all ready Joe Welsh and Harold Luk: meeting whieh is Tavonte NM W oming wleng nice peetion of the Benlor League hus their own with any Publie SchooP game has ahout an pretty i DUNN duel fl they ean desire Art Wilson, wh starred with Petrlis, the Tmpeyiel and Guelph Aggies, has heen going Kreat guns with the Oshawa elub this yeu When he and Nels M Phedran hook up in a punting duel it will give tha fans samething te talk about, Hoth ara senlor punt ors And use thelr heads an wall an thely fest to drive tha ball down the fleld, a OE ANY team that van slap the don huskies an the will make things Any team In the country, interme diate or senior his Intermediate final game promises to selipse an interesting tur thing the lower series has hrought forth In years for first place in Southern Group ~ Juniors have net yet finished their Schedule, Centre 8t, Seniors swept on thei victorious way to the elty ehampian ship Tuesday Ly hy annihilating North Simeoe 350, This gives Cen tre St, the group id the hays ar now ready for the "nals without hay ing lost & game or having & point scored against them In the first quarter Centre kicked to North Simeee, Barnes got through the line to intersept & North Simeos lay and carried We hall into toueh fi wah converted, On the kiek-off Aries again wetirel the ball ta run the enath of the field for another toughdown which was converted, Just #8 the whistle hlew Centre St, seored anain, Score, Centre 18, North Sim coe 0, In the second stanea, DeCuerre got AWAY on & pass from Solta and geared the fourth touch of the game, Tt was converted hy Barnes whose aceurate kleking was a feature of the game soore, Centre, M, North Simeee 0 Fhe Third quarter was a repetition v the second with another score hy Parnes, Vo oung, the lght half back of North Simeoe kept 0, vietors wvessing in this quar i WE WAS Une ahlo to get within searing distance, Soore, Centre 30, North Simees 0, The last frame was played in als most darkness, The hall was very hard to find, but just hefare time, Contre Bt, got sway for another tough which wa net converted, aa! soore i Contre 35, North Sims FINAL ATANRING NEW Tiny l'eam \ Contr arisnaniany of North $imeos (yes IIE crvraniassnsnns 3 Mary ¢ ih thle Roars EEE TEN) BNE (i iranans Ihert ESE R ALLL Ritson group on ar City, toe 0 J A | 1 0 0 4 0 H A a 3'0 '8 Lara far (he weraday, Nov, 14, at Mo. oly, Loam of CORII® syivnanaradny ; 1] N r : |] | arth Blmees 11am \ 0 Ra NE 0 0 Centre plays Mary on W U od. Now, "North Simese "a ya the winner for the OUR on Frida Nov, 1§ at Motos fi dig. The Junior Southam is * ho yet completed, While the Eure the European publisher still say, A316 udiversally known, that the world's hest Aller ia the Bible, their opinion on which book has the see. 'ANE, ond greatest demand caused a su ay Were unapimens in de. Centre St. Seniors Earn Right To Meet Winner Of Southern Rugby Group Ritson Rd. and Cedardale tie! TIGERS GET READY FOR SATURDAY Hamilton, Noy i} Only 1 mombers of the Hengal machine anawered Cosoh Rodden's eal to | arms at the HA AA, fleld yestey | day afternoon, the ahsentens helng SHeano!' Wright and Hert Gibb, | hoth belng absent through busi ness, Por elose te twa hours thi squad tramped through mud and | # heavy downpour (oo fit them selves for the big tussle hers on Saturday afternoon against Barna | Lmperiats ohamplons af the OR The signals to he used agains | the Imperiale were tried out last | night and vegardless of wealhoy opnditions the yaders are sure to find Tigers a "tough squad, The heavy going should not bother the Hengals, for two weeks ago at Of | tAwa they were forced to battle six ty minutes tn heavy mud and they | turned fn one of thelr best per: | formances of the HORRON ROUGH RIDERS ARE WESTERN CHAMPS, | Regine, Nav, 1} A motion de olaving the Rough Riders of Regina Western Canada football eham plans without the necessity of meeting the Heitlah Columbia win ners, WAR passed at the annual | meeting of the Western Usnada Foothall Union here, This action