Che Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City News in Brief | (By Canadian ¥ ron) gt Hut throm, we erin $he Ba ov ve: vie true » Martin Hack To Dut Tavontg Full renovared trom hin long # nom, on, dohy'$ B Mav thn, pray ais) Winsor 0 WT tury hin desk at the ¥ MA, MP (dn after 0 fye-monthy/ A | or Mi ring Abert ale nd in . An "Thesknlon appeared fn Police Court here, charged with stealing 284 annel of hedy from the Hguor ware house at (hat Jags, Aviator Injured Petovhorvo, Norman A, Miller winner of the Tavento-to-Gleveland Derby, wis Hghtly injured near Norham, in the County of North umbariand, when his plane crash od Into a ti hee, . Boy Vilinint's Trinmph London. se Yohudl Menhuin, 18 yaapsold violinist, last night play: bio with the London Bymphony Ove uhestra at AA 's Hall, In his fips ROpOATANOn fn England, He von dared Hrahma's Concerto, and {ad nine auvtalnsealls hefore the pack od house, LE A Mavieah Governor Killed Makice CH LY oe Fa oan, Judluf ' 0 of Agua Oallantes, Lag when an aly lane of the Carparacions Aernsn lop da Transportes evashed ney Villa Carbon In the Staite of Maxi 00, re ' Tahoval Nominated Owen Haun rad W, Hhiokt, well-known Part iin altieen, wan appointed candidate hy the North Hriee bihoral Association, in eons vention at Tava this afternoon, to opposa DD, J, Byars, Wiavtan, Con servative, LJ . L] Conviet Dies of Wounds Oolumbun, Ohle=«Arthur Brook or, of Lindlay, Ohio, 88, one of thre aonviols who made a break fav liherty aver the walls of Ohla Renita tinny, fad In the Hapn hoaplial fram bullet wounds inf ted hy a §0 kr. EE 3 dhe! At votives apponents hy eanvention at fn ANTHERS BY Bei (Me Mention We Novem bey 1 14, tanta Pralpeis Case Inger Nav, 4,o=A ass of Ins niile PAPAYA has developed In it Oxford Township, the vietim being a T-yanr-ald hoy who wan in fitehtanen at wehonl on Friday, IL on Friday the lad heoame par tally PrAlysed on atirday, Dog's "Wien Fatal Wendover, Nov, 4, The Domine fon Government should provide a Hehter degree of Rroteo lon from a to 5 A Cop Aner n Jur { Wn ta night " fini ne that fine | 32 ah th hr ot hehey bie of he " ten sant 11 AN pe ne mm Wan » \ hers, 0 on oy, N, ¥, wa Mad Inst { ight AN dang M nf Nv, LU holes of Dawson RLY ihe Lawrenoe aver, Was sarioualy i wrod when Cham: her's oar, penta alk Ly ®t of Young people, ovanh tf the Mg [3 Yo mile road Rane Tiowensiaer Whi " Camden, Clb Con 18 yeavald Dyramaniae oonfessed, palive Nd TL then lam hep yan pA , | nat Ih heart of a wiilet, LA the red biases" A Moved pel Fi firemen work an . wi W Bh h RE Hoviet prin a hoa Whe fo Rh oated that LE A oF prisoner whe had Ahn a the mie He Way : Neve lost Shale Rag nthe nek 1) perlahed ty % ) mow. oy: avy ro n Ki es gh fone of Ham: hor Appearing " fare Palloa Mags are Wr ingtan, Wad a polity Wp "Richens he and on Sn about fi year a Thatta RTI EER heen wanettied RL AN tly Wir and WoRorn Rr ---- SHEE | EX a a! DECREASE IS MADE IN HYDRO RATES "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 16 Cents " 3 Weeks 3 Cents a Copy. TEN PAGES EArt LL € re Rescued Explorers Marooned On Arctic Island NEW RATES ARE EFFECTIVE FROM TODAY AND PROVIDE SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS Reduction of 89 Per Cent, to Domestic Consumers and 22 Per Cont, to Com- mercial Lighting Users Announced POWER RATE DOWN ELEVEN PER CENT. New Schedule of Rates Was Adopted by City Council Last Night, and Will Be Applied to All Bills Sent Out Starting Today Hubstantinl reductions In the hydeo putes in QElBwe come Into affect immediately, the oity gounell NAVIN adopted a new sehisdule of rates for this ally Ate mesting ast night, Theis vites heocome ef faetive un the next Willing to sles trie oonsnmers in the elty, that Is far all eloetvlo consumption from appraxhmately dept, 4, The new rates frovide a redun tan of §.0 per cent to domestie aonsumiers, 28 pay gent ta commer ein gonnumers and 11 per pent (nh pawer users in the elty There in alin a substantial reduction in the east of street Hghting