Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 4

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Tl os J Cig os al TT -- : oad +. | de "; pin TT PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, THURSDA NOV __ i Buseseding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER lundaye and toga) holiday Oshaws #8 "by Mundy Printing Company. Limited M Mundy, President; A R Alloway, Bee a ber of the Cana oly | Wipapers | Ay rovl lies and the .. tions is 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES sarvior, 186 » week By wall in Canede fauleiae Oshawe carrier delivery Hmite) $4.00 » of ' V3 " Hii 4 ¥ ""foron "wr Bond Buldins : ance Street, Telephone Adglaide { " I Presider. representative REPRESENIATIVES INV 8. PFovors and Hoos Now York end BE --. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 7, 1929 AN APPEAL FOR THE CITY'S HONOR The plea which was made at Tuesday night's Chamber of Commerce meeting for a large body of cltinens of Oshawa to attend the bunguet of the Aw sociated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Coms merce in Toronto next week was 4 plea to the citi #ea fo uphold the Nonor of Oshawn. The original Intention, as has been announced, was to hold this sonyintion in, the Hotel Oshawa, but on information being secured that 11 would not be ready for oecupn- tion In time for the event, the ofcials of the local Chamber of Commerce were compelled to seek aoe commaedation In Toronto for this hmportant ayvent: It dw indeed a black eye to' Oshawa that, after the strong appa) made to have the convention held here, it should be taken eligwhere, Tha fault, of course, does not lie with the Chamber of Commerce, but one can understand the anxiety of that bedy to have & worthy representation of Oshawa people at the big banquet, Something must be done to retrieve the reputation of the elly as a progressive gommunity, particularly when representatives of every board of trade and chambhér of eommerce In the province will be in attendance at the canvention, It les in the h of the! business. mer, the: manufueturers and Fh 1 Wd 4 men of the 'city "to 'make such » splendid showing at the banquet that the whole pro- vince will realize that even although Oshawa's hetel A BOL ar, the, of Jarge conventions, Oh wo RA VL TOR AR pels them to give unstinted support to the Chamber of Commeree, THE CALL OF NEED As time goss on, the ell on the coffers of the relief fund of the wa Branch of th Canadian Legion becomes gredldr aa the men who suffered in the mud and blood of the trenches become older and find they are unable ta compete i the labor market, and are thus forced to seek assistange, To properly took after those who find themselves tn need the Le« glon 1s on Saturday making ita annual Poppy fund appeal to the people of Oshawa, As in other years, the Ladies® Auxiliary of the Legion assisted by boy shouts and other parties of volunteer workers, are to make a canvass of the city, and are to be on the strests: disposing of poppies on Saturday, using the emblem of sacrifice to call attention to the needs of the disabled and discouraged wae veterans whe have fallen by the wayside on aeerdst of thelr war suis forings, It 1s well ta point out that the money contributed 10 the Poppy Jund is gd Ly & special relief committen of the Legion, nol ona eent baling used in carrying cut the other wk of the Legion, which is entirely financed by the membership fees pad by the members. Laat a sum of over $900 was expended in providing Joeal selief, and In paying for the poppies distributed, thas helng manufactured by ex-aervice men in the government Vateralt shops, "The people of Oshawa should feel a certain amonnt of pride and privilege in bell alile to asiist those unfortunate ex-service men whe, because of their sacrifices for their country, are fepling the pinch of need, The call of need in this ease in 4 worthy ons, and merits a generous and sympathetic response from the people of Oshawa, "A HIDEOUS PEST" onifleld, a noted ars highway Svertiiug The term used by James that, to express his opinion slgnboards, in an address given at Searbore other night, was expressive, but welbmerited, dn gritioising the permitting of unsightly signboards alongside the ronda, he declared they were becoming & "hideous post," and were marring the rleh beauties of the Canadian landscape. Wi ' . Mr, Bloomfield is by no means dis ; Jt has been sxpressed wo forelbly In 'Canadian provinces that laws have bee Aibiting the, erection of these sight : So far, unfortunately, Ontane. 