Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TF TURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1929 A ,.L t - GENERAL MOTORS "BLU E DEVILS" PRACTICE rp ration For Game With Varsity "Orfuns" reatih fr that sould hay Jape Game Is Cr ting |] Creat ho, gh oy we 4 ho A Deal of Interest Among Jovilh are going to benefit from Loeal Rugby Fans this game, vert wight this week the Hue Davily ave Joon louether and bh SE. avery oeoasion the svenin EL] A Lyd General Motte Die Desi Ween profitable to the i List Hy A A iM Phankagivin Day i night they had Another good wrime Alexandra Park, Oshawa, Bening of | Mage vractive at the Park, alded iL She 11st Uma 1h the hater) of liar rntineg Wada OWalk, thik or AWA that o Henley Rugby team Jian ever heen seen In action on wu lpoal field, Contrary to the ideas of some, two under thelr belts, the hoys ihe Varsity "Ovfuns' are not the will be ready for Monday's game and the rugby fans of Oshawn oan sora team from the Toronto Unis versity, t year they won the prepara thamaelves for one of the boul exhibitions of the fall pain Kenior 0 JU, championship and in MS this they proved thems that has ever heen given Onh AWH, uelves to he one of the greatest fhe¥ BEEVERALIONE that ever wore araity = eolours, The Wie Balmy Beach vile, when they veesivad der Wins Again Mite word that the "Orfuns' were coming, began to praction with an added sont that up to haw has heen Inoking, They uve Anxious (0 " i ' 4 4 Paronto, Nov, To=Considering 49 Jun oh ther sun 49 Aalnsl that no ehamplonship hinged oh far this venr the Blue Devils have [he result, and that they used many never had to-wive n neaond though [oF the deorvor , In the hd, 19 the outooms of Any Kame they | BAIMY 0h seniors proy fot nave had to play but trom new on | ther an Aktoninhing display of ol with wiry iceriad, Tf |W) 3 CRA "tht axpadted (hal the games with the OR TU TIX Nre aman t the LEN hut ppeedy Hi, Michael's College team by a A710) woove, The vie tory kept the Kant Enders' resord vi of the London-Harnia nev: 11 be (ohn altled hut now of not having bean haaten this ses fon Intaet, and they will enter the hie Dexia a) Hoing to have It Ontavie. Unlon final at Narnia on 0 hefore they enter the ' bh 10th the Ee haa] Monday on even terms with the in Hip in this respeet, a defont win the worst soored Anne! Hi, Michael's since the athe dents entered senior foothall, Hay ing held Balmy Reach on almost oven terme when the teams met last Maturday, it wan expected that the last Enders, especially with thelr weakened Hneup, would have trouble in beating Father MaGiah ov's team yesterday, But Ri, Mi ohael's werd never In the running The Beachers took full advantage of thelr opponents' misplays, and from the very hegluning showed superiority that was pronounced Fumbles an the part of Ni, My W pYRs ere paved (he way for HAR wll of the five towels downs scored hy the group ohamp: fons, The tons point which saved Ht, Mi ake from A Ahuboul Wan woorad Tn the final minute of HIny It wan practioally the nly time that Palmy Reach was In veal danger of being soored upon during the game, Faumbles Fragnent The fubie win vather 47 Wided open atfale, with hath teams (aking many chances in passing the "alk Fumbles wore frequent, and Bt, ohael's erred most In this hil Palmy. Bench ware fortunate Bh A humbep of osonslons tn veeovarmg the ball, the students getting few Throeake' during the sorambles for possession, 'The superior waluht of the Beaches wan evident In the line ways, and the winners mada yards frequently when they adopted the plunging style of game, Charlie Delahey did the hooting capably, although Louis Wettlaufar, star punter of the losers, was quite as good, Ht, Michael's showed wanks neap on the line, "The Halnts ham vied thelp plays too often when the players were not In proper position, and poor mapping at sueh times and loose hallhandling were als most unavoidable OR. TWELLS FOUND NOT: GUILTY ON MURDER CHARGE Jury P inds Picton Doster Ine sane When He Shot Sone : wr Belleville, Nov, Fo=Dr, Charles Pawel was last plight found nn nitty Bi the murder of his son Kens neth, MN their hoe in Conseenn on Jan, 2 of this vear, hut he