for the oly, The eouncil adopted the new sohiedile of rates last night with Wineusn ah, Alderman Ueovgu tin art pointed out that an editorial wl ahpeared t thy Oshawa Dally men reoent 1] ] fo dtion on th hii napd hyd atop a and stated that the Ae Badro eommitien had heen working on the question for some time, several weeks hefore the aditarial had appeared Thin vate veduetion in the first divect benefit the elty had receive ad fram the purehase hy the mune mioipality of the eleeteionl and wae distribution system here, Which ware taken aver hy the olty fram the Hydro Kleotrie Power Came fon thin summer, retroactive to Pe ruRry 1, The new rates ta domestio cops sumers are nervios eharvge, Hie poy month for tweswiva wervioes and Ate per month fay d-wive ped viees, Ounsumption, fd 4 eants per Kilowatt for the fivat 40 kilowatt hours, and § oents per kwh for all additional sonsumption, with & minimum hill of 880 per month Fron, atts Ly nomi payment | #8 old pate wan cents per kwh, tha first Hy wih, And two oents per Kowdh, for all Mditiona consimption, The fiat POWalep PHYA in $00 per Ne or Per ARRUM New oaimmerolal rates are wer vies charge, he per month Kross por 100 wattn of Installed capacity with a minimum of 50 cents per month, Consumption, #3 cents pap kwh for tha first 100 hours wee af the Installed capacity ar maximum load, plua 14 oenta per hw for all additional consumption, with a minimum bill of 88a month 10%, The old commercial vate wan 4.6 sentn per kwh, for the demand, Wi WO 0aRta per Kw hy, for all additional, 1 per homenawer POP Mond vonneaisl Jos, © hoy jj 0 penta per Kowh, 0) hours "wh. of rohan! | a 4 or por Kw. hy, ne 0 hours vr) [A iL) Wh - for \ dlscaung of 10 og sont, BA OURE far prompt Payment, oants far the tirat 80 hours wee of maximum demand, 1.6 conta tor the tional with no provision for loeal AH § Tate Roowatt W wh 11 10walt male wh oh LA multiple mn. ON BOMBING RAID (Ry Canadian Trews Aoaved Wie) oney despatehen {rom Rabin a ohare Re od soviet aeroplanes his in Ave the fest of the woenth appears happen! | Lo oan the thiltol Ry Whi pt heal Telos Wah the ho DEA CI the ™ peding Ta Re ale alg the eastern seetion of the Chinese Ease gross, Prompt payment discount, firat 100 hours wee oF maximum Pawar rates ave: service maximum demund, vd " Ad onal OORRM sent, The ald dove rates wore it noxt 80, and 0.4% cents af all addi hwy rd (8 100:Watt mul SOVIET AEROPLANES Tokyay Nov, SeRongo News au eh PRCORRA LANCE hal JEN dhean ant od over Mubling, ow Nov, & awl Wh Coal Mines A view 1a on British Premier Thanks Hoover Tells House of Commons of Friendly Reception in United States (By Canadian Prose bopsed Wire) Landon, Nov, 8The premier ol Girent Britein, WE Hon, Kambay MacDonald, minking an eugerly-a wilted statement in the Howse ol Commons today wpon his resent trip to the United Biates, expressed thanks to Praldent Hoover, the cab: mek the senate and representatives log the welcome they gave him, Phey showed the best kind of friendship, he sald, hy the exndur with which they exehinmed views and the stemightforwardness with whieh they ralsed and diseussed questions of delicacy, My MueDiongld remarked Tu would have litle to add to what had heen printed in the pres PARLIAMENT OF POLAND ADJOURNY Move of Military Party To Secure Power Is Forestalled Ke u- . 'hy ARH Press Lenesd Whe) Warsaw, Poland, Noy, bo=Prosls dont Monelokl today adjourned the pensions of the Pollsh Bejm for 06 days, thus forestalling any fmme diate orialn growing oul of the eons traversy whieh followed the pppear anon of HEY or so army oMonre in the pariiament hullding fast Thurs duy, The session, already put aver from Thursday when Hpeaker Das pinakl dealined to open It while the oMeers ware In the bhullding, win to have started at 11 am, hut Premier Hwitaluk! at that time handed the speaker the prealdent lal doaren adjourning the session for [) month, BANK OFFICIALS HAVE RESIGNED Speculations of Junior Ex. ecutives Caused a Short age of $800,000 (By Conasian Prony Leased Wire) Flint, Miek, Nay, &.