40 take action in the matter, but ip this province 1s growing in protest aiding : fing out of the beauties of Ontarie's landweape by Cgigne which thrust themselves into the thee: of visite Ung tourlsts, and it will not be long the pros : | donc Abat it will be heard within the p's Park, and will become a goad for gr the highways of these "hideous pera" WALKERS AND ACCIDENTS two age, Coroner Crawiord, of Torento, attack on the motorists of that eity Since then, he has turned his guns on eatriang, for while presiding overvan ine pate, he sald he had lost hope that Tues Times % onto pedestrians would ever be anything £log byt Jay~ Walkera, J) wih (18 woner Crawlord need nov feel that Toronto people mre along in this respect, Jay-walkers Bre to be found In prastically every town and cliy, jovery motorist WHF witest, and the wonder is in more of yi depot h vietlms of weeldents, * ® hve le deslrs to minimize the righ pedestrians hive on the streets und highways Ind to oseation winint reckless or arelass motoribts, But n o on require 10 ba protected ngaingtithen- wolves, ing andr noroms the ronds In 'flent of oncoming t without any regard for risks which they muy he rimning, The whole question bolls lise down to the neces sity of motorists und pedestrians. co-operating 'with high pugh other In order to prevent mishaps, There Is al § & tendeney, when an seeldent ogenrs, to lay the blame on the motorist, whefl i he Is. worthy of blame or not, But there are so mnny eanes In whigh the f pedestrion mide no effort to sfeguned his or her own Ife that ene feels that the willlers are #8 much i NENG AK Ble the recklony drivers, The only way In Which bo ly can be redused to u minkmum Is by the taking of every possible precaution by both cig drivers und pedestrians should both realise that they have thelr conttibtion 40 make 10 high- way silty 4 dom 5 FIFTY YEARS OLD Que esteemed contemporary; the Nisgars Falls Ree view, is this week fifty yeses' old, and it has conn memorated the event by the y bligation of a Bandit wolden Ju edition, The. Feditlon Is well worthy of the oceusl and' marks a high standard of newspaper enterprisge. But the Ningurs. Falls newspaper, under the peidanes of 'F, H, Lele, Its president and manager, has always been neotéd for doing things well, and the anniversary edition Is but typieal of the day In and day out efforts of the pub: lisher ta provide sn newspaper worthy of the cone munity Which It serves, In a country which Is yet young, the fftlethianni- varsary of any newspaper Is a notable occasion, and the Niagara Falls Keview Is to hg complimented on reaching the half-eentury mark in Ha exreer of pub: lie service, The wishes of The Times to Is con: temporacy. ean bast be wxpressed by echolpg thy words 'of the Review wteelf, in ite loading editorial of the Issue "Billy years young, the Review looks fer ward with uadimmed eyen (0 a long and pros. perous future, not only tor leell, but for the Krent community which it serves," rc m-- HARDLY APPROPRIATE Announcements In the press tell of preparations which are being made by military headquarters in somo parts of Ontario to celebrate Armistice Day on Monday by the holding of military manouavees and sham battles by the militia regiments of these dis triets, Aerial battles, military demonstrations and similar features are belng announced, and will pros bably be quite a prominent part of the Armistice hollday observance of those Involved In them This manner of celebrating seh a holiday as Aris Istice Day In hardly hppropriate, MW Armistice Day means anything at all, it should mean a re-dedication of the Canadian people to the cause of peace, rather than an oceamion for a military display, It should ship p duy of paced remenibrapee of those who paid the supreme saerifice in the Great War, and not & day for engaging In a demonstration of armed forces, There are many people who will feel exactly as we do in this matter, that the military authorities