Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 AWARDS ARF MADE OF NOBEL PRIZES Britishers Win Honors For ' eve PACE SEVEN Miss Hard-Boiled BY JANE DIXON Musirated by Armstrong Perry are, 0 halls, "FIL leave the hols! tonight," aque] decided, "Vind a room some place that doesn't cost much, Then he oan't And me, My money'll Inst longer, Vl be getting paid by Als phones in a few anys," She started to gather her things, In a quake of fear lest sven now whe wag too Inte, Telephone, Bomeons for her, "IE that's Warvell", , , oho paun ed to regain her composure, .'! RV What Has Gone Before won't 1st him frighten me, I've made up my mind, He oan't ehangs Raquel Nojos, baltspanioh and | A it, Wo ant," hatt-Ameorican, goes from & dbsory | #ha 11f16d the receiver, Alphonse, town in Avisons te New York, Ho was Imperative "Come to the shop at once, hays selested the gown you will wear for the ball, There must he a Niting, Two of the workers will ramaly through the night In order to somplate ft, Coma to the side door of the hop, Ring the nell" That seitiad 1f, Khe could not And another room tonight, Khe must not kaap Alphonse waiting, Bhe pulled what belongings she had gathered in a little heap on her had, Bha'q have to leave them there, If Varvell came, , , It wan A ohanoe, She must take It, Shortly before midnight the following evening, the Immaculate hinek tawn ear of Monsier Alphon a8 Courhet again drew up hefore the gray stone pila at Parle Avenue Lights had transformed the forms ~~ or //, / w -- ATI A U) \' - d Tits ne Wyse oH" or li\ i J Ct o Git , '), Chamistty and 2 AT) | Physics i? fi NA AW ONY lies . Rho dh go Av 7 J 44 ji iA (4 | rt il 4 NA (A SNE vies | d ] h Blookholm, Nav, Mo Vryolessor | RY Sh wid simp iy (4 iq thul Owen WW, RiehBrdson Vr hi wi One of the nicest of King's \ I vollege, London, Wok, has hos | Vit accompaniments to all light refreshments, uwiurded the 10868 Nobel prize in In the store or on the ' phone, always sik for - ® 9 . ® Chyriglies Biscuits Hoyal Boeolety and In known for hig roneuroh work fn the theory of eles Lrans, The 1040 physlos price won awarded to the Due de Broglie or _-- ARBRE Clhinvpentier doalt with vitlue of auditing by chartersd pecountants, while Joseph Joan rend a paper on the right of mis Puriu, The Nobel chemistry award for to tax transmission walar and gas Installps {A Cs dlls ol y ) 1 wv ", phonse Couvhet, whe engages her as a model, How first, Wppearanes Is at » private showing of gowns in the Park Avenue home of Mew, Wisworth Bosart, a noted beauty of other days, Raquel son In the wor man a pltitnl eavieature of her own type beauty, HE thought 1 was seeing myself," whe J he In gonuous compliment Alls Mrs, Rowe art with delight, She says that she mist get her hushand to Inspect the gowns and model, Chapter 17 Mrs, Bosart disappeared into the soented twilight of the sorridor on whieh the sand-ealored on pens ) 8 moved stiffly, Jerkily, As a a Li ved | he "slPung to ; Idnhle Gothia structure nto a glim gether and motivated hy wires, J meting Dalavy of nohantment, f alr, | an In ] ap an Radual sik Ince n i heauty? fram the seat beside the ehnuffanry Waa this how beauty eheated those of the black town oar te open the who hil won it, wooed, worship door and hand aut a woman, fo! } J 8 into lowed elossly hy her maid, ae ie the oye? Only the head of the woman was That horrible husk of A woman! visible ahave an enveloping wrap ' 8 Har of fur that seamed to have hesn "You ara a genius, ma hers H kod from some virgin snow 1040 was divided between Dr, A thur Hurdan, professor of Mlochom Intry at London university, and Vrotessor Hans von Wuler of Up mila university, the oldest In Bw den, The Due de Broglie has long hoon Known asx un research worker, partienlarly in the tlelds of ele (rioity and