=The roslEnAtion af Grant J, Brawn, and John B Deeamp, president and vies aetively, of the Union Peau: Wat PA, WOT Woospted yontarday hy the hoard of direatove 4 the ny, It wan made known ha + Rovalation ey nat aah A group of Junior executives whe Aroha. reaponsible for a shortaya of $800,000, vonsumed in atook marke AROOUIR ION} --__--_, hi Petition for » Wyuor wove * Winduar, hm, the sales ton oF Austin B, Bmith, Conservas tive, In the pravineial contest in Houth # petition ta being alronia kin for a quer steve in mington. A --"™ias pro | Er ------------ rer Hurled Through Windshield in Subway Crash FEDAN HUNK INTO NTONK PILL J, Li, Btandish, 488 Walmer Id, Tovonto, Is uneonselons In the Western hosplial there, with sey: ore head Injuries sustained last ovening when was thrown Hon. J.A. Robb Is Holding His Own (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Toronte, Nov, §="Not mwh change and more than holding his own,' This was the statement tasued this mening by Watson Bellar on the sandition af Hon, James A, Bahl, dominion minister of fAnanee, who has heen 1 here for the past ten days with Tahar pneumonia, Mr, Nel lar 18 secretary to the minister of Hh nanee, Conference On Dominion Laws Field of Conflicting Juris dictions Is Being Explored (Hy George Hambleton, Canadian Proas Balt Correspondent ) London, Nav, §==Anather week deliherations will probably oon olude the experts' eanference on the operation of dominion laws, whieh han heen meeting hepa for several wasks, Hine the conference apen 6 the whol 104 of canfileting Juris diotlons an hiween Imperial and dominions legislation had hean ax plored, and among the delegates there In an expectation the eontey onoe will result successfully, Vari ans oammitiees remain hard al work hut tentative arrangements are helng made taf Intl the eon fovence hy Nav, 16, he Gold Kent to France Onerhours, Franoe The first fold fram the United Hiates elnoe the great war=31,000,000 in Ad Koga win unloaded from the Hap ongarin today and taken hy special ORF 10 the Paris bhauk of Lasard Froves CONSTABLE WOUNDED BY SHOPBREAKERS (By QUAM Prost | Lonsed Wire) Toronte, Nov, B-=Oanstahie John Russell wan badly mashed an thee hin with & oold ohisel early today when alding In the capture of twa shophreakera wha had bro Kon Into a loon] drug store and rw aved a quantity of moods, The twa shophreakers, who have the names of Bert Knowlton, 19, and John RB, Kelly, 20, will ha aharged with shopbreaking and assaniting the police, Premier Tells Story Of How Thornton (My KR, WK Un 10, Unnadian Pros Bal Walter) Prinee Athevt, Bask, Nov, $y intimation of a farther veduetion In Lhe next hudaet In the sales tax of ane par cent at least, and the hn stony of the appointment of Bp Henry Thornton aa Wii of the Canadian National Rall featured the address of Prime ister MaoRensie King, at a ate. Ing In the armeries hove lant night, IL wan the (hind major address wy My, King In hs western tour and Wan hroadonst aver the pal He dealt with imwmigvation, the | tt -- the resard of his gov ATRIMGR The hw Tho tiret of all sow oatved the idea of Bly Henry Thor: ton heeaming president at the La: nadian National, Nn Ring sald, Wai J, H, Thomas, whe has as Appointed heoome a Wintater of the Orawn in the Ramasy MacDonald govern: ment, Mn Thomas and My King have heen friends for many year ANd Knew of each other's interes in indusivial attaive, MP AMAR wate My, King » letter strongly recommending Riv Henry Thorton of wham he had BOON A EPOAL deal hecawsn Nip Thomas Was then connected with a labor organisation, Mn Thomas 'Thi Py he Knew of ne Wan wo A hetween employees and Mana Bay If ho were engaged, Canad Wonk #00 nat ONY & Wan ob wide saperience and fair to hia employees hut alae a wan wity PoRt abilition to make the dif AL ETORRR Cosoperate, An a veanlt of thin letter enguiy 108 were made, Riv Henry was fin ANY invited to Ottawa and heoame president of the CO N\R, y Prin pd wh i Al IN TORONTO SUBWAY == VIIL