Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN RR ty -- THE C S/Vih)" where LASSERIED SECTION. 4 LU CONANT & ANNIE, BARRTETTIS SoMigiors Mutiny fulthe fie, Con tag hi foi hut i Lon oy: Third nl Bul ding Qwest Past uildin fogese NGAN, FA =TAR vister, Solicitor, Notary IS Con: veyaneer Money to loan, Office 1414 King St, LL Chaws, Phone #44 Hasldence phone Bi7. ; TOTTON AND Vraner, Barristers, Conveyance, | Notaries Publle, ety, Offlea over Atandard Bank, Hutrance Blmoge #6 Phone 18, 1, 1, Gylarson, K.0, T, K, Orelghton,. BA, N. 0 dia HA, TR 5 JIVIA "WARHTETEN os. Mil Ne Dewlanl's Etors, oney (0 loan, 16 Bimoeos ireet north, Phone 67, Residence FTX 4111 ma Sor 1 8 PY visters. ete, Money ta loan Aluer Bldg, On posite 4 rat Wik Phane Field WREE fii t IAN fisters, falieltors, ste Wh Jud , N, Phone $160. Maney tn loan XO, HALL, NARS 0g ol, LLL and general oration, BBW King Bi, Hast, hane BRAY, (ir a Ta a Medical Pi MeRAY, FAVEICTAN, SUR weon, Aceoucher, OMe and res) dence, King 8t, East, corner Victoria At 1 Ud i) 8 V, Shr eT. olan, Bron, Obstetrielan, Hpealal references to maternity work i) d di sonics of women, Twa years' post Araduate experience, Office and res donee CA meee BL Ny, (sor, Brock) ANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN SarReon, Obstetriglnn, diseases of infants end Shildon Office and ragidenee. 97 Bond Fast. Phone 1153 CB, 1, HAZL Woon, ye olan and Surgeon, special attention klven to rav work and Eleetro Hhwaby Office, Dis: ¥ Black, Phone 2080, Offigy open am, nm donee a King Fasl, Phong 2110 \ AVID ARCHER, MD, CN ly ROC OP and 8 Edinhurah Physic fan, Surgeon and Qhatetrigian HH 144 Simeoe St Phone 3020 idence 161 King Ri, 15 Phone A154 ROTTING BROWN, M.D, Lo RN OP & 8 Edinburgh Phvstelan Arron, Ohatetrieinng Al antlon te maternity iss sases of ohildeen foe anid ros lenge, 188 Simeoe St North, Phone FEAT FHV ETOTAN, a sur eon, Obatetrielan, Office An i AY B18 Blmeoe street north Phone #416, Notary 'Publi, Money to loan Al "l tor anesr BPEL ork W (Oot, B-1 mo) HR ; Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist « Fy TOW IT O0R | yeot West, Toronte, will he at his Roe aver Jury & Lovells Deg Slore each Saturday, from 1 tll 4 ¥ for eansultation and treatment { disenses of ear, nose and threat a Appointments may be maddy dng stare, Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat RTF WICITATDEON, "OFFIC et Mighells Vy © Roant Hon + 10 to 13 am h appointment A AE phone ) sldene Dental I, Ap DR, 8 1, PHILLIPS, COVER BAN: setts, Special avtention ta Xray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in al 9 north, aver or DR. 1. & Nitrous © lang, Mh \ ELL, LIT) aval DLNTINT, for extra, wl Hide 8] N! 3 WW Ww an | SA) A 202W. AY hy HR Theatre LN ol WL) Repent DR _IAVTE / RY ah Aly LR I? King St EB Spe A \ Phone ~ ee aif tention 10 was ARAL and work Nurse in attendance MY and BW Architects he RTENHOUSE - GRNRRAL teu ural Second foar | Rank Paid na, Band 149% NE TORNSON. Ay RY rat a Kimeos 8\, Photographer "YOUR FAVORITE BNA ep And PhOLOETARRE oolared = ne 434 for wr . A sa plos 1+ we) Contrecting CONTRACTING = CONG RETR stein eleetrie alieral we |W fot valimates Coat Repairing Wualy FOR WINTER N\ reoained » ah oo ladies cate reltnedl ant] od paired YAIRI you werint mate wp, Address WE SW (aver LaRRINE on wil deliver Phone S68 (her, 282 wa Second Hand Dealer HAND DEATER FUR wlture canuhe and wid aE Blow bl Baal, Paes 