Fine Meeting Of Local Chamber Of Cor THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1929 Soy Is Reserved In Arbitration On Closing of Oshawa St. In DEFENDANT GETS BENEFIT OF DOUBT Ege Court Uncertain as to Whether Certain City By. laws Govern Cedardale Rr a A Dye p law passed hy the a] lalpal eavporation of Oshawa distrlots which were nat Had " the orpomlon a the wy Aw Was made lawl he tel ish question w oh vas valued } police eaurt hestst when Frederik May aview Gardens, Cedar: wan halled before Magistrate i N10 AREWEF A charge of let ¥ aM ehinkans hip 9 Arie, WY ner ont " ¥ all te he 16¥ and he arrived Lhd ios: ater with a eopy Ww passed hy the then town MWS in 1007 forbidding Holt tn allow thelr ehlekens to yh proved that this hy dan Hen to a district which was hide od In the elty at the time , [4 wi pi HO whe the ton asked hy DA, 1, Hwan: defence pounual, eo oonrt vecopnised that here "a problem which would vequire rent ol of Inventignt ion and popaihly rasaareh an the part of the Rt slleitar, fi Maglsirate Wil a not wish te léhutise Mars F Mjourniny ha eourt, he pe dlamissed the ease and advised him to keep his ehiekens S88 thor livestoek on hs awn pros ai of Marahall's, whe ii at the pouliry were i'd party Was Inetrnots rlend ta tmpaund li hie If they econtine a hele SpredatIon, Tr are now BYE aviation Pray and 1060 aviation firma Wn United States, A 9©he ~ Coming Events | nuked word each tne Phnrge |] he, AND BARAAR, ah Now, § # A Ukranian on norih west UNTT YRER we vabigR AND awa. Rusedny, Des, =e AGH BALR wing foam PEAR Maman, Pride a i di ity fe hy Eis OND f ahh on AqUATe Gy Fred Chmars a Claims os to His D loving Fr Time Ago om wa | Street and Opening Third, Avenue by City Some CITY CLAIMS THE ACTION A BENEFIT All Other Claimants With- drew Actions and Chm. ara's Original Claim of $7,000 Narrowed Down to One of $800 Judgment wis reserved Tn aftepnoon by J het Fhompsan of tj proeesdings over streel Int " Hi of ox Oshawa, sjrge and the ety LUN Ihe ease ba out of of & rine hy the ely po 10 alesse Ouhawa ifak 10 a venue this Rostton 0 1 Phillips fuminiy, paasing of the bylaw, the Ushaws. th he fil ond hy i" BEBIF tho hh EY Chinen glaimint the passing ame Hine pireet from and sony 8 ateeet 10 the VY, Nowing ihe red Chima dni others made 8 motion in the Rupreme Court uf the bylaw, but (his mot fused, After the passing of | Oniar 10 qunsh on was res he bylaw to glose the street, the gly wa % J apveement with ihe Oshawa " wiy Company anid order hy the Damimon ally waa AN Kanllwiy Beard 10 open Third avenue across the Oshawa Hallway racks, thus iving the residents of Oshawa aiegel Wh elTeRs to Albert are avenue, When this waa the slalmanis exept withdrew thelr elms, of hy Third done all o Fred Chinara Perslote In Claim Chara elated 87,000 damages and persisted In hia ¢ olin, Al arbitra fon sourt was held hers yesterday before the sounty Judie 16 pine hat damages, 11 any, he wis tle by) | LN deter At the arbitration Ro gand nun the alaim narrowed down 10 Fe basis of claim was $30, Chinas ohielly haw od on the Interruption or detpbmeny he had 'suffered asa result : bia, wid he aebonp fading of the hat rumors and the yen sion that Oshawa street would elosetdl had yotarded the lots, The oititled 10 damages 6 that the prope ty od In aye y AWA AlFeet ane Hh witness fo Shinra wees sell and his brother, LN City Claims Bene Wilnargs for the § Ll hl Ath, a and hi hy slosing uy ening of "| Chm RLY hd an Wa ots 0 eity, AOONS vd hi avenue i '} tlhe Avenue of «the oral pres he sale of his Jue ruled againat this ground and held that he was only the extent id heen deorens: the elosing of Osh the epening of Third hme har et oh, I Hart i the the ape wd piven 8 10 the re: he now had pave: bert street Hat h wueh RL distance street than Wa street, A "BUY [TNE Wh Wit REE our stock are hth PAY at atid MBA bY IN 64 LKR Lo Wo paved perly was the ease i i for the 14 Hoh oi "Wl GIVEN REST MAGINTHATE A, ¥, HIND Wha his heen granted » monthe' leave of absence hy the elty edanell, Major Hind han been the oily magistrate for en yours MAGISTRATE. HIND GIVEN SIX MONTHS LEAVE OF ABSENCE Counell Takes Unsoliglted Action Due to Major Hind's 11" Health Major AF Hold, ely