responsible have displayed very poor judgment in transforming a holiday of this kind into a day des voted to exercises of training for more warfare, ine stead of observing it as a day for the exemplification of the principles of peace FILLING THE EMPTY SPACER When immigration and movement of population are belng discussed, it 19 well to overlook the rapidity 'with which settlers af moving into the newly-opened lands of the northeen section of Sas. katehewan, According to a report from Regina, nearly one thousand homestead entries were made in that seation of the gountry during the menth of Oe« tober, all previews records being broken by the rush of people Into the new districts, This ds an important settlement movement, It moans that the grain-producing ares are being cons stantly widened, and that the wide open spaces, of whith fletion writers are prong to write, will In due thie ba covered with happy homesteads, adding their share to the wealth and population of the Dominion, I the immigrants coming *from the other aide of the Atlantic were of the type likely te make a success out of ploneering in the districts, and were willing to settle there, one conld agree with the argu: ment that it would be a good thing for Canada to have as many as possible of them come, Unfortuns ately, the newcomers from Britain are not sufficiently of that type, and the settlement of the vacant mils lions of neres of prairie land is being left very largely to people who might already be glassed as Canadians, or who have come {rom the United States nn EDITORIAL NOTES Many young men marcy as soon as they leave cols lege, Taking a postgraduate course, as it were, ERT The French-Canadian seats all went Conservative in the Ontario election, Ix this the handwriting on the wall for the federal Liberal party? Oshawa's building figures for October show that the eity ds still expanding, and is expanding in a healthy way ---- 1. J. Morrison says the U, F, O, 1a not in polities, But the people of Ontario said the same thing a long the ago, i -------- It mst be some satisfaction 1a the Toronto Globe to know that it could not be blamed for the result of the Neva Scotia plebiscite, A housewife in Ottawa received a shock from a flatdron, It used to be the husband who received the sheok=when the iron was wellsaimed, It Is now almost certain that the proposed United States tari bill will be discarded, That is what The Times said months ago, Bt Thole is OW jthe Tait lap. of 'a campaign to raise SOD for w mew YW.GA. building. Beth the YMCA ahd YW. CA 'seen to have fallen 'on evil days in Oshawa, q Other Editor' Comments AVIER THK WWETLY ("Poronte Telekeam ) A politienl party may crash ns swittly 3 priges on thastoek mar- kot, sud muy vebound ss quickly, Upon its Integrity, enersy, and re- sponse to the will of the people de- Lpends the tenure of Mis of the Ver: wuson Government, It wil find ft necessary Lo he doubly slery to keep its fences in ordar 4 reason of the lack of any veal Opposition, ADVERTINK APPLES (Farmer's Advocate) Comparison may not be In good taste, but if our fruit growers would advertise the good quality of Canadian apples to our own people and back up the advertising with quality and recipes telling of the numerous ways of serving this de. Holows frult, as do the growers of oltrun fruits, It would be sdvan~ tagoous for hoth producer and con- sumer alike, ONLY TWO VER CENT, PATD (Ottawa Journal) A fax thet falls upon but two or cont, of a country's population # not enny to defend, Yel, it we are to belleve the latest govery- ment figures, that Is what 1s hap- ening In Canadas In the came of the noome Lax, Ninety-slght per cent, of the people pay no income tax af all, Revenue from Insome tax forms a considerable portion of the national revenue, It amounts ench your to soores of millions of dol lars, Out of every one hundred Onnadiang only two contribute tor ward It, THE RIGHT TO WALK (London Observer) A pedestrians' defense noclety In to be launched, It Is not prema- tyre when a year's total of killed and wounded wpon the roads has reached 170,000, But it is not mévely the right to walk unslauiht. ered and unmaimed that needs vin. dloation, Proteetion 1s vequived from the considerable class of mo torist who