Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 15

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ri iE Of} IAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 y= TH RRIED SECTION, 4 Seller PAGE FIFTEEN le ad DS 2 A ------y Logs! BANNT by BAR oli! Aa | LJ [] A fh bh 0 Bi 4 Annis, Solishar, ows bl ae a Snivd i Co oud Oni B.A vr nr op H Pasi ry Py an Wi lightor, Now lie, Gon ney tn Hy # fhe " "AND OnveyaAneevs Oftiea aver Hutranes Bimooe Kone 18, 1, 1 Grierson, K.0, ol BA, N 0 Fraser ; 5 HYMAN 5 HYMAN, BARWISTIN alieitnr, otary, aver Dewland's tore, Money to lean, 16 Himes Aheeel north, Phone 67, Residenee ARRTITEE ANT FETE, AAR fiers ele, Maney to loan. Aluer Ay Opposite FP i Off se iene fide x irk H Field rislers, Fraser, abrigt 18 Notaries Pubile, ot. Standard Bank, DTI MEET oligitors, he His Bimeoe ed Maney ta loan ix 1, BA, BARWIS: ter, ale, Canveyaneing and general ractioe, BBW King 5, Ham hone BEAT, (tr Medical DRC MeRAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR Jeon, Aveaucher, Office and yes nee, Kina 81, East, earner Vietoria Bt, Oshawa bb me U4 VV, THICK, TT JST DR "HAND olan, ROL Ohstetrieiun, Special references ta maternity work and di seases of women, Two vears' post raduate sxpeilence, COffige and ves ence 167 Simeae Si, N, (ear, Broek) hone 303 Sada Rak i URANT TERRY, PINE TAN Surgeon, Ohstetrician, diseases of tnfants end ehildeen, Oidige and residenge, 97 Bond Kast. Phone LAS BRB, HAZLEWOOD, TVS elan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Eleetr) theupy Qe, Disn. v Blagk, Phone 2080, Offie 181} 9 am opm Residence ial K ing Fase, Phone 24 gilt pH DAVID ANCHE, NM.O, C TH « R d and 8 Edinburgh Phyavian: Surgeon and PR be a Offige 144 Hime oe 81, N. Phone 1020 piidene i Ni KE In AA \ i MD, Is 6 A y Fd inbuirih vale AL Obstetrician, special at tention ta maternity work and dis eases of children, Office and resi denge, 183 Simeoe St, North, Phone 107 SEW, COANR, PHYETOTAN, Burgeon, Obhatetvielan, Offies ang vesidence, 418 Blmeee street north Phone "iih. Bes (Oot, Ew Nose, Throat Specialist 1 ART OR | a NLOOR WE of aronie, w A he at his office aver lury & Lovell's Dig Siore ee Saturday, fram 1 All 4] pn, for eensultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and threat only Avvoiny nents Jy he mide wi Fil Hy ] ye, Ear, Noss Soe Throat Pi RAY TARDSON, OFFIC] ver Mitehell's Drug fi Hous 10 a 12 am, § Kvenings by prointenl 2600) 1 ma) Offige phone CST PRLLIES, OVER 1 TAR fi hR, Nino attention 0 Ta work. Gas a raetitn Nur IN endance apne Mad FIONA E Bi H Nr OOKT TEIMCOE ST orth, aver Mitehell's Drug Stave | LI (3) geting 'hone Sd DR. LE HURAKLL, DE PINT 4 Nitrous aud axvien aas far exti tions, Office Roval Bank "ie ALS Fr 1 hom eee aver Dewland' hone 0s) Res MW Evenings n > 0 GFTICT nt V tH. al Thro WN Phd W hone 1780 : AT IR TAVIS IT v Mh ne St RB Special wm tention to was extraction and N pay wk Nuts in attendance. Phones Mond Bd ES Architects t C STENHOUSE rehites tural work val Bank Hailing, ~ JOHNSON, AS Sines 8, 8 GENERAL Second floay Phone 14% SON A architects TOs i Contracting ACTING = CONCRETE electric of tei for eatimates Coat Repairing "READY FOR WINTER © avereoals repaired and ab ro lad \ P eonte rellned and allaring YOUR AWN mera! made Wh, hide' 12 ng St W. (aver R d deliver. Phone 80% ) - Oo : Tat ster FERAL = ry FURS PAIRED tele, weds made! ey na Ory 19 wearer pric} th §00 BOWN, Phone AL Eaghneering and Surveying DONEVAN AND RWTTT, (TAR nd Supveyers and ( Engin cers, Aub