Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Nov 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1929 PAGE ELEYEN Miss Hard-Boiled BY JANE DIXON Mustrated by Armstrong Perry What Had Gone Before Raquel Rojos, to tight trom her oo fiome In Hermosa on the Mexican a Wi - ey re on he fe border, hag taken 8 trefn headed for Phoenix, Arizona, As she rides, her thoughts turn to Her: , Moss; to the romantie Jack Par: "yell, 'whom she loves; to Bill Johnson, whom ahe Jilted; to (dly, the singer at Keno Joe's place, the Idorado cabaret; to her (father, anehn, Hpanigh gentleman by bivth, Mexican bandit by profess lon, Now, sitting in the train, she recalls how whe rushed to her fath- or from Keno Joe's place to warn him that the police wera after him Ohapter B A great hunk of a cattleman "half-way up In the vattling day conch bad notfeed Raquel, He was ogling her, His moon ayes, In the shadow of his sombrero, were searchipg and avid for the beauty of her, Raquel did not fiineh under his fatuous gage, Bhe held his eyes firm, flashing him a message of sold repulsion, Wig face reddened, His eyes wavered "Coward," she thought, And turned away her head, All men were eownrds, perhaps, Jack Warpell, Pancho, her father was & soward, A henvy-fisted eraven, How fear had drained the flush of the flery tequila from his face the night ahe threw herself upon him and erled to him that he must go away, nuleks ly, whila there was time, Except, mon, Lily hag turned traitor, Tdly was roink to give him up to the law, And hadn't she, Raquel, always tld. him and hedn't Toey, her mother, algo told him he would fome to no good end, scheming als wave with low peons? Pancho had cursed and eringed ind elgmned about the shack In a panio of fanr and rage, Thep, as abruptly as herself had fumned from the rumbling adaba wa'l heyond the Bldorado, Pancho shot out of the Rofos shaek, Nolselesnly Ragual Ranunel followed, malving him at a distance, It was as she honed, Panoho mitered an adohe hut with barred windows at. the far end of the lane, They would he inside, those black. prowed avil-amalling somnan 'ons of hs, denking tequila and boasting of thal erimes, Crimes that vere and erimen that' were to he. "M1 matt ahs told heal? Rhe i down hehind a vine at'a pnrnep of the hut, How long hee vigll had lasted she conid net guess, fihe only knew thet from tha hips down, her lawn were numb, Wer bodv ached with the tenslon of eramped mus: eles, Hhe dared not move, A rustle even might bring one of tha hand down on her, And these men would be in no mood for parley, Skulk. there... they would strike first, fiscover afterward, Juat to breathe oe a knife In her hreast, Nhe Ae something, Another mine ute of this agony was an tnthink. able horror, The door in the middle of the hut soraped along the hard dirt floor, Homeone was drawing it Int 'ward, A man slouched to where the path leading to the hut 'ha "Jane, His head maved slowly, left to right, describing almost a com. plete orole, We whist'ad softly, and shamhles, down the lane In diree Hon of the town, A fow more minutes and two Joan from the cabin repented his rlopmange, "en two mare, Then ne, looking the door after him, Bix «ll, Romething significan' wan ANE to hnanen, "Raquel followed the lat man at fo Mintance,, As whe antloinated, wiv led straieht to the Widor ado, It was getting Jate; Through open doar she canld see Keno was dessried save for iin of the hand, the ro " Jor hmse'f, and Lily, No, there were two others, A stranger, tall and slender sitting +t a table with Jud Thomkins, re uted ewner .of vleh sliver mines hn Bacateons, The stranger's table was Bear the door, His back was toward Raquel. Bhe could not see hla face, \ Raoual howd Pancho, her fathe tN eall Lily to join him and his mpantons, Drinks st around, ane, Joa*' Pancho was feeling axe "ll by beneath the root, oh fA his shart fat body 3A 'ohahee, An If a maw oir feet, A command a hi trogeting ta pull away na handkerchief ve Av ther knatted her hands be Bi fo thin wisps ana Wak anafust the wall, Range! mugt have kpown this was ne oor caslon for