Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, (Rotablishod 1071) Au indoponibont newspaper published every aftornson » fogal holidays, a4 Oshawa yy Sowing Limited: Chas, M, ly, Prasident; A R, Alloway, Bes: rotary, The Ochawa Daily Times Is » member of the Cana: disw P the Canadien Daily Newspapers As Ontario Provingial sociation, Dailies and the Asdit Buresu of Chyeslations, SUBBCPIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvion, 156 » week, By elt in Caio yer) ey ld \ rid i , TORONTO OFFICE 7 Bond Building, 08 Tomperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, HD Tresidder, vapresentative TATIVES IN VU, 8, REPRE Mew York and Chicago, Povors and Stone, | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 HOPES FOR THE SUBWAY Just when many people had come to the eon clusion that the proposal for the building of a subs way at the Canadisgp National Tracks on Simeoe Street South had died a natural, or unnatural death, along comes the announcement that the project is still very much alive, and that the city's application for a re-hearing of the ease had been granted by the Bord of Railway Commissioners of Canada, The board has issued an order providing for the hearing to take plage in Toronto en Monday, November 18, when the whole ease of the gity will be presented to the heard for consideration, As the position now stands, the beard has already fasued an order providing for a subway to cost apr proximately $250,000, of which amount the dominion grade eronsing fund would gontribute §100,000, the Camadian National Railways $86,000 and the eity, The city, however, is required ta close Als bert Street at the railway tracks, and to pay the whole cost of paving the new roadway created hy the gonstruction of the subway, The city has taken exception to this arder, elaim- ing that the railway company should pay part of the cost of paving the new roadway under the sub- way, and that there should be some compensation to the city for the elosing of Albert Street, These are the chief points that will be debated before the board #t the hearing in two weeks time, whatever the des cision of the board may be on these two points it ia t@ be haped that the subway preject will be started soon, It Is not too mueh to suggest that action should be taken to have the work put under way soon enough te be of some use in relieving unem- ployment conditions fn the city, A project of this kind would provide considerable employment, and if 2 could be possible to have it undertaken at once, it would be of great benefit to many families whose wage earners would otherwise be out of employment, One ean hardly blame the eity council, of course, for tying to agcure better terms for the city, In so 'doing, they are carrying out their duty to proteet the ratepayers from expenditures whieh might be avoided, And if they are able to secure more favors able terms from the board, then the time and effort spent in furthering the city's case will have been well spent, But, win or lose, the subway project must go on, and the sooner it goes on, the more benefit it will be to the city, THE LOST AND FOUND The whele Deminien of Canada must have been thrilled yesterday when the news was flashed through the air, and appeared in the afternoon news- papers, that Col, MeAlpine and his party of explorers, missing for nearly two menths, had been found on a lonely island in the Arctig sea. 'The futile results of the widespread search oh ho ia ae had caused most people 'to give up hope y would ever be found alive, so that, avhen the mews came, it brought about the inevitable yeaction, an outpouring of expressions of pleasure at the remarkable escape which these eight men have had fram death. The full story of tha MeAlpine gh when it is tol, will be another eple of adventure In the north. lahd, Following the trail of the explorer by that newest of transportation methods, the airplane, they ve penetrated far into the morihern wilds reach: in a few days places whieh, by the eld metheds, took menths to reach, They have new nails all aver the map of northern Canada, and theirs has been the type of adventure that is more commonly found in fiction than in truth, Pa In spite of the fact that the radio report says that the party are safe and well, the eight weeks they spent cut off from eivi must have that, suspense : | ¢ and Mody. That they have come all 'safely speaks well, not alone for their physical strength, 'but for their morale, for their qualities of mind which. 