Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1929, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEN.BER 4, 1929 serra Es a i Everybody happy! Well, I should smile! Playing & superior brand of rughy In every department, the Gen- eral Motors Blue Devils took a de- wlve vietory from the Guelph Ro- als, here 'on Saturday afternoon, Wot only did the Blue Devils win ond Vp by ) ae store, but thay syed real rughy In doing it and it Jay this fact that made the heads of the General Motors Rugby Club so cheerful after futurduy's game, When the final whistle lew the score was '4l to 1 for Oshawa, Now we n The Blue Devils all appeared on the field in thelr new mackinaws which the clu bought for them They sure are pretty nice and don't think that the boys aren't proud of them, The cloth is royal blue in col or.and was obtalned by a special or- der which can not be duplicated, The Plaxars hive " Slug an witite ores on tam mackinaw, On the arest wre Tone words wor GMC er Intermediate == OR.F.U, w= Champ« jong' == 1928, These coats will cers tainly be a great thing for the boys in thelr remaining games as the westher is getting colder all the tine, The coats look very dressy in fact it is rumored that some of the boys are going to wear them to ch because they have taken such a liking to them: ie Blue Devils certainly played rughy on Saturday, The boys went ou the field determined to show the fans and the club that thoy eo ny and also that they a fated that was being done for 'them, very single man of the t layed game on Satur- day with A, son and Russ Morin W veularly well, Art, Wer Picking wis & treat to QUALITY (COAL watch, He had them Judged prace telly perfect and on nearly every klek the opposing halve had to wait so long for the ball to come down that when he did catch It there were three or four Blue Devils waiting to down him, What Is equally import ant, in getting his height, Art did not sacrifice any distance, It Is this kind of kieking that makes the ae. rial game so popular In rugby, Russ Morin will soon have earned the name of the Ghost, The way he wiggles through the ling makes one think that he must be invisible to the opposing players anyway, And when he gets through he takes ade vantage of the fact, On practically every kick, Morin was one of the men who was down the field walting to tackle the ball carrier. His speed helps him a great deal also, On ong oconslon Morin tackled a man' whe passed Just us he was brought down, Ihe man carrying the ball cut nerogs the field and was final) brought down by two Blue Devils who tackled together, One of the men was Morin, who had got up and caught up with the man in time to get a tackle, However, these two men were not the only ones who attracted atten tion, Elliot's bucking and tackling wis the best yet, "Julius" Gray had another good day, Hubbell made some nies runs, Doe Rowden eon verted three trys in succession, Stew Carver and Kohen both did some clever work, Walker, Wiginton, Boultbee and Bond tackled well, I'he linemen and all the subs all played good games, It is hoped that the Blue Devils have now hit their stride and that they will keep it up for the remainder of thelr games Just because the seore was 41 to | does not mean that it was not a good game: The play was much closer than the score Indicates and the Guelph team provided plenty of exeltement because they never quit trying, This Guelph outfit have had tough Inek all season and they have never quit yet, They are to be commended on the splendid opposition they put up even when outclassed, It Is this which promotes any sport, Fer Guelph, Lafontaine, Smith, Sharpe, Tate and J, Veron all displayed rug- by of & very high calibre, In the London=-Sarnia gare Lone don were victors by a margin of six points, This gives London a sevew int lead to take into Sarnia, shawa will meet the winner of this series for the Ontario Intermediate Champlonship and at present it looks very much as i it will be thé Gas House Gang, The Blue Devils expect to be idle next Saturday, but in all probability they will have a game for the holiday, The Game Art Wilson started the game by kicking off for Oshawa, The ball went out of bounds and he tried again, this time with more success, Guelph used the huddle system for the entire game. Oshawa's line