argument, "Kany now, Aly," Pancho warn- ed, "We Just kind of decided, and my friends hers, that this town of Hermosa Is not any tee good for you, Thought you might like & change of alr, We aim to help you get it, We'll take you neross the border tonight and ses you got on a train In the morning, You've headin' south, My, Best not to stop iN you get to Torreon, Or Mexlso Clty," IAly's 'uness were giving way under her, Two of the hand sup. ported her toward the door, "And TAy," Panehio ealled after her, "it's be plumb foolish of yon to come hack any time whatsraver, Some of us around her knows who it 1s you're shielding that shot Pascal Peres In the back fo you'd hatter not show wp here again!" The two "escorts were Rlmost at the door pow, half Arageing, hale onrrying (Rt wwiing bur: | en, 'of Raquel bewildered him, "I want you te bulld me a stone house, bigger, I deserve hotter than me | her, "Htone costy 1romey," Johnson's |b bushy brows drew together over hig: troubled eyes "Six voomu seems Ite aplenty," They were sitting on the bengh outside Pancho Rojo' adobe hut, fiaguel rose, fluffed out the folde|d of her faded green lawn dress, prinked at the flama-red Ra + flow Hower, she had tucked | the ' ae Lo her bluck hair be ina her [] "' man up at Pete's store this ming she ava. Innily, "He |" bib [11 L ad Tt with iver trim" 'oRuson renrossed his legs, il L) fed the toe of "w dusty { ly hiss Farrel, Jack rell, Ho's an en«inear, Something shout mining, My, but he's hl somel" Tiaquel's eyelids, ver -------- a ------ file ve. Iived the seene, hack there in Her " Raanel nS Haught of ¢ N 4. Joe's the nizht o 08 ree nT about some of t that eng neive, A luxury, counae, A 'rieh a Tian renca. Kent under look o bi toh round ba'd to fete eo 0QENAL, mr Slatnpen the stairs than the he room wide : «wend ne heen 'waved aver it, and his compan. Pv vody wok. Quiet now, No- » Rater saw the glint of steel, "elamped aver her hr re binding her A Hy ved han aed ie hand aver her mauth, PUA her Wer atraws-calored hale wooo nied inthe straeele, steel aut | son We two Wen at the table near b dnor hed vlsen and stern ed phessad they were wnarmed, Rutt «' ather they were oF not, al. \ She was willing to be seén open- as they passed along the An fmpulse to step inside, to giva (the Allip. of her presénee to this exeiting play wselze" Raquel, fhe wave way to It, Shemttod, stpaieht and slim, the vIvidnéss of her thrown nto startl. ing relief by the dusky eurtain of night outside the door, A half smile wave an upward curve to the erimson bow of her lps through which her testh, closed Hightly, shone blue-white, A spray of purpleshougainvillea from the vine under which she had walted was oaught fn the blrck swirl of her halr, She might have heen a hnaeohante, plquante, eager for the fennt, The "escort" had brought Lily to the deor, Raquel meved aside that they might pass, Lily's rolling, oro trading eyes were arrested by the apparition of youth and beauty and smiling approbation which son. fronted her, A groan escaped from under the dirty ved Bandana, Her ripe hody stiffened, "I'l tell BHI) Johnson you were fn such a hurry to leave vou canid. n't ston to bid him poodbye™ Ras quel ited after the trio, "Good ludk, Lily, m¥ fat trusped 'hen ™ fhe heard a voles hehind her, The voles of the stranger, murmurs tow to Jud Thomkine, "Who tn whet 1t sald "Rhea heavntitnl, Weantifnl an a dream Aut WARDAOAIT ED. And how!" Rooanal walked slowly, swavine with the Hthe wmrace of a vounw sanling, toward the mrouwn af evil Toaking men standing with her fathar at the tahle, "Well done, Pancha" she sald "Come on. 