Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 2

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"VETERANS: PARTY Memories of War Days Re- called--Enjoyable Army Intico Programme 188 ft dny Aho t eo on I en of Thanee d Flanders were vecalled, and iY old wpivlt of a | whish pxlpted among the men of all ranks In days was Guickened anew wt an pld time veterans' party held Mons day evening--Armistice ik i - under the auspices of Whithy, Kost of the Canadian Legion, In the lat= ter's club rooms, It was # night long to be rememhered, The pro- gram, a purely informal one, Wis one which all enjoyed to the full: pal extent, Comrade Boh MeNes, the Legion president, Very ahly presided, and in addition to Whithy veterans & number cama over from Oshawa Post to partieipate in and add to the enjoyment of the pros gram, It Was A night, ton, of real fellowship, and one In keeping with the spirit which prevailed just 11 yours ago when word was flashed around the world that the war of four years' duration had anded, Thyough the Kindness and thoughtfulness of Mr, Fred Landon, a handsome radia had heen fustalls od tn the elub rooms for the even: ing, and over It the velerans heard an Armistice night program hroad: east throughout Canada threngh the courtesy and co-operation of all vadlo stations in Ontario and Ques hen, ineluding a hook-up from Ht Thomas, arranged by the Lendon Frea Press. This program inolnd- sd an address hy Col, O, H, Aekers man, provincial president of the Panadian Legion, who spoke on hes halt of the Dominion president, eneral Aly Avthup Qurrle, whe 1a HH. Addresses hy other well-known pears were alse heard and the musioal part of the program, fine oluding old war songs, stiveing martial alys and other numbers, were algo enjoyed, The program was hroadeast hy the Ontario Pras vinolal Command of the Canadian Lexton, A'howsands Now Eat A Delightful Breakfast Food RE KEEP EYES HEALTHY PR, PRTTIT'E BYR HALVR "ine nantly peMeves red, ehing burns us ingles e wiokly heals Brad I A ote, Used aver . 12 ATH, Many by H 1 t better vecohl nan) 4 Lavell, million td, TY Ran or Wy duugstore, | ; educeyour Weight to Normal. NER OUR NERBAL aA SAFE -- PLEASANT = RELIARLE | were dell if E-JAMES H, ORMISTON {| 0h ¥ are, down Hrle hol things seldom and-an in Peay PROEFAIY 00M NEN 6 songs and Wis leadersiip of cons twh gomde songs rvendeved in he Wh a humorous monalague, yds, B.D, Comrade papresgntatiy "of the Provinelal eh ti, Worship Mayer Dudley, brought and of the Counell In the Work pomicle, who recalled some bt on Baek from the front eould wished us to follow thelr example, and loftien nervice for the common Hood was pavtionlarly appvapriate, hiel more deeply tmpressed than od the ordeal of battle was to garry of the most important bodies in lation capable of accomplishing help throughout the length andl wan well received, mada several important Annaunees Whithy next Bunday, with Captain will he held In the Town Hall on the Legion, Ta this meating all tyre Hood, of Oshawa, It was ale the holding of a Pappy Day In Fund, alse the collection at Huns purchase comforts for the soldiers year a veterans' Christman tree was among the veterana af the distriot The Ohatrman extended (he from the looal press, avening 108 close. ON SERIOUS CHARGE fence, In whieh his danghter ia ale enatady hy Ohlef Gunaon on Mon. fore 1, B, Willis, The arrest of and after eertaln information had Ahat accused, in a slgned voluntary fram Claremont, He served in the : Aupper, Gone Sn 6 Wanches of Whe years, the gmokes were passed an ofl; Comrade Harry Walsh, of Oshe AWA bouton, de a hit with his Rubiy 4 PT ran rendgold, o produce dmbles on the faces " the vols oo F utyle, Comes wlikWae brought but approprinte a by Comrade, the ay 4 od, editor of the Osh mes, and dlatriot Ontarin, 'where he had attended several armistion wevvices, Hiw civig greetings and assured Lhe vel: sh ot awn personal interest of the Lesion, and James MH, Oym- etn, or of the Whithy Gagette ant 0 Iv eNperiences of War years, that it those whe had speak to us today the hurden of thelr message would he that they try to achieve thely ideals, and ded: loala our lives to a greater, nohler good, The address of Comrade Melntyre After attending armistice pervioes in Western Ontario, he had come aver thal the message of those who had gone to those who had