i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 AL_COLLEGIATE RUGBY TEAMS ELIMINATED ON SATURDAY ¢ Loca gi {i Win And Lose Games {| But Both Eliminated Lose ta Petes -- Juniors Defeat Port Hope ~ Poterboro Wins Both {i Groupings, 2 e-- s on Saturday afternoon, both the mor and Junior Rugby teams of Bile Oshawa Collegiate were elimin- pled, ae) thou the Juniors did win thely game, Unless there sre to bp exhibiiton games this will con- de the rughy season for the logal gollegians, not counting the Inter Miarm games which are now In pros ress IAIthough they have not wen any 4 i pi n the fall pastime, i have carried themselves two very tough series and he colours, hii not at the top of ho pole, tare still Ayling, Btartin Phe season with ouly several of las Svuar's Senlors back at school, Conch dCirkland had a real Job on hiy hands, WHpwever, there was plenty of mater: al, even though the players lacked Senperience and with only a few weeks to get them rendy, he started i with a will, The wo of the Mean wis formed from last year's steam: and though they lucked eight and experience they did not hed grit and they proceeded to show e codeh that they could produce the woods, 'Lhe Junlors alyo, were a new tean with eniy two er three on the squad who haa ever played organised rugby before, 'I'hey won four of thelr six Mgames but 'Peterboro won five 'and hoy earned the right to go inte the aydowns, By present indieations it hu if the tem, provid Ag oy stick together, will make & Black Senior team for the seasons bt 3 WS fA The Oshawa collegiate has produg: pd Half of the members of the loeal orate! intersnediate tn he dos opment of good players does not PH on having & winning team and for this reason Collegiate rugby should be encouraged and supported more than it iw at present, The plays ors themselves should also remember this and also keep In mind that "win- ning Is not the main thing about a ame but that the manner of play« ng Is what means the most, To win or lose is all the same, True sport always 'playa the Game" -- JUNIORS DEFEAT PORT HOPE The Juniors celebrated the last game of the series by going in, and QUALITY hrou tiklng w+ tory from Port Haepe, the ame wis played on & wet, rough held and clever rughy was consequently a {muosehility, f Petr erboro had falled to defeat Bowman. ville in Peterboro, Oshawi's win would have tied them with Yeterhora but the Petes took ng chance of Playell and they took the gane from he Bowmanville boys, ith Kelly and Bulmer out of the game due to Injuries, the Oshawa temn wis wenk- ened considerably hut t o went to the game with that ghting spirit which Is seldom denied, Cshawa got all thelr points in the first three quarters but in the last qusrter Port Hope gave more olpaN- tien und Oshawa were held off the seare sheet, In the Initial spasm, Oshawi advanced the ball down the field und then kicked for two rouges In the second stuns, Bakergeorge raced across the line and fell on wu logse ball for the enly touchdown of the geme, Stroud failed to convert and the score was left at seven to hil, With the be jog of the third quarter, the Port Hope team got own to business and Oshawa had inerensed diffienlties, In this quar ter they outscored Oshawa two to one, The lust quarter was slow with both tess playing eautious rughy and us a result the play was close The whistle hlew without any further scoring and Oshawa were the vietors by & score of § to 2, The teams; Oshawa Hrown Henderson Gifford Pollitt Patterson Cirant Crothers Henley Hroadhent Trewin Youn Strow Hryee Mel.cese Hakeneorge Kashul Tat Irvine Position BAP Insldes Insldes Middles Middles Outsldes Outsides quarterbaek Flyin Wing valves haly halves sith subs, sibs, Port Hope Rouch Cary Emmett Sommerville Ryan Caneilla nenurd Hunting Davidson Forguson Meldrum Hudson Emmett Southly Kelley wha Hoween subs Seton subs " ---- SENIORS LOSE Peterboro Collegiate Institute roved again too much for Conch Irkiand's Oshawa Collegiate squad In the Lift Lock Clty last Haturday afternoon, winning by « #8-to«1 moore, although the one sided verdict wan by no means tus dioative of the play, Hy virtue of thelr win, the POI younusters continue into the Interscholastie plagdowns while the Oshawa hoya, unless they participate In some ox« hibitlon games, will hang up their sults for the year, thelr league sohedule now helng completed, Oshawa counted thelr one and only point in the first quarter, and when the, held POL off the seor ing column for the period, thelr hopes of a victory ran high but the Petes came back with a ven goance in the