Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 10

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hod | THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 GERMANY CLAIMS EVACUATION BY FRANCE HALTED (Gontinusd from Page 1) ol fake thelp places, "Thin move en men, Midi Hh RE ann a rise i fH low of rg 174 wy, 9 re 1 vallisd io ih, fox alter nol It was said ty elveles close vo , while the the fovhlin iiuter toy, how ve | BYEF, Ahat Whatever variations In Rs ey Phim N i" oviointion Wars In prospect would i racension of 11 nine, Walkers srfoymance In the fron of gepeesl Markel tonditlons, he moevely to adjust the situation pave a EOD The stock apened at 11, eased to naw developments, Wyaonatlon, It won ssid, would i, and then Jove haek to 104, tar mn dAvap ' BUYING STRENGTH AFTIRNS 10 THE eontinue, hut M, Beland's former wand was relteratad, that complete withdrawal of tenops wan depend ent on tinal vatitlention und com mencement of execution of the Young plan, The Belgians ave aleendy gons and the Heltah will he aul hy he camber, hut the Peapneh still hold tn the thivd gone wround Mavenee until the Hague setilament Is ap capted and the International Hank undertaken to deliver hondws for (na Immenng sum constitutions Vranoe's lone sought ocommarelaligntion af n hig pave of hey vepnentions WAIPINF PARTY HOMEWARD ROUND (Continued from Paps 1) Cuptain OG, #, Blanchet and his threg flying companions who ef fected ihe yeReue, were haek on the mainland snd had the priy of elght billeteg at 8. o'olook lanl neh fhe oils showed Ereal Yeouperis ive powers, British American sold nw an 876 and at noon hed rake 40 AR, yasterduy's closing priog, arial was off & at 904, after Wing 274; International Vets ned § uf 804, after hitting und Hupertest finished the wiry at oh utter welling down 11h hop losses fneluded: Bisel of Au off 8 nt 485 Pasa Horsey 7 ab RKC Makkay Harvie off ff at sud Yard Malors aff § al 8K, fouehing #4 ONDON HPOCK NXCHANGH andon, Nev, T,.=Will Hivesl's cpaeted overnight sethack saves A wenaral marking nwn of ini Atlantie favorites Many Hydvos were B lower ut 86; Bra Han Teactlon 84 down at 414) and Tnternationsl Nickel was off 5, while Radios and Gramephoned care eorrespondingly weal, Business was restrioted, how aver, pending Wall Hivest's open ing and thy fant that the market wan menerally occupied with the dnintln of pay day, Britleh funds Winniper, Nov, T--Hata at Bath AH inlet, Colonel 0, 1D, WH, Mas Pin Fore ody, : and his woven mates win i 1 i Heavy Fdgnidation riba Iv fly south ta Huker Take voll, N ~Valuas on | today, Weather reports from the Monk yA 1 abs | Inlek pn the northern vim of Cais fe Nonire) op Inehangn, al ada, Pecalved stmnitaneously with yanasalons of the past few weeks, | news of the pariy's areival of Bath were ain sent to lower levels thin orning when continued heavy Iquidation forced wales at Figures gansderably helaw yesterday's 0lbse, Praotioally every stock to appear A fi the fivet half hour showed lows | ural," slated the mesa messin on of over one dollar Emelters | received hy Dominton Explorers al jit the sreatast loser, dropping [0 o'clock Jest night from Capt Fly Mowth Today ural, indiented that 1 would pront ably he possible to ooantinus the Inurney toward elviligation at Aawn, "Ploked up party at Cambridge Hay and brought them ta Bath 80 to selh at BHA0, Montreal |G, HB Hlanohet, who commanded awer lost #14 at #111, a block | extensive search operations on the af 6,000 fibre of Beasilian want | fringe of the Avetle olvele durinn at phi oly t Yorlkre lower; Inteps " ahasnes, Only on Hunday did the MacAlpine men vench Cambrides