survive ony He felt that the Canadian Le» gion was destined to hecoma owe Canadian life, also that the hraneh ine Whithy could he made an organ. mueh for the veterans within ita ranks and for these who needed nreadth of the country, Comrade Hood's brief but pointed address Comrade 1B, M, Lomax, the ener getlo secretary of the Whithy Post, ments, One was that the annual Armistice service would ha held in Hidney Lambert, as the speaker, Another was that a publie meeting the evening of Deo, 6, with the abs jeot of stimulating an interest in oftigens wil ha invited and the gpeaker will he Comvade M, Moln: announced that the Mayer an? Oounell had glven permission for Whithy on Hatuvday, the money th he forwarded to the Poppy Day day's armistice service would he handed aver te Capt, Lambert to in Ohrlatie Bireet Hospital, Come rade Lomax intimated toe, that this to he held and that It was planned to carry on extensive ralleft work All announcements were greeted with applause ' thanks of the Leglon for the supe nort vedeived from time to time The singing of the National Ane them hraught a most enjoyable WHITRY MAN I§ PLACED IN fiAGI Ohaveed with a very serious ef laged ta have heen the vietim, John R, Parry, Whithy, was taken inte day. He (a now in the county gael awaiting a preliminary hearing be Parry was made following an Ww vestigation conducted hy the Ohlef, Leen laid befora him hy Parry's relatives in Torento, police olaim alatement, admitteg hin guilt, Pawn ry oame to Whithy & few years age Imperial Avy, cl THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 "The Whitby Daily Times. and will od at the W Branch Offige, at Fi { E4103 LOOK FOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL IN WHITBY CAUNGHES OBSERVED SEASON OF THANKSGIVING Special Reference to Armis. tice Made at Services On Sunday Hpacinl pevviges of Thanksgly: ing, with references to the 11th anniversary of the signing of the Armuties, wera held In the ehureh oh of Whitby on Sunday, Wil large congregations. morning and evening, wt, John's, Port Whithy At BE, John's Anglican Church Port Whithy, the vector, Rey, D U, Langford, called on his congre Kation at the morning serves to ob rve the two minutes of silane In memary of those who fell In th Areal wir, This was followed the National Anthem, The rect deliverad a special messake | Which he stresses the fact thi while all true ofiviatinng should Aupport all efforts belng mad towards world peace, a real and IAting. peacs, sueh as the world oonld not mive could come anly through the Prince of Pence, Al the avening service speaial Thanks Elving message wis delivered hy Rev, W, A, Plpper, of Port Hope, The United Ohureh At the United Ohureh spenial messaknn bearing on the Armistios and world peace were delivered In the morning he stressed that the true memorial to the honoured fled 1a not In cenotaphs and tombs of unknown warriors, but In the dedication of our lives for peace "Wo must remember," sald the minister "that God I Love, and tht the srentest power Is not fores, hut love," At the avening dervies the mine later hogan a werles of sermons un "Makers of Freedom, the frst neing sxprestdent Woodrow WII On Rov, Mr, Richards pald tele bute to the expresident for his seal for international agencies of Justioe, Mr, Wilson, he stated, Liellava In his awn soul the league of Nattons was a gift from God fo the healing of the nations, He he Heved that future historians would at least say that President Wilson hind done more than any other man towards the achieves ment of world peace Presbyterian Charo At BL Andrew's Preshyterian Chureh Rev, John Lindsay, the watar, In the course of a Thanks ving sermon, urged hig eongve tion to observe the two minutes of silence at aleven o'clock on Mans day In honor of the hrave men wha fell In the great wap, The minister stated that the rendering of thanks was a saeved duty and one of all Ohvistian people everys where, The giving of thanks, Rev My, Lindsay, hrought happiness and contentment to the human heart, » At the evening service Rev, Mr Lindsay stressed (he needs for thanksgiving for things spiritual, stating that Ohrist was the Ereats ost gift of God for which the Shlidren of men should be thanks wh At All Naini Tha rector, Rev, J. M, Orlsall, had oharge of the services in All Hants' Anglican Church with Holy Communion at & am, worning service at 11 o'clock ang evening prayer at 7. The lessons and prays ome far the day were those specials Iy selaoted far the season of Phankegiving, and the rector at Lath services delivered appropriate messages, making reference to the need for individual and national thankslving, and for a apivit of aratatul vamembrance of the sae rifles made hy thoas who gave their all on the field of battle, Baptist Chureh At the Haptist Ohiiveh, Quptain Peal cnnduvted » ¥hanksaiving service In the morning, basing his hd MA + A healing hy hy of L] 8 y ORLY 'One whom, It was aioe fined to wive thanks, The aubjeet wan Y'Whare are the Nine, and Captain Hest stressed the feet that there were many people whe dla net take the trouble or consider It worth while ta thank God for His many tem: peroal and spiritual hlesaings, At the evening nervige Captain Peat velated some of hia experi ences with the hrave mew on the ring linet telling & number of War stories, and paying a glowing N a Nothing is more satistying and nourishing than delicious wholesome $35 to $50 IT'8 THE GUT OF YOUR Be trivia tn the men wha tht Justive might prevail thing seemed to discourage them ald they went on to eonguer, Capt Hout naked that thelr sacrifice might ever heen kept In grateful memory and that we who ave laf week to talk worthy of what these rave men had sedomplished with thelr Hves LOCAL GHINAWAN WAS VICTIM OF HOLD-UP ATTENPT Chinese Proprietor of O, K. Cafe Was Threatened With Knife and Revolver fourht Na Palloe throughout the country wre wearching for two men who phout nine o'elock Hunday morn Ih walked inte the OK, COufe Whithy, and after displaying =» knife and revolver, demanded that Harvey Hote, on duty at the eafe hand over the money that was In tL The alert Ohinaman, after sucoseding In frightening the men Away Ly an outhurst of Oriental language and reaching for Wis tele phone In the kitehen ta oall the poliee, followed them to the street and secured the number of the oar which was handed to the Ohlef of Polloa Herbert Gunsoen who quieks ly answered the polices eall from the ocate The two men, whom the Ohinese Proprietor guys he could identily entered the cafe and seated them nolven at & table, Het went to take thelr order when ha was oun fronted with & long knife tn the hands of one man and a revolver In the hands of the other, He was ordered to hand his money over Helo ran to the kitchen, followed hy the men, and IL was when he veaohed for the telephone and call od "polioe" ta the aperator wha anawerad that the unweleame ine traders haat a hasty vetreat, This 1a the first attempted holds iN In Whithy tor a long time and Chief Ganson has notified ofileers everywhere to he on the lookout for tha men, The car In question hae been found to he owned hy A Taranto woman whe elalms that the machine was not aut of the elty OR Sunday BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE HELD A SUCCESSEUL RALLY 121 Delegates in Attendance S131 delegates from Fa Ay Ban on , day aftarnaon and even hy resent from Whit Oh, Oat sonslond & feAjure eink the addresses of the Rev, H, B Wintemute, of Toronte, and farmerty of Ballvia, wh wite I wellknown Whithy girl, Rew, Mn, Wintemute not only told of his work in tha country where he and hla wife labored for a number of {em hat strongly sb the Mporthnes of missions at home ARG ahvoad, Ho was 2nd (hat the Haptist Chyreh was a missionary ehureh - "Shabhy genteel" BLIC of mid Victorian days; but of the humorlsts of the times; the "shabby genteel" person was one who endeavored to reflect well-being, In spite of faulty atclre, Soclety Brand has banished shabby. gentilicy, No man need be ill-dressed not suffer by c..nparlson with those of greater wealth, He can wear Soclety Brand Clothes of faultless fabric, styled and wilored by master craftsmen, Backed by the maker's good name, they are Can: ada's standard of value, JOHNSTON'S Simeoe 8t, North CLOTHES THAT COUNTS A Togture of the convention was the veporia presented varlous BY. U, branches In the Assnoolation 4b of them progress, with new menihers he Ing added and new work healing un dertaken, « The report of the He POLARY-IPOABUTEY Was presented hy Migs Peggy Rice, of Oshawa The president's nddrvess wan giv on by Miss Mope Kiteheper, of Ldndany, In which she reviewed the work of the yeav and susnested fu ture