Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 11

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gs BANKS HELP 10 STABILIZE THE + STOCK MARKET ih DUCE AMOUNT OF . BROKERS' CALL LOANS Hop Is Expected To Re- "store Confidence in Conditions Moutreal, Noy, 14,.Reassuring dication that, in the opinion of 0 banks of Canada, deflation of jtoek values on the Canadian mare i has reached its logleal "bot- im' and that the banks are pre- Vi ha S Ea al pared to step Into the breach in the | interests of stabilization was forth coming last night when the leading banks, acting together, snnoungsd hare that they would nocept 16 per cont, on enll loans to brokers en stocks selling ower $80 and $10 per share on issues. below that prige, In taking this action to ease the credit position for the brokers, the banks will be benefitting a large number of marginal clients, for brokers, generally, feel that this will enable them to reduce thelr marginal requirements and pre- clude the necessity, In many capes, of sending out further calls, The moral effect of this don- structive motion, It Is antleiputed, will be even greater in rostorlng confidence than the actual ald rendered, great as this will be, Yor a long time the hanks were charging 80 per cent. to 40 per cont, margin on brokers' loans, This was feduced to b per cent, two weeks ngo, after securities had shown a sharp decline, ' Interviewed last night, C, Foremost Foremost in removing dirt and impurl. ties, Old Dutch Cleanser is foremost in economy as well, This is so because its particles are flat shaped and cover more surface, clean more quickly and effi. clently, Therefore it goes furthe: T) SAVES time and saves work, Old Dutch makes everything it cleans wholesome, sweet, hygienic and sanitary. Doesn't scratch surfaces nor harm the hands. Millions of housewives know there is nothing else like Old Dutch for § «Economy and Healthfu Made in Canada Safety on sy i a aS Various lines $1.89 'Ladies' in broken sizes, $2.59 This outstanding group of ladies' shoes contains velvet pumps, patent d ties, . oub- an heel oxfords, All plzen In the lot, Regular pry from $3.05 to Satine and Patents a from our regular stock priced to make attractive values, Men's Sturdy Brown, $2.98 Men's Tan or Black Plain Toe Military Boots, Reg ular Price $4.50, Misson' horn and. Straps in Patent and Calf, Regular PBOYS' TAN CALF BOOTS 1 to BY. EN Regular price Prices $2.08 and $3.00, Bises 11 to 2, $1.98 Hurlbut seconds in Patent \ Roots, Regular i SR Al, AR Goodyear welt wear, not dpwn to a price, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIVES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, ee OER EUR RRR AMBASSADOR TO MEXICO Wamund Ht, John Debonnaire who has been named an ambassador to Mexico to Mon» John Monson, British succeed Bir Kemond Ovey, Mr, son visited Canada last year Neill, vice president and managing director of the Royal Bank of Can- adn, expressed the opinion that present market prices were in many Instances below the intrinsle values of the stocks, Mr, Neolll said he wos confident that the brokerage houses on the local sirest were well able to weather the storm, thay had ample muarging with the banks, | | U5. MINISTER TO | CANADA RESIGNS Finds Cost of Living in Dip"! lomatic Position ls High Washington, Nov, 14 Ww iam | Phillips, the outstanding mon im the American diplomuntio | service, Las resigned un minister to | Canada, Ho oxplained that wished to the United itates to educate his children, but hin friends know that he in quitting because of the high cost of living for diplomats Mr, Phillip ont of to return haw plenty of money maintain his position, but his present pont has boon expensive, He wanted his government te pro vide him with a hon to help eur tall hig expense, but was refused, Minister's Own Vorslon Ottawa, Nov, 14 Remarks of Hon, William Phillips made yostors day at Valleyfleld, Que, that his resignation as first United States minister to Canadas was dus meres ly to "privite and family reasons, wore emphasized on his return to Ottawn last night from attending the fungral of Hon, James A. Robb, minfeter of finance, "I have un family of tive chil- dren, Mr, Phillips sald, "Mops, Phillips and 1 guerely wish to ro- tire to our home In Boston, Muss, and reunite ouy family, After all there comes a time when family res iponsibilities outwaelgh everyone's ofMcial renponsibilition,' The minister sald he had consid oved retiving from his ambassadors ful post In' Belgium two years ago, but because of the special reqtest of President Coolidge and Seore 0 | 1929 [4 specially nice When make a vous dish or meat patties--~make t with Oxo, The rich Beef- Juices of Oxo give and flavour Just that rightness which appeals to ¢, Oxo Gravies --deli made " in a minute! Improves all