patie ma fliatrate, will he given six months ave of ahaenves with half pay on aeeount of 1 health, the gly eonpeil deeded at last night's meeting when it adopted a motion moved hy Al Gen, Hart and geeonded hy An Pn Ac MacDonald James Willis, police maps ate of Whithy, will ofelate mo plage of Magistrate Hind at wa salnry of $200 per month during this period the eounell . deelded, The souneil had received assuranve from Magisteate Willls that he would be willing 10 at "1 oweuld like to point ont that Mauisteate Hind did not request the eity eounell for leave, hut was ana fous 10 continue in his duties," Mayor Mitehell eammentod Hut his doe wor has informed me that unless he takes a rest he may sulter serions consequences, The elty of Oshawa In my opinion should be prepared (0 nme 1n he wasigtance of any of LEY aonvanis Al Douglas strongly favored the ous re pointing ont that Majo Hind had wor only rendered faithivl perviee Ao the eity for many years, but that his present ness was due 19 A disabiliy whieh he had received while serving his 0ountvy overseas The motion passed unanimously I might be mentioned here that Mautatrate Hind was police ehiel of AL for several yours previous \e the Great War, Shortly ~ after the outhreak of hostilities he enlisted and WERE OVEFSAR An & @aptain In the Ontario Regiment, attaining the rank of mjer while fn active aerviee, Af ter Bia Feturn 19 the eity he was ap aolnted mapintrate and has served in ie CapARity for practically the past OR years, On aceount of injuries heh Ae received In France he has WW ered from a disability and has re eeived treatment from Hime © tine n \he Christie Nireet Military Hos MN al Jaron Neothornte) Mm the motion was : planse expressing the sincere wish o the council that \e WA he presently he restored to full heal hand vigor and be able 10 resume Ma duties as pole manintrate Copy o conclusion of the taking of evidence Judgment was reserved, with Chinara's solieitor given the MEAL 10 AUDI WRIHOR argument on the point on which the fie had led againat hin i a i ------ MeOILLIR =n the Oshawa Gene oral w tH, Tuesday, Novem AN 19 Mp and Mrs Hato Medlin (hes Ada Oh Nw) 111) Brace AL A Wen, HITBY THURSDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER Tth Big Parade 7 pom, Fan and feelin or every body. Drawing for prises at 11 pw Ie the event of rain Mir Wil be hel Friday Whitby Street * Fair Committee Picture "The T Shop" Was Very Applicable To hs During the Tater hall of the week the Regent Theatre exhibited a TiN "w olor sym ihony winder the head: nig wf "he ny wy Bliop/ 'Ihe story was of u toymaker In a dite, N ih villuge, and the pleture towed bi fn working st his Isbowr | ol love, tling great Joy In his wrt Brosen ly, " looking out of his window hy h wilh todo souple WM ype Hi yo uh his wares, 0k examining the toys, a litle Alfl of very poor parents ewme dhrough the sew, tor it wis Chelate ha hi MOWING Quits hegvily, I d the arm of the well-tos Y Indy timidly, Yer jer trouble she poselved a Hhgle Slap " the (aes which knoek the Hw wl the sngry fig ipl » Lack iy it hi h tantriin, | Ll Al hi ry sein by the toymake er, whe wits Bled with wnger ub the thuuuhtlen 4 opie, and with heart with pi he fuhed outalde ani Wied the Title wall and eirried her inte his store, whieh was alse his hae, Phere he saw 10 her wants, Lovarited hes with stoekings for hey little font, lenving her 10 play with the toys while he went into the next Yoom io Jrebare her a meal, While doing this, the little girl fol asleep and had a wondeiul dream In whigh the toys all some to life and iw On & regular pantomime for her eneht, When she awakened the toymaker took her imo the next room where he hid prepared 4 wonderful mein for her ni the Dloture closed with anil of kindness, Show. A YOUNRMEr A 1] "ih (4 eh she had pproprinte to Owhawa This picture was slngu hy ag prints to this ty at this tim ny 7 od As there 1s & toy shop in ls midst, which, sithough not, se ple tresgue, and although not run by one ian, In striving to follow the thampe | of the toymaker of the ihe Vreneh village, by providing toys lo wll the poorer children of the oality, The to Bouts who re of the a 7 pilring old foys they uae to thelr and giving them