plans of action, At the sven Ing servis a very Insplving addyens was given hy Miss M, Brothers, of Lindeay, a missionary Tha report of the nominating pommities, presented at the sven ing session, recommaendad the elee ton of the felolwing oMoers fol the yea Honorary President Rey My Hiavens, Claremont, Prasidents- Misa Hope Kitehoner, Lindsay, Vice President My N Norton, Use bridge, Heopatary Treasurer Miss Allon Hornahaw, Whitevale, The musioal numbers during the convention neluded one hy the 1a Ales' quartette, of Lindsay Mann sole, Miss Josephine Thomas, Whit. hy! solo, Mra, Mighaek Whithy The 1adies af the ehureh served a sntiafying sunper at als o'eloek In the Sunday Hehool room for all the delerates and other visitors And thaly hospitality was mueh ap nreciated WHITRY WOMAN IS VICTIM NF FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT Miss M1, Fraser Was Trusted And Valued Employee of Ontario Hospital Kn route to Campbeliford with some relatives to spend the Thanksgivig holiday, Miss Marie Fraser, aged A0, an employes on the permanent staf of the Ontario Hoapital at Whithy, was so severe: Iy jure In a motor orash Hate urday afternoon Just west of Oe hour that she died ta Cobourg Hospital at tour o'eleck on Bun day wmerning, he decsnned, Who Was a ReAW: stress employed tn the sewing room of the Hoapltal, aceording to Dr GH, Stevenson, medioal wus perintendent, and who was for elght JN vary highly eateew od and efttelant worker at the tw stitution, left the home of NM» Rhoderiok Mowat, where she was rooming, for Campbhelltord, about four o'clock Saturday afternoon, Her relatives, all of whom were injured In \he Avtldon, whey the oar for yg atan a the nM \ way, had come, from Toronto, an Miss Fraser ined them. at Whit bY, 10 was about an hour later when the acoldent aoeurved, The driver of the oar, Harry Smith, of Mount Dennis, waa sald hy the police to have been travelling at Use Joint-Ease For Rheumatism --. When rheumatism settles in any of yg AB and thurs ah, Agen \ member that Sow : ° one THAN thee brings quiok and Rating relief, It matters not haw ohronle op ARATAVALEA A ORRe AY hob on JolntRBast and elle a sure to follow, Jolnt-Rase fn made night here tn Canada and I for Joint tranbles only, 10 1a a clean, stainless pres PARR IOR that wy & Lavell Tad, A King BK, and drugaists avon. Where are recommending, | | | Ee yn from (he | noted | & high vate of speed and after passing o car to have lost sontrol Of his tpnehine whieh eras nto a pols and then nto the diteh, He wits tulien In eustody by the polles and ohavged . with manglainghier, helng released on hall of $5,000, hres others in the ene with Smith, fneluding hin wie, daughter, snd § Witla hoy, wera sll seviensly ine Jured, The car was wrecked he yond pepaly, The. rear snd of it wii smashed in and It was with ditenlty (hat the dead an ig were teleased (ram the wreokege, Lp, Hievenson, of the Quiarie Howplta), was ndvised of the death of Miss V'rasay on Bunday merning, Hae told the Oshawa Dally Times that the deceased wan highly thought of at the Hospital where her work was very sntisfacory, Whe had roomed st the iestitution until whout eight months ago when she moved down town, Hhe WAK A mamher of the Civil Bervice Aussoe elation und a wreath » haing went io Camphelitord from Whithy, The deceased attended Bt, Andrew's I'veshytapian Ohureh, The funeral tues place Tuesday afternoon at Campholiford, Bhe hag several hyo. thers ang sisters, pope wey - a Tuhernacle on Monday, November kG from 10 a.m, to 4 pn, The Kev, H, Blainton, ot Courts lon, 'wecretary of the ministry of vending of the Oshawa Vieshylery of the United Chureh of Canada, will preside, All ministers of the Prowhylory including those of Bow: manville and Fort Hope are urged to atiend, ah candidate for tha ninth Outavio Tuxin Parliament, the slection for which will take place on Nov, #0, All hoys tyom 14 to #1 and who have attended at least 86% of the Bunday sehools, are eligible an long is they see hat thelr names sre on the voters' list, Every Sunday wahoo! 