'enabled them to stand the terpific strain of iselation in the northern wastes, "The discovery of Col, MeAlpine and his colleagues aaeans a great relief to the minds of many intimately "assnoiated with them, and that feeling of relief and thankfulness will be shared by the whole dominion, NO NEED TO BE DISCOURAGED \ SC 6 women candidates who contested seats ! "the provinelal election need not feel : th their effort, There may be a diss ¢ position On the part of women to feel that it is al Caest a | task 10 try tu secure the election of +. sae of thle number 10 the Ontario legislature, but + that can hardly be taken as tht meaning of the tes Coutts of last Wednesday, © It was net the fact that they wee ween that "vaused*the defeat of these three women in Toronto , port, of course, was RR pe They wers beaten simply because they were not offi- celal Conservative candidatasnnd ran in Torentg, Of course, they should have known better, Bo long as Taranto vemalne ae it Is, It Is hopeless for & Liberal, male or female to think that he or she has # ghost of a chance of being elected to the legislature, Now, IF they had been Conservatives, and had been selected as official candidates, bearing the seal of approval of the party organization, they would have heen all right, and would have had no trouble In rolling up & nies majority, Bo these women, after all, need not feel that' they have disgraced the cause of thelr vex, The worst that ean be said about them is that they used poor Judgment in selecting the constituencies in which they chose to neck elestlon, ' RADIO RUMORS IET------------ The people of Britain were greatly shocked on Sunday when they heard & sadlo mnnouncer in Paris studio hrosdeast the startling information that King George had died from pi attack, The res wite false, but it was some time before the sentradistion sould he given out over the alr, And in that time, it had spread like wild fire by telephong and " people passing on the news tq each other, until the whole eountry 'was in a ferment of anxiety, y Tt in interesting. to note that this rumor was sent out on a Bunday, the day of the week an which no newspapers are published, se that the people had no means of definitely checking its sceurasy, It has been very notiseable, in the past, that many sensa~ tional rumors have bes started by radie broadessts on Sunday, keeping people in suspense until they were exploded by the appgerance of the Monday newspapers, This in highly significant, Tt points to the fact that newspapers play & very important part in keep- ing the public fully informed as to what is going on in the world, Had the rumor of the king's death heen true, the newspapers would very quickly have found means of informing the people about it, But the day being Sunday, and no newspapers being avails able, the way was clear for the rumer-mongers to do their deadly work, One would almost believe that the moral of this is to take radio rumers with the pro, verhial arain of salt unless they are absolutely cons firmed in the columns of the newspapers, GOING TOO FAR The hoard of edweation in Kingston must have been hard put to it to find a subject for discussion at its meeting the other night, for its report shows that a propess! was put forward for consideration that compulsery baths be administered to school ehils dren when desmd necessary. Tan't that a subject for a first class controversy? Fortunately for the peace of mind of the members, and the teachers in the schools as well, the board decided that this would he going too far, and agreed that the home was the best place wherein the pupils could have their baths, One ean readily imagine the roar of protest which would have gone up had this suggestion been adopted, As a rule, hoards of education are supposed to have Jurisdiction over the children for five days of the week, this pried ending on Friday evening, And one could hardly blame peaple if they objected strongly to any board of education taking unto itself the dus ties of the Saturday night tub, one of the mast firmly established traditions of countries where baths are looked upon as part of the routine of life; Perhaps the school nurse who suggested the plan had a great idea for making a practical application of the wiaxim that cleanliness is next to Godliness, but she will have to walt a while before she ean find any board of education daring enough to put that subject on the sehoal curriculum, THE INFLUENCE OF A TEACHER An interesting story appeared in the newspapers # day or two ago regarding the death in Hamilton on Saturday of James W. Conner, a well-known On+ tari educationist, at the age of ninety years, Mr, Connor had a notable career as a teacher, and was for thirty years principal of the high schoo! at Bers lin, now Kitchener, But the most interesting point mentioned was the fact that among his pupils he had numbered such eminent Canadians as Premier King, Hon, W, D, Euler, the late Professor Toews, and the late Rev, Byron Stauffer, One can readily understand the pride which this old veteran of the teaching profession must have felt in the success of his former pupils, He must have folt, and he had every right to feel, that he had made some contribution to these outstanding lives which have meant so much to Canada, For there oan be no doubt of the influence which is shed over youthful minds and characters hy the guidance and training of the teachers of youthful days, To see pupils and students rise to positions of emis nence far beyond anything which they themselves have been able to achieve is one of the rewards come to those who spend their lives in the tea