'The play Is over, Time we went home," The men were pasketine, hal: st ring thelr pune, Keno Joe came wheering down the stiira with the cornage, "A treat for the men, Joo" ords ered Ranuel, "Panehe's Aomtne with me" wh a Lily?" = ore y Tope of " Tiive pone fo wal [ho too hot tn here Ah oN hi ~~ Hh Pupnone he had fe w iow E ¥ mar : tein aoross the hoard od ¥ oi had pame ta the Ridaradn the at hefare, Or the night after, She, Ranuel, would yot then he in thig trata honed fop New York, for whe khew what wally cavneted Neti of hiv advens ture, She would he back tn Wen mesa, marvied to BIN Johnson, Or ab. ut ta he married to him, Make ing Teady for life in the ble stone house he had promised to hatld for her an the ten acres out hy Pueblo Sheet 'The place he had hought for LN Lily's was to ha a tix-room frame huge, Tt had heen no trouble at all, Raauel found, to wheedle a lnzear stone house owt of John » es ity n igi Mb Li 0 ABER} ' en" Told. Johnson. " we ah nh between t aa do wered eattloman asked lag The changing moods who had called her "hard: that night in Kena Joe's RAMI Ing place, axes And the tonwue that ha 1¥ klssed the Rlarney vg Farrell now we Clandestinely. That bY the 19 were elandestine an far vl WOR Wag concerned, py grove " Her fog! "ai HE Warm and vital and vouns, way Ma ved bale brashed from his brow, Reuna to amaath ft, ta know the of. it un her fingers, hotnte, ff Hinet po a" when he talke way, And his laugh? oonld nat help Light of heart, roving from Hermosa, Onlv Raquel held him, He had not told her a much, but she knew, There was a tacit undoretanding hetween them, She was tn his blood like wine. When he was with her, she wanted anly to stay F0 on and on, Ta Alaska, was thinking of Moran or to them, ong of the South Aweriean repubds me 'a do? [lex ar Northern Africa whither fapoy was fitting, Iv w"h him, Bhe clung te his arm main street, son had seen camellia petals exacts Iy lke them, ,, closed dreamily, "Abo 1b our house, Jittle Kar quel," Johnson motioned her tos ward him, "If your heart Is set on a stone house, stone it's got to be, You draw a ploture of what you think you'd like to have end I'll send It on to Phoenix mo's the bullders up there can draw the plana," Getting a ten-room atone mansion out of Johnson had been An BABY a8 Lhiat, The promise of a wedding trip to Ban Francisco, though, had been more diffoult, Johnson was set on honaymooning along the Rio Grande, There was an lsolated ranch house on one of his trate, Rullt by a fellow from the Kast who tired of tha desert loneliness and returned to the more acute hy more glamorous loneliness of the elty, "1 want for us to be alone, little Raquel," Johnson insisted stubs bornly, "I never get you to myself, whet with your folke and all of Hermosa stieking thelr noses fn our affairs, This ranch house I'm telling you about's got a_patio and this loco fram the Fast even piped rinning water inte 11," Raquel turned away to hide the wrimnoe of distaste she could not heln making, fhe wished this that Kreat hunk of a cowman would stop his stunid drooling and mo about his husiness, ®he was moing to meet Tack Farrell, Jack, the Stranger, fled" Jack with the me ary Raquel hag heen Jhesting ey for ral " Raquel Nata ab Panohd plaving the a over ghter's eonnvest of the , hnmbre- in Ferma, he tor Mttle eles, t was there anout Farrell that Arew her, like a marnet, fro [he son for herse t Ak had so definitely He was women The back Ranuel was alwave Ria tve, caressing oven | nthe most casual You simply! uehing with him, What was it Jack sala? { "I've hung my hat under more! Ran diffarent tlage than any man of my afe In this or any other eruntry, A rover, Jaok Light of feat, Soon he would b his aide, to where he | 4 pid Wait A fnject AP ud Why toned Adventure. 70 go places, To 4 things... people, Aller sil, money was not worth as mich as she had thought, Johnson bed it, And here he was, ving about in the Anst of Homo, " t 4 fe ie arpio i nt i had very Ie etre ie Pragtisallp mone, (9 com 1 4 Johnion Yet Par 1 Tived, He He Jovi " iw Parrell Wage (3s mest meaning of gt gl che poner. Jt Nite etry dh wan the nearest to a Stapiad, ont Johnson had ever paid, Not that in kd ong grist witafied wit it, on I in ly avd do 1" We iho Like » bine bat trp oe lo 4 wo " forgotten SE Fhe must not ia i ig Was §0« hy 4 meet Vai Inft Md : ry By Foamy, he oe 1 0 Tall i he would SRE Johnson had Liarety change Ta perl of Wy wes wills attitudn towsra him, ing to be seen 0 ith him, te let the whole town LA he found favor in her ayes, Bhe even elung to his arm as they passed