Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 RRR A a 5 gu i Viawh, weak SA : 4 Hi i (YEE v y ' "Rach student 1s required tu spend | a "Tiare difhieult task than fer child ; y ; ; " aus in hig canoe n--_-- Will ENDORSES ane haw i wt ek there, nies the ven and the students we nat only B § , Dying aw over wis : 4 4 direehion oF the anager, Vo KW gaining knowledge in connection y : i 4 Vor Phased eLween him Bnd a min Produce ! Prices in the Clarke, where they observe and take | with the giving snd RA of n " wither uhiron not fur San. part in the giving wf intelligence | telligence and capacity tests, hat they ha WeG Wan Vise MR Co erci l Markets tests and vocitivhal guidance coun: | wre sesing that, despite every disad 4b bod ddd bd ddd ddd Sb bed 5000080446444 4 44000004 und fred, The duck flew an hut sel vantage, voeational guidance exam PASI PPP TPTI IIIT IITITTITTTTYYTYT TY we Mall " Ww many ul fhe laud bollat tram the id "Ihis ning sipilerienta, the | nation and sounsel san be of sonsids Al VOU ARSALIN Harviea tation, nothings Ml gun passed class Lo My, Wood sng rome P, | Jecturen and training in peyehalogy wt | erable servise" ip, Hani y poliee court the | Templeten's resldence, $100.00 |i few sivick him, By that Hime TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Cugumibers, 1h Gt Wisk: seeieere Lm Protestant Employment Bu the. wolversity. and the interiar Hie ather Wiermoon n local woman | and some clavel ion Hoy Wourka's | thoy didn't have Fores enol 1a] Co oe wm Way snd sivaw are | Coley, ai WA Ae reati Now Linked With slidents are showing nit is indies ¢ ! ] { ' 1 nd county $4.60, by | vestdence, uw hlayele, An Wlampl do warlonn hrm, hub one pisses elimsie (he Tslborw ass Lovie 1 J maley, pir fis } ed hy the fast thit although enly P NY i he ke, tallow WiH also made ta enter HW, Daly's! through Wis viel sar, and another i i eh ek wii rack, grate ie JERE YE i | AR | University cilled ian ta witend Protestnt dn l 0 A a e n ; f fi ing sonvietlon on u charge of an | residence by way af on window, but | through his upper Hp knocking out |g §, oy it nl MLE A Bin 0 ly ployment Buren tor one hor, they r saulting anetl women, fafled, My, Marvy Vine also had ola tooth, CT Tr 1 Yr Te mee : Mantreal, Wav, Tos8mbinuing | ve spending fram one and @ haf (0 Pl C h ¥ "anos Bolen, Wisp sliiw, rate fal soo ba hia Hut yt Hunt ar ' 0 their putiey of Tinking up wilversity | two bi ther ane ras y wimg " BE Wi wiles, Wi Wahi He [ " yi ANRVORMI BURNED OUT -- M ' yh Lo Bn Wied 00 80 we eu A HEEL {brining with prastieal demonstra Liteh Wael & grap ab then i siiaville he burning out of » GOOB HIGHWAYH 'Y, ' LL ---- bles Te [LAER } tons, the department of psyeholog sted to Bind the lest occupation tu transtormer on wn electrle HN | LL Cos Olt an eeting Hn TORONTG PRODUCE PH t MEG his now vesormed (he | # yaung man of 28 who hid oiready | Ringtown, Ya, Nay, ohn ale mail " 1! in the foethridge ' . . y 'y Furania wholesaie deals Wile ing pm oi ah) [ bo Protestant Eniployment Bureau as | tried shipping, Simeskeeping selling | we ro Ble ented the fire brigade (0 of vosd whieh extends from Mew y ) J ao uh | whilessip dunle § re atlurtig fd uh Ny h ig yA Wi i ih RL ond mado heehimien, Left 10 hing plane, ying fram Clevelmnd ta Had bis anilnd out Mout six o'clogk ast | hurkh Amoscita road ta the rill [| / : ies, il : Hor the satrse in mental mensures | sell, this man 1s likely to continue | ey Yield, Newark, N.J, caught fire ovoning, The dnmage done wan | Toad bridge his heen gomileted by J ' Prt Ha i FIV TORONTO HAY AND STRAW nents ii ib