THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929 » THE C v4" where IA; _PAGE NINE Selle SSIRTED SECTION ry # Hh i ¥, Annts, JA, ov Wu Post Wh, elo on ile Mi Vraner, Buiter, : ",. PAR HILL a Ve WAN oyAnoIng and ono ob King Bt, au I FIYRICTAN, SUR "ie fens King i Li] Last, Cornel Vietorla # Obtetr [My re Srences to maternity work id dis TLL] of women, raduate experience, Office and rail ince 167 Simeee St, N, (cor, I oR GRANT BERRY, P ragldeigend? Round Fast | « HAZLN Won, an and "yrweon, oy, Office "bil Book, Phono (ng Tiss, Dhous Keon, Obstetrielan, p attention to surgery, n Jonths post OE Ravin St. Darthplomew's and M Rdinburih, Malveniity Hoy MRCIRE, M D, June nd Qhaetr an R BROWK, MD, n to maternity work and dis 188 Simeoe St North, "W. OAR, PHYNOIAN, atriolan, Office and Bimooe street north, hogs (Oot, 2) me) . Throat ar oe 1 E. HUBBELL, ! ual Res, 202W, Bye Hg A ; 4 "» P | EH a iss B, Dewhirst is | on Thonn 1038 -- Engineering and Surveying § | PONRVAN ANT LAR ny 0 Land Surveyors and sors, subdivisions, town Mo n, CM omy i : Ive or a King ng , COV WURTAT. Last, Ambulunes, LIA, $42 Bim: tos stress north, Phones 210) and ' alinm street, Brice #treet, Ambulance, (12 Insurance m FEE "BON, 1 19 King Ht, west Git ont bre fMongy in Mii Oshawa, | or fn N, ohne, 0 Hime north, Your insurance wants at tended to and your Interests pro- too Transportation 1 f Me man's, 86 Bond West, Bpecintists in thrniture moving, storages ware: houses and moving van eqiiipment, Phone Ni, | OA Loshl and long hone 3048 anil ox, #4 Bond Bt sind and cinders, atin hauling, 021, Smith and Park ond distanee Park RA (Oot, 16:1 mo) WANTED =TRUORING "0V ALL kindu, Carting or moving, Phone g060W, (Oot, 18:1 mo) | KAGLE™ CARTERS AND "TONG wrniture movers bir awe, Loca) and long Frank Cowls, Prop, 68 Houth, Phone 815, ished distance movers, satisfaction guaran teed, quick servige, chaappest in Osh awh, Phone us ir Oet, 20 | LIL Boauty Sv ITTY TT wave, Spealal #5 ol wave and shampoa {i dale eutth wr 256, Phone 298 or § Blmeoe North, EXTERT MARCECTING HY Hetty Ward ut Betty Lou Permans ent Wave Shoppe: Maree! and sham poo $1, Phone 2U0R at WATHONS BA RBTR AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celing 5t, Wa spe Ri ifn In tadles' hale ating mags gelling, shampooing, faglnls Maree 8 cents, For RL I { phone LLLLE 10-1 ma) MARCEL ANG CURL 50 MRS Everette Bell, Apt, 0 Edward Apart: ments, wehee st For appointment phone Y3661, (Oct, Bel mo) ul ing. Supplies | FOR FAL = SAND, CHAVET, stone and black loam, $1.60 a vd For quality and service 'phone Ms sary Ho - «| ir "WAT Uoed sand and gravel, To Insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date, W, How towdale Phone 1418 Music FUPTEE AOR REIN" VOUAL fastruotions, Mra, (Dr) Grant Merry, Phone 1105, (Nov, 8:1 mn) ARTHUR TYRE VOCAL TER: (Hambourg Conservatory, To. ronte) pupils prepared iy nll exaine {| Biba va Wadnea \ 'gimeve St 3 0} 1-11) " LLY will nooapt pupils for sink: ne, volte pn i Phone 1004, Hruee Nov, LR _mo) ort TY Bireator of he OMA WA "Oollels te and Publlo DhOO1, Studio, 30 estmoreland, Phone 2084), (Oot, 18<1 mo) HT Watch Repairing ake, vepale shop At t West, Your pate "| olty_ property na Lon pram and Jubee and. batterie , rental och 1 hous 10484, Charles I) how Oud g Nov, 4:1 mo) the ory todted, suppl Wales, tr 3] 8 Tudtatr Phone 488 R 1 (Nov, 1:1 mo) : W. gt of this nature, and collect for same, "Times" Classified Teleph All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts Foy the convenience of customers who find It Inconvenient to come personally to The Timed' office, n telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results one 35 ------------ Real Estate for Sale FOR EAL = BOLI BRICKS rooms, hot water heating, dll trim, tire place, hnrdweo "floors, sida drive, elecirie fixtures, price $4,300 | 300 dollars down, Apply 2031 Duffer in Street, Toronto, or phone Ken wold 5064 (Noy, 3 2:Nay, 16) al rea FT Work Wanted RC UTHOLETERING, CHESTER fields made to order, Wo save you moneys Batimates free, GA Cons tiahle, 74 Mechanle street, P june 2 { IRTFE CHARGED, C. A and delivered, 75 cents, 8 e fred it ll deon 20 "iS 3 or Ph b 10-1 mo) i ANTI: Myerad T8e, rental 2fe, and the antire sloctrionl system of ORE Per palred, 404 Oshawa Blvd, Phone FEREA Out, 11s I mao) AUTO HODY AND TRUCK HK palring, Metal bumping, | handle the Elder Built Bodies, BUY Fry, 40 Dond Went, Oshawa, (Oot, 101 mn) Public Stenographer MEANT N,WICTON, 71 HIMOOR street north, Phone 1600, Bpecial rates for malling lista and alreninr work, (Oot, 86+1 mo) --_--- Second Hand Dealer FNUOND WAND DRALER, FOR niture boughs and sold, 156 Bloor it, Want, Phone 1 1617M, ome Cooked "Meats ENUTTEN WOME "WADE PORR plon, steak and kidney ples, hot or cold, brawn, onkes and pastries, oto, oto, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone SATIN, (17) Auctiones WoT, WT SUEY auctioneer, Mo fimo '™ ean sell vour odd pluees of furniture at bur vards, 4 Kine St 8 Wt Bice a place oleaned A f ren: of, CONNETT OF Ma ". the best Tous 3 » hoes fixed, LUN ot, Isl Mo, \ \ FOR FAN OR ENOHANG=-1E seres choles loam near Oshawa, Splendid house and outhulidings, ling, plggery, henery, pond tan [) Wig in build: Bo Wil voneder dw, Tries oh exchange, Jems. @) Wanted BW MAN THEATRES room with hoard in private family. Convenient to Four Qorners, Ay Jag Ji) Times i Motor Cars ART YOUR AUTO PARTE AND acossaorien at the Olty Aute Srackers 16:17 Pond street weat, hones 2RROW or B448W WAVE ALL The VIORE AROUND your windows and doors tilled with plastic cement and shat out the hea lo, Mra. Dell, 38) Sime fed wh OHEVROLET trek, 29, used only short the, stake body, in perfect order, Bla reduction for ahort time used, a ply Box 808 Mi (104h EE aL in perfect shape, large stake body, a real buy, Apply Dox 308 Times, 104h) | FORTE traok with stoek body, Nt od ohange for used oar Niro #7 Dols borne Gast, Phone 2 (10tes LJ] and Live Teady to Inv, Apply H. Ra, aid {108b) (Oot, 20:1 ma) FOR sald w-- Pullet Sloan, THAN DULLES Ol or, Apply Joseph © Ohta Rosa ot ne! Gents' overcoats tered, ladies' fur conta repatred, "Talloving" aterel Wade hi aA W. or CARN ] hone 309, if Fr EW | autring land ey u ! tha -- ottioe of wht Yin or tober, A Quah or wet Wa "Lh Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT Wa0on slabs, $4.50 per loud, Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Linued Phong [288 (Apr, 2611) FOR BALEL~=HEINTEMAN QO Ltd, planos, new and used plans, Also radion, Iatest wodeln; tern HY al Apply ©, Trull, Phone (11110) MOVING | SAL K OF nic YCL IH bleyele stock, and automobile tires, Big reduction, cash er terms, Every thing must be sold, 82 King ig (Oct, 29-1 ma) FOR BAL (W MIXED HLAR wood, $10 a cord, iki A Phone SO10M or onl] B71 King Bt, Hast, pir ito) i AUTO KNIT FOR FAL ONR tar, ocamplete with lnstruetion hook, Halt price for qulek sale Phone S008) (1046p) FOR BALE USED FURNACHK IN good condition Apply al hl Centre Bt, or phone 24W, (107m) FOR SALE-NLUE COAT, GREY fur trim, good gondition, 36-38, cheap 487 Bimeoe BUS LD) FOR SALE-2 AUTO TRAILERS For Quick Sule, $12.00 such, wt W7 Rosehill Hiv (1074) FRR EN Position Wanted GIRL DESIR b POSITION ASR ook general, axperignced, references Apply 04 Bond Street, Kast, Phone 1454) nate £1040) Ww ANTED=1OB AS THAMETEN or any kind of work, Phone 1840M B44 Doarhorne Ave (1060) WORK WANTED BY A" YOUNG Danish man, Apply 110 Frederick Nt, (100) LR LR RR Room and Board NOON AND HOARD FOR YOUNG man willing to share room with another, Mxytra warm, Heparate hada, 1] Gibb