bay, # mettlement an the south shore of Vietorla Teland off the north shore of Canada The Journey from Cambreidue hay to Bathurst 1s a B60-mile nog noross Dense stealt, botween Vie toils Island and the mainland; over Kent pontnsula, whieh projects northward on the east side of Hathuvst Inlet, and novoss tha halls frosen waters of tha Inlet to the sonth-wost shore, wher the radin the MacAlning orew's twosmonths onal Nickel lost HT4% ots, at 0] the price at which It wan split ole time ago and about $40 hes nw the year's high, Power Coy aration, Dominion Hridee, and tional Breweries each lost aver A shave while smaller losses pe hawn by Famous Players, ndign Prong nade Oar ) innipes Heo tr Hteel of Ounada, Bhawinigan, Wayagamaok, BH. Power, and many othey lasues, Ng stock mada » gain In the face Af the heavy selling, ation In losaied, Reports from Ottawa Indication that halt of the MusAlping party was st the radio post last night, and half wt Burn: wide vivar, 8 Dominton Wxplovers gunoling enche, 40 miles wouth at the extremity of the Intel, r. i --~ THAT povelstent ndyoviising shows pw wiventss and wives the public helpful service, THAT the public In entitled to this service, and svery up-to-date husiness concern glves It, THAT business concerns who do not use newspaper nd" vortising sve not entitled to the pntvonnge of the people, THAT the spirit of wn elty tn ve flocted through His newspapers THAT If nn olty in alive and pushing shead, newspapers show ij they are well thd with loeal advertising, THAT 1 shows that lees! hus Ness men wee alive and on the Joh and going after husiness, [ THAT when they go after | business through Jn spe wdveriining, THEY aur IY THAT when husiness Is good with loos! hosiness coneerns the ality an in whale Is prosperous WHEN THY NHWEPAVKIN ANN PROSPEROUS THRY IVE A FAVORARLN IM. PHENSION TO THE OUTSIDNK WORLD, WHICH ATTRACTS NEW INDUNTHINS AND INT VENTORN TO THE HOMNK ory, a ia os LE Aldording to Harry Huking, president of the Plots' Association Gf AMBER, WOMEN wre even keen GF BYIRton fans that men, and une questionably are move al esse than Men passengers on thele first trip, Tha only ambuianes amphibian plane fn the wervies of the United Hinton navy ta used ehlefly In fap ping Const Guaedemen and their fmilion Hving along the (selated apetions of the North Careling UOREL to hospitals In emergencies, A law le now enforced In Ohle which vegquires all of the 84d olties and 800 towns and villages of the Mites to mark the community se Chat aviators may recognise it, The sling wivst ha in ehroie yellow on nm hinek baokground, ALhough never a pilot, Kathe ing Wright, sister of Orville and Wilhur Wright, was tha frst Am srlonn woman to go up In a plane Mme, Theres Paltlor was the frat woman to ride In the sky ahove Hupapn, Bowmanville ki Daily Times eal News, advertising and subscriptions will be recnived of A Bowmanville Office of The limes, | elephones--=Ofhcs, B87 REPRESENTATIVE~B, TEN DURHAM BOYS GET TRIP TO ROYAL Are Chosen Out of Class of 67 in Competition at Hampton county At Hamplon Minty weven Durham junfor faymers mel recently where the annual live wlopk and wead Judging competls on wan condueted by agviculture) vapresentative J, Y, Kellongh, Live slack fram the farms of Hudsel) Hobo, John Baker, Harold Pie on BMW, Werk, Gordon Leask nnd Clarke Wilhur were used, A splendid bhanguet provided hy the Indios of Hampton United Chureh wis held In the evening, Aurionttursl representatives fram Victoria, Pelavhorough and Navthumberiand, along with W, ¢ Bendt, Boyw' Training Hehool, Bowmanville and John Baker an aluted, J, HW, Whiteloek, WHA, ne wlatant Atvaetor