Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1929, p. 5

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HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 PAGE FIVE omen's Interests in the Home ~ and the Community Social and Personal tad of a gp did in 4 NONE OF OUR BUNIN KASS How mAbY mes we've hewrd Jt Chrtarion wrvived home find Mrs, Conn, ¥ J ' with My Ml, baovle Who Are oon Lo wed Widgativld, oll, L onn't wee, Lo sive ny life, Why he Jrowd ples hor toy RL Noy in yh man from this _ : as Also held tn fine contempt! of hime t fat or slim "} ond oF what she sees In im!" But, holy smokes! 1 seems to me However drab the girl may he; And though the man may he # Punt, And has wn nose that's flat and blunt, A vary delightful It seams 0 me we ought to leur | masquerade dings was klven by It's Wot a bit of our concern We ought ta mind ouy own affairs Instead of hutting inte theirs, Ie bad enough to eritielne A fallow's taste in shivts and (on Op have the nerve to le and ehat | Girl" ana Miss Bella About & woman's funny hat, "Mary Queen of Bouts', But when # man haw ploked a wife, PHT Yor food or bad, for joy ov strife, 4 That's one occasion, seems to me, | MY, When you and I should silent he! [And uncle of My, eC havies #, Kinnlson, | Bimeos Bi, Novth, Ad 1] » w Dr, and Mrs, V, Leroy Heath of Woodstock have veturned home Alar amine, Fv N ue oturhed tn Heotland Min North, ' ocean they did » gros a. R Mido af Montresl wai teavelling and renewed the guest of A, Fruman, Jv, of Sith on Bt, over the last week ond, . * Mr, and Mpa, A 0, Camphell and bahy Joan of Trenton and Miss Mima Finkle of Toronto visited aver the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, George Bull fimo Bt, N, the wedding of thelr nieces, Jusephine Btory, } Ld ¥ L] Mr, and Mrs, KE, Marks, Litho, ] ¥ on Baturday svening, wen colors with lanterns, Delmun Diwson wu Young Jimen and Mr, deal Canada They Improves to come haek again soon LJ LJ ' Last avaning the N tn thel hildy Misses a Paty Margera heir ehlidren and wives ously happy, Hime helping the grown ups aorn for them, time roam that Fountain Pens See our display of the best makes of Fountain Pens and Hafore the evening ended Desk Sets refreshments were served, Wil made toay And glowed In the fire place, haut doing whe went things and WAYIng flinny er peopl there was danelne Funday alter spending two weoks' vention 0, M, Allew, Mr, and Mrs, A. WK, Alloway were in Brantlord oy Baturdiy stiending 1] Rimene street north, ave spending i few diye Lat' their summer cottage at Christie Hallows' " H, Preston at the Mhivley Bludle The rooms wore unyly decovated in Hallow: i Frines Lov the heal ooplumes wera won hy YHohemisn 1} and Mrs, Hugh Blaven, aunt Fraser, John MoeMastoy of Largs Ayrshire, Heol land, wha have been visiting My wind Mrs, James Prawer, Simeon Bi Ny for the past three months have on the Bh While an this side of the nf old ae funintances In United Hintes and wera very mueh with Canada and hop C, 0's mens Wis mepaonuhly decorated In hon OF of the annus Hallowe'sn party glven by the members of the mess The Kiddies programing commenced al T.00 o'olock and they all wera Joy Inughing and Joking with the plowns and at the sami pop They had a lavely playing games In the mess and Warm hy the hig tive that erackled hut most of all they Hied the elowns, funny trios ap the entertainment of the ald 0 Club met last night with President musta sipplied hy the Hapny Aces thaly any fle Ineo inset with bands of ved CLUS from the hase of Rive WOMENS MEETINGS MARY ATREET OME ACHOOL CLUB Fhe Mary street Home and Behiool AND Mig, |) ehals Mebavghling in the Mothe December meting there | ta be o side of Taney werk, Mrs, Mg Laughlin wld how the senior WATERMAN'S {i = ball boys were delightod SHEAFFER'S PARKER'S DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL pave them last week Miss Crowe's foom put on the pia reelintion by Adele |} vormann MebBeien Forme Dowell) sola by Come In and look them over at KARN"S Drug Store Hoven have Catarrhal ul hegring by have hea dw a And get a WH Li then thiy Ai ail Wales ie pr LLL El ik Wr Gimes # ih Pi wil atten disbisaaing hea ahaw MUCHA Atop impinge the theoas hala eh WH \ 3 Ry wl