Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Che Oshaws Bally Cimes Bossseding THE OSHAWA DAILY REVORMER hy nowepaper published every sltornses ousept s and legal holidays, st Oshawe Canada. by Mundy Printing Company. Limited Chas. M. Mundy; President; A R , Bon rotary, 4 : The Oshaws Daily Times ts 0 womber of the Cane . disw Prose, the Canadian Dally Newspapers As "sociation. The Ontario Provinelal Dailies and the Audit Bureau or Clreulations, SUBSCPIPTION RATES Bebra by surir 186 » week By mail in Connde ovtes Oshawe sperier delivery Hmite) $400 » ' {on nited States $5.00 o pour, ; TORONTO OFFICE " Brad Building, 06 Tomperanse Sirol, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, repreventative RESENYATIVES INV. §, Pavers lone, Ines Now York asd a ------------------------ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1929 LOWER HYDRO RATES "Whe announcement that lower rates for eleetrle ht and power are to he made effective In Oshawa #8 once Is & very welcome one to the citizens, The reductions which are now in effeet mean un substans tial result In the cost of living and of delng business, and this Iv something which has been mush needed In Oshawa, where the rates, up to the present, have been mush higher than in other municipalities In the same class as this ity as to population, While the reduction In the demestic rate Is not as great ae many people hoped It would be, neverthe- Toss, it 16 & step In the right direation, and, should the new rates provide the surplus which Is expected, thon It ls quite likely that other reductions will fol: fow. Theat hay invariably been the result In muniele polities which have owned and operated thelr own power distribution systems, and there Is no reason why the same should not be true in Oshawa, "The new rates for commercial lighting and for power show more substantial reductions, and will moan a welcome decrease in the cost of both business Industry, Power costs are Important factors in wstrial production, and the lower rates will give industries an added Incentive to locate in this elty, The people of Oshawa have every reason to bes ¢ that the present eduction is but the beginning, - Oshawa rates are still somewhat higher than those In other cities in central and Eastern Ontario which have owned their distribution systems for some time, As time goes ony and brings with it peductions In the indebtedness of the system, coupled with increased consumption of elestrieity In the eity, # should be possible to supply that important come ty at even cheaper rates, The reduction in rates the fest { that the people of Oshawa acted wisely In in favor of the purchase of the elee- wie and gas distribution aystens, and that those who pore loaders in the campaign in favor of the bylaws Mave kept faith with the publie, Er ------------ A LAME BXCUSE Ht ---------- The city council, taking advantage of a teshniesl nlon given by the eity solicitor, has decided to take action on the petition asking for a vote on the tion of the council by a cltywide vote, instead of hy the ward system, and on the reduction of the or of members of the Counell, The Counell Iding iteell behind au letter aligned by its pollster, Ja questioning the honesty and the Integrity of these gltisens who ware the prime movers in having this Mtn presented to the council of 1938, and is des ned to prevent the electors of Oshawa from de- ing on (he farm of munieipal government which desire, von inthe face of the hy wolicitor's letter, how: well advised to ot ell heard, and the council w g opinion demands a reform ne Bit to the city, it "a hw dl, "Et in necessary, It will be a. 0 have a petition presented which will ves he the Srltical eye of the ity solicitor, but that should net $0 necessary. The council ean wet on ita own initia tv 2 Baar ty et ls Ad gan be changed a vote people it would | wise to giv Rha peal the antesaiy ot Hg ft is interesting to note that he announcement hat the town of Bowmanville is to consider voting J rohasing ia electric dintribution do simultaneously with the ans of lower rates for Oshawa, a direst res of the city's purchase of tts system, This should five every incentive to the peaple of Bowmanville Bt as the people of Oshawa did, overwhelmingly in yor of the purchase bylaw, 2 are new only a few municipalities left in the Ce en Onl. abit, ahah of having their len under the jurisdiction vincial commission, and the fogical step for THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1929 adguire these systems, so that they can secure thelr fulr share of the profits which they are paying Into the treasury of the Ontario Hydro-Klsctric System A VETERANS PILGRIMAGE An interesting pr Is thrown out for son sideration by the Stirting News-Argus, In Ws editor- inl columns, it suggests that an excursion back to the battlefields be arranged for the men of Canada whe served In the gress war, and that the Dominion gove ernment should co-operate with the raliway and stesmehip companies In making this possible, Hers Is the suggestion as I