IN HOBPITAL through the windshield of his | the stone pillae with wn part of § sedan when I steak one of the | dislodged by the fores of the ime stone abwindents In the Parkdale | pact and (right) the Bandish our allway subway on Wing Bt, Tos | which was totally wrecked, rant, The layout shows; (left) STATEMENT BY SINCLAIR COMING SOON LIBERAL LEADER HAS NO COMMENT TO MAKE YET Ministers Return to Depart. ments After Stress of the Campaign Sir Arthur Currie Spent Good Night Mantreal, Noy Wir Arthur Currie, principal of MeGill Univer silty, spent @ good night, n wis announced at the University this I'he principal 1s in the sultering from stomach Wesulty of yesterday's examination are heing awaits diggnosis of his Hines Very marning hospital fronhle Ty hetore made Stock Market Closed Today Rally Which Was Expected Failed to Materialize Yesterday (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Faron, No definite ward I yol Known suneerning the propa sed provineial Liberal party sonven ton, W, | Liberal lead er, tram his witige in Oshawa today told the Canadian Presa aver distance telephone that he COMER to ake on the possibility af eating He stated he would dssue a statement within a tow days dealing with the and wany other matters he prod advisable, Until this statement fn sued he would make Hu an noupeemient of any kind Phe only aftermath of the eles Hon, 80 Tar as Oueen's Park 1s von gerne, Ix the renewed activity ol the various government departments at the parliament bhulldings, Cabinel members have returmed thei desks and the ministers are olen I wp the work that senmulisted whit they were absent during (he CRP, The Betest to yeti as Hon, John 5 Martin, minister of ag venture, who is back toduy alter an absense ol five months due Hons Bee Martin motored 1a Torta from Port Dover, where he vest ab hs home after suffering a break down fast June He has now tally recovered his health, and although he touk ne active part wn the eam WN was returned by a majority of Nov, § Sinclair, he #sloek New York, Nov, § market was closed today heoalsa of the eleetlon, after an fsolated pension In whieh prices showed a net deeline of ¥ (to 17 points on A turnover of G.308,000 shaves, The wally which was expected when the market opened yesterday after a twosday selling holiday fall od to develop and In HE place Ap peared selling pressure which was the dominant note throughout an nrderly session, Curiatled sessions from 106 am to 1 pom, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday with complete suspension of business Saturday, has been order ad by the hoard of governors of the gton kexohange and ofielals of the ourh exchange in a further effort to permit hrokevage hotses to eateh up with the bhookkesping entailed by the tremendous volume of trade Inet week TARIFF AMENDMENTS ARE REJECTED (Ay Canadian Press Laased Wire) Washington, Nov, Without a reoord vole, the senate today rejeats od an amendment ta the tari bill to inevease the duty on Ching olay trom $4.50 ta $478 a ton, My a vote of 40 10 38 thy senate thew tured dowh wi amendment by the finance eommimittee 10 out the ( Nina olay dus ty do $150 a ton, This 'eft the duty as at present=52.30, The frat amends ment was sponsored hy the Dem Orata oh had 1] Cuvee, election vonahl fa CLOUD OF ANTS THOUGHT TO BE SMOKE FROM FIRE Hanley, Sask, ' Noy d= Where there ix smoke there in fre the say I oes, Bat iE 8 Hest neoesaary 1 prove the existence of smoke there's she ruby, say the bewildered wwnapeople of Hanley AN Bhar, was thened nthe other diay when folks pereeived what they thonght wan pol ENE Wn londa from the wheatpool elevator, When Seek Publisher' a Son Detroite=Police of Detvait and Windsor, have started a search for William 1 Serippy, MN, of Detroit, son of W, I, Neripps, publisher of The Detroit News, who has heen missing sinee the night af Ot, A, / COL. MCALPINE'S PARTY MAY NOT BE BROUGHT OUT OF NORTH FOR Ei hh Heavy Rain Has Helped Farmers Ontario Department of Ag: riculture Reports Progress