divisions i no planning unieingl engine ar Al Kine 1 Unidertulsing | oERTEL 0 BR fast, Amhulanee, treet north, Phones 10) and ( "Cetin ares, Hues sireel, Phone (id, Am Jillasia. Insurance INS CF AND SON hen, & wo, Noney J WR, [ANC gonsnit R, N, Johns, HO Himegs north, Your insiursaoe wants at tended to and your Intevests pro: tected y Transportation TARFAGH AND BTORAGE, COTW, man's, 6 Bond West, Hpecinilste In furniture moving, soraEs wire house and moving YAR equipment, Phone HK, ema « CARTAGH "MOVING, GRAVEL Loewl and long and and emders stan hanling, Phone 3048 anil Lang, Bmith and Cox, 887 King ul ' ORHAWAT OLOTET ESTAN lished furniture movers, Park Road CRF Age Looa) and Jon distange Frank Coawly, Prop 0h ark South, Phone B16, (Oct, 16-1 mao) WANT --THUORING OF ALT Kinds, Carting or moving Phone BOROW (Oct, 18:1 mo) RAGLL { ARTERS AND LONC distance movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quick serviee, cheapest in Qsh awa, Phone us fist, Ja A MEP (1% SWI NEW DUMP TRUCK, NIH lagk, Cravel, sand and eliders [TE age, 215 Bloor Bi, KE, Oshawa Phone 730W (Nay, 6:1 mn) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL, sand and elnders, Phone B0RIM Chris Uvaham, 870 Verdun Hoad, (Nov, 14:1 month) ~Bosuty | Parlors Hi Ty LOL PRIMAN ENA waves Hpeelal $5 and $7.50. Finger Wilve al whi non fl Taaial 78 Hair eutth g 236, Phone MON or 86 Nimeae Narth EXPER ii Wi ey MARCELLING RY Hetty Ward at Hetty Lou Permian ent Wave Shoppe: Maree! and sham poo Ri Phong, 296 ill, WATSON'S BRA iN BER KER Heauty Shap, 9 ( eling 81 platizge in ladies' hair eutting selling, shampooing, faelals, Maree) 8h cents, For appaipiments hong FLLE Nay, 18:1 mo) "AND We spe may Building Supplies er FOR SALE BAND, URAVEI tone and blagk loam, $160 a vd For aunty and service 'phone 1s aery Hi A ping 11 CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALT fiond sand and gravel, To Insure Jrompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date, W. Hoy powdal.e Phone 1618, Musie TUPTLA ACORIT RD InELPUeLIOnS Mrs, Hovey, Phone 11046, _(Naovy, THTHUN LVNDE, "VOGAL rant IN (RE1 0%) 1 mn) "VOURE TEA ahr. (Hawmbourg Conservatory, 1s pata) pupils prepared for all exanis awa, Wednesday, 92 Simooe Bi Fh Phone 273 he ali AT HOUKLEY PARKER RO. prane, will accept puplis for sing ing, voles culture, ete, Phone 1904, JUN Hruoe Ht, Nov, 2:1 mo) LEONARD RIOHET, TRAN Pipactor of Musto, Oshawa Collegl ate and Publi Bohools, ude, n Westmoreland, Phone 2084 (Och, 18:1 wma) Radio Service RATIO RRRVIOR AND ACOA sories, Repairs on eleetile and battery aota, Tubes and batteries tested. Batteries vecharvaed, rental anpplied 41, Shane 10403, Oharies Wales, 148 Blgln ® ow, 4:1 mo) RADIO BEERVIOR AND REPATRE 16 all makes of sets, ald sets Pe modelled, power tubes added hy a radlotrielan, No ade for napection, Phone #82 R 1 Nov 1s X me Caulking FAVE XLT OREVIORE ANOURD your windows and dears filled with plastie cement and ahut out the old drafty, saves fuel, the eon hy amall, Free estimates, J, H, SOR, Ry No, 2, Oshawa, Phone 28-2 (Nay, 4 ol Wel Wo) "Painting and Decorating, R JUTSOLR, FIRST CLASS A unger, pant and A RR ory a Wn Plas Ave, phone ia ng NINE CENTS PER YARD, PERT od Skinia, ene dollar. alterations, ote, Al Kinda of & ju pd work On sale. Mra 20% W 18:1 we) wet {5 Ge Phan of fur Pure wie 3 4 { ON ¥ AA Ww Prince St AN 4 me , Wi CL bey ONEER, ioe Street §. Phone NWN, (Ooh 23-Now, 2) of this nature, te come personally to The 1 and collect for same, "Times" Classified