of wgrieultural rapresonintives was the special peak er In the svening on Hrawn Ovone, was the Individual hgh man of the day, with Lloyd tengo, Bowmanville, second, James Hrown also sogehed the winning team of Junlor hoys, with Bmery mith, Bethany, second The ten boys reoelving free trips to the Royal are as follows: Hay mond Chapman, Orona; Kversit Hrown, Ovono; Broce Heer, Heih ny, fiuvold Hunoook Oranng J MoKelyye, Orono; Clare Allin, Howmanville) 1, 0, Whilams, Hamptan; Jos Barnard, Hallie hore Ralph (laupell, Taunton; A Le Wlanehard, Hampton, A splendid program has heey areanged for these hoys wt the Hoyal Winter Fal whne they will ha guests of the Ontarlig Govern ment and will he entertained with the 500 Juplor Farmers from On tario, ---------- Passer-hyt "You've wot a fine don there guarding your clothes Bhivers in Hathert "He's guarding them al tlhthe lin't mine, and ve heen toying for the last hour and a hall 10 wel near them," CENSORED LANGUAGE Travelling Salesman 1 suppose you have spel] terms for eanumersials In Keeper, My ward, yes, but | eonddn't use them In polite society Cornwall Advertiser i HERBERT MORTLOCK WINNERS DURHAM SCHOOL FAIR CUPS About 2,000 Pupils Made 5,500 Exhibits at J Various Fairs - Interest und enthusiasm wl the Iwalyn Behaols Pelvs held In Dur hsm County this year was main tained ut the high piteh renched noyeRr ako, While there ware fawar pupils this yenr to take pir dn the wehool talvs, the des arenss In the number of entries win vary slight and sll ftalrs ware Wits suncossful, when almost #000 ply made Whoo axhibite, Keen Nieves wus shown in the eontesis for the 1, Katon trophies, "The winneve of these trophies were 4s Fallows Cups Darothy Avmstvons, Wi nen Gallnghar, Hagel Horner, Au dray Ouph, Ruth Holmes, "Charlie Champan, Marl Lathangue Hirde tHhaon Hernlos Mininton, Trawin antl, Aldin Hour, Doles Wight Hooku~-Jos Armstrong, Day othy Cahlys, Anna Howden, Mur win Austin Alex Handry, Clara Lar, Dovothy Mathill, Marie Trew In, Danald "Thompion, Jim Powers, indys Yollowloes, Withur Black burn, Mary Armstrong, Charis Turner, Wiwaeod Gray, Geraldine Powroe, Jean Holmes, Gordon Wmith, Ronald Gillis, Marion Ar wie, Ruth Btevenson, Mary Wood, Jan, Hmales, Murray Wight, ® In a few oases pupils were not Awarded the Maton Cup this year heopugn of winning It praviously Other prises ware given these puptis do MOTHERS ON MINWANGE. LIST Durham County Branch Has Assleted Eighty In Nine Years Avonrding to the Intex ae piven out hy tha Durham CT tive af the Mothers' Allowance Hoard hetwaen thirty-five and forty mothers ave receiving hene fits frome ie work, Sines Hts In geption Ahout nine years Axo, A total of elghty mothers have heen hanefiolnrios under tha Aet The altalrs of tha a A ANN 55 Durham branch wre in the hende of Ghair man V, W, Gualhrsity of Port Hope, vieschulrman, O, 4, Thorn Lon of Qrona; seoretary, Ms, A, ly Nichols, Bowmenville; A, Van Cump, Burketon; Miss Pesrl Burn: ham, Millhpook snd Mrs, A, J Naynolds of Bowmanville & former and very capable investigator flor thin waation of the provines, AUTOIST FACES SERIOUS CHARGE UN H, M, Shulman Is Arraigned on Criminal Negligen.e 2} Count To investigate the clreummanoss Burroundiyg the death of 0, H Love aged #0, of 110 Wellinglon wirant, Bt, Thomas, whe wes kill ad on the Provineinl Hi Wy News Nawoantla ate on Ootoh®® LEH, an Inquest. wai held at the Town Hall have Tueuduy night, Love was vid Ing In near driven hy H, M, Bhi) man, #14 Wyehwaood Ave, Toran to, which crashed Into the rear and of uw truck driven hy Carl Mo Donala of Vetarhoro The verdiot whieh was veturn ad wbtar forty minutes