along the ain street, bolting him, indulging n happy ralllery, The toueh of her was like quick. "ver In his veins, Wis pulses leap. ad, Jove, ,, she was haantifnl, Tha Inoarnation of that flaming cactus flower she wore in her halr, Did she love him? Was she wolng to 'hraw Johngon aver, ,, for him? Raque) diamfssed Warrell at the aarner of the lane Yeading to the Rojos shack, The news of her frank admiration for Parrell must have travaled fast, Already it had brought Johuson te the hut, fum- ing over her return, "I thought we might get hiteh. A right away," he greeted her with v flourish of magnanimity, "and 'ake that trip te 'Frisco you been vanting " Raquel! shrugged Indifferent nniders, A far-away look In her yen, "Why the hurry?" she asked, "The stone house fen't even starts ed" "I'don't ike you running around with this "aw Farrell" Ho that was It, Johnson was a fralt of Varrell, He was willing te buy her away from Farrell with A trip to "Frisco, All her fe with Johnson would be like this, Bare mint x, With him wetting the hest 0) It In the end, "Frisco, a few week nf eronpe "om Her ma, pros Pomatieal weeks, #0 far as happl ness was concerned, she knew now vo then hack to the dust, the de. ert, the deadly dullness, John. son would find ways to keep her "are tan, anea pt @ Mtanwad ta him "T don't want to he married, ,., now," Raquel sald petnlantly, "We'll walt till the house Is fin. thed Johnaon's brows drew so low that his ever wore two surly wells af thwarted hape, "AIL rieht™ he mrewied, Rut van wat to ent out Farrel! You wot to promise you'll mever ee him again" . Raquel torned on "im In a white ury, "RAroncohuster™ he epled, promise you nothing" (Cantin ved Tomorrow) AVIATOR NEARS END OF GLOBE JOURNEY German Flier Lands In New York--Will Be Given Medal New York, Nov, 6A dilapidat od little monoplane staggered out of the fog here late yesterday, and aetiled to vest at Roosevelt field, on Long Island, Baron Frederick Koenig, 28 years old, of Warts \ igh iy completed of his journey am the world, @ fired thing the Baron did af tor Ianding was to reach into a lNt- tle tent of the plane and pull out his flying mates--a white cat given 'to him by the Orown Prince of Siam, and two horned toads, which he ploked up on the Painted Desert of Texas, Smiling, Baron Koenlg set the white oat on the around, Where: Span out of the crowd came an redale dog, A moremble enaved, | was ended when the young Paron intervened oh behalf of his Baron Koenig, who flew across Asia and Ameriea, will be awarded He e VOR Hindenburg prize for the ost 1 he contribution to Ger ney Har Be Berlin a year age today Nhat, 4 6, faitcowith the ro fn mind of 1 around the world and winning th Hindon burg award, Perelw, Oaloutta, Rangoon, Slam, Sumatra and Hong Kong saw the little Klemm monoplane pass anid Ve ward, At Yokohama he erat plane and satled for San Fran The Canadian Govrepment will spond abound £140,000 this year HORDERS DISTORG. STAID. WASHINGTON Government Det Determines To ---- Washington, D.C, Nov, 6. (By Ken Clark Canadian Press Sialf Correspondent) With the newshoys shouting at the corners "He's in the Jailshouse now | He's in the jail-house how 1 and the extras going faster than they do In Chicago, the stad old eaphtsl of the United States perturbed, 'The word "murder is not infrequently on the lips of the people, First there came the arrest of Robert B, McPherson, a young bank clerk, who was charged with the murder of his estranged wife, Vir ghia, The body of Mrs, Meher son was found with a pyjama cord tightly twisted about the neck, and the death was first written #s sul JAMES J. WALKER HAS PLURALITY OF Mayor Frank X. Schwab key was re-e proximately 600,000 didate for mayor of New York, Al- rds | dermanie president by even ited niet furalities, t Harvey of soma | Queens WAS Prov hy £0,000, a was the enly ap blloan to fu survive the flood. v oo Thomas, Boclalist candi dn party, i | publicans, won an easy vietory yes cide, Robert J, Allen, a police of asserting the youl murdered, A few days later Marjorie O'Don nell was strangled by her suitor, Dexter