Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 11

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a un THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 Balmy Beach Eliminated By Sarnia -- Barnlg, Nov, 11.~Fpom out of the tangle of the Intergalleginte union Toevento's last hepa for the Canhding, riughy ehamplonship rest, tor the Varsity Blues are now the chance, Argonauts fading into oblivion on Baturday In Hamilton, Xie Balmy Beach took the count this afternoon as Barnin ascended to the senloy OR. ¥.U, threne with a Btn 0 vietory, The spectre of that single point that sent the Beacheps to defeat last Thankeglve ing day hovered over thelr heads again today on the raln-soaked grid of the Sarnia Athletle elub, It mocked the Paddlers' superiority on the line and tinally forced them to drastic measures that gave Bars nie twe more seoves, The single point that saused the Candelsts' ultimate defeat came in the first period of play when one of "Bum mer' BUrling's long spirals trave allied deep into the Heach gon! gone and Morris Hughes was dropped for a rouge, It was a vietory for a brillant backfield aver a burly hatteving line, & triumph for the hoot over the huek, Barnia's hackfield was mueh too goed for the Heachers and with a strict serial attack, they sent hack stinging vetoris te avery Heaeh hid through the me- dium of line plays and extensions, Btirling's shoots soaved high and fav. and with almost every effort lie drove the Beachers hack tos | A Friend to Women Lydia B, Pinkham's Yogotable Compound LPIA 5 Sy RIGINE eo, ward thely own goal gone, Balmy wis geldom in position to punt ter aven a single point, and only ones was the ball over the local line and then It was run ont with sake hy the elusive Norm Perry, Beachers put up & vogged hattle, thely inp. pled forces gamely trying to regain the (ile lost an the sama afters noon Inst year, hut it was all In vieln Heachers Held In Cheek Withouk Alseroditing Barnia, the Hoachers weve far helow form, thely best plungers helng unable to gel under way while thely main hope, the end runs, weve stopped hy the Impevials' tackling hrigade, who had the special assignment to guard against them, Bavnla only attempted to go through the line to hetter the position for thely punters ov ta KN time when the periods weve ahaut to and, hut they provided peviect Intevfevenee an thelr lek formation and gave thelr wings plenty of time to get down the field for taekies, Hughes and Chantler, the Beach vearsunrd, gould not mateh Sarnin's wistar gel and they had few chances to advance the hall after taking eateh en, The game was well played, an one costly fumble heing eammitied while with the closeness of the saore tha erawd of about 4,000 wag kept liu constant slate of suse pense, Hoth backfields canghe faultlessly hut ft was the extra dis tanee that Btieling and MePhedran had fn thelr punts and the exiva height, ta allow thelr wings time to travel under them that were the deciding factors, Btivling did not do all the kicking, Cutle Me Phedvan taking aver the task in the second period to add the last twa points, hut it wag the play of the farmer Bt, Thomas star that put Harnla on top and Heaechers in thelr had position from which they never emerged Kxeltement Wife AN the Way Play was spectacular, both teams making daving tackles, helitiant gatohes, whila the flekle finger of fortune wavered from side to side in hreathless suspense many times al the players scrambled for loose halls In the last pevind when Heachers tired thelr futile onside kinks garnia's single point ead gained in the apening period of play did not seem much for the Beaches were gradually assuming the uppey hand with thelr heavy line work and thelr heavy Hine work and i appeared as though the locals would wither under the pressure, hut ke a year ago today, It was enough to smother the Paddlers' plang and ambitions The first and third periods were seoveless play hovering