held well and Guelph was forced to kick, Rowden took the ball and returned the kick, On the first down F, Ver onl made a nice buck, but Guelph falled to get thelr yards and Lafon talne again kicked, Rowden fum bled the bouncing ball but he recovs ered and after faking a kick he pass ed to Hubbell who ran the ball back forty yards, Murray Johnston made a nice gain on his buck and Art Wile gon got the yards, On his second attempt the "Dopester" got stopped Hubbell tried to make the required yards and failed and Oshawa lost the Get FULL MONEY'S WORTH in QUALITY your 'team and: when they looked ball, Lafontaine kicked snd Doc run it back, Hubbell made & nleq long run and hrought the ball up in scor- Ing position, I'he "Dopester" had the privilege of scoring the first touchs down of the game, Doe made a nice convert and the score was 6 to 0 for the Blue Devils with only seven min- utes played, Guelph kicked and the Oshawa halves gave the crowd a thrill when they run the hall back by passing the ball around among them selves, The passes were a little reckless, but no harm resulted. Huh» bell got the ball last on an end run and proceeded to gallop up the field, He was finally stopped by White, Murray made another long gain, but Hubbell took the ball on another enderun and this time he was nailed by Sharpe, Al Moore shattered the line for a niece buck, Art Wilson pulled the nicest Play of the day when he made & nice ong and high kick, He followed through and Saulih the ball himself and crosgyed the line for another five points, "Doc" converted again and the score was doubled, Guelph kicked and scored thelr only point when Tribble missed a bouncing ball, Doe crashed through the line to make yards on the first Bill Tribble muffed the poss from Stew but he re« covered and made a nlee gain, "Doce" went through again and got threo yards, Art kleked and Smith fum- bled the ball but he retrieved it only to be brought down by Wiginton This ended the quarter with the score Oshawa 13, Guelph 1, Becond Quarter Carver replaced Kohen, Cutler went dn for Johnston and Morin gave Grey a rest, Guelph were held and Wilson took the klok when Lafontaine lifted the ball high and wide, Htow made a nice gain on a buck, Art kicked hut he was knocked over after he got the ball away and the Blue Devils were given thelr yards, Hlew was left with the ball when Art Wilson forgot his play and Btew made a fow yards, Rowden pleked a nos and made a long gain, Stew tried to get the ema INE yard but was stopped and Oshawa lost the ball, Morin nalled the Guelph ball oar rier behind the line but Oshawa wan offside, Wiginton took the ball earrier this time and downed hm hard, A grea' seramble was held In which everybody had a lot of fun, when the Guelph kick was blacked, Guelph managed to get the ball, They tried another kick and Rowden made another fumble but Wilson came to this rescue and after retrieving the ball he pulled a fake kick and then van the ball hack a few yards, Wilson kicked the ball out for another point, Al Moore got in some nice defensive work at this stage, Tribble ploked A kiok and after running it out a short distance he passed to Art who run the ball back another for ty yards, "Skin" Cutler orashed the line and got a touchdown, "Doe' returned the ball when It wan kieked and Morin tore sown the fleld to nail the cateher, On the next play Morin wiggled through the line to bring the buoks er down behind his own line, Joe Veron smashed his way through but was finally stopped by Wigin- ton, Veron! took another huek and made a nice gain, Lafontaine kiok- od the ball out and Oshawa kiok« ed on the firat down to keep the ball out of danger, The whistle went for half-time with the score still 19 to 1 for the Rina Devils, Third Quarter Qlitt popped up his team by send. Ing In some more fresh men, Boults hea replaced Wiginton, Claire Kills ditt gave Murray a reat, and Cook relieved Hubbell, Cook missed the houneing ball but recovered, Osh awa kicked out of danger, "Lin" Walker stepped around the end to top the bucker in the approved ay, Kohen, hack in the game, topped the next bucker and la. mtaine was forced to kiok, Rows 'on made the catch and returned 'the ball well down the Held, While the ball was in the alr, Ko- hen started yelling at the Guelph up wits called