a Wilkes Ulegaed Next P, O, Phone 378 | fae CF gr ERR A Hive this aess oF howd notes should peeseriptlon a tial Just three ingredients in Magle Baking Powder ~ Phosphate, Starch, Soda. The finest grades . of each, expertly blended. No alum. No adulterants of any Kind. A simple, effective, whole attesy ar are han TREE TI RW hat ah Tike hein (LS elie! fram the nostrils open, bisathing became easy and 1h I and elt and reaitation by Juok Palas Miss Wilson's vines PELE for having the nw present, My, D Campbell Huve an lua trated talk on New I and Pal his wis very much enjoyed Mr, Campbell was hewriily thanked for bringing 80 much of his delightiul trip tor our enjoyment Luneh and sovial halt hour brought RL athe Font o | ORIG we | Lhe evening to a olose, | ALBERT ST. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUR The regular meeting of Albert St Home and Sehool Assoolation was held last night with he newly ap painted president, J, Higging, in the ehair, The Ween opened with the singing of "OQ Canada," The following BIOHEAN, Fry he sented hy the (VN of Migs pk FROIN Hayes and Heasle Chappel Raho solo, Gertrude Adiarj reading, Mar ion Oster; mouth OFAN selection hy Norman Rowley, hays' qua AN VON slating of Lonard ' yirel anly Ay ves, George Holt and Jack Davidson fer "bu ears Holt, and plano solo, ack Day MON | "Nallor's {oenpipe, ¥ J o sulle ni resting, Gertrude . Ines Rag a --~ Monon ¥ . Rob FOIA \ ip foot class A Lon Ne Nohe awed some very fine @ ng Widen of the Ore Fi i and by way of i gre PRY hs tow. e business part of th oN " \ phe] od Ra wee e fist Mons SEAT, reshitenty will i served at that ath dy TO DEMAND DEA DEATH SENTENCE FOR BOY w Y Now dr=The state will ma he: Not ¥ Pltvard on oe on a son of & i Vober 1 at hgled + aed oll wids Hd jo) doa th hin life for i - ; he trie attorney's office here announced yesterday that a first de fre nardes diet nt will he asked Lhe Ar Jury this week, ow ofan contested to the Kills ho he police he strangled Mis, ra Howes in her room Whe the of the world's eholeest and nevervarying wh eg Red Rens Tox In inimabl Moss, Every package guaran RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good eanght him stealing 8 from a oF Fri - a Ae NW. Thompson, Drugatst A smart afternoon Trask of ved with the | pedis wid banguet whieh the elub | Fhe hide wh uram which vonsisted of & solo hy | | IFN i [4 Foled: carnatioh [Ihe bride and gr wan the $00 weal dust by Peguy | the unusual sleeves, earying oul the same nes as In the skirt, Photo prank 1s hy Henrl Manuel, Paris WEDDINGS A ls... "PARKER THOMPSON Fhe minrviage of Marion Kl homp lnnghter of Mr, and My \, Thompsan of Oshawa, 10 Blew | lal Parker, of Oshawa, touk [plage In Toronta at "Br Clade ave | United ehureh nurduy vember second, The the Rey A, J EL afternoon CUTER Y Was pertormed hy Mg Kenule Ware an ensembl! prope de chine looked very indeed, Huy carnations and baby mus witend I Wey Bogue! wus WI Were and My A Philly Mier the wedding # ie ne of Mr our ed hy Mi i Toren geption was held at the « | Mes, Plallips and about teen guests were present, Later In the atternoon the heide and groom lett on their honeymoon tripe The bride travelling in # blaok coat trim med with grey fox and grey shoes vil hat, They are going to Mont veal and other eastern elties Un their ¥eturn the bride and groom will reside in Oshawa, The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper WHE HUGHIN He's woue to school, wee Hughie, AR' him not four Bure | saw the trlent was In him When he eft the door, I tollowed to the tumin' When they passed iL by, (od help him, he oryln' An' may "hilton hans, A THOUGHT FON TODAY YNever 10s AR opportunity of selling anything beautiful, Wel some It In every faly face, ever fale aky, avery fale flower, an thank Him for it, who In the foun. twin of all Tove! ines, and drink it bin earnestly, with all your oyen; It Won charmed draught, a oun of blessing, Ohant Kingsley, HRIGK AND 'ran WN n KITCHENS When giving the kitehen or kite ohenette 1a autumnal redecoras tan, It Ia good payehelogy to ohange the face of the reem by having the os done In A DAOKETOURD olor that In not white, The beige and tan shades women have found to be partionlarly bes coming