was found insane amd will likely he Prommiited hy the Heutenant-governor to an tn a tation for the mentally-affected, arged of murdering a seeand son, Renan and of shooting My heal eri, have heen traversed to the ROND Asn aes OT direet the avepsed 10 he kept th suid | Ploton fall until the pl sare © 1) Neytenant governor with respect to him" Justice Kelly sald t the conclusion of the trial, whieh an doeupled the better part of the dav, At GIF the Jury fled tn with thedy verde, Bvery eve was turned on the wen Mh whose Rands rested the fate of the former Eaghish physic _ When their deeision was annopnesd Mis dlls whe has stuck Jevally » Sor hushand © Romhout the whe vial, exhausted fram the adeal, Mntod and was assisted from the BARI A STUN LLY ¢ "This trial stands ow MN pleat the attinte of She orovn" 'said Jusiiee Kel hes! {Consultation + Free Mayfair Ma ANNOUNCING A An ayeial Mure In oon eotion rk Vd posse viiny anil Nate hin week, Any the ! yt convenlenee if hur hale Is not Just what Ww owonld Hike 6 to look, 6 In Mp Raham spets ily how to wear your iv beat 10 suit youp feats , Permanent waving, POWAVING And personals nirenthing, FELT BLOCK Phone 2020 ' "THE VALIANT ' WM of Con and 4 Dron of Courage wy the > ase have raversed, - : on, WHIOR was assented "Work Hard] In why a eA "IIE WALKER The one and only "Lis" Known all over Canada wherever the fall pastime Is played as one of the grontont outsides that Canadian vughy has over produced, Me is the same age as Jack Bond, Not 04, not 45 but youthful 28, He weighs 100 pounds and ls shout five fest nine inehes In height, "Lis" star od his vughy cavesr with Hamilton Dalta Colloginte, whore he played on the half:line, When he went tn Queen's he found he was unable to make & position on the half: line This was In the year 1022 when Queen's had such stars an Bat stone, Ledley, Murding and Me Kolvey an their backfield division Failing 0 make his vegular posi ton, "Lis" tried out for and made the ohion of outside, He played for | Mesn's seniors In the years "8, and 1086, During thes ween's won the Intersshol time and in thre the oe Wi i were Doaminles hamps, Fraln" Con archer Hoss oo io AW "Liv" gave him the niskname of the "Human oh lot and the name Is very apt pars outside for the Blu pols your and he Is th havdoat and surest tackler on th team, Not only Is he a strong de fonsive pla ov but when a sing! oink ls needed "Lis" san generally eo oounted on te being down the ball sarvier hahind his own line providing the ball is kicked behind the line, Dv, Norman "Lis" Walk: ov works at the Whithy Hasplial Andy Blair Shows Well At Practice The Maple Lewis sparkling workout Mrdens yesterday and the 8 MPIdLy pounding Into the form tht 18 expected of them by thet MARY supporters who expect them £0 he vight up In the van ail through the season I'he players Are net being rushed along und Happy «Bay cand Harold Cotton wela whaenioes yesterday, hut the former 18 expected to nh nto day's workout He sustained » mht Indury to his ankle on Mon day snd Jt was thousht that a reat would Belong Ie along fu okoy than searing, Cotton sufferad a» plEht strain and wan also order od to take a» holiday Although Andy Blair's finger 1s not yet oom pletely hoalad, 16 8 much better and' his showing was one of the fenturer oF yesterday's dill, whieh Was mainly devoted to a practice Kame connie Bmyihe wat al ny doubt there has heen regarding the ainle of Ace Ralley to the Montreal Maroons Bust beonuse Dung that he Is golup to buy Dalley, it does not mean that we arm gos to wll him," atnted the loon! man Ray "Halley 18 molng ta slay With the Leafs for this season ana pavers! more, Wa are out to strengthen the team and the sale of the league's leading soover is BY NO MORNE A step towards strengthening, In fact, we are not selling oF trading any wember of the squid, Wo are satisfied with the players we have and think that wo have A sound that will give the other olubs a lot of trouble and the other managers planty of wou ry Phe Leoata play their only pee Motos game tamoroaw 'ort Kile age lost the Bats | of the Internation | ale lo over &h hald al the nnntnny AVON nid Pont Munroe says " 1] team nigh