te th who were jyminte by, the hii fi The wl 4 fo peuple, Jfepresents the only : Jhawa who are In gamfortable olrgumstanees, and 1 |v In the power of thess people to els ther help Ih the taymaker look after the needs of thes youn Sirk of 10 administer » sharp reby them "they did In the story, any people who saw this beaut! ful Nile # bieture must have felt sorry for the Hitt wall In her plight, snd any must have felt fanny tht the taymuker wins so good to her, These sine people have the same oppor tunity in thelr hands, and they oun do an they please In the matty, Colleotion ~~ depots for our local toy shop are ul the oes of The Oahawi bal Times, or the Fire Hall, Oy hone onl 10 11OW or dg will bring a seout to eelleq: them this just J little or ng t Hy 0 tuys and lon been' aed. shop Is run by the Boy fessht fis vo oy naker geting and ye "Whiéh are of furs IFUReNnt owners, " foor ehildren nthe story Eh, Albert St. School Wins The Dr, Kaiser Shield For Fire Drill Competition Albert street public sehonl won the vight to hold the eoveled Kalsar Bhisld for the semi-annual fire drill sompetition held In all the elty's eight public sehosls and Bt, George's separate sehool, The competition was held last Friday and yosterday, with Fire Ohler R P, MacKensie of the General Mot or Fire Department aoting wa Judge The weens ld a class room In any one of Ocshawa's publio schools and separaie sehools on a busy morn ing, Pupils are working at thelr depka, the tenohors are husy at the DIRON hon rds, Ah oconslonal small boy In poking We nelghhor or al LAMPHInE to okt AR apple without being ween, & Jittle girl Is whis paring weoretly (6 her olass mate The tenchey A aware of a faint murmne of disorder and turns around to say reproachiully "Now Clann." One lanes nero the room In enough, the yo In stealthily restored 16 the desk, the sossipy Hitle lady ceases her whispering | a eimai tain and avery head is bent Industrie GuUsly, The silence Is only hroken hy the seratohing of penells and penn and the gentle hissing of the pleam radintors, The leather re urna (6 her work at the black hoard "Fire Drill" A minute later gongs ring loud through the halls and corel dors, The seens ls changed ab fuptly Hoys and girls Jump AMARLLY to thele fost and on every mouth Is the ward "fire drill)" The teacher gives a hrief order and In another second the pupils are pouring out of the elas room In an orderly line, first the girle and then the boys, Out of every clams room they come and move quick: ly thronah the. halls, There hurry but no confusion, The axits of the sohiool hallding have all heen opened and In almost less time than It takes to tell the sehool has heen emptied of sveryone from the prineipal to the smallest puphl Fire Ohiet RB, FP, MacKensls, of Este on Page BH) ly = [ CITY AND DISTRICT NE a BUILD NEW RRCTORY fokering, Nov, S=A new rectory ih sontemplated at Plokering, Ww which parish, along with that el EMAbarion, the Rev, EC, Robinson, I of Nehomberg, Pe been ape pointed Ihis week, ARNTHENCOR SUSPENDED A young North Oshawa woman who wan convioted In polles court reeantly on A charge of vagraney, was allowed suspended sentence when she appeared In eaurt fot aehionee thin Sarhing, Through the efforts of Crown Attorney Gibbon and others, the girl will W Ineed 1a A good home and she will ave AVOLY OPPORLURILY 10 Wake £00 PRR UNCALLED FOR A Trig Swan at the Oshawa rien as MILK PRICES UP Residents of Oshawa received nos tee this morning that milk prices had advanced 10 fons per pint amd 14 conta per quart, 16 pint tekets are now being miven for $1.10, The notes intmmted that the increase was due to an advance In milk pris oer paid to the producer, CAR aTOPS INDICATED Street ear stops In this elty have been indicated hy the painting of a white steip on poles at the corners where the ears will step In (ute his work was done last night hy the Oshawa Railway Company, and Preceded the patti | inte effest of a hotter street ear servie In thin ely, apr for which are now going for ward atively, LOL. NAM Birch Clift, Nov, oe Bluffs, LOL, at ita annual meets ing held at Midian avenue sehow! tonight, elected ve a whi ¥F, Phoenix, Rant ty master; N, Who J. wy Rute: Collin Sm in 'y Leslie