was based on (he rule which ve quires that the final ha played not ter than Thanksgiving Day, | The motion, sponsored hy Rab Priestly, Manitoba delegate, de olared that if the Rough Riders | cared to make thelr awn arrange ments for a ohamplonship game with the Coast team they wight do | an, hut that in any avent the Heit: | tah OCoalumbia team could not elaim | the title hy default, PIN BOW ye AT THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL -------- High scores and decisive wins | foaturad lant week's longue Eames at the Ontario Hospital, The Rov ers from the Reception Hullding came hack strong hy defeating the Wanderars of the Commissarial | Dept, for a possible four paints n, MOLAR of the Rovers crashed | the timbers for the highest slugle we M0, ang © rolled the with a With tha soere of Ryovaft's Lakesides highest for three games total of 21048, The following standing at Nov, 1] A » the league W Pts 10 10 = Peaches Hillovests Faloans Lakeaides Reven \ ARETE oy Honalove Cubs Glants Loals Wanderers | i 1 i pW ASAE 49 IS 19 = BWW AD i 8) slaving {4 to be "Uncle Tom's Cabin," TE de - - NSD Tigem \ he ¥ Wanderers Wa | | hand Tmud-slinging | that [with hie | engquetiishly Fahout looking for something to ent, [a while looking very coy and walt Flo rename that game and oall It {delightful hatt and A (YS ---- | MUNRBAY JOHNNTON Beller known ns "Hank," lourned his vughy at the local sehogl where he played on the fond In 1084, "4h, "80, and '#7, He played tor the Bue Devils Inst year; He ls one of the strongest defensive players on the team and In also no consistont yard gainer, He plays at middie on the team, He has a weakness for spovis In general and also for Keelety Brand clothes, Murray weighs 100 hs, and Is 6 fowl all, He han vecently noquived the vight to vote, The Hhopester" siavted his column Uae and Tackles" last year and [has continued his effovis this year, [As you can (ell by veading the vol: | ny Hank Is quite a weiter and | quite a wit. He will be seen In sothon on Meiurday when the Blue fis meet the Barnin Wanderers Alexandra Park, Hank | hd bbb ddd db dd bd PUNTS and , TACKLES} | { d The kd und and his mud hens wecessful party yester there was a lot of averyons admitted a aplash leach Mo #onost a while any, and Ioeraniod quite twas dressed In a charm ing fawn and searlel striped Jeraey Pants, (with the crease and thet were turned up to display a paly of [ gandy ehocked sooks which dangled nonchalantly and supportiess over a stunning pale of hlark horsehide hoots which were elevated mm a set of vary heeaoming oleate whigh sup ad him admivably * » fhe ho | laf aut) part Ho hind on a Donegal tweed ap, NIA was worn ab a very Wakish pngle and even despite the fact that ho needed a shave, the host earried Wimaed® with a pompous sie §hioh | ard rp ------y Belleville' § Rink Will Open With National Game Belleville, Way, 14=/khe witilicial fee shiating rink, being erected in thi sity 1s nearing completion and the haekey season will soen open, "Thi rink will he opened early in Decem ber, but the ohh al opening will til place on Christmas night laws Senators und Chicago Blael Hawks wil play a sehauled NHI wine, transferred from Ottawa here ) larpe punrantee. has been ruled for the game, Belleville will enter the new seilo Intermediate se Iot tht has been pra posed by the OHA, Executive, pra viding It ds put dite effect, Helle ville, Kingston, and Osliuwa have ars the ial lee rinks and with three teams in Kingston and one each in Oshawa ge one in Kingstan, some fine hos key hold he given the fans, An firely new _-- will shirt in Helle ile the eoming winter, "Derby" Jel: fery 1s avilable for goal with Boon ey Muney, Green, Vi larty, form erly of Toronto, available for defense The forward line will hive three of lust vesr's Juniors, the Canning twins and "Beh Beott, Kinnear of Cal Wary seniors, Lapone)es of Cornwall and others, The Junior will also be new, with twa promising hoy from when Of he Outarie Hockey Association In making