the X-ray, Me Is an of floor of the Leglon of Honor, w member of the Academy of Welon tol, president of the Pedervation of I'reneh Physlon nooleties, and in 1010 wan alocted president. of the YAlllanes Amaerienine," He has ro eolved honorary degrees from he universities of Oxford and Leeds Heo in 64 yours of age, RA oh TAX SUGGESTION IS WHOLLY APPROVED Convention Favors Levy on Persons Selling Bank. rupt Stock win Lhe subject of considerable tis [ fle; J, A cussion ut the evening session of {he tha Untan af Quehee Munieipalitiey inld voeogntly, A resolution that gueh mo tnx, not less than #200, he lavied, started the disoussion, "I'he mation met with the practionlly unanimous wpproval the dels Kitlon thor mutton the munleipaligntion of the main tenance of vords, the question of Lhe tuxution of machinery for mn mlelpn) purposes, and the costs of ndministering the Warkmen's Compensation Act nielpulition Hes tons In the afternoon the wero the guests of the City 'of Bhors Westhury, where ha How (Ly of sherhrooke power plant wuw given iw official opening und nl ing, The henedietion was given by Mer, A, O, Canon, Bishbp of Bherhrooke, while several short wpeoches wore given hy munlepal and provincial official und tiscunsnd worn convention brooke ut oan Bhorhrooke, Que, Nov, 14 auestion of placing a houvy tax parsons who eame Into a munier putity to dispose of hankeapt stock the ol | Lavon "Trepunnler, lender of Montrenl City Counell, addres the guthering on the tourist teal We this country unless It would he trie barrier Detroit New know of no Walllng Wall In the nh Hague! looks so feightfully Mpanish, , ike a Bpanish princess," uel," Alphonse vepeated, pacing hh voom, stopping te give her Hitle elueks of encouragement, "You sald exactly the right thinw, oyou Madame sees herself, Tt In an 1 thought she would do" fhe, aha gives me the oreeps," Raquel aonfessed, 'Bhe represents the supreme af tort of modern wselence ARAN! ime," said Alphonse Eravely, "Vienna, Berlin, Paris, India, ev arywhare she line wone, fleaine ha fore the speoter of the years, The surgeon's knife, the fakir's philter, ne remotest olalm to the secret of rejuvenation has heen nexlected hy her, Bha has undergona tortures, they say, One oan see It In her fare," SWhy?" Raquel, ton, seemed to he nosing wpeoters, OEhe was & great heauty," sald Alphonse, "Ble had had many ad mires, Khe will not submit to give wh alther tha heanty or the admire ars, WIth her wealth, (whe is mis tress of one of the largest fortunes artant,,, she hallaves she AN aommand what she wills, Ahe plays the quesn of heauty and of love In a love's paradise of her own ores tien," Rague! shuddered, tena me," YEheaah," Alphonse 1ald a Ang av on Nis Nps, "Bhe is coming, With the hushand The emaciated figure Jerked thraigh the deer, "My hushand, Mr Avs Mise, , Paring Raguel," sald Alphonse, YWhat & nie name, Tt sults you, Mine Is Bartha, Frighttal misnoms of, I never use It, Blaworth,,, my YiEhe frigh» n Hosart, Miss Kuaband © 'la ma M nals, don't you, aworth? He says I'm always se Vithe and way" oaoklie was down fn the wos An's throat, moving the corde dy Bxultant, warm around her 4 ng heart, Hhe moved aside, man was lounging hehind her, At first plane Raauel thousht this must be & hoy she was meets fag Pink, round face, round flrure LL] itra-fashionante attire, oven a dah of a pinky mustache Hie a whit of down above pouting red Hips, One iy the eyes, small, und, like Mobs of Intensely Blue ehina heads, gave hint that In experience, 8 loa, the wan had left youth LLA If he'd only take theses roving, sluttonous ayes off her, ahe'd go on smiling at Mrs, Rosart, "Rlaworth!" The woman's hands sould not eantrel thelr palay, You Wave nob apoken to Monsier Al phones." The pink man wrinned sheeplahly, MPar' Bn, m'dear," he manared, "8a ka you, my word, sorey." The woman caught hin hand, AWURE 18 An a oblld would do, In a tle eddy of delight, Wn oaaw It ten, Rile!