Churchill Dayton, He gave himself up, in a drunken brawl, was shot dead by a policeman, a mother killed her baby and committed suicide, These successive tragedies the uneasiness of the public mind to the weight of charges made by Senator Heflin of Alabama in th Senate, He declared murder was rampant in Washington. Nenalo Cole Blease of South Caroling ques tioned If suleida should be written alter the deaths of Sergeant Dotog tive Arthur I, Serivener and Senator alse charged there were and announced an agent had pur chased opium in Washington's China town, Senator Howell of Nebraska, meanwhile, ingtituted a personal in vestigation of the enforcement of the prohibition law in the Capital, Over a period of years this city has a number of erlme mysteries Detective Serivener's body was found on a street in Georgetown, He had heen shot, Hy his feet lay a revaols ver and in the rigid fingers of his hand was a necktie which was not Ha Senator Hrandegee was asphyxia ted in the library of his home, On a table beside his body was a letter WARING of his purpose to end his life. Senator Blease lately received a letter from an unnamed woman ass sorting Brandegee was murdered, Five years ago the body of Harney MeBride, a wealthy Oklahoman, was discovered by a roadside 18 miles from Washing The skull had heen orushed Ly most of the ¢lothes were torn off, The cirgumstances of hia death were never brought to t umors congerniig the famous fare of Jens Smith have been rovived by 8 yy situation, Smith was ive ) he oil scandals of the Hardin 1 me, He was shot and the verdiet was suicide, At present a Senate committee of five is making inquiry into the erime conditions in the he chpital | and the ens forcement of the law by the police, Washington is under the control of the Federal Government and Cons fivess has jurisdietion over the eons munal lives of its thousands of civil servants and tradespeople, an American eity of its alse Washington has a low erime average, Among ita half million people there are fram 33 to 50 murders a year, but by far the greater number of these oceur among the negro population who number about RUSSIAN REFUGEES Helsingfors, Finland, Nav, f= Three groups of Rusalan refugees, ineluding one woman among the 14 raons, were found terday hy nish guards on the Lapland frontier in a state of almost com» plete exhaution hy tha havdahipa of thelr long, overland Journey fram the Soviet prisen en Solow yetak Teland in the White Sea, While working in the forest they had knocked down and averpower od thelr three guards, The be ky of thelr ra to Finland, a Jerk QOURLEY wan Ae 'gaat hardships | rele o or whol tend. TR and sald that oluoo, | prisoners were dying da ed record for Miles an hour, 14 Squadron rebar of the The worlds seaplaned Sh The mark a Loader = for the promotion of flying alubs, M ale oat of this money will go tor Planes to be presented to the olubs, British Alr Feree, . fieer, eontended Againat his superiors, | ttul nurse had been | Then a man engaging | added | Frank Brandegee of Connectient, He | "dives" with. | in a short distance of Capital Hill SUFFER HARDSHIPS [§ RE-FLEGTFN AS NEW YORK MAYOR CLOSE TO 800,000 LL] Defeated in Buffalo in Close Contest Nov, 8,~~Mayor Wal ected yosterday hy ap» votes, the argost plurality ever given a ean~ New York fo MeKeo and Comptroller Berry were ro-elected of Democratic every horough, wonally take great Interest In the thoket ug judges, refused to accept label and joined the 14 Democrats Roesch, Mayor 7,668 Frank X, Schwab, and ¥rank ©, ent, Bchwab, 60,608; Perkins, 0,041, ley was elected mayor of Boston of 20,000 votes, # clone race hy Frederick W, Mangas field fleld far Coakley, who was only a few thousand voles, were Democrats, Jhon h Is known to Indicste that Garland Pollard, t ments against the ely Lor widening wlrests und have won, provements also won, 16,000,000 bonds to pay Jude publle improvements Bonds for the park im: Mayor Thompson did net per his eity hall subordinates -- in the fleld against the wi The ten Nepublicany the Thompson TornOver In Butislo Buffelo, Nov, 6~Chavies ¥ Ropubifean, was elected of Butfalo by a plurality of Over the present mayer, a Republican ning on the Democratie ticket, Perkine, Independ- The votes Reeschy 77,1464 Re«Wlection in Boston Boston, Nov, B.