profession, In the training of young people, they give something of themselves, transmit thelr own ideals and characteristics to the pupily and thus contribute to the makeup of the men or women whieh are pped in later years: It in this influence, whieh is a potent factor for good which makes teaching ewmnt for samething and which, in the evens tide of life, enables many teachers to point with pride to men and women high in public life and say "These were my pupils." EDITORIAL NOTES The next big event in tife 1s Christmas shopping, + Buy & Poppy and wear it an Armistice Day, When stock markets are on the break, it is much niger to be a apectator than te be apeculater, It would not have needed many mare Conservative seats to enable Howard Ferguson to refer te flock as the Ninety and Nine, * iy There's not so much in a name, alter all, Sobat Island, Nova Seotia, voted for government sale of liquer by a majority of 3H wo 6 a i ad A small town in Northern Ontario has 180 families with an average of ten ehildeen each. My, but they must be old-fashioned up there, A wellknown business man who has heen Qntems plating buying an oil-burning furnace has changed hig mind, He is receiving so many automobile, radio and other ciroulars these days that he can heat Ny home with them. . . A the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 Other Editor's Comments -- THE CRISIS IN BHINGLEDOM (Vancouver Pravinge) It 16 in na spit of brotherly love toward hhetinan in British Colum bin that the Beattle Times continues Campaign to het Canadian shingles out of the United Bates, Stalwart Canadign and American op» erator of mills and logging epmps in British Columbia are now elussified by the Beattle Times as being as firent # meniee to the peace, prosper ty and contentment of the republic as the cheap labor of Caeehoslovakin or Austria, NO SUCH BTREE' (Frome the Topeka Capital) A damage suit was on trial in County ge Thomas eouit the other day, The Jury had heen duly empanelled, and the taking of testis mony was In progress, Clyde Parker was questioning Dr. MeCreery, whe PAT op the " ness stand, when the ol took place i i PA rn here did the ear hit " ec At the junction of rn MeCreery i ie ju 0 the dor Hg gervical vertebrae, erry Zeller, foreman of the Jin rose in his Place and sald: "Your aner, 1 have lived in Hugoton fey sly years I am a member af the elty counell and 1 never heard of any such streets, 1 helieve this a made-up case" EE A WISE FOOL (Regina header) There Is 8 man in Western On» ario whe has lived up to his teach: Li Always he declared that if his car ever stalled on a rallway track with & train approaching he would waste no time on the ear, but would make for safety, "I ean huy another ear, but 1 can't buy another ehanee alier I'm dead," he said, A couple of weeks ago he bought a new ear and took it for & run, Crossing a ral way track It gave a cough and quit, A train was approaching from a dis tance, People told him he had time to get her going, but this brave chap ot out and walked to the side of e road, The new ear was reduced to matehwood, Nome peaple sald he was & foal, hut if 50 he was a wise one, He had insured his ear and was taking no chances, He left the debris to the railway wreckers and put in a elaim to the insurance company He is still safe and sound and his wife 1s not a widow, CANADA'S PARTY (Halifax Herald) Our own people have taken pari oular interest in the visit of the Hel tish prime minister to this eouniry and to the United States heeause they feel that the visit is fraught with special signifeance to Canada, With Ih strategie position, Its growing wealth and importance, and its inten sely loyal population, this Dominion Must play an inoreasingly important part in world affairs, It is not too much 10 say that i mw tually beneficial relations are te eon tinue to exist between Hritain and the United States, they will exist more easly If Canada earvies out the role of Interpreter 10 its neighbor of the poliey and ideals of the Mathers land and the British Dominions, In Attempting so great a task this coun: try In faced with no small measure of yeaponaibility, That she must be an inereasingly important agency for the maintenance of world peace Is freely acknowledged and she will host achieve this result hy strietly main taining her own rights and ar the same time inalating on those ideals of justice and falr-play for which she made such tremendous saerifice dui ing the Great War, A Toronto Frightene (From the OUAwR Journal) | Bits of Humor YEP, "Can a wife forgive a husband's past?" "Usually if husband gives a pres sont," SEEMS 50 Old Lady (meeting sallor on oui try road): "Sir, do ye know my son Jack in the navy?!" . fatter "Which ship is he serving in Old Lady: "What! Be there two" SPARTAN SIMPLICITY (The New Outlook) Rook . Agent (to farmer): "You ought to buy an eneyelodepedia, naw that your bay is going 10 school" armor: "Not on your life, Let him walk, the sume as I did" RAGER aaa Ly of the Howse (10 the cook) Marie, why does his alieeman come here se often? Is there any Jango