and Ho A Jw M, AAR all, RL on NA + Wan elected Hon, 3 OFFI Aan NH, Henry Rooke, oh i AB DR FEATED ents of this aR han with interest in thi rank X xX Sehwa ote hat he % Ma IX, AW Ear (RN £4 de endeavoured to locate tn LA) ME Whe won rat place in the ohana for babies six WonRtha to one yeer od at the Wy show, haa not been called for kA parents ot the oh are po ost at the offfee of C, vin, a of the Fair Buy Wi ret we weit fT, an ED ivi of he bole XS --. My Hand" he ht ¥ are tion of ¥ wali a Raoigpiin] NL) A J I} day, wh a wh tH ol ah Vineeny, A od the ip With LIRA AL Wen ne oh he dine RAR ATS pared NORTON PORTER The funeral © wood tor haw wo \ NR Khawa in RRS Rt Jah AW Al Iino My hg vm Tha a oN Rov asia by the WV, id od Havelook, OTR ad - RPVIoe Wan Stn of the Non we RR ho Wah Wm his 300A a ha Ws np ARE mothon, Mw and Mre, NW, Ny of Teronte, of EA Mey) hla three former Mitery N W, Oalawell, of Subs \ anroul And Mie, NN, J Whatton, wo , ot three brothers, J, P, © RR i ton, Oshawa, and BW, A th 00 LATE TO CLASSIFY wh Ly ™ (11 a oath. ge HR . Pox ¥ Sethe tio How, 4h qa plove oa wmachine, hey § LLL" SERNA Dungatow hardwood dod, Man pation, new window, hinds he Ares pply | Phone 443, SPEAKS TO KINSMEN REY, 8 CO, JARNNTY Of Trinkty Churels, thin olty, and Judge of the Juvenile Court; who will addvess the Kinsmen's Club how omorvow nlht, CHAMBER VALUES C0-OPERATION OF R. S$, WLAUGHLIN G.M.C. President Made Pos: sible the Financing of New Arena The Chamber of Commerse went on record Jest night ax commend Ing Mr, I, HN, MeLaughling pres! dent of General Motors of Can ada, Ltd, and prominent eltisen, for the gensrons support which he has piven In the establishment of an Artitiolal lee wrens here, Hpa olal mention of the nsalatanes whieh wan rendered hy Mr. Me Laughlin towards the accomplish ment of this project was contained in the report of the directors which was adopted by the general membership The directorate of the Chamber of Commerce realised the preat need whieh existed hers for a hoo kay and skating avena and through the appointment of a special eom mittee with Me, George Hessel wood an ohalvman, snecsssful ne potiations were carried out with the Clty Ture Tee Company to es (Abliah the arena, The bullding In now under construction und should he ready for eparation on January 1, Tt fs a wall known faot that had not My, MeLaunghiin made his publiospivited offer to finanes the undertaking, Oshawa would probably have heen without an APenA Tor another season at least, COMMENDS ACTION ON BUS SERVICE The Chamber of Commerce Ia nheht passed a resolution a Ing the eity conned fof 18 action dn AEFARK INGE & meeting with the aMelals of the Oshawa Rallway Co, for the purpose of windy ing wavs and means of providing has transportation for those sections oF the eity which, are not served hy the present street oar He, The resolution was moved by Ac Wo Bell and seconded by W, Lyin, "Thin matter has been wnder eon sideration for EOME HIE. NOW, " Mr Bell commente, "and TT think thy olty eounell {x showing t8 willing NORE to annist Wn solving the ditienlty by arranging an informal meeting with the raflwvay company." PAGE THREE Owing to Hotel Oshawa Not Being Ready, Provincial Convention Will Be Held , In Toronto, But Under " Ausplees of the Oshawa Organization RESOLUTIONS ARE GIVEN SUPPORT Chamber Urges Government to Supervise All Tourist Lodges--Endorses Inter. Empire Trade Conference w=Disapproves Compul- sory Automobile Insur- ance The Chamber of Commarea de wlren that Oshawa ba representsu hy at least one hundred parsom at the big banquet to he held in the Noynl York Hotel, Toronto, on the night of November 14th in connection with the annual eonven ton of the Noards of Trade and Chambers of Commerea of Ontario being held under the nusploss of the Oshawa Chamber of Comers on Thursday and Friday, Novem. ber 14 and 15, (It Wan arfginelly lanned to hold (the convention ware but due to the fact that it eoild not he ascertained whether the Motel Oshawa would he able to necommodate those attending the convention, It was decided to tranafer the convention to Terento In sxplainbng the situation st a paneral membership meeting of the Chamber of Commerea hald in Ro tary