back, to seu What was wrong Kohen grabbed the lopse ball and gallops ed down the field lke a war horse, for another touchdown, "Doc" missed this time and the #00re was 24 to 1, Kohen stopped the Guelph Kick and fell on the ball, Bilett tore through the line for a long sain, Wilson kiloked NEW MARTIN GENERAL MOTORS "BLUE DEVILS" PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Camvouir, Sports Biter The Blué Devils Make Merry On Saturday the General Motors Blue Devils certalnly stepped out on the field determined to show all and sundry that they knew Just what it was all shout, They played the best rughy gad 'they have played this season and the fans are natlyfigd that if they play as well as that against thelr opponents in the finals, that there will be an other chumplonship ¢ome to' Oshawa LJ LJ LJ L Local Colleginte Teams Are Eliminated Both the rugby teams from the local Colleginte ure out of the runs ning, The seniors lost again to Peterboro and the Juniors, although they won, are also out of the running because Peterbore Juniors des feated Bowmanville to eineh first place, LJ " " # Did You Bee the Wrestling Show? On Saturday the 3th Regiment staged thelr third wrestling card and It sure was a real show, The tidbit of the evening's performance wis the heated bout between Vargun and Fox, They even came to blows in the dressing room and later theyfinished it in the ring LJ w + LJ Notice! There are several stories which should have appeared in today's Issue but owing to lack of space it was found impossible te do so, Any story which you expected to see In toduy's paper and did not, you will likely see In tomorrow's Issue ' and Houlthea tackled the ball ear rier, Guelph kicked In order to get the ball out of thelr territory and Wilson missed the hard catch but he recovered the hounting ball Ed, Wilson made a nlea' gain when he was called upon, Al Moore also shattered the line hut Cook, who took the next buck, made a nies gain only to have the ball kuook od out of his hands, Claire KlHott stopped 'He opposing buekers with some vefy heavy tackles, Alex Gray got through the line and al mont blocked the kick, "The kick wan returned, Ax the halve wan waiting for the ball to come down, Kohen yelled to the Soys to down him, and hefore they were able to comply with his request, he dia it himself, Veron! tried to gome through the line hut he ploked a poor spot heeause Kilott was walt Ing for Mim and he got him, Guelph kicked hut Wilken return ed and Gemmell tumbled and Osh awa got the hall Elliott mags » nies bhuok and Al Moore followed up another good one, Kohen shook off the tacklets and made a run of thirty yards "Doe" then had A Eo at It and he got twenty 'rds on the next play Veron! opped on the ball when a wild ass was fumbled "Doe" made a nloe thirty yards run in taking back a kick Thin ended the quarter and the score was 24 to 1 Final Npasm Conch Pound then put Carver Lortle, Morin, Johnston, Huhbell, and Wiginton all into the game relleve nome of the athers who had heen molng "all out," Rowden kicked and Morin tackled the ball oarvier Just as he passed on to an other man, Morin got up and along with Lortle the two of them brought down the hall carrie: Guelph lost the ball and J, Verond further hindered his team by he ing offside, "Doc" Rowden got an other touchdown hut he falled to convert and the score jumped vu 1 to 1, Oshawa now had every thing thelr own way as the Guelph team was completely demoralizen Oshawa Kkleked and Hmith, return od but got hurt In doing it, Morm wan tackling everybody and any body that came along, Nond miss oth a tackle, On the next play (uelph fumbled the ball and sors tie threw himself on the ball, Oxh AWA got a safety touch to Increase their total to 88, Lortle missed a flylng tackle and rolled halt way up the field, Carver made a poor pass but Lortle dropped on w, Oshawa kicked and Guelph return: od, Hubbell then run the kiok back for twenty yards. "Doo" Xieked and the ball was fumbled. In the excitement, Morin grabbed the ball and Placed ft between the posta for another five points, "Dec' missed another point when he Again falled to convert, As soon ft Dohawa got the ball Rowden kioked, "Lin" Walker stopped the ball carrier and Guelph kioked the hall up the field, Bd, Wilson hurt his shoulder on