fale 10ARNS, Hn Lk AN hed ase Reh hry Es: Novae \ 8 Ramsey MacDonald Goes Home With V.C.'s | PORT SN pr Camvoniay, Nports Editor hy Uw, | S | Light On nu Dark Bubjeet Last night when the Blud Devils arrived ab the Park Tor voile praeties they found thst & new set of Nghts had heel installs This sure by the boys and the way they mada use of them v af the best practices they have hil thes Wilh Hppresiste I'hey h edly, oh ie real ever w ¥ \ ¥ "Orfuns" nnd "Blue Devils" Whit & tidy Bittle this gains on Monday Je going 1a he, Varsity YO funs" und the General Moto Blue Devils" un ehin«ehin un i rughy fold presents plenty of promise te the sighy Oshawa, 16 be a safe Bet that 1 anybody h the fone corners at shout 3 o'clock on Monday alternoon nohody would he hurt, Reasons=All those who wr Huy will be up Alexander Park witeling the having enthusinsts of fu were ob ofl gun on in town on the | Fughy w ume | Ww il Collegiate to the Rescue hath teams wear the colors, bine und ere to play the I'he Joe Hen offs ue De hegun ta Iiite, thi Orfuns," Hoey vils, ns soon ws they lenrned thie quinn we with the the da Ihe grateful to the " J Public Behool Rughy Today Motor Clty Btadivm at 4.30 this afternoon the semi thool Wuphy Leap Kitson rond, T'hes lel they nek ih techni ini hy ul weton Wl Callout thi look araund for other wikorm to the hb voy i" Fo He Hue bh w (ems eum hel vepters ton prec ple very much snd we i th Public Down of the with i under wa i ut the Find finde Manlio Cedurdale fame plre upposing with # will and what hake up for eliement sr og -- \rgos y Ready And Confident About hutcome Of Game qe ie eda dodo dedi dob 4 PUNTS and » TACKLE ny The Dopoester eeerdedeivd dodo dod dodo Planly of Into Test night's wo Hamilton tank the gan and sure made them hop to BH, Ale Cray was all In und so was Hon Lovtle, They could hardly stand the phee EE EE] Ql oronto, Nov, Toe Argonsuts will inlets thaly preparations tonight | thele all important game with Plgars tn Hamilton MHaturday, | ortmmage drilk following the | wonvy workout last night should [put on the lwtronnous week of training that bas the OGaramen at thelr best for thely [ 4 major wihloh depends the | | hm plonship ghanoss of three { Argonauts need the Sl a maa XX i PHP ADD I 2 potion We gunrien Lost, on win to Tigers and MA Honan! | fons [1s them with the * TAA. for the title while | ry i end It all | The Hrs Heli were nol fp coming elash with the Varsity fhe Ly affiola) ' hey want to give worrving so much about the game 2 | are good peeount of themselyve and [ut praotion fasg night us they iri wre working hard to got thelr plays | about plans Tol the playoffs whit pnoothed down ta perfection they ave confident will he nesdel haitle I'he Av after Maturday's gon will suggest that Hf the three tenmu ara ted a draw he made for | ihe in a suddensdosth play-off all threa will share in the pooled kates of two | Wodnesday Maines ware | the Argos ave all the meeting whioh they will ha needed Haturday un triple deadioek | layers are Just as oartain as the oMoors and although they are not aversoontident they have that feels | of assurance and the spivit to | ronlige 1 Kyvery player Ia In the pink of condition, the team Is Fun | ing smoothly and If hy any ohanoa Argos fall tn thelr hig test, the ins fured alibl ean not he offered, The team will leave at 10 o'vlock Hat morning hy bus, having din Murlington while they will tn dress ® * i he gang in all pepped wp over | nen the Orne 0 de nin n orfan ont a elo landing RIL ho Ly oud Varalty platoon to the Tene Tmperinls youterda them out six ta nathing CURE are sild to hive weoount of themselve . 