Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 1

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"All the News While BI News" , 5--NO, | 13 News in Brief (By Canadien Frome) 4 Toronto hae rt Wall vi former warden of York County, e yesterday from yy He oni emer / wd heen i promiuent, Qrangeman, Glbes pre meetin joc } fhe pulp an situation, iit of i erean of here today to paper Industry od elph,- Ayaion'n sho the CNR, alo M Rockwood early this wor: wife In ng, ves oreed apen win the office and made off With 8 of roney esti U] about 5) Trusk Driver hr od New York~Two hun women threatened the driver of os wutamos bile Whieh had run down two little irls in Brooklyn, causing injuries pd which ope of them died, yor iy tocnnd Merritt Ms [of Arnstron miyor of Merrit and head of the Avnstion department slave, was ufoented to death when his house Canght fre, yesterday, Shot While in Belleville =While hunting outside Brighton Village, this afternoon, Ken noth Edwards, aged 12, was aecciden tally shot in the back, hy a bullet from & #2 galibre vifle in the hands of Gilbert MeQuilkin, Died Anar Assidant Toranios Btruek down hy a street 0 lust Be Adlernoon il FORAVIEW RN Out RIeven wven ues, Wi Wan C; Bmith, 69, of 1340 ween street east, died yesterday in t Michael's hospital, y AR, Harbor Loss Montreal s="The hom loss to the harbor sammission of Montreal through the small exportation of grain this season was estimated at approximately $900,000 by local ex perts today, yo» To Discuss Now "Highway Pembroke, Representatives of the Ontario and Quebee legislatures are to he invited to tend meetin the board of trade an Nov, 21, when raposils for & new Mahwiy from Hemiskaning ta Ottawa will he dis seronsly In a Peterhara, we fel AEA three-year-ald # or f, fo" Bone Ars Thomas A Meany, M0 oneyw! street, lies in Bt, Joseph's hesnitel al fighting for life as a vesult Tin over by a motor ear at he hy yesterday aah Attacked By Bul . Woadstoek, hones Dent, ir, raminent farmer and stack man, Hye he east of the eity, had his right le seriously ll when ' bull turn: £ Wis h t in believe ® tved, ed oi him w the anls mal's stal that the foot may Ferguson "Yeo g sak Farenta~Fremier G, Howard Fere wan, as the prineipal speaker at the nario Liberal-Conservative associ: tion eanvention here on Nav, 25, will make his first public pronouncement since the recent election victory ef the party, AY Try an pv a TA n ea. party + oe prov A Alberta, buy will retain his cent in the provinetal legislature, eco: i to an oficial announcement made My, MeCilltivegy. | New ind Ay at Recount Peterbore, rho apn ie Ww, reoount was Th votes, tured a session of Whdaer nl fine ork Herald says that a redue: Whon Ab fe i ih His A. Anderson, the de Heated Liberal candidate in nN peoent poy neil Huyeke, tive, was resid i i fan today when Magistrate Sanit heard 11 liquer in option of a for driving while SB he fines varied lh $20 to over rates in the lower elasses on | vessels, notably the Sutin tatives of thes dere, Lk SX py Native, he Bowl rregularities on 10 the elections in Peter county, for a today BY wlge ater, Conserva: Windsor, cou Sol in fines dition ane man iy to 10 [] I Layer For. jon of the 4 ON the nla ARE I ae the elal were ---- we Unived - the ® SO in oo of The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in | s Growing City CY TET OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 16 Cents. 