In olothes, have heen ree vived to create Kitohen settings tor oalored enamel fixtures, ohing, Ease and wtensile, Warmer and mare cheerful in winter, and just an cool and fresh ooking In summer as (very ame woodwork and bulltsin cabinets pAintad In A golden belge, Thin is effective with the walls done in a patterned paper or In a lighter an [ha ot plaster, A oharming kitchenette waa (painted dn thin belge tone, while (he walla were papered with a CRATRE EPOeR DAIIOTR OR A Qream CORRE The alnk was In a soft (one of Meht sveen, while the ulasaware, pottery, dishes and wtenails all ahowed a note of green, And A few vivid fashes of other AR bright colors furatahed a live uh . Nhith 1a & Neha and -- sha Wn IVOrY or orem. WAL the OhOSR Woadwolk color for another gay kitehew, the ft fares of whieh ee owy white, racket The newest houdelr attire for Young People's Mestings wheth | | KNOX PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG PROVLY Lnst evening the Young People's Woolety of Knox Presbyterian Churoh attended the Presbyterian Young Veople's Nally at Cook's Ohureh, Toronto, A large number of young people's societies were represented and the result was well evowded shureh, After henring Mr, Kerr of Fiivurg wpokk no one sould say he was disappointed in the mesting, Dr, Kerr's address was mont Inspiring, The Knox Chureh Young People of Oshawa are (0 be congratulated on helng resented with the banner for hav: ng the largest representation of thelr join aL the gathering, It must have been with a feeling of pride that Mr, John Morrisoy walk: od to the pulpit te recsive the ban ner for his society, of which he In provident It was presented by Mr, omlinson, president of the Pres hyterinn Young People's Bosleties of Toronto, Mr, Cormack and Ray, D, Munroe accompanied the young people who went from hers, ai---- NT, ANDIHEW'S YOUNG PROPLN The regular weakly meeting of Wt, Andrew's Young Veople's Bo eloty win held last evening, The Bible vending was conduoted hy Jan, Young from the first ten verses of the ninth ohapter of Mt, Like, Miss MH, Cook and Mr, H, Nur lay are upholding the negative alde of a debate on Monday, Nov EB at (he North Mimoos Wt, Charoh, the subject helng ""Hesolved thal the ministry and missions offer greater opportunities for le sel Yion than the business or profess sonal Wie" It wan moved (hat a Akating party on Friday, Nov, 16, Wake the place of the next meeting Mr, Jan, Young gave a very In Lovesting talk on the Bay of Quinte Conference Miss Panrl Wlotohor od In a discussion group the sub jaot helng, "Cun you afford to risk YOUr own reputation by eontuel with companions whom you know tn he muorklly inferior to yourself," Thin diseussion Is te he continued Al the next mesting In two weeks' Hime The weeting wits brought tn a clone with the Migpah henndietion NORTH SIMCOE YOUNG PEOPLE A the meeting of North Mlmeo United Chueh Young People's len HUe Just evening was the largest at tendance in the history of the chureh were aver 2M present Mii | Margaret Lennox took charge of the devotional exercises, Then Tolowed the business and It was announeed that on account of next Monday be ng Thanksgiving Day the meeting | would be postponed wnt Friday oy ening, Miss Yallean and Mes, RJ Fale were in ehirge of the program whieh wan an follows, A solo by My Fonse, and the feature of the even INH was the presentation made eo De Care of a beautiful floor lamp I- honour of his recent marriage: Fhe Dovtor responded very gracious 1 What was something new In ene ertainment at the League was the showing of pletures of Canada by the representatives of the Canadian Nas onal Kallways here, The plotures were movies and also in eolors wil the members of the League enjoyed them immensely, A vole of thanks was moved 10 the railway company for thelr kindness in lending these votures for the evening and Mr, Prwin and his remarks were Qorros borated by Mr, R, Clarke, The next meeting of the League will be a mix her sonary meeting and there will slides shown on India, SIMCOR 3T, YOUNG PROPLE Simeoe qlreey United ehwieh Young People's po 8 hold an & teresting meetin Ronda nigh Mr, Harston led hd devotional ex oreines to open the meeting, Miss olyn Liay presented 