0» Ai loon! fans « # rend tussla whan the Hue up next Monda at B00 * » hye while LAURE piven wi nily | HMR | considered rand for | ton! mur I nlght to break * and nook two fol Hine in th Varshty and the Mae Devils have all bhlue aweniers, the loa! manpgoment out of courtesy ta tha Orfuns, have arranged to have the Hae Devil arrayed In the sweaters of the loop Collogiana Pie to the aot that BLT The Collegiate team are finish ed with Rughy for th have willlngly stepped forward to offer thelr sweaters to thelr hig ger hrathers, the Blue Devil HORBON But uray ner at [eetve tn plenty of time {and got to {he rounds, a ata | { | JUAT A MINUTE I have only just a minute Only siaty seoohdds in Ay Farved i none Can't refuse 1, Didn't soak AN Didn'y choose | But 10% up tame to oust gutter if 1 lose it Give aodormt 1 abuse 4 [ust a Hiny Hitle minute, Hut gtemnity W " i * L » ICoWas 8 mightily spontaneous aetion on thelr part and plght now we want to thank them most sin perely Tor thelr bhing-heavied we tion another tous! I'he Wonthey Tonlght will see senalon at the park Im eon! and Just nippy snouph make practices worth while New Hehin have been fnstalled and wo new sliver ball has bean put to work hose things have helped # whole lot in peactioes sn fay wae it ---- oo NO NEED TO WRITE (he wite (oink A seaside) 1 Good bye dear, 1 will welts YOU VOFY BOON, Hor hushand Aut, d0ar, the money [1 wave you show t last 8 Benth | \tawers * * J J] Ones more let ws vomind you to Kea Monday afternoon open Bb CORNED. Wa puntantas to show you some ren! smart football "a pen mM NEI A ------ TS oa Pac SE WR, Pripoe Han V.0% whe aed an the sound the an gheats of Canis | favawe On the ploture are 0 10 attend A ha Captain G, RB, Geary and Captain given November $n, Gy. NM Ken, of Torents ajor Wales, 4 \W Mirtiowell of In ¥ Sy | 1 WA of the sovet fetaration Col, Gy Ry Poarkes, of Winnipes: ah the ship sated wt T.40 | Captain 3 8, Hutcheson; and Caps hy the embarkation A made | an OG Mitohell, Inset fa OG A ANH arf a ereated | tain R, x y Shu, skipper of t hy & powerful "sun are" which en | Duchess of etme "ol he Premier's York, whe will a abled movietons operators to make {attend the Prince's banquet, | known [8160.68 and those {inguiries whieh they A, LEVINRKEY Ona of the members of Lhe Luly "Ovphans" who will he Alexandru Ioevinskey, who pays on the halttine, in vory wells | wd this hat opposed Osh nwa athletes dn the veslm of sport, | Lope nEainst In aetlon st Monday nfternoon, In Oshnwn the first time he Lovinskey haw playa Vir "wh In nit YHubby! Rowden, and other mem hors of the Blue Devils in basket ball and in basehall, His No, Is 0 In the your 1088 he was a mem her the Kiigaheth baskethall team, | illsabeth funlor haseball team, tem that knooked out Nt, [and Marlboro Junior hos [who were An hay of threes champlonship {enms, | fhe th drew's fonm chaumplons of Canady Wateh for this versatile pthilet NEWBEPAPEIRR ADK VN, ONIN (Kingston The proot of eating 18 un old the 1] HA Huu Ha DIO Whig-Hlundard) the pudis I 1h Bayi and advertisers in consequence look to results for Ing they do apninst radio ones hag Hive tople Just now, and ralved tha onreful Hoger W, Babson, the statintiolan He Nowspap nous wud from ates That newsphpar brought In B28 replies 4 A recent announcement in newspapers In Clove ton, New Yori Chicago, and drow of whioh AXE same from The radia from [TAL had a good orehe five minute talk pixtoen 1nquiries praphlo orders that each veply fro mn report 4.001 WihH and Mp, Hal m the rom papers 76 eentd snch | spent on each was $4.00 This, It may be said, In alos with the resulis | vertising axparis in Npectator IL was may you, sir, fully clothed maanificant tninnus wen The veseners-That's well; but what 1 want Is who pushed me in? und wif or has it attention famous hus han finthiing touches of | apoken upon the results he hatorae adver ' 0 Iw nnd vilulpg the adverth Au hone oy ol fut found h CER UTE ho Philadelphia and 1] Hu nirke York 0 tn tra two Won ra hi ne a 0 In nod mind hi the numerous nin and n whioh hrought | { alate in oosl have made ant of ta dive from this helaht, t osuvh A nll to venous dn this mouse Vary now buys: this magnificent with 10 tubes and Been | ----,PPRPYS°-HP HARD FOR GAME A, resr------ yt (Oshawa Public Schools Rugby Semi - Finals To Start This Thursday WOODSTOCK WILL | Codardale and Ritson Rd, HAVE TWO OHA, | Senjors Will Battle For TEAMS ENTERED Supremacy of Southern | Section st Motor Clty Stadium at 4.30 on Thurs dey Home may ha looked Waoodstoek, Nov dogen nuplrants for places on Lhe Waoodstgekk OM. A, Intermediate | tonm yined out ta the first gyms nashim workout, With intermedi ute and Junlor squads now In Lindning, Woodstock tans