ls given by the Stirling paper: "That Ca stesmohlp and os hes wet toges 00° And inline bo das : Ay iy Th land Io Jee hes, Ee ti ar % oir int: hd C iyprecudon ool cole fe mone 8 8 new aa, | a though oven the exsaeryiee men hints | gone 40 for hs to suggest that It be made cursion, For the lapt two years Just such . a sion has been under consideration by the various proe vinelal and dominion commands of the Canadian Ye glon, and at the last Dominion Convention, held in 1928 in Bt, John, New Brunswick, the deminion exes outive was authorised to make the necessary Invasti- gotions na to the fessibitity of a pilgrimage of Cana: dian ex-serviee men to the battlefelds, That something of this nature will materialise Is very probable, Within the next paar or twa, Cans~ d's great memorial at Vimy Ridge will be completed, and will be ready for unveiling, What 'sould be mere approprinte than « pllgrimaga of tens of thousands of Canadian vetarans to Vimy Ridge to take, part Jn that great service of unveiling, The event in Itself would be sufficient inspiration to make Its eNects folt all over Canadas, and while the Canadian Le- glon has never at any time suggested that this trip should be a gift from either the governments in Can: ada or the transportation companies, It should not be dificult to arvange a pligrimage of this size at a low enough rate to attract a large percentage of the ex-service men of Canada, A GREAT EXPERIMENT Speaking at a dinner In Toronto, Rev, W, A; Me: Ilroy, executive sasretary of the Citizens' Service Ase sociation, gave a wonderful insight Into the great exe periment which this organisation Is conducting In the reclamation of men, The Cltlsens' Bervics Assoclas tipn was organised some months age, alter Chief Draper, of Toronto, had made an appeal that some: thing should be done to help men being discharged from prison to find thelr way back Inte lives of honesty and usefulness, It was admittedly an experi ments No one knew who it would work, but the results of the frst few months have proven the ex. periment te be & decided dussese, In the Ave months of Its astivity, according to Mr, Mellroy, the assoslation has aided 228 men on thelr release from penal Institutions, It has found employ. ment for them, and has helped them back to lives of wollspaspect and self-confidence, Of these 228 men, 98 per sent have kept on the straight path, and have settled down in thelr occupations with a will to do better, Only five per cent have fallen away from the path of rectitude, This Is & wonderful record, One has only 10 specu: late on what might have happened to these ninety. five per cont had there been no helping hand waiting for them on their release from prison, Many of them, It is safe 10 say, would have done exactly as the five per cont did, and would have continued in the path of erime. But the gospel of the second chance, of helping" the fallen sinner, has proven worth while, and the great emperiment has reached the stage where it san be shown that it Is ne longer an experiment, but & definiwely proven and useful work of service to humanity, SYMPATHY FOR MR. ROBB The people of Canada, irrespective of political afs fillations, are showing » deep interest In the dally messages from the sick reom of Hoa, Ji A. Robb, minister of finance, whe le suffering from an attack of lobar pneumonia, Mr, Robb is no longer a young man, and at his age In Nie, an iiness of this chara: ter must be regarded as serious, For that remson, there lo widespread sympathy for him in his affiies tion, and a widespread hope that he may safely pans through the danger zone, and be restored to his full health and strength, My, Robb 1s one of the outstanding Agures in Cans adian public life toduy, As a parliamentarian, he has won the respedt of men of all shades of political op inion, a8 finance minister, he has given honest and gerviee 10 he country: It Is to be be spared to continue in that life for which he has proven himsell so and a M---- It 1s not too early to begin to think about Chests mas shopping: E---------- Only seven weeks mow until Christmas, so that there is not too much time for that Christmas shops ping party, but we understand that only those of the male sex are involved, The girls defeated the boys in a public speaking , Gonteat at the Woodstock Collegiate Institute, Ry and by the boys will get quite used to that, F The U. F, O. party in the provincial parliament won't find it a bit difienlt to secure a quorum for a Party caveus, IT -------------- The deer hunting season is on, and the necenity for safety first is just a litle more urgent than before, has played a large part in the athletic life this year, and the achievements of the horees from the Patkwood stables mean another ime Be "No man over travelled the road to fame on & pass" says the Kitthenor Record, Rather a strange confession for a newspaper of which a federal cabinet minister to proprieten, ol [oa -------- Painters and decorators in Montreal are on strike, portant addition to the honors brought to the city, Other