™ she eoned, "TI wondered If you wand, H's really quite uncanny, fan't Hi? Ten't she taseinating tn that flesh tn ANN WW WRavishing! The plak man wat Ww fervor tito the word that Mrs, MM owould have frowned did the tantness of the akin aerees her hrow allow of sueh Indulgence, Wd advive we ta have It, then Waltehing him narrowly, oe] WAR'S eyes hagan roving aver AGUS! asain, "Have It, Yea, Have WOMAN was appeased hy hw Intervent, Bhe smirked wp inte hin LL mm ORE ey . Ll ¥ VIE tn the arts " wavs PAle green Ike the Arees in a Mme... A #010 one with 10) " LRRD h uel's glance flew ta Alphonse The corner of hin Good Alphonwe, Mare airs, Lounging wraps, Crlap nna frooks, Luneheon NA TOAW Aorom willeht hall, Mrs, Besar woul uel, Rlaworth? Yeu, Elywonth WW ein them, We had never red abant thew, Rut these, the Wl af ary, "Ry all means, w'dear" The » of 'am" a {ng herselt lke a peas ft not? And copies In green ox, Mn Ronn very he's PAFHAL to gold," her Ll Sauaht Nor Message, parade of fashion continued WMShblen TOW! WN 1 a'slock, luncheon wan \ moh with Monsieur and Miss Ras goon sueh olathes Really never Cryatal, Jace allver, Yellow roses Min EE I SE A HATTON 0 pontiaring thely patals on the cloth Hirange foods, Wines that sparkled, Raquel notloed that Mrs, Bosart ponresly touched the bewildering arvay, Bhe nibpled at a ourl of toast, paper-thing, beside hey plate Hipped at olear, sparkling waler poured Into her glawg from a care fully guarded nottle, "I'm dieting, she donAded, "1x WLI absurd? Biaworth scolds me Hut one never knows, We must pre serve our figures," That horrid oackls again, The eords of her throat working, A wave of red mounted up from under Flaworth's 11lae eollar, No matter how or whera hls ayes voved, they pame hawk to feast on Raquel's fon Momething Raquel thought might he syrup flavored with a delleate inaldious perfume In tiny winsaes with lon" slen ar stems wan placed hafore them, "Ronnie, m'denr' the plak man leaned forward, toying with his plans, "I have an Idea, On my word Never heen used hefors,' Tha withered woman wha all at tention, "You know my wite Is frighttully orlginal," The pink man addressed Rigual, "Most original woman in snolety, Really, Noted, Bhe's wiv Ing a danes, Wer grand.dan, , , that f6, & young relative of hema fs a debutanta this vear Tomorrow night, Isn't 1t, Ronnie? Byhil's Ar path "I halleve ft 1s, Wlawarth, (] why, ves, tomorrow," UT owas thinking 1 might he a great lark, Hannle, If you should Poreuade Miss Raquel here tn he your mueast" "don't un ayes huleing verteg aeam, "Yau see, m'dear," Elsworth ig nored the danger signals, 'you two are so freightfally much alike, no one would know the one from the othen," "I'm supe, Bille "Bun break ne through the storm, "Iowould he a great lark, Ron nla, Miss Raquel looks so frightful Iy Mpaniah,,, you are Npanish, Miss Raquel? I thought so, Hke A Hpanish princess, Like you, m' dear, We oonld sort of confer a tile an her, Just among un four, They'd love It, your guests, A title, And It would prove what I have als Ways sald, THAL you are the pers fect Bpanish type, m'dear,,. the royal ty Mra Kina, heamed at him across table, "1an't he the adoring hushand?t" she erooned, "If you think we eonld do it, ,,. 