Mall, Inst night, COeorge W, MoLaughiin, president, pointed out that after the Ohamber of Com meres had received assurances that the new hotel here would be open in time to accommodate the dele gates to the convention, word had inter heen received that this might not he possible The commities fn oharge had therefor nemotint od with the Roval York and was fortunate In belnk able to secure reservations for the two days of the ponvantion, After nagotintions han heen completed the commities was informed that the Hotel Oshawa would he ready to accommodate the delexates hut hy this time I WAR 100 Inte to make any change, Leon Fraser, seopratary, stressed the fact that It was highly desir able that Oshawa make a pood showing at the banquet, In aplie of the fet that the convention was heing hold ont of the ally, he pints od out that it was under the au: apleen of the looal dhamber and it world therefore he necessary that bihe elty make ag good a showing an posnibhle on the night of the banquet, Arrangements for trans portation have hebn made and tek oth for the banquet may he ween od from the weopetary, Bleven of the following named members will reproseht the loeal ohamber at the convention, It was deelded ast night: President Q Woo Melaughlin, Seoretary Leon Fraser, Mayor T, 0, Mitohatl, 0, BD, Conant; Gen, Hart, H, P, Sohal A w Nell, Frank LL, Mason AB oy FJ, Reddin, 0, 0 Hodgins, » Young and KE, A, Lovell, Coplow of the resolutions to he ommerce Last Evening Convention In Royal York Under Auspices Of Oshawa, Chamber November 14,15 MUSICAL PRORRAN AT KIWANIS CLUB EE . Mr. and Mrs, George Dibble intertain at Meeting Yesterday Mr, and Mrs, Georges DIG, of Miohilgan, were the feature artists at the vegulny mesting of the Osh nwa Kiwanis eloh yesterday In Welsh's parlors, Mr, Dibble entertained the club with woveral songs, Interspersed with bite of philosophy helween, all dellvared In nu humorous manner that kept hig nudlence keanly Inters opted Retarving briefly (0 the meetings that he and his wife sre gondueting In King Mi United Chureh here, Mr, Dibble sald that hey wore trying to make them dif erent from the ordinary religious warvioes "I helleve there is ton muoh preaching and not snough ministry today," he snld Mrs, Dibble recited Kdgar Guest's "IE tnlien a heap of living In A house to make » home" aoeoms« panded at the plano by Mareld Muss talne, The meeting was In oharge nf Kiwaninn Rey, ©, 8B, Crary, who Intenduned (he artists, President Ad Pari somounosd that the Wiwants Ch would held a Las Alen' Night on November 18, MRS, DIBBLE WILL SPEAK TO WOMEN A special nueting for women and hele of the ety will he held an Sune day afternoon by Mrs, George Dibe ble, the woman evangelist confuetin meetings In King street United ehurdh, Mrs, Dibblo's subject will he "Mather and her Daughters" Last evening Mrs, Dibble spoke on "The Vine and the Hushandman," relating this stery to Christian ves, AL the meetings which have heen held hy the Dibble PALLY sinee thelr api ned on Sunday hive optionally we ot Attended, AY ROTVICON heen exe A stan administered In the talkies tant night, sounded Just tie It used te In the disteiet sehoal, == Jewall (Kan) Republican oy prosented by various hoards 'of trade and chambers of commeloa at the coming convention Wire submitted to every member pegs ant Jaat night and the delegages were given atruetions as to Ww potion they should take with Hy gard to eartain of the resolute he, Hndorse Trade Conference A reholution sponsored hy the Toronto Hoard of Trade to the pfs hx that the Ontario Associated Roards of Trade and Chambers 'of Commerce endorse the principlacet holding a conference with rey pentatives from the various DAT of the Kmpite on tha subjeat bt intorsampiee trade will be appw of bY local delegates it wan - ida: inon motion presented LP, Behell, last night, 8 Rano. ution No, 4 on the a 100 the eonference will also ba Ap» A proved by the Oshawa dolowatln, (Continued on page 8) J - ELEVEN YEARS AGO Special | ati Armistice Service {| Sunday Morning, Nov. 10 at 10.55 a.m. All Ea-Stvice Men, Veterans, Members af The Canadian Legion and Ontario Regiment, are cordially invited to attend this service Rev, Captain Harston will Preach,