16ITN, "wh wwh | ®t Engineering and Surveying DONEYAN AND BMTTH, ONTAR 0 Land Syrveven and Civil Engin ers, ub djviglons fe Ul , Sannin ne munieipal engines f 4 Phone [ 151d] ar pil Undertaking (TET WORTAL CO, 67 KING ST East, Amhilanee Residence. fd2 sim. we street north, Phones 210] and () iq eling street, Ouhaws, street, Ambulance, Ores if Phone Brose 102 Insurance TAVIE AND BON, IN 19 King Bt west Ofhawh, Ihe a po Fire Maney I in Qshawa, 30 hile onipanies eonsilt R, No Johus, 80 Bimdpe north, Your insursace wants ab tended ta and your intevesis pros rented, a ransportation Tp CARTAGEH AND BTORAG NK, GOT: man's, 6 Bond West, Bpecinliste I» furniture Moving, SLOPES Ware: TT hn moving ven equipment he xo WOVING, OGRAVEL sand and cinders, Loeal and long distant. handing Phone 3048 aml ALA Fmith and Cox, WET King AS BR OLORET ESTAR. hashed furniture movers, Park Road ra Lagal and long _ distanee Frank" Cawle, Prop, 68 Park outh, Phone R15, a (Oot, 16-1 mo) WANT --THUIRING "01 ALY, kinds, Carting or moving, Phone gosew, (Oct, 18:1 mo) FAGLET CARTERS AND LONG distance movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quick service, oh apest in Osh awn, Phone us Hirst, ad Nok Cet Wf 1 ma, NW DUN TRUCK, BI look, Ciravel, sand an tie Carls ago 218 dy 8, I, Oshawa Phang EY HOW A (Noy, 6 | me.) Beauty uty Parlors AETTY FOU AANTRT wave, Special 88 and Finger wave and shampos #1 aelnl 7% AL re eutth o 2%, Phone 4968 or Bb Nimgoe North EXTENT MARCRLYING HY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permans ant Wave Bhoppe, Maree! and sham poo #1 Phone 2068 has WATRONS HARNREW AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina 81, Wa ape glnllge in ladies' hale eutting, mar polling, shampooing, facials Maree! 8 pents, For Appointee) phone 2660, No v, 14:1 1 mo) of this nature, "and enlleet for same, "Times" All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the canvenlence of customers whe find it inconvenient to come personally to Tha Times office, a will bring a messenger who will recelve - advertisement Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT telephone eall EE Real Estate for Sale FOR BALES BOLID BRICK, KIX rooms, hot water heating, gamwond rim, five place, hardwog "lars sid drive, electrie fixtures, price #, M00 300 dollars dawn, Apply 2031 Duffey in: Btreet, Toronto, or phone Ken worl And (Now, 2:Nav, IH) GRAND BARGAIN For QUICK pale, SUROO lovely modern, Bh rooms ed hungalo Newly decorate Hardwood floors, # place hath, Furnes, Oarngs, Only $8300, Mes Holden, Wi Blmeos N, (1110) FARM POR™RALN TAUREA nies avehard, Good barns, Large lay In pan, Hrooder houses, 7 room hriek home, #§ plece bathroom, Pleekele Jighte and olty pressure water, Phone 2608] (1110) 100" ABREES10" ADORE 00D woode, Boring reek, good barns, A room frame 11 Water tuside and out, Phone S60KJ, (1180) TAO ORTOR EN WANN, LAY ing pens, hroadey houses, goed barns, Holld heiek § roomed house, Kleotrio HEhts, Whiey system, hot and eold Als soft waley system and garage, Phone BRON, (1188) FOR HALE, Apply BN, (1180) RAVE RANT IT 4 miles trom Oshawa Hox Wha, _Onha wa 'Building "Supplies URL = BAND, GRAVE, and Black loam, $160 a vi For quality and service 'nhone 1s sory Heos 342 ping 11 tau CEVENT "LOCKS FON SATE Good sand and aravel, To Insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date, W, Row rawdal,e Phone 1618, Music PUPTEE ACORITRED instruotions, Mrs, Hervey, Phone 