=James M, Cure r the third time with a plurality Curley was given and hoth Curley and Mans outstripped Danlel H, credited with All Chosen Governor of Virginia fariper. prafesgol lf baw 61 Lhe co Hid of Willing and Wry, wos elogicn governor of Vie glnia In what 'ened out to he landuitde tor: ihe Denweretio party Ma wha | Wi somingd led hh opponent, ) Willlim Moseley Brown, nominees of the anti-Bmith Democrats and RapiuibHeans on av ary songresslonal alpieiet ana with lei than twodhirds af the tots! vole tabulated, md amassed a lead of close to BO,000 voles BHesulis In New York State Alhany, Nov, Go=Mayorality ol eethons In BO upstate Mew York cities resulted In 14 political aver Livos, OF these 16 ware in favor of the Demoerats and four to the advantages of the Repuh cans Pilots Willed Montreal --Pliot OMesr (Garton Bianley, nged 23 of 18 Regal Road, Toronto and "Ying Offiesr John MeLaughlin, nigkd #6, of Montreal, were killed Wms ine stantly when a Canadian Yickers "Vedelta" wore testing for tha Canadian Gove grnment. erashed in 8 Held near Fault aux Hecollets, e-------- Paul seaplane which © they Ohleago, IN, now has an aly Richmond, Va, Nov, 6.-John dot policeman, 0 for mayor, polled more than 0 Yor, § pial for his The vote for mayer, with only 131 elotion districts of 5,411 In the alt Iasing, wasi Walker, LLL LLY IG uard , BOB,7761 Tho« mas, gop 1 En ght, 6,710, Reeord Waters une ty Is almost 100,000 ahead of the 402,128 by which he defeated Waterman In 1086, His percentage of the total vote Is ahout the same as in 1086, The previous record plurality in a mayorality election was John ¥ Hylan's 417,401 over Curran In 1081 Wg B's Machine Rwamped Ohiengo, Nov, 6,~The Demo oratio judlelal ticket, earrying 1% Democratio Judges and ten Res tarday in the trigngular fight with the Thompson elty hall machine and a people's tloket put out hy the Brundage faction of the Hes publicans, The figures on $60,000,008 In bond Issues are not completed, hut To The Electors DEAR FRIENDS {oe ¥ wish to take this early the generous support accorded to mo, and the policies fov which I stood in the veeent deavor, as In the past, to vendey service to sll the electors of this Riding, regnrdioss of how they voted on Election day, Wishing one and all eontinue OSHAWA, ONTARIO, November 4th, 1080, of South Ontario opportanity of thanking yon for Hleetion campaign, § will els A Wugeess and prospephts Yours very truly, W. E. N, SINCLAIR Saxon 2410s. $1.05 Eclipse XXX MARVEL 24 1bs. $1.00 HOGG & LYTLE LTD. 84 CHURCH ST, Pastry Flour ./ dl PHONE 203 Thanksgiving Specials Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 3 Days Special Bargains for the Holi- day at the Dominion Clothing Store 3 WINDBR ] $2.50, Holiday Special . , BREAKERS. Reg. Holiday Special (EERE ERT and long pants, Reg. $7.95, Holiday Special Guaranteed Indigo dye, MEN'S Regular $3.95 Holiday Special IER EEE EEE EEE EE WEAR -- Regular $1.2 5 do, gly Ove Po WOOL e MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WIND. 1.30. $5.75 MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE LINED COMBINATIONS, Reg. $1.95, Holiday Special , BOYS' SUITS WITH BLOOMERS MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS -- Reg. 27.50, Holiday Spe. BLACK OXFORDS -- MEN'S RIBBED WOOL UNDER. Holiday Special SALINAS $1.69 $1.29 $4.75 $19.50 $2 95 3 $1.25, 98¢c 50 PR ONLY MEN'S PLAIN RUB. BERS ~~ Regular $1.13, Holiday Special , MENS BLUE CHINCHILLA OVER. COATS -- Reg, $17.50 Holiday Special , i444 BOYS' BLUE CHINCHILLA {AND TWEED OVERCOATS Reg. $6.95, BOYS' WINTER CAPS «-- With fur bands, Regular 95¢, Holiday Special ...v.\ MEN'S BARRYMNRE COATS Regular $27.50, Holiday Special (RRR Regular 45¢. Holiday Special, 3 pair for ARR BOYS' FLEECE LR ATIONS -- Fonmtnés Hel' hod A 9c $10, 95 (ERCOATS: $4.75 69¢ $i 68 King St. W. Phone 21 al

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