18 asked Lo see 1hat thelr voters' Wat In complied covredtly and forwarded to the Rev, H, Biainten, nt Courties, not later than Movember 48, Bowmanville Daily Times B, HERBERT? MORFLOOK Mopreseniative SPECIAL SERVICES ON ARMISTICE IN 10CAL CHURCHES Capacity Congregations At tend Many of the Day's Meeting Merviess fn al Whe ehurehes In Bowmanville on Hunday took the form of Armistiea mamaorial wer vieed and large sonuregations were gported In attendance at each hureh At BL, Paul's United Chureh the pulpit wan taken In the morning hy the Ray, Me, Tanton and in the evening hy the Rav, Osorge Manon, awing to the Hiness of the minister, the Rey, D, W, Beat, The avenine service took the farm of a you wwopla's parvice and the ehureh w Med to capacity, many helng un vhin to find septs The Rev, J, U, Rohbins preached the sermonsg at Trinity United Ohuveh on Hunday, when the morn ing service was a special one In memory of those who wera killed in the war, and was alee of a thankaplyng nature The Rev, Peter Taylor, of Tor ante, was the speaker in NE, An dvew's Preshytarian Chureh on Bum day, This ehureh fs still without a minister, hut it 18 exported that a oall will spon he mada to one of the many who have preached here in the past few weeks wines the pulpit heoame vacant Lavie conirepations attended the special services In Bt, John's Anal ean Chureh on Bunday and the two parmons of Captain the Rev R, J Ahives, the rector, wera most ine aplring, Captain Hhives was a War time padre and saw loan service an the western front during the Inte war, He gave stireing ade drosses, outlining to the congreras tions some of the horrors of the war which he had witnessed, SERVICES PLANNED BY UNITED CHURCH Pr, Batlle, of Bmmanue! College Taranto, will conduct the seminar on the subject, "The place of Jesus Christ In Modern Chyistianity," whieh Is helng held In the Whithy A RECOUNT GIVEN OF DURHAM VOTE | aaa SS Al Wha expected, M, 7, Elilott, the defeated Connervative sandls Anta in the Durham provinces) eles. Hon, has demands [] of ataunt of the vote, which elested W, 1, Heaww, the Liberal eandidate, hy a majority of 14 votes, In his appenl for nm recovint, whieh has heen granted hy the ehief electoral ofs floey for Ontario, My, ¥lllott elaims that a numher of hallots which ware counted for Mr, Bragg should hive heen disallowed hy the dep: uty-peturning offloers on the night of the slection, No Information In uwvatlahle ne yet on the date of the recount, EECA rem rar W, DURHAM BOYS WORK BOARD HET The Heat meeting of the year of (he West Durham Boys' Work Hoard took place on Friday even Ing In Bt, Paul's Bundey Bohoo! rooms, General husiness featured the gathering whieh was very well attended and the oMeers for the ooming your were elected and In wtalted, They consist of Ohalrman dames Haheook, Courtlee] = Heores Lary-trensurer 0, H, Mason, Bow: manvitle] Corresponding Secretary, Gordon Osborne] Hxecutive, N, H Hinples, Oronol. Stan, Rlakard, Nowoantle] Hyd Lancaster, Newton ville] Ivison Munday, Mapla Grove; Rev, F, W, Nawal, Hlackstook Hey, & Trumpour, Tyrona: "Also MeGregor, Bowmanville; John Ble hone Service With a Smile In soonving My, Binham from ym Hissinger Naturelle of New York, The Mayfair have secured an of figlent uperator with thirty yeam of expevience in all branches of the halvdressing tendo, now seouve a haley ont onal heauty, to sult your feats upon, UHagmedy Ann" "Paper Cut", and the very Intest "Feather Kdging' Very Nhow, Girly! Mayfair Hairdressing You may of excep Hewivl", "Wind Blown," York Collegiate popular In the New Children and ont BB vents, BORO Top ARpaHI Kast FELT BLOCK, IN 1436 Wing Mi, mon, Hanlskilen, James Hageoek was nominated - - tions Building Cob hs A Hearty Invitation Ml To All Musicians and Vocalists LL vocalists, male and female, are cordially invited to atiend the regular choral practice of the Gens eral Motors Musical and Dramatic So» clety at 7.30 p.m, November 13th in the Industrial Relas (North side, West of Division St.) On Thursday, November 14th at 8 pm, In the same building, the veg ular practice of the General Motors' Orchestra will be held, interested In enjoying a winter's work in mule, are invited to attend, Mr, Richer, the Musical Director, will conduct both prastices, on Wednesday, on William Street All musicians I'he Canadian Bank of Commerce OSHAWA BRANCH On Monday, Nov. 18th business of the branch of The Canadian Bank of Com. Tk located at 20 Simcoe Street North will be transferred to the Branch on the North East Corner of King and Simcoe Sts. Which has recently been substantially wiped:

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