Teleph All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has heen found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the senvenlence of customers who find It Inconvenient will bring a messenger whe will recelve the advertisement ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT imes' office, a telephones eall Ads Bring Results one 35 Rp aaa Real Estate for Sale | FOR SALE = BOLID BRICK, BIN rooms, hot water heating, gumwoud rim, fire place, hardwoos "oors, sido drive, electri fixtures, price $4,300 S00 dallars down, Apply 2081 Duffers mn Street, Torome, or phone Ken wool Abad (Nay, 4:Noy, 16) GRAVEL BAND PIT FOR BALK 4 miles trom Okhawa, Apply P.O Hox A04 Oshawa (1180) Watch Repairing \ FR "VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watehmaker, repair shop #1 Md King Nireet West, Your pal ronage I) solleited a Work Wanted AEUPHOLETEWING, THEFTRI fields made 10 order, W 0 save Vou money, Estimates free, G, A, Con stable, 74 Mochanio street, Phone 149 A (pail) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and dielvared, 75 cents, IT ven al sun illed 81, Hatteries repaired Stan Mideon, 20 Mill 51 Phong I1ARAW (Nay, 181 ma) FATTRATEE CHARGED AND DE livered Tho, vental BAe, and the entire aleotlen) aysiem of oar fw pialred, 404 Oshawa Hivd Phous ERAN Noy, 181m) Wi ho WHFATRET TO pars and truoks, Alsa Eeneral woodwork, W, Fry, 48 Bond wes pen ayening # (Nov, 14:1 mao) ---- a Public Stenographer MATTE NM HILTON, 74 RIMOUR street north, Phone 1600, Hpevial rates for malling Viste and olveniay work {Ont CLE Wo ) Home Cooked Meats ENGLER HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples, hot or oold, hrawn, cakes and DPRELFIes, elo, ote, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple strast, Phone BATE, LAALLY Motor Cars MIF YOUR AUTO FARTE AND Acoenaories al the City Aule Wreekars, 10:17 Bond street wes! Phones BREOW or dda (OL, 26:1 ma) HOOT TIIY "WEERN COACH IN oneal running order. Golng at a SAranin. Apply Bd Centre HE, Lite) A Money to "Loan CTIVAND FANN TOANS"TRO ress loans a Parkhill & Wield, Barristers, ele, Alias RAW Phone 16 | Hardwood Floors, 8¢ Foot VOUT CAN ROY fiARBwaLD Hooring Ak oF only ool, fromht paid on $10 orders, All end and side matehed, Easy to fay, You ean do the work vourselt, \Ve tell vou how Bend for free alveolar Path day, Rox dtl Hamilton, ein \ Speelal -- Room and d Board FRONT HROROON wav A TARR lop hiaingh couple W oard it paseidl ene Shaw (11% a I ih private RD Nain: 200 3, north, Phone BTAW, Te Ran ae CARTE "NIORLY ™ FURNIRHED bedroom, with ap without head, Private home suitable for business couple, 2432 Bulalle Avenue, Phone 200%) (114) Rony Wanted to Buy WANTRI FO 1UY, FIR ORI 00Med house 1h or near olty, An ily stating loweat price to HOR mnt Himes, (1140) Wanted To Rent WANTED == FOUR WOOMED at or apt, Contirel, Hox 298 Times. (1180) Money Wanted FOR NEE RANTRD- N00 fst MOTtEAES, § per cont. inten LH Goof seonrity, Apply Box 293 a ih) Poaition Wanted AIRY WOTLH TIKW ANY wl work, Phone 4TTN bs oF week ante ar work hy da Phone perienced with ohiidFen, ee 28% 1 3, (1180) EE i Aiticles For Sale MI slabs, hody Li Phone | 288 WOR Lad, Veo radiog, arranged 1hhad, AM per load, Also bons dry alerous Wah bdmiied (Apr, oti HA Lull TRTNTIRAN (i) Planos, new and used pianos Intel models] tere Apply ©, Trull, Phone . (110k) MOVING BALK OF BICYCLE bioyele stoek, and automobile tires Wig reduction, cash or terms, Every thing must be sald, 2 King west (Chet, #90 mod HADIO TOW BALE == 6 TUDN hattary model, tn hagutiful console eabinet, Perfect condition, Chap Phggie Y0BEW (1180) " AALE=0RGAN IN 6G00D vondition, Bultable tor ehuroh, $80 Phong S088 (1400) VICTROLIA CARINET MODEI Good eonstition $48, Apply 31 Hrues bal ; (Lie) FOR ONT A0RY HOM I Wiehe stove and one Que hee heater, Phone 100EM (11a) WIN AA LK ronk FORTHE TWO aTRER tay contd tn good condition, Poo small for owner, Hise 10 yours, Phone 10M | HARD AND ROTTWOOT oheap, | reasonable te good tenant Hand | [ FANOATNWADI0, HLTA HTLY used hattery set for sale terme, Phone 1710) Hoeason while (114f) Help Wanted Male EXTERIENCED TINSMITHE AND sheet metal workers, Apply Ved lar People (113) FIRET OLANE EXPRRIENCED die makers, Apply Pedlay People (1180) OUT OF TOWN OPPORTUNITY, Men aver EN, marvied, preferred tapible, energetio and vellable, for piled Joh leading to executive ap polntment, Ta qualify must earn SRO00 First year, Hond and vefey oneas required, All replies eanfid intial, Hox 401 Times (1140) Help Wanted---Female ERAN RHORTIANDL "AND Pouch Typing at home in ten weeks Simplified system, Typewriter sup pled, Sample lesson freer Write Damion Soheel Telegvaphy, Hmited, org v . Wi » PHREREER ON alk p Phenidry ARDY Hox 2400 Times (118h) ARCOME A FTENOGRAPHER IN tel weoks home ' study throueh ppeedhand, the stmplified system Wypewriter supplied, Welle Toy (roe sample lesson Dominion dehool Telography Limited, a PORLO, BR LER ELLEN 180) a Ee ------ Agents ats Wanted MANOR WOMAN TOIRATT and appoint local representatives Postion permanent i yearly guaran tee S1002 (Hong £21 weekly aver ane) and expenses) commission and gash bonuses besides, Winston Coy Tower Hig, Toronto, Lost and Found FONT RONE™ KNITTING TAT containing small sweater in Osh AWA OF on hgh ware Ruwhit, hans 448 11h) Notice to Creditors In the Batata of Thomas Gorden Hransto® of the Township af Rast Whithy tn the County of Ontario, Labourer, Deceased, All DOrEORR having olalms Against the eatate of Thomas Gon don Branston late af the Township of Kast Whithy tn the County of Ontario, Labourer, Deceased; whe died on ar about the Tweaiy olghth day af April 1928 ave noth tod 10 send ta the underatgwed Adminisiateix or the Wnderviaied solioltors an or hefore the ¥ day of December 1828 thelr names and addresses id fall partientare of thely olaims duly verified, After sald last mentioned te tive assets of the estate will be Altributed among the pasties ews titled thereto having regard ably to the olaima af whieh minfstrateiy shall. then have Be ties, Dated at Oshawa this 81h day ot November 182% SARAH ALIOR BRANSTON, Adminiatpatpiy, 0 Grierson, Crelahton & Fraser her Rolleftavs, Oaha wa, Ontario COB 441380) the Ad! For Rent FOUR AND FIVE HOUMED MOD urn suites, Insluding sleetrie relrig wiition, stave, laundry, sonvenl widen, ete.) continuous hot wale sipped, Apply Bupt, 'phones 8671, ir The Trusts and Cuarantes Oo Idi, manager for owner, Yorento, (8741) APATTNVINTR VOR WONT dodern eonvehlences, 840 and n \pply Jury & Lovell, (he i) FORT RENT = FIVE ROOMY lirieke, eonyvenlences, hivdwood floors, elestrig Dwtures, newly dosorated, villy possession, Apply 41 Livin fi ki, hana 1086, 14f) ALL, WAH IN MODIIN oy ments, Apply to 1, H, Beattie, 101 Wing Ft, Mast, Apt, §, (418u) RINT TOON TOTHE AT 456 1% Bimeos street south, newly deo outed, hot walter heating, sun room, Rent 40 dollars per month, Phone BOK or BOD, 81 Bond sireel Want, (10 FOR MNT =O AT TITAN: ile BL, Beven rooms with. convenls fnoes, $18 4 month, Apply 