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy. WELVE PAGES MAY INVESTIGATE STOCK MARKETS | US. SENATOR SEEKS PROBE OF SITUATION Senator Borah Takes Up Challenge That Activities of Coalition With Refer. ence to Tariffs Caused Collapse of Prices CALL FOR INQUIRY COTTON EXCHANGES Another Wave of Selling Follows Early Rally on New York Stock Ex change, Forcing Prices to New Low Levels a Washington, D.C, Nav, 13=An in vestigation of the New York Breck lixehunge in supnested hy Benatar Horah of Idaha, in answer to & banks e's assertion that the Yedent eollapae of security prices was cansed by the tariff aetivities af the senate's Dem aeraetie-tndependent- Republican cog litian Belelng upon this statement as a challenge, if wah, a leader of the las fependent group, hinted "at sueh an nauiry, but did net go to the paint af introducing a AR oy providing of [for this eaurse Meanwhile, the senate was cons franted with notice tram Heflin of Alabama, of a eall for action today upon his resolution providing for an Hgutry Ine speculative activities on the New York, New Orleans and Chigago catton exchanges and the efs eet af stoagk price trends upon the price af sation Market Aga Sluwps New York, {ny Hi ~~Blaek prioas erumbled to new low levels again today when the brisk rally whieh followed the epening decline falled to hold, It was Apparent that the market was still confronts 6d with u large volume of distvess liguidatiun, The battle on the flogr of the oxehange centred avaund the past whera UH, Hieel Common 1s traded tn, that steek breaking ta a new low fap the Your at B101.70 a share after have Ing sold today as high as $166,785, wotations and net changes of several of the leaders telephoned from the foar of the sleek oF change at 11,80 am, when the teker was running about 40 mine utes behind the market were: Amevigan Telephone, $800, oft $0; International Telephone, Jib aft #4, " Amerionn an, hos oft 0 (ianeral aie $178, off 80; URN, Bool @ ome mon, 2160 off 41 B07 Johna Mans ville, #81,60, af 1) Atohison, 204d, 4H HH Baliimare, Ohig, 108, off $3.88; New York Cen tal $100,650, up $0.80; Anneonda per, 874, off 34; Blandard ON) at ole $00.80, oft §1.09; General ators, 48, oft 81; Hethlehew Bieel $80, A oft 41, ank stooks, which have heen deslining sharply, held fairly steady on the averthe-oaunter market during the worming Deals are stated that the low levels which have heen reached are large ly naminal, and that very little hank stack in heing sald, "New Reoord Far Year New York, Nav, 13.-=Annual lon on tha New York stock es change wera aver the hillten share kK for the fivat time In histary today after another session of heavy Mauldatl in which laws for the Year wera sel, When the tioker stopped Tunning \] hours and 12 minutes after olone yesterday, & day's sales ™ 6,443, Vi Setar a boni resnrd, and the total ainea » TRY LL the year was 1,001 Aves, Poralutent selling which ave whelmed several inelplant valliea during thet hree-hour session rate market leaders dawn | to aint while net losses of 25 to 08 paints weve suffered hy some of the low olive tatu, Ru Kalsor's Sistor Dios Bonn, Germany =-Fran Alexan. iH gubkall, the farmer Princess Victoria of Prussia, and slater of the former Kalser, died today at hey vealdonce hove, Chinese Rebels Sustain Defeat Shanghai, New: N =With waver: fled estimated losses of 10000 killed an seh side, Japanese press dispar: ehes Ee akow fh vesterday that Nationalist government tran had felea ed the Kuaminchun "peo Ble a i the battle of Mihsein, and ha Neon the rebels 235 wiles westward to Tong long, Hanan PQ ARIE Some BOO delegates assembled here Weed, of the Geanral Matars plant GhalFMEn Canadian Beatien| Alex I" Arne ie, Canndian Press Biaft Welter) Vaneouver, Nav, 18, Ta have apy. of the Hrland:-Kellogg peace Ret In every sehoal in the damin An Is A project whieh has he endorsation of Premier Maokensl King, The government will furnish suitable coples which will he orne ments to the sehools as wall as Im Rreasing upnn the pupils the great step thie pact was In the ehuse of pence Al Ocean Falls Mp A A oaby af the pact, added his signature Deans, minister of the United Chureh In whieh the unvelling tank place, explained ta My, King (hat the preshytary af Princes Rup ort had written the government that eaples af the peace peel he placed the schools, hut the gov arnment had veplied that 1 wan pravinolat matter The minister of adueation fay Hritieh Columbla intimated that If the dominion government would furnish appropriate copies his de partment would undertake having them hung In the sehoo 