Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 1 VESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 a Collegiate Chatter Whe OL, pentor gridironists findehed (hely wohediule Dish Hid uediy with thely poeand loss of the drtorant Epunohon, will v Weld soon wilee Mhnnkuglving and next week wil we COmpRIgng pamphlets, consiiinte w {he tha Bonn es PUUE ake, wig, SUMP Ene while for the elections the school will be divided into polling divi slong and the vouttne of an ordin ury slection will he earvied ont wh Fir ne possible nn In former yours w Ld & STATISTICS GIVEN | ON EMPLOYMENT Conditions Show But Little Change In Month of | hil unemployment us compared with Hoh pur cent, in Augie Modarute declines In setivity were yuporied over Heplembur ® Jay algo, when the percentinge of dlanons wlood at 2.4, Nova Feotla and Queles unions lone retlected uw bettoy smploy: ment teepd during Beplemhber than the preceding month, though lmprovement indiontod In such (Of the mn fl wlmmed 4p4 55, CALUMET SETS DUNKERING RECORD Elder Dempster Liner Com i REO 10) pletes Conling In One 8 | "00 und Led ul noon one of a Nae tween Monty Fhe ship enlled at Bydney 10.60 a.m ly 1irky minutes Hoes on the and veewlved anid tou of cond In exact yi The vessel cles Tha BE, Caliimel 4 Larm nd fogs ni ihr el of Wider Dempwier regilar wperviee hi enl mand Bouth Afvien far hunk fur Montreal to load Herve Leone, the Gald | Nigerian pori Tal wade $25 00 00 | Scotland Woollen Mills Mgr, B, Rotish, 11 Blneos B, | provines wis nominal only vadustions veglutered In Lhe re milling provinces none were oul wlanding, those In New Brunswick, " Ontario, Haskntehawan Alharta y pydne av, 1h stablishing n and British Columbin beta less | Teeord for fast hinkering, the ia thin 1 per aont, and tn Manitoba |! Demputar B » Calumel voeentiy slghtly larger, loaded nearly 00 tons of cont in ane wand wo half hours, sl Bydne A , 10 was slated at the Joos! of of the Dominton Conl Com Lngt Tuesday throveh the kind Noss of Miss Bibl of the wall whout &6 members of the sehool ore | chostra trayollad to Paranto hy his Patevhova Collaglnte to hour tha twillght eonobil af the Gohourg Collegiate 1 Tovonto Bymphony Qvehostiru Oshuwn Collegiate wy foro» Findeay Collesipio F i Fan your to Peterbora, who have gone through the epson without a loss The senor leagie fingl wlunding w and a Half Hours | g11pg TO SAIL SOON BY CAPE RACE ROUTE, Wuehes, Noy, 14 the Belle Isla route will soon take | the longer round, vie Caps | an thelr Journeys to and fram Ku | rope, tn view of the lateness o! Lhe } September Ednwe, Nov, 1§ mploy ment Leonditions wmbng loenl fre long in the Doaminlon remained Leh the pame during Beptainhe I looks Hike the Blue Devile cans | oa tn the previous month, Heturne not help but win thelv game with | recelvied at the Federal Depart the "Ovfuns' on Mond) They | ment of Labor from 1,768 lah wre going to wenr O, OU; |, swent | Famke, whi fnetuding 406,617 1] . COLEMAN CANTALGE LOCAL Al LOMGANSTANW E / Bhips Using Rae, | Pha Juntor giund won thelr gains with Port Hope hut Veterhiore hy margin of thely win over Bowman vile enptured the cnsmplonsigp honors, The league Mandl Wilk floon Ping ha min Is food oe fool men Chicago Dini! If un wi Cun ensily King shi without brains wenson, and the Inerensing danger as, moambary, showsd 8.7 par cont, of | Calumet arvived at Bydney | fram foehargs os well as snow wh BOND WT, WEN) ROSS SMYTH ELLA CINDERS--The Last Pay Day Patavhorn Collegint fi Oahnwi College | 1] Foard Hudans of MaGill Unis am " a | FB ally, n } ' IEE, 3 Howmanviie igh ui . Hoy