Editor's Comments A BION OF CHA CHARACTER Co Snap) i a, nko 14 on wi, mand Hat low itn A an as disguise ll the raiment oor ' hpeseh he hut never in the rips ond Jovers 4] "i I stone will il not formes h bots thotow ¢ agreed with Dr, J Svar 1 trusted the ' hi oho 0 oo) eartlly, When there wes » twinkle In the re Jere TY of henven In the hea a \ietows (elo 7 he once a over W yi that," " he recs hed She a ug 0 man fhe Bandon tn [1] AZ he i ly ne (Bran bord Thy " gi f mers A i sn od " on " oS) latins hy nd iE rds haven he ts by a iis b i Yaa nla yi Sh oD hey o inte wh by hy J " people 7 oul, y neon, hers "by y har sles "by Hymn, tails or if Tweed, rivers by Ford, wie og. iv merehuits hy Nod i, bs by Cites, churciigs by Licks HI tees by Oke, complexions by summer resorts by Houeh, aaiiul lovers by Lremblay, W---- EMPIRE DEVELOPMENT (Bir Mobert Maaneld in the kmplre Review) The principle ot kmpire develop Ment 1 ne why precludes fair sone petition by those, outnde the kin pire, It demands that we ourselves, in all parts of the kmpire, shud give rat consideration to Empire inter: ests, Onee that is accompished, Bris tish PL and products are quite capable holding thelr own In 1air competition with the rest of the word, and the increased kmpire pros parity which wowd arise Irom inten bive development of our internal re- sources would stimulate International as well as Inter-lmpire wade, An ingrenss In the total productivity wl mankind, as distinet from the rise ol One nation at the expense of another, benefits the whole world, snd the des velopment of kmpiry resources would undoubtedly have this effect, cnongs, Shieids, horses JARL (My Magusine, London) Juss Is one of the penalties we pa for having enslaved a nation, anc perhaps It may serve us right, For two centuries we were stealing men, women and children from the comets of Afrien and earrying them inte bondage ly America to bear the white man's burden in the hot seuths orn lands and the semi-tropleal is lands, Without property, without rights, without even & common lan: hosts of negroes were carried no a land with habits and speech telly fore) n to them, But in their hoatts + ure was music, The bare a ro song, with its ageoms paniment ° clashing spears and beats on tomstoms, survives in the perform Anees o white men who have fallen under the sway of that anelent an them of the jungle. The hideous Haro onlled Jase han reigned in Nope and Amerioa for ten years od Joes 4 we ' 8 that bh "0 [ veer bilterly avenued, AT [1 Bits of Humor "It's hopeless to try to meet & wos oy) qr a sheque, unless you are in [ Rau] ? t Whenever medical scienge finds a eure for one disease two more spring up in ite place, Ted"What's the difference be« tween & Scotsman and a storage bat: fer, oe don't know" "You ean't of the aris larger eities sehoals Seotaman,' foe yo en " shop ave bes ow It's up » jie a han lahe badly to hed one of our Adin Ntiversitios with p iar po t birde know what wings ave ore=)ackeon News, Destor==H'm! eSvere attacks, 8 in the neck w= hilioge TR i Fa on (continuing to write) = Hm, wo of memory, 00, GREAT SE The archbishop i Wr Jind 3 sermon WN the beaut oi Hl WW ing ents out at yA i! a fine Jotign his #lvs N way whe te WHEAT: un en Prrmven ors were boasting phat the \ hl vegetables they overcharge a headaches, one them ue = hy ARERR pS n ant -- aver Bi = ak A He yo LR RL al it aha) by measured to you again, =Luke ¢ Rc, pt That Body of Pours By Jamas W Berton, M.D, SWOLLEN VENT One of the conditions which may make you fesl a Hule ners yous is to pave [ome swelling of the feet and ank ow & number t] these cases 00 sur from tightly laced shoes, or shoes that nave A tight strap Aeross the instep, However, " valiing that iran without tiaht shoes or wre while not Away ] forighs, ¥ oAuNe you to via t your 1 tor at once, It Is usun a wenkened heart, " Tha Jing ng: 8 " Fr he (A u | an ginh pri " the eapilia or small vessels that le gh the arteries and veins, snd iH fied to oar olreuistion 5: hold the tuto by x of urine, id Kiologitts oll " hat the he neys show row ou than 60 per eant of the utd coat that are taken into the body, When swelling osours rest In bed fs the fipst and most fmportant form of trestment, 'This immedi ately helps the elroulation and the kidneys wet rid of an Increases amount of water, If the kidenys continue te de this 1t 1s considered a favorable sign, whereas where the output of urine does not equal 60 per ent of the Intake of fluids, it Is i favorahle, and strict diet and foal treatment must be und eriak- un you know, the kid Jork 80 (AF ma nide Mn regard to diet the chief points to watch are the intakes of flulde and salts, The patient must take an litle water as possible and do without salt, In regard to drugs that of course will vest with your physielan, The usual drug, as you know is digi: talls which not only slows and atrennthens the heart, but it is one of the hest drugs known for atimus Iating the kidneys to aetlon, However this fs up to your doe tor, not to you, Ho don't ignore swollen feet or legs, If not dua to tight shoes go to bed and sand for your doetor, Sain " 0. 