8, It could only he hy wueh eosopevation (hat It would he areanped, bhecanss the fedora! government has no author My ta hang anything tn the sehools ------ Halifax Appl the port of Halifax (a overses reached a new high hus during the past week French Gov't Is Again Upheld Secures Majority of Sixty en Vote of Confidence Motion (Ry Conadion Proms Loased Wire) Parle, Nov, 13,==The Chamber of Deputies for the thivd time to day again voted canfidence in the NeW government of Pramier Tay dion, The vote was 417 ta BAT a majority of 60, and came on the Hat division during the eonsidera. Hon of the national budget A socialist dept moved the Hrat ehaptey of the buaue yo send 0k 10 the finance commission Tha premier apposed the wove, ANd made the matter a question of anti tidonee, KING'S SYMPATHY SENT T0 MRS. ROBB Message Received by Lord Willingdon Transmitted te Widow (Hy I, King unvells tn whieh hae Rev, Wm From TAY veeard shipmenis Noy Majesty the The King widow Vallevfield, Que, sympathy of His Coarse was conveyed ta of How 1 A Robb, in a wessage rooeived hy Lord Willingdon saver norseneral of Canada and convey ed 10 Mrs. Rebh Rat night he message, stand hy Lord Stamiord ham was as follows: "The King wmweh regrets to hear of the death of the finance minister of the Daminion sovernment and asks that var Will eonvey the. expression R of his majesty's sympathy to Mis Robb Wn SS Motor Transport Experts Convene at Royal York ih, » 22 Yesterday to take part In the convention of the moter transport division, Boolety of Av iomaniie Ineers Klee ng the modern development of metor sasch and mater rusk ANARAFIAL ION Are helng diss be Wh 4 . Rfinees AF0 Kame af (he eiief amelals of the soelety present at the eanvention In Oshinwa, Garner, General Motors, Oshawa BR, WH, of BA By and ©, FP, Orkson, secretary Premier Would Hang Copy Of Kellogg Peace Pact In Every Kehool In Dominion True Bills Given For Manslaughter Hroekville, Nay, 12 Prue hills an All threa counts af mansiangh Ler, oriminal negligence and furl oun driving were vaturned this morning hy the grand Jury at the Fall Asslges In the oases of the Kin W dames Hill and Donald Lalng, both of Gananoque, under tela) In conneetion with the death same weeks age on Pravinelsl Highway Number 2 of Dennis Don Yan Commons Held Long Session Sat All Night To Consider Widows and Orphans Pension Bill (By Canadian Press Leased Wins) London, Nav, 13,Tha House of Commons adjourned at 820 Am, today after a 17% hour session, the fest all wight meeting of the sommons snes the new Labor gov arnment came Into being, The o vasion of the sesslon was consid | eration of detalls of the Widows [and Orphans Pension BUHL whieh the opposition fought olsuse hy [ olanae, almost word by word, hut with Httle effect After sixteen hours, with many divisions of the voters, the meas ure remained ahout as it was with [only a fow words altered, The Lib OPAlE BAVe BONOrOUE BURPOTE 10 the Bavernment, whose majority ranged fram 100 ta 140, Nv, MacDonald himself arvived At TAR and partieipated In a final divislan, Afterwards a came promise was reached, Neville Chamberlain, for the Capserva: Hives, promised the government 1a Bet tha hE through hy stages hes fore Tuesday, Hernest RBeawn, fap the Liberals, amveed and with Arthur Greenwond, minister of health, acoepting far the Eovery Mant, an adjournment was taken, CHEVROLET 0. IS NOW TAKING STOCK News Operations Expected to Begin in the Near Future rere Detroit, Nov, K=Taking of inven ory 1s now wider at the factary of the Chovealet Mater Ca, Flint, Mioh the motor and sheet metal depart ments have heen olosed for stoek oheaking, and operation of the as sembly plant wl he suspended hp about 8 week, It is understood that the mater and sheet wetal depart went will he veapened in a fow days, anvil thal operation of the assembly plant will he started shortly after ward hee jwred Kingston =Threa people were seriously injured last wight when the ear tn which they were viding orashad ia a tree near the awl