1166 LYNDE (Nov, 5:1 mo) snares | ANTHU UR VOCAL TEA cher (Hanmbourg Conservatory, ON alone "TNVOOAT (Dry) Grant Ta ronta) pupils prepared for all exans Oshawa, Wednesday, 93 Simece Si 'hy Ma) BOR Sag Cl I wil) accept pupils for sing NA onlture, eto, Phone 1004, 288 Mruce Bt Nav, 8:1 mo) PRON KR TRON 1K A No Director of Musle, Oshawa Qollext ate and Puhlie Schools, Rtudle, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 2084), (Qet, 16.1 "Wa wh R epairing AVON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swing watch TOPAlT shop 8) Hv Kia 2 St West, Your pate mo) RETTO BERAVIGR AND ACOES: soples. Repatrs on electrio and hattery ap Tubes And batteries tented Fi Tacharghd, rental supplied 81, Phone ¥ Oharles Wales, 146 Blain \ ov, 4-1 mo) AADIO™® DH REPATRE 16 all makes of , old asta Pe modelled, power on added hy » vadiotrielan, No oharge for mapection, Phone he i) 1:1 ma) Caulking AVE ALL ORR RVTORT AROUND HAY windows and doors filled wit Plasto cement And ahi out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cost small, Free estimates, 4, H, Law EH WRN No, 3, Oshawa, Phone (Nay, 4 | § mo) fe ore and Draoting, A GUTSOCER, FIRST | rhanger, painting a rae Breer right, work guaranteed ne Ave BhaNe w or u TURNER § CALVIN, F and ber, only Arsh dan | CETTE guaranteed A voars ax 00, reasonable, labeler be ematitehing UORNTS BRR YARD, LY CA ie, one delian aller Hons, NH Kinda of peantifal tana i sale. Mm Dell, 26M Sim a8 Seuth, Phone 1084, tet M8 mad a Prices GE ¥ FURS" RERAIRED AWTTRE wodellod. Fur tors wade to wmeasaie ROY 10 wearer neces. Mes Hicks AVI HY Prince StONorthe (ae Work "Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING CHESTER felds made 12 order. We save vou money Katimptes free, GA Con stable, 74 Meghanie street, Phone | Aa) (S01) HA TTHRTE CHANCED, CALLED tor and delivered, ¥§ conta, 11 ven wl gupplied &1, Batteries repaired Sat idiom, 20 148 Aa St Phone Noy, 18:1 mo) HATTR TET TARRGRD AND DES liverad 780, rental Bho, and the antipe election] system of ear re palred. 304 Oshawa Hivd, Phone d110W, av. 18: 1mn) : pgrapher MATT, HILTON, 74 WoO street north, Phone 1600, Hpevial rates for malling Hata and elveulne work, {Oet, 26-1 mo) Home Cooked Meats ENGLER WOME "WADE FORK plow, steak and kidney ples, hot or gold, brawn, cakes and pastries, eto, elo, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 28730, (TT) Auctioneer FONE 710, W, SULIT. auetioneer, Mo Simeoe H, NB ean sell vour odd pivees of fw i pd Oiher articles at our vards, 41 / Ontario \\ Ostia AL SRT RR Aa Simeoe' Ntreet rg Phone aS0M, (Qt, a Nev, ai) ) i Motor Care AEF YOUR AUTO TART xo acoessariea at the Weeekers, 18-17 aw weal, Phones 2080W op é . Hy \ 1 me) NEW 31 © thay for oash, ut hi ,, Thos S88) or 340 Oslina " 0) HOOT TTIT HENAN OOA0I, IN jartect WR order, Golng at a ATERIN, Shine #8 Centre ei EE] We Ton CITY AND FARM" TOANS. THRO he MNS APRA RReY rh told. Harrinien, ole Alter Phone 16 1614 TASS a -- ] ; Educational PRIVATE fUTORTNG 8 QUITS fled temeher, High or publio sohool subjects, Apply 113 Rlmeos 34, 2ouih, (1110) Hardwood Floors, 8c Foot YOU TAN "HUY HARDWOON Matta a or only && a fon, Fy slit maid on $10 orders, AN end and side wiatehed, Rasy ta lay, You can do, the work vourselt, We well Yalow ae IR free eivontan, Halls law Building Huet Sassi ------ Ng oe | Board RINT WELT FURNISHED dawnitiies TOO, with baad, Gans Homan referred, Exoetlent