At, (1070) ™ Help-- Wanted Male LARGE MANUFACTURER Wi quires services of two salesmen, Only those with experience and highest references need apply, Kn qulries held In stelet confidence, married men preferred, Apply 1§ Oshawa, Out, (1060) Bond Streei Nast, "Lost and Found © Wik THR PRERBON ML CH IN susplelon taking overcoat from Hee gont Theatre Haturday night refurn AL once, (1060) LOAT--ON O0T, 8, AT 183 Allee street, long black silk soart with large vous flowers on ends, and fringe, (17h) Wanted to Buy WANTRD---FORD MOTOR, MUST be In running onder, Hiate serial number when replying, Apply Box 286 Timea, (107a) ---- ler (RED AND RE. modelled, Far ART nde \ 10 INeANIFS, factory to wearer prices, Mrs, Hioks, Al,_144 Pringe St. North, 1a) Wanted To Rent WARTRD TO RENT--POU ROR five. roam bungalow, All conveni ondes,> Good tenants, Apply Hox 281 Times, \ (10460) Notice of Registration of | Bylaw Nutice fu hereby given that a AW. Was passed by the Qounel the Corporation of the Qity of on pes on the 18th day of Aw 028, mroviding fop the la fede 0 gh Hl upes to the a t of Purpose a0 Anusha Bites, and that « Ww Was register sms or an t th ® 0 ne thew % within 0 hrea mo a i hat frat publication of and cannot he made LL Dated the 23nd day of Octo 1999, F, 8 HARE, Clerk For Rent POUR AND rive sooMinh HOD orn suites, including electrie refrig aration, stove, Ilsundry, conven) ences, ete; sontinuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone #671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Itd,, manager for awner, roronts, +f) AVATVIWVINTE VOR BUNT Modern eonveniences, $40 and up, Anply irr! rd rt (CLE! apartment over Li or's next ta Karn's Drug ore wession October 1, Apply L Henry, 881 King Bt, Phone 16, Store, Poss Mrs, V, Haat, (4-1) ; - OWED heick house, Convenlences. Paved street, Immediate possession, Ap: ply 81 Elgin #t, 0, Phone 16867, 101%) LATOU™ AY) DERN conveniences, Buitable for family, Bhort lease, Low rental, 161 King Hast, Oshawa, 1044) VOR TANT fortable furnished business gentlemen, #6% Simeone Mouth, __(106¢) TWO TIOURRR™T0 RINT, VIVE rooms, newly decorated, HBeven rooms, Hot water heating, Apply 106 Bloor Bt, West, hone 14788, 0 Jd . (1060) VUTNTHHED BINGLE ROOM, A oT ponvenlences, Phone HTHN or Lull B14 Alice Htreet, (106¢e) T0 WENT UR 10 OATH, BQUIP. ped new six yoomed home, hard: wood throughout, All conveniences, Mantla, ppedial fixtures, storm win. dows and garage, Reasonable rent to right party, Apply 188 Me: Laughlin Blvd, Phone 1876W, (1060) FOI WNT TWO "NTORLY vine nished rooms for Hght housekeeps Ing, Kvary convenience, Also gar: age, Apply B81 Warren Ave (1060) TO WONT HEE PORANTRHED or unfurnished rooms In bathroom fat, Apply 64 William E, FOR RENT ulx room house, Reasonable rent, mi, AMAL HOURR ro" ply B06 Cellug Hiresl (107) TWO FURNIEHED OR UNPFUR uished rooms, Will rent separates ly, Phone 866TH, (10%0) FORT RENT MODAN MIX roomed house, Newly decorated, Only oureful tenants need apply Low rental, Possession immediate ly, Phone 2780F (1090) FOR RENT---6 ROOMED HOURE Furnlahed, All eofveniences, Oar nie, 14 Nassgn Bt Rent very reasonable, Plone 868 between 6 and 8 pm (1070) FOR TENT=RIX WOON HOUSE hi wores of land Garage, hen housed electrle Hghts Wil lease for fiva venrs, Apply 8, W, Prevost, Nort Oshawa, Phone 1664 »r 4, . (1070) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms Apply 112 Agnes Street -. (10%7¢) COMFORTARL} Apply 236 (10%) rooms, Bult § (1080) GOMFORTATLR All sanvenlences, Apply 871 Jarvis (4060) RENT AP THREE unfurnished TO RENT front room, hoard aptiopal, Warren Ave Auetion Salo THURSDAY, "NOVEMBER TH Auction sale of farm stoek, Im Plements, hay, grain, roots, fowl and furniture also one hundred aera farm the property of the eutate of the late Anthony Plow: man lot 19, concession twa, Whit. hy Township, Hale at 18.80 sharp, F, O, Mason, Clerk, Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (108-107) PTT. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Halate of John MoAdam, late of the Qlty of Oahuwa, In the Opunty and Prove Ince of Ontario, mall-carvier, des ceased, Notloe 1s hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the sald John MoAdam, who died en or about the Third day of November, A.D, 1938, at the Olty of Tarento, in the County of York, ave required on ar before the Heoond day of December A.D, 1089, to send Notloe ta the under: slgned Holleltor for the estate of the sald deceased, with their full names and addresses and full par toulars in writing of thelr claims, And take notion that after auoh mentioned date the Rxeoutrix wil procesd to distribute the assets of the sald deceased among the par- tips entitled' thereto, and will not be Hable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim natice shall not have heen received at the time of swoh dis tribution, Dated at Oshawa, oh Fivat day of Navembher, AR JORKPH BP ANGAN, Barrister &o, Qahawa, Ont, Solleitop for Margaret MoAdam, Hxeoutrix, (107-128-118) REK ISLAND ANIMAL PARK Smroe-- Bik Island national park, Cans Ada's sepaRd largest vesarww, fs within a hour's moter ride from Hamonton, Alberta, ha hultalo in Rik Island park are unuswally Ane apeotmens of thei kind, The pelage ia partionlarly dark and thick and the animals are all sturdy and well de \ ™ i] are not as wild an when originally captured, but is it Jad visable for visitors to go near them on foot, though they way ap proached with safety in an antes mobile, Both the moose and elk In this sanctuary are also well der I nl' w n L008, 26:1 mo) (26-101+107) veloped specimens, Rates for Classified Ads First Insertion==1% sents per word, Minimum charge B06, Each subsequent consecis tive Insertion le word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price ol two first {insertions (three sents a word), Minimum charge for theres Insertions, 60 gents, Box number 100 additions) FProtessiopst Fo Rusipess ards, $4.60 per month for 40 od oF less; 10 sents a word ber month for each ditions word, avi, Gan LARTR) ACh THLHPHONE on Ask Tor Massified Ad Departinent FREE TRADE FETISH BEING QUESTIONED Wisdom of Protective Food Duties Considered In Britain EMPIRE ECONOMICS Lord Rothermere Comes To Support of Beaverbrook Proposals London, Nov, Ona of the notable phases of the Empire Trade movement Jask week were the guletiy=worded editorial declara tions of Loyd Rothermere In the Dally Mall In favor of such & pol loy, This was particularly se on Tuesday, when he sald: "An Hm pire Trade polley wou d help our manufacturers In the Damintons' markets and a reasonable tarift would give them security In the home market and enable them to employ tens of thousands » on the dale' and "The Dally Mall gannot sommit (teelf to entire sup port of Lord Heaverbrook's pro posaly, but they are made hy man whose Intelligence, patriotism, and knowledge of Imperial atfalrs are heyond question, As such they are worthy of eareful sonslderation and comment hy the Conservative party chiefs," There 1s further evidence that Beltish avgviculturists ave realy beginning ta consider the merits of protective tariffs vegardless of Free Trade prejudices, Moreaver, the matter has heen brought up in the House of Oommons in connec tion with the German wheat dump. ing, though the Ministerial and Liberal vecention of the question Was rather contemptuous, I hear an Interesting rumor to the effect that it will not he sur prising if the Labor party, once it realises the futility of seme of ita theories, finally adopts a plain tar {ff polloy, though the RiaRReey lnoks any