1 declare, | never heard of anything so novel, How Aid you aver think 1 up, darting" "Oh 1 Just came to me, looking ab the two of you, It Miss Ragque! wi ponsent, ,, Pm sure she will," To Raquel Alphonse had given a command 'Tadead, you," she added, 1 am honored" That irstand Arata Witherad lips an In pe, '! osart hlew Elsworth » the The afternoon wan divided he twetn orders for the gowns Raquel Amv ---- wore theve wie a prodigious, an unwearalile number of orders, she WAH BUTE, and plana for the ark the Bosavis were to enjoy at the axpense of a gullible society For Maquel It would have a Iark ton, were IL not for WOrLh's roving syes, heen hank, The waman proceaded along the | right evimson oarpet undar the | enclosed eanopy and entered the | wlimmering prises f enohantment Ahe wan shown to the private sie of Mrs, Blaworth Bosart, Fifteen minutes Inter the woman emerged Inte the private living roof of Mrs, Posart where the | Chapter IN Raquel should have Dean Weary to exhinustion after noting as mode! all day for Alphonse's private ex Wibitlon of feminine fripperies In the Park Avenue mansion of the Hosarts, but she wis nol even A Hitle Wit tived, How eould slip he? Wasn't she going ta the gofesnus Bosart hall, tn a marvelous home of wealth and beauty? Wasn't abe going to he a princess, a Hpanish princess, at least for a night? Mhe waa unless Determinedly she her hack an the alluring pleture that added frash fuel te hay kindled apirita, Homething had to he done about Jaek Farrell Hhe sat in front ar the Motel Arixton with her problem Yinok Farrell," she sald aloud, to the grave Raauel in the mirror "Phe name sounds sirange 1 Bounds LL) an If It belong od to A stranger, It's all you oan dn to rememher what Jaek Farrell looks Hie, He's lean, and hrown, and laughing, but you ean't gon him very well, You've forgotten him," It owas true, Farrell was praot! only a alvanger to hep, fhe had promised to marry (hin stranger, At any time he might ap pear-and demand that she keap her He might he downatalrs this vary moment Mhe'd turned af her mirror faon to face pramise aakiing for her, Ahe'd have to sea him, cepted money from him, Money she eolid not now repay And that would he the end of the gorgeous ball, the Spanish princess, ,, the end of Raauty No, Bhe wouldn't have Ht fhe eouldn't stand tt, Farrell had no right to ask It of her Roaming around fram place ta place Ike pypales Living in eheap hotels, Ihe this Rrixtan, The Ranual tn the mirrar looked at her with moeking eyes "Oheap hotel? Thin?" The other Raquel anked, "Why only a few days apo pou thourht it was grand," Well, T don't think ft now," she answered, "That was hafors I knew what it really meant to ha heautls ful, to b grand, I thought It would be everything Just to get out of Hermosa, To go places, To ses poos pla, Bat ofan, TUR Juat, nes thing, Like helng a Hpanish prin peas With only that old red silk dress you used to wear, It makes you want ta hit somebady,,, or ory" Lite with Farrell would ha ke thin, He had; she felt sure, given her all the money he awned, May he a few dollars left for himaelt He would get move, He was that Kind, But never enough, Money ran through his Angers ke dey sand, Naver for her tralling flesh ehifon with fur, ,, paradise feaths We R "You are superh" mae \ muted the pink man chintelntne of this enchanted palar And tha nink petainer, with Al phones, awaited her, A silences followed her entrance The prepnant stlanoa horn of thres human beings gaging on A miracle Miracle of a woman, slim and ihe, her proud head high in a sahie | oloud, Creamy pallor of her eheeks | shaming tha hearts af the garden ns that snuggled up to them on | her ahoulder Dalleats curves of her hody shdathed In allver that gave off 1itle yeams of Heht wh she moved, ke the Iambent monn Two stare twinkling through th niidntaht of her eyes, A single rub smoldering on her hreast, its enloy dimmed hy the rubles that wep her pa, "Nague! Prinpass ATE delighted that you have somal'! It wan Alphonse who shook off to spell of this woman madeled of loa and the night, Ha maved for ward, toak her languid hand, kis od It In the fashion of the conti ent | "You are superh," murmured the pink mani his mouth