loa Hon, 1468 Riwmoee 81 N (113%) FRONT RRDROON SUTTARER tor dusiness couple Will hoard if desired. Phones 31T4W, (1d) Ne Bhanu, Articles For Sale MIXED HART AND SOFT WoT slabs, $350 per load, Also hone diy hily woe Waterens Meek Limied Phone 1268 Apr, 2011) FOR BA bbe ABINTAMAN 00 Lid, planos, new and used planos Wao radios, latest models; torus (HYY A Apply OQ, Truly Phone (RRR A MOVING BALK 0 MCYCLEN Lieyely stock, and automobile tres Hig veduetion, eash ar terqis, Eveyy thing must be sold, 88 King Street weil (et, #91 mn) DROFHEAD RAYMOND BEW Ing NUN splendid eamdition Phone #9id\ a (1119) ATL eds BN TOR BALK Chotes table turnips, selected, gual Hy, tine Dooley potatoes, arown ap sandy loam, eahbage, parsnips, Wee a few barrels of choles win tur apples, Cresnings, Haldwing, Wagnovs, Htarks, Buy at fest cost Jacob Branch, RHR, No How manviti (11h) RADIO FOR BALE il TURK, battery modal, tn beputiful eonsale eabinat, Perfect eondition, Cheap ¥ Phone 1008 W (1180) " Holp--Wanted Male WANDS ENTINEER 70 TAK) oharge of central heating plant ut Oshawa General Hoaplial Musi have at least third elass cartifiont Alen raterences, Apply Heoretary of General Hospital (110 FOOL BETTER WANTED \ man tharoushly famidar with te maohining of pipe tings Tar ool otting and handling proaduotion hia 18 an excellent opporinnily far the right man; & good pos) ton will eventually oben. up When roplying, #lve sue, nation ality, and wages oxpectod, Address Hox 208 Times A111) uxp WRIENC nh TINNM THN "AND shoot metal workers, Apply Peds lar Feaple (1140) FIRAT OLARE KEXVRERIENORD dle makers, Apply Pedlar Peapla (1130) RS a Sea eh Help Wanted-=Female APREDHAND TRAINE YOU IN ton weeks home study tn heoome a stenographer typlat, Ty eviter sup plied, Write for free sample les won, Daminton Hehool Telegraphy Limited, Toronto {112 116-11 8:000) PRR RT TART Es Auction Sale Auotion sale of ( fresh GOWE Apringer and J sheep the property of Win, J, Leask, lob 34, son, 6, Day Ngan, ! lles oadt of Brook lin, Lot includes 14 llalsteln pow, & ta ? years, some freshenfug, some du time of wale, same due Ih Novembe Hit December, hought from the hest herds around Rellevilled shartharn cond, some milking, seme heavy in Mh 1 Jersey caw, ahont a A 1 two vearold steeri 3 calves A shrap shire ewesi & ram lambs, See hil Sale at 1.0 o'elpek sharp Wi Maw, Auctioneer, (108-112) Notice. to Creditors in the matter of (he Ratate of John MeAdam, late af the Clty of Oshawa, In the County and Prov ines of Ontaria, wallsoavrier, de consed, Notioe 1s hevaby given that ail persons having olalma agatnag the estate of the sald John MeAdaw, who died on or about the Third day of November, AD, 1828, al the Clty of Taranto, in the County of York, are required on or hefare the Sooand day of December AD, 1928, 10 send Notice to the wader signed Solloltor for the estate al the sald deceased, with their tall names and addresses and tall pars tontars In writing of thelr olaims, And take notles that after sueh mentioned date the Rxeoutrix will procead to distribute the assets of the said decensed amon the pan ten entitled thereto, and 'will aot he Hable for the sald assets ar any PARE thereat to aly person of whose olaim notices shall not have heen received at the time of sueh din tethution Dated at Oshawa, of November: AD, 183% JORRER B MANGAN, Barrister &¢ Oshawa, Ont Margaret MoAdaw, Rxecpimy COTA) this Plest day Solleltor fo For Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROONED MOD arn suites, ineluding slectrie refr aration, stove, laundry, GOnven ances, sted sontinuous hot water supplied eo Bupt 'phone 8671, nr The Trusts and Guarantees Co I4d,, manager for owner, Toronto, (37:41) AVAIVIMEINTR VOR RENT Modern convenlsneas, $40 and up, Apply Jury & Lovell, (R6:4f) FOR RENT w= FIVE ROOMIED brick, CONYSHIEnEeN, hardwood Aoors, eleetrie fixtures, newly dedorsted, purty possession, Apply 81 Elgin Bt, het Phone 1080], Py TRIN Nsom Ten 45 Apply to ¥, H, Beattie, 161 King HL, Hast, Apt, §, (1186) ATARTMENTR TO TINT=DOWN town #40 and $456 per month Ptenm heat, 4 rooms, hath, elec (rin stove and kitehen cabinet, Hpen and olothes closets, hit Hox EKG Times, 10 RENT=TWO OR THREE UN furnished rooms vacant Noy, 45 Re fined husiness people preferred, Ap ily 289, Times, a (1100) 0 WHNT-+8 OR 0 ROOM FLAT All sonvenlences, 90 Broek, NM ol oi (110¢) 10 WENT=TWE OR "THREW furnintied rooms far HEhE holiness Waaping with modern a0nvenienoes, Qentral, Honsonabie, Phone RINOM . (1100) VOR HINT RI ROOM HOUND on Burke street and three unbir nished rooms, Phone 1600W, (1100) 0 RENT THREE ROOM wpactmoents, Down tawn, Bathe, hot walter houting, Heht nnd water In sluded, Kgulpped with gas Panges, Heasonahle Apply 18 Gladstons \ve (1100) FOR HENT-TWO NICKLY FUR nlehed rooms for [Eh housekesp Ing, Wyery convenience, Also gn) ihe, Apply B81 Warren Ave (1100) NINE ROOM HOUSE AT 4664 Blmons sires south, newly des arated, hol walm heating, sun roam, Rent 40 dollars per month Phone B08 ar 80D, 31 Nond street woul (1107 FOR RENT=NIX ROOM HOUSN) § nerves of land, garage, hon house, electrie Huh Will Teas for five years, Apply 8 W. Prevost, North Oshawa, Phone 16544 (11h) SEVEN ROOM HRICK HOUSE on paved street, modern eanvenlenees wnply BK, Dearhorne, Columbus, On tar . (Ie) NEW KIX ROOMED HOUSE FI Aree, Westmount off Park Rid vorth, eleetrie mneetions, nrg garden and chicken house. $18 rent Apply 13 Jahn Street, Phone 112 (1110) HEABON Hast (1110) TWO VERY OOM Bult refined gon 0% Himoeon WN (111) TO RENT FIVE ROOM APART mont, furnished and heated, striot I¥ modern and private, Also gam ne, Apply 287 Division Hives! Phone BT7TH (1110) FOR RENT MODERN HIX ROOM hriek house, $40 Also naw NW room helek, $45, Central, Apply 84 Alloa Bt, Phone BOR, Min A | HARANE ahle at TO RENT 107 Hrook Bt FOR RENT fortahle rooms Homan felonds (11a) THRER UNFURNISHED furnished vooms, Downe Phone 18030M "WO OR ur Partly utile flat, FOR BNC wished voom In new house conveniences Hardwood 180 Division Btreet (1180) FOR KENT HOUSE A Tr 1a AN» nia Bt, Hoeven roams wih fan en iH onoes, B15 a month, Apply 18% Hoop West (11480) HATHROON ™ FEAT WITH TWO furnished vooms far Heht houses Keaping, Phone and gas, Apply 0d Halp #t (11380) TWO LARGE HOUREKEEPING roams, private entrance, unfurnishs od, Hot and cold water, New throughout, central, conveniences, 88 Cantre Street, (1180) FOR NENTSTHREE ROOMED modern apt, well heated, moderate rent, Apt Noo 14, 39 Slmeos 84, N, i we (113h) TORENT ORTFOR RALR™ Savan roomed house at 318 Athol Street Kast, All conveniences, Ape ply 218 Mary 8t, (1130) WL 110) "UNF All floors, THREK "Money Wanted MONEY "WANTRO=§TI00 FOR fivat mortaame, Good seourity, Ap ply Box 208 Times, (1110) a re ---- THE RIVER Thove's sweet musio in the reaches of the wiver as it heaches Hs small cargoes on the sands along the shove, For