deliberation vends us follows) "That O, H, Love enme to his desth aon Oolohey LEE at the Township of Clarke as A result of shook and hemorrhage A koresult of 8 motor seoldent When un ear driven hy H, M, shui man eollided with the rear end of notruek," Vollowing (he Inquest, Shulman Wal realigned hefors Magistrate W, AV, Campbell on » charge of oriminal negligence arising out of the meter and an adjournment WaR granted until Navemher 80th Meanwhile, he 18 ont on hall of $4,000 The hearing wan held before Oaraner Die, ¥, W, Diamond and Crown Attorney Kerr, K.0,, of Co hourg aoted for the crown, ¥. M Plaid, K.0, of Cobourg represent ed Hhulman The Jurymen were! Messrs duokuan (faremani, 0, H, Culver, D, Bmith, W, J, Highfield, Geo, T Palmer, Jas, HB avitton, Alex Gay don, J, MH, Clark and D, H Kn) NFFICTAT COVNT IN DURHAM TONIGHT Much Interest Centres Around Official Election Statement I 0 Mao A---- Tanlght will he an Important nlght for Durham county an the final ye tins of the returning oMeer will he made known late in the evening During the past few days there have hoon several now guesses on the of alal eount, The latest In Liberal eles eles give Mr, Brag a majority of I4 while the Conservative count ta date gives Mr, Bragg the narrow margin of 4 It Is understood tht both cand dite will he present st Milllirook when the billet boxes wre opened, Anything can happen, for in one county west of Toromu where the seat had heen conceded ta the Can servitive, i wis found when the of heinl returns were made that the Progressive candidate was In with # mijarity of over hity Wehevss candidate gets Inn Durham eounty Wt ean he said that the interests of the eounty will be well and faithfully eared. for and eich one will have the knowledge thst they have fought & clean fut, free from mudslinging, SAY EGROES TOOK RADIO, COURTICE Car Stolen at Bowmanville Is Also Recovered by Police The Chevrolet coupe owned hy Mike Oshorne, Wellingstan street, which wis reported stolen in Men day's Issue of The Times has heen found whandaned near Peterborough Ward was received hy the loegl po lew that the ear wis seen proceeding along the Peterburongh highway eur ly in the week and Chit Yenton imediately notihed the police nm thst eity, wha found the ewr and re parted heres, The radia whieh was stolen from Nieholl's garage at Courtige seversl dys ago has wlso been found and i i wlleged was traced to the tour ne jraes who were recently arrested in taranto and Lireught te Port Hope on ohprges of robbing seyerl ga aes, These men, wecording 1a ri ports from the Crown Altarney have i long record and appesred tu apes ate exclusively on garages, They we charged, hesides the numerous rob heries, with having some gonneet iv with the shooting of 4 garage nan mo Windsor and the polies wre in VEsLIgAUIN, SEATS SELL FAST FOR SOLDIERS' BANQUET Avearding ta reports fram the of fislals ob the Bowmanville Soldiers' Club seats for the hanguet tomorrow night are selling very fast and the largest attendance ever experienced at this annual funetion Is expested to he present, The banquet will take the form of an srmistiee dinner and will take place In the Balmorgl Hotel ry he speaker for the evening WIL be Captain FW, Me Mahon of Port Hope, who is eons sidered ane of the Hnest apeakers in Durham County, Tiekets are still a vallable at the Balmoral Hotel of from Mr, George Crombie's stare on Division street, south The hostess had coaxed a protest In Wuest, 10 singe After the effort had eome 10 8 gonelusion, she wen up to him smiling, "Oh, Mr, Bynger," she murmured you must never toll me again that you ean't sing! know now!" EE ., a