the next play and had to be taken from the game, ig tried to kick but the hall was blocked and Oshawa got: the ball, Stew moved the ball ever in front of the pesta and on the next play Art Wilson kioked a field foal to compaelte the scoring fop the game, Guelph kicked and Wilson returned, Lortie Wo n nice flying tackle and this tine he did not miss, This ended the me and everybody, Guelph included, left happy, Oshawa 41, Guelph 1, i Oshawa Gray HW , Wilson Johnston Moore Rond HOA inl on middien Guelph Anderson Howard J, Veroni F, Veron Carlet Hamilton Lavole i "N 0) n C8mith Amel! outsides quarter 0! Officials Referee---F, Rartlett, Umpire,=1,, Wallace, ; MOTHER LOVE ' San Francisco~An instance of real mother love was shown in Judge T. H. Graham's court here recently The mother of Cavil HL Ames paid £200 and promised to pay S30 wore in 60 dave to clear up the wlanony of her son, Carol Hy Avs, PUNTS and N TACKLES eo pele dedprdededrrddorp deri dred "How to play rugby," In four quarters was the litle hed«time story that the General Motors Blue Daovile narrated to Guelph Royals and fans In general at Alexandra Park on Baturday, FAR " The boys Hyved up to advanes no tioes and displayed n clever brand of football, a brand of ball that they hava been capable of playing but until Saturday had refused to do mo, + LJ * And while wera beating Guelph Jerry Goodman's Gas House Gang were laying it on to Barnia Wanderers, They meet for the last time next and London Ko into the with an point lead wa Haturday final game Righ away London getting anxious about the Niue Devils, and are already digging Into back files trying to get something on one of our players, viz: Art Wilson LJ ¥ y ure Whatever: they think they are trying to pull fs a mystery around hore, beonuse Wilson Is 100% ell gible top lay here this meason 1 think they barking up the wrong tree * » * * They Intimate that If Wilson ean play, #0 can Jerry Goodman Well, 1 think If that's the case they need nn couple of Jerry Goodman's to balance up on the deal with this Wilson hoy + » Wilson has made a heautitul running mate for Rowden and Hubs hell, He can boot and run, 1a a wood oatoh and oan klek the odd field moa! an was evidenced In Bats urday's game, LJ LJ Morrin, another newcomer, also attracted the attention of the fans He's full of pep and a hard work er, He had all the earmarks of a young colt after he grabbed off a fumbled ball and went aver for a toloh, . . * Ed Wilson sustained a nasty shoulder Injury in the last quarter that may put him out for a couple of weeks, Kd was playing a stel lar game up to this time Ce) hin Blac Vy he difoult to tI}, ¥ aure ope It fan't an serious as a couple of other shoulder Injuries that have heen seen araund here. Claire Elliott, Logan, Moore and Cutler were | nthera Ike a ton of bricks, "No men too tough, no going to rough." wea thalr story and they atuek to it, It waa a pleasure to see these boys work and just give anyone of them the ball and you could count on at leant five Javda, hd . Bond, Walker, Winfatod and Roulthee were responsible for the tackling end of the game, and thelr efforts were superb, They hit 'em hard and hit 'em often, and believe ma they atayed hit, lL] LE REE) Kohen and Oarver were ane nouncers for Station GMO at Oshe awa, They both turned in flashy performances. Between Kohen's long van for a toueh and Carver's rpectaoular dives aver the line, the crowd was komt on dye all day, Hubbell, Rowden, Wilson, Cooke and Tribble were assigned ta the backfield duties, while Alex Gray was started at snap. No need to say anything more, These duties were looked after in perfect style and the backfield are to he coms plimented on the way they exes outed thelr om na Everybody 'em open, ADDITIONAL SPORTS happy==then keep ON PAGE NINE Third Wrestling Card Provides More Excitement Than Any Of Shows So Far Rough Tactics of One of Contestants Causes Heat~ ed Argument -- Better Crowd Than Last Time-- Gardini Wins Another, By... / On Saturday night a comparatively small crowd witnessed what was un- doubtedly the most exciting wrests ling show that has ever been staged in Oshawa, Billed us & wrestling show, the spectators had a glimpse of what boxing without gloves was like, before the night was over, How anybody can pass up as much excitement crowded