small pebbles now came purling, sometimes twisting, sometimes twirling, TIN they slowly the sandy floor, seitle near These soft sounds are 30 elusive that it's ater quite conelwsive Where the tiny oreatures are that fool 30 gan Put their wices stilt hay \ AR lo, we find ovrseves navel In a savlvan land Doneath thete fairy AWAY Rut the river here in foaming and AoW through the ne Ramin We are slicing 10 the samp across the hav, out throwsh the twilight SUPOAMIRE SOAR We S00 the camphives heaping There Rates for Classified Ads, First Insertion = 1% cents per word, Minimom eharge B00, Bach subsequent conse: tive Insertion 1a per word, Three conseautive inser: thane for thy price ol two first neertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge foe three Insertions, 00 eevis, Box number 106 additional Professlonad ar Rusiness Cards, $4,850 par month for 40 words or less; 10 aents a ward vi month additional far each word, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADK CORT LITTLE ACs COMPLINKE MUCH TELEPHONE an Ask tor (Massitied Ad Depnrtinent ONTARIO REGIMENT AND LEGION JOIN INOBSERVANGE (Continued from page 1) army practices, The parade formed Inte three sides of a rectangle while the large audience whileh had athiarag at the spat completed (he vectan ile purraunding the drum hand Hey, My, Nhivos A stirring address was delivered hy Capt, Rey, dhires, of Bowman ville, who stressed (he need remembrances of those who had given thelr Hyves in the great cause of freedom, (he neessslty of ve copnising thelr great shorifion and the need of resdedionting our own Hyves ad that we might emuinte thelr noble example in the service of King and enuntry, With speeal reference to the Loglon members, Rev, Bhives anid YE know that you Are aware that many of your comrades have met with diffeulty sino thele return to thely own eountry And that many of them, physieally handloapped und otherwise rendered ineapable of thalr servige, have not veesived that vepasniton which they dessry od, ut In splte of this the tradi tion of service still remains with you, & tradition which would oatise you tn spring ta tha defence of yaur homes and your eountry A aver the need should again arvive Interesting ceremonies in oon naotion with the services wera the leaving of the enlars hy three mem hare of the Legion and the sound ng of the Last Post hy the huglers of YQ" Campany, Whithy, The Ontario Reulment, wader the leadership of Handmaster O Dempsey, prosented savepal appro printe Wmusionl selections and eon tributed mueh to the service hy ae companying the alnglng of the hynny, Capt, Rev, Jarrett read the prayer and pronsunesd the Nenediotion, the serviea conelnd ng with tha National Anthem, MONDAYS BRRVICK A sincere tribute was plad fo those men from Oshawa who pald the supreme saerition fn the cause of freadam during the Great War, when hundreds of oltiwens, ineluds mg wen and women in all Tanks of life, battlessoarrad veterans of that mighty oonfliet, mothers whose sons Me In Flanders feild, widows who lost thely life part ners on the Allied frant and tie dren whom war had deprived of father, gathered in the Gamen of the Unforgatten In frant of the olty's war memorial yesterday morning to attend the serviea hold under the ansploes of Oshawa Foat Ne, 48, Canadian Legion, The goene was ona which heaught many polEnant mamories, A strony teal: ing of vepvet, mingled with an equally strong