authority except the Ihgl onl hasis of fact that the Lahey Qapty full ix essentially and in. arently of a protectionist onarae- ten, It 1s possible In the event of a big seale fallure of Mr, Thomas's Wim ployiont schemes that Labor 1 be forced to valte-face on its son) polioy, though Mr, Snowden andl his followers may resist stren- wonsly, REFERENDUM ON REPARATIONS SURE Nationalist Government Campaign for Plebiscite Apparently Successful Berlin, Nov, Barty Saad yn for a referendum on the Owen OUNE reparations plan Anpatently has succeeded, ARON te te uracil fetus LN ' ony Aeconn Ny for 38 cent up the slectarale wed [r%) or cent, of ol hore oH in aver of the He tow A or Felerendum, To 10 al Ont of the total, hhnatures, were need - thy ned the possibility that the remaining eight per cent of the electorate would A t the petition, Th he wr of signatures, how: yesterday and to- i with indications that it would ie 10 rise Jahr than decrease, © SU00ess b Me petition woukl oe the defeat of th {vould fo=The Nationalist not plan an 'anee ww the Jou Wh the question wep: n would be refer ~ AE it the \IN i 4 vettol LY Beh "Govern we conference, Vir a ahservers have exs ES he opinion that the plan would he accepted if put to a vote of the nation, NORTHERN AERIAL ROUTE 15 PLANNED Planes May Give Service by Way of Iceland and Greenland London, Nav, b= Reporte from Croydon yesterday said that an Jie named Canadian transport com pany way negotiating with Impey: inl Alrways regarding Insuguris tian of ap ply passenger service between Great Britain and Canada, yin Beatland, leeland and Greens land, The repovis sald designs for a number of wseaplanes for use In the servige had heen mibmitied to the British Ale Ministry, These called for planes drven by six ens wines, with a total of 8,000 horses power, They would he capable of carrying BO passengers on a nos stop IHght of 1,000 wiles, Premier's Biatement Haskatoon, Nov, 4, ~=Repoyis from London that negotiations were under way hetween a Cana dian company and the Imperial Alrways tar an peroplane passen ger service hetween Creat Hritaln ond Cannda followed on the heels of a statement here Haturday night by Premier King, in which ha sid he had conferved recently at Ottawa ahout the possihility of some assistance toward an aerial line having as an outlook the cons nection of the Byitleh Isles with the Western Vralvies, Premier King sald practical pepole were studying the question with the expectation the tine would come when people would he able to breakfast on a Thurs day at Winnipeg and dine the next evening at London, England, He porta from Londen indloate thal nagatintions concerned A roule vig Heotland, leeland and Green land, and It would he quite pos sible for such a route to have ia terminus along the northern houns dary of Western Canada Many Diftlenlties Otiawa, Nov, 4,==An aly passens ger route hetween Great HBeitain and Canada via Greenland would he faved with innumerable diffioul ties, flying officials declare, Ward of a project to fly passengers woross the Atlantie by the northern route had reached the elvil avia tion branch, It was stated, hut hope of success for such a project Id vegarded as slight, Only after the voute has heen well mapped out and sultable landing facilities provided, Including directional hesoons, ean there he any possibil iy of commercial aviation on the projected pourse, The most immediate diffioultios It was oxplalugd, are in connection with the fying condiions in Uan- ada's Novthiand and the fact that Greenland Is almost an unknown quantity as far as aviaglon is eons cerned, Know Nothing Yet Hamilton, Nov, 4 Looal affiels als of the International Alrways of Onnada, with which are amalga- mated the Viekars and Falvehild oampanies of Montreal, last night