RIES af the oily, The injured ae Earl MoMillan, Miss Marion Carnie And Miss A. Tayiew, They ave, lett ta right Wenaurey af the Canadian section & EALhering H BABE A B, MeArthur, Cambs, ehairman Canadinn seetion ¢ ad fone WMABAEEr of the seelsty Hon. Mr. Robb Buried Today At Valleyfield Cabinet Ministers As Pall Bearers--Lord Willing: don Represented Vallog field, Que, Nav, 1H=The eren of the nation turned with soy Pow towards this Hite Quebsee olty today where the Tuners! of the Much venerated finance minister, Hon, James A, Hobb, Was being held this atternonn The hody of the statesman Was IYinginatate In his home this marning and friends passed bhetore Ion BAA procession Al two a'elook a serviee was to be held In the Hite United Chureh hove, at which & vepressntative of the tay pinar-tianeral and a number af My Robh's eollengues dn the Daminton cabinet were (ao hw present Cal Humphrey Bnow, eampiralier of the vieesregal household, will vey resent Lovd Willingdon, The honorary pall hearers have heen ohosen from Mr, Robhh's eal inet friends and will he Hon, ©, A Bunning, minister of rvallways, Hon, J, O, Eillott, minister of pub He works, Hon, Fernand Rinfret, seeretary of state, Hon, ©, J, A Cardin, minister of feherles, and Ri, Hon, George P, Graham, & pay Hamentary associate of many years standing, and Hon, Honore Mep olen, Quehee minister of lands and forests and mamber of the legls Intive assembly for Ohatenarnay, the same distriot that Mp, Rohn rapresanted tn the Ottada house Official Wolt Hunters Named Will Try To Exterminate Wolves on St, Joseph Island (Ry Conmiian Prost oad Wie) Sault Ste, Mavie, Nov, 1 =Twe of flefal exterminators have heen ap poimted 10 eonduet a campal gainst walves an Rt Joseph ) NP ¥ shin will he wsed fn the insland attack, and the twa hunters will he the offeil poisoners, In payment, they will vepeive the vegular govern ment hounty of $15 plus a hone of £5 from the townships on the island Last vean, XN deer wore Killed an Rt Joe, which is ane of the reasons why the residents are ansious to make the sland a same preserve TRAIN FIREMAN DIES AFTER COLLISION were Rutte, Mont, Noy, eA fipoman wan fatally injured an engineer opitis cally hurt and ten Passengers wes miured, a few of them severely, a collision between Great Northern passenger tram Nao 28 and angther oamotive XN miles north of Rt fast wight Cool Hastie, M3 of Butte, fireman on the lone loeometive died shovily after he was taken to a Battle hess pital Gwe Jy Fon he on of Rive: vo \Wi Bam Code, of Smith's | Falh, was found the Npeed river, vesterday shortly after he had hoon wissed from his room na lool sanitarivm, BH, Burnett, standards manager of the sesiety| Tavanin BH, Veal, i Questions whieh will Inst until Priday, Above AH fammisslon, vies FORMATO MANARS! Franspariation Ww York, Sir Ronald Lindsay New Ambassador To The United States Dismissed A Of Schoo Toronto, Nov, 18,-The appeal af the Hoard of Bdueation of the town of Almente a ot the Jude ment of My dda gah "ho re fused to grant them a mandatory order as AEAlnel Lhe gorperation er the town of Almeante, sampelling the mayer and coun! ta submil A by-law tol he people In arder to harrow $76,000 to aller and im prove the Chureh street sehool, wis dlamissed hy the First Divislonst Court ut Osoode Hall today, Bus Growing In Popular Favor General Motors Executive Speaks at Convention in Toronto ppeal Board Taronte, Nov, 1=Popular nse of buses in preference to other means of transportation vietually doubled n the United Ntates during the five year period ending with 192%, aceord ing to Agures presented vesterday at the transportation meeting of the Noelety of Automotive Engineers at the Raval York According 10 Frederiek © Homer of the General Motors earparation, Who gave out these statisties, this was the first anthentie statistioal ve cord ever wade comparing the in erease in population and parallel pas sonper traffie on rail and meter oaeh lines tn the States, In the fivesyear period ending with 