of anything disappearing om here! -------- SHARING WIA TROURLES verhroke: I'm se worried 1 can't sleep. I'm afraid 1 won't be able to " bills, i vey: Me, tool I'm hi t the very same thing=Detroit ow, T---- THE JNRINKING AUDIENCE In as northern town a foams Jany of barn -stormers was playing 0 4 ™ ° Wa Milles) the shrinki villian shrinking hetaine wi the stage 10 the fool: lights and in her ear he hissed, "Are we aplonet) Ral n a, guv'nos" inter ® lone ccnp Wh avi "hy bo , hut you will he n 3 amerrow w---------- Be God ove ye Pang ios, and do , and lend, hopin or Athing again, and you Yewar he fg and yo shall he the ohikiren of the Higheat! or he kind wate the Athan ful and 10 the evil. He ye therefore mercifw!, as your Father alsa is meret emLuke LE 1] "Spivit Divine, |. Come as the fire; and purge our hearts, Like Nacrieint flame." wt Sy Ong ean never tell shout Toronto That curious place, with so many vir tues, bat with se many more quaint prejudiees, is labile ta up at any time and deelde that in its vole of keepin the Empire together and the orn of the world in thely place, It most do something so extraordinary tht the vest of ws can only stand winmazed, It is of ity stvinge moods Just now, A Tew poor Communists have heen wanting to liald meetings; the sort of I A ind the sort of meets Ings that cull "for 1ittle but pity, But Toronte, which we at least thought wis brave, his heen strnek with pande, It sees the leglans of Mossow marching down Yonge street, pillag ing the homes of Rosedale, kicking Howard Verguson out of Queen th and Bir Hebert Daleoner ont 4 arsity, Listen to this from the Tas ranto Glabe i "This wis the alm of the satoalled free speech gathering, (a restore ta Cammurtsts (he privilege of eareying! out thely of ders fram Moscow to de stray the ehuyel, the sehpely, (he miiriuge te, the trade wnlons, indus trial principles and the political stufus, and to deliver the county for exploitation wider 0 Soviet vege wich ws hag debauched, demoralized and warined the 140,000,000 pegple of ussla," Bounds like Burke on the French Revalution, and he with a bad sold Rely, when we think of our wld collesgue Hurry Anderson siting down wt his trusty typewriter anid posnding out nonsense like this, if almost makes us weep, Harry, of course, was mlways vivid, In the old Press Gallery days, If a row broke out In the House and Harry got at his typewriter with a package of Moguls beside hin re knew (hat nest day here w wld 8 A erisis In the Glo we didn't think he was afraid of # few Communists, or even a lot of then. an It be that he's enly "spacing Taranto | Just playing up » liters? That Body of Pours By James W, Barton, M.D, THE LESRON OF THE VIX HPIDKMIO Perhaps you often wonder wily physicians are ynable Lo prevent an allment gueh as the Fi from coming slong every few years and doing so much damage, An a student, 1 was taught that the Flu was due Lo & corialn organs lum, an Lhe First epidemic Was RWay hel dn LENG, and this organism had heen discovered In the Plu patients at that time IL was not until 16018 that anoths er opldemio awapt over the world and you will remember that thous pandas of these cases went on tn fA hroneho-pneumonia, then the heart hegame affected, and very many died, This epidemic starts od tn the summer months, August and Heptembeoy The farm of Flu that cams along Inst your (1005-0) was a Nitla aif farent aa It did not spread all over the world, Tt was more ke & aes yore oold In the head, and the results were not very serious al though hroneho-pneumonia, and the regular Inbar pneumonia, often followed 1t An you know the ealise of Flu is hoing investigated all aver the world, That the physieal sondition of the people In 1818 after four years of war might have heen a factor has heen the apinlen of HOME vesearch men However, thera Is na question but that the 'gulet' way that the Plu came an many fadividuals in 1618 wan one of the veal causes of #0 many deaths, Vigorous youns men and women fall & Hitle weak, had a 'Bit of & eold,' not mueh appetite, hit ware not slek enough to #0 ta hed This vemaining on thelr feet, and not going ta hed, gave Lrons ohaspnowmonia #8 ehanes to davals op, and the heart weakened hy these three or four days which should have heen spent tn hed, was not strong enough to da We work wEainst such odds The Flu in mild ar severe form, may come agaln, and If you will got vight off your feet and to hed At the flpst symptom, you've a hotter chance ta aveld bhronehes pneumonia and & weakened heart than If you try to 'Aght It oft' Tha lesson of 1818 should never he forgotten (Registered In aecovdance with the Copyright Aet) ---------------------------- THAT newspapers ave the backbone of a sity, THAT they wan stvaightfor: wand pry methods Hy wd ing the ame elity, That they ave the great market place where husiness houses offer their services and merohandise, THAT they ave always ' orihwh " Ryn } ow Teg veh sity, THAT they serve thely sity in a way that brings progress, That they always teach theif an help to pramote prosperity an growth, THAT they arouse the citizens to take active civie interest and pride, THAT a sity sannot waiess It han & program and sare Net at that pragtom te 4 tues THAT programs of importance will never he a-sucoess without the active AMPROrt of the newspapers, and with them hey must have the oly mM well as the financial support of ews ory eitiaen, * ig Aunt Jane: "Robert, are you ng the parvat 10 swear?