around centre fleld most of the time hut in the last ses slop tha Heachers were hacked to thelr own half of the slippery grid when thelr gambles for galing went against them and MePhedvan holst od the aval aver the goal line fay twa mare rouges sarnia hroke into a wild fury of exolitement when the final whistle sounded making them champlons in thely gesond yeay in the senior Ontarvig unlon, the mud-splashed players helng enveied from the feld hy thelr Jubllant suppariers, HN wal no great victory to win and the hellar team on the dey's play took all the glory Yavds Made Four Pimes Halmy Beach never seemed to gol going, only maving the yard wileks three Lhimes durhig the game although they wdvanoed the hall many times for small galng and resorted to kieking In thely vain of forts ta overcame thelr onespoint deficht which loomed up iki I milllan Barnlg msde yavds onre on om twisting van by BHiviing late tempted a second down, generally Kleking on tha fist The Benchers' hig gung were sf lanead, Ted Hesve sustaining o In the game hut they seldom al nasty Kiel on the head which rope od him to retire while Henle Crow vst, the plunging epplain, show eid the effects of his resent apora ton and hospital treatment, Heael arg advanced the ball for wand galing avaund the end with Chant lar and Hughes in the passing play hut they overworked the extenslong and wera goon easy victims of Bay nin taokles, Charley Delahey and Hed Poster made several good plunges hut the Beachavs could not keep up a4 march consistant enough to offset Barnla's kieking padvaniage Argos Bow To Pounding Hho the LALA in gradunlly whrain Hamilton, Noy, 10 unmeralfully pounding relentless roll of a stormy ti Tavente Aveonanis wenkened under tha tereifh Hamilton Tigers swept through the Heullars' Jaded lines in the Inst pariod to win thelr tradition al Interseity slruggln here on Hat urday by a 14 to 4 seove, The (yl umph returned Tigers the throne as ehamplons of Hi Four and the last hopes of Argon ante and MAAA, vanished another year I'he does not Indieata the play peviod poription of in th for lasing oount Dut the POIRIER RIVE o graph (e the battle, Avgananl leading hy 1 ta 0 In the fest 11f teen minutes and hy 40 midway through the second session, to have the Bengals evaw! to with noone point at hall time, take he lead hy 6 to 4 at the three-quarter mark and then run wild for two touches and a convert tn the flaal charge Argonauts put up a tuhhborn stand, defying the wall-dvillad Tig or machine that was hut purely battering them submis #lan The Oarveamen fought with avery aunea of theley strength and fauvage hut i not withetand the methadieal attack of the Jungle Kings he Bengals wera the batter and well deserved the win, hut foread tn thelr utmost Hue of anly slowly tn wi GHOUER In they Hin Were Bauhle -- Tigers 16.4, the Argonauts nel being disgraced In the slightest hy defeat, 1 wen Just the saps of ua superior tgres, held In check tor a Lime, taking completes ommend when the vival gritmbled under the pressure, IE win not hy any means a (iil Ing game of vughy for the capasity erowd that sncireled the HAMA playing Held and oceupled every vintage point, Football In the eis ly thiln I wis mediaere, hut the Bengal supporievs, who had faned tha gloom of ad efielt on the sears hoard fav tha first hall of the gate, veallged thely hopes In the thivd vound, when the ehamplans plaged uo savagn slanghter on the Ava wall, driving the Beunllers to the odes of the goal gone, The mighty mareh mapped Argos' slrength, and plthough they nevved up far another wtand, 1 was fi Hil There was some excitement und high class foothull as the Hon gale moved (he yird wstloky mix times tno period, and the last dely al the Oavemen with thelr heels on the woul Hone, but tha rest of the game wan ordinary Meallevs Loge Chinen The Ounremen missed thely hig apportunity In the opening period when the Tigers tossed the hall around Wha no bhuneh of sehanlhays, hut