3 Jus wh) EYESIUn! Eyesight 1 a priceless gift and show be properly cared lore OF all our senses that ot sight is the mos Wportant but like lie feel, wa take Ib 48 a matter ol course and nega 10 wive it the consideration it deser ves or the gare that it requires, Hyesight 1 an important eter in the educavon and menjal develop: ment eof mankind, It 18 through the eyo that the brain derives west of I inlarmation, 'Chere are very few kinds of work that ean be pe oh » od without the ald of sight and often the measure of our ability to see well and with comfort is the meas AUTE OF Our sueeess In the past when elvilisation was not so "daneed, when sommerce and finance did not make the demands upon the individual ha, they de toe day, there was not a0 large a fen centage of the ope av n thelr attention te ind and conser quently a smaller percent 0 of peas ple sultered from eye straih and eye troubles commen today, It is intended that these notes will briefly cover the various impers loot vonditions common 10 the eye today and 4 way make 1 oy more gens! av wh stood, Practically all the pare wi soudition can be thueiied ad gon idtions of vision and an be {eblated with ¢ Sort rate a itu on proper attend time, Theme of "Valiant" Depicts Filial Lo In Heart of Felon| For brilliant interpret! Paul + Muni an wrohill, a Ms he now on With a ogat headed Matqhenite fant," ploture NE --. of the same title Hall and hl be ushered re on Tiaday i " ne () a Wa! on dl ee the part of a son who, to the h identity that MWA "e may not be wrung wy gripping a hy the Shakeaite awards dle thelr y X. The vallant ne Vibrant wih ely aE the leading ui aul Muni, UN HE anh Spt oh \ # [Son wh he we Me wn erloans" an wotions oh na hm a dway se pH wy rrinelia 8 w» A) Shel ht Wad now on oludes De W TR Mg J Pa Mack Brawn, hl Janes H Hoare olka | pe " the Ft gt hit: THAT the Busines ping forward' AD Heh is, al AT merchandise must be ho wit hy the or to _- to the at the t priee, AT lve gy mhindy be hs. te ow Alvis ow? ky ak i wh, Uelhie ore NG THAT court | hat helps LT 1a THAT many people hesitate i a7 hot Sure aa Hod Welp them by ADVER. AT progn oltisons ik wl a busin bg 419 Drouressive merchants, Ht) nl! Pading She YolEheith pie ET | Bits of Verse | And SIAN { Ad Yor to nm hn you elude (hf truths of day, » Ave you and peace, where we bul strive And hope to find our way 1 drikined a dream, and through the clined to hers Hye orion lan ho! den girdle ound the wih Ih hung beneath my gase, Then oy "fly flokering from that \rky mist "fan. all the world rolled In my - ig wut the oe burning spots © | mised aloud, "What rack would it's tide 1" All ut "wo fmt heen n heard hi I rack of hh iuiden re hr lg pe dy Biren hast answered, may De o. these two Hghts understand." "The frst of the two" he murmurs 'Was lit where man killed man, to tow The sed of peace In hearts of men Locarno taught this light to grow, "The neon burns where Kellogg's pac Bid Sion sign, and to contract To outlaw war, to capture [He And Ju the dreams of nders PAR Tod rt HT) i ee in tod rays What light is Wi) fo "The eh sled § iy a BE , lh RH RA 00 on earth, woedwil to nd did it A aghd 1 Tha ed hat | Aoi a ve of | Nan a Cronyn, J "| GOLDFISH SHIPPED { FROM OLD JAPAN © Tokio, "AA 00,000 Koriye [yy Ao To ey ad BEET PRIVAT WiRNe TO ALL PRINGIPAG TERE . 3 war simpy | h Nara prefecture, This is the shipment of its kind on » vhe scale and may he the fove fe 1 of may more owing to Lhe recent inerease In the demand (dy oldlish In Canada and the United tales, The government rallway authori: ten were approached wilh rel to the manner of shipping the fis from thelr place of origin Lo & seb port, and inasmuch as twethir of the fish Kenora) dle on the way, the waif way officials decided to ship them first class on the same traing carrying passengers, The fish are ssid to be of ¢ rarept and cholcest species it fish and We a sontained In 1 0 Kegs of about forty Wola Ht neh, SA | Sos FbRtoNg & i "toad Ottics, Hatin d ad Refoy 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 sing, creating, training, COMPARISONS ARE ODIOUS, BUT Don't let a contractor bulld your home, whose single frequently to make the possible job; you being unconseis ous that it may be of inferior mae terial, and of the conditions he ls Choose a whose source of from a dependable lumber both as to material and service, The building of a successful home requ'res the best of mate- rial, as well as long and careful (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 purpose is cheapest reliable contractor supply comes yard, hon Sle sneer a NW (LINTC OPPOSITE PENNA, RR, STATI A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, Clreules Tce Water and many other a featuring a sincere spirit hospitality, 8, 0, KILL, Geneval Meansger', LAR old \owa| Fr. O'H Telephone Raine A al . WW Ww gh DOMINION. BANK YOMONTS * BARNA» SINAWA Bsn Gonoaha Flotel, Oshawa We BARN & CoO.

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