treads on his path hy frank and slpost restful Intimida. tion, A lethal weapon hes been placed in the hands of Many who ape mor ally unfit for the charge, And whose suneriority complex the law seems quite ineffectunl to restrain, APPEATS TO PRIVY COUNCIL, (Ohjeoutim| Progress) "Bach Provinces of Canada enjoys within Mmits complete autonomy fn the administration of Justio Will all thess Provinces he naan monk In demanding a step as radi onl an the abolition of the virht ot anpeal to the Privy Counelly Win there not he soma of them wha will want to retain the right and he content with vesteiationg on its ev ergime? For it is clear that Can nda's representatly to the naxt tmnerinl Conferen will not ams bark on discussions with the Frit. ah Babinet on a auestion ns fms portant au is without first having anni itan the! Aavesnments of the different Canadian Provinces, ---------- Bits of Humor Sell-pralse iv a good deal like rid Inge On merrysmo-round, It satisfies our personal desire, but it nover ges uh anywhere, -- The Teacher «= What was the cantte of the Spanish-American Wari Hobbie Wetmore=It was to sel Cuba free so we'd have a place to go when our gountry went dry, Lady: 'Woor blind man, Have you no family Ditnd want "Yea, I have a brother who Is also bling, but we don't see each other very often" "A friend of mine says that after Mr, Maebonakl's spovel in America there ts nothing to do but turn our swords into oil sharess--Dally lx Press, ------ WHAT INTERESTED HIM Prof, EUAN the diplodogus exe isted, on the sarth millions of years before the appearance of man, Student: Well, if it existed so long before the appearance of man, how do you. know that dipladoeus fs in right name P==Philadelphia Bulletin, The young married gouple were honeymooning at Monte, Of cours, they visited the tables, and the lady, desiring a flutter, said to her groom, "Whieh number ought 1 10 hack? . OM" he rveplied, "why not back our own age!" y "That's -~ ood Idea," she said, and pul a hundred francs on No, 31, This ty+four came up, " There, dear," sald hor groom, il you'd only been truthful, Hacriet had heen to Sunday soheol many times, but recent she made her first visit to church during regu: lar services, The opening prayer, dt happened, was offered by a man who put his whole soul into wis plea, The prayer was 40 carnest, in fact, that again and again from tha eons ore) ation came fervent expressions of "Amen!" Harriet nudged her mother, "What {8 it, dear?" the mother ins quired, ® "Kverybhody 1s svi 'Amen,'" res plied Haveiat, "and 1 just wonder why the man doesn't quit, Hoavt=A | man ont of the wood treasure of hin heart beingeth h that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil tren: sure of his heart bhringeth forth that which ix ovil, for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh =Luke t "Take wy Mir i is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne" BR ----™ To PR 0 et A ---- EMBER 7, 1929 ed Rather Than (Aol o0dy, In Now J] that the stock marker crash 84, Recent'yisis On Wall Street aid To Unsound Financing etme fuse Manipulating Standard Securities, Are Over-Inflated lesugs York Evening Post) Margin Trading In The hurricane whey ode ha vou of the speculthy oo wu rket Is the logical outeoni the distine ly unwaurid und spas, wpe of financing. which hak ale | } Progress sively becoming morg mare. vis dent In recent months, goin of an ever-merguslng nl, of the newer types of trading 1 holding companies und so-called rasbinent punte" has continuously' jo eredit and, more than foi thing, has caused the ste, ih A ng tots In broker's louie has been un almost compl abate donment of seh measures av demonstrated earning POW the creation of these great cory It ig of course, the genern entirely to the enormaus ane go nrg trading in standard Ti, eyritien nt overinflated viluess this notion Js far from the ag) truth, During recent months # Nauidation has been golng on if types of standard securities, A and more the speculative inte throughout the country has bi soneeptrnted in uw few market le wardless , of permanent merit probable growth in eqrning power, Credit Goes to Investment Such manipulation of standard se curities 'and the setively represented ofl the period prior, to