1937, he sald, LOPE million passen gers were eareled an the moter eoach mes an compared with 850 millions Mm the preceding five-year period Chis vopresented an inerease of 9 per oent \vearding ta a survey Ride ay of Tame 1 last, My, Hoener sald, stightly more than half of the 1,042 olien of more than 10000 population tm the United States had some form of local motor coach service, Russes and Nin were the only means of pub He transportation fn 29 per cent of the eities having thew As examples of how the impor tanee af the motor bus as a trans. portation factor was belng recog: niged hy ratlwayvs, Me Harner th staneed the New York, New Haven and Hartford, the Boston and Mate and the Baliwmere and Ohio vail roads AN these used buses as aux ilaries 40 their train, HUGE AEROPLANE PLANS DISCLOSED (Ry New Canadian Prema Lonasd Wie) Haven, Conn, Nov, Ie=New York to London dn six hours in an alrplane accommodating SX passen gers and a orew of 1 is a poss BLY oF the near ature, aveonding 9 Haney Ro Westeott, president of Weostoott and Mapes, engineers of New Haven, who said Ms fim has boon asked 10 bid on structural work or the plane The super plane, West said, bay he built in New York at a cost of SLOMLER cach, MEETING HELD Community F ederation Of Service Is Approved LD LAST NIGHT DECIDED T0 ORGANIZE FOR EFFECTIVE RELIEF WORK MEXICO EXPECTING A STORMY ELECTION (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) Mexion Clty, Nov, 1i,=="Tha pre Hminaries having wound up An whirlwind fashion here Bunday, when thirieen persons were wound ad in a politieal evash, Mexico 18 awaiting the presidential elections Nov, 171, ua one. who looks for wird to something disagreeable with the wigh thei were Ove ind oul of the why i Wins Overseas Bshelarehip Charlottetown, I'1 W, Blewart MeNutt, a student at ro i college, Halifax, and a son of Major T, ¥ MeNutl of Charlotteto has been awarded the post-graduate oversei scholarship of $1,400, aw arded hy the ul the wh wir memorial gemnities 1.0.01, -- Of Britain Bir Ronald Ldndsny, pe FAN nt undarssenres tary of state for foreign Affairs, has heen appointed ambassador to Washington, dir Kame Howard, the present ambassador, whose tenure of the post han heen extended hayond the patirement ape, will retire early NOX Year The first wife of Bip Ronald was Martha Cameron, daughter of former Henator Jf, Donald Gamers aly OF Pennsylvania, she died In 1016, Mir second wife, wha he mareed In 10E4 was Hilsabeth Aherman Hoyt daughter of the late Colgate Hoyt, of New York, Bir Robert Vansittart, principal sooretary to Prime Minister Maos Donald, who was himself conaids ered a Hkely eandidate for the Washington post was Appointed permanent underpocreialy of stale te suepeed Mir Ronald The new ambassndor (a 02 Years of age and was the fifth son of the 20th earl of Crawford, He entered the diplomatio servios fn 180K and Firat served at Washington from 1000 to 1007, Tn 1010 and 1020 he was counsellor of the Wash ington embassy, He had heen ams» hassador to Turkey and at Revlin before 1028, Ma had also served at Bt, Petershuvg, Teheran, Paris, The Hague and in Weypt, Landen, No¥s | } WILL HALT WORK ON | SINGAPORE BASE Noy, 11 Av WV Alexs ander, first lord of the admivalty, announced in the House of Com Mone today that work on the nave al base at Bingapore wil be slow od down as much as opasible pend ng the result of the fvepower naval eonference Rev. W. Martin London, Red May Be Speaker Government Post Ia Likely To Be Given Finlay MacDiarmid (By Conndian Press Leased Wie) Toronto, Nov W=The Toronto Globe todays says that Rev. W, GQ Martin, Conservative memberselect of the next Ontarie legislature top Rrantiord, is mentioned an being hkely to succeed Hon, William 1 Black as speaker of the next house, The paper also atates that Fin lay MacDiarmid, former Congeryas tive member for West Kigin, whe did not yun fn the last election, will he appointed ehaivman of the Ontario ARbie witral Development Row post which has heen vacant since the PeRignation of A, ( Farrow, Poor Apple Crop In United States Washington NOV. 18 .