deilter for many years, bt when Land eraghed on the side of Big ( f fous nallire, the sontractors und those motor " a Mile, Blapiun enn, oniian Ade; hrats, Ale ae Whedenile "dealers In | aie] "with ar Fourth ve fudents tn (hig the line of work at whieh he 10 Mountain, 3 miles north of here and dl Ti Ld ints wha reside In Newburgh sid , h To Geo | in A: x. tein Vial must catnble is gleatly shown to hit Hin, 0 ites north ef Nerg: Af . A hOOV oF RINK Camden Hast now have paved vou Leaves Burns Che O R01 So INd, 1 cterniery; wrinte, A No | fussing to Miners he fill bora nd son i | i Hid nt je " u "abl ) " fe Ad H le ta | Mine miles from Bhensedoih, this J ! 1] wing sent ta Protestant mn | meh Vib wi | 4 h IN. Ro to the slip: [10 Naphies, There has heen 6 to Southern Sask. Te el. larus 216} twine | i We pilat, Thomas ¥, Nels bist him WAL Walt, head of (he departinent of psy] Heen san of North Plainfield, NJ, made & 11} hale J LURE f Linled, "tan { ol tlavement Bueean sald Dre, W, 1, settle down and beeome a useful ele | MOrning A gvent spount of road hullding on iilikatn, Hae, ang, Be, OU, large, #i } J ary oondition of (he roof on the A . f Mori J ai Jovi vink anused hy fro the eounty vouds the past three atchewan iwing, #0 1olay billets wid kite, Bs "ud RD JR chology ut MeGill, Monday morning Vosatlonsl guidance for adults is | sueecksful parachute jump tour yours, there helng ahont 10 Wh sitll Hig I Be DT a ie) LI Wi AR milew of piving on the Hamhurgh Ashi Nav, Sn'tlic eRnareun on fry lea # ip Be | lr ony delve ed AR yn a a---- Pathor painful injuries, The vies Houd, also the Belhy Woud, Hive ARRIRER, ny ¥ LA A 8 y than ub Burns Preshiyierian Chureh wan injured and he | oad, and the Newburgh Hod, Hr vet ich they Rey: Mitehel | tim's Hight | , hits i od ! f An fnfuries ahout the hody fhe Tater apionfiing 10 Camden hw sent in his vesignntion we Pastor ok A LLL LLL LLL ML Sombre, ini Bkolly wun taken to the haapital dadubid 4 hove, nd iF the Presnsny pee DLL Bruilées as di 1 i Wannds, WIN Wu Wi ' 0 uve Attention, a i i, M Mitel speed Mek hn : ' YY i pide, $950 te $0705 pigs dawnwar anne Fabelved Indirion AMAT VIRE DEPAMUTMUNY INSULTED lo Abbie tla, MP i i I i" ant erm-- Lig WI al eiitle, 108; serang to ad will net he known for a day ay Landsny==Vnloss the evawn abe a foie, southern Baskilehewni, TORONTO PROVIBION rRICES Wher i medium heifers, $i ta BOM cor two toney, Mr, J, ¥, Anderson, npolos | here ho will have a uel larger Taruiin whalesnle dealers he Huattg fhe | mon, $65 sitier saws, $08 1 6,7 kines to Ldnduiny Viva Dapuetmont | god (0 labor in and a larger siliry fikw it filoge i" fhe Hides uke Henta fleceiity « wlyon, BOT veilers unelmig ' v y h ee lbuma, tedium, 8 te Wei sacked laine, 0 Pa bh 10 UNDERGO OPERATION the members of thal hody theanlen | {or hie service HA [EMR AR ells! dal ns Rd BAR RAY : 4 Beackviliae=tay, Ianio Ooueh, | to rt m Wodnandny oy yy All rounds seemed ta lead ta Ashe | # 10 ww Wek, peuiienled, 36 ta doe; do Hecepte ul whee, HN Tatlin astivel Intted Chuveh | leave the tewn without a brigade Wednesday of list aul | omaked 48 10 47s ota must Ue higher, sheep sharing nd M.A nantoy of the tn ' hur of AA het W Cured mente=lang clear bacon, 8 19 10] vin gad ta ehilee, BTAS0 10 814; med At Lambeth and formerly stationed | Thi wil (he ibimalim deliver | jg, gig palitieal bite wis vaging | ms pe TIC CO Pa TTT ET A Tt rl TI Yl 1 im this dlstelet, 1a in the Torante 4 to the Jowh { ouieil at " POEL i the pulling heath with Mr Jus ql Heavyweight valle, dom, Lightweight moll | iiowouts, $1050 0 $11; Tab ewer, 83,00 