feeling of thanks giving=--regret that sa many ol Oshawa's finest sons wera out oft Wm othe vigor of thely manhoow, thankagiving that thay had died as heave man dia for & noble. cause and that thelr supreme saoritios has not heen in valn, Now, eleven rons After the glad news of Aviis. HW hranaht Joy to all alvilisation, pence still velgna when the earth and In the efforts of stateamen to Pring about a better understands ine het ween nations there ia & faint glimmer of the dawn of a hrighter And happier day, The service hatare the memorial 10 the olty's dead was most fmpres sive tn (ts simple dignity, Thronahs out the large andisnce there Was a fooling of reverence and when at 11 0'0loek the algnal came for twa minutes of sllence avery head was howed in atlent prayer for those heave man Who have gone hafare, Atkivess hy pain Haraton Rav, Capt, ARRLOR, pastor of fRimoon Street United Ohureh, pre sented the address tar the pocasion In clear and axplialt terms he eall od upan his hearem to amulate the tute of the herale dead hy thelr actions tn their dally lives and patd eloquent tribute (a Bae men fram Oshawa who had given their Hves In the service of King and county The. war far many he declaved WAR ROL ¥ob aval, Hundreds were still sutfering from the injuries which they had received, thely Hyves had hoon hroken and they found 1 Aiftioult to carry an, He wreed that they shonld have tha AYMPATRY and the helpial assist And we land enee wore anid the frolght's play ANOH AF avervons The pastor pointed ont that far! thaws who had given up their lives in thet mighty conflict Wad dons wll thet men could do as sxemplis fied hy desis in hin teaching Phat @yonter love hath no wan than thin, to ley down Bis lle for & lend," Armistice Day hropght occaskon for thankfulness, oy, Harsion daolarad, Wa should he truly grate ful thet the Great War had heen wuenemnfully waged for. the Suse of fresdom and that now nr were helng mide Lo preserve world peace This he promised eonld he aecomplished If men would place thaly trust In Cod snd through Him seek to hring shoul wood will in wll International re latiopships 1] vy HP Ad, Graves, now of Hrooklin, and bandmaster of the Ontario Regimental Band overs yoni, wlio spoke lauding those men of Oshawa who hed glven thelr sll und sven Hie Itself in this great Rime, Hut he Jolutad out that wines the eoncluslan of the war many, although they had yeturned to thelr native land, had died as tha diveot result of injuries which they had recolved In the war, The oaruilly Hat was by no means com plate und he urged that oare he kivan to those who were still suf fering as a result of unselfish ser viea for thelv sountry, Hs also made a stirring plea for the obi) dren of disabled veterans who, he enune of thelr father's handicaps, were unable to get A proper start in fe Bugle Presented A happy feature of the sarviee wis the presentation to the Ie glon of a heautiful silver hugls hy Mr, OW, Cowan, on hehalf of his wife, Mra, I", W, Cowan, OMoears of the Leglon expressed thelr ap preciation for (his splendid git and for the Interest whieh Mrs Cowan has always manifested In the work of the organisation, They koenly vogrotied that Mes, Cowan Wiad unable ta he present an ae count of tHness, AL the conelusion Harston's address, Comrade Bus don wounded the solemn notes of the Last Post upon the new hugle Counc Attended Mayor 7. BH, Mitehell and mem hora of