100 Wiony West, (1180) BATHROOM PLAT WITH TWO furnished vooma for Hght house keeping Phone and ges, Appl B04 Halg Mi (te TWO LARGTTIOTRTRTEPING foams, private entrance, wnfurnishs od, Hot and oeold water, Naw throughout, central, sonvenlances, Bo Contre Breet (1180) FOR ENTE TWA RICE TO wished Halt hon choaping roumas, heated, all convenlenses, Phone 1404 M217 MelKim Bt, (1140) TO LIES HRICK TOURER, HIX rooms All sonvenlenoes Apply Headley Hros (11) 'WO HOOME TO RENT "HWA'T, witb ap and electro, B16 5 month Abply B11 Divislon Ni (Lille) FUR MENTE § ROOMED TRICK house, U plec hath Furnes hogedale Ave, Phone 1047) \ (118) APARTMENT FOR AME vonvenlengos ulhorne ast QRRT PARTLY OR ground Hoos Apply 20 Oshawa (1%) WENT ON PARK Apply 184 Park Hoan (1180) HIN ROOMED HUN And Warm Heont Phone (11d) FOU noom partment downstairs, Private en 104 Uhureh Mt Apply Phone 2404M (114m) HRIOK HOUR] French doors Laundry tube Henry Wilking, | (1140) | HOURE ON 12 Himeos Mt Ni or phones And (1140) FOR HUNT HMA LL HOUNK With garage on Westmoreland Ave ARply 20 Westmoreland Ave (114m) BMALL HOURK ON Phone #284, FURNISHED Hu ht hose keeping Near Mators 108 Phone A307 FOR RENT w= FOUR unfurnished ro Hont reasonable Hivd HOT AR Hosnd North NOvth VOTH LITTLE Hriuht Hs, now Fleoty (any range and love RRR FON RENT tunes ni 108 Chureh Mt RTO Byary convenivnee farm windows ol In basement, SEN Gibbons Mi I'O HENNY MALL Hale mit Apply HOOM FOR HENT Inryls #i (1140) CENTRAL Nleo or 40 (1140) For Sale and To Rent RI WENT CORT FOR" HALY Hoven roomed hones at 218 Athol dtreet Bast, All conveniences, Ape ply 316 Mary 8t, (11d¢) FURNIEHRD HOUR, Iy looated, Hardwosd floors irle ranpe hone d84W Centre Mt ee Books HOTA AWSHE "TITUTATING Hhrary, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotion at minimum eon Phone 1473, 47 Blmeoe Bi, North uf LLY Pets and Live Stock FOR TATE TROTTER Oe Man puppies, Parents of these PURRes are among the heat In Canada, Phone 13738) between o and [ (1140) -- Auction Sale AUCTION SAL N OF HARDWOOY mostly frst olass heeeh and maple of Loaores in lots on Con, 3 Lot A tn the Township of Darigton, 1 wile west of Courtiee, 34 wile north on Sat, Nov, 16th at 130 BM, A AYRE, W. Jv SULLRY, Owner Awe toner FATIGUE AS CAUSE OF TUBERCULOSIS ww British Medical Officer Lee: tures to National T.B, Awociation London s=Hoalthy adults who ands denly vontiast pulmonary tuberous foals have probably been overwarks Wi Rhett resistance 10 the disease has Probably heen | broken down Wy "ehionie fa! due Ww working NR and day, hese vermarkable new theories re advanced recently hy De CG G8 AS h Goodwin, wedical superintendent of the NeweastlesponsTyne Sana joy W t Rarvastord, in a lecture Ye Rhieenth annnal eonferenee o the National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, Papers hast heen vead ov fluence oF insanitary housing, bad feeding, wrennday enplayent, and the tae Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion per word, Minimum ehorgs B00, Kaoh subssguent oonseciis tive Insertion lo per word, Thres 1 oenin sonnel ive inser tone for thy price ol two first nweriionw (thres cents a word), Miplmum oharge tor three insertions, 40 ocevin, Hox number 10a additional Professionsd or DNusiness Cards, $8.80 par month for 40 words or less; 10 ants a word per month for each additions) word, TIMNS CLAKKIIED ADM CONT LITTLY AC COMP LIB MUCH THLHIHONK nn Ask for Classified Ad Dopnrtinent tuberculosis Iowans shown that deaths from various forms of tuber