ATi Tog A 'lie wie: 7 gs {ha BOW, CA, Part Hope ih Hohe ' BUT YOu) § Vek: : WHAT TWAT 51 OME Nashad hack to olvilisation the news that the missing MacAlpine party " was safe, OF THESE Omas VL, GIVE ---- OA) APITHIER. CHANCE | BAT FOR THE, PRE aE 1 NOUR, CONTRACY " ¥ . i sense, "rim \ CLOBING OWEK, BLLAYL ™ WAWIMNG (OST YEAR, NOACK | Loni on) CARNIT FIND WOREYS T THANK, ME | AnD [ CANIT FIND 'WORST wp TELL YEA) HOW Much WE'LL MBE vor! But, oF COARSE YO. REALIZE THAT A, PRODACER, WAR LTO BE A BUSIHNESS MAN] vi fv AETION MUST GO OM TLL HAE TO THROW Mey AL THE SCENES WENE MADE WITH YOU) AND TAKE THEM OVER, WITH A NEW Gil, NTH, i" PAY} SP IC UE Bar! Ka 156 BAD YOU HAD TO LOBE YOUR VOICE. Jal ha Wg game of the Intarform gorion wad played Wednesday niter goon when the 4-00 Hwanrents mel Jefont ab tha hands of the 4A Maounsers te The game waa Tost plage and fuvions and although Phe Hwenrents pul up 0 good games on Houderson treasurer, Marga thele afforts to talk thelr way to | at Hendorson viotory wan of no avall nealing the ' ¥ shatter of Ihe Matsa Foul A low wooks nen LOHME Wi faft tn the running | ponding boys sxecutiye and same day next weak the declds | od and those who were np will he played flop far this year ware ' d Murray Look rwin ROOPRLEYY, trensurer, Wallpon v8 wore gluetad to offtoar president, Noni Armstrong viea-prestdent, Murtan Ghummow | geeratary, Mar ONLY CONBRLATION | OA OFFER, YOU |S THAT TY Ihe with aloo put In of president vieospredident, Ralph Kents Mark Have for ren How Bane On Tuesday ut 4 o'vlock the. girls of the ahool assembled tn the av ditarium to elect thelr athlete ex poitive far (he onsutng year, Mis Devdon, who te substitating tn the position of Miss Hunnells, diveetor of girla' athiletios, presided over the mealing ha following wirvlg R clieyp ACHE, 4 My, O'Nell has Intraduoed no now pyalom of regulation enfaresment Into the sehanl Waeh form HOMO casts poveral forme files a group and hy the new sys tam ovary student is responsible to hw or her group for actions re garding wohool vegulations hi Mune tht pliudent In FOO annoy violated uw rule the matter In lnfd before the whole group and the offonder fs punish \ 'ry of aeoording to the declslon of the memhay OF courdgn, more serious onpes should ha handiad hy the DODDS. "KIDNEY and NOT hon o oto Through forme have form exaoutive dents alacted tn offfos In form executives, the teachers will wnleot ton hose tan students will ha he divided nto two parties of five mambers snch A mamhbey from both parties will run as oan didate for one of the five offlees in the students' exeoutive The general elections when n hw vo TTT THE WORD CANTER 19 AN ABBRE VIATION OF CANTERBURY GALLOP, TOMMY, THE EASY GAIT AT WHICH THE PILGRIMS RODE TO CAYITERBURY TOWN ny THE CANTERBURY PILORIMS FROM A PAINTING BY RA STOTHAR] DO YOU KNOY YIHAT THE CANTERBURY GALLOP WAS, pETTY ? AA, CERTAIMLY == THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS | he Ig | weak oloeting From the fhe thal 1 fhe heen will he al oh as ob ols bh a hh i le TIME TABLES } - i | Boule chy ob Li ie i i he i de lh a Ls I . 8 AMTERBURY TALES, THE GREAT PRODUC TION OF THE FIRST RENOWNED FMGLISH POET GOEFFREY CHAUCER TELLS OF THE PILGRIMAGE OF A GROUP OF MEH AND WOMEN TO THE SHRINE OF THOMAS A BECKET AT CANTERBURY AM ENGLAND IHESE PILGRIMS ARE OF EVERY RAMX OF LIFT AND CHAUCER SHOWED HIMSELF, IM HIS DESCRIPTIONS OF THEM, A MASTER CHARAC (ER PAINTER, CHAUCER LIVED FROM ABOUT 140 10 400 AND 19 xHOWHN AS THE FATHER OF ENGLISH POETRY." reat Brine Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Man Corner a A RE Wi frgrdifep ded ded droid A, TIME TABLE Efegpive Pont, 1, Landa Time) Galng Weal GORFIREY (LE) IRIE Sally (avant Bunda 008 Roy Daily BA wom, Day (Bapept Bundy ) LE Hop A ally Baily (Eapent Gong East Pally Daily (Exoept Bunday) Daily CEsvent Bunda y Daily (Eavopt Mabuhay Daily RL pe iL Bunda » A WY . BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo, McManut a ~ - . PALA EAE a SEAR 1.) 