Meat Dishes i ----_ | tary of Htate Kellogg he had oon ented to come to Canad to open the first United States legation, "Hyveryone has been wonderfully kind to Mrs, Phillips and mywelf wince we came to Canada and to lenve Ottawa and resign from the service in one of the hardest things | I aver did," he said, SAFETY INFLYING SUBJECT OF STUDY Am-------- Committee of Safety League Reports Progress in Investigation Montreal, Nov, 14~Commander Maurice J. Quedrue, chairman of the Aviation Committees of the Province of Quebec Bafety League, reported to the Round Table Dis- cussion Club of the same organiza tion on the progress of the work Lis committee is doing to promote safety In aviation, Speaking of the need for a thorough understanding by the public of the problems to he dealt with, Commander Quedrue stressed the sdugative value of Lhe webkly radio broadoasts sponsored by the Aviation Committes of the Safely League and of the publicity accorded by the I'ress to its aotive ition, "AL our regular meeting held the day following the traglo diskster on Monday Inst," stated Oommander Quedrue, "our committee instructs od {ty pocretary to wire the Director of Ulvie Aviation at Ottawa res wm wuesting that one of our members be permitted to attend the Hoard of Buguiry which is to be held ins to this aceldent, to the end that we might better carry on our campaign for elimination of puch disasters, A reply han been received from the Director to the effect that InAsmuch as the victims of the orash were both members of the Royal Cana« dian Alr Fores, the enquiry did not come within the soope of the De partment of Civil Aviation, and that as it would not be conducted by them, they were unable to auth orige the attendance of one of our members, Our telegram, the reply added, has been passed to the pros per authorities, So tar, Commands or Quedrue added, 'no communioas tion has been received from the proper authorities'" COURTICE BRIEFS Courtice, Nov, 12.Miss Amelia | oxfords, Built to All sizes Black or $1.49 Children's sturdy Pan 00 noled Sohool boots, Sluen 4 to TY%. Siger 8 to 104 SLT in | WINDOY (4 ra a THE \Butns Shoe Co. Ltd. 40 Years Dependable Service LIMITED | was home over | wan a guest | Walters, Oshawa, wan a holiday visit. J. Gay, Osborne, Toronto, the week-end, Peterboro, Mabelle or of Mra, A, Miss Lyla Miss Mabel Hrown, of Mim last week, Otis Worden and family, To. conto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mra, Frank Rundle, Mrs, John Worden who has been visiting her son in Toronto for a couple of weeks returned home with them, Miss Vera Vanatone, Whitby, | visiting Miss Mabelle Walters, The OG.1.T, held their regular meeting. At the Church Saturday afternoon, and Afterwards prac. (ised the play they will present ahortly, Mr, and Mrs, 8, 8, Brooks, Mr and Mrs, Jas, Shortt, Mr, and Mrs, Shortt, Mp, and Mrs, Ross and Mme, W, R, Oourtice the twentieth wedding celebration of Mr, and Mrs, Bd, Werry, Solina, Saturday wvening, Clarence Trull and two sons of St. Thomas called on Mrs, A, J, Gay on 'the holiday, The ladies of Courtice are ins vited to attend a social held in | the home of Mrs, Geo, Hdgar on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the Rev, and Mra, Geo, Dib. ble, evangelists, 'at King street ohuroh, Oshawa, will 1, present and take charge of -- Program, "The 'service Sunddy svaning in Goodell's Hall, West Cour was interesting and helpful as us wal, Rev, Mr, Petley preached a good sermon, Several. here attended the funeral of 1 Moore, Tyrone, on Sunday, Simeoe street Church, Oshawa, young people visit our young! people thin Thursday evening, HONOR ROLL FOR BROUGHAM SCHOOL WMS. of B5t. John's Church, Brougham, Has Successful Meeting ' Brougham, Nov, 0, is the honor roll for H, (Brougham) for October, are in order of merit, fir, IVe=Rugsel Grey, White, Annie Bayles, fr, 11l-Meorle Hopkins, Walter Knox, and Jean Phillips, Jr, Ile=Hurold Cannio, Hopkins, and Donald White Hr, 1l-=Merle Holthy, Helen ¥ar« ley, and Kddls Hillz, Hr, 1-Bybil Bhaver, «Hurry Jermyn, teachor A muccessful meeting of the Woman's Misslonary Soclety of #t, John's church wan held at the home of Mrs, L, Johnston on rl day, Nov, §, The regular Novem- bor meeting and the annual thank. offering meeting were combined, Lavi Annis, Mrs, Annis and Mra, Kerr, ofs Washington church, Hoar boro, were guests for the after noon, on invitation of the Broug ham president, Mrs, Philip, Mra, Kerr, an president of Wash ington church W, M, H,, extended words of greeting from the wister poolety, and wan followed by Mr Annis, who gave an excellent ad dress, tracing misslonary work from its earliest beginnings Mrs, Gannon sang "My Task" most ncceptably at the close of the program, A life membership cer titicate wan presented to Miss Mai garet Miller