the present week would never, In themselves, have absorbed the amount of Wall Breet gredit which has heen absorb ede Had it not been for the persist ent erentlon of so-called Iuvestment trusts, running Inte billens of dol lurs, during the last year, It Is entires ly probable that the spectacular crush which we have Just witnessed would not now have taken place During the last three months prac tieally the only type of stock issue that could be successfully distributed an a large scale has been the so-eall ed Investment trust type, Old line investmont issues, until very recent ly, have remained idle on' broker's andl banker's shelves On the exchanges the popular tocks have heeome more and more issues which have 'heen In dorsed and recommeded Wlmost ex clusively on the basis of thelr hoped for growth in earning power SOM me dn the dim and distant futur plitups' of highspriced iasues, the wtlon of rights, the giving of war | Hose By Jamas W Haitin, M.D DANGER OF REDUCING WITh. OUT TAKING EXKRCINK (Registered in accordance with the Copyright Act) Although being overweight is frequently a cause of trouble with heart and kidneys, as the fatty tis sue Interferes with thelr proper notion, nevertheless many of the nperations our womenfolk ars un. dergoing these days oan be divectly traced to this Idea that reducing i» always safe, Reducing In not al ways safe because the ovgans In the abdomen need 'a eertaln amount of fatty tissue to hold thom up in thelr proper places, An you know the kidne t In \ layer of fat, and If thin bs wroat- y reduced the kidaey ean motuals ly hecome lowe, fall forward, and become what ln knowh as a Moats lag kidney," The fatty tiksue in and around different organs in the abdomen nots af a sort of adshion, and Jiatects the vessels running to the different organs, Theve is a dropping or sageing of all the abdominal organs, Now some Individusin are horn with the abdominal organs a lt. tle low normally, It Ia estimated that parhaps 1 per cent of the oases with this sagging ave of this kind, ' In a serio of 100 onsen re. ported 70 wore undernourished, 83 complained of constipation, 31 had a low stomanh, 88 had a Fophing or drooping of the part of the lars intestine which runa aoross the a demon below the Hyver and th omach, Very often the patients are spok- on of as 'just nervous, Now what {a the treatment? The proper method would ve the development of the muscles of the ahdomen, Lying on the hack, and slowly valuing the legs, with knees stoalght, a few times night and morning, will help ta tighten these muscles: endeavouring to touch toon With knees atraight; stands tng tall and sitting tall all the time: holding abdomen in, This tightens the ahdominal wall and helns hold organs wp, It you are naturally of the uns derwelght type inevease starohy foods, rest hefore and after meals and 40 above exorolsed: It you ave averweliht decreas your food tne take gradually, and take the exer olen, Then as you gradually reduce the amount of fat everywhere in the body including that about the abdominal areans, the ahdemina) mutoles will he so well developed that they will hold the organs up in Mace, rg OF the 88 getaways between 1878 and September §, 1939, there have heen 38 successful alr eros: ings of the Atlante and Paclfe Ooeana, north and south, meluding Hawallan flights, Ten orafi-orews have heen lost In the course of hier takeroffa and actual Flights, Fhirtean crews allahted at wea but wore rescued or saved themeelves, Kleven others started but returns I aa a rants and the featuring of convertl- ble Hivilegus have been the order of the The enlmination of this untried an experimental Wall Street is evidently now st hand After the smoke ele rs sway the present certain that the Street will return to a sounder and safer point of view In matters of corporate Vor two or three years past the arent investing publig of America has gradually heen thinking less and less of security and wasured yi lue hig and more of possible quick pro. UD J now will tend to turn back to the safe and solid rond of resl ment, This change, which probably will he far-reaching, wil needed blight on the feverish activity of the many banking and groups who have heen so busy efen ting towering holding and (| companies, more