With Farm Work (By Canadian Frees Lonsed Wire) Faronte, Noy Heavy Faing ol past week have greatly benefit ted farmers throughout the provinee wgearding to the weekly erop report ul the Ontario Department of Agri sued yesterday, There | enough moisture now to put fall wheat In excellent eondition, while plowing 1s now golng en, Livestock 18° showing great improvement and eittle buyers ure now aetive, Rome cheese factories have closed after finding i dieult uwing 10 the searcity of mille Mill dealers: have heen compelled to raise prices to the in several centre BALDWIN OPPOSED TRUGE WITH SOVIET ploring Government's Con. cesslons to Moscow culture, | 0 Operate cunsimer (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Nav, Se«Voarmer Premier Stanley Baldwin this evening open ed an attack tn the House of Com mons on the vreeont agreement with Wussla, looking toward the resump Hon of relations declaring that Ky, Hon, Arthur Henderson, Laborite foreign secretary, had made a most ham hiading surrender My, Henderson tn veply stated "the government did not intend to recom mend thekparliament pledge the eres dit of Beitish taxpayers to any loan ratsed by the Soviet Government aml alse that Noviet propaganda would not he tolerated in any form at any HID GIBBONS GIVEN HYDRO POSITION Norenla Controller Resigns in Order to Take New Office Toronto, Nov, S=sJoneph Gib bons, former member of the Board of Control; and member of the City Counell for the past 10 years, waa appointed a member of the Torons to Hydro Commisaton, in place of the late PW, Kills, by a large majority vote of the Qounefl hat nght, By virtue of hia ofee the new Commisaloner will receive an ans unl salary of $4,000, Hig ape polntment was ratified by & mad orlty of 21 to §, Bight times, with the precision of a wellolled machine, the same vole was registered In the 18 mine utes from the time Ald Gordon first moved that the Council proceed to Appoint a member to the Toronto yare Commission, At the wdeht moment Controller Gihhona appear od and presented hiv resignation from the Noard of Contral, Five minutes later he was a Hydro Comes misatoner, the Nrefightors arrived wn the AON they found that the "smoke was « huge army of Rying ants issning tram the Wap of the i CAR biTC K sal coupe, « Ai io R Awl ef, 89 Bond street west was foveal mio the ditoh on the highway, east of the eity, Ist wight, when a ow driven by k MH. Ashton, Relleville, in alleged 10 have owt I on iL Al though the smaller car was upset, the drives Was Bol jared, Noted Shiphuilden Dies ee Death yesterday elabined Sir Robert Halton, a prominent Hy wre in ship-hwikling eivotes and for wer member of parhiament fae the Patrol division of Now Glasgow He was Al hi Mh NO North Bay, Nov, & | tlaens erowded the Counell Cham bers last night 10 protest against a araposed amendment to the dag hy aw which would have foreed" dog owners to keep their dows Wed wp ht winter, from § olelpek until 100 'elek oftiaons In mreat dlimation fought for the freedom of their dogs some of thew ew ng 0 reat heights of orate in detente of theld pets, \ verbal Wha an hehalt of the oltizens was fod hy Harry Forder and Forest Allan, The former elosed his address hy sunEesting th the Als derma wha VR propased the ame ondmont shoul he ted wp for six months Minselt to see how he hiked Another il Found Paterhora == Far the sevand time Within a4 week Pravinetal Paliea aad WW. BH Buller, Bxelae efficey, have uncovered & still tn the noth OTR part of Petarhora Caunty, Ihe addresses of these two and North Bay el} o North Bay Council Debates Allowing Freedom To Dogs hers who followed were punctuats hy profonged cheering and stamp: ing of feet, The enthusiasm was els maxed when Alterman Emile Hes dard arose and in a brilliant address toll stovy after story of what a dog MEARE 19 Ais owner, particularly the K |-ehildren, No that Connell contd proceed with fa renular business, the hvdaw was tye i second reading and des hy tod amide thunderons applause that lasted for