following mession and van up a total of ten points for Peterboro in the third quarter as the result of a touchdown and # kiek to the deadline, while the same procedure was duplicated in the final chueker to bring. thelr final total up to the 33 mark, Owing to the recent rains, the fleld wan a veritable sea of mud and fast or spectacular play was impossible, oth teams suffered practioally equally as. a result, al- though Dame Fortune favoured the Petes on at least one of their touch downs, Sensational running by Young on the Peterbore backfeld wan re- sponsible for denying Oshawa sev. eral would-be points, the ball be. ing booted behind thelr line but advanced out of the wearing sone by Young before the Oshawa tackls ors could successfully bring him to earth, The local red, green and gold a an a. ta iniormation at ; SRAY COACH LINES Ahan OSHAWA Phone 2825 ' AL, MOORE And this Is Al, Meare, the line: srumbling , middie of the General motors Bue Devils, Al is one of the big men of the team, His age Is uncertain (that's to us) but his weight and height me known, Al, tips the beam at 24 and when standing up his hat Is six foot off the ground, Al has had plenty of experiance, Melos playing for the Bive Devils last your, he had soon section with Ridley Colisge and Vo. ronte Varsity, Me Is one of the most consistent yard gainers in the line, On account of his great height and weight he sometimes looks as if he Incked atyie In his plunging but he certainly gets the distanee, Last year in the final series his line plunging was outstanding, Abe: lutely fearless, he revels in the rough going and always plays his best rughy when the sopoaliion Is strong, The best proof of Al's worth Is the fact that he Is seldom subbed and never for long, A real man to have around, ---------- BE went down fighting admirably, however, despite the fact that thelr line-up han heen considerably weakened by Injuries, At no time did they show lack of spirit, and they extended Peterboro righy up to the final whistle THAMN 0, 00 Cook Gulltinan Dryden Looky Molntosh Green Hioks Grant 'eterson Hare Armour Niaek James Weldon Mou MoDonald Widgll Clayton Ford Armstrong Glover Duncan Wager Denniston Preston Young Routey Cuthbertson Hamilton Westhope RUGBY STANDINGS Nuap Insides middles Plylng Wing Outsides quarter hulves subse The standing of the clubs in the various rughy unions and groups, in olunding games played on Satnrday, ao as follows Senior Intercollegiate PWLE AP # 7 10 oy 17 8 kn 2 Queen's s 850 Loronta Wore EE MeGill 21 4 Western Ont,,, 3 0 3 IJ & 0 Games next Saturday=--=Queen"s al Poronto] MeGiul at Western Ontario, newior Interprovineial Hamilten J 1 104 Montreal 4d 6 6 ATRONANES (ion 4 19 0 Ottawa \ dls 0 Games next Saturday Argonauts at Hamilton; Ottawa ut Montreal, Senior ORF.U, Group No, 1 Halme Meaeh § § 0 Ritghener vy 6 3 3 St Michael's «« & 2 J Camp Borden ,» 0 1 § Game next Wednesday ael's at Balmy Reach Group No, SATA vas inen \ Windsor RALLLE) Hamilton sion JS Varsity oy 50 a 16 N . Mioh- i) C0 18 0 od Game next Wednesday=Varsity at Sarnia, Game next Saturday-Hamilton at Windsor, NEW MARTIN Vamity The rughy fans of Qslmwa are on Thanksgiving Day of seeing how senlor ORE, brand of foothall, today (0 have the University of Manday to play the General Motor that these would be suceessfully eo wits stated, would be made known 1 ments for this game are completed, provided for the holiday, Ld # esting plece of formation is the n cil permission for the hoys 10 stay {dr such an action Is glven In the « tain and flying wing of the Lean ha stay up tonight, LJ * Last night the Blue Devils had of thelr regular practice, The mah with allowed to asle questions or to | of the mental reaction of players to should prove very valuable to the materially, w "+ Meeting of 0, C, 1, A, Ing on Wednesday night, Noy, 6, in t All clubs desiving to affiliate with present and reminded to bring thel discussed hockey situation will be intermedinte; Junior and Juvenile ser who will he entitled to vote in their ¥ » Oreno to Have Interm It Is the intention of the team in the caused mug h enthusiasin in fans hig for the h Intermediate league Crono completed, the hockey of this Qrone quite In plenty ef time fans of Oshawa a great deal as Om thusiastl nl te at least one of the Oshawa teams readily road wi oekey me supporter of the lo W can look for @ Crono we winter, LJ » Oshawa Likely to H Although no delinite was learned yesterday steps hive i that In a 1929.30 edition of the Oshawa Sham great deal of satisfaction by the you the many fans wha enjoy seeing will