=The ap pla orap In the United States this YORE In short, and the "apple & day" wlosan way be suapended temporarily, Compared with that of 1ast year It 1a off 3% per cent, and 45,000,000 hushels helow the Average, Reab damage In the sam ARE WORK, Indury tn the west have =a | asbant, Committee Appointed to Nominate Officers and Prepare Program for Cen- tral Welfare Organization for Oshawa CO-ORDINATION OF EFFORT NECESSARY Needs of the City and Plans for Meeting Given Alring at Representative Meeting of Citizens A plan to form a central organ idation to cops with soelnl welfare work in the elty and provide vellet for the unemployed assumed de finite forin Inst night when at # meeting held in the elty hall with representatives present from many of the ehurches and societies with in the ety a striking commiiies was nominated ta organise a een tral welfare Association and to nominate tha oNleers his oom mittee will be called to mest at the earliest opportunity by Mayor 7 BH, Mitehell Ite members Inolude Rey, 1, Harston, Rev Father Heneh, Dr, 1, W, 0, MeKay, M, OH, George W, Melaughlin, Gen Hamilton hI Young, Mrs Uoudin, Mrs, Mehell, Mrs, Harry Uay, A, I, Alloway, Mrs, Hieks, M, Lewin, Ald, Douglag 1, 0, Patterson, task faces thin organs Isaton In the way of coping with the distress which has been felt by many local families on Recount of the unemployment altuation, Those who attended the meeting were given some eanception of the conditions which at present exist In the ety, Mayor Mitehell, who presided as ehalrman of the meet ing, polnted out that within the past two months the elty had spent $10,000 tn providing rellef and in addition to this had expended #10 000 a month In wages for olty work, The regular laborers an the publio works department had been out down to half time, Hix Wars ship stated, In order to provide some work for the unemployed ang this week he elalmed that three thin week he claimed that there were two hundred men being as plated In this way The straight relief provided by the elty was In the way of Eros ceries, He considered that 1t would he highly desirable If some central organisation wera formed which could keep record of the assistance (Continued on page 11) ET Tn STRANGE ROMANGE ENDS IN DEATH OF GERMAN PRINCESS Princess Victoria, Sister of Ex-Kaiser, Dies in verty Ronn, Prussia, Nov, We=Frau Als exander Subkoff, 6 who was Prins eons Vitoria von Prussia, sister of the former kaiser, and grandehild of the Reitish queen, Victoria, died tos day at St, Francisousi Hospital hera ending one of the RFANGeRL romances whiten into the records of Kuropean ravalty, Death came while she slept, at 730 am, and followed a bret Sven which she began last week shortly after her husband, Alexander Subs Koff, Russian adventurer, who wan M4 years her junior wan served with divaree papers on her behall, Fra Subkat, Woy she married last ia 1927, renounced her eights as prins cess, and accepted estrangement from her family, Members hore today at her death were her "bhahy™ sister, Marguerite, Princess von Hesse, her Prince Frederiok Charles, and their two sony, Christof and Ris ohard, Although her fatal illness came ups on her only a few days ago, the ke months of the princess were far from RAPRY, ARE Were pent in most mos dest quarters here in loneliness, povs erty and disttlusiament, Just a monty Ao she wan forged to anetion off heivlooms of great value to pay the debts of her adventurer husband, bur she succeeded on raising only a sivall amount, Rankruptey proceedings pres viously had been instituted againse her when she faded to weet a tions contracted hy subkolf, At one tine she was wealthy in her own roanited In an interior quality Prices have already advanced, and | Promises 10 ba 328 pop Cont, above | A YORY ARO, ALE LLLLEN Ry her fivst mareiage the former Princess wan Princess of Sehaums (Continued on page 8)

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