dror 'apen You are the most superh arsation I have aver seen,' ha added, war ing to his subject, "with the ox oeption of my wife" He had enught Wimaell Just In time, Haque! looked at Mrs, Boaart Khe felt that priekling sensation In her veins Nha shiverad, awayed an if In a fold wind, The woman was not human, She was a ghost, a skull and hones hung by some ghoulish prankster with the trap pines of beauty, Most terrifying of all, the phos! wan A repliea of hermelf, Rague! A primaeing specter of herself, nave for the silver sheath, The specter wore a gold sheath Ylealng you, ,, wa I'm almost snrey I dldn't ehoose the silver, ,,."" Mm Rosart glanced doubtfully from Raquel to her pink knight, "It 1 waren't that Elawarth, my husband in a0 partial to gold," "No, no, m'dear, The pink Knight wan adamant, "The gold hatter for you, The riohneas, the glow, You two are twin ehalloes gold and sliver, A sensation! That's what you are, A sensation!" ool of an Blaworth! Why didn't he address himself ta his Bonnie when he raved this way? Tastead of devouring her, Raquel, with his gready eyes, "You have made me a princess," Raquel laughed, turning ta the less devouring but more sincerely ap preoiative eyes of Alphonse, "hut you have not given me a name Who am 1" "You are the Princess de! Man manila, You will go to the head of men ke hot wine" (Continued Tomorrow) [NOVEL NAMES FOR DRESSES Unusual names for dresses ave th {fad In Landon this year, One of hiewe and raspherry colored satin in called Jam Tart, Gorgeous black atin models are entitled Nothing during the summer months, Here price, A vieh looking velvet dross made tn shades of red wine, 1a called Spill the Port, ROCKETS MAY START PLANES Experiments wm starting airplanes and seaplanes with rockets are said 10 be proving successful tn Germany I'he rockets will not propel the planes except at the take-off, after which the regular power will be weed, The rocket auxiliary propulsion is intend ed 10 reduce the ran before the take off, and ta ald the planes to rise res gardless of the load Poday we have Dr, Frank Nugent Freeman, He was horn 4 Canadian fhut quite early became a paveholo Uoxas Heaohers, Bulletin ys Colds treated without dosing pint aw 8] 9009000000000 0000 OCOOODOOS = [DOMINION "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" »" bad Some of the Men Back of Dominion Stores Service Lad hd "" » Ww ow w FRANK B FARLRY, Born Wiyth, ont Presh Frult and Vogelabie Huyer TOUN CLARKE, worn Luton, Bediordshire, England Ohiof Purchasing Executive JOHN MaoMILLAN, ri _Gilasgow, Boalland rattle Mahar and LD tendent of Nhipmon The high standard of service which Dominion Stores maintain in all Depart. ments calls for a corresponding high standard in personnel, Three important executives are shown above-----all of them born within the Empire---as Canadians will observe with no little pride. oo oy oe Fo F I ---------- - GOLD foe bh a: Proctor & Gamble Week In Which We Odfer You Some SENSATIONAL SAVINGS a SOAP 10% 47 WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 1 0 = 35: The All-Service Washing Powder OXYDOL 19 Large Package Kraft Cheese . PERFECTION loor Wax FRESH MILLED Rolled Oats . .. Jolly Beans i000 Ivory SOAP Guest canes 23¢ Cakes 1 Ge 6 ox. PIRCKN Shelled Wal EEE EERE EEE | 15 1h, 28¢ nuts 00 FINEST CREAMERY Braeside Butter van sive ya vane sans sly dan iii 44 Mild New Cheese . .. vv voi vnnssvensss Ib, 28¢ Fine Old Cheese ERE ERR RL EEN Ib, 36¢ » BEXTRA SPROIAL-VIGTORY RRAND "Reg. 45¢ Olives Queen loon dur 3) NEW 5:OROWN SMYRNA | Layer FIGS 25 IN OLIVE OlL-KING OSCAR NORWEGIAN Sardines229- BULK WHITE SWAN Wheat Flakos Rolled Wheat 3 ms. 25. Prt. Re one - 6006000000006 °500 0060600000000 CES AAA EE EE EE EEE REFEREE EEE EEE =

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