1) Shabter of 81d ney Weston's hook, Jesup and thy Problems of Lite" Mis Elsie Rich ardeon contribited a pleasing sol, the report of the Bay o nie Young fropies Conierenes he cently in Peterbore, was given n Harold Gay, During the meeting it Wah deeded 10 withdraw the meet ing of November 11th, on account w the holiday, A was announced that play November 18h, & big LR ein planned, A ~ ve emmitien a in ehan and the young people are asked 10 wateh for farther announcement, The we wat brought 10 a elose with a ha hour of recreation and a sing sony AT. GRORGE'S A, Y. PM A, On Monday evening, November 3 the Anglian Young | on Adio | olation of St, Geer chureh hell | their meeting in the Wy Hall, ou | Contre atreet, at & pam, The meeting was opened with « hymn, followed by prayers led by the rectan The fourth vieespresident, Mis Katie Lack, was in charge of the PRORFRIN, After the business of the evening had been dispensed with, tables were drawn up and the rest of the eves NAR. apent playing 4 1) ro awarded ™ wley and Mp § for the eat goons, a A Win in Deb: I we were IR iy ent an N da Milady ia a stunn pajama salt, with cowl cellar and Hy th shining surface, the neatest little rome pak velvey ae hat nips In at the waist and fin like the v on the wall, pry * $50, 000, 000 | wa roximately of atrplanes, ongines, and PANE were manufactured in the LA States Whe fret aly months of this yean IN A MOST UNUSUAL OFFERING ON' WEDNESDAY (ALL DAY) Manufacturer's Surplus Stock Silknit Lingerie 98c 50 Dozen Garments bought at an excellent saving at a spot cash price, Pretty enough and fine enough to choose for Christmas Gifts for your friends. Size and color range is complete in every line, or and Brassiore, Lace Trimmed Step Ins, Hyloom Silk Vests, Rose Marie Bloomers, . Nightgowns with French Lace Trimming, Lease Trimmed Pettl Knickers, Plain and Lace Trimmed Princess Slips, Combination Bloom: Regular $1.50 to $1.95 Garments on Sale Wednesday at 98¢ , LABOR'S IDEALISM [7c CAUSE OF VICTORY | Lady Clare ' Annesley Ad: dresses Women in Foranto Nov, ower and prestige Ahor party to vietory at the recent Heivieh elections, was the aplnion ex pressed hy Lady Clare Annesley, wns sicoesaful eandidate fn West Hrlstol, in an address before a gathering of women here, made saerifices 10 put the party, tn power and al Women had felt the res sponsibility of the vote \ 0 fp pers who had Just secured the franeh "Rut we should not eall them flap pers, she sald, 4 and sliced mushrooms, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 1:2 oup tomato julee, 1-2 tes spoon sult, 14 teaspoon paprika, Cook spaghetti, felt butter, add onion peeled aud minced, and cook | married women with ehildren" Lady Clare was confident that the poliey of the Labor Government had won the allegiance of the women voters, It wis quite logleal, she sald, that the party which until a pale straw color, Add minewd hid always stood for grating women | pepper and cook five minutes [the franchise at 2) should he the Brinkic with flour, stir until thor | firat party to feel the benefit of the | oughly blended, Stier in tomato jules | fupper vote and cook, stirring constantly until thick and smooth, Add cooked spag RECIPES hettl, ake vary hot und serve: CHERRY SANDWICHES _ One cup shredded orisp velery, ? My ! tablespoons ohopped nuts, 2 tah Take non RPS naar leapoons minced ripe olives, may an Tie AY morhing~ onnnles, graham bread. Combine |, tongue elean, colony, nuts and olives with mays ap NAH or ly rgd onnalee ta molsten Hpread he pleasantly, billows attack Wack forgotten, tween alleen of buttered graham For onsAIBANION, too Totton than | Any move laative, Ar saat ike halt tonighe TO-N| RCE Toronto Ideinln versus had earvled the Working women had hread, SPAGHETTI, JTALIAN STYLE One oup A TRA tablespoons butter, 1 small onlon, 2 tablespoons mineed green pepper, 1 oup peeled particularly "Many of them are Ua Bn ---------- GIR TONIGHT For Mothers--"FRY'S" nourishment in Av delicious form, FRY'S Oocoa © ugh t dg and cher heme el and NY YS non ai to At tt tty ed a Ww w IRS mat if de vm ae ry Write for Free Recipe Book. J § MY & SONS (Canada) Limited, Montreal, Que.

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