4 gre he will | ular meeting Tat night snd no acl 5 ohnso p y hy i . Ganaral Hawpltal, wh a FR dB Bt PB Po Johnson wh returning officer Wi ¥ athe Pure flereen, Ti tubn, hei pniln ; undprga an operation, ar the . / very busy fram eight o'clogk in the | ger pines, 18 a 1h Blur Mik Heroes TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS past Faw years My, Coioh his bash iin Rg Put oun : Ther morning until about elght thirty in AR ie bli, 10 Dos walle, TRGT Ham 078] ain enters am ihe Worooin Toad of in falling health and han fell the | an the 04 WEE might, Moth sides worked very hard | VE SH Pind are waking the following guotil | ark Taine, 361 New Yark: shoulders 1s 14 aitliaha wheat i | i straln of wrdunui pastoral Nie, | Pumper Was touted an Wh fireat previous ta the eleetion and that day Whi iW bath A, Aiden id i oh NH pi Hg fl i! Ni Lattoniy_ tho J HA dathining hg ba ALY a hit tt when the resis al 1 oul il Hiyhesly spats, of " $d; Na, A UN 8 #60 Na 4 natontin fn ike Wile hi ile | Di, bogl, basket rey Wo | Teed, Bde (60.0 Ciederiel and Bay puri hid a the 0 AR of alone they wera neting hy irene har) "fund that, the i Bs in (iba 8 ly, HY i" i Mani | athe Nu, | (eed: i Wh } ho hos advised fmme- | ton af the Town Counell wud gly W. IN, Sinelals h | CanliMaws I fosd, 61 Ade wpesinlint, Who his i Rarvicen to make the Heil le No Binelule great was the | las wy, HG Haake 1 i] Alerigan tor-No, 3 yellow, $1.08 (all diate surglenl attention, i ie I heyy \ po A " 3 navy Joleing wb hin supporters wind greats | Eadive,' doen p 01 wall, deliyersit. To ig retght) sxal w lt Mey Wy [1 Whe ho hi 00 or wis the" sitisfaution when he wi [hel ech TAIL EN a M [le hy Melby red MM intreal frstah WEITER OF NOBHuERNS | heen nubjected to such oritiolsm verilogtod an member af Parliament | Deal tetiuce | thes far oo : Ul Yon. ar a8; widdUngs, 0 Nupinen Hometime Aurving . . for the provines and although the | Hed Tettuee, 4 lar HM | Citation gral Wheat, A Monday night a sevies of rahbaries HUNTER MISTAKEN FOR DUCK ROvernment was returned wel, the | hess LIL harley, #4 10 hi Tye, #1 a §l wore committed In town, and jude Lindsay Duel huntlog haw 108 | dey supporters are by no means down jhick Bh glog by (he number of places ons | perils, tog, a6 Mr, A, 0, Wood vo | cost but feel that they wre on the taved, thay must have hean pret | cently digeayered Homey nob bef side of a good enuse and eight must] wit, of Port Home controvers Wha Is the 1 busy, Following are the sub {as dangerous as helng mlatadon ov [ prevall and they will ight on ba vie Mes Clarenss Holman whe recent: | artist ho auld, Dunoan," (i frees J. M, Graham's Horvios | a doer or 8 moose hut a hdl of | Lory eventually, ly had an operation on her throut | silesman sald, "sn Heitish Beoteh Biation, $80,005 Ken, Homans! "Ba" dossn't make one fool About sixty-fixe hove vishted the | 1 recuperating und Is with her pu painter, You," she said, help rE ----------=e | #inbles of Rabers Dull and on | ents, My, and Mrs, James Digksan, | Tully you, Dunean died some tm Phursday of last week and held a] of Myrtle nen! Hi padnted lundsespe horse Judging eantest, then from Hallowe'en passed off very quietly | Just Ha this----vepry famous pail hove they went ta W, A, Dryden's of | here, A Tew boyish pranks were play | Oh, You," and he paused Wrooklin, and judged pore heed gate | od Bat po mean (rk ks ware indulged Y ne he gontinued desporptel then te Ray Mebaughlin's, of | in hy the hays af the netghborhaod au will find more ahant him | limbus, where they Judged the Fhe Ladies of Burn's Church are] Heyant's