than gigantic traders and spe: culntors in volatile stocks, bic The happenings of the last week ars which have heen manipulated Leertiinly can be viewed constructive Jy from the standpoint of the longer utire, Frustbsunivy very little sign of any gens ab recension or change in the stable hy the wyerage 4,000,000 share diy y of urowth and ay, wick Profits Seems to Be Ides period of nance in 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 from unpettlement it seems nance, income. and The typlesl merican investor Invests put & much» financial trading many of which are little There Is =throughout the prosperity which ng the United Ni during recent years, o Bign ol Business Depression hough at the moment we witness {recession in certain lines of eal, as compared with eondi Hoduring the earlier part of the Yiyet there Is nothing to Jndieste theeneral Industry or producing aelfey in this country now are Rolinto a long period of depres MOT fact, fundamentals remain Prcily as they have heen for a lonkye past, and there 8 no jus: HACK for the pessimistic motion thst your 1930 may usher in & PENOO "hard times, . Phin a very practical guarantee tht thond market, which has NEER Mie eontinuously for nearly IWO Yel now 1s twining the corn or, And wise, conservative inves tor 18 bio during this unsettled period oay trates fis attention on sound ho oeeferred stocks and the higheiyd most stable types of COMMON Rep ard lets the volatile Inouen ond Glog blind pool stoeks royverely ak Eye They MUST be the Best! There are now more than 30,000,000 Waterman Ideal Fountain Pens in use the World over These populer-priced up-to date models sre favor everywhere, Each made aeeording te Waterman's famous high standards of faction, Ne, 91068 04 With No.7 + oo F100 With seven different pointe---each identified with ite distinetive colour band, Ne, 01858)4V 8,80 Plain, gold filled lover, ring and narrow band at lip of clip, Ne, 018M ,, ., « « 00 Same as 01052 except one sige larger, Care and Eye Strain » 6 hb hogy » Nvrsrniafom I'he eye In free visusl. im perfections when hgh rays pros teeding from & dip ohjest ex aotly focus on the wu when the muscles of the eye, in a state of rest. Such an oye (ke a camer in proper foeus for g object to be snapped, If the lems Arete the camera wore too powerful or lpg in pows or the camera would byy of foeus and an imperfect Ima would be the result, this 1s the eGiion when the "lens system: of they is ims properly functioning andi red ime | ages are seen, The lens yom may be too powerful or lae power, or the eyeball may be 108 4 or toa short, . Linmetgopla is the tered 10 re ihe porfect rely " of the eye and is 0 rand' comfortable arture from th 1 et | n eye the oe » the retina while t a state of vest but the th Ay oftore 1 ust possible and this effort \ o principal forms of h opi vo sight r Bight) a Higmat conditions are ¢ ve jue bie gon hin d kl ! ropia is not & | fot 0 treated as neh The a ingd from proper Joven v orrof in suey eo 18 pro ina, TH oye a Bits of Verse wa T DR D@am the Great Dream, th a HA veoting the exist uest, v wh the dream load you toa dey sert lonely, t drive you, like the tempest without rest, tolling: upward to the highest altap, re hy before the gods yowr QL Supremes courage did A hfman heart whage not falter Ih distant as Arcturus shone the Gleam, The ileam PA question not i tothers see i Wh nor the veaming nor the pas ; ; ston share} firleye not i chilean of the earth dooree fee Thy sarh, ' heeit=thele fodder only mw The won! hag need of prophet and | rodeemer Her anteriatohad wings agaipst her Prisoning a, Sha gerien fae tearh 3 and truth is with | the dreamers Persistent as the myriad Hht of aps! Flogence Barle Coates, in the Portal, { INEST Jeathor w= finest maverials = finest work. manship result in fine appears nee Parthermore, In Mitlbuts you are snsured of gomfory and proper "Reem | f we" the Tharibet warehword in the oron famous shoes, lon of laws and myles of thew "Sold and Recommended by BURNS COMPANY LIMITED King & Simcoe Sts, Oshawa Grown on Repeat Orders There must be a reason Oshawa Lumber ~/ COMPANY LIWITED 33 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 28:1.3820

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