Into half an hour as there was Saturday nhght, | don't know, Everybody who was at the Armourles on Saturday night went home «determined to see the next wrestling show that was put on in Oshaws, And why not! The se- cond bout on Saturday produced more yells from that small crowd than wll the election results, Fox und Vargan were the contestants, Alter twenty minutes of wrestling in which Vargan had used more than enough rough stuff, and took a pass ut the referee ns well, the arbitrator called the bont a draw, Jlach wrest ler was dissatisfied and after they had got to their dressing rooms they started to finish the mateh, It took about six men to part them, Seing un splendid opportunity of giving the Inns un real treat, certain officers of the regiment and several prominent citizens who were present offered to make up uw purse for the two men to KO out to the ring and wrestle to a hnish, the winner to take all, When it looked us if the proposition was going to fall through Gardin, the well-known wrestler, eam to the robeue with more support and the two men entered the ring, And then they went. at it and what I mean, It you were there you know Just what happened, If you missed it, well, this 1s no serial; but I'l tell you wll whout it in a few minutes, Fhe final bout between Renato Gardinl was a clever exhibition of scientific wrestling, Gordini started right in on his opponent but by very clever evading Goth wriggled out of the punishing holds and was not foreed to say "quit" until Mteen mins utes of first eluss wrestling had been given to the fans, A great many people in Oshawa who have not seen any of these wrest ling matehes have been thinking and saying that the wrestling matches were "cooked" If these "sport pess sinists" had been present at th wrestling show last night, they would have had to admit that the bouts ave not ""eooked," It takes more than a small purse to make professions! wrestlers go lnto a ring and maul one wnother the way those babies did last night, The best thing that could have ever been don for wrests ling In Oshawa was to have had no admission on Saturday night, The place would have of course been Alls ed, and although the 3th Regiment would have lost money, they would have won over a following lan enough to All the Armouries aly night there was uw wrestling show, If you don't think that Saturday's show was more than worth the men« oy, you're eraey, and if you don't think you're erary, ask anybody who | was there what he thinks of the show, "Cigarette Championship of the are ample ship The preliminary was a real battle between two coming champions nam« ed Joe and Alex, who appeared us "Strangler" Lewis and Gus Sopnone herg, After twelve minutes of clever wrestling in which many ancient and modern and also some original holds were used "Strangler" Lewis defeats ed Sonnenberg with a front head- lock, After throwing each other's 120 pounds around, the wrestlers were fairly tired, but they got a good hand from the erowd, This Is It Then cate the real scrap of the evening, The two men chiefly inter- ested were Jack Fox from Ohio and Jog Vargan from Pittsburg, each welghing about two he pounds They started out fast as lightning and the holds used were very pun ishing, Under, some terrific punishe ment Vargan losg his head and began to use rough tactics, From then un- til these gladiators finally left the ring the bout became "rough, tough, ol nasty, Mostly nasty with enodgh toughness and too much roughness, Vargan lifted his knee so high one might have thougth he was dancing, but when he accompanied his high stepping with a doubled fist the fans began to realige that they were seri ous, Vargan got Fok in a punishing hend scissors but Fox twisted Var gan's toe until it looked as if his fool would break, Vargan was stopped from pulling Fox's heir so he tried tickling and it worked, While up on their feet again Vargain used his fist again and the referee warned him and Vargan immediately took a pass at the ref, What a match, Before the loving pair could love ene an other to Seath the allotted twenty minutes were up and referee Forbes called it a draw, Ned MeCarr step ped up to challenge the winner, but is 8000 as he did this the two wrest lers each claimed that he was the winner, ' As soon as they had reached the