they fnckied the puneh to gain full advantage Twine the Tigers presented Avgos with the oval within plunging distance of malar penres, hut the Beullers were stop pod ahiruptly tn thely efforts to ey Ituny further, although it put them In position for thelr four polnte gars great defensive power was at Ha hest when they were In danger, and the Wenllers gould only make minor dents in the team that a few seconds pre had made malar hlundars Hongaln wore agulek ta make ast al avery AvEo error, most thely points helng oeolleoted hy hopting the hreaks The expected punting duel he twaen the Bengal baoks and Prank Furviiel, wee of the Aveos, did nos materiales, Tigers having a hig in tha hooting, with the war much helow his usual Purves Kioking was a disappointment to his followers for he tatled ta get his usual holght, while many of hig hits wera Bort and went astray, hut It was not entirely his fault, for he was & marked man every moment With Turylitle's kloking not up ta the usun! standard the Beullars main hopes were ruined Tigers bavked through the Aven klok for mation furville hurry is hoot the wing man, vie time of clipping, did not have olf a ehnnea ta reach the hatora the hall Houllors wera stopped sudden on the Hine, making yards only ones, and that was tn the last pe rind whan Furvitle streaked around the end ta vross seven Hines halon stopped, although the BHOkS wore advanced twice an pen alien In the seeond period, "Tears made yards ten times during the game, twice tn the tivst peviod, six times tn the third during thelr wild Vins The the nl Margin Ronlle mem muda While mart nnd much Fleer wm he Iy nrgunrd hotline i») 14a Working his diabeol: ical plots! Laughing at the law! ith a lovely girl hypneotis- ed to do his willl And vengeance spurring him te his fearful machinations, ain the great hunt or Dr, Fu Manchu! Feel the haewrible, ominous danger that holds and thills while it entertains ! Hear the excitement and mystery! Warn. er recreates the sensational chav acter of Sax Roh. mer's famous navel! Jean Arthus as the girl, the teel of an awful vengeance! Neil Hamilton, the lover wha outwit the scheming Orion: tall OP, Heggle, the detective! See! Hear! Thiill to = ro ANC Apo NICrtamment <>» v 4 wih £s | 4 & 58 0 Neh THE MYSTERIOUS COMING Wednesday FOR 3 Wednesday - Thursday The World's Most Thrilling Villain - Ati»! Talking ! DAYS Friday bY : Rata GAR De FU MANCHU ALL THRILLING! ALL TALKING! Matinees 2.30 pam.--~Evenings 7-9 pam, Last Time Tonight« "ILLUSION wim J00 Sh, RIGHT IN THE SHOULDER | "Fruit-atives" Did Stop | His Rheumatism | MR, FLOYD } ven! soothed hin § - slem of gp a on hi he howala iy why Mb H, Ployd o Mm, hi Jy In othered with Rheumatiom fay nore, red YY Rhoymatiom fi my MN " "i shoul orn wil, nn mont of my friends were taking ny, wetiven, I desided (0 try thei, In a phort time the Win ppeared wid 1 had peliof op the frst time think this med i really marvellous," | ou wre bothered with Rheumatism | ne in the ame, Inga or hick, op with ouralgla or Head, lew, gol Mra hives,' Bho, an J, A hoxat alors everywhere, stampede and (wiles in the fHunl frame RUDDY CANADIAN APPLES FON | OVERMAN YWHAT HHALL 1 REND THI | FOLKN IN THE OLD COUNTRY! 18 a query hoard as the Christmas | HORsOn approaches wih Canadian realized how much aur WE, Juley, rad apples are ap preaciated and enjoyed hy people overseas, the problem would he Immaodintaly solved Cansda's luselous vosy apples relished by young and old hoy symbolise our bvitiiant sunahins and warm summer days and they do look Ohristmasy and ehearful, Novthern Bples, Molntosh Hed and Haldwins the hest And the most popular to ORrey your kinds thoughts and good wishes pevoss the sea and standard hoses and harvels of ehnles hand | plokad and hand packed frult, Govs | arnment Inapectod, are prosurahl at reasonable prieea from any | grocer, while the matter of ship ment 18 as simple as the malling of A onrd THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESA will oall far your ap ples, transport and deliver them hy quick services to any Atation in Great Heltain, Treland and most Kuropean Countries, giving them refrigeration service on Fast DAs RONEOE BIORIGTE The transportation aharge from Mantreal and Quaeheo up ta Novem her B5th ar fram Haint John, NW, and Halitag, NH, thereafter, hy diveet steamer to points In Creat Hettaln, Traland and the Uhanne! Inlands 18 $0.00 por standard hex and 30.00 per standrad haveel, in eluding refrigeration Far rates ta Canadian Ports through rates ta Continental points and other partioulars, consult any Oanadian National Kxpress Agent Quebec Wins From Ontario wre nike Are and & | dufeated | Fivat | that fooring a meal tn each halt HON, JAMES A. ROBY DIED SUDDENLY (Continued from Paga 0) yeurs In mem her, In 104 aaveny wh of Hohh ada, Duy of te Hon, W, H, minister « nyar his partment the vetivement of My, Yielding in 1OEh, My Hines, fo of d fied The mont lips Lhe Ipiln Ineamn ti ai wulam the wiley feparal « 10RT onm trier hon finunne 4 The mi lamang 1 Hig bhudg FRmous ta aompired to his wh | CRITE wile hath mor Hat | lite Bpootiul hoping Jer hold wlaotions Flghting Dunning UNITY Vil iw ane the government but if the ave) | toured Canada toget hey Neeusiaon La tL olleotive = AERA IN i a -- dean goal in the ties In the seoond, Quoehes Ontario tn An interpre vinelnl Beitlgh rughy game at the Oakwpod stadium yesterday aftoy noon By 10 to 1, The mateh, the | of an interprovinelal nature | played In Ontario, was the best axhibition of the ald country ends seen here Sines the EAMG Was ve vived tn this olty and Was exeep tionally well played eonsidering the fifteens were allstar au sregations and had hut Hive time to praction together, Despite thi thote WAR A Breat understanding hotween the halves and thyeo-gual ters of hoth aides and thera wen fonumber of smart PAssINE move Wants that net only eardlad the ball fram one end of the teld to the other hut heausht the 4,000 | spectators ta thelr feet in excite ment, AHAINEL & ey James: "Phe vain falls alike an the Just and the unlust™ Jones Yue, but the wndusl Wan 1a generally provided with th JUS man's umbrella \ agwhbe Va Blmaative ae ERE ransiaiimal inn, AO man NR T° rh "NIGHT GROWING DEAF WITH | HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS of Paine {na Peatusis © WWW SAY 4 oon a sewing had of heaving Ww oar Latatrhal Bealass of UF yom hae TOATIRE, PWR, ROSIE Relves Wy SATE B0 Wa Your dvuseist and wet) on TERRES SEEGER), Sad add Ww] Ww PL oF Rot water and 4 Wivke stan | BIR saga LL TR LS VUE NRE SRE TE h AY fan will he show WA being auigk velied ARs head wales Chased wos opel, isathing Beeomia Sale and \he WR AoRhnE ie he thea I PROBATE, os Bd AW take | Antone wha is AW pe thiatoned W WADA Ras head wouses AAO BITE HRA PIGSOIIDAIOM A Ww ee lnown pupvinbiy phrase of Weeping Mr, Rob's kindly nature, ox pressed from day to ddy in the gente! word and the trlendly uel, made for the minister a host of friends "iim! Wobh wus widely known and liked fov those human gualition which attraet people tn all walks of Hite, In the Houss of Com mong he seldom precipitated him wolf Inte mere partisan wrangling ar depute, During the long days uf i debate, he would gt pi tently while members in opposing eumps voleed condemnation ov ap proval of the proposils which he had nde, Hometimes he would Intarject uw few wards when hae thought i point veguived slearing Wp or & member had misunderstond one of his statements, Bul he did nob angaks In blokering, and his re marks ware hrief Puriigmenl ue a privile A cine ib step no his Wel wink Lo wikia Lhe name fnown thraughout Can Ing Lhe HY Hy Imam elding, veteran if Hanes, My, Babb took wrk of Whe fnaniee da i aeling minister, With abl beeams minister of Then cammenesd the seve ouiments witeh heesine PAGE NINE minister of finance, he had by most many delegation Hare, aan, Me, Bobh showed kindiines, an