several winutes, all Aeron and the Mayor vating as Faia the amendment, with the ex» ception of Alerman Croghan, The fatter announced that he would again be a candidate for ANepmanie hone ors in Ward 4 a suggestion that way grected with mingled groans and 0 ABOUT MONTH Party of Eight Men Rescued by Eskimos, May Have to Remain at Cambridge Bay For Three or Four Weeks THRILLING STORY OF THEIR RESCUE Two Aeroplanes Which Car- ried Party May Have to be Left on Melbourne Island Until Next Summer (By Canadian Press Leased Wim) Winnipeg, Nov, § Marooned on af rogen Island in the Arctie Ooean, slght newly-rescued TE plorers today awaited the arrival of wll fitted meaplanes to carry them over (he lea hummoeks of the barrens, Ceol, €, D, H, MoAl ping and his seven mates face An other month's delay hefore they ean be carried out of the north The elated explorers rest atl Camhridge Bay, on the south shore of Vieteria Island, epposite Hath ural Inlet It was for Bathurst Ins let that they had sel ént on Fepl Nin thelr two cabin planes from Haker Lalo, N00 miles west of Hudson Hay Weary hut happy, gaunt but healthy, the eight refu does were hullding up wasted sin ows-=Col, MeAlpine had lost 40 of his 800 pounds, Drawn up on the leeonked shorn of Melbourne Island, fn a gulf on the north shore of Canada, were the two machines disearded by the MeAlpina men fn thelr dash for Ife, With water pontoons render od useless hy the widespread less pap of the Arotie, the seaplanes are destined to remain moored on the hore until allie are brough hy anlvage planen, It wen at Melbourne sland, ae cording to meagre reports sifting through from the north, that the seaplanes landed, gan-bereft, fay off thelr course, This was In mid Neptember, sly weeks apo, hefora now and fee cant a chill cloak over the top of the world, Nines they, the men of the MeAlpine party ra tioned thelr food, walted ealmly for rescue, and finally were ploked up by ftinerant Bakimon apd eons veyed to the settlement at Cam bridge Bay, Novy of Expedition The party under Col, MacAlpine left Baker lake on Bept, & for Bathurat Inlet, on the Avotlo shore, after flying north from Winnipes. The same night, & halt of the expedition's twa rk Was made al Reverley lake, hallway point on thelr projected K00-mile jour ney, At Beverley the party wilted for more than a day walting for the weather to clear and hopped off again on Nept, 10, Deveived by the monotony df the fog-enahrouded barrens and beaet hy conatant tallure of thelr sem passes, the two pllota flew far off thelr course---~far to the northwest of thelr intended route, An the broad, open waters of the Avetio appeared beneath them through the hase the fliers realized heh were lost, hen ensued hours of almiess wandering about in an effort to regain thelr beavings, But land- marks in the north are few and there was no hope Dusk wan fa ha aoross. the Northern sens an the gas supply of the two planes became exhausted, A succesaful landing was made on the water and with the greatest of effort the pontoan-equipped planes wore propelled ashore and pulled uD OR the ba heaeh, ude Shelter That go the explorers ereol- od & rude shelter about thair planes hullt a fire on the beach, and ate (help fiat meal in the wildernons, It was & meal of claned and dried toed cared on the planes, BU0h A Weal War to ba the lot of the marooned men for many days following, The elght were lulled to alesn that night by the waves which laps hed tha Arete shove upon Whioh they slept, A fitful sleep, it was, but welcome after the tplng ade venture of the day, With dawn==thiz was September (Gontinued on page 1) Flan Crise ot Indies Montreal, Lord Willingdon, Gavernor-Genaral of Canada, and Lady Willingdon, have planned an oxtonaive orien ta the Reitiah West Indes during the Christian, wel. 00, {twas announced here today, eS OD, OI --.-. Rome~Popola M1 Roma sald 1oday the wedding of Crown Prince Humbert and Princess Mavie Jose of Relgium had hewn set definitely for the Hess, fortnight ta January