in recognition of long, | faithful service, She wan the fifth member of the soclety to recelve Eo a TE Following #, No, 10 Numen Virginia Verra PAGE ELEVEN -_ mn mm. a carl this honor. The attendance was about 26 and the offering was very Iheral, A number of relatives visited Mr, and Mrs, B, Harvey for thanks giving, Mr, and Mrs, 0, J, Brown had iw family gathering for thanksgive ing, 10 in all spent the day with them, Russel Brodie and family visited Mre, Philip for thanksgiving, The Robertson family, of Toron to, were guewts of Mr, 'and Mry A, Lemon, Mr, and Mrs, ¥, Wilson had on family gathering Monday, Mr, and Mry, Veler Brown, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, 1, Perryman, The Davies family, of Toronto, visited thelr relatives, the Carlton family, on Munday, Leslie Devitt and family and Mry, Mechin called on old friends in the village on Saturday after noon Mra, mons, Mr, and Mrs, urday, Members of the Llewellyn family of Toronto spent thanksgiving with thelr relatives, the Shepherd fam fly, Mru Rawson, of Claremont, spent the week-end at the Bhaver home, Mr, and Mrs, I, Rawson spant thankegiving in Btouffville Ming Bate Is n guest of her niece, Mug, Hanley, of Stratford, at pros ont Mr, and Mrs, week-end with efty MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Nov, 12 Two regular services were held here on Sunday, Rev, Wm, Hterling, Orono pranched to a large congregation al the church service, Tha pastor (Col, Hume and Mrs, Hy of Toronto, were guests of T, C, Brown on Hat Harvey spent the friends All you havetodolis try its flavour once. "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Bo _n am Rev, J, H, Btalnton was preaching anniversary sermons at Kerby, Mrs, John Boueh, Mr, and Mrs, Bmith O'Brien, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mra, Karl Osharne, Frovids ence; Mr, and Mrs, Htuart Morton and gon Jack, Cohourg, and Migs Vera Power, Newcastle, visited Truman Powers and family on Aunday, Mrs, Milton Bamis has returned liome after a week's vigit with rela- tives at Port Hope Mr, and Mrs, Nelson and daughter, and My Lawrence Kerr, Toronto, thelr cousing, Mr, and Mrs, ard Trimble on Bunday, Miss Iathleen Clemence, ronto, spent the week-end vre, Hoy Vaneamp Migs Nellle Enowden, Taranto Normal Hehool, spent the holiday ut her home here Ir. and Mrs, Noble Metealf and Jack Metcalf are visiting relatives in Western Ontario Mr, and Mrs Athanlel Bmliih and son, Roy, Willowdale visited her hrother, Charles Axford, and Trimble and Mrs, vielted ich To with other friends here over the holls day, Higin Munday, Guelph, the week-end at home, Longue last week was in charge of Miss Hdna Swallow, 1st vices president, and an interesting pro- ram wan given, League this week will he In charge pf William Laird, @nd ' vice-president, and Cedric Parsons, ane Line, will wpeak, Et --------- KITCHENER MAN IS SERIOUSLY INJURED Kitchener, Nov, 14,-~Tom Ryan #4, of this city, Is in Bt, Mary's hospital with a broken neck, a frae tured shoulder blade snd several cults as the result of a arash with a taxi driven hy Hey hort Fedy yesterday morning, Ryan In hellayved to hava run Inte the rear of the ear, His condition Is serious spent arfons Nearly 100 sculptors arg now er 1 in carving works of art at the alabaster factory in Italy pl Iegh m a i a el NUBRAY «= OFFICER = THESE "WIFE 1S SHOPPING IN LOBLAWS YOU'RE EXCUSED AS IT DOESNT TAKE Lone In LOBLAWS SPECIALS ON SALE NOVEMBER 114 TO 20 INCLUSIVE r---- Blue Label >i I SPECIAL=~ LOBLAW'S Black or Mixed TEA CA1 Large Bottle | C&B's SUP Tomato )*e "( Puts the Beef in Cabos A cube to 8 wp. - 10wube Box ' Tees Sauce LAING'S CC tio nanarnnns Dates DROMEDARY Bead, 144, Seedless Raisins DPELMONTE Brand , Seeded Raisins SUNMAID Pufted, Bottle 39¢ Bottle 39¢ Pox 24¢ Bottle 2c To Pkg. 19¢ | 2 Pgs, 270 | 2 Pige. 81¢ || Pkg. 110 | ROBIN HOOD RAPID PORRIDGE large dri LIRBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD Glass Jar 13° SPE( TA Al SPECIAL=~ Almond Icing Re a Malted Milk AUNT JEMIMA, i vovinrins A Noel. 11, Small Sine 45¢ Pkg 170 Asst'd Flavors SPECIAL=- LABEL JAM™™ "25 _Stoneless Hustealion Golden Sultana Raisins pi Raisins Pure Red AL Lge Php Me a Quality, Les nsas anne "ot Cur urrants Rocloaned 2 Lbs, 3% Valencia Stylo South African EXCELLENT VALUE=SIN GAPORE PINEAPPLE SPECIAL= Baking 16m Powder 17° No. 2 Size Peel Lamon and Orange Drained Cape Peel 23° Lb, 34¢ YARRA reves Golden Hallowi Dates Bright Now Stockh, | wavenssns 3 Lhe, 380 Mincemeat More, FRAY BENTOS Corned Beef n 24° FRY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP me 24° Arrow SweetRelish Brand Quality = Cheese es dA RE N Fran "An Pure Lard vw Suni Tomato Sauce Lb, 160 tan's Chalos Phew Pkg. 19% Carton 180 Small Tin" Se

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