the elty eounell attended the servies in a body and His War ship placed a heautiful wreath at the base of the memarial on hes half of the Clty of Oshawa of floars of the Lemlon who wera in charee of the service fash iy the President, Comrade T and lo viogspresident, RL 0 0 Naluh nf Rev, My Fplondid Parade Provigus to the seivies 8 parade wan held fram the Armoeries to the wir memorial led hy the Ontario Hoglmontal Band through kind permission of Lt-Col, HW LH) Amith, offloer tn command of the Ontario Regiment, Members of the Leglon, the Leglon Wamen's Auxiliary, the five Wrigade and the elty postal ear viers participated in the parade, The Heglmental Band, the able leadership of Bandmaster © Dampusey, provided splendid musie during the service whit Ih Was oan eluded with the singing of the Na tional Anthem HOUSES draws near and the sha dows allt down, 3 Pho streets tn a village grow still the peaple ga in from the neighbors! front lawns, And soon their own living rooms ni AS evening hon windows ave lit triondly plow, That apeaks of much there, And oft there's the voles that sing The tune of a limpid ald ain with a soft happinesy wound of low a men in the streets all houses mean things BO strange to the ones whe must sidly FOAM N love, hey walk that each house is a these past these places of And know how Vo! wUlande 8, Cain, Ingersoll, Ont Lover Sues For Ring When Troth Is Broken love Lunetu Vanvouver, B.0=When wis playing & sweet und melody for Melvin VF, Lewis, ha presented his sweetheart, Pens fumley, stenographer, with a nies new guitar, a wateh and an B88 engagement ving Hut the tune of diseardant shavily afterwards, Miss Hamley told Lewis she through with him, aceording Lewin hat sults ma, nid Lewin hut give me haok the goiter, the witeh and the engagement ving" Irena declined, and so Lewis wenl to law, demanding return of tha articles or thely equivalent in eanh, You've got a nerve, Young man, in heinging these small pate: toes hefore the court,' sald County Court Judge Nugrles, hut he OF: dered wajournment of the trial pending a deelglon fram Miss Ham ley a8 to whether she will return the presents Montagne Caple appearing far Lawin, wuld that in Now Giines the natives have a oustom af Tes turning wedding gifts if the wed ding falls to materialise, Ho would Argus an that ground "Hut this len't New wrgued opposing eounsel Mins Hamloy, an the stand, sald It owas all Lawls' fault, If he had not Induced her to go automobile viding she wouldn't have got no eoltislon and last of hep fin were "When [lost my fingers' anid, "Melvin wouldn't have hucima and Wiki 1) love Culnea', fony wha me" Radios Repair Repaired All Mak The Ontario Motor Sales 80 Kimono a NITY Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANN AND DIN. COUNTS LTD, Felt Mook Room 6 Phone 2700 Phone B00 CR DISNAY-.COTT AMRBULANCH AY Colina Ne, Phone 1088 ---- uy -- wr-- . pig +t ShECIA «aT on Wy in kt Disney HE --- hy. mPhomtite So---- ---- Ca. We Give You Our Undivided Attention We are in a position to give you exceptional service, because we devote all our attention needs af the builder, We are thoroughly conversant with the stock and facilities needs ed, and we can give you the mas terial you want when you need it, and what is equally important at competitive prices, hawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2831.3830 the to

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