are look lg for a hig OLA, sesson, This city has heen without jun | iar hookey for a eouple OF KeRsONNK, | hut the City Leagues In operation fur the past three years has devel oped uw large numba of Hhkaely pluyors, who are now voady to slep up Into OHA, ranks, The Inter muedintes have lost Johnny Coulter gonl-tender, hut otherwise lus ainr's wgused thet went Inte the | wombfinalg In Intact, and in addi ton thoes are several new players who Are expected to maka tepm, Senior O.H.A. Team Likely For London fi Al even mighty intevesting rughy for in the Ful Behool" leakys during the next woul, The Bemi-Vinals commences on Thiveday night st 4,80 when Cedardale Henlors mest itgon Beniors for the chemplepship of Lhe southern group, It ig expec " vleh tent will being a 1avge ero of followers tn Motor Clty i dium ne theke two teams are tied ni present On Tuesday nibh North Mimeoe and Centre Senfors JAI aettle the championship of the Narthern group at the Motor Gity Biadiam, King Henlore hroke Jn to the win column lust night wisn they defented Mary Benlors 18-0 hut too late to enter the Analsins neither Centra nor North Biméos have Yost wu game, North Simos and Centre are at present tied' In the Junior League while Mary Bt, hat on chanes to make it. thse gornerad tie hy defenting King on I'eiday night, On Thursday night Hiteon and Cedarvdalo Junlgrs meet at Hitson ™w JUNIOR Northern the 18h will man Londen, Nov, 7 London the OHA, Tha annual tn of the 18th Hattery will held Friday evening, when om will he elected and plans made COmIng season, a A proposal that twe OHA, sen groups ha operated has heen d to the amateur hockey moknls and will he definitely net fled at. the annual meeting of the [Hi A he held in Taronte on Hkaly compete In N [for werles this SERBRN, N, Bimeoe Centre NEE Mary King pene moi # Hattory amateur hooksy team | | tor Lhe Nouthern Himaneg TEE] Witson Alhert Cedardale | oy | advan NENTORN Ww Northern Haturday, Nov, 140 It Ia proposed to have § groups ne inoluding the London 18th | Mattar Waondstoelk, Chatham and Windsor Mie=Maes, whila the other [will he comprised of Hrantford, trattord, Galt, Preston and Kit Won Contre tees sary 8 N, fim King Mary ne reeeren 8 Houthern Ritson ' Oadardale Alhart i" i ohene OMetals of the London 12th Hat favorable toward™the sone the represents TTI TTS FImeos vos vann iy 0 vw An ideal Pro is o hat can he # squeezed fir and out ofa breakfast nook without upsetting the erean = Nrandon Sup | tary nr for grouping and tives ta the OHA, mesting will ha instructed ta support the mave overal of last year's 18th Hat intermediate players are avail thoy ome new players tha olty who will turn ont with the team It fs planned to start foe praction at the London | Avena next week Havaral of the 'Wostern Ontario elties are favor able toward the mentor proposition, {ory in Hre = eae Far threa solid hours the epps tain had heen jeethring he men on the duties of a soldier," and he thought It was time to ses how much they had understond-ef his discourse, Casting he-eped round the company, he fixed on Private Green, "Private Green," ha asks od, "why should a soldier be ready to die for his country?" The man serptehed his head for a moment, and then & smile of ane Hghtenment crogsed his aoe, ¥en pir, We sald, "you're quite rlght, Why should het" w a while in Thora ara 20.088 persons Ame ployed hy oenoerns manufacturing planes, engines and aconsaorios In tha United Hiates, This numhar does not Include many handrads of others who are pilots, alrpert meohantos, and otherwise connects ed with aviation, Shred mani tuk. Tw pther dealgna at $250 and $383 give you the same adios ol Radi. And 037% you ean have the of combination sete Lyric Radio and | 10 Tubes = 5-Gang Condenser yeh Canada's \ ites Radio Value because ite sor with mints sve) you hind oe and tone nme BEAUTY OF CADINETS RN, Oabinetny te admired everys ere for ney te exvel ence of material, tubes and five-gang and itindother improves vity, distance, poker Sulliisradufiaic apt N C. CHURCHLEY 8 Prince St, Oshawa and puperlority ° manship, Manfactured at Toronto by Mohawk Radio Limited

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