1 p ; Bo ee NATTA EY MAAK EE A CTO VG ROM oH ' vor QE a | ME WELL WE'LL NOT CY A CAT WY OF | CENT FROM ME LL FOO) THE HOLS LL PEALE AWAY IAD am A i £08 pon 40 am IF WANTING INSURANCE of any Kind Real Balale or money oh | wither Amin Brame houses allow we | LAL) oo H, R, LUKE 9 wt Theatre iv Phone 011 or 08 MIE WATE AR POCWE'Y | BOON BOTH GONE |W, | MURDER A AAT ERO TE) QF MAL ae ee) RRO 7 a | 4 gr, = \ La Lia ' Rit , Ne » ym ; 4 g # : " Ju A A Va 4 : ) MEY GT CLT OF MY ou WETS wWOL BIG hal | YEGG | . | | | .~ CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS EfNostive Sept, BF, 100 oi Time) PORN am Dally, eased + RAE A, Banday anly | £0 a Daily AE py Daily ssoept Sunday, Ro Pan, Bally, sxvept Bunday | Bi ah GAVEL Bunda y '. [LN Ae iy Daily exept Naturday, LX LH ally 12.31 iin Villy Westbound jot = Whila A am EAH] UE A (REN LAU ER L080 po LH hi 8) [LL Fay wi Dal Wn Baily fatly Wil Paty Paihy Diath See Bunslay A! \ exept Funda Td Se y BARERY Bunda "i JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONS J. W, Wornall, Oph, D, Eyesight Npeolalist Phone ania Felt Bres. The LEADING JEWELER 12 Simcoe S. South / Wy Bly eset Nunday Cell Binda yg Whithy, Oshawa, Buwmanville BUS LIN »i AAR TY Ponta Series. Ine Livan Hy AVR AEA Poaer wi WEER DAY SCHEDULE Bfaeing on gh Tg THR " LL) A! y West hove A oave Wan vile Pahtwe 3am Faw \ RN \ DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE IR I Lg AN-HA- IT" won BE : ! | . AD Qe . q ¥ LONG NOW LY FE OUR SPECIALTY If your wateh ia not giving satlafaction we OAN vepaly and make t tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWRLRR Official Wateh Inspector for Canadian Nat I and Osh awa Ratlvoads 10 King 5t, W, Phono 180 Wn » Wy a La gin TALLY 1" ta Wm \ MEY LL | ang " Ww tie on eles WHEN Hey Got 10 THE WHITE'S TOWER DAY i gy WHEDULE THEY KNOCKED Lovely oN THe Deer Arrive a ' - . SPECIAL im NOW RITILLIE THE TOILER-Mac Wants a Parachute SU CANTY MAKE RIC . TERT 1 I¥ DOMINION CLOTHING 4 \ OUR BELF MORE | TOM on KING 81, W, ke NR (at MOR aN \ AL RE AON J TTHAT MN GOING YW ) N) TILL b\ . we Con fe RUNS i on) ¢ NN LUM FOR Re RITE oR a | IRN V TR Ae : \ / Hh - NAA JURY AND LOVELL, LTD, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS a \ ME Ke Ftv Sivas 4 3 lk Ba) KALA [} WITH A MORRID GRIN SHE THREW THE WATER OVER "THEM: AND CRIED "Now TURN INTE Lizares OUT came The WITEM WATH THE LIRARDS « "WHERE (3 "THE WATER Fem THE FaUNTAIN of MANY, Colors JHE Jae. Aw! In A cd So BodBY GAVE HER THE BéTNv WITH THE, WATER FRoMm THE cri, STREAM L hid Civive pum HH 3 \ iN a tan Me - LL) By Russ Westove VER = for Safety BN 1 a TS NR TR) THAT YOU THIN HE oudiwy LR PUY BoME MoRY IN My NEW BUS IES SM - AL: YOL'D PETTER MACH UB Wour A MIND TO GET IN OM ka C Us NAM "THAT NAM ERE READY a. VLRO BAN ANY THI THAN NY QIVE WI THE (MPRESS ION Sl. LRN RAGTHTIE 5 - - REMEMBER WHERE |S THE GROUND FLOQR NMEA | PA REA XN TQM NOT A WORD OF THI "TQ ur Loy or WOLVE aon a Sy (ME Srpaane "\ VY TANG 3 RUNS al ~Mhone R140 We Deliver sr Sp a _-- Dales A Bhacos BM, doutn or Netter Values Wn DIAMONDS Huns' Store Corner Ring and Prime Cash or Tre ; = LUSH TOeniowEg | | | | { Pay La

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