be almost entirely a new team geome too old to play Junior and sev town * 8, SPARES ing school out of * STR Huat Proves | Too Much For Schwartz New York, Nov, f.Fresh from a sensational campaign In foreign folds, Bugene Huat, Aywelght eham: | plon of France, made his debut In | Madison Square garden tonight with | a stirring ten round vietory over le | gy Sohwarts, best of Lhe Amorioan | Hdpounders, The hattle featured | the fivet series of matohes between leading contenders for the vacant world fiywelght title Ho soundly did Huat, a slim, ealm, solid-socking workman, trounce the widely recognised Amerioun champ fon, that Behwarts announced from the ving immediately after, the de olslon his permanent retirement from fistioufts, Huat falled to floor the game Jowlah midget, but gave him a hearty ouMng every round, Several times Huat, vietor aver spider Pladner, the French ace, and Frenchy Belanger, ehamplon of Can ada, had Hohwarts veeling and all but spent from slashing punches to the head, lsey barvel, weathered the fourth, sixth, seventh and final Orono and the AND BLOWS i -------------- PORT SNAPSHOT | By, Guo, Camvinin, Sports Editor Orphans May Ply Here on Holiday I y likely to have an opportunity the Blue Devils compare with the Negotiations are now under way Vorahto Orphans come here nex # team, and there were indigations meluded, The definite decision, i night, I, us Is expected, arranges uw stellar sports attraction will he Ld LJ Notice ta All Rugby Players If you have not yet réad "Punts and Tackles" for today, do se at Snes: The "Dapester" has excelled himself today, 'Fhe most inter ews that the conch has given spes up alter eight o'clock, The reason olumn, 10 is rumored that the eaps ve hoth heen refused permission to * Ld "Blue Devils" Btudy Psychology W very interesting meeting in lien + subject under discussion was the mental aspect of the game, The players discussed the tople and anyons give his opinloi on different points This tewm orton Ingidents In a game players and should aid the Ld * A, Tomorrow Night The Oshawa City Industrial Athletie Association will hald a meet he ¥ M.( the roeniry fee A, at elght o'eloek sharp asked to he the Assoclnition are At this meeting will he far and entries received les, 1 vou intend entering a team or teams, he sure to have two representatives present, for each team respective classifications » w edinte Hockey Team Athletle Association ta announeement of this has enter a Singe the new pavement has Liven district will be able to travel to Il he officially opened un Noy, 0 von, This w Gamshy has always been an en ams, tow thun likely than {11 he grouped with the team from this will interest the hockey mors interesting games Qime very LJ LJ ave a Junior Team been taken in that direction as yet, I probability Oshawa will have " rocks I'his will be received with a ner players of the elty and hy the Nida I'he Some of the old players have jundors this year, he eral others are working or attend play w ad TOMORROW Maple Leafs Try New Rules Taronte, Nov, §~Alter three days practice, wnich wis devoted mamly to liunbering up and getting used to thelr skates, the Maple Leils starts ed in earnest yesteraay and lor over Wn hour staged & practies game at the Arena Gardens, Lhe squad wis down to 14 players in uniiornl, ad Andy Blade 08 putfering from an ins fected hoger, while Art both hag an wttuck of Intestinal tu, but both were at the rink, Belly Conacher was out and took Wis turn wt left wing fur the Blug Bhirts, The practice gine was 4 most beneficial one, als though in the early part there wis not much attention pild to the new rules except the seleing of epporin nities to seore whist would have heen offside goils In past seasons, Smeaton OMeintes Halt way through the practice Cooper pmenton took charge and uf» ter explainipg the various changes in the rules uineiated for the remamder of the workout and the varlous points of the new rules were em phasized, The main changes are in connection with the anti-delence rule and the pennlty tage off in from olf the goal 'Whe wntisdefence rule will result in more back ghecking hy the drap back to thele blue lines and then back up ahead of the oneoms ing puek enrrier, they will have to take up a position at centre lee and skate buck with the opposing play ors rather than await thelr arrival The Leafs look just as good as they did ut the end of last season und it will only take a few prac tices to rub off the rough spots and got team work underway, It looks as i Bale, Batley and Cox will form the frst attacking line, with Pet