preparation for the largest attendances of club dele gates In history al 1s fortieth an nul meeting, which will he held in Hall "A" at the Hoya! York Hoe tel on Haturday Preident Hioh Butler of Lindsay will open the convention at 10 sm aud at 1 o'vloek the delegates will he tendered a luncheon hy the O H.A I'he daelegnte will hn Tres in the afternoon, hut wt night the will he the guests of the Maplin Lonf Haoekey Club and Munager A B, Taylor of the Aven Gardens ut the Nationa! League game he tween the ehamplon Boston Brune and 'the Leafs OHA, Juntar eglubs In Toronte pravided thelr annunl fees have hoon pald, may obiain playing osy titleates In the sports department af the Mall and Empire tonight st tar 4 a'elook A number of fluhe made applieation to play In the HA, this season, and they fnelude the Natlonala of Toronte, Yenelon Valls, Ovonn, London Junior Ath fate Club snd Hamilton Hooks Oluh he Hiverside Blus Hird will have Intermediate and Junior teams, The OHA, Eaxeoutive will hold & meeting Hullding, fourth floor night, at & a'vlook from new clubs far admittance and other husiness will he taken up Appleations fram players ehanpe of venldagoo will he on At 8 meeting ta be held day, Nov, 80 BS whup navi 8) naw Commie In the Bilal tamara for passed fmmedintaly exaoted pespoct and namimtion IY Arrive al ant hogan to and qulekly he whout Buesin LAD pm Mare must hive heen a fire Aale dawn town heopuse they all arrived dressed altke, vig: hlue Jerseys and | Khaki pants, blue socks snd blaek hoe Home wore hrown leather nats and some had no hats, a Kvary ona kind of stalled around Ing for Kahen hey did a lot of Kioking at this stage of the party but all Wn good spirit ' ' » Then aur host gol us going th & game of "Fallow the Leader," with Captain Jack Hond as leader, Jaok lod un around the fleld ones and | (ny we coulde't eateh him, AS Wa might . LJ J Flion we plaved a game whish reminded me a lot of "Hull tn the only there was ne ving ana I'm going Hing there wera five hulls, Charge 'om It was great fun and everyone was shouting and ounsing as if they were heartily an Ying themaslves, LJ . . Not aur host with mueh yelling and waving of arma sent us Into a Hitle game oalled "Eddie Cantor" Ntar of "Whoope a" and other famous Broadway sue oensns and equally famous be Bs of the nirworld of entertain. meni, fake That Is what we oall alge nil practise N Ng . } Hy thin time the party was rough oning up A trifle and some ow ought Bon Outlier stieking out his [longus at LL AlX Gray, When ouy host shw thin most Figs trek, he sald: "For your misdemeanor all must suffer! FALL your food and milk 1a out off and Russ Wigintew will have to sleep alone tor va bd LL Oh, Death! Where LY thy sting and our supper gone tea! Needs logs 10 say thin action hroke up the party and the hoya left tn a great only coeled off in the ahawars, ' Al * Open all night ARTHUR RAVENSDALE | HONORED BY SCHOOL Cobourg, Nov, 14The Collegiate Tustitute hoard has pra ented a coup 10 he Known as the Ras | vonadale oup to the sehoal, and this oup has heen awarded 10 Arthur | Ravensdale in hanor of his ontatand | i perlopianee in winning the Can Ladin championship in the 10 yawn high hells, | The cup hears the name of its first | winner, hut will he presented year | Iy i gompetition 1 the hoy whe a} Cobourg 4 fohioves the hest allvaund veeard | ring the ved AnpHontions | Oshawa City Hockey Club Oriinice: Fo or This Coming Season Club to Run SenlorInter,| Pred Corel Team and Also a Junior) Team ~~ Executives ond] Several Committess Have| i 0 kt oo nage Been Drawn Up, lof the senior-intermediate club wit Fr -------- Allud Win Kitih Philtis, Publicity s Cline min § Stewart Alger, M, M, Hood, Fransportations J, Narval Wilson WH, With, chair | Harold Drew as wssletant Walter Valr wis uppuinted mans ger of the junior Juli with Hareld Luke seting as assistant Dr, BJ, Hazelwood was ape winted elu physician and 18 & meme wer, exsafficlo, af the executive with pawer to vile, Mr, Welsh and Mr, Luke were des