BOWLING INLO0AL LEAGUES 15 KEEN Office Ahead in Goodyssr League; 1LOOF, in Town League Kah week iahond the layn Wein longus night higgar Goodyear wing and fre an follows Tanm Offes Hows Hoom , , I'yramidy Callander Hoom Helis Bept, Enpinoary Orphans Porter Tonmn FOOW, vivir Paundyy Canellin'y Team King Btreel HB Training Eehool dohnson's Team Goodyear High wooves for the past Willinmes, LE] Tattle, BOT Cans god ware Rell White, HEB Bid; Honeh ellin, #07; gon Kon LLL Nuylar and the attendance gets Baty, the Town Lague are now In full the standings to Gondysny Langue i te easltl 1 1h ih 1h Ah 1h Ih Hoonight ue the person Koss howling nt Mariyn's Al Kaaney On Saeh und the dutle WwW, IL 10 10 I L] f # week LLL Onlwall, Martyn, ORONO PLANS FETE FOR ROAD OPENING _- Apearding to reports rong the fram vagldents coming there wre very proud of thelr new road and they ave planning on a hig demonstration with which te formally throw 16 apen to all ahd sundry wha wish to come to the villame, Thin opening ts set for Nov, A0th and the program LUI 1 ranged so far 10 to nelude an Ine door street dudnine faly and un hig danes, by the manner in which the Opanoltes go ahout arranging and earrving nut thaly sommunity functions this promises to he a hig event in the village's history, prom WOKEN OF THE VAT MAN A threshundrad-pound longingly at tha ene in a haherdasher's A friend stonped to We wood gain tHelng dleplny window man antes If he was thinking of huyin the shin Yilosh wistfnlly marked-down lavender no!' replied the fat man "he only thing thing fity ma ready-made 18 8 handkare ohdef. r---- Young Poets "Yel T have writs ten a large number of paems, hat I do not prapose havin them pubs Hahod until after my death," Chorus of Friends (ralsing thelp hats) man," "Hera's long life to you, old RAR m - 5 hm a ------ _ = Occasional Chair Wonderful Value are these oes oaslonal chairs, The frames are solid walnut, The seats are upholstered in mohair with moquettes on hacks, $18.50 WINDSOR CHAIRS We have a Mull line of smart Windsor chairs and rockers In Riveh Walnut and solid walnuh Ranging in price from Nest of Tables hom ile s TNAR Nest, These are salid = Walnus, well made and $35 00 nicely finished, Very Special! Bed Spring, & Mattress Walnut finished Bed Coll or Sagless Spring, White Layer Felt Mattress Walnut Spinet Desk Solid . Walnut Spine Desk in the popular 13. in, sige that 48 so useful and does not take up much apace, SMOKER CABINET (hha Holi a Waluiit Bmokor sb MURR 10 ont, conn Mote with trays and ect $19.50 Mpeoinl Do Your Christmas Sho ping NoW...and benifit by Easy Payment Plan--as Hundreds Have Already Done Buy These on Our Club Plan Pay 1.8 Down Balance Divided into Equal Monthly Payments LAMPS "We have a fine stock of Junior | and eo Lamps in Silk, he if ment an eli, Mounted on Walnut finished Standards, price, fie oes $9.95 Complete from 1 WALNUT TELEPHONE SET Reautiful Walnut Telephone Set made from the Anes ses mon veehul gif, . Magazine Stand Naa Wy -- fom dQ.95 COXWELL CHAIR Nuydors Banishile Coxwell Chale upholstered tn Ane finde Thue Mahaip with whion Reversed with Cushion Reo JRTAR a... $65.00 er b> . \ Chesterfield * Table Walnut Table Carved carved Reautin! Chesterfield with hea logs An border tap. : $32.50: 225 Luke Furniture Company 2." $27.95 , 63 King St. East Phehe 78-79 Ea Ts Con" $3 75 Spetial Radio Sa oft Only a Few Sets At Present Low Prices SPECIAL! SPECIAL! he ws re vars Moguettes, The seats have hy pring eons struction to ensure comfort, $12.95 . Very aturdily cone Fine oominriahie Cavs Vory wl ata yy A) uote will

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