pinger, Conacher and Cotton com posing the second line, and Brydson, Connacher, Primean and Mebreide fighting it out £ two or three oth er places on the squad, The defen slve end of the team will be the sie an last year with Red Horner Melting waetion, The Leafs will play one exhibition game hofore the season opns 4 week hur and that will be on Friday night when they meet the Huftalos Hisons of the International league at Fort Erle, The election al a captain will not Hkely be held un tl Just belore the opening game, mor from diy After elevefl veais' widowhood a Sunderland woman has been request edd by the Inland Revenue officials to furnish them with the wesent ad dress of her husband ou the name of his employer, She has returned the inquiry marked "Refer to the gemetery superintendent," forwards, who will net he able to]* PUNTS and >» TACKLES By The Dopester datas add ddd The first of a series of Intensive "Leaining talks' was indulged In last eVening In the conference room and was presided over hy Mr, Nicoll and Conch Pound, » v LJ The first Jhuse of the discussig win classifying the qualifications of # rughy player as they were laid down hy a number of very famous wonehes, LJ J » These qualifications were listed und It turped out that the same trend of thought was shown In every cane, Not only that but it eorrohoy med the things we have heen (old hy our own Coach . The discussion Yrotiant oul many diMeulties that had been bothering Individual players but who heretofore had heen too timid to table them and have them ironed oul LJ LJ Hd, Wilson's shoulder Is showing plow improvement, However, Bam Johnson Is working tivelessly on it and glves us every encouragement for a speedy recovery, + * Rusty Morrin, allan Tim Buck alias Jimmy Bimpson was out there large an life, arguing as usual Those rosy cheeks and hig blue ayes are certainly deceptive LJ J . Hoom WHesselwood Is at present visiting the Mayor of Detrolt (who Mays that Detrolt has no horses), He In combining business with pleasure on this jaunt and expects to he able to take aver full control of the plant on his return CRE Bd Heavy practice tonight !=These are latest orders from headquarters Ho everyone be on hand early and gel into the game lel RUGHY PLAYERS PLEASE NOTH Hants Claus 1s going to speak over the radio tonight at 8.80 pm, Now we want every hoy to please wall up until 89 and hear Jolly old Han t's message ~Coaoh's orders, KHEP FAYING "SESAME" I oan Film Actor (desperately) o- le gamut of hu run through the w man emotions Producer == Then register disap pointment and fade away, A Poke-Check King Still A "Holdout" Ottawa, Nov, 5="The slim figure of Vrank Nighhor, famous poke-cheeks ing centre of the Otlawa Senators, Insistently forces itself Into pressea~ son hockey gossip in the capital, As yet there is no indication whether Duteh will he back at his old pos this winter, After three or four di ¥ conference with directors of the Ote tawa club he returned to his home in Pembroke ayer the week end, At was officially stated he had not sighed # contract, but it is not known whether negotiations have fale through or are still progressing, It is assimed here Nighbor Is not sate infied with the salary stipulated on the contraet offered him, and that the club officials refuse to Tid There are rumors that several of the club's lesser lights will figure In trades or sales, but no pitlcu) r players are mentioned and no offs elal word is forthcoming A noon practice Saturday reveals ed the Benators in good condition and going at top speed, With loeal amateurs Alling in, two full teams were sent at each other in a full hour's workout Allan Shields, who warmed the heneh most of last year, seems des» tined for a hetter fate this season, His work so far has earned the commendation of all, His partner on the substitute defense, Harold Starr, Is also showing more than was ex» pected of him, After playing an wour's hockey Saturday, Blare engage ed In his last game of rughy, the Hamilton-Ottawa affair heres QUEEN'S WILL BE AT FULL STRENGTH THIS SATURDAY Kingston, Nov, §=Howard Carter, stir kicking half of the Tricolor team who was injured on Naturday, an forced to retire from the game, was not seriously hurt, and yesterday was about as usupl, Carter will be in good shape for the game at Torentd on Nuturday, as will also be "Burp" Stuart, middle 'wing, who was hurt in the MeGill game here, apd has been out of action since them, Interest in the game locally is at a high piteh, and even heh more than 2600 tickets have hegn dispos of here, there is still a heavy des