dressing room they took up the dis cussion again and before their inten- tions were realized they were at it again, They were separated and then they both resorted to chinning, Then the "impromptu promoters" stepped In and offered a small purse to the winner if they would step out in the ring and finish it. Gard cinched the deal with his support and they went at it again, Winner Takes All The two wrestlers were not worry ing about the purse, but they did not want to he disgraced in the ayes ol the people, They started out very cant ye but dn about three min } utes they were at it harder than ever Each was thrown through the ropes, and Vargan was like a wild man, He tried lekink again and then he star ted to use hig fist regularly, The ref, warned him and was told 10 keep out of the road, By this time the claret was flowing and the fans were in a frenay, an were yelling and fping around lke wild men, Then 'ox began to step right into Vargan nd he threw three [i with the ying mare, Vargan ploked Fpx up and threw him out of the ring. Fox came back inh r sudden nap: ntg lle 'und gave Vargan another heave, 8 Was the fa straw, Vargan Jumped up and salle in a la Dentpsey. Fox covered up ~they are smooth and cool and blended right. SAVE THE "POKER HANDS" Oshawa City Loses Game The City Team travelled to To ronto on Baturdey to engage Ir thelr last league game of the weason, and came away minus the points, the Beach Team winning by 6 gonls to nil, Although the Mimleo team were pth he it City hoys hardly deserved to be heaten by such a large score, The following team did duty for O awa: Bouckley, Metcalfe & Purdy; Dunstall, Brodie and Mason; King, Lobban, ¥airley and Reid, T) ground was very heavy after the recent rain and the City winning the toss elected to defend the muddlest end of the fleld, The game opened with am attack by the home team hut the ball whe soon sent back, End to end play for twenty minutes was the order and eventually the home ti asored, The City boys tried hard, Lobban having a couple of ood tries weored by Herdman, Five minutes before hall time Mimico put on No, 2 a first time drive from 20 yards, not giving Boueks ley no chance, Hall time came with no further scoring, The sec. ond half opened with the City ate Lacking, For the first five minutes Herdman put in some good moa! tending and prevented Oshawa from plercing the net, However Mimion recelved and raced down the field to score No, 8, The Osh AWA boys tried hard but the home team added No, 4 when the outs klde right netted from a rebound from the post, After No, 4 the Olty came Into the ploture and Reussr put in the hest shot of the game which was splendidly . saved y Herdman, Mimico pressed again hut were lucky to be given No, fi as the man was palpably offside, From then on the game was of end to end character and the whistle came with Mimico round tha Clty goal, d and Forbes called the fight and gave the purse to Fox, Vargan stood wit an enraged look on his face for just three seconds and then he Jumped ag Fox again, Fox threw the money down on the floor and began to pro- teet himself, It took fdur men to part them and two dressing room doors to keep them ap And how that crowd yelled, { Gardini Wine Again The final match was a real sciens tifie bout, Renwio Gardinl, champion of Italy, met Young Goth from em roeville, Wisconsin, For the Apt few minutes it looked asdif Gard might get a setback but after he warmed up it was only a matter of time, HMewever Goth did not lay down on the job and the fans saw something worth while, Gardin pip+ ned Goth down with the arm scissors, but Gath rolled out of 'the ring te save himself, There was a great deal of excitement when each wrest» lor got a toe hold 1 the other, This time Gardinl was forced to resort to his best wrestling in order 10 save himself, Then Gardinl, since he had started (0 really wrestle, kept it up and after fifteen minutes of exchang- ing holds he won the match by pine ning Goth down with a head chauns gery, Referee--~Jack Forbes: Ane nouncer=38, J, Murray, With a less of $2,000,000 as the ro sult of a storm on Lake Michigan, Chisago may for once have ad enough water to satisfy even ite in» stiable demands, = Kitchener Re cord, ' TAKE FOURTH STRAIGHT WIN |

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