well an determination and wins turity Whila ha wasted ng words, and frequently dismissed regnegts with extreme heavily, It wan cline patarigtio of the man that hilg ves fusals earrvisd. no sting, Ha Wan the gunrdian of the treasury, and wiuggestions whioh Involved extens sive expoanditure were subject to aareful wevutiny, Bomelimes ha sondemned them speedily, and then he gave his reasons in ne wie aariatn Loney But, whila he was posithve and downright, lis was alsa Javinl and friendly, and he Aid not try to hurt With his death, ahs ather af those genial flgures who Hited polities above mers pavLy strife han pasind Away AN iindey the oom "Hohh hodgets," notable of thugs Wis per hiudget of 1084, which raduotions tn the ¥, reductions nthe dol iog abies nnd wm luvee out In Lin Thin preceded the leetion of (hist Year In 1m the formation of the Pops an nppendage to the apnriiment ' a cheply niuler Ih flninee was nat Ireitations we Fest vank of orators ol mpeoohion were rather Pohete hravity hetng often pragident"s address ln wleotion WHH pavhaps the house and out the Ie lnrpaly dus ta the in which he Purving the ul huply vrelvept Cough By inde font affaalivoney uu wvelialdar My, Mobb dive than un othe hom HIWHYH Bure of wu sulgh Wilh Huvold | anal vegurd an wll sides of your slesp and rest rp te the to a oy of hrdnehial disorde) YOUNnEest ehtia Bio Hitehle & The First Spoonful Gives Relief throw rohhory hont uo hing Veno's Muny 'thous une wonthing of all forme whonping for the eonghe and ' purpistent when you nek lek rallof eluding nd Hs the wala CAL Lid, Toronto to, he found a Hon, tharles al Pliways desk mates front henohes, an several hen 1UEL paviner In miniatey 0, Who were Fognrded an a CUIHPRIENR team and warn First = = Peothoven drow the imipies alion for many of Mi immors Tol melodies from ihe crashing OF (he breakers on (he hore he Freshman» Bari Radio Gly, TEOTRales Them a1 compleialy perfect on they are rendered, It had to Prove Itself Long before the first FreshmanBarl Radio wae offered to Canadian radio listeners, it had proved iw astonishing performance wader actual service conditions, Seta ware sent out to districts faltly crowded with broadeast aerials, Others were sent to distant areas, hundreds of miles from the sources of programs, MODEL 2 Al Eletrie tube Noutrodvae, Push « Pall amplification, Dy namie Speaker, Phonograph Plok-up, Open type cabinet Walnut finish In notoriously bad reception areas Fresh man-Rarl machines were set up, 821900 In every case, under every hroadeasting condition, the Freshman Far! responded magnificently. (hen Pydar) Complete wih Pyber, 3352.08 Tis "baindine" selectivity reached out to distant stations from "right under the guns" of 4 power: Ml station on a neighboring wave: length yet there was not a whisper of interference, Under the worst reception conditions the Freshman. Bard proved fw ability to bring in programs clearly, strongly, undistorted even at a volume sficient to flood a concert hall, On every type of program it caught each sensitive shading of tone and reproduced each sound with : perfect clarity, MODEL Ad v Al Rlactrie olght-tube Neutre dre Wm OWalot Veneored Con sole. with Dynamic Speakes Pash + Pall amplification, - ses 4% Lope tubes, Phonagraph has excellent pick-up, speed contrat, AAMAS ston Tar mater Radio Phone switeh ta § from Radia to Phonograph 332678 (dens Pada) Comoe with Pada Raa Price you want te pay. That is why we tell you that the Freshman Eas! Radio has established altogether new standards of dio performance and value, There iv @ FreshmamBar! model at just the See the complete range new at any of the dealers hstod Dedow, J Freshmen-Earl Radios ave being displayed by Bond Bros, Whitby Mr, Harry Boys, Manager, Distributors for Ontario Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Company Ltd. Toronto, Ont, "Owa a Freshman-KEaMN and You Owa the Air®

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