legnied to attend the annual meets ing of the OHA, in Toronte nest Saturday morning Maple I Leafs Open Season Tonight Al snthiugiistie igh tet in Wels Fhanlesgiving Kioup wl sports Is tious uh Lay to lend thelr sup POEL 1b QEERITEINE BBE Hockley { Clulr for the City wf Oshawa, Mr, Hurry Lecky, & member of thi xeeuiive of the UIA, nd an as dent sportsman presided over the meeting He stated thet with the opening of the new wrens in Oshawa, It was uly fitting that a eapable executive be Hoed up ta leuk alter the inter ily uf Hoskey in Oshawa He suggested that the one elub should control both the Junior aid Bentor- Intermediate hockey teams Oshawa and everyone present wert unanimous in support of this sug l gestion Hach Mr, Lecky spoke of the hing relas | Hon, tHonship that had slways existed he the N Oshawa clubs and the OHA, | dens sincerely hoped that in the | hnil uf beth parties concerned, | ¥? Lerday noon gonditions would alwiys griously tur | hig KOR BUATAIRT WHA une of Charly Conaeher's ter practieally knogk ol wneansel Ho quickly recovers + howe y hut WE wis necessary 1 i four stitch the wound that cheek, He will although he WIPER IIES, HIE alrung up rig fram Fulew, whe held thely wrunto, 0 4 Huwks providing the Maple Leafs Hl Cason mt the tonight, The Leals held theip lon #t the Areni aid 1 nearly resulted Chihot I'he siruek In the With Chicuye the wppesin will usher In Arena Cigie Iween ind he Interests that sheh he such herttt Paxton uitlined his ai amateur hoekey ted that he looked forward Feil pleasure to the eaming CIshinw where he would be | Heh th the lees! team | \ line poken of the feeling of the [Mi clu was expressed when My, | in Phillips and Mr, Hoss Mo notwe wl Oshawa's prominent and sportsmen, each donut up to the new eluls tien will donate them the Oshawa Yub Longue for eo and Junior vpted with muah and Hoppe the practic Ih | ), | Thee hy {rh walirey ul the hon ne Dntariyg whl with winter Ie diye ind IH re vi ie vel Bin fA opened ui nh lav. tenlght, how F, # handuged present Leils ire expe notonight, Keg where the Black MH raining paid glowing tri Lite 0 re ub three youn heen added to the im, Temmy Caok, Hm stir, has Hon at the eens hile Art Bomers, rank Patrick's Vane ¢ 'acihe Coast Leas runing hm elosely Prank Ingram, ohs tained from the St, Paul Club of the Ameriean A ation, 1s alsa heralds od as a find, Hi iL former Reging | dina teuy and Chicago seribes have truck by his Hleeness to Hack the serappy Cub outfielder winger, I] I he past Gitige gd a sllyes eh the elub 1 I n in Hamme tu I Hoel A] W no rink en aw wi hought I hy th pire ol hil) ible s who | couver i nen Aue, ha for thie td then RIT ulhicers ful 149: were elected ws riry Presidents i Harr aston, Cal, W, Erle MeLanghlin, W 1] Milli L, Musan, F, W, Law ns, Alex G, Bion Haraton, Charles Kab chalield C, KE, MeTavish esident: DB, Carlisle Freasures Murray Jahn th f tollow I.eeks Phillips heen wil Ingrant 18 & right i da RRR QUALITY COAL Phone 1060 et'y Treas Ing commities Were a rl the meeting Welsh, ehalrman (LIAN D a \ \ . AY LIE -LEIWE SO IL by | durin [HT MALLETT'S IF YOU MET HIM FACE TO FACK YOU'D KNOW HIM BY HIS VOICR This great artist ie more than a voice when you hear him over the New Kolster Radio, Ho becomes a living, pulsing personality vividly present Shiv the waglo of a life. like tonal quali ch is today drawing thousands to the . Kolster Radio, The New Kolster's supstior, life like tonal qualiey in the result of 21 years of research and experience, Hear the New Kolster, Get a new conceps tion of a fine radio, Your nearcet dealer will demonstrate gladly, Quicker, Kasier Tuning Only Kolster Has N With "ih pres 'Tuner Sr LEY td opll fd can also he tuned independently of the Selector or, LR BAe yd and wp, low tubo sndup, loss nba Made in Canada KOLSTER RADIO "MORE THAN EVER A FINE SET® Wholesale Distributors: BENNET & ELLIOTT, LIMITED Bay Street For Sale by: BOND BROS,, King Street East, Oshawa Toronto

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