mand for pastehoards, which simply cannot be filled, The sale in Toronto has been une usually heavy, and advices from the Queen City are that the entire plan is sold out, and there is ne hope of additional tickets, AL any rate at least 3,000 fans from here will make the journey to Torante for the game WB aying he ended with lesy taking w ehanee and battling hard with Frenchman Colored Lads Win The first two matohes of the tow noy, designed to discover the snooes sor to Wide! Labarba as the Aywelght ting, did Hittle to help solve the prob lem, Ruby Bradley, negro fram Holyoke, Mass, received the veferee's deaislon over Nrnle Peters of Chi ono when most of the 6.800 spectn tors thought he had lost, The din of disapproval was aven greater when Midget Wolgast, Philadelphia's boun olng boy, was given the award over Johuny MeCoy of Huftalo, There was no question as to the superiority of Black Bill, Cuban ntablemate of the erack featherwelght Kid Ohoeolate, over Willie Davies of Chavlerol, Pa, one of the favorites In the turney, The ebony pooket plecn gave Dmvies a bad beating in the finul three rounds, cutting his loft eye In the elghth, Huat welghed 118 pounds at two o'olook and was forced to take off a pound, The other weights were Wolgast 110, MeCoy 111%, Bradley [119, Peters 11134, Black Bill 1114, Davies 1114, The winners will he paired later, with the ultimate vitor promised the recognition of the New York Htate Athletio commission ax 112 rounds, In the closing rounds laay had nothing left but courage that kept him erect deapite the steady | fearful drumfive of the Frenchman's | leather, Huat weighed 112, HBohwarts | 11, Sehwarts in Trouble Often The Frenchman showed the hard est punch of all the fighters on the cad, Several times he had Corpor all woobling and swaying under y \ hand wallops to the jaw, but Sohwarts succeeded in lasting to the mit, even though there were times when the hell saved him from being knooked out, Barly in the battle it looked as it Huat could punch too hard for Sohwarts, In the second round, the Frenchman staggered Hohwarts with that TNT, vight of his, and lagy was & busy ohap trying to weather the storm, Sohwarta did better in the third, when he seemed to have solved Huat's style of fighting, but in the fourth round the bell sounded a weloome tune for Mi, Sohwarts, who waa almost out on his feet when the round ended, In the sixth round Hust out Isay's wight aye with a hard loft, and once wore he had Sohwarta in trowdle when the bell ended the veund, « The seoonds work: of 'diligently in patehing wp lany's fuoe after this round, The seventh round was a stormy one for Sohwarta, for in this session Huat got him on the ropes and lan basted him wmereileaaly for about twa minutes, Just when it looked ay it Referee Jim Crawley would stop the fAght, Teay staged & tally that brought the house to Ita fee® And the round pound king, RULES EXPLAINED TO PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY REFEREES Referee-in-Chiet Cooper Bmeaton of the National Hookey league ia a hUAY WAR at present, preparing for the opening of the league season, He is addressing meetings of the league ofolals and players in every olty In the league, as well as a number of minor league points, He has held meetings at Mantreal, Ot tawa and Toronto, and later this week will he at Roatan, Springtield and New Haven, while next week he will play one-day stands at Windsor and Fort Erie, The meet: ing held here yesterday waa ats tended by Lau Marah, Robby Hews itson, Alex Romeril, of last year's NH 1, staff: Bert Carbean, who an applicant for a position, an Tom Munro, and Jerry Goodman, of London: A, BK, Trwin, of Cleve: land, and Guy Smith, wha are min or league offolals, re-- RAPORTING BLROTRICITY Ricotvielty 1a exported fram Canada only hy Hoense granted hy the Rleetriolty and Gas Inapection sarvice of the Department of Trade and Commerce, and the same hraneh of the department has jum mdiction over the export duty whieh has heen tmposed since Appl 1, 1928, Sevoon Grid only "00 (AV Prioos bose wba) On Sunday, Des, Mh "ER Ram. LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI ond the THE WORLD'S GREATEST RARIO VALUER revol Has Brought the Best in Radio Within the Reach of Every Home i io Eh hh ma now 1) on ment at is fu pr Pe ale Sa is se ALANCED. UNIT econstruction=--exclusive with Phileo~-is the greateat advance in Radio in years, It gives sensi tivity hitherto unattainable, | were we to W as Phileo Be Sole Agents | \ Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. Oshawa - Whitby - Bowmanville