enlonls are from thirty jie J per cent the country eranpe In the congested and poor stistriets af Tynesids Dre Goodwin fully admitted that slum epnditions are responsible fo i large proportion of infected canes, hut he continued | Phere in a large number of ean who ome for treatment, definitely suffering from tuberele of the lum whose homes are all that homes should he, whe have regular employ ment wl an adequate remuneration, wholesome and suelent food, who have never heen in contact knowing ent nu hove NO LEVEL CROSSING! Underpasses and Overpreses Where Road Intersects Rallway The blggest news nvising In the gonstruetion of Cuba's 7000mile high wity, ub present, is the bullding of iis MIT ind euts heneuth the rillway tracks pnd is spans over ol vers, It dn likely ta he the owmstand Ing feature of (the vod aetivity un Hl the $1I00000000 project is gom pleted eurly In 1941, For here Is wo vosd withsw Why ero wt oprade, Cub iy gone he Blates one hetiel in the elimination of geade crassing snd vord construstion has THIRY Mion ditmenltion thin generally ba fompd In the United States, There are river and stremng to he erossad that vise for tarrentinl bitluita under the swell of tropleal outhurats, There wre lof ty hile and mounting In eustern Cub he rock formation In feraper ith hundreds of sirens lowlund fern Cubs that In wimmer bh indund lakes, and If vl Ia to he direst I must burro ough rock 'hitls, hig PASE Over minrahy innit embankment Ih wd underpin th \ hove und hi in y hive rll UL Lined In wi ol th hil hh over strenms depressions on os ol neath beginning ne MeDonald, mann for W that there rallrond al com ration Taal idl hove TOL) highway In thirty thm Hn rach NL jenth, Hecawne ob th ly with a sonree of infaetion "These patients often ask for down, and inguiry into thelr oeeupi Hon and habits shows a cause which i common to them all, and whieh | describe as chronie fubipi "In the vast prportiom of cases, De, Goodwin concluded, "infeetion ooeurs in ohildhood and develops nn adult He or adolescence us a result largely of two main faetorst Firstly, adverse environment sonditions the home, and seeondly as a result of prolonged chante fatigue" INDIA NOT RIPE Nawab of Bhopal's Declara. tion in Speech to Legis lation Council London Ihe Nawab al has the reputation in India of hein the most energetie and the most en Hghtened member of te youngel peneration of the native princes, His speech at the opening of his legisla tive counell witeh an Just arrived hy air madly a statesmantike do oument, showing true insight into the problems attending the rapid inten duetion af Kurepesn politieal ideas no an astern land Mis Highness has elosely the progress of the reforms ih India and In In sympathy thelr main (deals, He savas I want to make po secret that per sonally 1 have very strong leanings toward democracy i not the Western form of demoeracy, but demoeracy in the broader sense of the word But he has ne sympathy with ats tempts to foree an ancient people hastily into a ready made political mould Ax far an 1 know, the Princes are hy no means opposed to the prins oiplen of democraoy, Why should they bet After all, the true aims and objects of all forms of government are the same, be they on the lines Ey hy an kinetin of the Americar Ropublie, yo Hoth can serve the best interests of a country and be a bless. ing 10 humanity; but both are open to temprations 49 oan he a menace 10 & people, Why then quarrel about forma? Why initiate methods of ad ministration