Dletlonary of Arviists hale train of cattle The hay wet very busy getting many and varied ha customer promised ta hrin the Wghest points in the cons | pleces of Taney work and ather um her hushand to help deelde and th 4 twill he rewarded with a trip to] ul aetieles vendy far the bagaar | salesman, whom 1 knew, came | e ty) OR the | al Fale, Torento and a teip | whieh ls being held on December | mo, wiping his perspiving hee £ v the ald sountry \ number of | 4th ho enim i | local boys were present and we trust haw," he vemarked, Hh ar é i» a THE BEST IN AMERICA Hl (hey may ba the anes whe secured ARTISTS NOT IN [ waned (0 know whe Duncan wa By | (hove rewards . Um Dunean, you knaw---me!l Wi £1 Mr, Job White and Mr, Mack Duft | 1 Fl had wn ratt of that Junk, and it ney wore In Ringhville fast week inspect nn or wold, so 1 signed them to se v De foe CIATED! fh MF ch ovember £ ay O & J Congratlations Mi June { AU y here 18 no other Duncan, you |} Maynard, af Chilk Lake, wha was Know Then she didn't buy It EAST BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK ab hiliale, | #0 pitted no mareiange to Miss Ligele Li We Are Sole Agents ity, of Hreaaklin on Wednesday, My Many Purchases Ave Car | Lond WATER'S FINE d C tf : W { Ab ahd re well bot A ried Away by European ond i bt Mande Lik 43 y i an on [1] ues that they are taking up thels I Westonssuper-Mave, Names nothing but cold water for 69 your . * 4 foame on the Maynard homestead at Twen | I e IC es d Challe Lake so Ho has not indulged tn a glass of | 3 Much sympathy is felt for My (Hy The Canadian Press) hoor, spirits, wine or a eup of ton : worge Jeftrey in the death of his Winnipeg, Man, Nov, To Weike | during this ti Comer, 91, is the |B 0 is u A table brother, Me, Ed, Joftroy, of Taranto, | tng in the Free Press, Walter J dest town orter In England, and ha Service Dieconsed was in his odnd year amd | Philips, the well knowin Canadian been In his present position tar the hid only been 1 with priewmania o | painter, says that nowadays the | past 1 years short time when he was called away, | artists of Canad are nalther idle Ihe funeral was held fram his resi | nor appreciated, "Hut," he says, RARMAID IN PULMT | loner, Galley Avenue, Toronto, onl many purchasers ave carried away Hanbury Knaliny When Iowa! oq Folday, Interment taking place at] by the name of an Buvopean aroet, [odaister -- at the 0 Untiariag, | 8 Graveside cemetery, HBrooklin He I once overheard a salesman seh FChureh was off ong halla, Van . siden his sorrowing widow he leaves] Ing a oustamer & painting, and 1 Haneoek Cashoowe, bharnadd at the OF. ST S P 117 5 i" sinter, Miss Ida Jeffrey, of | was a vile palnting, and was mark: | Marlborough Avon, took his place in |) HONE 3 fy 7 SIMC ' | Myrtle, und ane heather, Mey George | od #840, 1 will sell you this for | the pulpit, "It was the w terest . - . » - Bl | H | Jelfeey who lives south of this vill | $80," he sald, The frame was m= | ing experienca™ she sald, "and 1 TELEPHONE 203--FIVE DIRECT LINES WR pooonble, gilt of heightest and yel should not mint vopeating | It hos Meg, Wi, Hreash has returned | lowest aud the form mast ornste, | always heen ambition 1a he ~a CLE | (room wo week's vist with hor sister, ! but the painting Hself Invelved | preacher ™ Tomorrow, November 3t 200 Garments Consisting of Ccats, Dresses, Suits, Sweaters, Skirts and Millinery Will be Placed on Sale on Dollar Day at $1.00 Each { i \ a imcoe St. TH EF } Al 7 Simcoe South St. South '| GREAT VALUES/3 DOLLAR DAY|]1[STOCK UP |

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