® opt Bits of Verse i THROUGH DEATH TO LIFE Alttumn that brings the waking nigh 0 scattering of the seed, not sown in van, That needs must fall into the ground and die ¥ It would Tive again; he bullding of the throne apring shall sit, Crs round with all her lovely pige where Mr | Sueh death, and only such, as holds nit The birth 'that Is ta be This now, and Winter later; then O then The violet's breath, the euckoo's gall, the ' New life that leaps in birdsand beasts and men And Bpring-time everywhere FAIRIES There are fairies in the flowers, Dainty, smiling wisps of faysi But they sleep Ni through the winter Till the sunny summer days There are fairies in the fiveplace, In the embers bright they glow; But they flutter up the chimney And are lost amid the snow, There are fairies in the raindrops, Fattering an the window pain But they vanish when the sunlight Shines upen the world again There are fairies in the sunshing Playing round the golden gleams, Boon we see them disappearing Bliding down upon the beams But, of all the precious fairies Hest of all are those af love, Far their actions are inspired Hy the highest heavens above Love's domain is universal, Love embraces great and small} Ho the fairies af love's spirit Are the very best of all THE RUILDING CLIMBER Crowds upward gaging wateh him there Flattened against the oity wall Away fram unsupporting ale He shrinks, and elosely erawls Clings 10 eald stone falls The stairleas space} above him rise Past a rool's edge, the roofless halls And vacant vistas of the skies Heneath him Below they marvel, well content To feel the frm earth falsely sure Wha have on Time less permanent, A Evasp, a deeting less secure! we Joan Batchelor im The New Yorkes uy Strain 1) AN #7 CN TUCK, Opt. B (Copyright 1056) / THY DIVIDENDS VEOM VISION To he hrovght to n true vealign Lon of the value of snything wa have but ta Jose It for 8 time, In the pursult of our dally husiness or profession I is a common error to neglecl ourselves In many ways and glve Andividual attentiog to husiness matlers leaving our phy slenl waltars until some mops eon venient time Due to this neglect special phas a of preventive and hyglenle meas Uren ure depll. with hy certain or ganieations whose funetions HW Is ta educate hy prepavation snd dis tribution of secuvats Information The Hed Cross Hoclety oealls at tention tn hyklens and hygienic sonditions genevally, The Indus trinl weeldent Pravention Awsneln Hon advises vegarding woeldenis and safety, and the Kyssight eons parvation Counell of Canada assists this general welfare movement hy giving attention to the conserva ton of vison, The gain derived from vislon sen he more particular: ly veuliged when we Sonslder the loss, discomiort, handieap, Ireita Wilty, tisheasth and inconvenience dus to Impsrisel vision In ig dif favanl wages Imperteet vision Is the cause of many dissomforis and lg of hu manity, among which are the fol lowing Lavin poevosnitake of headaches yet, parvantage nf crosp-eysy Biyen, Wnitlamed and painful Hds Loss of nerve energy, stomach trouble, Foar visen dulls the mind and handleaps the Individual CANADA'S MANTER OLAOCKS The master clocks st the Dom Ilan Observatory, Otiaws, kept In the, underground clock vault, are mutntatned an nearly an possible at fi vonslant temperature, Kerosene: merveury ind Lalueng-mersury thermostnis srs designed to tern the heat on av offs for a change of one hundredth of a degree in yoom tamparatiurs and to work for long periods without Inspection Twa ardingry carbon lamps keep the oom temperatures al slightly wn dey 76 deg, V, while twa ether lamps turned an Intermitently hy the thermostats hold the tempers ture pracioally steady sf 764 des, "Have van seen Naral's new sven Ing froek?" "No-what does it look lke?" "Well, in many places it's very like Norah" Frome Fomtong s @ J tte Bk nting 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 (Jre You Self Reliant; IH you are, you'll want to remain so, But if you do not provide lor old age, you will lose your inde endence, Bmall sums OW in Canadian Government Annuities will prevent this At 65 you will still be self-reliant and looking forward te an old age of peace and happiness, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES ssa ovat -- HON, PETER HEENAN Minister BACKED H Eh aio Anawition Hraneh, Papi. 0 1 Department of Labour, new, Fhonne send me OOMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annnities, | PP sii y a. nl ws ld ¥ i bi. "BANK OF RS. Morphy, Manager Oshawa Branch THE Bank of Mo accounts here, ™ IONTREAL IN EXCRSS OF 900,000,000 7 "Ney awatie, Pw ojast telling him what not 10 say,

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