so far uwaknown to the country! Instead why not reform ourselves where Boring are needed, And vet retain amr Indigenous syste he h hae stood the test of entire 11] Gentlemen, lot nobly for a mm Ment suspect that on we hold VIEWS Against an Wir change [0 denoeragy We are apposed to ita principles, We do so bevause we bes fleve that a fully demoeratie Govs ernment ean. only he successtul in a eountry where a very large number of the people know what | hest for them An honest examination of ous conditions, 1 am atraid, reveals that AL the present stage of one mortal, mental and physical development thiy Not the case with wa, You cannot alter these conditions BY, 80 10 8AY, A wave of the mage wand, You need centuries of persists ont and honest work, and T think that 11 wont net he practieal poli tes Mbit © mle with any sae cess A mediaeval i Wt hy twentieth tn methods, am econvineed that the success of an Ovlental peas 0 lew We their OMAN Oriental, -------- Lindsay --M, Alex MeKensie ot Glenarm was instantly Killed yeste y when the ear Wm which she was pling swerved inte the ditch whew A tre blew out Mer hushand was i eo miured, The car was driven asper Farman, her sonsinskawy, By suatained minor injuries o---- studied in Hit with May Get Acclamation Kitchener Indications are that TOW WAESE 8 CONtRbUTARY faumies ol Mayor Cloment will be given a sees on Rr hy acckumation Ll | opinion of the reason why they break | FOR DEMOCRACY "You'll Drink ItAgain" " Mhopul | COFFEE "You'll dvink it again® ON CUBA'S HIGHWAY -- ol th low su mdy | enih hewvy rains In laid right « Oyerpnases mist hi to bedroelk and firmly anchored SEADROMES PLAN CAUSES COMMENY French Senator Would Limit Each Country to Speci fied Number Paris, Nov, 14 The vecantly announced plan of an American 10 alah inh seadromen In the Atlantie for use as refuelling wintions hy tranpnoeuante planes, may load to international compleations, in the hellef of Henator Henrl L'lmery Writing In the newspaper lxoels wlor recently, the Henator declared the geadromos rilusd on graye (liens tion whieh should he suhmitied to the flvespower novel conference In London next January The weadromen, hi give the United Hiates a vantage In eaps of wal Ha sup wokted that the desans ha donned, Hitting onoh gountry to a certain number of the floating Islunds paid, would real ad Man ound Dead Fdmonton Lying In un pool blood on the rosdway near the Kirta of the elty Inte Baturdny hort Atklng, 1 60, died early thi morming a ult of u fracture ol the skull, 1 rid on twa thi one lugged aver the head other thst the rack of un opas tor truck struck him, i " W Blamcos » N i Phone Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales JIMITHD PO Blmeos Be, MN, ol oul Her nui ay es wre w that he hel the ng Mm Ii Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Mo Finance You! { MOTOR LOANN AND DINe COUNTS LTD, Felt Block Room @ Phone 2780 DISNEY -COTT AMBULANCR AY Colina Wi, Phone 1088 . RYRSIGHT SPECIALIST dhe ye Care Si Disney Block &% yy He Phane1818 AR lumber t we live us give In November you demand the same service from your You get it, if your source of supply lives up to a guarah- elivery service such as not getting this service, let Daily, hulldere, plan their building on close schedule, They de- pend on us: dealer, as in July, up to, If you are it to you, and cdntractors ey can, COMPANY, LIMITED Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 i a AH

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