disclaimed any knowledge of a proposad agreement of thely com pany with the Heltlah Imperial Alrways for a transatiantle flying services hetween England and Canada, Montreal Btatement Mantreal, Nav, { Muloek, President, International Alrways, sald tonight he knew nothing of any project to lnk Cans Ada and Britain hy alr, He says he denied a slmilar story recently, RUSSIA CONSIDERS A NEW CALENDAR MOBOOW, wee A new thlenats with 72 weeks in the hea 8x wee in the ghonth and only five days " the week, has hoen drawn up here It is designed to fit {ne how: LL round--the-eloek five-day work we eee nati gies in Russian a try The Academy of Soience Hone over, the Prolested 0 dendar approved Pha now Bos red for LA study 10 the it | of Peaple's Commissaries, wh remand to he inril sound in _ather countries af Kurape, Saturdays and Sundays ave sin done away with in the hew ealenda There will be thirty Pty in pid month and each day o the week will always fall "w oni he same days in each month, hit ¢ Saleuintion reveals that this fad calendar alls cous ho effeat in relieve Hagmodie croup ia wh Tt Rudicated vas released by Redfern for enly 360 days in the year, This does not agree with the sun on its course, tor Old Bol sists upon tikes ng wba days for his annual round, the fraction heing enough 16 make an extra day every fourth year, ealls mg for February 29 in western els endars and making Leap Year, the delight of spinsters, It simply decreed that these extra five days each year and the added 24 hours of leap years should he ce lehrated us holidays These days are off in a category hy themselves, They helong to no one month and are scattered through the calendar, The day devoted to the memory of Lenin, who is venerated as father of the proletarian revolys tion, is first on the list, Li is fixed, to eome at the end of January, or # rather vight after that manth, In hetween January 30 and Fehroary '| Lenin will he rovered for 24 hours, hut the event will not he allowed to disturh the arrangement making Jas nuary 80 fall en a Veiday and Feh rary 1 on Monday, the next official wy, Similarly there 3 ill he holidays hes tween May 1 and May 2 and bes tween November 7 and November ¥ It is pointed out that this arranges ment will always make May 1 the 121st day of the year, which it haps wis to he in the present calendar, n Leap Years, the extra day will eome as usual at the (ail end of Fi hruary, meaning that there will he an extra 44 hours every fourth vear bes ween Pehruiry 30 and Mareh 1, VALUABLE BEDS OF SEAWEED ARE SPOILED BY OIE Half Million Dollars Damage Done to Season's Sea- weed Crop Takle, Nov, "5a onl has his Plae in the Japanese menu and so has seaweed, hut sepweed mixed with orude oll 18 very bad, the kitchen suthovities herve say, For that veas son It 18 hellevell that approxis mately half a million dollars damd | age has been caused tp the peas weed crop as A result of a recent shipwreck, 04 from the ship, which was a tanker, spread over the surface of the water and cays ered the seaweed heds off Kawass "hl Growers of norl, a8 the Beas weed 18 called, ave highly alarmed hy the floating ofl and say that the gathering of the year's evap will he delayed at least a month, and that much of the even will net he edible, The Association of Navi Nakeps has petitioned the owners of the ship for compensation Last year's novl crop was valued at $660,000 and owing to the excels lant growing eonditions this yeaw it had been hoped to double that figure this year, Dua to the floats ing ofl, however, It 1s expected that the erop will be ent In half _-- | LJ i ® See 0 0 hose wy Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Sales AIMITRD 00 Simeon Be 8, Phone 900 SPECIAL P NOW DOMINION CLOTHING ©€0, 08 KING Phone 8141 'We Deliver